early dementia questionnaire

Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ): A new screening instrument for early dementia in primary care practice Tujuan: This study was conducted to screen elderly patients for early dementia in primary care using a newly developed Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ) and comparing it with a standard assessment tool, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Metode penelitian: - A cross-sectional study - 160 elderly patients attending two primary care clinic in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur from the period May till October 2010 selected using convenience sampling of consecutive patients. - Criterias: Inclusion criteria included a score of 5 or less in Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Exclusion criteria also included known cases of dementia. - Assessment tools: MMSE was used as the gold standard and Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ) - EDQ Validation: Content validation: Expert opinions 2 steps: 1. consultations and discussions were done with the Family Medicine Consultants and Geriatric Psychiatrist; 2. Intem analysis by 2 psychiatrists Face validation: 10 elderly patientsquestionnaire was revised - EDQ reliability: reliability of the questionnaire using the SPSS version 12. The Cronbach’s Alpha for this questionnaire was 0.689 which was an acceptable internal consistency. - EDQ components: A. Patient/ Informant Identification B. Socio-demographic data C. Symptoms of early dementia subdomains: memory symptoms, concentration, physical symptoms, emotions, sleep disturbance and others. - The questionnaire was originally developed in English and later translated into Malay language. The English version was translated to the Malay version (forward translation) by a bilingual professional translator and a medical officer. 1

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Study about validation of early dementia


Page 1: Early Dementia Questionnaire

Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ): A new screening instrument for early dementia in primary care practice

Tujuan: This study was conducted to screen elderly patients for early dementia in primary care using a newly developed Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ) and comparing it with a standard assessment tool, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE).

Metode penelitian: - A cross-sectional study - 160 elderly patients attending two primary care clinic in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur from the

period May till October 2010 selected using convenience sampling of consecutive patients.- Criterias:

Inclusion criteria included a score of 5 or less in Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) Exclusion criteria also included known cases of dementia.

- Assessment tools: MMSE was used as the gold standard and Early Dementia Questionnaire (EDQ)

- EDQ Validation: Content validation: Expert opinions 2 steps: 1. consultations and discussions were

done with the Family Medicine Consultants and Geriatric Psychiatrist; 2. Intem analysis by 2 psychiatrists

Face validation: 10 elderly patientsquestionnaire was revised- EDQ reliability: reliability of the questionnaire using the SPSS version 12. The Cronbach’s

Alpha for this questionnaire was 0.689 which was an acceptable internal consistency.- EDQ components:

A. Patient/ Informant IdentificationB. Socio-demographic dataC. Symptoms of early dementia subdomains: memory symptoms, concentration,

physical symptoms, emotions, sleep disturbance and others.- The questionnaire was originally developed in English and later translated into Malay

language. The English version was translated to the Malay version (forward translation) by a bilingual professional translator and a medical officer. Subsequently, the Malay version was then back translated by two other bilingual professional translators and a medical officer.

- EDQ was done through a Likert scale response ranging from 0–3. The score of 0 depicts never; 1 seldom; 2 sometimes and 3 always. The minimum score is 0 and the maximum score is 60.

- the cut off score for EDQ, a median score of 8 or more was used as indicative of possible dementia. This cut off was used because based on expert opinion and literature review, eight of the 20 questions of dementia symptoms in EDQ were identified as the earliest symptoms of dementia.

- Analysis of the results in EDQ revealed that all the data for symptoms of dementia were not normally distributed



Page 2: Early Dementia Questionnaire

- Prevalence of dementia among 155 subjects was 52.3% by EDQ and 15.5% by MMSE. The EDQ demonstrated a sensitivity of 79.2% with specificity of 52.7%. Positive predictive value (PPV) of EDQ was 23.5% with the negative predictive value (NPV) of 93.2%.

- The predictor of possible early dementia were: complaints of memory problems (OR 26.22; 95% CI 2.03–338.14) complaints of concentration problems (OR 14.33; 95% CI 5.53–37.12), emotional problems (OR 4.75; 95% CI 1.64–13.81) and sleep disturbances (OR 3.14; 95% CI 1.15-8.56).

Socio-demographic factors, medical problems and smoking status were not associated with possible dementia (p>0.05), despite that 60–70% of the elderly had chronic illnesses.

KOMENTAR:- Artikel dibuat dengan sistematis dan metode yang baik- Permasalahan ada di metode sampling yaitu dengan convient sampling yang artinya

seenaknya peneliti. Convient sampling juga metode non-random, sehingga ada kemungkinan bias. Kalau peneliti datang ke puskesmas di Cheras pasien yang ada diambil kalau ndak datang yang tidak ambil pasien. Kelemahan metode ini adalah adanya kemungkinan bias dari peneliti hanya memilih pasien yang sesuai saja dan bias dari pasien yang datang. ada kemungkinan pasien yang datang dan diambil sebagai subyek hanya dari derajat demensia tertentu

- Nila internal cosistency Cronbach alpha rendah 0.689. Nilai yang baik adalah 0,80. Berarti pertanyaan2 dalam EDQ belum menuju ke satu titik pengukuran yaitu demensia, masih ada faktor2 yang tidak berhubungan dengan demensia ikut diukur.

- Penentuan cut off point EDQ median (nilai tengah) > 8 berdasarkan pendapat ahli dan studi pustaka. Pernyataan ini tidak konsisten karena kalau ditentukan dengan expert opinion dan studi pustaka yang keluar bukan nilai median, tapi nilai skor berapa yang kalau lebih dari skor itu ada demensia. Menggunakan median berarti menggunakan statistik. Bila menggunakan statistik seharusnya pakai metode ROC dan menentukan nilai cut-off dengan perhitungan distance nilai terkecil dari (1-sen)2 + (1-spe)2 hasil analisis ROC.

- Prevalensi dementia (n=155) dengan EDQ 52.3%, kalau pakai MMSE 15.5% lebih banyak demensia berdasarkan EDQ dibanding MMSE. Hal ini bisa ada kemungkinan: 1. EDQ lebih baik dari MMSE atau 2. EDQ Over diagnosis. INGAT LHO gold standardnya MMSE


Page 3: Early Dementia Questionnaire

- Hasil ini: Sensitivitas EDQ 79.2%, specifisitas of 52.7%. Nilai Duga Positif 23.5% dan Nilai Duga Negatif 93.2% diperoleh dari membanding EDQ dengan MMSE sebagai baku emas. Seandainya EDQ lebih baik artinya hasil diatas tidak valid karena EDQ yang lebih baik (bisa mendx demensia lebih banyak) dibandingkan MMSE yang lebih tidak sensitif. Atau memang EDQ overdx jadi wajar nilai dxnya tidak cukup baik. Dianggap baik apabila sen dan spe 80%.

- Kompoenen complaints of memory problems (OR 26.22; 95% CI 2.03–338.14) punya rentang interval kepercayaan 95%yang terlalu lebar: 2.03–338.14. Hal ini artinya walaupun dianggap prediktor terkuat tapi harus dinterpretasi hati2 karena rentang CI terlalu lebar informasi yang diberikan tidak berarti karena uncertain di populasi yang sebenarnya. Kemungkinan penyebabnya: 1. subyek dengan keluhan problem memori jumlahnya terlalu sedikit, tidak mencukupi untuk perhitungan analisis regresi logistik 2. Ada variabel lain yang berkaitan dengan masalah memori tidak diikutkan dalam analisis.

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