earth-717: thor vol 1-7

Earth-717: Thor Vol 1 Chapter 7: Journey into Mystery Having walked through the mystic veil, the party was then inside of a cavern made of dull grey stone. There was only one clear pathway, with several naturally formed rock columns on the right side denoting a cliff edge. The edge led into an abyss, which was deep enough that the bottom could not be seen. A few cyan, glowing mushrooms littered the path, providing the only illumination. Jane shivered, rubbing both of her forearms with her opposite palms. “Damn, it's cold. Creepy, too.” “Come, everyone,” said Thor. “Our journey has only just begun.” For a while, the five walked together in silence along the lone path. They did not come across any forks to choose, or any notable landmarks to recognize. The cavern was lengthy, barren and devoid of any life aside from the periodic glowing mushroom. The group just continued to trudge through the darkness, hoping to eventually reach the other side. Having grown bored, Aeltri started whistling to herself. Remembering her favourite tune that she was taught to play on the lute when she was just a child, she softly whistled it, providing

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An alternate time. An alternate world. Humanity is part of a larger universe; they just don't know it yet. The life of Thor, the prince of Asgard, is changed when he learns of a grave and ancient threat that will bring darkness upon the cosmos. On a quest for answers, Thor must travel to new worlds and meet new beings, all while trying to solve one of the mysteries of the universe.


Earth-717: Thor Vol 1

Chapter 7: Journey into Mystery

Having walked through the mystic veil, the party was then inside of a cavern made of dull grey stone. There was only one clear pathway, with several naturally formed rock columns on the right side denoting a cliff edge. The edge led into an abyss, which was deep enough that the bottom could not be seen. A few cyan, glowing mushrooms littered the path, providing the only illumination.

Jane shivered, rubbing both of her forearms with her opposite palms.

Damn, it's cold. Creepy, too.

Come, everyone, said Thor. Our journey has only just begun.

For a while, the five walked together in silence along the lone path. They did not come across any forks to choose, or any notable landmarks to recognize. The cavern was lengthy, barren and devoid of any life aside from the periodic glowing mushroom. The group just continued to trudge through the darkness, hoping to eventually reach the other side.

Having grown bored, Aeltri started whistling to herself. Remembering her favourite tune that she was taught to play on the lute when she was just a child, she softly whistled it, providing some much needed upbeat ambiance to the somber journey. Faradei smiled at her upon recognizing the melody, bobbing his head up and down as it went on.

Jane also enjoyed the music, as it gave her something to focus on aside from her discomfort. Her paramedic outfit was designed for someone operating in New Mexico, and so it was sorely lacking considering the low temperature in the cavern. She also felt chills shivering throughout her skeleton whenever she looked down to see the Aether flowing under her skin between her various body parts. No matter how many times she looked, she never got used to it.

Having lost track of time, Jane was growing more and more anxious, until Sif put up her fist, signalling for the party to halt. Aeltri stopped whistling.

What is it? asked Thor, whispering.

Sif did not immediately answer. She narrowed her eyes, as if honing her senses. After a few more seconds, she pulled her sword out of the sheath strapped to her back. She then pointed into the darkness ahead of them.

Three of them.

Three of what?

Thor was answered by a resounding thud, followed by several more. Within moments, three large creatures stepped into view. They were each four metres tall, and had bodies that were composed of piles of brown rocks. They had humanoid shapes, and crude, cragged faces. Each one was wearing a makeshift belt, and held a spiked club in his right hand.

Jane sighed.

Rock monsters. Of course!

Kronans, said Sif.

Who dares disturb us?! growled the Kronan on the left.

This is our cave! yelled the Kronan on the right.

I know who they are, said the Kronan in the middle.

Who?! asked the other two, in unison.

The Odinson and his friends.

The middle Kronan laughed to himself, and Thor and Sif shared a glance.

What a prize, indeed, continued the Kronan. When I show all of my kin your severed head, I will become the most famous Kronan in history! Tales will be told of Korg, the mightiest Kronan to ever walk the Nine Realms!

Hey, said the right Kronan. Don't forget about us! Margus will aid you.

As will Gorr, said the left Kronan.

