early years guide from proludic

04 THEMATIC Observatoire Proludic 04 learning to play: THE EARLY YEARS - your questions / the answers learning to play THE EARLY YEARS your questions / the answers Proludic Observatory

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This guide explains the importance of play in educating and developing young children.


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learning to play

THE EARLY YEARSyour questions / the answers

Proludic Observatory

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Play areas for young children

As Montaigne wrote, “play should be considered the most serious activity

for children”.

Today, many studies prove that play is fundamental in children’s development

from a very early age. It is their favourite mode of expression, through

which they gradually build their personality.

Play opportunities provide children with the tools to learn more about the

world and their place in it.

DiagnosticA play area represents fun, but is also a key area for children to learn and develop

The solutionsTo address the play needs of children with age appropriate equipment

Consider the developmental needs of young children in the technical design of the play equipment

Meet the educational requirements of childcare professionals through the design of the play area


Proludic’s responsibilities

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A play area represents fun, but is also a key areafor children to learn and develop

A child’s ‘early years’ is defined as the 0-5 year age group. Children of this age

develop at an extraordinary pace. They are inquisitive about the world around

them exploring their environment, other people and themselves. In just a few

years they have learned the key skills necessary to grow up.

During this period of development they acquire a considerable number of

skills that are essential for their overall development: motor, sensory, social,

behavioural and cognitive skills.

Children are influenced by the environment around them, whether it is the family home or an educational establishment, it plays a vital part in the development of theirpersonalities and integration into society.

Play is a key component of that environment and has a far more important role than justan activity to amuse the child.

Even for babies, play is a spontaneous activity that forms an integral part of their daily life.

Every activity can be a pretext for play: having a bath, getting dressed, eating, looking outthe window, listening to music, going for a walk, etc.

Throughout these early years play becomes a way of acquiring 4 fundamental buildingblocks for children’s personalities: - Knowledge: through play, children can explore and learn new things.- Expertise: through play children acquire key skills using practical applications. - Attitude: through play, children learn to express themselves, they learn behaviour that

encourages group interaction.- Creativity: play enables children to develop their imagination through role play. It

encourages them to use their own initiative and work things out for themselves.

Children acquire these essential building blocks, whilst playing and having fun. Theygain self confidence as their skills are rewarded.

The Early Years; A period of vital growth, stimulated by play

“Children don’t play to learn;

they learn because they play.

Play constantly stimulates

children’s development, just

as that development constantly

stimulates their play.”

Jean Epstein - Social psychologist.

Play is a fundamental activity.

It is through play that children

develop their perceptions,

intelligence, desire to try out

things, their social instincts and

their physical ability.


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A play area represents fun, but is also a key area for children to learn and develop (…/…)

Early years can be divided into

2 main periods:

0 – 2 years: development of sensory and motor skills:Children learn about the world around them through the objects that they use. They

become aware of their 5 senses.

A child’s perception of their surroundings, and developments in their motor skills are key

in this period.

They are beginning to experience the world around them.

From 0 – 2 years, children gain:

> The permanence of objects: the realisation that objects exist and move even when

they cannot be seen.

> Spacial awareness enabling greater control of their own body movements.

2 – 5 years: development of imagination and intelligence:During this period, children master their imaginative abilities.

They begin to create mental representations of objects, and develop imitation through

pretend play. They also begin to master the skills of language and drawing.

The period also sees further development of their motor skills.


Between the ages of 6 months and 5 years, children go through many stages in their motor, sensory and social development.

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1- Differentiation

2- Variability

3- Succession

The progressive acquisition of skills involving both cognitive and motor activities.

Children aged 0 - 5 build up a fundamental range of motor skills: movements (walking,

running, jumping), balancing (standing on one foot), handling (grasping, pulling, pushing),

throwing or catching objects, and so on.

All of these actions are directly linked to the children’s cognitive awareness; (intelligence,

knowledge and emotions).

From a very early age children’s actions are a response to instinctive behavioural patterns,

but they gradually become more purposeful.

