earthwise™ centravac™ water-cooled liquid chillers 165-3950

EarthWise CenTraVac Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers 165-3950 Tons 50 and 60 Hz CTV-PRC007-EN March 2004 CVHE — Three-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 50/60 Hz 170 500 Tonnage Ranges By CenTraVac Model Number CVHF — Two-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 60 Hz 325 2000 CVHG — Three-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 50 Hz 450 1300 CDHG — Dual Compressor CenTraVac — 50 Hz 1200 2500 CDHF — Dual Compressor CenTraVac — 60 Hz 1500 3950 3950 GPC — Gas Powered CenTraVac Package — 60 Hz 170

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Page 1: EarthWise™ CenTraVac™ Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers 165-3950

EarthWise™ CenTraVac™

Water-CooledLiquid Chillers

165-3950 Tons50 and 60 Hz

CTV-PRC007-ENMarch 2004

CVHE — Three-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 50/60 Hz

170 500

Tonnage Ranges By CenTraVac Model Number

CVHF — Two-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 60 Hz

325 2000

CVHG — Three-Stage Single Compressor CenTraVac — 50 Hz

450 1300

CDHG — Dual Compressor CenTraVac — 50 Hz

1200 2500

CDHF — Dual Compressor CenTraVac — 60 Hz

1500 3950


GPC — Gas Powered CenTraVac Package — 60 Hz


Page 2: EarthWise™ CenTraVac™ Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers 165-3950

CTV-PRC007-EN© 2004 American Standard Inc. All rights reserved.

Standard of Excellence

At Trane we’ve found that the straightestpath to reliability is simplicity. The TraneCenTraVac chiller has only one movingpart — a single rotating shaft supportedby two aircraft-turbine-rated bearings.This direct-drive concept minimizes thechance of failure by reducing thenumber of critical parts — there are nogear boxes, couplings, extra shafts, orshaft seals. This simpler design reduceswear and drag on parts, resulting inmore sustainable, reliable and efficientoperation.

Economically andEnvironmentally Sound

The Trane EarthWise CenTraVac has aproven track record as literally theworld’s most efficient, lowest emissionschiller. In fact, a portion of the productline is selectable at an unmatchedefficiency level of .48 kW/ton, at standardARI rated conditions. This is an efficiencylevel of 16 to 25 percent better thancompetitive chillers, which are typicallyin the .56 to .60 kW/ton range.

The Trane EarthWise chiller also has thelowest total refrigerant emissions in theindustry. So low that it’s essentially aclosed system.

Lowest Total RefrigerantEmissions In The Industry

The key to the industry’s highest energyefficiency and lowest leak rate is the useof a low pressure refrigerant DuPontcalls SUVA-123; a refrigerant that has thelowest direct-effect global warmingpotential and the highestthermodynamic efficiency of all non-CFCrefrigerants; a refrigerant in use in morenew centrifugals today than all otheralternatives combined.

Feedforward Adaptive Control

CenTraVac™ chiller control includesfeedforward algorithms that dramaticallyshorten chiller response time for energy-saving variable pumping strategies.Adaptive Control™ keeps the chiller online, even under adverse operatingconditions.

Feedforward is a predictive controlstrategy designed to anticipate andcompensate for load changes viaentering water temperatures. Thefollowing control capabilities arepossible:

• Soft loading

• Multi-objective limit arbitration

• Fast restart

• Adaptive frequency drive control (AFD)

• Variable primary flow (VPF)

• Variable flow compensation

• VPF with AFD

• 34°F leaving water temperature

The controller includes unit mountedcontrol panel, main processor andDynaView operator interface.

EarthWise™ System Design

The EarthWise System is a designphilosophy that reduces first cost, lowersoperating costs, and is substantiallyquieter than traditional applied systems.Central to the design are low flow, lowtemperature, and high efficiency for bothairside and waterside systems, alongwith optimized control algorithms forsustainable performance.

EarthWise Systems are less expensive toinstall and operate than conventionaldesigns. Trane Integrated Comfortsystem (ICS) control technology assuresthat the EarthWise System deliversoptimal, reliable performance.

With smaller equipment and ductwork,the EarthWise concept reduces designtime by simplifying the HVAC layout.


World’s MostEfficient LowestEmissions Chiller

Supplying less airflow at coldertemperatures permits quieter operationand reduces relative humidity in thebuilding, improving indoor air quality.

Compared to conventional designs, anEarthWise chilled water system canreduce the total cost of ownership bycutting installation and operational costs.

To learn more about EarthWise Systems,visit

Industrial Chiller Option

Applications that require the utmostreliability and rugged construction mayprompt the selection of the IndustrialPackage. INDP-equipped CenTraVacchillers are constructed to NEMA 4 andfeature completely enclosed wiring inseal-tight conduits and junction boxes.INDP also includes an oversized,industrial-grade control panel withupgraded layout and installationfeatures. The purge is upgraded toNEMA 4 construction. The entire chilleris silicone-free.

These and other features allow theCenTraVac to meet or exceed therigorous criteria of the Society ofAutomotive Engineers “Standard forElectrical Equipment for AutomotiveIndustrial Machinery, 2002 Edition”(SAE HS1738). HS-1738 providesrequirements and recommendationsrelating to the electrical equipment ofmachines so as to promote: safety ofpersons and property; consistency ofcontrol response; ease of maintenance.

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Features and Benefits

Unit Options

System Options

Application Considerations

Selection Procedure

Performance Data

Jobsite Connections



Physical Dimensions

Mechanical Specifications

Standard Conversion Table














Page 4: EarthWise™ CenTraVac™ Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers 165-3950



System Design Flexibility

When a source of energy other thanelectricity is required, the TraneCenTraVac has a pre-engineered controloption that allows it to be coupled to aWaukesha Enginator. The Gas-PoweredChiller* option allows you to convertnatural gas to chilled water. With COPsin the range of 1.5 to 2.2, this option is avery simple and attractive alternativewhen an alternative fuel source isdesired.

The CenTraVac chiller and Waukeshaengine are capable of both base andpeak shaving. Further, the packaging ofthe GPC allows for the engine to be setremote from the chiller. This is helpful insituations when floor space or soundsensitive areas are being considered.

Unmatched Local Expertise

The performance and reliability of aCenTraVac™ chiller is backed by a localteam of engineers that can help answeryour questons or solve your problemsregarding system design application,installation or evaluate equipmentalternatives. No other manufacturer canoffer that degree of support to itscustomers.

Delivery And Design Flexibility

If delivery time is a priority, Trane canmeet your needs with a variety of quickshipment choices.

Design flexibility means Trane cancustom build a unit to specific jobrequirements. Design parameters suchas shell type, compressor, kW/ton,waterside pressure drop, as well as fulland part load performance can be builtto meet requirements.

ISO 9001 Certification

ISO 9001 Certified Quality Systemapplies to the Trane La Crosse BusinessUnit. The sysem documents office,manufacturing and testing proceduresfor maximum consistency in meeting orexceeding customer expectations. ISO9001 requires extensive documentationon how quality assurance activities aremanaged, performed, and continuouslymonitored. Included in the system areverification checkpoints from the timethe order is entered until final shipment.In addition, product development issubjected to formal planning, review andvalidation.

The Trane Name

Certified ARI PerformanceTrane centrifugal chillers tested withinthe scope of the ARI program display theARI symbol of compliance tocertification sections of ARI Standard550/590. The EarthWise™ purge is ratedin accordance with ARI Standard 580.Those applications in this catalogspecifically excluded from the ARIcertification program are:

• Low temperature applications,including ice storage

• Glycol

• Chillers above 2000 tons*

• Free cooling

• Heat recovery

• Auxiliary condenser

• 50 Hz certification program

*Chillers above 1000 tons for 50 cycle

District Cooling

Trane’s Adaptive Control™ algorithmsand the multistage design allow all TraneCenTraVac chillers to operate at lowleaving water temperatures without theuse of glycol. This reduces the cost ofdelivering cooling capacity over longdistances. Pre-engineered thermalstorage systems using Trane chillersextend the chiller’s exceptional reliabilityto the rest of the district cooling plant.

Turbine Inlet Cooling

Trane chillers are frequently used inconjunction with combustion turbines toincrease the power capacity, efficiency,and life of the turbine. Turbine inletcooling can eliminate the need for inletwater spray for reducing NOx emissions.With turbine inlet cooling, plants candelay or even avoid the need foradditional turbines, because morecapacity can be obtained from existingturbines.

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Comparing the Attributes ofLow Pressure ChillerOperation to High PressureChiller Operation

Trane CenTraVac chillers continue tooffer time-tested and proven low-pressure refrigerants, including the

environment friendly HCFC-123. TraneCenTraVac chillers provide the safety oflow-pressure with continued productimprovement in leak proof design.Consider the benefits of low-pressureover high-pressure chillers:

Table 1. Low pressure to high pressure comparison

Low Pressure Medium/High Pressure

Evaporator • Always at negative pressure • Always at positive pressure• Air leaks inward at low rate • Refrigerant leaks outward at moderate rate• Refrigerant lost: (# air leak in) x purge efficiency*• No refrigerant loss is into equipment room (vented to the • Refrigerant loss is into equipment room

outside via purge)Condenser • At slightly positive pressure during operation • Always at high positive pressure

• Usually at negative pressure during inactivity (air leaksinward)

• Refrigerant leaks outward at very low rate during operation • Refrigerant leaks outward at very high rateMonitoring • Trane EarthWise purge is able to continuously monitor • Only ways to monitor leak rate on high pressure chiller areof leak rate in-leakage with the run meter — periodic leak checks

• Refrigerant monitor as required by ASHRAE — purchase refrigerant monitor• Purge can be connected to a building automation • Refrigerant monitor as required by ASHRAE

system for notification of increased purge operation (in- • Normally the only time that a leak is detected on a highleak). Similarly, the refrigerant monitor can be connected to pressure chiller is during spring startup. This means that athe building automation system. chiller which develops a leak in the summer may leak

continuously until the following spring.HCFC-123 HFC-134a

TypicalPressures Evap: 18.7 inches of Mercury Evap: 33.1 psig(38°F evap.) Cond: 6.1 psig Cond: 124.1 psig(100°F cond.)*Trane EarthWise purge efficiency does not exceed 0.02 lbs.-refrigerant/lbs.-air

Features andBenefits

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Features andBenefits

Standard Features

The following features are provided asstandard with all Trane CenTraVac™


• Tracer™ chiller control strategies

• Low-pressure operation that minimizesthe chance for outward refrigerantleaks.

