early christianity (0001-1054) - historymole timeline: history

Early Christianity (0001-1054) The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox c Copyright (c) 1999-2010, HistoryMole.com, All rights reserved. Page 1 c. 0001 Origin of Christian Era - Jesus the Nazarene was born (12-4 bce?, died 26-36?). 0001 The first Christmas, according to calendar-maker Dionysus Exiguus 0001 Beginning of Christian calendar year, 1 A.D. (anno Domini). 0019 Tiberius (42bce-?), Roman Emperor, expelled Septuagint (Greek Bible, 282bce) missionaries from Rome but they soon returned c. 0025 Assumption (Testament) of Moses, original Hebrew extant Latin (Apocrypha) 0026 Pontius Pilate became Roman Prefect of Iudaea (Samaria, Judea, Idumea), until 36. c. 0027 (Between 27-34) John the Baptist, a Nazirite, arrested & killed by Herod Antipas. c. 0030 Jesus the Nazarene (born 12-4 bce, died 26-36?), crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalem on Friday 14 Nisan? or Friday 15 Nisan?. Possible Friday 14 Nisan crucifixion dates are 7 Apr 30, 3 Apr 33 or 30 Mar 36. 0030 Dismas was the repentant thief crucified with Christ. c. 0030 St. John wrote the 'Book of Revelations' and the 'Apocalypse' on the Greek island of Patmos. c. 0030 In the midst of political persecution the early Christians sold their possessions and began taking their meals together, but they kept their houses.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0001Origin of Christian Era - Jesus the Nazarene was born (12-4 bce?, died 26-36?).

0001The first Christmas, according to calendar-maker Dionysus Exiguus

0001Beginning of Christian calendar year, 1 A.D. (anno Domini).

0019Tiberius (42bce-?), Roman Emperor, expelled Septuagint (Greek Bible, 282bce) missionariesfrom Rome but they soon returned

c. 0025Assumption (Testament) of Moses, original Hebrew extant Latin (Apocrypha)

0026Pontius Pilate became Roman Prefect of Iudaea (Samaria, Judea, Idumea), until 36.

c. 0027(Between 27-34) John the Baptist, a Nazirite, arrested & killed by Herod Antipas.

c. 0030Jesus the Nazarene (born 12-4 bce, died 26-36?), crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalemon Friday 14 Nisan? or Friday 15 Nisan?. Possible Friday 14 Nisan crucifixion dates are 7Apr 30, 3 Apr 33 or 30 Mar 36.

0030Dismas was the repentant thief crucified with Christ.

c. 0030St. John wrote the 'Book of Revelations' and the 'Apocalypse' on the Greek island ofPatmos.

c. 0030In the midst of political persecution the early Christians sold their possessions andbegan taking their meals together, but they kept their houses.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0031The first Easter, according to calendar-maker Dionysius Exiguus

c. 0033Having antagonized many Jews with his teachings, Jesus of Nazareth is seized by Romansoldiers and handed over to the Sanhedrin, who condemn him for blasphemy. (The exact yearof the crucifixion is disputed.)

c. 0033Roman procurator Pontius Pilate lets the mob decide Jesus' fate. He is crucified, but hisdisciples maintain that he has been resurrected from the dead on what Christians considerto be the first Easter Sunday.

0036Beginning of the oral period in Christianity between Jesus & Gospel of Mark, recorded inActs, until Cira 65.

0037Conversion of Paul of Tarsus (?-62?) to Christianity , possibly a Roman citizen, possiblya tentmaker.

c. 0040Paul of Tarsus went to Jerusalem to meet Peter & James.

c. 0040Saul of Tarsus, while on the road to Damascus, experienced a profound conversion toChristianity. He became known as St. Paul. In 1997 A.N. Wilson wrote 'Paul: The Mind ofthe Apostle.' Wilson argued that Paul was the real founder of the Church of Jesus.

c. 0040(Between 40-107) St. Ignatius Theorphorus, Apostolic Father. He served as the bishop ofAntioch.

0044C. Cuspius Fadus beheaded Theudas for parting Jordan (like Exodus).

0044James brother of John executed by sword by Agrippa I.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0045C. Cuspius Fadus crucified Jacob and Simon sons of Judah of Gamala.

c. 0047(Between 47-48) Paul of Tarsus visted Cyprus with Barnabas.

c. 0048(Between 48-49) Council of Apostles & Elders possibly the first Christian Council.

c. 0048(Between 48-49) Incident at Antioch where Paul publicly condemned Peter.

c. 0049(Between 49-50) Paul of Tarsus was in Corinth (center of his mission to the Gentiles).

c. 0049The Church convened a council in Jerusalem about this time. The participants adopted themissionary principle of St. Paul, which stressed the universal scope of salvation.

c. 0050Peshitta, translation begun, Hebrew Old Testament to Syriac Aramaic, (and then to GreekNew Testament in 400).

c. 0050The early Gnostics, Simon Magus of Samaria, Simonianism; Nicolaus of Antioch,Nicolaitans; Menander disciple of Simon Magus, Basilides of Alexandria, Satorninus ofAntioch and disciples of Menander.

c. 0050Ascension of Isaiah, the original was written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Bible).

0052Tradition in the State in the state of Kerala, India, has it that the Apostle Thomasconverted Hindus to Christianity in this year.

0055Roman Procurator M. Antonius Felix massacred 'Egyptian Prophet' and 30,000 unarmed Jewsdoing Exodus reenactment.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0057Paul of Tarsus's last visit to Jerusalem.

c. 0058Paul of Tarsus was imprisoned in Caesarea.

0060St Paul thought to have been shipwrecked at Malta.

c. 0060Paul of Tarsus was imprisoned in Rome.

c. 0062Paul of Tarsus was martyred for treason in Rome.

0062Ananus called a meeting [literally, 'sanhedrin'] of judges and brought into it thebrother of Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah, James by name, and some others. He made theaccusation that they had transgressed the law, and he handed them over to be stoned.

0062Jesus son of Ananias proclaimed '...a voice against Jerusalem...'.

0064In Rome, persecution of early Christians begins under Emperor Nero

0064Nero initiated the first persecution against the Christians. According to Seneca Nerosentenced hundreds of Christians to die by 'tunica molesta,' a naptha impregnated 'shirtof torture.'

