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early parenting matters Annual Report 2016 - 2017

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53 Adelaide St FootscrayVictoria 3011 AustraliaTel + 61 3 9689 1577Fax + 61 3 9689 1922Web www.tweddle.org.au

Annual Report2016 - 2017

1 About Tweddle

2 Our Services and Highlights

3 Tweddle Board Members

4 Leadership Report

6 Assessment & Intake

7 Residential Service

8 Parenting Assessment and Skills Development Service (PASDS)

9 Day Stay Program 10 In Home Support Service

11 Childbirth Education

12 Community Programs - MyTime

13 Prison Program

14 Working Out Dads

15 Corporate Report

16 Life Governors, Thank you to Donors, Friends & Partners

18 Quality

19 Declarations and Compliance

20 Organisational Chart

21 Governance and Accountability


Annual Report2016 - 2017


PurposeTweddle Child and Family Health Service is a statewide early intervention and prevention health service. Our purpose is to provide parenting support to families during pregnancy and with children from birth to school age with a focus on families in the north and west of Victoria. As a result of our work families:

Acquire sound parenting skillsDevelop parenting confidenceImprove health and early childhood development outcomesEnhance relationships and attachmentConnect to support networks in their local communities

Families receive services that are collaborative, accountable, evidence based and subject to external evaluation and national accreditation.

Our highest priority is to provide assistance to families that are facing multiple challenges and are in urgent need of therapeutic support and intervention. These challenges are commonly underpinned by isolation compounded by health issues, addiction, family instability and violence, sleep deprivation and feelings of being unable to cope, financial stress, age and ethnicity.

3009 mums, dads, babies & toddlers

attending a Residential, In Home, HoPES, PASDS or Day Stay program

Maternal & Child Health

General Practice/Doctors

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander, Disability, Family Violence, Drug & Alcohol and Child Protection services

Family focusCooperation and opennessRespectCreativity and learning Treating people equallyCommunity connectedness




Referrals to Tweddle 68%






As a government funded early parenting centre, Tweddle provides a range of services to families

with children up to school age. Services are delivered in partnership with other organisations

and directly in the community.

Our Services02

Tweddle services include:

Assessment and Intake service

Residential Parenting program

Parenting Assessment and Skill Development Service for child protection clients

Social support services and family therapy

Childbirth Education program

Community based Day Stay programs

Parenting support for families with additional needs

In Home support

Prison program

Lactation support

HoPES program

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week – Babies’ Brains Matter Seminar & Babies, Business & The Bottom Line business breakfast

Two Cradle to Kinder Programs commenced

Published in the state government Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) ‘Good Practice: A Statewide Snapshot’

Featured in a DHHS/Better Health Channel video about state services

Volunteer Concierge commenced

Delivered seven Working Out Dads programs

Online training and induction platform commenced – with support from Collier Charitable Fund

Day Stay launches in the City of Whittlesea

Construction of new Family Pod commences

Friends of Tweddle Foundation relaunches

Highlights of 2016- 2017


Position ProfessionalAffiliations/Employment

Tweddle Board members also attend subcommittee meetings as well as working groups on a needs basis. These include: Governance & Executive Remuneration Finance, Audit & Risk Property & Redevelopment Lobbying & Advocacy Clinical Governance

Ms Marie HowardBA, PGDipCS, CertTAA,Cert IV Frontline Mgt

Ms Doris WhitmoreBBus(Acc), MBA, FCPA, GAICD

Dr Nicole MilburnDPsych, Bsc, PGDipPsych, CCAPS, MAPS Ms Melanie TelfordBCom/BA, GDipAppFinInv

Ms Diana NelsonBE, GDipMan, MBA

Ms Heather JohnsonBA, BA/BSocWk, MSocWk, MBA

Ms Alexandra HoskinsBCom, MBus (IntBus), GAICD

Mr Bryce ProsserBEcon(Hons), MBA, GAICD, MCIPR

Dr Tam NguyenPhD, GradDipSono, BSc/BE(Bioeng), MBA, FRSPH, FAIM, MAICD

Dr Jane EdwardsPhD, MMus, BMus

Ms Jordana HunterPhD candidate, BCom/BEcom(Hons) BCom/LLB

Ms Denise PattersonMMid, DipHlthMan, GCertHospRedesign

Ms Carla De CampoBA

Tweddle Board Members03

Business Consultant, Strategic Planning

and Taxation

Director, Corporate Services

Clinical Psychologist

Business and Finance Consultant

Property Development

Manager Social Development

Business Consultant

Chief Economist, External Positioning

Manager, Office for Research

Associate Professor

Fellow School Education Program

Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery

Professional Affiliations/Employment Communications,

Government & Superannuation Sectors

Board ChairpersonChair: Ends and

Research Committee

Deputy Chair

Chair: Clinical Governanceas at 1st March 2017

TreasurerChair: Finance, Audit and Risk Committee


Deputy Chair





















Leadership Report04

This year has been about resilience, redevelopment and renewal. There has also been a clear focus on knowing why we do what we do, because this is what drives our work.