• Hermetically sealed and precisioncooled by liquid refrigerant that keepsthe motor, drive, and equipment roomtemperatures controlled, monitoredand predictable by design. Takingpredictable reliability to yet anotherlevel, this feature also protects againstmotor-destroying elements such asdust, grit, metal shavings, highhumidity, high ambient operatingtemperatures, and process liquids orgases.

• Designed to be rugged and simple, yetamazingly quiet, the CenTraVac isdirectly driven, in low speed, by amotor shaft that is supported by twoaircraft-turbine-rated bearings. Thedesign includes industrial-gradecomponents and only one movingpart. Likewise, the design purposelyexcludes speed-increasing gears andlightweight parts that, while accessible,have a higher failure rate.

• On-line tolerance for quick changes inrefrigerant loop conditions, variablepumping strategies, and other atypicaloperating requirements.

• Purge capability when chiller is off

• Heat exchanger control

• Two-stage or single stage economizer

• Prewired instrument and control panel

• Oil and refrigerant charge

• Oil heater

• Isolation pads

• Wiring and conduit for purge and oilsystem interconnection to the maincontrol panel

• Installation, operation, andmaintenance instructions

• High efficiency purge system withautomatic regeneration capability

• Entering condenser water temperatureto 50 degrees F maintaining 3 psidifferential pressure

• Phase voltage sensors (3-phase)

• Meet or exceeds ASHRAE 90.1-1999

• Startup and operator instruction service

• Protection - See Control Section

• Motor control and compressorprotection

• Hot water control and Ice-makingcontrol

Optional Features

Trane offers a selection of optionalfeatures to augment the standard chillerinstallation or to modify the chiller forspecial purpose applications.

• Medium-voltage (over 600 volts)compressor motor

• Complete line of compressor motorstarters - factory installed prewired ifyou prefer

• Marine waterboxes for evaporators andcondensers

• Proof of promised performance andsound pressues

• High-pressure (300 psig) water sideconstruction

• Energy saving free cooling, heatrecovery, or auxiliary condenser

• Special tubing: smooth bore; CuNi;various tube wall thickness; andinternally enhanced

• Refrigerant monitor

• Factory-applied thermal insulation

• Spring isolators

• Building automation systems (BAS)interface

• Chilled water reset based upon outsideair temperature

• Leaving water temperature to 34degrees F w/o glycol

• Variable speed drives

• UL Label

• Three-pass or one-pass evaporator

• Chiller break apart (disassembly)

• Special paint and controls for outdooruse or corrosive environments

• Enhanced condenser limit control

• Extended operation control for externalice-building, base loading and makinghot-water

• Industrial Paint Option

• SAE-HS1738 Compliance

• Industrial Electrical Packaging ofControls and Electrical Wiring

• Industrial High-Fault (100,000 SCR)Starters

Standard andOptional Features

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During customer witnessed performance tests of Trane CenTraVac chillers, a nickelcan be balanced on the edge of the compressor-motor assembly, demonstrating theextremely low vibrations generated by the unit while operating at full and part loadconditions.

Features andBenefits

Factory Testing forAssured Performance

Trane participates in the ARI 550/590certification program. The selectionprogram and machines bear the ARI sealof approval. Performance testing is a keypart of this program. While thecertification program is technicallysound, a factory run test, with yourmachine on the test stand, is still the bestway to confirm machine performanceand a trouble-free startup.

To prove that your chiller will perform aspromised, Trane offers factoryperformance testing, which you canwitness. Testing confirms chillerefficiency, chiller capacity, and makestrouble free startup significantly morepredictable.

Testing is in accordance with ARIStandard 550/590 and calibration ofinstrumentation meets or exceeds theNational Institute of StandardsTechnology (NIST).

Trane offers two levels of CenTraVacperformance testing:

• A performance test at designconditions plus a certified test report.

• A customer-witnessed performancetest at design conditions plus a certifiedtest report.


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CenTraVac MotorThe motor provided in the TraneCenTraVac chiller is a specially designedsquirrel-cage, two-pole induction motorsuitable for 50 and 60 hertz, three-phasecurrent.

Trane CenTraVac motors are cooled byliquid refrigerant surrounding the motorwindings and rotor. Using liquidrefrigerant results in uniform lowtemperatures throughout the motor,which prolongs the life of the motor.

Design SimplicityImpellers are keyed directly to the motorshaft for high reliability and performanceand low life-cycle costs.

Fixed Orifice Flow ControlFor proper refrigerant flow control at allload conditions, the CenTraVac designincorporates the Trane patented fixedorifice system. It eliminates float valves,thermal expansion valves and othermoving parts. Since there are no movingparts, reliability is increased.

Quiet OperationWith only one moving component — therotor and impeller assembly — the Tranelow speed, direct drive design operatesexceptionally quietly. The smoothlyrotating CenTraVac compressor isinherently quieter than other compressortypes. Typical CenTraVac chiller soundmeasurements are among the quietestin the industry. Trane can guaranteesound levels with factory testing andmeasurements in accordance withARI standard 575.

The Reliability StandardJust as a multistage turbine is moreefficient than a single stage turbine, theCenTraVac multistage compressors aremore efficient and reliable than single-stage designs.

Direct Drive Design — No Gear LossesThe direct drive compressor operateswithout speed increasing gears, thuseliminating gear energy losses.Compressors using gears suffer meshlosses and extra bearing losses in therange of three to five percent at full load.Since these losses are fairly constantover the load range, increasingly largerpercentage losses result as loaddecreases.

Multiple Stages of CompressionThe compressor operates moreefficiently over a wide range ofcapacities, virtually eliminating the needfor energy wasting hot gas bypass astypically found on single stage chillers.

The radial component of velocitydetermines the ability of the chiller toresist interruption of smooth refrigerantflow when operating at light loads andwith high condensing temperatures. Thisinterruption in flow and unstableoperation, called “surge” is avoided withthe two-stage design.

Inlet Guide VanesPart load performance is furtherimproved through use of moveabledesigned variable inlet guide vanes. Inletguide vanes improve performance bythrottling refrigerant gas flow to exactlymeet part load requirements and byprerotating refrigerant gas for optimumentry into the impeller. Prerotation ofrefrigerant gas minimizes turbulence andincreases efficiency.

Two-Stage EconomizerThe CVHE/CVHG CenTraVac chiller has atwo-stage economizer — providing up toseven percent greater efficiency thandesigns with no economizer. Since theCVHE/CVHG uses three impellers, it ispossible to flash refrigerant gas at twointermediate pressures between the

evaporator and condenser pressures,significantly increasing chiller efficiency.This improvement in efficiency is notpossible in single-stage chillers since allcompression is done by one impeller.

Single-Stage EconomizerThe CVHF CenTraVac chiller has a single-stage economizer — providing up to 41/2percent greater efficiency than designswith no economizer.

Since the CVHF CenTraVac uses twoimpellers, it is possible to flashrefrigerant gas at an intermediatepressure between the evaporator andcondenser pressures, significantlyincreasing chiller efficiency. Thisimprovement in efficiency is not possiblein single-stage chillers since allcompression is done by one impeller.

Refrigerant/Oil Pump MotorThe oil pump motor is a 120 volt,50/60 hertz, 3/4 hp, 1 phase motor withprotective fusing and panel mountedcontactor.

EarthWise Purge SystemThe new purge design features a high-efficiency carbon filter with an automaticregeneration cycle. The filter collects andscrubs refrigerant and noncondensablegas and returns collected refrigerantvapor back into the chiller. When thetank senses that it is full, theregeneration cycle begins, and reclaimedrefrigerant is automatically returned tothe chiller. This keeps the purgeefficiency at its peak without the need toexchange carbon cannisters.

Normal operating efficiency does notexceed 0.02 lbs. of refrigerant lost perpound of dry air removed. The purgesystem can be operated at any time,independent of chiller operation, perASHRAE Standard 147.

Features andBenefits

The CenTraVac™ Chiller Operating Cycle


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CenTraVac™ Two-Stage andThree-Stage P-H Diagram

The pressure-enthalphy (P-H) diagramdescribes refrigerant flow through themajor chiller components. The diagramsconfirm the superior operating cycleefficiency of the three- stage compressorand two-stage economizer respectively.

Evaporator — A liquid-gas refrigerantmixture enters the evaporator at statepoint 1. Liquid refrigerant is vaporized tostate point 2 as it absorbs heat from thesystem cooling load. The vaporizedrefrigerant then flows into thecompressor first stage.

Compressor First Stage — Refrigerantgas is drawn from the evaporator intothe first stage compressor. The first stageimpeller accelerates the gas increasingits temperature and pressure to statepoint 3.

Compressor Second Stage — Refrigerantgas leaving the first stage compressor ismixed with cooler refrigerant gas fromthe low pressure side of the two-stageeconomizer. This mixing lowers theenthalpy of the mixture entering thesecond stage. The second stage impelleraccelerates the gas, further increasingits temperature and pressure to statepoint 4.

Compressor Third Stage — ForCenTraVac chillers with three stagecompression, the refrigerant gas leavingthe compressor second stage is mixedwith cooler refrigerant gas from the highpressure side of the two-stageeconomizer. This mixing lowers theenthalpy of the gas mixture entering thethird stage compressor. The third stageimpeller accelerates the gas, furtherincreasing its temperature and pressureto state point 5, then discharges it to thecondenser.