To ensure successful psychomotor development, children must feel comfortable in their

surroundings and able to move freely.

There are three areas that characterise a child’s motor development: differentiation,

variability, and succession.

At the earliest stages, a baby’s movement is uncontrolled. As they grow older the motor

activity is refined, to become increasingly fine-tuned, elaborate and localised.

A baby moves from involuntary to voluntary movement.

A child’s psychomotor development does not evolve in a uniform or continuous pattern.

The process goes through periods of fast progression, interspersed with periods of

stagnation or even regression. At times this process appears to halt entirely, to then be

followed by fresh development.

Psychomotor development is governed by two fundamental laws.

Cephalo-caudal law

The closer the muscles are to the brain the earlier they are controlled. This is highlighted

by a series of stages in static coordination.

For example, muscular control moves down from the head towards the feet. The face

muscles are controlled first, then a baby can lift its head, and finally it can sit up.

Proximo-distal law

The closer the muscles are to the centre of the body, the earlier they are brought under

voluntary control. This law is shown by a series of stages in fine coordination.

Control moves from the center of the body outwards. Children control their arms first,

followed by their hands, and then their fingers.

(Source: study carried out by the Pitié Salpétrière teaching hospital – Paris)

Children’s psychomotor development


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6 months

A play area represents fun, but is also a key area for children to learn and develop (…/…)


The various stages in motor, sensory and social development for children aged between 6 months and 5 years

● Move from lying on their backsto lying on their tummies.

● Rest on one arm to catchhold of what they want.

● Can easily use their handsand catch hold of their feet,and love jumping up and down.

● Attentive to everything thatmoves and people aroundthem.

● Turn over things they are holding in their hands.

● Drop an object if another one is held out for them.

● Stretch out their arms to bepicked up.

● Show pleasure and annoyance.● Babble.

8 months

● Sit up unassisted.● Can change their position

to reach an object.● Can move around by turning

or rolling (1st stage of movement).

● Perfect their grasping movements.

● Gain better control over movement in their index finger.

● Understand tones of voicesand the meaning of the word“no”.

● Shy with strangers.● Imitate sounds.

9 months

● Turn round on their bottoms.● Learn to crawl and start

moving backwards.● Stand up holding onto

furniture, keep their balancefor a few moments and thenfall down.

● Often grow attached to an object (cuddly toy, piece ofcloth) known as a “transitionalobject”.

● Can grasp small objects between their thumb andindex finger.

● Understand certain sequences linked to a knownsituation (goodbye, well done)and say “Daddy” and “Mummy”to the right parent.

● Wave goodbye.● React to their name.

11 months

● Crawl around at fast speed.● Take their first steps, held by

an adult’s hand or holdingonto furniture.

● When standing up, benddown to pick up an object.

● Point to objects with theirindex fingers.

● Their handling skills providea sense of depth, for example,containers and contents, topand bottom, separate and joined things.

● Use “meaningful” languagewith association of 2 wordsentences.

● Understand the meaning of simple sentences.

● Can pass a ball to an adultplaying with them.

15 months

● Walk unaided.● Go upstairs on all fours. ● Able to sit down from a

standing position.● Get on knees unaided.

● Accurate grasping skills.● Can put counters into the

neck of a bottle.● Can hold a spoon and turn

the pages of a book.

● Love noisy toys.● Play hide-and-seek.● Afraid of shadows.

Motor development Sensory development Social development

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18 months

● Go up and down stairs holdingonto the handrail.

● Start to run.● Start to jump on both feet.● Can walk backwards.

● Can eat unaided and fairlycleanly.

● Likes scribbling.● Can throw or kick a ball.● Love playing with water and


● Love people chasing and catching them.

● Imitate adults in their household tasks.

● Understand and execute simple commands.

2 years

● Go up and down stairs unaided,but without alternating theirfeet.

● Run fast, move in circles,skip, climb and dance.

● Can kick a ball in the desireddirection.

● Have acquired considerableflexibility in their wrist movements: able to turn adoor handle, unscrew a lidand use and hold a pencilcorrectly

● Able to complete 3 or 4 piecesof a puzzle.