Renewal and resilience are both important factors for any organisation, but when you are a 96 year old community health focussed organisation, it’s vital. Resilience and renewal are not only relevant for organisations like Tweddle, but for parents, babies, toddlers, sports teams and communities.

Western Bulldogs Chair and President Peter Gordon spoke about resilience and redevelopment at the Tweddle Foundation Inaugural Business Breakfast which was held as part of Infant Mental Health Awareness Week in June 2016.

Tweddle and Western Bulldogs Football Club became neighbours in 1920 when businessman and philanthropist Mr Joseph Thornton Tweddle funded a hospital and school of mothercraft nursing that would literally save babies’ lives.


Ms Jacquie O’BrienChief Executive Officer

Dr Nicole Milburn Chairperson, Tweddle Board

Both organisations are based in Melbourne’s bourgeoning west where over 250 babies are born every week (equivalent to ten football teams). Despite the high population growth, families have never been so isolated. Dr Bruce Perry, founder of the Child Trauma Academy, reminded us of just how diabolical the paucity of relationships in the early years can be for babies brain development, not to mention a carer’s capacity to keep on caring. This situation has led Tweddle to invest significantly in world class facilities where families in all of their constellations can receive a high quality service. Tweddle is a public hospital and a health organisation working upstream on prevention and early intervention programs that have a focus on social change. Tweddle works to both address immediate distress and difficulties as well as foster resilience in families experiencing vulnerability and help them to alter the trajectory of their lives. We do what we do because it makes a huge difference and it’s tangible. We are involved in the key changes that impact on the future of these families every day.

Promoting social and emotional wellbeing and resilience cannot be taken for granted. Tweddle plays a vital role in providing parents and children with a toolkit of relationship and parenting skills and the opportunity to practise them in our programs.

The first 1000 days of life are the greatest predictor of lifelong physical and mental health and the capacity to develop resilience. Nobel Laureate and economist James Heckman’s research shows that gaps in development appear for children impacted by adversity before their second birthday.

They can spend the rest of their lives trying to close the achievement gap. Timing is crucial and this is where Tweddle’s programs work.

“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.” (unknown) We are all working at every level of the organisation to ensure that our families and our communities thrive. This spurs us onto even more as the demand for our services grows to support both the population growth and also the need to support families facing difficulties.

We welcome new Board member Ms Carla De Campo and the return of Ms Melanie Telford, Ms Heather Johnson and Dr Nicole Milburn. In addition we have farewelled retiring board members, Ms Alex Hoskins and Mr Bryce Prosser. We welcome ther reappointment of Ms Doris Whitmore and Dr Tam Ngyuen. The Board has been charged with steering the development and future of Tweddle and we are overwhelmingly pleased to see the commencement of our building works.

We would also like to acknowledge the support of donors and the Department of Health and Human Services. The Hon. Jenny Mikakos MP and the Hon. Jill Hennessy MP and their teams are dedicated to improving outcomes for families experiencing vulnerability and multiple challenges and supporting our ongoing community and residential programs for thousands of mums, dads, babies and toddlers.

The Assessment & Intake (A&I) team are the first contact the

majority of families have with Tweddle. Once a referral is

received from a health professional, it is triaged by the A&I

coordinator to ensure the most vulnerable children and

their families are offered priority.

The clinicians within the team engage with families over

the phone, conducting holistic assessments in order to

provide the timely management of risks experienced

by families.

The A&I team utilise these assessments to determine the

Tweddle program most appropriate to a family’s needs

and manage all program bookings.

Based on the risks experienced by families, the A&I

coordinator also conducts pre admission interviews with

clients in order to obtain further important information and

commence planning of the family’s care prior to admission.

The A&I coordinator also responds to families and

professionals who phone Tweddle directly seeking support

and guidance.

Many clients speaking with their A&I clinician will disclose

stories of trauma and distress.


