earning high quality backlinks: our best techniques

Earning high quality backlinks: Our best techniques Learn how to manage your backlinks profile and get the best results.

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Page 1: Earning high quality backlinks: Our best techniques

Earning high quality backlinks: Our best techniques

Learn how to manage your backlinks profile and get the best results.

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Customer Success ManagerNika Wojciechowska

[email protected]


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What we’ll cover today:

1. Introduction to backlinks 2. Establishing the quality of a backlink 3. Black-hat vs. white-hat techniques of earning backlinks 4. Our best techniques

Let’s start! :)

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Our example

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What are backlinks?

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What are backlinks?


A backlink (an inbound link) - a link that another website posted about you and that is leading to your website

Thanks to backlinks, search engines can determine the popularity of your website

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Why earning links is important?

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Quality of backlinks


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Quality of backlinks


Majestic provides quality scores based on Trust Ratio

Trust Ratio = Trust Flow / Citation Flow

Trust Flow - a metric that predicts how trustworthy a link will be

More high-quality links, higher TF

Citation Flow - a metric of the amount of link equity (link juice) it carries

More links, bigger CF

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Backlinks earning techniques

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Black-hat techniques of earning links


Black-hat techniques

• Aggressive tactics purely to boost rankings without benefiting the human audience • Paying for links • Guest blogging for the sake of it • Link exchange schemes • Spamming other sites for backlinks


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White-hat techniques of earning links


White-hat techniques

• Optimizing sites for humans, not search engines • Following search engine guidelines

Some good examples?


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Sponsoring events and donating to charities


• Sponsor a non-profit organization, charity or an event • Google “become a sponsor + name of the city”, “donate”, “our supporters” • Make sure the event is relevant to your business and can link to you

Great for local businesses

⚽ 🏆✌

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Sending thank you to the people you link to


If you use somebody’s article in your own blog post, make sure to thank the author for the content they published and you could link to

People always have the need to pay their debt

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Finding broken links and replacing them with yours


• Google Chrome extension: Check My Links • Screaming Frog Seo Spider Tool • Wikipedia (site:wikipedia.org [keyword] + “dead link”)

• niche/keyword + resource page • niche/keyword + recommended links • niche/keyword + links

• site:http://www.domain.com/ + keyword

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Finding broken links and replacing them with yours


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Screaming Frog Seo Spider Tool


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High quality guest blogging


• Publish articles on popular and RELEVANT websites • Find where influencers contribute • Google: “keyword + inurl:guest-post-guidelines”, “keyword + inurl:write-for-us"

• Advantages: • A high quality backlink • Wide readership • Increasing online reputation • Increasing social media followers 📰'''

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Getting inspiration from your competition


• Keep track of their newly found backlinks • Reach out to similar places • Set up Google Alerts for “site:yourcompetitor.com”

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Seeking out brand mentions and ensuring they’re linked


• Google yourself • Set up Google Alerts for your site • You’re mentioned, but not linked? - just ask 🚨

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Writing testimonials


• Write testimonials for softwares or websites you’re using • Prepare a list of all apps you’re using • Reach out!

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Writing a case study


• Write case studies for softwares or websites you’re using • Prepare a list of all apps you’re using • Reach out!

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Building relationships with industry peers and experts


• Reach out to influencers in your niche • Tweet them • Share and tag • Email them - personalization!

Do not get discouraged!


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Reaching out to sites linking to outdated resources

Brian Dean’s “The Moving Man Method”: http://backlinko.com/high-quality-backlinks


Reaching out to authoritative sites (in your niche) that are linking to outdated websites

Step 1: Find websites that rebranded, moved to a new URL, or shut down • Google: “rebrands as”, “service not available”, “page no longer exists”

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Technique from Brian Dean: http://backlinko.com/high-quality-backlinks

“The Moving Man Method”


Step 2: Find websites that are linking to that outdated page • Put the outdated source into the backlinks checker tool

Step 3: Reach out regarding outdated link and ask for linking to you • Personalized emails work wonders!

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Technique from Brian Dean: http://backlinko.com/skyscraper-technique

“The Skyscraper Technique"


Step 1: Find content that’s already generated a lot of links • Google • Majestic • minimum 25 domains

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Step 2: Create better content • More in-depth • More updated • More engaging

Step 3: Reach out • Referring domains - export (Majestic)

• Already link to related content • Offer yours instead

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Getting the link juice


• Filter the “no-follow” links of high/medium quality • Reach out to the webmaster and ask for deleting the no-follow tag

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Things to remember


• Optimize the anchor texts • Check the target to find out if the webpage another site is linking to

is the correct one • Check all the lost links and reach out to a webmaster to regain them

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