● Understand how to get acounter out of a bottle.

● Help others to get them undressed.

● Talk a lot with sentencescontaining 2 or 3 words.

● Enjoy playing with other children.

● Call people and pets by theirnames.

3 years

● Go up and down stairs, alternating their feet.

● Jump and balance on onefoot.

● Able to ride a tricycle.

● Can get dressed indepen-dently and put shoes on ifthey don’t do up with laces.

● Able to draw a circle andbuild a tower with blocks or cubes.

● Enjoy games.

● Know their name and age.● Construct simple sentences

and talk clearly.● Able to wait their turn.● Select friends.

4 years

● Able to ride a bicycle withoutstabilisers.

● Able to get into or out of acar.

● Can button up their clothes.● Able to build bridges with

cubes.● Ask questions about yesterday

or tomorrow.

● Start to grasp the concept of sharing.

● Enjoy playing games withpeople that have rules.

● Enjoy/seek approval fromadults.

5 years

● Able to skip and hop.● Start to control their actions

during movement (throwing,playing skittles).

● Learn to control their balance.

● Able to do up their shoelacesunaided.

● Learn to locate their spatialpositioning (inside/outside, in front/behind, up/down,between/alongside, around,etc.)

● Acquire concept of time:short/long, too soon/too late.

● Enhanced memory.

● Play in groups for long periods.

● Realise when others needhelp and give them a hand.

● Use their imagination to findout different ways of playing.

Motor development Sensory development Social development


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The adults simply give the children the tools

necessary to organise their play. The layouts

are designed to meet children's requirements

and interests, with the intention of changing or

developing them later on.

A play area represents fun, but is also a key area for children to learn and develop (…/…)

Early Years professionals have specific expectations for play equipment

The design of play areas must provide young children with lots of opportunities for sensory and motor experiences.

The play areas must be bright and inviting. This creates an area that children feel safe and happy playing in, either

individually or in a group. It is through this that they can start to build relationships with others.

All play areas must be suitable to the age range and educational / developmental needs. They must enable all children

to grow up in a world that feeds their curiosity and leads them to new and constantly refreshed experiences.

Play specialists dealing with young children recommend 4 basic themes in play areas:

Source: Jean Epstein – Social psychologist and co-founder of GRAPE (Groupe de Recherche et d'Action Petite Enfance – Research and Action Group for Infants)


Providing objects to play with

The adults impose the rules of the play activities

on the children. The activities are therefore

directed, but if this is done well, in a playful,

interactive way, the children react with coope-

ration and concentration.

Structuring play

The adults do not impose anything on the

children, who are free to organise their own

play activities. The children take the initiative

in the play activities, and they can spend as

much time as they want on giving free rein to

their imagination and creativity.

Letting children play independently

The adults play with the children who ask them

to. The adults become partners at the same

level as the children, without disturbing the

children’s sense of play.

Playing with children

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Specific types of play equipment can support and enhance this educational process.

For very young children (aged 6 months / 3 years):

The equipment provided by specialists for crèches and nursery schools must enable:

- Activities involving movement that specifically meet the need of this age group. For

example equipment to test their sense of balance, as they learn to master this skill.

- Providing objects and equipment that can be handled, put together, moved and


- Creating new and exciting situations that capture their attention; which is limited at

this age.

- Play involving expression and imitation.

For older children (aged 3 / 5 years):

The play equipment used must be dynamic with different levels of difficulty. This encourages

physical interaction and helps children experience new sensations.

Physical activities are fun

activities, that link to emotions.

By leaving very young

children to play, you are

allowing them to discover and

explore this for themselves.

This learning process can

then be developed further

as experience is gained.

Play activities take on increased

complexity and diversity:

for example, walking, which

was initially possible on stable

surfaces, is made possible on

narrow, high, or sloping surfaces.

This helps children learn and

understand other inter related

actions (such as running, sliding,

climbing and jumping).