0065The Gospel according to St. Mark, the earliest of the four Gospels, is written aroundthis time.

c. 0065(Between 65-150) Didache, Instructions of the Apostles, published in 1883 (ApostolicFathers)

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0065(Between 65-150) Gospel of Peter, Dialogue of the Savior (the Complete Gospels).

c. 0065(Between 65-150) Gospel of Thomas was written in Greek.

c. 0065(Between 65-150) Gospel redaction and compilation stage of Christianity, post-Paul,center of Christianity shifted to Antioch & Rome.

c. 0065(Between 65-175) Papyrus Egerton 2 (Unknown Gospel) fragments published 1935/87, in Greekfrom Palestine, one of the oldest extant Christian texts.

0066(66-73) Roman general Vespasian's army assaulted the forces of Jewish rebel Joseph benMatthias at Jotapata in Galilee.

c. 0067Paul of Tarsus, the apostle who never knew Jesus and the first great Christian missionarywho opens Christianity to people of all walks of life, is executed in Rome

0067Simon-Peter possibly the first Pope, possibly the first Bishop of Antioch, possiblymartyred in Rome.

0067Pope Linus became Pope, until 78.

c. 0067St. Paul, Catholic apostle to the Gentiles and writer of many epistles, died. He foundedone of the first Christian churches in Europe at Philippi in Macedonia. He was martyredby Nero and according to tradition invoked his right as a Roman citizen to be beheaded.

0068Qumran (Essenes?) community destroyed by Rome ('Dead Sea Scrolls', 1949)

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0069Traditional date of the destruction of Jerusalem.

c. 0070Gospel of Mark, possibly Peter's interpreter, possibly written in Rome, ends unexpectedlyat Mk16:8, original ending apparently lost, endings added circa 400.

0079Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar, victim of Mount Vesuvius eruption that destroyed Pompeii& Herculaneum, wrote of Essenes.

0079Pope Anacletus became Pope, until 91.

c. 0080Gospel of Matthew was most popular in early church.

c. 0090Gospel of Luke.

0091Pope Clement I became Pope, until 101.

0095St. John the Divine established a Christian colony on the island of Patmos after beingexiled from Ephesus.

c. 0100(Between 100-150) Secret Book (Apocryphon) of James, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, InfancyGospels of Thomas and James, Secret Gospel (of Mark) (Complete Gospels).

c. 0100Gospel of John, possibly the only eyewitness, possibly the disciple Jesus loved, possiblyGnostic.

c. 0100Paralipomena of Jeremiah, (4 Baruch), written in Hebrew (Ethiopic Bible).

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c. 0100Testaments 12 Patriarchs, Hebrew-Aramaic fragments at Qumran (Armenian Bible).

0100(100-200) Celsus, a second century scholar, thought that Christianity was a threat to thesocial order. He made some attempt to strip away its mythology and identify thehistorical Jesus.

0101Evaristus became Pope, until 109.

0109Alexander became Pope, until 116.

c. 0110Ignatius 3rd Bishop of Antioch was martyred in Rome.

c. 0114Pliny the Younger, Roman consul, recorded Christians as 'singing hymns to Christ as to agod'.

0115Lucian, Gk satirist, Passing of Peregrinus (satire of Christians).

0116Sixtus I became Pope, until 125.

c. 0125Papyrus 52, oldest extant New Testament fragment.

c. 0125Quadratus was bishop of Athens.

0125'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Quadratus, in Apostolic Fatherscollection.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0125Telesphorus became Pope, until 136.

c. 0130'Gospel of Basilides' possibly a 24 book commentary, possibly Gnostic, lost.

c. 0130Papias, bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor, wrote 'Expositions of the Sayings of theLord', lost but widely quoted.

c. 0130Aquila of Pontus was a Roman convert to Christianity then to Judaism, student of RabbanGamaliel, compiled literal Greek Old Testament translation in Jabneh (Jamnia).

0138Hyginus became Pope, until 142.

c. 0140Apocalypse of Peter was written in Greek.

c. 0140Marcion of Pontus, possibly the first Radical Paulinist, inspired by Luke 5:36, claimedJesus rejected 'Law & Prophets' from the Old Testament, claimed to have recovered lostoriginal Gospel from Luke.

c. 0140Marcion of Pontus, promoted Canon of heavily edited Gospel of Luke and 10 Pauline Lettersand his own 'Antitheses'.

0142Pius I became Pope, until 155.

0145'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Aristides of Athens, inApostolic Fathers collection.

c. 0150Gospel of the Egyptians, a Coptic translation of the original Greek (Nag Hammadi).

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0150(Between 150-225?) 'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Epistle toDiognetus, in Apostolic Fathers collection.

c. 0150'Teachings of Silvanus', a Gnostic, claimed that Christ has a single hypostasis (hiddenspiritual reality) and that Christ is incomprehensible with respect to his hypostasis.

c. 0150'Western Reviser' adds/subtracts from original New Teatament Acts to produce 'Western'version which is 10% larger and found in Papyrus P29,38,48 & Codex Bezae.

c. 0150The subterranean graveyard beneath the Appian Way had existed from about this time andprobably originated as the private open-air burial ground of the noble Cecili family ofRome. About 200 it became the first official Christian cemetery.

0155Anicetus became Pope, until 166.

0155St. Pius I, pope, was martyred.

c. 0160Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna, was martyred, wrote 'Letter of Polycarp to thePhilippians' circa 110 and 'Martyrdom of Polycarp'; both in Greek.

0165'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Justin Martyr, in ApostolicFathers collection.

0165Justin Martyr (114?-165), Roman Platonist convert to Christianity, was martyred.

c. 0166(Between 166-174) Pope Soter, moved 'Easter' from Biblical Nisan 14 to following Sunday.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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13 Feb 0167Polycarp, a disciple of St. John and bishop of Smyrna, was martyred on the west coast ofAsia Minor.

c. 0170Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, complained Christians were changing & faking his ownletters just as they had changed the Gospels.

c. 0170Symmachus, an Ebionite, wrote an entirely new Greek Old Testament translation.

0170Christian Council of Asia Minor were against Montanus & his Montanist sect.

0172'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Tatian, in Apostolic Fatherscollection.

0172Tatian the Assyrian (110-?), possibly a Gnostic, disciple of Justin Martyr, foundedEncratite sect of Antioch.

0174Pope Eleutherius became Pope, until 189.

c. 0175Acts of Paul, in Greek.

c. 0175Valentinus (100?-?), founded Gnostic Valentinian School of Rome, taught secret wisdomfrom Paul.

0177A systematic persecution of Christians begins in Rome under Emperor Marcus Aurelius whenmany Christians decide to worship secretly in underground catacombs.

