early parrot education - stage 5 - fledging acquiring independence

Stage 5: Fledgling Acquiring Independence ©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

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Stage 5: Fledgling Acquiring


©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Weaning independenceA glimpse of life outside the fledgling environment and

flockDesensitization is facilitated by the guidance & assurance

from the mentor (caretaker)Visual environmental enrichmentTraining one on one away from the flock or cage matesPrimary lessons and basic commands learnt will be

reinforced Introduction of fledgling to new caretaker if possibleTraveling experience, since the fledgling usually leaves the

breeder at this stage for a new companion life. .

Educational Focus

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Educational Focus

Motor skills, agility and confidence have greatly improved

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Nurturing MonitoringSocialization DesensitizationModelingMentoringPlay


Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Characteristics of this Stage

Dexterity is clearly visible at this stage. Strength acquired in both feet allows the fledgling to firmly perch on one foot, while eating morsels with other for longer periods of time.

Perch sizes can be smaller at this age as the feet can firmly grip .

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence


Fledgling spends some time alone in day cage to acquire independence from flock mates. Be aware that “separation anxiety” can result in regression, so daily health assessment and interaction with caretakers must continue. It is recommended to revert to daily weight monitoring during this time.

In addition, full spectrum lighting can be introduced to day cage for few hours a day.

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence


Fledglings can also be accustomed to sleeping alone in the night cage, ideally the same cage that has been purchased by the future caretakers. Note: at this young age , hormonal issues are not yet a concern, therefore using the same dwelling for both day and night may not be associated just yet as a breeding nesting cavity often resulting in hormonal territoriality. In a few months as the birds mature through their juvenile age , a distinctly separate cage should be considered to use for sleeping. This will also aid to provide versatility of lifestyle. Birds living in a bird room as a flock may not ever need to have separate sleeping quarters and may thrive and never associate their cage to a breeding cavity.

Undisrupted sleep is extremely important and will remain as important throughout the various life stages .Routine weight monitoring is easy to fit into the routine when stepping up from the sleeping cage, down onto scale perch in the morning

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence


Visual environmental enrichment & versatility of living quarters

The fledgling cage can be brought to a safe outdoor environment (weather permitting).

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Feeding Strategy

Weaning Independence is Acquired

The fledgling maintains its weight now without assisted feedings, although for some the nurturing can include “occasionally/ very small quantities “of hand feeding formula or offerings of soft soaked weaning morsels, mainly when flocking with other younger birds that are being fed. Although it is best not to regress the now independent fledgling by touching his commissures or beak when feeding or offering food that is too warm.

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Feeding Strategy

Foraging activities continue to be offered away from the flock

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Feeding Strategy

Although feeding enrichment will be explored more in the next stage, fledglings that have maintained a healthy weight without assisted feedings can be offered Tropimix

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Advanced foraging sessions further away from flock, gradually preparing fledgling that will leave clutch mates and flock to continue to engage in occupational skills without the separation anxiety, as they have now gained more independence and coping skills, reassured by their flock and human mentors

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Water bottle training should ensure all fledglings are familiar with drinking from this dispenser. A water dish is still provided at all times in their living quarters although a water bottle both in the day cage and transport cage can be added to help keep the water quality as hygienic as possible. Water consumption can also be easily monitored when birds are accustomed to drink from bottles. For optimal hygiene, glass bottles without rubber stoppers are most easily disinfected. Daily cleaning of the bottle and spout is recommended, preferably with routine disinfection, which can be facilitated by having a replacement bottle.

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Education for Future Breeding Individuals

Socialization & preening with younger chicks should be monitored,

encouraged & rewarded with praise and nurturing.

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Supervised Interaction with other compatible flock mates for longer periods of time during the day when they have access to a larger day cage or activity centre

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

The maturing fledgling can now be brought to a shower away from the other fledglings to get further desensitized to this new environment , where it may possibly spend time showering when it enters its new flock and home as a companion. Ideally the mentor should enter the shower first with it so that it may feel more secure.

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Need to talk about nail grooming

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Flight harness training outdoors- pectoral muscles have developed and conditioned to allow for controlled flight. Motor skills are fully developed at this stage as well as agility. Further desensitization and education of the environment surrounding the maturing fledgling is continued in the stage with the guidance & mentorship from the caretakers. Inspection of the harness for proper adjustment prior to flight training will also continue to enforce the desensitization to the physical exam. Foraging opportunities throughout the flight session will ensure the fledgling does not get hungry, as it is now weaned and no longer has the large crop to store quantities of food.

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Flight Feather Grooming

Should you wish to groom the older fledgling’s flight feathers once it has developed healthy pectoral muscles and has acquired flight skills, consult our video podcast on feather grooming techniques.

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Misting & basking is continued daily to encourage preening and exercise

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Self preening must continue to be encouraged, especially when fledglings are allowed to spend time on their own following a misting activity. Engaging in this activity usually demonstrates the bird is comfortable in his surrounding and most likely healthy.

Primary Lessons

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Fledglings are gradually introduced to children, dogs and other pets that are trustworthy to be in close proximity to birds , always with with extreme caution & supervision. This desensitization will gradually lead to comfort and curiosity.

Primary Lessons

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Visual Environmental Enrichment

Visual environmental enrichment continues away from cage mates.

Engaging the fledgling to watch television , listen to music, get visually stimulated to observe fish through the aquarium glass will help alleviate boredom and contribute to environmental enrichment .

Discovery of Educational Toys

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Although some toys are specifically intended for psittacines to interact with, other toys suitable for human toddlers can also be used with strict supervision to awaken the senses and educate the maturing fledgling to sounds and color. Toys not recommended specifically for birds should not be left with the birds to play with without the caretakers supervision. Furthermore these should be evaluated for safety prior to being introduced in the educational sessions

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Mentors educating the fledglings can now utilize technologies such as Internet video communication to introduce future caretakers. This can be especially valuable when distance or accessibility to visit the

fledgling prior to its departure to a new home is not possible. The future caretakers can also have a better

understanding of the individuals’ personality, relationship, interaction and education it has received

, as they can see how the mentor interacts with the bird as well. Video footage of the flock and mentors

interacting with the fledgling can also be given to the future caretakers to be viewed along with their new feathered companion to ease the transition, prevent

separation anxiety and guide the new mentor to continue the education it has received

Primary Lessons

Stage 5 of Early Parrot EducationFledgling Acquiring Independence

Primary Lessons

Travel Experience

More time is spent in the avian carrier

This is the best time to learn new words, especially if the radio is playing while spending a few minutes in the carrier

Advanced foraging device is introduced in the carrier

A water bottle is offered in the carrier

The bird is taken for a car ride in the carrier and returns safely to flock

©2005-2015 HARI, all rights reserved