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● Leaning on things

● Using a winding walking course

● Walking with their feet apart or with onefoot directly in front of the other

● Moving in ways that the children are notused to, and that brings their balance into

question: jumping, climbing, crawling,swinging, going over or under objects

● Moving in a confined space (crawling) or in an open space (overcoming fear ofheights)

● Assessing obstacles

Corresponding activities

● Making progress towards walking

● Assistance in walking

● Controlling their bodies and balance

● Adapting their movements to different types of environment


the solutions

To address the play needs of children with age appropriate equipment

The play equipment must be suitable for young children’s development.

This means that the design specifications for equipment must incorporate the

various stages of development that young children need and require. It must

address their personal growth by including elements that will develop motor,

sensory and social skills.

Motor development

● Handling new elements and exploring different tactile properties: rough,smooth, hot, cold, humps, hollows, etc.

● Filling, emptying, transferring

● Screwing / unscrewing

● Building or dismantling using elementsto be assembled or taken apart

● Understanding visual characteristics ofobjects: colours, intensity, light / dark opposition, deformation of vision, etc.

● Exploring different sounds

● Acting and dealing with their environment

● Dealing with materials and theirproperties

● Developing perceptions

● Making accurate movements

Sensory development

● Getting together in relaxed surroundingsdesigned to encourage social interaction

● Taking turns, sharing (making a distinctionbetween mine and yours), cooperating

● Encouraging mutual help

● Role Play

● Developing interaction with others

● Accepting rules

● Developing autonomy: self-assertion, opposing others,creating a sense of responsibility

● Using their imagination (imitation / identification)

Social development

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● Play mat

● Steps

● Slide

● Climbing net

● Small swings

● Springer

● Slope

● Tunnel

● Catwalk

Suitable play equipment

the solutions

● Area with mobile and tactileelements, and play equipmentbased on the principle of action / reaction

● Play elements with light andhandling activities

● Sand and water play

● Musical play

● Platform

● Playhouse

● Sand and water play

● Themed play

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Systematic use of rounded corners and smooth edges that do not create

hazards. 1

Eliminating all parts or openings in which small fingers could get caught.

Incorporating wide steps to enable infants to position their feet correctly. 2

Good Equipment Design

The users have a view of the area that is adapted to suit their ages and heights.

The view is horizontal to begin with, then becomes vertical, as the children leave the ground to climb an incline

or some steps. They are also discovering new sensations such as rocking and swinging.

As its users are in the midst of learning motor skills, with unstable balance and uncertain coordination, the play

equipment has to comply with the following design principles:

the solutions

Consider the developmental needs of young children in the technical design of the play equipment

The early years of childhood varies from one child to the next. Children will learn

and grow at different rates. It is important to create equipment that takes the

varying abilities of young children into account.

As very young children are not yet in full command of their bodies and balance,

the elements in play areas are seen as “obstacles”. During this long phase of

discovery and experimentation, play areas become a world of communication,

based on the action / reaction principle.

As children become more aware of their body control and personal capabilities,

play areas become spaces where they can practice these skills.

In order to address these needs, the technical aspects of play have to be specific.

This means incorporating three key considerations into everything that is

produced: design, materials and health and safety.

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4 5 6

1 2 3








Fitting backrests, side walls and safety bars on all the equipment involving swinging or

rocking movements for very young children, to ensure their bodies are supported. 3

Adapting the sliding surfaces on slides to suit user size, to avoid problems of inbalance

as the children go down them. 4

Designing the sliding surfaces on slides so that the users' speed is slower as they reach

the end of the slide. 4

Making swing seats comfortable and safe to avoid children tilting forward, backward or

to one side. The seat shape, holding elements, safety bar and leg separators are the

main safety features in place for very young children. 5

Designing structures with clear entry and exit points.

Making each element accessible to adults, to enable them to provide help and

support. 6

the solutions

Putting handles on the handrails of the steps to reassure children as they go up

them. 2

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Consider the developmental needs of young children in the technical design of the play equipment (…/…)

Wood Plastic materials Aluminium platforms


Plastic materials

Wood can be used to create visual and tactile experiences:

• It is warm to touch, so preferable over metal.