Their names all given, the three Kronans then lifted their clubs. Jane looked around at each member of the party, to see that they were all readying their weapons, with Aeltri creating a green energy bubble in her hands. Shrugging, Jane then got behind the other four as they formed a defensive line.

Eh. Guess it's expected.

Thor then started swinging his hammer in a circular motion using his right wrist.

I was hoping to do more battle this day! You wish to face me?! Then come forth, Kronans, and feel my wrath!

Korg roared and swung his club down on Thor, who bashed it away with his spinning hammer. Sif, Faradei and Aeltri all sprung into action, with Sif slashing at Gorr, while Faradei started sprinting around Margus, dodging his club swing. Smirking, Aeltri launched her energy bubble at Margus' face, causing it to explode right in front of his eyes.

Margus howled in pain, and covered his eyes with his free hand.

Agh! Me eyes! Me eyes!

Loading two arrows into his bow at once, Faradei ran four steps up the wall and performed a backflip. While he was upside down and in the air, he aimed and fired off the arrows, both of them striking at Margus' gut and breaking off large segments of rock. Margus howled again as he grabbed what was left of his stomach.

You should thank me, joked Faradei, as he landed on his feet. Quickest way to lose weight.

Margus angrily swung his club horizontally at Faradei, who ducked under the swing. Thor and Korg continued to deflect each other's physical attacks, before Thor placed his rotating hammer against the ground, tearing up large chunks of rock that were then catapulted at Korg's body. The rapid barrage of rock pieces startled Korg and forced him to backpedal against the wall.

Meanwhile, Sif was busy duelling with Gorr. The Kronan performed a vertical club attack, which Sif dodged with a sideways roll. Gorr had anticipated this, and countered with a forward jab from his free hand. Sif was barely able to put up her shield in time to absorb the blow, and was knocked to her back.

Gorr laughed, thinking that he would soon be victorious. Sif snickered at him, which caused him to lift up his foot to step on her. As he brought it down, she held her sword up, and his foot was split in half on contact.


Hobbling on one foot, Gorr was unable to fight back as Sif got up and pounced at him, yelling as she did. She stabbed him square in the centre of his chest, pinning him to the ground. This was the finishing blow, causing his body to crumble apart into a pile of inanimate rocks.

Enraged, Korg swung out wildly with both fists, his club having been knocked out of his hand by one of Thor's attacks. Focusing the pace of his blows, Thor was able to parry each of Korg's strikes with Mjolnir, but the ferocity of the assault forced him to stay on the defensive. Aeltri noticed this, and seeing that Faradei was keeping Margus busy, she decided to try a new tactic.

Bending her knees slightly, she lowered her chest and held both of her palms to the left side of her body. With her wrists placed adjacent to each other and her palms wide open, she started charging a green energy beam. Letting it sit in her hands and grow for a few seconds, she then threw both of her arms forward at the same time, letting out a focused charge blast that consumed Korg's entire right arm, reducing it to dust.

Bewildered just long enough to give Thor an opportunity, Korg was then blindsided by a hammer attack to the stomach. As Korg landed on one knee, Thor put all of his force into an uppercut swing that connected with the Kronan's jaw. The impact shattered Korg's entire body, blasting chunks of rock all over the cavern.

With multiple daggers wedged in his back, Margus was in constant pain due to the cracks forming in his skin. He kept trying to swing at Faradei, who effortlessly dodged every clumsy attack the Kronan attempted.

Awh, just stand still, ya damn Elf! Just one good hit, s'all I need . . . .

Faradei laughed at this.

If I need to stand still for you to land one good hit, then it isn't a very good hit, now is it?

Yeah . . . . wait, what?

Margus slowed down for a moment as he tried to think through Faradei's words. His back was facing Aeltri, who saw the cracks forming between the daggers. Suddenly getting an idea, Aeltri put on a mischievous grin as she formed another small energy bubble. Tossing it forward, Aeltri watched as it landed inside one of the cracks that was close to Margus' shoulder blades.


Aeltri snapped her fingers, and the bubble exploded, along with most of Margus' body. Faradei watched in surprise as the Kronan crumbled, and then looked up at Aeltri, who folded her arms in a smug manner. Faradei chuckled.

Something tells me you've been practising more than you've let on, Princess.