0177'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Melito, in Apostolic Fatherscollection.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0177Melito was bishop of Sardis.

0178True Discourse', by Celsus, an anti-Christian polemic, original lost but fragmentsrecorded by Origen in 253 in 'Contra Celsum',

c. 0180Athenagoras, an Athenian philosopher, became a convert to Christianity.

c. 0180Apollinaris was bishop of Hierapolis.

c. 0180'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Apollinaris, in ApostolicFathers collection.

c. 0180'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Athenagoras, in ApostolicFathers collection.

0180'Christian Apologists' writings against Roman Paganism by Theophilus, in ApostolicFathers collection.

0180Theophilus became bishop of Caesarea.

0182Origen of Caesarea (182-251?), a church father, was born. He urged Christians not tocelebrate birthdays because they were a pagan custom.

c. 0185Theophilus became 7th Bishop of Antioch, a pagan convert.

0189Pope Victor I became the first Latin Pope, until 198.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0190Heracleon, a disciple of Gnostic Valentinus, first commentary on Gospel of John (cited byOrigen & Clement), wrote, 'Tripartite Tractate'.

c. 0190Serapion, 9th Bishop of Antioch, disputed Gospel of Peter.

0190Pope Victor I called Council to determine 'official' new date of 'Easter' but failed,excommunicated Eastern churches that continued to observe 'Easter' on Biblical Nisan 14'Quartodeciman'.

0196Polycrates (125?-?), bishop of Ephesus, supported Quartodecimans in 'Easter' controversyversus Pope Victor in 190.

0198Pope Zephyrinus became Pope, until 217.

0199(199-217) Pope Zephyrinus led the Church.

c. 0200Sahidic Coptic Bible translations written in Alexandria.

c. 0200Hypostasis (hidden spiritual reality) of the Archons.

c. 0200Valentinian Exposition that 'Son is hypostasis of Father'.

0200Christianity spread rapidly in Numidia and the diocese of Lamiggiga was established. Itwas later abandoned and just the name was used as an honorary jurisdiction for Catholicauxiliary bishops.

c. 0202Irenaeus, 2nd bishop of Lyons, supported Quartodecimans in Easter controversy versus PopeVictor in 190, wrote 'Against Heresies'.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0213(155BCE-213) Some evidence has it that the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Ethiopiaabout this time.

0217Gaius (Caius), presbyter of Rome, anti-Montanist, wrote 'Dialogue against Proclus',rejected Gospel of John, Hebrews, Rev.

0217Antipope Saint Hippolytus became Bishop of Rome, 'Logos' sect, until 235.

0217Callistus I became Pope, until 222.

0217Clement (153-?), bishop of Alexandria, pagan philosopher convert, cited Alexandrian NewTestament text-type & Secret Gospel of Mark & Gospel of the Egyptians, wrote'Exhortations', 'Paedagogus', 'Stromata'.

c. 0220Minucius Felix, Roman Christian lawyer, wrote in Latin

c. 0220Tertullian (160?-?), a Carthaginian lawyer, became a Christian convert in circa 193 thento Montanism in circa 207, 'Father of Latin Church', coined 'Trinity', 'New Testament',two-natures doctrine (Jesus fully human & divine).

c. 0220Tertullian (160?-?), a Carthaginian lawyer, advocated exclusion of women from priesthood.

0222Urban I became Pope, until 230.

0230Council of Rome, Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria condemns Origen.

0230St. Pontian became Pope, until 236.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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c. 0230St. Cecilia of the patrician Cecili family was martyred (possibly during the persecutionsof Diocletian). She lived in Trastevere where she reportedly sang hymns all day and sobecame the patroness of music. She was decapitated by Roman soldiers after 3 abortiveattempts.

0235An inscription in Greek in the Calixtian Complex of Rome was dedicated to the pope St.Pontian, who died in the Sardinian mines.

0235An inscription in Greek in the Calixtian Complex of Rome was dedicated to pope St.Anterus, who reigned for only 43 days and died in prison.

0236St. Anterus became Pope, until 237.

0237St. Fabian became Pope, until 250.

c. 0240(Between 240-258) Council of Carthage the early Christian council.

0240Commodianus was the Early Christian Church Father.

0243The text 'De Pascha Computus' calculated the spring equinox, March 25, under the Juliancalendar from the first day of creation. The author used this to derive March 28 as thebirthday of Jesus.

c. 0250(Between 250-350) Apostolic Constitutions of Orthodox Christianity.

c. 0250The Mandeans, followers of John the Baptist, began compilation of 'Ginza'.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0251Antipope Novatian, until 258, no forgiveness for sins after baptism [ANF,v.5]

0251St. Lucius I became Pope, until 253

0253Valerianusbecame Roman Emperor, until 260, notorious persecutor of Christians, in 258'Valerian's Massacre' executed Pope Sixtus II, Antipope Novatian, Bishop Cyprian ofCarthage, & all other Christian Bishops, Priests & Deacons

0253Origen (185?-?), used Greek Gnostic term 'homoousios' (Jesus & God of 'same substance').

0253St. Stephen I became Pope, until 254

12 May 0254St. Stephen I began his reign as the 23rd Catholic Pope. According to the 'LiberPontificalis' he instituted the rule that clerics should wear special clothes at theirministrations.

0254St. Sixtus II became Pope, until 257

0254Pope St. Lucius I, who spent part of his pontificate in exile, was buried in theCalixtian Complex of Rome and has an inscription in Greek.

0257Cornelius became Pope, until 258

0258Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, pagan convert, claimed Christians freely forged his lettersto discredit him.

0258Pope St. Sixtus II was beheaded upon orders of Emperor Valerian.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0260Gallienus became Roman Emperor, uhtil 268, reversed Valerian, restored Church.

0260Dionysius became Pope, until 268.

c. 0264(Between 264-268) Council of Antioch, condemned Paul of Samosata, Bishop of Antioch &founder of Adoptionism (Jesus was human until Holy Spirit descended at his baptism); alsocondemned use of Gnostic term 'homoousios'.

0265Dionysius the Great (200?-?), became bishop of Alexandria.

14 Feb 0269The early Christian Roman martyr, St. Valentine, was beheaded by Emperor Claudius II forrefusing to give up Christianity. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewellnote for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it 'From YourValentine'. Claudius executed another St. Valentine (Bishop Valentine) around the sametime. The two Valentines merged into a single legendary patron of young lovers.

0269Felix I became Pope, until 274.