Assessment & Intake

Total number of completedassessment services

Total Assessment and Intake Services

1578 2015 - 2016

2209 2015 - 2016

18862016 - 2017

22902016 - 2017

A mum’s story

Tweddle supported a vulnerable 27 year old recently arrived refugee mum with a 5 week old child who was being fed every time he cried. Tweddle contacted the mum within 24 hours of receiving her referral and her assessment was completed within 3 working days.

The A&I clinician identified several risk factors during the assessment process including mental health issues. The client declined the initial offer of a residential program but agreed to home visits.

At her first home visit the client disclosed significant family violence (which she had not previously admitted to) which was acted upon immediately with a child protection notification and the removal of mum and baby to a place of safety.

The appropriate triaging and assessment of this client contributed to a safe, timely and positive outcome.


All Tweddle programs are underpinned by the growing

body of evidence relating to the adverse impact on

babies and toddlers who experience traumatic stress in

the critical first 1000 days (conception to age 2).

At the foundation of our work with families is building

resilience and attachment. A baby’s early attachment to

his or her primary caregiver provides the foundation for

future emotional relationships and learning. This is made

more difficult when parents are feeling vulnerable.

Child and family vulnerability can result from a number of

parental risk factors. These can include a combination

of poor mental health, substance use, learning difficulties,

family violence, social isolation, homelessness, exhaustion,

disability, financial stress and family violence.

Tweddle is constantly looking for ways to introduce new

evidence based programs which strengthen parent/infant

attachment so that children have the best possible start in

life. This year Tweddle ran two Circle of Security Programs

with thanks to The State Trustees Australia Foundation and the

Frank and Flora Leith Trust. We are grateful for their support.

Cradle to KinderTweddle was successful in partnering in a consortium with

Melbourne City Mission as lead agency with Kildonan Uniting

Care, IPC Health Care and Early Childhood Management

Services [ECMS]) to deliver Cradle to Kinder for the Brimbank

Melton and North East Melbourne areas.

Assessment & Intake Residential Program

Total number of residential and in-home families

548 2015 - 2016

5552016 - 2017

HoPESTweddle developed a pilot program, Home Parenting Education and Support (HoPES),

a home based program that supports Family Preservation and Reunification. The service

targets 12 families residing in the Western Melbourne Region and Brimbank Melton Region.

Families are directly referred into the program by the Western Melbourne Region Child

Protection service. The service objectives of the pilot are to improve the safety, stability

and development outcomes for babies and toddlers (0-4 years) through enhanced

attached relationships with their primary caregiver(s) and to support the permanency

objective for children involved with the Children Protection system.

Cradle to Kinder is a whole-of-family service response in

the form of pre-birth support, intensive and longer term

interventions and casework support until the child reaches

five. The service supports young pregnant mothers (under 25

years) where a report to Child Protection has been received

for their unborn child or where there are a number of

vulnerabilities and significant concerns about the wellbeing

of the unborn child. There is priority access to young

mothers who are or have been, in out-of-home care,

Aboriginal women and women with a learning difficulty.


PASDS Parenting Assessmentand Skills Development Service


121mums, dads, babies & toddlers admitted

Tweddle provides a 10 day residential parenting program for families referred by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Parenting Assessment & Skills Development Service (PASDS) program is child focussed and family centred with a priority on the needs of families from different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds.

This year the PASDS team welcomed a mental health

clinician and two occupational therapists. The new staff

bring additional therapeutic skills to parents, babies and

toddlers facing complex challenges including disability,

mental health and substance abuse.

With an emphasis on family preservation, reunification

and attachment, an initial parenting competency

assessment is undertaken over the first few days. This

assessment enables parents and staff to identify strengths

and potential areas for growth. A skills development plan

is then established in partnership with parents to meet

identified mutual goals.

Parenting competencies assessed during the 10 day

residential program include assessment of parent-child

interaction, safety, feeding and nutrition. Hygiene practices,

routines, sleep and settling, and the parent’s knowledge

about how to care for an unwell child are explored,

as is the child’s development and needs. Staff members

assess child clarity of cues, mutual responsiveness and

how the parent manages their own issues/life stressors

which may have a possible impact on parenting.

The PASDS program is a holistic approach to parenting,

empowering parents with everyday practical skills and

nurturing the physical and emotional wellbeing of the

entire family. Specialist PASDS staff have qualifications in

Social Work, Infant Mental Health, Family Therapy,

Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Mothercraft Nursing,

Midwifery, Early Childhood and Family Studies, Welfare

and Counselling.