Condenser — Refrigerant gas enters thecondenser where the system coolingload and heat of compression arerejected to the condenser water circuit.This heat rejection cools and condensesthe refrigerant gas to a liquid at statepoint 6.

For three-stage CenTraVac chillers withthe patented two-stage economizer andrefrigerant orifice system-liquidrefrigerant leaving the condenser at statepoint 6 flows through the first orifice andenters the high pressure side of theeconomizer. The purpose of this orificeand economizer is to preflash a smallamount of refrigerant at an intermediate

pressure called P1. P1 is between theevaporator and condenser pressures.Preflashing some liquid refrigerant coolsthe remaining liquid to state point 7.

Refrigerant leaving the first stageeconomizer flows through the secondorifice and enters the second stageeconomizer. Some refrigerant ispreflashed at intermediate pressure P2.Preflashing the liquid refrigerant coolsthe remaining liquid to state point 8.

To complete the operating cycle, liquidrefrigerant leaving the economizer atstate point 8 flows through a third orificesystem. Here, refrigerant pressure andtemperature are reduced to evaporatorconditions at state point 1.

For two-stage CenTraVac chillers witheconomizer and refrigerant orificesystem-liquid refrigerant leaving thecondenser at state point 6 flows throughthe first orifice and enters theeconomizer. The purpose of this orificeand economizer is to preflash a smallamount of refrigerant at an intermediatepressure called P1. P1 is between theevaporator and condenser pressures.Preflashing some liquid refrigerant coolsthe remaining liquid to state point 8.Another benefit of flashing refrigerant isto increase the total evaporatorrefrigeration effect from RE’ to RE. Theeconomizer of two-stage CenTraVacchillers provides a 41/2 percent energysavings and the two-stage economizer ofthe three-stage CenTraVac chillersprovides a 7% savings, compared tochillers with no economizer. To completethe operating cycle, liquid refrigerantleaving the economizer at state point 8flows through a second orifice system.Here, refrigerant pressure andtemperature are reduced to evaporatorconditions at state point 1.

Figure 1. Three-stage CenTraVac P-H diagram

Features andBenefits


Figure 2. Two-stage CenTraVac P-H diagram

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A Wide Array of Low andMedium Voltage Starters

Trane starters can be applied to low- ormedium-voltage applications. Thecurrent draw of the compressor motordetermines the size of the starter. Thestarter current draw must be greaterthan, or equal to, the compressor motorcurrent draw.

Low Voltage (200 to 600 volts)• Star (wye)-delta closed transition• Solid-state starters

Industrial High-Fault Remote Solid-StateStarters (IHRS)• NEMA 12 <= 960 amps• Flanged disconnect• 100,000 short circuit rating• SAE HS-1738• Up to 600 volts

High-Fault Remote Wye-Delta Starters(HRWD)• NEMA 1 961A to 1600 amps• Non-flanged disconnect• 100,000 short circuit rating• Up to 480 volts

Medium-Voltage starters (2300-6600 V)• Full voltage• Primary reactor, closed transition• Autotransformer, closed transition• NEMA 12 option• SAE HS-1738 option• Flanged disconnect

Factory Installed or RemoteMounted StartersAll factory installed or remote-mountedstarters provided by Trane offer thefollowing standard features for safe,efficient application and ease ofinstallation:

Standard Features• NEMA 1 starter enclosure• 120 volt, 60 hertz, 1-phase fused pilotand safety circuits

• Control power transformer (4.0 KVA)with 120 volt, 50 or 60 hertz, single-phase

UnitOptions Starters

• One pilot relay to initiate start sequencefrom CenTraVac control circuit signal

• Starter enclosures capable of beingpadlocked

• 3-phase incoming line terminals• 6 output load terminals factory-connected to the motor

• Automatic transfer from wye to deltaon any two-step starter (unit-mounted)

Optional Features• A standard interrupting capacity circuitbreaker is mechanically interlocked todisconnect line power from the starterwhen the starter door is open.

• A high interrupting capacity circuitbreaker interlocks to disconnect linepower from the starter when the starterdoor is open.

• Circuit Breaker with Ground Fault —Protection is available with eitherstandard or high interrupting capacitycircuit breakers. An indicating light isprovided to indicate if a ground faulthas occurred.

• Current Limiting Circuit Breaker —Incorporates the current limiters withfuse links is available. A fault current inexcess of the circuit breaker capacitywill blow the fuse links and interruptthe fault current. The circuit breakercannot be reset until the blown currentlimiters are replaced.

• Ground fault detection and protection(only with circuit breaker options)

• Ammeters and voltmeters• Special function pilot lights• Special NEMA enclosures• Ground fault protection• Power factor correction capacitors• I.Q. Data Plus monitoring device

Factory-Installed Starters:• Reduces starter installation costs 20 to35 percent

• Eliminates chiller-to-starter field wiring• Eliminates starter-to-disconnect switchfield wiring (when optional circuitbreaker is used)

• Eliminates field-installed disconnectswitch (when optional circuit breaker isused)

• Eliminates starter mounting-pad andrequired equipment room floor space

• Enhances electrical system reliability• Reduces the number of field electrical

connections• Factory quality control of the starter-to-

chiller electrical connections• Factory-tested chiller/starter

combination• Optimizes control of the CenTraVac

motor/compressor start and protectionsubsystem

• Reduces system design time-- startercomponents and interconnectingwiring are pre-engineered and selected.

• Complete package available withAgency Approval

Starter by Others

If CenTraVac starting equipment isprovided by others, the starter must bedesigned in accordance with the currentTrane standard engineering specification“Water-Cooled CenTraVac™ StarterSpecification.” It is also recommendedthat two copies of the interconnectingand control circuit wiring diagrams beforwarded to Trane for review. Thisservice is provided at no charge, and isintended to help minimize the possibilitythat Trane CenTraVac chillers will beapplied in improper starting and controlsystems. However, the responsibility forproviding proper starting and controlsystems remains with the systemdesigner and the installer.

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Star (Wye)-Delta Starters

One type of low-voltage starter that canbe unit-mounted is a star (wye)-delta,closed-transition, reduced-voltage starteras shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Whenstarting and during acceleration, themotor is connected in its wyeconfiguration. Because of thisarrangement, the voltage applied to themotor windings is reduced to the inverseof the square root of three or 0.58 timesline voltage. This reduction in windingvoltage results in a reduction in inrushcurrent. The inrush current is 0.33 timesthe full-voltage locked rotor currentrating of the motor. The acceleratingtorque of the motor is also reduced to0.33 times the full-voltage torque rating,which is sufficient to fully accelerate thecompressor motor. The chiller controllermonitors the motor current duringoperation via current transformerslocated in the starter enclosure. Duringacceleration, when the line current dropsto approximately 0.85 times rated loadcurrent, transition is initiated. The closedtransition feature provides for acontinuous motor current flow duringtransition by placing resistors in thecircuit momentarily. This preventsbuildup of damaging torques to thesystem during this period. With the

completion of transition, the motorwindings are connected in the deltaconfiguration with full line voltage.

Three precision current transformersmonitor phase current. Contactorposition and various voltage signalsprovide extensive interlocking betweenthe starter and the chiller controller. Alllogic and subsequent instructionoriginate in the chiller controller.Protection against the following starterdefects is provided:• High motor current (starting andrunning)

• Improper starter circuitry• Excessive accelerating time• Incomplete starting sequence• Loss of phase• Phase amperage unbalance• Phase reversal• Distribution fault

Solid-State Starters

A solid-state starter controls the startingcharacteristics of a motor by controllingthe voltage to the motor. It does sothrough the use of SCRs (SiliconControlled Rectifiers), which are solid-state switching devices, and an integralbypass contactor for power control.


�yFigure 3. Typical equipment room layout – conventional remote Star-Delta starter Figure 4. Typical equipment room layout –

unit-mounted Star-Delta starter

SCRsAn SCR will conduct current in onedirection only when a control signal(gate signal) is applied. Because thesolid-state starter is for use on AC(alternating current), two SCRs perphase are connected in parallel,opposing each other so that current mayflow in both directions. For three- phaseloads, a full six-SCR configuration isused.

During starting, control of current oracceleration time is achieved by gatingthe SCR on at different times within thehalf-cycle. The gate pulses are originallyapplied late in the half-cycle and thengradually applied sooner in the half-cycle. If the gate pulse is applied late inthe cycle, only a small increment of thewave form is passed through, and theoutput is low.

If the gate pulse is applied sooner in thecycle, a greater increment of the waveform is passed through, and the outputis increased. So, by controlling the SCRsoutput voltage, the motor’s accelerationcharacteristic and current inrush can becontrolled.

Integral Bypass ContactorsWhen the SCRs are fully “phased on,”the integral bypass contactors areenergized. The current flow is transferredfrom the power pole to the contactors.This reduces the energy loss associatedwith the power pole, which is otherwiseabout one watt per amp per phase.

When the starter is given the stopcommand, the bypass contactors are de-energized, which transfers the currentflow from the contactors back to thepower poles. Two-hundred fiftymilliseconds later, the SCRs are turnedoff, and the current flow stops.

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AdaptiveFrequency Drive

Figure 5. CVHE500 part load efficiencies with/without AFDBenefits

Trane Adaptive Frequency drives providemotor control, but they are much morethan just starters. They also control theoperating speed of the chillercompressor motor by regulating outputvoltage in proportion to outputfrequency. Varying the speed of thecompressor motor can translate intosignificant energy cost savings.

Reliable, Optimized CompressorEfficiency for Energy SavingsConventional chillers use inlet vanes toprovide stable operation at part-loadconditions. Capacity is reduced byclosing the vanes while maintaining aconstant motor speed. The drive can beused to significantly reduce powerconsumption by reducing motor speedat low load conditions. Trane patentedAFD Adaptive Control™ logic safelyallows inlet guide vane and speedcontrol combinations that optimize part-load performance.