24 Feb 0270The Catholic Bishop Valentine was clubbed, stoned and beheaded by Emperor Claudius forrefusing to acknowledge Claudius' outlawing of marriage. Claudius thought that single menmade better soldiers, and so had banned marriage amongst young men.

0274St Eutychian begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 283.

0277Mani (216-?) founded the Manichaean Christian sect in Persia.

0280Anatolius of Alexandria (230-?), became bishop of Laodicea.

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0283St Gaius begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 296].

0283Pope St. Eutychian escaped persecution but struggled with early heresies. He was buriedin the Calixtian Complex of Rome and has an inscription in Greek.

22 Apr 0296St. Gaius ended his reign as Catholic Pope.

c. 0296(Between 296-304) Pope Marcellinus, apostate, offered pagan sacrifice for Diocletianus.

0299The period of Christian persecutions begun by Diocletian, until 311.

c. 0300Bohairic Coptic cop(bo) Bible translations written in Alexandria

c. 0300Papyrus Berlin Codex of Greek Genesis; Papyrus Bodmer 24 of Greek Psalms; Codex Freer ofGreek Minor Prophets; all published in 1927

c. 0300Tiridates III, king of Armenia, adopts Christianity as the religion of his kingdom,making Armenia the first Christian state.

c. 0300(Between 300-400) The 1st French church dedicated to the Virgin Mary was built in the 4thcentury on the hill site of the later Chartres cathedral.

0301The Kingdom of Armenia is the first nation to make Christianity its official religion

c. 0301Christianity state religion of Armenia by Saint Gregory the Illuminator.

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0301King Trdat III declared Christianity to be the state religion. Armenia became the firstcountry to adopt Christianity.

23 Feb 0303Emperor Diocletian orders the first Roman persecution of Christians while trying tostrengthen paganism, hoping that it will act as a unifying force in the empire.

23 Apr 0303St. George died. He was a Christian martyr and in the 14th century declared the patronsaint of England.

c. 0303(Between 303-312) Diocletianus gave 'Diocletian's Massacre' edict against Christians.

0303Lactantius, an early Christian writer, said that Romula, mother of Roman emperorGalerius, encouraged her son to persecute Christians in this year.

0304(304-305) Massive persecution of the Christians under Diocletian.

0306St Marcellus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 308.

c. 0306(Between 306-308) Pope Marcellus I tried removing prior Pope Marcellinus from officialrecords for apostasy, exiled from Rome by Maxentius for disturbing the peace.

0306Council of Elvira, prohibited eating, marriage and sex between Christians & Jews.

18 Apr 0310St. Eusebius began his reign as Catholic Pope [until 310].

0310St Eusebius ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

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0310Pope Eusebius was deported to Sicily with Antipope Heraclius by Maxentius

c. 0311(Between 311-314) Pope Miltiades, given Fausta's palace as papal residence byConstantinus.

0311The Donatists were a Christian sect that developed in northern Africa (Numidia) andmaintained that it alone constituted the whole and only true church and that baptisms andordinations of the orthodox clergy were invalid.

Oct 0312Prior to a battle between Constantine and Maxentius, Constantine experienced a vision ofChrist that ordered him to ornament the shields of his soldiers with the Greek letterschi and rho, the monogram for Christ. Constantine won the battle and attributed hissuccess to Christ.

0312At the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine defeats Maxentius and becomes the ruler ofthe western Roman Empire. Constantine believes the Christian God has guided him tovictory

0312Methodius, Early Church Father, was martyred.

1 Jan 0313A 15 year cycle used in reckoning ecclesiastical calendars was established as a fiscalterm to regulate taxes. It is called the Roman Indiction.

0313With the Edict of Milan, Roman Emperor Constantine legalizes Christianity

0313Pope Miltiades excommunicated Donatus for requiring rebaptism of apostates.

0313Constantine met with the eastern emperor at Milan, capital of the late Roman Empire. Theyagreed on a policy of religious tolerance. The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity.

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Early Christianity (0001-1054)The founding of the Christian church from the birth of Jesus the Nazarine to the split into Roman and Orthodox churches.

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0313Constantine wrote a letter to the proconsul of Africa in which he explained why theChristian clergy should not be distracted by secular offices or financial obligations.'When they are free to render supreme service to the Divinity, it is evident that theyconfer great benefits upon the affairs of the state.'

0314St Militiades ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0314St Silvester I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 335.

0316Diocletian, former emperor of Rome, died. By this time there were about 30,000 convertsto Christianity and some 33 popes had followed in the footsteps of St. Peter.

0325Emperor Constantine summons the Council of Nicaea, the first Christian ecumenicalcouncil, which establishes that God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) are of thesame essence. About 300 bishops decreed 20 canons, near the end of the council, 18bishops still refused to sign, but under Constantine's threats only Arius, Secundus &Theonas held out & were exiled.

c. 0325Fayyumic Coptic translation fragment of John 6:11-15:11.

0326The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem was begun by the Roman emperor Constantine.

0335The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is consecrated on the site of what is traditionallybelieved to be Christ's tomb

0335Council of Jerusalem was held, which reversed Council of Nicaea's condemnation of Arius,consecrated Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

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25 Dec 0336The first recorded celebration of Christmas on this day took place in Rome. By this yearDec 25 was established in the Liturgy of the Roman Church as the birthday of Jesus.

0336St Mark begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 336.

0336Arius, Christian priest from Alexandria and teacher of the doctrine of Arianism, died.

0337St Julius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 352.

0337Emperor Constantine dies and his three sons by his second wife, Fausta, succeed him

0337Constantine died after having made Christianity the official religion of the RomanEmpire. He had the Chapel of the Burning Bush built in the Sinai Desert at the site whereMoses was believed to have witnessed the Miracle of the Burning Bush.

c. 0339Eusebius (260?-?) became bishop of Caesarea, cited 'Caesarean' New Teatament text-type,wrote 'Ecclesiastical History', quoting Papias bishop of Hierapolis (c130).

0341Ethiopians are introduced to Coptic Christianity in 341. A variant of it will becomeEthiopia's state religion.

0343Council of Sardica, decreed 20 canons (laws).

0347St. John Chrysostom (circa 347-407), was born. He was the ecumenical Patriarch ofConstantinople.

c. 0350Ulfilas, apostle to the Goths (Germans), translated Greek New Trestament to Gothic.