Staff have extensive experience working with vulnerable

children and their families in a variety of settings including

Early Parenting Centres, Specialist Early Parenting Programs,

Mother Baby Units, Child Protection, Mental Health and

Drug and Alcohol services. A final assessment occurs prior

to discharge where a final report is provided to DHHS with

risk assessment and recommendations in the best interests

of the child.

Day Stay09

Tweddle currently provides Day Stay

programs in six locations: Footscray,

Geelong, Bacchus Marsh in partnership

with Djerriwarrh Health Service, Kings Park

in partnership with Brimbank Council,

Terang in partnership with Terang &

Mortlake Health Service. We were very

pleased to establish a new partnership

with City of Whittlesea and commenced

a day stay program in Mill Park in

September 2016.

It is often an unsettled baby or wakeful

toddler that spurs parents into seeking

a referral to Tweddle however Tweddle’s

multidisciplinary team support parents with

many more challenges such as depression,

anxiety and transitioning to parenthood.

All programs focus on infant health,

development and the promotion of

attachment relationships.

Attending a day stay program enables

practitioners to work alongside parents,

look at the whole 24 hour cycle and

provide practical strategies to empower

parents to do the best they can.

The Maribyrnong and Terang & Mortlake

Day Stay programs provide support for

parents and their 0 - 3 year old children

and our Geelong, Kings Park, Whittlesea

and Bacchus Marsh Day Stay programs

support parents with children up to

12 months.

Tweddle’s two day Day Stay program

enables families to practice strategies

learnt in the home environment and

then return for further reinforcement for

support with other emerging difficulties.

853 2015 - 2016

534 2015 - 2016

319 2015 - 2016

9092016 - 2017

5432016 - 2017

3522016 - 2017

6Victorian Regions

909 Day Stay families

Total number of Day Stay families Geelong / Whittlesea / Maribyrnong

Total number of Day Stay Families Collaborative Terang/Bacchus Marsh


293mums, dads,

babies & toddlers

In Home Support Service

200homes visited

The In Home program has supported over 200

vulnerable families this year. The government

funded In Home Support package includes two

visits, follow up telephone support and referral

when necessary to further community support.

The fee paying service is available for families

who may not fulfil the criteria for a funded

Tweddle program. Families have the option to

receive a phone consultation, private day stay

or home visit.

Many families struggle to attend a residential or

day stay program so the option to have someone

visit their home is crucial. The In Home Support

program provides families with greater flexibility

and an opportunity to learn new strategies in the

environment in which they will be using them.

It also makes accessing a service easier for

families, for example those with large sibling

groups, families with transport issues or where

culture may be a barrier.

The In Home Support Service provides flexible,

timely and intensive one on one parenting

support delivered by skilled health professionals.

The program helps families seeking support for

sleep and settling, feeding, transition to parenting

and many other challenges. For many families,

there are often co-existing or underlying issues of

parental mental health, isolation, substance misuse,

learning difficulties, and/or domestic violence which

impact on children’s outcomes.


In partnership with Western Health, Tweddle offers

a Childbirth Education program in a relaxed,

community based setting. The classes are conducted

by enthusiastic, knowledgeable midwives with

additional training in childbirth education who

encourage and support active participation in

pregnancy, birth and early parenting.

With the ultimate goal of a healthy mum and baby

and supporting participants to make informed choices,

educators provide a comprehensive program that is

interactive and engages expectant parents and

support persons in activities.

Topics such as the progress and management of

labour, when to go to hospital and the importance

of early relationships and attachment for optimal

wellbeing are explored. Parents also discuss

breastfeeding, babies first days, SIDS sleeping,

tummy time, wrapping, baby cues and understanding

your baby.

The important topic of relationships is discussed,

including looking after yourself, each other and the

adjustment to becoming a parent including realistic

expectations, getting support from family and friends

and accessing community resources.



expectant families

Families coming to Tweddle from

66 countries of birth

MyTime groups provide facilitated peer support to

families raising a child with a disability or chronic

medical condition. It is governed nationally by the

Parenting Research Centre. Children below school

age may also attend groups with their parent or carer.

MyTime provides an opportunity for people who are

living similar experiences to share those experiences

and support each other. Peer support groups expose

people to varied ways of reacting to and coping with

their challenges, gives them a chance to share positive

experiences, and leads to an increased sense of

belonging and wellbeing.