Thor and Sif looked at Aeltri with a satisfied smile before giving each other a glance. All four warriors took the chance to breathe and recover their stamina when they were interrupted by a familiar voice.

So, is tackling giant monsters just an everyday thing for you guys?

* * * *

Holding her hands together in front of her, Frigga walked along the Rainbow Bridge towards the nexus where Heimdall was waiting. As she drew closer, she saw that a massive, golden and silver coloured airship was waiting just beyond the edge of the cosmic waterfall, parked perpendicular to the bridge. The ship had multiple decks, numerous sails and propellers, and an inherently regal quality that she instantly recognized.

This was the Eternal Wind, the flagship of Queen Alvaeriel. Due to not having a counterpart to Bifrost, the Light Elves had to make use of their airships to travel between planets, and the Eternal Wind was the largest one in existence. While the airships used to serve the function of war vessels during the Great Elven War, many of them had either been decommissioned or had their weapons stripped since the war ended. Not so with the Eternal Wind, which still possessed dozens of Sunlight Cannons and conventional ballistics, making it a formidable and intimidating presence.

Frigga took in a deep breath before walking into the nexus. Heimdall was standing at his post.

My Lady. The fair Queen has asked permission to step upon Bifrost. She has asked for an audience with you specifically.

Permission granted.

Heimdall lifted and pressed his sword against the ground. Upon hearing the thud, a group of Light Elves extended a drawbridge from the side of the airship that led to the front opening of the nexus. Within a minute, Alvaeriel walked the length of the bridge and stepped inside. She walked past Heimdall and went right up to Frigga.

Fair Queen.

Frigga, said Alvaeriel. It has been some time.

It has, and to what do I owe . . . .

Don't start. First . . . .

Alvaeriel looked over at Heimdall. Knowing what she wanted, he nodded and silently walked out of the nexus without protest. Alvaeriel then turned back to Frigga.

I've had my Honour Guard scour every last crevice of my kingdom, and no trace of my daughter has been found. The only possibility that makes sense is that she found her way here when Bifrost was activated. Where is she?!

Frigga took a step back.

She is not here. She is in Svartalfheim, with my son.


Thor and Faradei are taking the mortal to the Dark World, per your counsel. Aeltri insisted on accompanying them, and they agreed.

Alvaeriel gritted her teeth as the implications of Frigga's words set in.

Faradei. She was not supposed to be part of that quest. He was to send her home, immediately. He would have known that.

Frigga modified her tone to try and be as amiable as possible.

He did, at first. But after Aeltri insisted . . . .

Insisted?! She's just a teenager!

Frigga regulated her breathing as she watched the rage grow in the woman before her.

Malekith is the most dangerous enemy in my people's history, and now my daughter is in harm's way because Faradei is too soft on her, and because you failed to act?! You know she's still a child. You should have stepped in!

Alvaeriel, we are both mothers. I know the pain of dealing with a growing child. I also know that Aeltri is a mage. I knew as soon as I saw her.

Alvaeriel folded her arms over her chest.

If you know, then you should be even more aware of the danger she's in!

The danger of being locked away by you for half her life? asked Frigga. Because that's what she is truly afraid of.

Alvaeriel glared at Frigga, who did not back down.

If there's anything I've learned as I watched my children grow, it's that you cannot coddle them forever. There comes a time when they must learn who they are for themselves . . . . they must make their own mistakes.

Make their own mistakes? repeated Alvaeriel, in a mocking tone. Is that what you call what happened with Loki?

Frigga's heart skipped a beat as she was silenced by Alvaeriel's question.

Oh, don't act so surprised, continued Alvaeriel. Word of what he did reached all the Nine Realms, including mine. If that is what comes of your style of parenting, then your words do not reassure me.

Frigga exhaled as she waited for Alvaeriel's ultimatum.

Know this, All-Mother . . . . your people and mine have been on good terms for the better part of a hundred thousand years. However, if anything should happen to my daughter while she is off on this foolish quest of yours, then I will hold you personally responsible, and the nature of our relationship will be significantly altered. Do I make myself clear?

Unequivocally, answered Frigga.


Alvaeriel started to turn back to the drawbridge.

I will be expecting news of my daughter's safe return. Do not make me wait for it.