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c. 0350Akhmimic cop(ac) & Sub-Akhmimic cop(ac2) Coptic translations of John.

c. 0350Canon Muratorian, 4 Gospels, Acts, 10 Pauline Letters, 1-2Tim, Titus, 1-2Jn, Jude,Wisdom; disputes 3Jn, Rev, Apoc. of Peter, Hermas.

c. 0350Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, the earliest Christian Bibles.

c. 0350Nag Hammadi Codices, Coptic Gnostic Library, 12 papyrus codices, discovered 1945.

c. 0350Old Syriac (Aramaic) Gospels, Syr(s) & Syr(c), of 'Western' text-type

c. 0350Papyrus Antinoopolis, of Book of Proverbs in Greek, published in 1950

c. 0350Papyrus Bodmer 45-46, Greek Susanna, Daniel 1,1-20.

0350Doctrine of Addai, the Syriac account of founding of Christianity in Edessa by Addai(Thaddeus).

0352Liberius begins his reign as Catholic Pope replacing Julius I, until 366.

0353Constantius II defeated Magnentius and supported Antipope Felix II.

0353St. Paulinus (353-431), poet and Bishop of Mola, was born.

03572nd Council 'Blasphemy' of Sirmium, condemned Council of Nicaea (Anomean).

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0359Double Council of Rimini-Seleucia produced the Dated Creed (Homoean).

c. 0365Council of Laodicea in Phrygia decreed 59 canons.

0365Acacius became bishop of Caesarea, promoted Homoeans, 'Son is homoios (like) Father'.

0366St Damasus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 384.

0366Antipope Ursinus became Antipope, until 367, leader of supporters of former Pope Liberius.

0366Damasus I became Pope, until 384, hired thugs to massacre rival Ursinians (Liberians) andhad Jerome begin Latin Bible revision.

0370Aetius became Christian bishop, promoted Syntagmation, 'God is agennetos (unbegotten)'.

0373Athanasius (295-?) became bishop of Alexandria, condemned at 335 Council of Tyre, called362 Council of Alexandria, decreed God is 3 hypostases.

0374(374-397) Ambrose served as the Bishop of Milan. Later proclaimed St. Ambrose.

25 Dec 0376In Milan, Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, forced the emperor Theodosius to perform publicpenance for his massacre.

0376Photinus, bishop of Sirmium, Jesus was a man adopted by the Father as Son

c. 0379Basil the Great, became bishop of Caesarea.

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0379In Milan the brick Basilica of St. Ambrose was begun.

c. 0380Canon 85 of Apostolic Constitutions.

0381Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great called Council at Constantinople, 2nd Ecumenical,against Bishop Macedonius.

0382Pope Damasus I called Council of Rome which rejected 381 Council of Theodosius (notaccepted till Lyons II in 1274).

0384Jerome presented new Latin Gospels, originals lost.

0384Siricius, bishop of Tarragona, the Oldest Pope, became Pope, until 399.

0385The Roman Empire is split into east and west with the death of Emperor Theodosius, theman who made Christianity the empire's official religion

0386Cyril, archbishop of Jerusalem, cited 'Caesarean' text-type.

0386Augustine became a priest and soon after bishop of Hippo, a Roman city in what is nowAlgeria.

17 Mar 0389St. Patrick (circa 389-461), an English missionary and bishop of Ireland, was born. March17 is celebrated in his honor. He was a Celt born in Romanized Britain. Calpurnius, hisfather, was a deacon and local official who lost his son to Irish raiders when Patrickwas 16. Patrick allegedly drove all the snakes out of Ireland.

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27 Feb 0390Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great declared Nicene Christianity official state religionon February 27, Riot & Massacre at Thessalonica, performed public penance for on December25.

0390Apollinaris of Laodicea (310-390), died, 'Jesus is human body & divine spirit'.

0391Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great made anti-Pagan Edicts such as purges of non-Christianworks at Library of Alexandria.

0393St. Augustine of Hippo called Council of Hippo, decreed Pope Damasus' Canon.

0394The Council of Constantinople was called by Bishop Nectarius.

0394St. Augustine of Hippo called Council of Carthage, decreed 138 canons (laws)

0395Ausonius (310?-395), Christian governor of Gaul, died.

c. 0395Ammianus Marcellinus (330?-?), Christian historian, wrote, 'Res gestae'.

0399St. Augustine of Hippo writes his Confessions

0399Anastasius I became Pope, until 401.

c. 0400Ethiopic Bible, in Ge'ez, 81 books, standard Ethiopian Orthodox Bible

c. 0400Vulgate Bible, originals lost, Vulgate Latin Text becomes standard Roman Catholic Bible.

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c. 0400Peshitta Bible, Syriac (Aramaic) Vulgate, Peshitta becomes standard Syrian Orthodox Bible

c. 0400Codex Bobiensis, in Latin, 'African' (Carthage) text-type, has 'shorter' ending of 'Mark'.

c. 0400Codex Vercellensis it(a), Latin Gospels, of 'European' text-type

c. 0400Early Christian Canon Law, in Greek.

c. 0400Jerome cited 'expanded' ending of 'Mark'.

c. 0400Pericope of the Adulteress (John 7:53-8:11) was added to the Bible.

0400Between 400 and 600, era of 'aggressive forgeries' in Christian texts.

0401Pope Innocent I became Pope, until 417, decreed Roman Custom the norm for RomanCatholicism, in Letter #6 (to Exuperius) listed Canon of Old Testament.

c. 0405Prudentius (348-405), Christian Latin poet, dies.

0406Armenian Bible translated by St. Mesrop [Life of Mesrop]

8 Feb 0412St. Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople was born.

Mar 0415Saint Cyril Archbishop of Alexandria (?-444), had monks murder woman philosopher &mathematician Hypatia by scraping off skin with oyster shells, expelled Jews, persecutedNovatianists.

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0417Zosimus became Pope, until 418.

0418Etalius begins his reign as Catholic Antipope [until 419].

0418Boniface I became Pope, until 422.

0419Etalius ends his reign as Catholic Antiope.

c. 0419Saint Jerome, S.E. Hieronymus, (347?-419), Christian Latin Scholar, died.

0422Celestine I became Pope, until 432.

0422Between 422 and 432 the Bible and the works of the church fathers were translated intoArmenian.

0430St. Augustine of Hippo, who was an extraordinarily prolific writer and had an influenceon Christianity unlike no other, with the exception of the apostle Paul, dies as theVandals besiege his city

0430St. Augustine of Hippo (354-?), Gnostic (Manichaean) converted to Christianity, origin ofthe phrase 'Original Sin'.

0431Syrian Christianity split into East (Nestorians) & West (Jacobites).