Facilitators work with group members, helping them get

to know each other and learn more about the services

and supports in their area. Play helpers keep children,

including under school aged siblings, busy and active

in activities such as singing, drawing, playing with toys,

blocks or sand so members can spend time catching up

with one another.

At MyTime we are helping our members to become

familiar with the NDIS. In addition to the NDIS workshops

run by Carers Victoria through the Disability Service

Organisation Project, MyTime was gifted 4 Samsung

Tablets. These allow facilitators to access free Wifi within

the venues and to share beneficial websites, share

accessibility applications, support members to complete

forms and registrations within the group.

MyTime was also successful in gaining a grant from

Carers Victoria to support our members in carers week.

Wyndham, Hobson Bay and Moonee Valley City Councils

supported the MyTime groups by providing a subsidy for

venue hire.


86Members who regularly

attend groups


6 MyTime groups across Melbourne’s West


Dame Phyllis Frost Centre - Parenting Program This program is designed to provide parenting

information and support the population of women

prisoners in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre. Tweddle

staff work collaboratively with the Mother and Child

worker and other supporting staff. Some women have

their child in the prison with them however the vast

majority do not, and this can be a difficult adjustment

for the women and their children and families. While

the mums may not be able to have a hands on

approach to parenting they are still mothers who love

their children and continue to parent from afar.

The program offers 4 group sessions once every two

weeks. They include practical parenting advice, peer

discussions and a forum for the women to share

parenting strategies and ideas.

Individual counselling is also offered and this provides

women with the opportunity to explore their concerns

privately. Tweddle staff listen without judgement,

build trust and maintain confidentiality. The program

has seen group numbers increase significantly.


A mum’s storyCarol was pregnant when arrested and gave birth to her first child while in custody on remand. Due to the nature

of her crime and potential length of sentence it was not deemed to be in the best interest of her child to live in

prison. Mum had serious mental health issues. Baby Jon was placed in kinship care with family members

visiting the centre to help establish a bond with his mum. During the early stages of Jon’s life Carol felt awkward

and detached from her baby and although she was allowed to have individual visits without family members

present, it became apparent that she was struggling to understand her baby’s needs. Carol attended repeated

Tweddle group sessions and individual counselling sessions for the months following Jon’s birth. Her son is now

seven months old, Carol’s confidence has grown considerably and their bond has strengthened.


With thanks to support from the City of Wyndham and North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (PHN), Tweddle launched a pilot program called Working Out Dads for men, living full time or part time, with their 0-4 aged children. Three Maribyrnong programs were facilitated at RecWest and four Wyndham programs were facilitated at Aquapulse and Eagle Stadium.

The objective of Working Out Dads is to connect, support and strengthen the capacity of dads in families, where either partner is experiencing stress, anxiety and parenting challenges. There is also a goal to become more resilient and supportive during the transition to early parenting and to promote healthy relationships and lifestyles.

The early intervention six week program combines one hour of facilitated discussion and 30 minutes of guided fitness. Working Out Dads spans the topics of parenting, relationships, mental health, fitness and wellbeing. The program includes weekly text messages, pre and post mental health and parenting confidence screening, handouts and online resources.

Program evaluation showed a clinically significant improvement in dads mental health with a reduction in stress, anxiety and depression and increased confidence in parenting their children.

Tweddle recognises the important roles dads play in their children’s lives. We will continue to seek partners for further Working Out Dads programs as fathers are vital to the social and emotional wellbeing of their children.

“Working Out Dads

59dads from17suburbs

It was great being able to share experiences and hear other dads are facing the same problems so we’re not alone.


Finance, IT and Infrastructure

The redevelopment of a ‘family pod’ commenced at the Footscray site. Families are advised during intake assessment that some noise disturbance may be experienced during their admission.

Clinicians and outreach workers support families where violence may be occurring in the home. For this reason, staff need to discretely let authorities know that they, or an parent may be in danger. With thanks to the West Footscray Ladies Probus group, Tweddle purchased personal duress alarms for staff.

Important client record information transmitted between Geelong and Footscray was significantly improved with an IT upgrade and the purchase of two desktop computers with networking capabilities for our Geelong Day Stay with thanks to Give Where You Live.

Regular server upgrades and maintenance continue to ensure the integrity and security of data stored on Tweddle’s Client Information Technology system TWEQ. We continue to use document management system M-Files, which allows document tracking, version control and enhanced search features.

It has been a busy financial year with increased fee for service activity, donations and grant allocation. We arecontinuing to streamline payroll and rostering systems and procedures to improve functionality for all staff.