Alvaeriel stormed off, returning to the Eternal Wind without so much as a farewell or a backwards glance. Frigga then watched as the gigantic airship cast off and floated back into space. While of course she was concerned about the current struggle Princess Aeltri and her son faced, she couldn't help but now be worried about what the future might bring.

* * * *

Having finally gotten to the end of the cavern, Thor's party emerged from a hole in the side of a mountain to look out at the large expanse of the world in front of them. The landscape was gray and lifeless, stretching on in all directions to create a barren, desolate and seemingly endless world. Small pockets of hills and other mountain ranges were visible in the far distance.

Behind one of these mountains was the top of an artificial structure. It was a vertical gothic tower with four spires at each corner of itself. No other details could be made out because of how far away it was, but when Jane saw it, she instantly felt a sense of dread build up in her bosom.

Brigandir, said Faradei.

The five members of the party took a few moments just to look out at the scope of the Dark World before them. Despite being in the company of four others, Jane couldn't help but gulp as the true nature of her desolation gripped her psyche. Numerous emotions, such as fear, anxiety and foreboding all began mixing together inside her, just the same as the Aether was mixing itself with her innards.

It will be dusk soon, said Faradei. The Dark World is covered in shadow by day, but at night, you cannot see anything. I suggest we make camp in the cavern, and leave right at dawn.

Thor nodded, and everyone retreated back into the cavern. Settling in, the group took shelter just outside of visual range of the cavern's entrance. Jane eyed a provisions pack that Sif had brought, which was clipped to her belt along with the small black box that Thor had referred to as the Uru Casket. Sif noticed Jane's gaze, before silently shaking her head. Jane gulped again before laying down on the rock-covered ground.

Thor sat between Jane and Sif, and Aeltri sat on Jane's other side. Faradei kept standing, looking at the cavern entrance, almost as if he was expecting something to intrude upon them at any moment. Jane kept her gaze on him, when she was suddenly tapped on the shoulder by Aeltri.

You look cold, said Aeltri, before taking off her royal coat.

O-Oh, it's, it's o-okay, stammered Jane.


Jane relented and allowed Aeltri to put the coat around her shoulders. Jane quickly nodded her head, as the newfound warmth was most comforting. Thor put Mjolnir on the ground next to him, and Jane found her gaze drawn to it. She ran her eyes along the inscription markings, not recognizing the symbols.

Jane then noticed that once again, all eyes were on her.

You don't all have to stare, she said, half-joking.

Forgive us, Jane Foster, said Thor. Interacting with mortals is something all of us have little experience in.

Wanna talk to me about little experience? I still don't even fully believe it myself. I mean, last two days, I've been to more planets than any other human in history. Elves, dragons, gods, other worlds . . . . all this was just fantasy stuff to me. Now . . . .

Thor, Sif, Faradei and Aeltri all listened intently.

Now I just don't know. Seeing that . . . . that world, out there . . . . not gonna lie. I'm scared.

A frown grew on Jane's face.

Feeling this . . . . this, this thing, growing inside me . . . . I'm terrified.

Thor drew himself closer to Jane, putting his arm around her shoulders. Sitting across from her, Sif's eye gave a slight twitch, but she otherwise stayed motionless.

You are not alone in this, Jane Foster, said Thor.



Just . . . . just call me Jane.

Thor looked up for a moment before looking back down at her.

Very well, Jane.

Jane rubbed her nose for a second before Aeltri slouched down next to her.

I know what it's like, started Aeltri. To be afraid of what's inside you. Lived most of my life in fear . . . . of the future. What people would think of my . . . . gifts. What would happen if I didn't know, didn't learn, what to do with it. Feeling like you're all alone, lost in your thoughts, confused.

Jane looked at Aeltri with sympathetic eyes.

But then I learned to embrace it. To . . . .

Aeltri formed a tiny energy bubble in her palm, allowing it dance around her hand for a minute. A small smile grew on Jane's face as she watched the gorgeous display. Aeltri then popped the bubble, letting the energy dissipate.

It's not exactly the same thing, continued Aeltri, but I . . . .

Thank you, said Jane.

Aeltri gave her a half-smile. Faradei then walked up to the group and sat with them, with Aeltri looking warmly at him as he took his place.