0431Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II called Council of Ephesus, 3rd Ecumenical, againstPatriarch Nestorius, possibly decreed 6-8 canons, Mary is 'Mother of God'.

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0431The Council of Ephesus was held to deal with the heretics and heresies of the day such asArianism and Apollinarianism.

0431The Assyrians and Chaldeans broke from what was to become the Roman Catholic Church overa theological dispute.

0432Saint Patrick (385-461), 'Apostle of Ireland', began mission to Ireland.

0432Sixtus III became Pope, until 440.

c. 0432About this time St. Patrick was consecrated a bishop and returned to Ireland asmissionary. He established Ireland's first monasteries and Irish monks made it theirmission to copy all literature, sacred and secular, while barbarism swept the continent.

0435John Nestorius was banished from his monastery in Antioch by Emperor Theodosius II.

0438In Ireland St. Patrick used the 3-leaf clover to illustrate the Trinity.

0440Leo I the Great became Pope, until 461.

0444In Ireland, St. Patrick selected the site for the Cathedral of Armagh. It later becameIreland's ecclesiastical center and preceded the 360 churches that he established.

Aug 0449Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II called 'Robber' Council of Ephesus (Monophysite).

c. 0450Mark's Resurrection of Jesus, Mark 16,9-20, added to Bible.

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c. 0450Socrates, Greek Church Historian, wrote 'Ecclesiastical History 305-439'.

c. 0450Sozomen, Greek Church Historian, wrote 'Ecclesiastical History 324-439'.

0450St. Benedict (circa 450-547) was born in Norcia, central Italy. He lived for years as ahermit near the ruins of Nero's palace above Subiaco and established the monastery ofMonte Cassino, the founding house of the Benedictine order. His rules and standards ofcommunal life are known as the rules of St. Benedict.

Oct 0451Eastern Roman Emperor Marcian called Council of Chalcedon, 4th Ecumenical, condemnedCouncil of Ephesus of 449, decreed 8-30 canons.

0451Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople wrote that Mary was not the 'Mother of God'.

0451The Church Council of Chalcedon declared that the two natures of Christ, divine andhuman, were united without change, division or confusion in Christ.

0451The Armenians were the first Christians to take up arms in defending their right toworship.

0453Pope Leo I rejected canons of Chalcedon, they were not accepted till Lyons II in 1274.

0461St. Hilarus became Pope, until 468.

0468St. Simplicius became Pope, until 483.

0481Clovis I became King of the Franks, until 511, capital Paris, became a Roman Catholic in496

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0482Byzantine Emperor Zeno decreed Patriarch Acacius' 'Henotikon' against Pope Leo's'2-natures' causing Acacian Schism until 519.

0483Christian Council of Persia adopted Nestorian doctrine.

0483Felix III became Pope, until 492.

0484The Church of Mary Theotokos was built over the presumed site of a Samaritan Temple thatis believed to be a copy of the Second Temple of Jerusalem at Mount Gerizim in theIsraeli occupied West Bank.

0489Byzantine Emperor Zeno destroyed Nestorian school at Edessa.

0492St Gelasius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 496.

0495Pope Gelasius I became the first 'Vicar of Christ'.

Feb 0496Pope Gelasius, changed the Roman Lupercalia pagan rite and festival of fertility, whichwas held on 15 February to St. Valentine's Day, held on 14 February. This was topre-empt the pagan festival and divert attention away from its non-Christian activities.

21 Oct 0496Pope Gelasius, an African by birth or descent, died.

0496Anastasius II became Pope, until 498.

0498Lawrence begins his reign as Catholic Pope.

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0498Nestorians settled in Nisibis, Persia.

0498Symmachus became Pope, until 514.

0500Clovis, founder of the Frankish state, conquers most of France and Belgium, convertinghis territories to Western Catholic Christianity. He founds the Merovingian dynasty.

c. 0500Codex Argenteus, the earliest nearly complete Gothic (German), Gospels.

c. 0500Codex Cottonianus, Greek Genesis

c. 0500Codex Sangallensis, earliest extant Latin Vulgate, Gospels.

c. 0500Nubians turn from their Egyptian-influenced religion to Christianity. A thousand yearslater the people of their region will convert heavily to Islam.

0500(500-600) In Egypt St. Catherine's Monastery was built by Emperor Justinian at Mt. Sinaiat the reputed site where Moses encountered the burning bush.

0502Narsai of Mealletha, a Syrian poet, headed Nestorian school at Nisibis.

0514Hormisdas became Pope, until 523.

c. 0516(Between 516-524) Sigismund, the Burgundian King, left Arianism for Roman Catholicism.

0520St. Benedict founded the Benedictine Order at Monte Cassino and from there monks wentforth and created a network of monasteries all over Europe.

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0521(521-597) St. Columba, Irish missionary in Scotland, was born. The Irish monks of Columbapreceded the Benedictines in Northern Europe, but their ascetic otherworldliness did notmeet the needs of the practical barbarian people.

0523John I became Pope, until 526.

0525Dionysius Exiguus set Christian calendar, Jesus' birth December 23 in 1ce.

0525Boethius (475?-?), Roman Catholic philosopher, wrote, 'Theological Tractates','Consolation of Philosophy'.

0526FelixIV became Pope, until 530.

0530Antipope Dioscorus was elected but Pope Felix IV designated Pope Boniface II.

0530Boniface II became Pope, until 532.

0532John II became Pope, until 535.

0535St. Agapitus I became Pope, until 536.

0535Byzantine Emperor Justinianus' Council of Clermont excluded Jews from public office.

0536St. Silverius became Pope, until 537.

0537The finest church in the Christian world, Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople,is dedicated

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0537Pope Vigilius became Pope, until 555, was involved in death of Pope Silverius, conspiringwith Justinianus & Theodora.

0538Council of Orleans required Jews to remain indoors during 'Passion Week'.

0544Byzantine Emperor Justinianus condemned '3 Chapters' of Theodore of Mopsuestia (d.428) &other '2-natures' Christology of Pope Leo's 449 Tome.

0546Colmcille, an Irish saint, founded a monastery at Derry.

Jun 0547Pope Vigilius issued 'Iudicatum' supporting Justinianus' anti- '2-natures'.

0547St. Benedict died.

0548In Ireland St. Kieran founded a monastery at Clonmacnoise, an Irish phrase meaning 'themeadow of the sons of Nos.'

0549Jerusalem held to a Jan 6 date for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus until thisyear. In the end the West added the Epiphany and the East added the Dec 25 nativity totheir liturgical calendars.

