earth ambassador guide - public...

Apply: Fill the Earth Ambassador's Applicaon on our Website & choose a slot for the Interview. Distribute Material: Once the form and fee is submied; Green (R)evoluon Global Program Books and CDs will be dispatched & delivered within 10 working days by courier. Consignment number will be mailed to you. Plant-a-seed: As a part of compulsory acvity, all the basic program parcipants will have to promote the plant‐able pencils for Rs. 25/‐ each & use the leaflet along with it to explain the issue of Climate Change & the steps one has to take to prevent it. Parcipants have to ask the buyers of the pencils to give a miss call on the number menoned on the leaflet to support the cause (An email will be sent to them regarding the Plant‐a‐Seed Compeon). The fund collected by the parcipants aer performing the acvity has to be submied to ICCE. The Funds are used for Social Acvies. If Pencils are not promoted it can be returned to ICCE for dispatch of the cerficates. Extra grades are provided for the promoons of extra pencils Exams: Assessment will be through Online or Offline exam per group. Descripve / Scenario Quesons will be asked with No Right or Wrong Answers. Grades A+, A & B will be awarded. Similarly credits will be provided for the Plant‐a‐seed/Wear‐a‐Change acvity. Certiicates: Green (R)evoluon Program Cerficates, Medallions etc. will be sent to the Earth Ambassador. Advance Course Parcipants will receive an Advanced Cerficate and won't be eligible for College Topper nominaons. Support: Email us at [email protected] or call us at 022‐3349‐2121 (please visit our website for FAQ and Overview). Interview: You'll receive a call from us for a Telephonic Interview. If selected, you'll receive a Selecon email from ICCE with your username & password to access the My Account Page along with a Survey link (refer Data Generaon Acvity). Login to My Account: Here you will find all the required documents & E‐poster's for promoons & registraon. Promotional Material: You will receive Green (R)evoluon Brochures (4 copies and an ID card) as promoonal material. Use these Brochures & explain the Interested candidates, the benefits of being a part of this program. You can also circulate the so copies of the posters. Use ID card to prove your associaon with Green Revoluon. Use Word of mouth for an effecve publicity. Register Participants: Collect Registraon fees and mandatory details of parcipants as menoned in the Registraon form. Advanced Program: An Advanced Online Program on Global Warming is available exclusively for those who have completed Green (R)evoluon Basic Cerficaon Program. The Registraon fee is Rs. 650/‐ & Rs. 100/‐ needs to be kept with the Earth Ambassador as rebate. Your Rebate: You receive a rebate of Rs. 50/‐ per registraon (i.e approx. 6.5% per registraon) for 24 registraons. On submission of more than 24 registraons, the rebate would be doubled to Rs. 100/‐ per registraon (i.e approx. 13% per registraon). The rebate amount can be retained by you or used for administrave purposes. Earth Ambassador Guide - Public Program Spread the word: As an Earth Ambassador your key role is to spread awareness about Green (R)evoluon & get parcipants registered for the program. You may also make use of our e‐posters & write‐ups for online promoons. Data Generation Activity: The inial step for you as an Earth Ambassador is to generate data. For this acvity, a survey link will be shared with you in your Selecon email. You need to share this link among your network. The Data of Interested leads will be emailed to you, so you can contact & guide them for the registraon of Green (R)evoluon program. Wear-a-change: As a part of compulsory acvity, all the advance program parcipants will have to promote the seed‐paper wristbands for Rs. 15/‐ each and use the leaflet along with it to explain the issue of Global Warming and the steps one has to take to prevent it. Parcipants have to ask the buyers of the wristbands to give a miss call on the number menoned on the leaflet to support the cause. The fund collected by the parcipants aer performing the acvity has to be submied to ICCE. The Funds are used for Social Acvies. If Wristbands are not promoted it can be returned to ICCE for dispatch of the cerficates. Extra grades are provided for the promoons of extra wristbands.

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Post on 20-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Earth Ambassador Guide - Public the cause. The fund collected by the parcipants aer performing the acvity

Apply: Fill the Earth Ambassador's Applica�on on our Website & choose a slot for the Interview.

