ear infection and probs

Ear Infection and Probs Francisco Donderis #9 Jorge Hassan # 15 4/4/16

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Page 1: Ear infection and probs

Ear Infection and Probs

Francisco Donderis #9Jorge Hassan # 15


Page 2: Ear infection and probs

Ear infection• Ear infections are the most common reason why

parents take their children to the doctor. Adults can also have ear infections but are less common..

• If the child does not speak, you need to pay attention to signs of infection:

    Twitching ears    Crying more frequently than usual    Ear discharge    Difficulty to sleep    Balance problems    Trouble hearing

• Your health care provider can diagnose with an instrument called otoscope.


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Ear Treatment• Often, ear infections disappear

without treatment but the doctor may recommend pain medication. More severe infections and infections in infants may require antibiotics. Children who have frequent infections may require surgery to place small tubes inside the ears. They relieve pressure tubes inside the ears and so the child can hear again.

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Tinnitus• Tinnitus is often described as a ringing in the

ears. You can also sound like rumor, a clicking, ringing or buzzing. It can be mild or strong, high or low. You can hear it in one or both ears.

Millions of people have tinnitus. People with severe tinnitus may have difficulty hearing, work or even sleep.

The treatment depends on the cause. You can include the use of  hearing aids, making noise devices, medicines and lead ways to deal with noise.


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Causes• The causes of tinnitus include:

     Hearing loss in the elderly     Exposure to loud noise     Ear infections and sinus     cardiac or vascular problems     Meniere     brain tumors     Hormonal changes in women     Thyroid problems     certain medications

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Meniere Disease• Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner

ear. It can cause severe dizziness, roaring sound in the ear called tinnitus, hearing loss that comes and goes and the sensation of pressure or pain in the ear. It usually affects only one ear. It is a common cause of deafness.

• Some people have only one attack of vertigo occasionally and others may have more frequent attacks for several days. Other people with the disease has such strong attacks where sickness is so intense that they lose their balance and fall.

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•Scientists still do not know the cause. It is thought that has to do with the levels or mixture of fluids in the inner ear canals. 

• Doctors diagnose the disease based on a physical examination and symptoms. A hearing test can examine how this affected his hearing.

There is no cure. You can control the disease with medication for motion sickness, limiting the salt in your diet and taking diuretics (pills that help the body to remove extra fluids). Inserting a device in the outer ear that draws air into the middle ear can help. Severe cases may require surgery.


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Obstruction of the ears at high altitudes  

• Atmospheric pressure outside the body changes as altitude changes. This creates a difference in pressure on either side of the eardrum. You may feel pressure and blocked ears as a result.

• The eustachian tube is a connection between the middle ear and the back of the nose and upper throat.

The act of swallowing or yawning opens the eustachian tube and allows air to flow in or out of the middle ear. This helps equalize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum.

canals. It is also possible to create a hole (perforation) in the eardrum if it blows too strong.alternative names

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•High altitudes and blocked ears; Flying and blocked ears; Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube at high altitudes

• Take the following measures can unclog blocked ears when you are climbing or falling from great heights. Chewing gum while you are changing altitudes helps you to swallow frequently. This may prevent you from getting blocked ears.

The people who always have blocked ears when flying may consider taking a decongestant about an hour before the flight leaves.

If your ears are plugged, you can try to inhale and then exhale gently while holding your nostrils and mouth closed. Be careful when doing. 

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Usher Sydrome• What is Usher syndrome? Usher syndrome affects both hearing and


The person suffering from this disease are born with some degree of hearing loss that can vary from one person to another. Subsequently, the person develops a condition called retinitis pigmentosa. Usher syndrome may also be called retinitis pigmentosa. Usher syndrome is a rare disease.

Some patients suffer from congenital deafness and suffer progressive visual loss caused by retinitis pigmentosa. This syndrome can exist in totally deaf children with a degree of 10 percent.

Retinitis pigmentosa affects the retina. The retina is the part of the eye that processes light and transmits information to the brain via the optic nerve. As Retinitis pigmentosa develops, the retina begins to degenerate slowly, affecting the vision.

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• In the early stages, usually it affects night vision, leaving the person with night blindness. After some time, it will also affect daytime vision. At present it is believed that there are two main forms of Usher syndrome. One of them is characterized by complete deafness and poor balance. Retinitis pigmentosa is usually present in children under 10 years. In the other form of Usher syndrome, the person suffers from partial hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa be presented before the patient reaches 20 years. For people with this type of Usher syndrome, hearing aids can be of great value