0550St. David converted Wales to Christianity, crucifix became Christian icon

c. 0550Codex Claromontanus, a set of Greek/Latin Pauline Letters, includes Canon of circa 350.

c. 0550Codex Mediolanensis, Latin Vulgate Gospels

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c. 0550Codex Veronensis, Greek & Old Latin Psalms.

0550Byzantine Greek Orthodox Bible, much smoothing & conflation

0550Pope Vigilius excommunicated at Council of Carthage.

0550(550-1200) The period of Irish Monasticism.

5 Aug 0552In Italy snow fell in the town of Panicale in Umbria. The Church of the Virgin of Snowscommemorated the rare event.

0553Byzantine Emperor Justinianus decreed 'Theopaschite Formula'.

0553May-Jul, Byzantine Emperor Justinianus called 2nd Council of Constantinople, 5thEcumenical.

16 Apr 0556Pelagius I began his reign as Catholic Pope.

0556Pope Pelagius I was selected by Justianianus, until 561, endorsed 'Iudicatum'

c. 0556Dionysius Exiguus, Scythian monk, died. He devised the current system of reckoning theChristian era.

7 May 0558The dome of the church of St. Sophia in Constantinople collapsed. Its immediaterebuilding was ordered by Justinian.

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0561Pope John III was authorized by Justianianus, until 574.

0563The Catholic monk St. Columba arrived on the Scottish island of Iona.

0575Pope Benedict I was authorized by Justin II, until 579.

0579Pope Pelagius II became Pope, until 590, when he died from the plague.

c. 0580Cassiodorus, Roman Senator, founded Monasteries that completed many translation fromGreek to Latin.

c. 0589The Visigoths are converted from paganism to Christianity.

0589Recared Visigoth King of Spain called 3rd Council of Toledo, left Arianism for RomanCatholicism.

0590Pope Gregory, originally a Benedictine, creates a religious policy for western Europe byfusing the Roman papacy with Benedictine monasticism creating the Latin church,counteractng the subordination of the Roman popes to Eastern emperors.

0590Pope Gregory I the Great became Pope [until 604].

0596St. Augustine of Canterbury sent to Englnd by Pope Gregory the Great to begin theconversion of England to Roman Catholicism.

0600Pope Gregory the Great decrees saying "God bless You" is the correct response to a sneeze.

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c. 0600St. Augustine founds a monastery in Kent town (later known as Canterbury).

c. 0600'The Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis' (Voyage of St. Brendan the Abbott) recounts a7-year trip to a land across the sea by the Irish saint and a band of acolytes about thistime.

c. 0600St. Willibrord, an Irish missionary, spread Christianity in the region of Luxembourg.

c. 0600Codex Harleianus, Latin Vulgate Gospels.

0600(600-700) In the seventh century the Frisians clashed with the Franks and resistedChristianity, but succumbed to Frankish rule and accepted Christianity a century later.

c. 0600(Between 600-700) St. Willibrord, an Irish missionary, spread Christianity in the regionof Luxembourg.

0602Augustine establishes the archiepiscopal city of Kent Town (Canterbury) in Kent and he ismade its first Archbishop.

0604Sabinian begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 606.

0607Boniface III begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 607.

0608St Boniface IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 615.

0609St Boniface IV has Rome's pantheon consecrated the Church of Santa Maria Rotunda.

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0614The 5th century monastery of St. Theodosius east of Beit Sahour near Bethlehem wasdestroyed by the Persians.

0615St Deusdedit I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 618.

0619Boniface V begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 625.

0625Paulinus of Rome began conversion of Northumbria to Roman Catholicism.

0625Pope Honorius I was made Pope, until 638, he was condemned at 6th Ecumenical in 680.

c. 0626(Between 626-633) Edwin, King of Northumbria, founder of Edinburgh, converted to RomanCatholicism.

0627The Jerusalem cross is retrieved from the Persians, who stole the relic in 614.

0628Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor, recovered 'Holy Cross of Christ'.

21 Mar 0630Heraclius restored the True Cross, which he had recaptured from the Persians.

0640John IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 642.

0640Severinus begins his reign as Catholic Pope (elected in 638), until 640.

0641Eligius (Saint Eloy) becomes bishop of Doornik-Noyon.

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0642Theodore I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 649.

0653St Martin I ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0654St Eugene I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 657.

0654A Saxon monk founded St. Botolph's Town in England. The name gradually changed to Boston.

0664The Synod of Whitby brings the English church into alignment with Rome rather than havingit resemble the Celtic Christianity rooted in Ireland. The synod was convened by Hild(Hilda), head of the double monastery of Streaneschalch, at Whitby.

0672Deusdedit III begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 676.

0672St Vitalian ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0673The Synod of Hertford opens when the canons were made for the English Church.

0676Donus begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 678.

0678St Agatho begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 681.

0680The 3rd Council of Constantinople (6th ecumenical council) opens.

0682St Leo II begins his reign as Catholic Pope.

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0684St Benedict II begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 685.

0686Conon begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 687].

0686John V ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0687St Sergius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 701.

0700Benedictine missionaries complete the conversion of England begun by St. Gregory theGreat.

0700Lindisfarne Gospels were written on 258 leaves.

c. 0700(Between 700-800) The Catholic Church changed its rules on fasting and allowed fish to beeaten on Fridays and during Lent.

c. 0700(Between 700-800) Dionysus Exiguus (Dennis the Short), a Catholic monk, created achronology for Pope St. John I with a calendar that began in the year 1.

c. 0700(Between 700-800) The Catholic Church changed its rules on fasting and allowed fish to beeaten on Fridays and during Lent.

0705John VI ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0705John VII begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 707.

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25 Mar 0708Constantine began his reign as Catholic Pope [until 9 April 715].

0708Sisinnius begins his reign as Catholic Pope (he dies 20 days later).

9 Apr 0715Constantine ended his reign as Catholic Pope.

19 May 0715St. Gregory II began his reign as Catholic Pope [until 731].

0715Codex Amitinus, manuscript of the Vulgate, was written in Northumbrian uncial.

0716The Codex Amiatinus was made at the scriptorium of the twin monasteries Wearmouth andJarrow near Newcastle in Northumbria and brings together the entire old and new testamentin 1,030 folios in a single binding.

0722Hofmeier Charles Martel flees from bishop Willibrord.