The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee meets regularly to review the financial reports and to make recommendations to the Board. The committee has provided invaluable guidance throughout the year.

The Finance and Corporate Services teams are focussed on increasing efficiency, reducing the administrative burden on clinicians and providing clear information for decision making.

Communications & Community

Tweddle’s goal is to provide easy to navigate access to resources and feedback for all stakeholders. This year Tweddle participated in a number of community events and partnerships to share information about our programs.

Corporate Report

Corporate Report16

121,911 website pages viewed

9316facebook: engaged users

We celebrated R U OK Day, Diversity Week, Postnatal Depression Awareness Week and Close The Gap Day. As part of Children’s Week Tweddle held an open day which saw dozens of parents, children and health professionals tour the facility and view redevelopment plans.

The Tweddle Foundation hosted two events as part of Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, the ‘Babies’ Brains Matter’ seminar and ‘Babies, Business and The Bottom Line’ business breakfast. Over 200 health professionals, business leaders and politicians attended the two events.

Whether it be through social channels, publications or newsletters, there are a number of partners who help Tweddle reach out to the community. Every year over 30,000 individuals access our digital platforms which include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our website.

We’d like to thank HealthWest Partnership, Brimbank CfC, North Western Melbourne PHN and LeadWest for sharing Tweddle’s program information across the west. Tweddle once again were included in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) annual publication Good Practice: a Statewide snapshot.

We’re grateful to our community partners and donors who help Tweddle deliver social change every day. Donation options include Give Now, Shout For Good and Everyday Hero.

We’d like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups who supported Tweddle in 2016/17. The total amount raised through donations and grants was $186,404.84

Fundraising, Donations and grants

Department of Health and Human Services

Hobson’s Bay Council

The Rotary Club of Footscray

The Lions Club of Altona

Collier Charitable Fund

Flora and Frank Leith Charitable Trust

State Trustees Australia Foundation

William Angliss Charitable Fund

Give Where You Live

City Of Wyndham

Probus Group of West Footscray

6A Foundation

Sims Supermarket

Pethard Tarax Charitable Trust

Inner West Mums and Bubs

First State Superannuation

Joel Burstyner


Noah’s Ark

Kmart Footscray

Virginia Kelly

Ms J Stephens

Mrs Margery MaskellMr Valentino AdamiMs I BrennanMr Ian BroadwayMrs Loris CharltonMs Julie ColletteMs Prue DigbyMrs Diana GibsonMs Louise GlansvilleMr Kenneth HamblyMs Betty HassoldDr Nigel HockingMr Graham JasperMr Rod JonesMrs Denise McGregorMrs Gwen RedmanMs Hilary RussellMs Lesley Yates

AcknowledgementsSam Burrone Design

Life Governors

Our People

External TrainingCircle of Security Engaging Families and Building Helpful Relationships (RCH)Infant Toddler Relational Trauma (DVRCV)Responding to Child Abuse (CPS)Prioritising Parenting in Families with Complex Needs Masterclass Leading Quality & Safety Intermediate Skills for Clinical Supervision (CfECFW)Court Skills (CfECFW)Reflective Family Play (RCH)Workcover Return to Work (VHIA)Domestic Violence Response TrainingAssessment for LearningIdentifying and Responding to Family Violence (NWMRPCP)Medical Evaluation of Child Abuse Psychotherapy Approaches with InfantsLactation Consultancy (OFSEPlus)Family Violence Cultural Competence (Vicseg)Introduction to Infant Mental Health (Berry Street Institute)Women’s Health West Community Information Session (WHW)XFactor Strategic Developmente-learning Vulnerable Childrene-learning Health Records Act

Professional Development


Tweddle provides a family friendly workplace that supports staff in achieving a harmonious balance between home life and work. Our workplace structure reflects that of our values; family focus, cooperation and openness, respect, treating people equally, community connectedness, creativity and learning.