I have to say, you are not quite what I expected in a mortal, said Faradei. We had always been taught that your people were frail, quick to live and die . . . . but despite all this, you've mostly kept an air of humour about yourself.

I try, replied Jane.

I'm sorry for aiming an arrow at you back on Alfheim.

Aim? Who cares if you aimed? I'm just happy you didn't shoot.

Faradei and Jane shared a short laugh. He then reached into one of his pockets, and pulled out two small daggers. He handed one to Aeltri, who took it and placed it in her belt. He then held the other one out to Jane.

What's that?

An emergency measure, replied Faradei.

Jane hesitated, but then reached out and slowly grasped the dagger. It was a curved, silver blade, in pristine condition.

'Tis an iron dagger, explained Faradei. A finely crafted weapon. Iron is the most exploitable weakness of the Dark Elves.

Jane looked over the dagger, holding it with both hands. She then looked back at Faradei.

Just in case, he said.

Jane nodded and put the dagger in her right pant pocket. As she put it away, her eyes then started flaring up with red energy. Thor's eyes widened.


Jane's body seized up again, forced to stare upwards as all of her limbs locked in place. She vibrated profusely as more of the ancient Elven language spilled from her mouth. Thor and Aeltri held her in place, and Sif burst up from her seat, drawing her sword.

After about ten seconds, the episode ended, and Jane blinked a few times, breathing quickly. She looked around, disoriented. Sif then looked at her in horror, pointing at her arms.


Everyone then watched as Jane's skin tone changed before their eyes. Flushing out most of the colour, her skin then took on the pale, ghostly hue of the Dark Elves. Jane started hyperventilating upon seeing it herself, and Sif pointed the tip of her sword directly at her neck.

She has changed, said Sif. She has become Ciridylia.

I'm not Malekith's wife! shouted Jane. I'm still me!

Still holding Jane's shoulder, Thor reached his free hand to one of his pockets, and pulled out a small, orb-shaped stone with a marking on it. He then turned his head to Sif.

Sif, please! There is no need for this! She is under enough strain already! The change is not yet complete. We can still save her!

We do not know how much time we have, argued Sif. What if she changes, and can control the Aether? Use it to kill us? She could be the death of us all!

The fear in Jane's eyes grew as the God of War stared her down.

It will not come to that! yelled Thor. Stand down!

Sif kept her sword pointed at Jane's throat. Everyone stared at Sif, waiting to see what she would do. After another minute of rumination, Sif then withdrew her sword, throwing it to the floor in anger. Everyone else sighed in relief as Sif then laid down on the ground, turning away from the group. Thor then turned back to the others.

Everyone, try to get some rest. We leave at sunrise.

* * * *

As the group packed up their belongings and started walking out of the cavern, Jane looked out at the landscape ahead of them. A dense fog began settling in the valley, drooping down from over the distant mountains. Faradei took the lead, scouting out a safe path for them to descend. As they started to walk, Jane looked down at her skin, still in disbelief at how different she now looked.

Aeltri walked behind Faradei, and Jane walked beside Thor behind her. Sif took up the rear of the party. As they walked, Jane thought back to the small stone Thor had grasped, and she looked at the pocket he had pulled it from.



What was that stone? The one you grabbed, when Sif . . . .

Jane's voice trailed off. Thor reached into the pocket again, pulling out the small stone. It was only four centimetres wide. It had a marking on it in the shape of a leaf.



Thor took a moment to answer her question.

This is a Healing Stone of Hardol, a relic of Vanaheim. It is said to contain magic that can heal any wound, no matter how severe.

Jane looked at the stone in wonderment.

Alas, it can be used only once, when crushed over the person who is wounded. The dust seeps through the skin and enters the blood, healing all ailment or injury.

Where did you get it?

'Twas a gift from my mother. She inherited the stones, the only three left in existence. Her father used one on her to save her life when she was but a young girl. She then gave the last two to her sons, one for me, one for my brother. He has since used his . . . . so, this is the only one left.

Jane let Thor's words sink in before she spoke again.

You . . . . you were willing to use it on me?

Thor did not answer, but instead just smiled at her. The two shared a brief moment of looking at each other in silence before they resumed walking. As they did, Jane had a new emotion stirring inside her, one that she was not expecting.