0726Byzantine Emperor Leo III forbids the worship of icons, hoping that the prohibition willlimit superstition and check the power of monasteries, as a result, some Greeks revoltand attempt an unsuccessful overthrow of the monarchy

0730Pope Gregory II excommunicates Leo III for his iconoclasm

0731In his monastery at Jarrow, the Anglo-Saxon scholar and Benedictine monk, Bede (TheVenerable Bede), writes his 'Ecclesiastical History of the English People' in Latin,perhaps the best historical writing of medieval history.

0731Gregory III became Pope and served until 741.

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10 Oct 0732At Tours, France, Charles Martel killed Abd el-Rahman and halted the Muslim invasion ofEurope. Islam's westward spread was stopped by the Franks at Poitiers.

0732Pope Gregory II commands the missionary Wynfrith Boniface (later St. Boniface) to forbidthose he converts to Christianity the eating of horseflesh, in an attempt to distinguishthem from pagans

0732Pope Gregory II banned horseflesh from Christian tables after he learned that pagans ofnorthern Europe ate it in their religious rites.

0735England's second archbishopric, located in York in the kingdom of Northumbria, isestablished, and Egbert serves as its first archbishop.

0741St Zachary begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 752.

0743Slave export by Christians to heathen areas was prohibited.

0745Some 200,000 Slovenians, settled in a pocket of the eastern slopes of the Alps, werethreatened by the Avars and the Bavarians. For safety they adopted Christianity andaccepted the protection of the Frankish emperor

0750The first great English epic poem, Beowulf, is written in Old English. The work isanonymous and untitled until 1805. It is a Christian poem that exemplifies early medievalsociety in England and shows roots in Old Testament Law.

0751St. Boniface anoints Pepin a divinely sanctioned king, and the Frankish monarchy is fusedinto the papal order forming the western European empire.

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23 Mar 0752Pope Stephen II was elected to succeed Pope Zacharias; however, Stephen died only twodays later.

0754Pope Stefanus II arrives in Ponthion.

0754The Donation of Pepin establishes the papal states and recognizes the right of the papacyto control lands in Italy

0754The Iconoclasts (image smashers) prevailed and religious art was banned in churches by anedict that remained in effect for a century.

26 Apr 0757Stephen II ended his reign as Catholic Pope.

0757St Paul I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 767.

0768Stephen III begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 772].

0772Adrian I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 795.

07872nd Council of Nicaea (7th ecumenical council) opens in Asia Minor.

0787The Second Council of Nicaea condemns iconoclasm and supports the use of icons inreligious worship

0793The first recorded appearance of the Vikings comes from the island of Lindisfarne,Scotland, when it is recorded that the monastery is sacked, and many of the monks killed

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0795St Leo III begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 816.

c. 0797The 1,200 year-old Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript of the Gospels, was made byIrish Christian monks and is a richly decorated copy of the four gospels Matthew, Mark,Luke and John. It is now kept in the library of Dublin's Trinity College.

25 Dec 0800Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne emperor at the basilica of St. Peter's at Rome.

0804Liudger becomes the first bishop of Münster.

0816Stephen IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 817].

0817St Paschal I begins his reign as Catholic Pope, succeeding Stephen IV [until 824].

0835After the spread of Christianity through the west, the Roman Catholic Church in 835 A.D.made November 1 a church holiday to honor all the saints. This celebration was called AllSaint's Day or All Hallows and the day before it, October 31, was called All Hallow's Eve(later Halloween).

0835After the spread of Christianity through the west, the Roman Catholic Church in 835 A.D.made November 1 a church holiday to honor all the saints.

0842Medieval Iconoclastic Controversy ends as a council in Constantinople formally reinstatedthe veneration of icons in the churches.

0844Gregory IV begins & ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

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0847Sergius II ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0847St Leo IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope.

0855Benedict III begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 858.

17 Apr 0858Benedict III ended his reign as Catholic Pope.

24 Apr 0858St. Nicholas I began his reign as Catholic Pope, until 867.

24 Apr 0858St. Nicholas I began his reign as Catholic Pope.

08694th Council of Constantinople (8th ecumenical council) opens

08708th Ecumenical council ends in Constantinople

0872John VIII begins his reign as Catholic Pope, until 882.

0872A novel by Donna Cross in 1996 is based on historical documents that indicate that PopeJohn VIII was actually female.

0882Marinus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 884].

0884St Adrian III begins his reign as Catholic Pope.

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0891Formosus begins his reign as Catholic Pope [until 869].

0891Stephen V ends his reign as Catholic Pope.

0896Pope Formosa crowned King Arnulf of Karinthie/French emperor.

0910The French abbey of Cluny, which will soon become one of the wealthiest and most powerfulmonasteries in Europe, is founded in Francein. The two major innovations here are thedirect subjection of monasteries to the pope, and the building of 'daughter monasteries'subordinate to the Cluniac 'family'.

0918Balderik becomes bishop of Utrecht.

0936Duke Alberik II of Spoleto appoints his son Pope Leo VII.

0936Otto the Great became King of Germany, [until 973] and later became the first Holy RomanEmperor. He is responsible for Germany's strength through the latter part of the eleventhcentury. Otto establishes a pattern of resistance to political fragmentation and a closealliance with the Church.

0945In England monks settled along the Thames riverbank at Bablock Hythe.

0956Vladimir I (956-1015), Prince of Kiev and the first Christian grand prince of Russia(980-1015), was born. He married the sister of the Byzantine emperor and thus brought inOrthodox Christianity to Russia.

0973Pope Benedictus VI elected.

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0994(Winter) Olaf Trygvasson converted to Christianity.

0996Pope Gregory V crowns his cousin Otto III German emperor.

0997St. Adalbert was martyred. He brought Christianity to Bohemia.

1000Odo of Lagery elected as Pope Urban II, replacing Victor III.

1014Pope Benedict VIII crowns Henry II, Roman German emperor.

1027John XIX crowns Conrad II the Salier Roman German emperor.

1045Giovanni di Sabina elected Pope Sylvester III.

1048Bishop Bernold flees St Pieterskerk for Utrecht Netherlands.

1049The Cluniac monastic reform sparks interest in the reform of the clerical hierarchy.

1049Bruno count of Egesheim & Dagsburg crowned Pope Leo IX.

1054Pope Leo IX escapes captivity & returns to Rome.

1054The Roman and Orthodox Churches split decisively. The Orthodox Church did not accept thepapal authority from Rome. Christians in southern Albania were left under the ecumenicalpatriarch of Constantinople and those in the north under the pope in Rome.

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Jul 1212Spain reconquers the Iberian peninsula from the Muslims in the name of Christianity.