The Tweddle workforce as at 30th June 2017 was comprised of 40.72 permanent and part time staff on the payroll and a nursing bank of 22. The professional profile of staff is as follows ;

Staff Profile EFT EFT 2015-16 2016-17Registered nurses 11.1 10.29

Early Childhood Professionals 15.04 16.34

Psychologists 3.74 N/A

Social Workers 3.9 1.85

Corporate Staff 11.62 11.54

Medical specialists 0.07 N/A

Community Services 1.12 0.7

Internal TrainingChild Safe OrganisationOpen DisclosureBuilding a Positive Workplace Culture & Managing Difficult Conversations Fire & Emergency Manual Handling (Job Fit)Hand Hygiene CPR & Anaphylaxis (Premium Health)Documentation Training

ConferencesStatewide Maternal Child Health ConferenceParenting Engagement Conference (ARACY)Sector Research Forum (CfECFW)

33 courses and conferences

62 Staff

6A Foundation

Sims Supermarket

Pethard Tarax Charitable Trust

Inner West Mums and Bubs

First State Superannuation

Joel Burstyner


Noah’s Ark

Kmart Footscray

Virginia Kelly

Ms J Stephens

Quality Highlights


It has been a busy 12 months for quality and safety at Tweddle with a number of government reforms guiding our focus and priorities.

The government’s launch of Targeting Zero reforms has raised the focus on quality and safety monitoring and support by DHHS across the Victorian hospital system. One of the initiatives of which Tweddle is part is Safer Care Victoria. Our involvement will guide improvement and strengthen our safety and quality culture to promote our long term aim to make Tweddle a great place to work.

A demonstration of Tweddle’s intent to elevate its safety and quality agenda was the creation of the new role of General Manager Quality, People & Performance to sit within the executive team. This role brings together the elements of effective systems and the recruitment and development of skilled staff contributing to the delivery of high quality care.

Tweddle was also required to embed Child Safe Organisation policies and practices. While Tweddle has always taken a risk management approach to child abuse, we made several changes to our recruitment, induction and staff training to reinforce the need for awareness and vigilance. New reporting systems have been implemented to support staff and parents in raising their concerns, including the introduction of a Child Safety Officer.

Staff continued to access the incident register ‘Riskman’. This ensured a positive risk approach to reports allowing identification, assessment, analysis and provision of recommendations for ensuring incident resolution. Our client satisfaction surveys are analysed and responded to monthly. These data sets provide vital informationto inform our quality improvement projects and initiatives.

How We Are Doing Boards

Review of all Position Descriptions

Rollout of Staff Immunisation

Development of Consumer ParticipationFramework

Workplace Culture Survey

Volunteer Concierge introduced

Recocilaition Action Plan working party commences

AAPCH benchmarking activities

Staff involvement in Footprints for success

Commence development of Staff Capabilities Framework

Pre-Admission & Priority Access project

Child Safe Organisation policy and practice changes

Launch of new staff wellbeing program.

Launch of the professional development and induction moodle platform Learning@Tweddle funded by Collier Charitable Fund


Declarations and ComplianceIncorporation Tweddle Child and Family Health Service is a Public Hospital as noted in the Health Services Act 1988 (Schedule 1).

Freedom of Information There were two requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. The requests were responded to within the statutory time period and no requests for review were received.

Quality Accreditation In 2016 Tweddle complied with a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Standards mid-term audit. Tweddle operates under the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) quality standards system EQuIP5. The EQuIP standards are whole of organisation, continuous quality improvement based standards. They cover all aspects and programs of an organisation and are designed to be used by all organisations that provide health care, including the range of services in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) sector. Accreditation is public recognition by a health care accreditation body of the achievement of accreditation standards by a health care organisation, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of that organisation’s level of performance in relation to the standards.

Building and Maintenance Compliance Tweddle fully complies with the building and maintenance provisions of the Building Act 1993.

Medical Records The maintenance of medical records was undertaken in full compliance with the Department of Health and Human Services reporting requirements and the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 and the Health Information Act 2003.

The Protected Disclosure Act 2012 There were no disclosures under the Protected Disclosures Act 2012.

National Competition PolicyTweddle complies with the Victorian Government guidelines when tendering out service contracts.

Environment Tweddle has an environment management plan and a five year asset management plan which ensures that our objectives are met. These include;

reducing the amount of waste encouraging the use of recycled resources, all paper used

is 100% recycled green purchasing; we use green suppliers for gas and electricity separating office waste into reusable, recyclable, compost

and true waste parts communicating environmental performance through

regular reporting encouraging staff to reduce environmental impacts ensuring new capital works incorporate environmental

sustainability principles

Consultants A total of 6 consultants were engaged in 2016-2107 totalling $58,034. Contractors engaged for fees exceeding $10,000; Leanne Beagley $12,400

Occupational ViolenceThere were 8 code grey incidents (threats against staff). There were 5 workplace injuries with no lost time and no Workcover.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)The total spent on ICT Business as usual excluding GST was $48,000

Health Purchasing PoliciesI, Catherine Allison certify that Tweddle Child and Family Health Service has put in place appropriate internal controls and processes to ensure that it has complied with all requirements set out in the HPV Health Purchasing Policies including mandatory HPV collective agreements as required by the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) and has critically reviewed these controls and processes during the year.