Soft Starts Avoid Mechanical StressControlled “soft” start with linearacceleration results in limited startingcurrent to eliminate motor stress, reducepower line disturbance and provide alower power demand on start. Reducedmotor speed as a result of reducedchiller load means less current drawn,less heat generated, increased motorwinding life. This translates into longertime between compressor maintenanceand less downtime throughout the life ofthe machine.


Certain system characteristics favorinstallation of an AFD because of energycost savings and shorter payback.Among them are:

High part-load operating hoursFigure 5, based on a CVHE500, 500-tonload at 42/54, 3 GPMc/ton shows thatmajor kW savings occur at part-loadconditions, typically below 90 percentload.

Condenser water temperature relief orchilled-water resetCompressor lift reduction is required fora chiller application, both to providestable chiller operation at part-loads andto achieve greater energy savings.

Intelligent control to reduce condenserwater temperature, or chilled-water resetstrategies are key to AFD savings inchiller applications.

High kW ChargesElectric utility bills normally include bothpeak-based and consumption-basedenergy components. The demand ordistribution charges are still significantportions of the energy bill, even inderegulated markets. These charges areestablished by usage during utility peakhours, by individual peak usage or acombination. This portion may or maynot be influenced by installation of anAFD, because an AFD-equipped chillerdraws more power at full load. If thepeak chiller load coincides with utilitypeak hours, then the peak-based portionof the energy bill will increase.

The energy or kWh portion will almostcertainly be reduced because of theimproved efficiency of the chiller plantduring part-load conditions throughoutthe year. The greater the kWh charge,and the smaller the demand ordistribution charges, the shorter thepayback.

OperationThe Trane AFD controls the speed of thechiller compressor by regulating theoutput voltage in proportion to theoutput frequency to provide a nominallyconstant rate of voltage to frequency asrequired by the characteristics of the

compressor motor. Motor speed isproportional to this applied frequency.

The Trane AFD is a voltage source,pulse-width modulated (PWM) design. Itconsists of two basic power sections:

• Rectifier - An IGBT active rectifier takesincoming AC power and converts it to afixed DC voltage. The active rectifiersignificantly reduces the amount ofripple on the DC bus.

• Inverter - Converts the DC bus voltageinto a sinusoidal synthesized output ACvoltage using PWM. This synthesizedoutput controls both the voltage andfrequency which is applied to themotor.

The water cooled design consists ofthree basic power sections:

• Converter — Semi-conductor bridgerectifier takes incoming AC power andconverts it to a fixed voltage DC bus.

• DC bus filter — The converted DC busvoltage contains a significant amountof ripple. The DC bus filter smooths thevoltage ripple from the converter withcapacitors and a DC link reactor tosupply a fixed constant voltage to theinverter section. It also minimizes theelectrical harmonics generated by thedrive back to the distribution system.

• Inverter — Converts the DC voltage intoa sinusoidal synthesized output ACvoltage. This synthesized outputcontrols both the voltage andfrequency which is applied to themotor.

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Patented Adaptive Control

A fourth element of AFD design is themicroprocessor control logic which isthe intelligence for the power section. Italso includes all feedback sensorsrequired for stability in the system andany required shutdown due to a fault.

The combination of speed control andinlet guide-vane position is nowoptimized mathematically and controlledsimultaneously. The increasedperformance of the microprocessorallows the chiller to operate longer athigher efficiency and with greaterstability.

Simultaneously adjusts inlet guidevanes and speed to spend more hoursat optimum efficiencyAFD speed and IGV position aresimultaneously adjusted to meet thedual requirements of water-temperaturecontrol and efficiency. The Tracer chillercontroller adjusts speed unconditionally—it does not have to wait for water-temperature control to reach setpoint orfor stable cooling load.

The Tracer chiller controller will adjustspeed as needed to track changing loador water-loop conditions. At the sametime, it adjusts the inlet guide vanes toprevent the water temperature fromdeviating from its setpoint.

When the vanes are fully open, thecompressor speed is controlling thewater temperature. Reducing the chillerload or increasing the head conditionswill cause the compressor to movetoward a surge condition.

When conditions are within the surgeboundary, vanes and speed willmodulate to control both surge marginand chiller capacity.

Mathematically optimizes inlet guidevanes and speedThe Tracer chiller controller will reducespeed until the surge pressure coefficientboundary is reached. Periodically, theAFD speed control will evaluate whetherthe boundary should be optimized. Ifoptimization is required, the pressure-coefficient boundary will be raised untilsurge is detected. Upon surge, theboundary will be reset and surgerecovery will occur. The decision tooptimize is based on whether the vaneposition has changed by an amountgreater than the optimization sensitivitysince the last optimization was done.After the boundary is established, speedcontrol will make adjustments to followthe boundary as conditions change.

AdaptiveFrequency Drive

Instability is not an issue• Variable water-flow designs—will workin conjunction with an AFD, providedthe chiller control is a Tracer chillercontroller with the variable flowcompensation option installed. Chillercontrol with rapid water-flow variationsand large turndown have beendemonstrated with and withoutvariable frequency drives.

• Rapid changes in load—Feedforwardcontrol improves chilled-watertemperature response.

• Short chilled-water loop—Feedforwardcontrol cancels out the effect of shortwater loops.

• Parallel chiller with poor control iscausing temperature variations— TheTracer chiller controller changes speedand adjusts cooling load at the sametime. Even if there is a poorly controlledchiller in parallel, a CTV with the Tracerchiller controller will maintain excellentwater-temperature control at the bestefficiency.

• Waiting for leaving temperature toexceed threshold—The Tracer chillercontroller reduces speed to the surgeboundary based on the currentdifferential operating pressure, makinginstantaneous corrections to speed andvane settings as conditions change.

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Factory-Installed AMPGARD®

Medium-Voltage Starters*

The AMPGARD® medium-voltage starterfamily by Cutler-Hammer, built to Tranespecifications, is now available as afactory-installed option for use withCenTraVac chillers. That’s right, Tranenow mounts, wires, and tests 2300-6600volt starters at the factory, so you don’thave to. This reduces, or eliminatesaltogether, the time, expense, and anyadded risk associated with having thestarter installed and wired at the job.This unit-mounted convenience iscurrently only available from Trane.

AMPGARD reduces starter size tonearly halfMedium-voltage starters havetraditionally been freestanding, due totheir large size and weight. Not untilrecent advances in contactor technologyand component layout have medium-voltage starters been small enough tomake unit-mounting feasible. This way,the starter becomes an integral part ofthe chiller, saving on equipment floorspace.

Selecting a Medium-VoltageStarter

The things to consider when selecting astarter include: line voltage, availablecurrent, first cost, reliability, andinstallation. Unit-mounted mediumvoltage starters from Trane are offered inthree starter types. All three startersprovide the torque required to meet theneeds of starting the chiller compressor.However, the magnitude of inrush-current control that each starter has isdifferent from one starter type toanother. The starter inrush-current ratingis factored as a percentage of lockedrotor amps (LRA). When choosing thestarter type, the system designerconsiders the starter LRA, motor voltage,and motor current draw, forcompatibility with the rest of the powersystem.

* Unit-mounted medium-voltage startersare only available on units equippedwith the Tracer chiller controller.

Across-the-Line (Full-Voltage)

An across-the-line starter is the smallestmedium-voltage starter option. Atstartup, these starters draw the highestinrush current at 100% of LRA, and theyhave the shortest acceleration time (3-5seconds).

Across-the-line starters make sense inmedium-voltage applicationsThe rules for selecting a starter type formedium-voltage applications aredifferent than for low-voltage. In low-voltage applications, across-the-linestarters are seldom used because oftheir high current inrush. Becausemedium-voltage motors use lesscurrent, the inrush is lower. This makesacross-the-line a reasonable choice formany medium-voltage applications. Formore sensitive applications, reduced-inrush starter types such as primaryreactor and autotransformer are alsoavailable to mount on the CenTraVacchiller.

Primary Reactor

Primary reactor type starters have aninrush current draw of 65% of LRA atstartup. Their acceleration time (3-8seconds) is slightly higher than anacross-the-line starter.


Autotransformer starters have the lowestinrush current draw of 45% of LRA atstartup. They have an acceleration timeof 3-8 seconds.

Standard Features

• UL approved• Cutler-Hammer AMPGARD, designedand built to Trane specifications

• Types: Across-the-line (full-voltage),Primary Reactor, Autotransformer

• Unit-mounted or remote-mounted• Factory-installed (unit-mounted only)• Voltage range 2300-6600 volts• Phase voltage sensors for volts/phaseprotection, kW and under/overvoltage

• Non-load-break isolation-switch andcurrent-limiting fuses

• NEMA Class E2 fused interruptingratings@3000V 200 MVA@4600V 400 MVA@6600V 750 MVA

Optional Features• IQ300 and IQDP 4130 electrical

metering packages• Factory-installed power factor

correction capacitors sized specific tomotor, factory-wired and mountedinside the starter

• Ground fault protection

INDP OptionsCustomers who purchase the IndustrialPackage have additional electricaloptions. These options can be applied toremote-mounted medium-voltagestarters, both from Trane and from otherstarter manufacturers.

CPTR, Control Power Transformer(INDP option)A unit-mounted, factory-wired, separateenclosure mounted next to the controlpanel with:• 4 kVA control power transformer (480

to 115 volts)• Flanged disconnect• Fused primary and secondary power• Secondary fuse status indictor (blown

or not-blown)• UL 508 Type 12 construction

SMP, Supplemental Motor Protection(INDP option)A unit-mounted, factory-wired, separateenclosure mounted to the motor with:• Surge capacitors• Lightning arrestors• Zero-sequence ground fault• UL 347 tested Type 12 construction• Field-accessible terminal block for

trouble-shooting via panel

DMP, Differential Motor Protection (SMPoption)DMP replaces the zero-sequence groundfault protection. Instead, it uses a flux-summation selfcompensatingdifferential protection scheme for morequickly and more precisely removingline power during a fault. Note: DMP isavailable only for 1062 kW and largermotor sizes up to 5000 volts.