• It is painted in bright, cheerful colours. This attracts the attention of very young children

and helps them to recognise surroundings.

The types of wood selected must not have any rough spots or sharp edges.

> The use of laminated wood for posts avoids risk of injuries, because is it free of

splinters and does not split.

> Plywood has the advantage of being easy to cut into rounded shapes and figurative

silhouettes that are attractive to children.

The platforms of the play equipment are covered with a non-slip finish (in the form of a

phenolic resin) to give the users good grip and aid balance.

Plastic is a material that does not split, crack or chip, and like laminated wood cannot


The types of plastic selected are free of all toxic agents and are available in a wide range

of colours.

The rotomoulded and injected forms create many shapes and finishes which combine

comfort with touch.

Aluminium platforms Beaded or chequered aluminium sheeting provides a non-slip surface. When used to

make steps, it gives a feeling of stability to children.


the solutions

Materials for this age group are particularly important. They must ensure optimum safety whilst providing

sensory exploration.

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Example of compactcomposite panels:

This material stands up to aggressive cleaning products, and it is mainly used for equipment

that requires frequent cleaning (such as steps that are put to heavy use).

Example of sandpits:

The design has to include a system that allows water to run away

without any risk of contamination to the sand due to seepage or backflow.

In addition to this, a cover is provided to keep the pit clean.

Young children are considered a high risk population for the spread of germs and infections.

The materials used for the heavily used parts of play areas must be kept clean and washed at regular intervals.

The equipment selected features materials that are easy to keep clean.

Health and Safety

the solutions

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Providing courses that are fun and educational

Meet the educational requirements of childcare professionals through the design of the play area

Play specialists in crèches and nursery schools, play a major role in children’s development. Their

educational programmes together with their direct experience and observations help create an environment

of discovery.

Equipment can enhance this experience, adding an educational element to suit young children's specific

needs, potential and skills.

the solutions

The aim here is to create multiuse courses that enable young children to experience a

full range of play activities.

The equipment will include elements that require individual physical challenges (for

example swinging, sliding or climbing). It will also include group play, themed play and

quiet play as well.

As young children have limited concentration spans and get bored easily, it is important

to have equipment that remains exciting. This equipment has the advantage of being

interchangeable; therefore courses can be changed and modified to suit individual needs.

Fresh obstacles can also be added to the course. This allows the levels of complexity to

alter, as the children grow and develop.

“We look to rotate the

equipment designs in the area

and the “toy section”. This

eliminates routine behaviour

and keeps children’s attention

for longer.”

Christine Aussagueleducational worker for young children

Being able to provide different activities using the same elements

Multiplay units have the advantage of creating several play activities within one piece of


Example: A play mat made up of modules in various shapes (arch, elbow, etc.) is a play

element and learning tool in its own right.

Used on their own or jointly, the elements can be transformed into in a bridge to be crossed

or a tunnel to go through.

We also consider a slide to be more than just an opportunity for sliding. With an added

shelter, it is turned into a quiet area that children can use.

Modularity of play equipment

is an important factor.

It enables all concerned to

follow a coherent structure

that assesses the progress

made by each child.

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Adding equipment with activities designed to improve motor and role playskills.

Extension of the course using elementsdedicated to psychomotor development.

the solutions

Example: A multiuse course that can be modified

Example: A motor skills mat that can be changed

• Observing• Discussing

• Going over or under• Clambering

• Sliding

• Sitting• Discovering• Handling

• Climbing

• Hiding• Crawling• Handling• Experimenting

• Walking• Moving along an element• Avoiding obstacles

Single element to be moved along while astride it

Elements put together to form a tunnel to crawl through

Elements put together to form a course that vary the motor skills activities

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• “Active” area• Group area• Motor skill activities (clambering, sliding,

hanging)• Social activities (observing, discussing)

• “Quiet” area• Individual area• Motor skill activities (stooping

down, crawling)• Sensory or handling activities

(playing in sand or water, handling small bricks or balls,etc.)

the solutions

Meet the educational requirements of childcare professionals through the design of the play area (…/…)

Being able to set up small or large combinations as the space constraints allow

Providing compact structures – making a range of different activities possible – meeting

the requirements of the educational team. The spaces for the various activities are then

carefully planned out, and this gives children a feeling of security.