Chief Financial Officer Tweddle Child and Family Health Service6/7/2017

Other information Information required in accordance with FR22 of the Financial Management Act 1994 has been prepared and is available on request.

Financial resultsThere were no major changes or factors which affected the achievements of Tweddle’s operational objectives in 2016-2017

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ $Total Revenue $4,977,200 $4,560,011 $4,349,884 $4,368,593 $4,373,452 Total Expenses $4,937,147 $5,053,154 $4,589,832 $4,393,430 $4,346,858 Net Result for the Year $ 40,053 ($ 493,143) ($ 239,948) ($ 24,837) $ 26,594 (before capital & specific items)

Total Assets $12,215,257 $11,141,883 $10,373,867 $10,584,018 $8,914,947 Total Liabilities $ 1,120,113 $ 896,733 $ 801,192 $ 874,774 $ 778,276 Net Assets $11,095,144 $10,245,150 $ 9,572,675 $ 9,709,244 $8,136,671 Total Equity $11,095,144 $10,245,150 $ 9,572,675 $ 9,709,244 $8,136,671


Board of


Chief ExecutiveOfficer


Accounts, Payroll & Human Resources Support

Operations Coordinator

Director Corporate Services


Day StayClinical Support

Communications & Fundraising

In Home Services



InformationCircle Of Security

Prison Program

Childbirth Education

Working Out Dads

Community Programs

Residential Services

PASDS Program

High Risk Programs


OH&SAssessment & Intake

Professional Development

Domestic Services

Director Clinical Services (Nursing)

General Manager People, Quality & Performance

Organisational Chart

Tweddle, as a public hospital, is also required to comply with a range of legislation and health sector policy including government policies for financial and human resource management practice.

The Board reviews its policies and procedures each year. Key activities for the Board in 2016-2017

Reviewed and commenced the development of a new strategic plan

Committed to the first phase of redevelopment of the Footscray site

Strategic planning forum with DHHS and DET representatives

Tweddle’s Clinical team is managed by the Director Clinical Services/Nursing, Ms Kirsy Evans. The Corporate Services team is managed by Director Corporate Services, Ms Catherine Allison.


Tweddle is accountable to the people of Victoria through The Hon. Jenny Mikakos MLC, Minister for Families and Children. In addition, the Board is appointed by The Hon. Jill Hennessy MLC, Minister for Health.

We are grateful for the direction and funding provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) which enable us to support over four thousand families every year.

Organisational direction and strategy and monitoring performance occurs by the Board and members participate on at least one sub-committee, in order to lead key areas of the business:

Governance and Remuneration Committee, chaired by the Board Chairperson

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, chaired by the Treasurer

Clinical Performance Committee, chaired by Deputy Chair

Projects Committee convened on an as needs basis

The Committees meet prior to Board meetings with special meetings being held as needed. The Board undertakes evaluation of its performance at all meetings as well as a yearly assessment to ensure a focus on continuous improvement.

Governance and Accountability

We certify that the Tweddle Child and Family Health Service Report of Operations 2016-17 has been

prepared in accordance with the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines: Lodging

annual reports in parliament 2016-17 and the Financial Reporting Directions (FRDs) issued by the

Department of Treasury and Finance.

Dr Nicole Milburn Chairperson

Date: 14 September 2017

Ms Jacquie O’Brien Chief Executive OfficerDate: 14 September 2017

Ms Catherine Allison Chief Financial Officer

Date: 14 September 2017


1 About Tweddle

2 Our Services and Highlights

3 Tweddle Board Members

4 Leadership Report

6 Assessment & Intake

7 Residential Service

8 Parenting Assessment and Skills Development Service (PASDS)

9 Day Stay Program 10 In Home Support Service

11 Childbirth Education

12 Community Programs - MyTime

13 Prison Program

14 Working Out Dads

15 Corporate Report

16 Life Governors, Thank you to Donors, Friends & Partners

18 Quality

19 Declarations and Compliance

20 Organisational Chart

21 Governance and Accountability


Annual Report2016 - 2017


53 Adelaide St FootscrayVictoria 3011 AustraliaTel + 61 3 9689 1577Fax + 61 3 9689 1922Web www.tweddle.org.au

Annual Report2016 - 2017