CVAC, Customer-Supplied VacuumCircuit Breaker• relays for vacuum circuit-breaker starter

type• three-pole disconnect, industrial

terminal block and secondary PTs formedium voltage (120 to 30 V) in controlpanel

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BenefitsThe Trane patented free coolingaccessory for Trane CenTraVac™ chillersadapts the basic chiller so it mayfunction as a simple heat exchangerusing refrigerant as the working fluid.When condenser water is available attemperatures lower than the desiredchilled liquid temperature, free coolingcan provide up to 45 percent of nominalchiller capacity without operation of thecompressor. This feature may result insubstantial energy cost savings on manyinstallations.

The suitability of free cooling for anyparticular installation depends upon anumber of factors. The availability oflow temperature condensing water, thequality of the outside air, the type ofairside system, the temperature andhumidity control requirements, and thecost of electricity all have a direct impacton the decision to use a free coolingchiller.

The use of CenTraVac free coolingdepends on the availability of coldcondenser water from a cooling tower,river, lake, or pond. As a general rule ofthumb, locations which have asubstantial number of days withambient temperatures below 45°F wetbulb or more than 4000 degree-days peryear are well suited to free coolingoperation. A cooling tower usually mustbe winterized for off-season operationand the minimum sump temperature islimited by some cooling towermanufacturers. Cooling towermanufacturers should be consulted forrecommendations on low temperatureoperation. With river, lake or pondsupply, condenser water temperaturesdown to freezing levels are possible.Areas which have badly fouled air maybe more conducive to free coolingoperation than the use of an outside aireconomizer.

Airside systems which both heat andcool the air can often effectively use afree cooling chiller. Dual-duct,multizone, and reheat systems fall intothis general category. As the outsidetemperature begins to fall, the cooloutside air satisfies the coolingrequirements (through an outside aireconomizer). As the outdoor airtemperature becomes very low, theoutdoor air may need to be heated inorder to maintain the design supply airtemperature when it is mixed withreturn air. This “heating penalty” can beeliminated by using CenTraVac freecooling. Warm chilled watertemperatures provided by the freecooling chiller would allow a warmer airtemperature off the chilled water coils,eliminating the heating energy requiredby using only an outside air economizer.With today’s high cost electricity in mostareas of the country, this heatingpenalty can be very significant.

Free Cooling AllowsReduced Operating Costs

Consider a CenTraVac™ chiller option thatcan provide up to 45 percent of thenominal chiller capacity — withoutoperating the compressor. Think of thesignificant energy and cost savingspossible in many applications. Thisoption is available on all Trane chillers,factory installed.

Free cooling operation is based on theprinciple that refrigerant migrates to thearea of lowest temperature. Whencondenser water is available attemperatures lower than the requiredleaving chilled water temperature(typically 50 to 55°F), the unit controlpanel starts the free cooling cycleautomatically.

When the free cooling cycle can nolonger provide sufficient capacity to meetcooling requirements, mechanicalcooling is restarted automatically by theunit control panel.

For example, a building with a highinternal cooling load is located in aclimate with cold winters. It is possible tocool the building exclusively with freecooling three to six months of the year!Free cooling payback can easily be lessthan a year.

Free cooling is completely factoryinstalled and requires no more floorspace or piping than the standardCenTraVac chiller (unlike plate frame heatexchangers).

Free Cooling Operation Schematic

Free CoolingUnitOptions

ReliabilityTwo simple valves are the only movingparts.

Single-Source ResponsibilityFree cooling is Trane engineered,manufactured and installed.

Ease of OperationChangeover on free cooling by singleswitch control.

Ease of InstallationCompletely factory-installed and leak-tested components. All valve operatorsand controls are factory wired.

ApplicationModern buildings often require someform of year-round cooling to handleinterior zones, solar loads, or computerloads. As the outside air temperaturedecreases below the inside air designtemperature, it is often possible to usean outside air economizer to satisfy thecooling requirements. There are anumber of instances, however, whereCenTraVac free cooling offers a numberof advantages over the use of an outsideair economizer. It is possible for the freecooling chiller to satisfy the cooling loadfor many hours, days, or months duringthe fall, winter, or spring seasons withoutoperation of the compressor motor. Thismethod of satisfying the coolingrequirement can result in significant totalenergy savings over other types ofsystems. The savings available are mosteasily determined through the use of acomputer energy analysis and economicprogram, such as TRACE™ (Trane AirConditioning and Economics).

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Free CoolingUnitOptions

Temperature and humidity controlrequirements are importantconsiderations when evaluating the useof CenTraVac free cooling. Lowtemperature outside air (from theoutside air economizer) often requires alarge amount of energy forhumidification purposes. Free coolingoperation helps to reduce thesehumidification costs on manyapplications.

It is important to note that thoseapplications which require extremelyprecise humidity control typically cannottolerate warmer than design chilledwater temperatures. Therefore, sincefree cooling chillers normally deliverwarmer than design chilled watertemperatures, free cooling operation isusually not applicable with systemswhich require precise humidity control.

Also, free cooling is generally not used inconjunction with heat recovery systems,since mechanical cooling must be usedto recover heat that will be usedelsewhere in the building forsimultaneous heating.

OperationFree cooling operates on the principlethat refrigerant flows to the area oflowest temperature in the system. TheTracer™ system/Chiller Plant Manager(CPM) can be used for automatic freecooling control. When condenser wateris available at a temperature lower thanthe required leaving chilled watertemperature, the CPM starts the freecooling cycle. If the load cannot besatisfied with free cooling, the CPMor a customer supplied system canautomatically switch to the poweredcooling mode. If desired, the chillercan be manually switched to the freecooling mode at the unit control panel.Upon changeover to free cooling, theshutoff valves in the liquid and gas linesare opened and a lockout circuitprevents compressor energization.Liquid refrigerant drains by gravity fromthe storage tank into the evaporator,flooding the tube bundle. Since the

refrigerant temperature and pressure willbe higher in the evaporator than in thecondenser, due to the water temperaturedifference, the refrigerant gas boiled offin the evaporator will flow to thecondenser. The gas then condenses andflows by gravity back to the evaporator.This automatic refrigeration cycle issustained as long as a temperaturedifference exists between the condenserwater and evaporator water.

The difference in temperature betweenthe condenser and evaporatordetermines the rate of refrigerant flowbetween the two shells and hence thefree cooling capacity.

If the system load becomes greater thanthe free cooling capacity either theoperator manually stops free cooling, abinary input from a customer-suppliedsystem disables free cooling or the CPMcan automatically perform this function.The gas and liquid valves close and thecompressor starts. Refrigerant gas isdrawn out of the evaporator by thecompressor, compressed and introducedinto the condenser. Most of thecondensed liquid first takes the path ofleast resistance by flowing into thestorage tank which is vented to the highpressure economizer sump by a smallbleed line. When the storage tank isfilled, liquid refrigerant must flowthrough the bleed line restriction. Thepressure drop through the bleed line isgreater than that associated with theorifice flow control device, hence liquidrefrigerant flows normally from thecondenser through the orifice systemand into the economizer.

Figure 6. Compressor operation schematic

Figure 7. Free cooling operation schematic

The free cooling accessory consists ofthe following factory-installed orsupplied components:

• A refrigerant gas line, including anelectrically actuated shutoff valve,installed between the evaporator andcondenser.

• A valved liquid return line including anelectrically activated shutoff valve,between the condenser sump andevaporator.

• A liquid refrigerant storage vessel.

• Added refrigerant charge.

• Manual free cooling controls on theunit control panel.

For specific information on free coolingapplications, contact the local Tranesales office.

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Heat RecoverySystemOptions

Heat Recovery

Use of the Heat Recovery CenTraVac™

can significantly reduce the energyoperating costs of many buildings byusing heat which normally would berejected to the atmosphere. Typical usesfor this heat are perimeter zone heating,reheat air conditioning systems and anyhot water requirements. Any buildingwith a simultaneous heating and coolingload is a potential candidate.

Most heating applications require watertemperatures higher than the85°F to 95°F typically sent to the coolingtower. Therefore, most heat recoverychillers are required to produce higherleaving condenser water temperatures,and thus will not duplicate the energyefficiencies of cooling-only machines.Figure 9 illustrates the typical operatingcycles of a cooling-only machine and aheat recovery machine. The mostnoticeable differences are:

1. The pressure differential provided bythe compressor is much greater forthe heat recovery cycle.

2. The amount of heat rejected from theheat recovery condenser is greaterthan that which would be rejected incooling-only operation.

3. There is a decrease in the refrigerationeffect. (RE) Higher condensingpressures increase the intermediatepressure in the economizer. Therefore,the liquid in the economizer has ahigher enthalpy during the heatrecovery mode than during standardchiller operation and the refrigerationeffect is slightly decreased. Because ofthis decreased refrigeration effect, thecompressor must pump more gas perton of refrigeration.

The effect of this increased pressuredifferential and decreased refrigerationeffect is a heat recovery machine whichhas a higher kW/ton energyconsumption during heat recoveryoperation.

Typical catalog kW/ton for heat recoverymachines operating in the heat recoverymode range from .64 to .84 kW/toncompared to a range of .61 to .79 for acooling-only machine. Not only canthere be an energy consumption penaltypaid due to the inherent differences inoperating cycles for heat recoverymachines, but traditional machinedesign can add to that energy handicap.In the past, a heat recovery machine’soperating efficiency was normallypenalized year- round by having thecapability to produce high heating watertemperatures. Impellers are selected toproduce the maximum requiredrefrigerant pressure difference betweenthe evaporator and condenser,Figure 8. Usually, that meant the impellerdiameters were determined by the heatrecovery operating conditions.

During cooling-only operation, thecondensing pressures and temperaturesare normally lower than during the heatrecovery operation. So, in essence, theimpeller diameters were oversized. Thiswould result in a compressor efficiencyduring cooling- only season which waslower than if the impellers had beenselected for a cooling-only application.