The space available does not always enable installation of large structures.

Regardless of size of the site, play specialists always seek to strike a good balance between active and quiet play,

individual and group play, and any activities initiated by the children or specialists themselves.

In a small area:

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Multiple entry and exit points

Multiple entry and exit points

• “Active” area• Motor skill activities (clambering,

sliding, hanging)• Space management

• “Quiet” area• Get-together area• Fine motor skill activities

(handling abacuses, colourdiscs, etc.)

• Role play

the solutions

The play equipment encourages children to make the most of all the space available

(height and depth) and helps them to better structure their body and motor coordination.

The lookouts, platforms, inclines, and catwalks take young children to different heights,

while the tunnels and walls encourage them to use the low elements.

Designs featuring larger structures have several entry and exit points and are less linear.

This avoids the duplication of any play activity.

Larger areas enablea wider range of

play solutions to beinstalled:

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1 3




Individual play area made up of elementsencouraging movement and bodycontrol.

Play and learning course with a succession of tactilemotor elements.

Rest area, ideal for quiet time and daydreaming.

Play mat designed to develop motor skills in veryyoung children, and featuring modular elementsthat can be changed.

Tactile area with multiple handling activities, designed to help children enhance control of theirmovements and develop their sensory awareness.

Group play with sand activities. This area is shelteredfrom sunlight by a protective dome.

Slide element at the end of the course to enhancethe children’s psychomotor development.







Designs in closed areas

Example 1: Crèche playground

Children’s age group:


6 months - 3 years

Organising the outdoor area of a crèche to include many play activities.

Enabling children to rotate between motor, handling and social activities.

Social areas that lead to groupinteraction.

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Area for social exchanges

Installation of play and learning experiences, organisedaround 2 different types of area: activity and imagi-nation.

Motor skills mat with multiple combinations ofplay activities that encourage improved walkingtechniques: movement, balance, and space mana-gement.

Container for balls, building bricks, cubes, etc. foractivities to enhance handling skills and sensoryawareness.

Play area suitable for role play games, social exchanges and identification of play objects.




Example 2: Crèche room

Children’s age group:


6 months - 3 years

Creating a crèche room with activities linked to a specific teaching programme.

Using play equipment that can be installed indoors or outdoors, depending on

the climatic conditions.

Learning activities that are organised,supervised and evaluated.

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Litter bin to ensure theplay area is kept clean.

Fence with a gate featuring an anti-finger trap and fencing with awide, smooth handrail.

Area for the 1 - 3 years age group: play equipment ensuring full safety and body stability for very young children during any rotationor swinging (swing seats with holding elements and leg separators,and side walls and backrests for the springers).

Area for the 4 - 5 years age group: multiplay structure that concentratesplay activities while developing the users’ motor skills and socialskills.

Shared area: sandpit to enhance sensory exploration. Presence of aroof to protect the children from sunlight and provide good hygieneconditions when the pit is not in use.





Furniture for adults and supervisorsthat is sheltered from the sun.

Surfacing graphics to differentiateclearly between the 2 play areas.

Designs in open areas

Example 1: Suburban park

Children’s age group:


1-3 years and 4-5 years

Developing the area in a structured way, based on the 2 age groups concerned.

Providing a wide range of play activities in a safe environment.


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Fencing all round the area to close itoff from surrounding areas.

The use of different surfacing levels, to create areas of height.

Surfacing graphics that correspond to the equipment theme.

Design with multi-play structures that can be used by several children at once. This encourages sharing and acceptance of group rules.

Catwalk made safe with side panels, overlooking a hollow, to help users manage thenotion of heights.

Slide with high sides, placed on a small artificial bank, with access made easier by climbing holds.