DistributeMaterial: Once the form and fee is submi�ed; Green (R)evolu�on Global Program Books and CDs will be dispatched & delivered within 10 working days by courier. Consignment number will be mailed to you.

Plant­a­seed: As a part of compulsory ac�vity, all the basic program par�cipants will have to promote the plant‐able pencils for Rs. 25/‐ each & use the leaflet along with it to explain the issue of Climate Change & the steps one has to take to prevent it. Par�cipants have to ask the buyers of the pencils to give a miss call on the number men�oned on the leaflet to support the cause (An email will be sent to them regarding the Plant‐a‐Seed Compe��on). The fund collected by the par�cipants a�er performing the ac�vity has to be submi�ed to ICCE. The Funds are usedfor Social Ac�vi�es. If Pencils are not promoted it can be returned to ICCE for dispatch of the cer�ficates. Extra grades are provided for the promo�ons of extra pencils

Exams: Assessment will be through Online or Offline exam per group. Descrip�ve / Scenario Ques�ons will be asked with No Right or Wrong Answers. Grades A+, A & B will be awarded. Similarly credits will be provided for the Plant‐a‐seed/Wear‐a‐Change ac�vity.

Certi�icates: Green (R)evolu�on Program Cer�ficates, Medallions etc. will be sent to the Earth Ambassador. Advance Course Par�cipants will receive an Advanced Cer�ficate and won't be eligible for College Topper nomina�ons.

Support: Email us at [email protected] or call us at 022‐3349‐2121(please visit our website for FAQ and Overview).

Interview: You'll receive a call from us for a Telephonic Interview. If selected, you'll receive a Selec�on email from ICCE with your username & password to access the My Account Page along with a Survey link (refer Data Genera�on Ac�vity).

LogintoMyAccount: Here you will find all the required documents & E‐poster's for promo�ons & registra�on.

PromotionalMaterial: You will receive Green (R)evolu�on Brochures (4 copies and an ID card) as promo�onal material. Use these Brochures & explain the Interested candidates, the benefits of being a part of this program. You can also circulate the so� copies of the posters. Use ID card to prove your associa�on with Green Revolu�on. Use Word of mouth for an effec�ve publicity.

RegisterParticipants: Collect Registra�on fees and mandatory details of par�cipants as men�oned in the Registra�on form.

AdvancedProgram: An Advanced Online Program on Global Warming is available exclusively for those who have completed Green (R)evolu�on Basic Cer�fica�on Program. The Registra�on fee is Rs. 650/‐ & Rs. 100/‐ needs to be kept with the Earth Ambassador as rebate.

YourRebate: You receive a rebate of Rs. 50/‐ per registra�on (i.e approx. 6.5% per registra�on) for 24 registra�ons. On submission of more than 24 registra�ons, the rebate would be doubled to Rs. 100/‐ per registra�on (i.e approx. 13% per registra�on). The rebate amount can be retained by you or used for administra�ve purposes.

Earth Ambassador Guide - Public Program

Spreadtheword: As an Earth Ambassador your key role is to spread awareness about Green (R)evolu�on & get par�cipants registered for the program. You may also make use of our e‐posters & write‐ups for online promo�ons.

DataGenerationActivity: The ini�al step for you as an Earth Ambassador is to generate data. For this ac�vity, a survey link will be shared with you in your Selec�on email. You need to share this link among your network. The Data of Interested leads will be emailed to you, so you can contact & guide them for the registra�on of Green (R)evolu�on program.

Wear­a­change: As a part of compulsory ac�vity, all the advance program par�cipants will have to promote the seed‐paper wristbands for Rs. 15/‐ each and use the leaflet along with it to explain the issue of Global Warming and the steps one has to take to prevent it. Par�cipants have to ask the buyers of the wristbands to give a miss call on the number men�oned on the leaflet to support the cause. The fund collected by the par�cipants a�er performing the ac�vity has to be submi�ed to ICCE. The Funds are used for Social Ac�vi�es. If Wristbands are not promoted it can be returned to ICCE for dispatch of the cer�ficates. Extra grades are provided for the promo�ons of extra wristbands.