The multistage compressor andadvanced impeller design on theCenTraVac™ chiller reduce this costlyenergy penalty. Neither the capacity northe power consumption changessubstantially as the heat recoveryoperating conditions divert from thecooling-only condition. The multistagecompressor allows a closer match ofimpeller size to the operating condition.In addition, the computer designedimpellers and crossover are designed toreduce losses as the kinetic energy of therefrigerant gas is converted to staticpressure.

Figure 8. Refrigerant pressure difference

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Simultaneous Heating and CoolingThe Trane Heat Recovery CenTraVac™

chiller is an excellent choice forapplications requiring simultaneousheating and cooling. CenTraVac modelssave energy by recovering heat normallyrejected to the atmosphere and puttingthat energy to use providing spaceheating, building hot water or processhot water. This heat is provided at afraction of conventional heating systemscost. A heat recovery CenTraVac canprovide 95 to 120°F hot water.

An advanced computer selectionprogram chooses a heat recoverycondenser to match your needs. Twoseparate condenser shells are used withthe Heat Recovery CenTraVac chiller. Theheating circuit and cooling tower circuitare separate, preventing crosscontamination. Refrigerant gas from thecompressor flows into both condensershells allowing heat rejection to one orboth condenser water circuits.

Figure 9. Typical operating cycles


Heat Recovery(Cont.)

The reliability of the Heat RecoveryCenTraVac chiller has been proven ininstallations around the world. Thisoption is completely factory packaged.

To further reduce the system energyrequirements, the following designconsiderations should be incorporatedinto any heat recovery system.

Heating Water Temperatures andControl — It is always desirable to use aslow a heating water temperature as theapplication allows. Experience hasshown that a design heating watertemperature of 105 to 110°F can satisfymost heating requirements. Lowerheating water temperatures increase thechiller operating efficiency both in theheating mode and in the cooling mode.In general, the heat recovery powerconsumption will increase 7 to 14percent for every 10°F increase in thedesign heating water temperature. Aconsideration which is just as importantas the design heating water temperatureis how that temperature is controlled. Inmost cases, the heating watertemperature control should be designedto maintain the return heating watertemperature. By allowing the supplywater temperature to float, the meanwater temperature in the system dropsas the chiller load decreases and lessheat is rejected to the condenser. As themean heating water temperature drops,

so does the refrigerant condensingtemperature and pressure differencewhich the compressor is required toproduce at part load. This increases theunloading range of the compressor.

When the supply heating watertemperature to the building system ismaintained and the return heating watertemperature to the condenser is allowedto float, the mean heating watertemperature actually rises as the chillerload decreases and less heat is rejectedto the condenser. As Figure 10 illustrates,when the compressor unloads, thepressure difference that it must opposeto prevent surging remains essentiallythe same, while the compressor’scapability to handle the pressuredifference decreases. Therefore, theunit’s capability to unload without theuse of hot gas bypass is reduced.

Hot gas bypass artificially increases theload on the compressor (cfm ofrefrigerant gas) by diverting refrigerantgas from the condenser back to thecompressor. Although hot gas bypassincreases the unit’s power consumptionby forcing the compressor to pumpmore refrigerant gas, it will increase theheat available to recover for thoseapplications where significant heatingloads remain as the cooling loaddecreases.

Figure 10. Heating water control

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ControlsThe auxiliary condenser was designedfor simplicity of operation. Machine load,water flow rate, and temperaturedetermine the amount of heat recovered.There are no controls needed for heatingwater temperature because no attemptis made to maintain a specific hot watertemperature in or out of the auxiliarycondenser.

OperationThe auxiliary condenser is a factory-mounted, separate, shell and tube heatexchanger available on water-cooledCenTraVac chillers.

Because hot refrigerant gas alwaysmigrates to the area of lowesttemperature, auxiliary condenseroperation is simple. As hot gas leavesthe compressor, it is free to flow to theauxiliary condenser or the standardcondenser. Since water entering theauxiliary condenser is normally colderthan that entering the standardcondenser, the auxiliary condenser willhave a lower bundle temperature andwill attract the refrigerant gas. Theauxiliary condenser will recover as muchheat as the machine cooling load,

heating water temperature, and flow ratewill allow. All remaining heat willautomatically be rejected through thestandard condenser to the atmospherethrough the cooling tower. No controlsare needed to balance heat rejection inthe two condensers.

Good system design will include aheated water bypass to ensure thatwater does not circulate through theauxiliary condenser when the chiller isde-energized. There are several ways tobypass the auxiliary condenser. Whenthe hot water system is installed asshown in the figure below, the bypass isautomatic if the heating water pump isinterlocked with the chiller compressormotor.

Another bypass arrangement is to installa diverting valve. When interlocked withthe compressor motor, this valve divertsthe heating water flow to theconventional heating system wheneverthe chiller is not operating. These areonly examples of the many ways ofaccomplishing a bypass.

Contact your local Trane sales office forfurther specific information.

Table 2. Auxiliary condenser flow limits and connection sizesAuxiliary Two Pass

Condenser Inter Enhanced Smooth Bore ConnectionBundle Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Size

Size Gpm Gpm Gpm Gpm (In.)Standard (80) 74 276 70 258 5Large (130) 121 453 115 423 5

Figure 11

Auxiliary Condenser ForEconomical Heat Recovery

The Trane auxiliary condenser provideseconomical heat recovery forapplications with small heating demand.The Trane auxiliary condenser optionconsists of a separate condenserconnected in parallel with the standardcondenser to provide simple heatrecovery capability for applicationswhere full heat recovery or high heatingwater temperatures are not required.Decreased life cycle operating costsresult through use of the auxiliarycondenser option because heat, whichnormally would be rejected by thecooling tower circuit, is now used forbuilding heating requirements.

ApplicationA simultaneous demand for heating andcooling is necessary to apply any heatrecovery system. Typical uses for thiswater include domestic water preheat,boiler makeup water preheat, and reheatair conditioning systems and swimmingpools, as opposed to traditional heatrecovery applications where highertemperature water is used to satisfy abuilding heating load, provide full heatinput for domestic hot water, or providethe typically larger flow rates of hotwater for process applications. Buildinguse is not limited to the traditional heatrecovery candidates. Schools, hospitals,office buildings, and hotels have allproved to be excellent applications forthe auxiliary condenser option.

Increased Chiller EfficiencyThe auxiliary condenser not onlycaptures energy otherwise lost, it alsoincreases chiller efficiency by increasingcondenser heat transfer surface area andlowering the pressure differential thecompressor must generate. .

Auxiliary condensers are available in twosizes: standard and large. Because theauxiliary condenser is a separatecondenser, there is no crosscontamination between the coolingtower water and the heat recovery watercircuits.

No temperature controls are required.Auxiliary condensers are factorymounted and tested.

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Ice Storage ProvidesReduced Electrical Demand

Ice storage is the hottest thing in coolingtoday. It has been accepted by buildingowners and tenants who are concernedabout utility costs.

An ice storage system uses a standardchiller to make ice at night when utilitiescharge less for electricity. The icesupplements or even replacesmechanical cooling during the day whenutility rates are at their highest. Thisreduced need for cooling results in bigutility cost savings.

Another advantage of ice storage isstandby cooling capacity. If the chiller isunable to operate, one or two days of icemay still be available to provide cooling.In that time the chiller can be repairedbefore building occupants feel any lossof comfort.

The Trane CenTraVac chiller is uniquelysuited to low temperature applicationslike ice storage because it providesmultiple stages of compression.Competitive chillers provide only onestage. This allows the CenTraVac chillerto produce ice efficiently, with less stresson the machine.

Simple and smart control strategies areanother advantage the CenTraVac chillerhas for ice storage applications. TraneTracer™ building management systemscan actually anticipate how much iceneeds to be made at night and operatethe system accordingly. The controls areintegrated right into the chiller. Twowires and preprogrammed softwaredramatically reduce field installation costand complex programming.

Trane centrifugal chillers are well suitedfor ice production. The unique multi-stage compressor design allows thelower suction temperatures required toproduce ice and the higher chillerefficiencies attributed to centrifugalchillers. Trane three stage and two stagecentrifugal chillers produce ice bysupplying ice storage vessels with aconstant supply of 22 to 24°F glycol.Centrifugal chillers selected for theselower leaving fluid temperatures are also

Figure 12. Ice storage demand cost savings

Ice StorageSystemOptions

selected for efficient production ofchilled fluid at nominal comfort coolingconditions. The ability of Trane chillers toserve “double duty” in ice productionand comfort cooling greatly reduces thecapital cost of ice storage systems.

A glycol solution is used to transfer heatfrom the ice storage tanks to thecentrifugal chiller and from the coolingcoils to either the chiller or ice storagetanks. The use of a freeze protectedsolution eliminates the design time, fieldconstruction cost, large refrigerantcharges, and leaks associated with iceplants. Ice is produced by circulating 22-24°F glycol through modular insulatedice storage tanks. Each tank contains aheat exchanger constructed ofpolyethylene tubing. Water in each tankis completely frozen with no need foragitation. The problems of ice bridgingand air pumps are eliminated.

When cooling is required, ice chilledglycol is pumped from the ice storagetanks directly to the cooling coils. Noexpensive heat exchanger is required.The glycol loop is a sealed system,eliminating expensive annual chemicaltreatment costs. The centrifugal chiller isalso available for comfort cooling duty atnominal cooling conditions andefficiencies. The modular concept ofglycol ice storage systems and theproven simplicity of Trane Tracer™

controls allow the successful blend ofreliability and energy savingperformance in any ice storageapplication.

The ice storage system is operated in sixdifferent modes: each optimized for theutility cost of the hour.