Themed section that encourages role-play.6






Equipment selected to suit the themeof the play area (palm trees, islands,fish, boat).

Example 2: Urban play area

Children’s age group:


1-5 years

Welcoming young children to an original play environment with strong theming

on the equipment and graphic surfacing.


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Young children and inclusion

Integration of children with disabilities into a play area must be taken into

account from the start of each project.

The equipment selected must be suitable to meet specific requirements in the

field of motor, sensory and social development.

Selection of equipment enabling young children with disabilitiesto use the area.

Springers with side panels, wide seats and backrests, and solid footrests, to give young

children with motor disabilities suitable support.

Rotary equipment as close to the ground as possible, with handrails and wide

seats to keep the children’s bodies stable.

Playhouses with floors, wide entrances, resting places and window sills so that children

can easily locate the houses and play with other children.

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Musical play equipment enabling young children with sensory disabilities (such as

blindness) or behavioural disorders to enhance their acoustic sensation.

Themed play equipment that is easily accessible and encourages role play, enabling

children to play together and share imaginary stories.

Themed play equipment with handling activities to develop concentration, sensory

abilities or group play.

Play panels, close to the ground, to provide easy access to manual activities. This

is particularly good for children in wheelchairs and it is easily accessible.

Play equipment with sand and water: they encourage children to explore materials

and surfaces, and they can be used as part of behavioural therapy.

Small slides close to the ground to reassure children. Presence of wide steps to provide

full support, handrails to make it easier for them to climb up, and a guardrail to avoid

falling forwards.

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Proludic’s responsibilitiesThe Proludic process for developing play areas for young children translatesinto the following actions.

Since 1988, Proludic has observed and analysed the ways in which young children use

play equipment. This included individuals or group play and the motor, sensory and

social skills associated with these types of play.


Proludic works in close collaboration with several play specialists that deal with young

children: play workers, primary school teachers, and psychologists. This has enabled

us to understand the behaviour patterns of very young children in relation to their age

and personal development stages.


Proludic prides itself on being an innovative company. Our research in this field

allows us to create and develop the most up to date solutions for play. Innovation

Each project is managed by a member of the Proludic team, who will advise a site

specific survey and study of the surrounding areas. This process is also supported

by the design department, who are able to provide detailed visual drawings and



Our quality policy is at the core of everything we do. On the strength of our experience

with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 systems, we have sought to impose the same

requirements for installation, maintenance and surfacing. This approach was rewarded

in 2006 in the form of the Certisport certification.


To date we have installed over 26,000 play and sports areas across the world. We are

happy to provide site references in close proximity to any proposed area.Experience

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THEMATICObservatoire Proludic04

The Proludic Observatory

More than 15 years ago, the Proludic group set up a technical and scientific observation system that enablesit to analyze trends specific to play and sports areas.

The three main sources of information are:Observing existing sites throughout EuropeFeedback from clients from over 1,500 sites installed in different marketsA quality system which monitors all projects, from design through to installation

The tests and inspections have been repeated over many years using identical methods; the results constitutea valuable database that can be compared to field information.

This enables the Proludic Observatory, with the help of experts in each of the fields studied, to draw upon abank of knowledge concerning all the aspects involved in designing accessible leisure facilities.

The work is intended to enable play and sports areas to progress in Europe taking into consideration thatchanges in all the operating conditions to suit customer and user requirements.


Over the last 15 years our research has given us the relevant experience to put together a set of themed guides,these are available to purchasers, decision makers and local authority officers.

These technical guides provide answers, theme by theme, to the essential questions posed by play or sportsareas. They make up one of the services provided by Proludic free of charge for existing or potential clients.

In each of the countries in Europe, the Proludic teams are at your disposal to provide further information thatyou may require.

THEMATIC guides: a collection edited by the Proludic Observatory

Proludic Observatory

PROLUDICZ.I. L’étang vignon


Tél. +33 2 47 40 44 44Fax. +33 2 47 52 65 55e-mail : [email protected]












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