1. Provide comfort cooling with chiller

2. Provide comfort cooling with ice

3. Provide comfort cooling with ice andchiller

4. Freeze ice storage

5. Freeze ice storage when comfortcooling is required

6. Off

Tracer optimization software controlsoperation of the required equipment andaccessories to easily transition from onemode of operation to another. Forexample:

Even with ice storage systems there arenumerous hours when ice is neitherproduced or consumed, but saved. Inthis mode the chiller is the sole source ofcooling. For example, to cool thebuilding after all ice is produced butbefore high electrical demand chargestake effect, Tracer sets the centrifugalchiller leaving fluid setpoint to its mostefficient setting and starts the chiller,chiller pump, and load pump.

When electrical demand is high, the icepump is started and the chiller is eitherdemand limited or shut downcompletely. Tracer controls have theintelligence to optimally balance thecontribution of ice and chiller in meetingthe cooling load.

The capacity of the chiller plant isextended by operating the chiller and icein tandem. Tracer rations the ice,augmenting chiller capacity whilereducing cooling costs.

When ice is produced, Tracer will lowerthe centrifugal chiller leaving fluidsetpoint and start the chiller, chiller andice pumps, and other accessories. Anyincidental loads that persists whileproducing ice can be addressed bystarting the load pump and drawingspent cooling fluid from the ice storagetanks.

For specific information on ice storageapplications, contact your local Tranesales office.

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Condenser Water Limitations

Trane CenTraVac™ chillers start andoperate over a range of load conditionswith controlled water temperatures.Reducing the condenser watertemperature is an effective method oflowering the chiller power input.However, the effect of lowering thecondenser water temperature may causean increase in system powerconsumption.

In many applications Trane CenTraVacchillers can start and operate withoutcontrol of the condenser watertemperature. However, for optimumsystem power consumption, and for anyapplications with multiple chillers,control of the condenser water circuit isrecommended. Integrated control of thechillers, pumps and towers is easilyaccomplished with the onboard Tracerchiller controller and/or Tracer Summitsystem.

Water TreatmentThe use of untreated or improperlytreated water in a chiller may result inscaling, erosion, corrosion, algae orslime. It is recommended that theservices of a qualified water treatmentspecialist be used to determine whattreatment, if any, is advisable. Traneassumes no responsibility for the resultsof untreated, or improperly treated water.

Water PumpsAvoid specifying or using 3600 rpmcondenser and chilled water pumps.Such pumps may operate withobjectionable noises and vibrations. Inaddition, a low frequency beat may occurdue to the slight difference in operatingrpm between water pumps andCenTraVac motors. Where noise andvibration-free operation are important,Trane encourages the use of 1750 rpmpumps.

Chillers are designed to ARI conditions of85°F, but Trane CenTraVac chillers canoperate with a 3 psig pressure differentialbetween the condenser and evaporatorat any steady state load without oil loss,oil return, motor cooling, refrigeranthang-up or purge problems. And thisdifferential can equate to safe minimumentering condenser water temperaturesat or below 55°F, dependent on a variety

of factors such as load, leavingevaporator temperature and componentcombinations. Startup below thisdifferential is possible as well, especiallywith the Tracer chiller controller’s softstart and Adaptive Control features.

Water FlowToday’s technology challenges ARI’straditional design of three gpm per tonthrough the condenser. Reducedcondenser flows are a simple andeffective way to reduce both first andoperating costs for the entire chiller plant.This design strategy will require moreeffort from the chiller. But pump andtower savings will typically offset anypenalty. This is especially true when theplant is partially loaded or condenserrelief is available.

In new systems, the benefits can includedramatic savings with:• Size and cost for condenser lines andvalves

• Size and cost of the cooling tower.• Size and cost of the water pumps.• Pump energy (30 to 35% reduction).• Tower fan energy (30 to 35% reduction).

Replacement chiller plants can reap evengreater benefits from low flowcondensers. Because the water lines andtower are already in place, reduced flowswould offer a tremendous energyadvantage. Theoretically, a 2 GPM/tondesign applied to a system that originallyused 3 GPM/ton would offer a 70%reduction in pump energy. At the sametime, the original tower would require anozzle change but would then be able toproduce about two degrees coldercondenser water than before. These twobenefits would again typically offset anyextra effort required by the chiller.

Contact your local Trane Sales Office forinformation regarding optimumcondenser water temperatures and flowrates for a specific application.

Electrical Information

Minimum Circuit AmpacityTo properly size field electrical wiring, theelectrical engineer or contractor on aproject needs to know the minimumcircuit ampacity of the CenTraVacmachine. The National Electrical Code(NEC), in Article 440-33, defines the

method of calculating the minimumcircuit ampacity. The minimum circuitampacity is defined as the sum of twoamperages: 125 percent of thecompressor motor Rated Load Amps(RLA), plus the Full Load Amps (FLA) ofall remaining loads on the same circuit.For starter to motor wiring, there are noother remaining loads. For main powersupply to the starter, there is a remainingload consisting of the 4 KVA controlpower transformer which supplies powerto the controls, the oil pump motor, oilsump heater and the purge unit motor.Therefore, the remaining load FLAequals 4000 divided by the unit designvoltage.

As an example, calculate the minimumcircuit ampacity of a machine which hasa design RLA of 350 amps and is to beoperated on a 460 volt power supply:

Minimum Circuit Ampacity =

4000 VA(125% x 350 Amps) + 460 V

= 437.5 Amps + 8.7 Amps

= 446.2 Amps

After the minimum circuit ampacity hasbeen determined, the electrical engineeror contractor will refer to the appropriateconductor sizing table in the NEC todetermine the exact conductors required.A typical table for 75°F conductors isincluded in the Trane submittal. Theselection of conductors is based on anumber of jobsite conditions (i.e. type ofconductor, number of conductors, lengthof conductors, ambient temperaturerating of conductors).

Branch-Circuit Short-Circuit and GroundFault ProtectionCircuit breakers and fused disconnectsshould be sized by the electrical engineeror contractor in strict accordance withNEC Article 440-21 and in accordancewith all local codes. This protectionshould be for motor type loads andshould not be less than 150 percent ofthe compressor motor rated load amps(RLA).

Additional electrical information isavailable in an engineering bulletin,CTV-PRB004-EN, “Starters and ElectricalComponents for CenTraVac Chillers.”


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The CenTraVac™ centrifugal chillerproduct line provides more than 200,000individual unit selections over a capacityrange of 170 through 2800 tons. Chillerselections and performance data can beobtained through the use of theCenTraVac chiller selection programavailable in local Trane sales offices. Thisprogram can provide a list of chillerselections optimized to closely matchspecific project requirements. Nominaldata and physical data for typicalcompressor-evaporator- condensercombinations are given by productfamily.

Trane Model NumberThe Trane model number defines a TraneCenTraVac with its particular componentcombination. These components alongwith the project design conditions arerequired to determine chillerperformance from the CenTraVaccomputer selection program:

• Compressor size and voltage

• Evaporator bundle size, bundle length,and number of water passes

• Condenser bundle size, bundle length,and number of water passes

• Leaving chilled water temperature,evaporator water flow rate, temperaturedrop through the evaporator

• Entering condenser water temperature,condenser water flow rate, andtemperature rise through the condenser

• Water side fouling factors for theevaporator and condenser

• Refrigerant type for operating on HCFC-123.

PerformanceThe CenTraVac computer selectionprogram provides performance data foreach chiller selection at the full loaddesign point and part load operatingpoints as required.

The Trane computer selection programis certified by ARI in accordance with ARIStandard 550/590. To assure that thespecific chiller built for your project willmeet the required performance, and toensure a more troublefree startup, it isrecommended that the chiller beperformance tested.

The CenTraVac computer selectionprogram has the flexibility to selectchillers for excessive field foulingallowances.

The performance characteristics of aCenTraVac chiller are not altered byadding the INDP option. Contact yourlocal Trane Sales Office for necessaryassistance in the selection of your INDPCenTraVac chiller.

The industrial package may be selectedfor CenTraVac chillers that meet thefollowing criteria:

• Single compressor (no Duplex)

• 60 Hz only

• 080, 142, 210 and 250E shells in allshort and long combinations

• Chiller capacities approximately 450 to2000 tons

• NEMA 1 unit-mounted starters can beaccommodated.

Fouling FactorsARI Standard 550/590 includes adefinition of clean tube fouling.Recommended field fouling allowanceshave not changed on a relative basis; thestandard fouling adjustment is a 0.0001increment from 0.0000 “clean” on theevaporator and 0.00025 increment from0.0000 “clean” on the condenser.

Chiller specifications should bedeveloped using the most currentstandard fouling factors.

It should be noted that changing thenumber of water passes or water flowrates may significantly alter theperformance of a particular chiller.To obtain the maximum benefit from thewide range of selections available,designers are encouraged to developperformance specifications and use thecomputer selection program to optimizetheir selections. This will allow theselection of the particular compressor-evaporator-condenser combinationwhich most closely meets the jobrequirements. All selections should bemade by using the computer selectionprogram.

Unit Performance With Fluid MediaOther Than WaterCenTraVac chillers can be selected with awide variety of media other than water.Typically used media include ethyleneglycol or propylene glycol either in theevaporator, condenser or both. Chillersusing media other than water areexcluded from the ARI 550/590Certification Program, but are rated inaccordance with ARI 550/590. Tranefactory performance tests are onlyperformed with water as the cooling andheat rejection media. For media otherthan water, contact the local Trane salesoffice for chiller selections andinformation regarding factoryperformance testing.

Flow Rate LimitsFlow rate limits for all pass combinationsfor evaporators and condensers aretabulated in the data section for theappropriate chiller family. Forapplications outside of these limits,contact your local Trane office.


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Roughing-in DimensionsThe dimensional drawings illustrateoverall measurements of the chiller. Therecommended space envelope indicatesclearances required to easily service theCenTraVac chiller. A view of the unit issuperimposed on this drawing with unitsupport feet shown.

All catalog dimensional drawings aresubject to change. Current submittaldrawings should be referred to fordetailed dimensional information.Contact the local Trane sales office forsubmittal and template information, orgenerate Trane product templates

Evaporator and CondenserData TablesEvaporator and condenser data is shownin the Performance Data section. Itincludes minimum and maximum waterflow limits and water connection sizes forall standard pass configurations and tubetype. Pressure drops are calculated bythe CenTraVac computer selectionprogram.

Full Load and Part LoadPerformance

The CenTraVac chiller possessesexcellent performance characteristicsover its full range of operation. Themultistage direct-drive compressorenables stable and efficient operationover a wide range of capacities, virtuallyeliminating the need for energy wastinghot gas bypass typically found on singlestage chillers.

An in-depth examination of project-specific conditions and energy ratestructures should be performed toappropriately evaluate total energy costsover a period of time. TRACE™, Trane’sunique energy analysis program, isparticularly well suited for this type ofanalysis, as well as for economicevaluation of equipment and systemalternatives.

Local utilities may offer substantialmonetary rebates for centrifugal chillerswith specific operating kW ratings.Contact your local utility representativeor Trane sales office for furtherinformation.

The electrical rate structure is a keycomponent of an economic evaluation.Most power bills are constituted of asignificant demand charge in addition tothe usage charge. The full load powerconsumption of the chiller plant is likelyto set the kW peak and demand chargefor the billing period. This places anincreased emphasis on the need to keepthe full load consumption of the chillerplant low.

There are a number of variables thatshould be considered in developing anaccurate chiller load profile to use formeasuring how one machine compareswith another machine at part load. Theuse of outdoor air economizers,variations in chiller sequencing andchiller plant load optimization strategiesshould be considered. Decoupled,primary/secondary water loops orvariable primary flow designs are moreefficient ways to control multiple chillerwater plants. These control strategiesresult in one chiller operating at a morefully loaded condition rather thanmultiple chillers operating at part load,which would require more pumpingenergy.

ARI Standard 550/590 provides chillerperformance certification for the full loadcondition and the “NPLV” (non-standardpart load value). The NPLV uses ageneric weighted chiller load profile tosimplify certification of part loadperformance data. Although thesevalues are not necessarily a preciseindicator of actual energy use, they doprovide a basis for comparison.


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Table 3. Minimum/maximum evaporator flow rates (GPM)Shell Bundle One Pass Two Pass Three PassSize Size SBCU TECU IECU SBCU TECU IECU SBCU TECU IECU

EVSZ EVBS Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max032S 200 216 / 1187 230 / 1237 143 / 1050 108 / 593 115 / 618 72 / 525 72 / 396 77 / 412 48 / 350032S 230 242 / 1331 258 / 1388 165 / 1212 121 / 666 129 / 694 83 / 606 81 / 444 86 / 463 55 / 404032S 250 267 / 1465 284 / 1527 177 / 1293 134 / 733 142 / 764 88 / 646 89 / 488 95 / 509 59 / 431032S/L 280 304 / 1672 324 / 1743 201 / 1474 152 / 836 162 / 871 101 / 737 102 / 557 108 / 581 67 / 491032S/L 320 340 / 1868 362 / 1947 229 / 1676 170 / 934 181 / 973 115 / 838 114 / 623 121 / 649 76 / 559032S/L 350 — / — — / — 251 / 1838 — / — — / — 126 / 919 — / — — / — 84 / 613050S 320 340 / 1868 362 / 1947 232 / 1696 170 / 934 181 / 973 116 / 848 114 / 623 121 / 649 77 / 565050S 360 383 / 2105 399 / 2194 254 / 1858 192 / 1052 200 / 1097 127 / 929 128 / 702 133 / 731 85 / 619050S 400 424 / 2332 442 / 2431 284 / 2080 212 / 1166 221 / 1215 142 / 1040 142 / 777 148 / 810 95 / 693050S/L 450 482 / 2652 503 / 2764 322 / 2363 241 / 1326 252 / 1382 161 / 1181 161 / 884 108 / 921 108 / 788050S/L 500 535 / 2941 558 / 3066 361 / 2646 268 / 1470 279 / 1533 181 / 1323 178 / 980 186 / 1022 121 / 882050S/L 550 — / — — / — 397 / 2908 — / — — / — 198 / 1454 — / — — / — 132 / 969080S 500 535 / 2941 558 / 3066 361 / 2646 268 / 1470 279 / 1533 181 / 1323 178 / 980 186 / 1022 121 / 882080S 560 602 / 3312 628 / 3453 400 / 2928 301 / 1656 314 / 1726 200 / 1464 201 / 1104 210 / 1151 133 / 976080S 630 676 / 3715 704 / 3872 452 / 3312 338 / 1857 352 / 1936 226 / 1656 226 / 1238 235 / 1291 151 / 1104080S/L 710 758 / 4169 790 / 4346 517 / 3756 379 / 2084 395 / 2173 259 / 1878 253 / 1390 264 / 1449 171 / 1252080S/L 800 861 / 4736 898 / 4937 576 / 4221 431 / 2368 449 / 2469 288 / 2110 288 / 1579 300 / 1646 192 / 1407080S/L 890 — / — — / — 642 / 4706 — / — — / — 321 / 2353 — / — — / — 214 / 1569142M/L 890 863 / 4746 900 / 4948 645 / 4726 432 / 2373 450 / 2474 323 / 2363 288 / 1582 300 / 1649 215 / 1575142M/L 980 966 / 5314 1008 / 5540 716 / 5251 483 / 2657 504 / 2770 358 / 2625 322 / 1771 336 / 1847 239 / 1750142M/L 1080 1075 / 5912 1121 / 6163 807 / 5917 538 / 2956 561 / 3082 404 / 2959 358 / 1971 374 / 2054 269 / 1972142M/L/E 1220 1208 / 6645 1260 / 6927 895 / 6564 604 / 3323 630 / 3464 448 / 3282 403 / 2215 420 / 2309 299 / 2188142M/L/E 1420 1345 / 7398 1402 / 7712 1041 / 7634 673 / 3699 701 / 3856 521 / 3817 449 / 2466 468 / 2571 347 / 2545210L 1610 1318 / 7244 1373 / 7551 1146 / 8402 659 / 3622 687 / 3775 573 / 4201 440 / 2415 458 / 2517 382 / 2801210L 1760 1471 / 8090 1534 / 8433 1286 / 9432 736 / 4045 767 / 4216 643 / 4716 490 / 2697 512 / 2811 429 / 3144210L 1900 1634 / 8987 1704 / 9369 1421 / 10421 817 / 4494 852 / 4684 711 / 5211 545 / 2996 568 / 3123 474 / 3474210L 2100 1802 / 9906 1878 / 10326 1509 / 11067 901 / 4953 939 / 5163 755 / 5534 601 / 3302 626 / 3442 503 / 3689250E 2300 1948 / 10710 2030 / 11165 1640 / 11930 974 / 5355 1015 / 5583 820 / 5965 650 / 3570 677 / 3722 547 / 3977250E 2500 2145 / 11794 2236 / 12295 1790 / 13060 1073 / 5897 1118 / 6147 895 / 6530 715 / 3931 746 / 4098 597 / 4353210D 1610 1373 / 7550 1403 / 7719 1148 / 8421210D 1850 1623 / 8927 1659 / 9126 1311 / 9613 Not Applicable Not Applicable210D 2100 1870 / 10282 1911 / 10511 1471 / 10784250D 2100 1877 / 10325 1919 / 10555 1471 / 10784250D 2300 2030 / 11164 2075 / 11413 1628 / 11935 Not Applicable Not Applicable250D 2500 2235 / 12294 2285 / 12568 1782 / 13066250M 2100 1877 / 10325 1919 / 10555 1471 / 10784250M 2300 2030 / 11164 2075 / 11413 1628 / 11935 Not Applicable Not Applicable250M 2500 2235 / 12294 2285 / 12568 1782 / 13066250X 2100 1877 / 10325 1919 / 10555 1471 / 10784250X 2300 2030 / 11164 2075 / 11413 1628 / 11935 Not Applicable Not Applicable250X 2500 2235 / 12294 2285 / 12568 1782 / 13066

Note: The minimum evaporator water velocity is 1.5 ft/sec for IECU tubes and 2.0 ft/sec for all other tubes. For a variable evaporator water flow system, the minimumGPME is generally not applicable at full load, and may be limited by other factors such as glycol. Confirm actual minimum and maximum flows for each selectionbefore operating near flow boundaries.


EvaporatorFlow Rates

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EvaporatorFlow Rates

Table 3 (Continued). Minimum/maximum evaporator flow rates (Liters/Second)Shell Bundle One Pass Two Pass Three PassSize Size SBCU TECU IECU SBCU TECU IECU SBCU TECU IECU

EVSZ EVBS Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max032S 200 14 / 75 14 / 78 9 / 66 7 / 37 8 / 39 5 / 33 5 / 25 5 / 26 3 / 22032S 230 16 / 84 16 / 88 11 / 76 8 / 42 8 / 44 5 / 38 6 / 28 6 / 29 4 / 25032S 250 17 / 92 18 / 96 11 / 82 9 / 46 9 / 48 6 / 41 6 / 31 6 / 32 4 / 27032S/L 280 20 / 105 20 / 110 13 / 93 10 / 53 10 / 55 7 / 47 7 / 35 7 / 37 4 / 31032S/L 320 22 / 118 22 / 123 15 / 106 11 / 59 12 / 61 7 / 53 8 / 39 8 / 41 5 / 35032S/L 350 — / — — / — 16 / 116 — / — — / — 8 / 58 — / — — / — 6 / 39050S 320 22 / 118 22 / 123 15 / 107 11 / 59 12 / 61 8 / 54 8 / 39 8 / 41 5 / 36050S 360 24 / 133 26 / 138 16 / 117 12 / 66 13 / 69 8 / 59 8 / 44 9 / 46 6 / 39050S 400 27 / 147 28 / 153 18 / 131 14 / 74 14 / 77 9 / 66 9 / 49 10 / 51 6 / 44050S/L 450 31 / 167 32 / 174 22 / 149 16 / 84 16 / 87 10 / 75 10 / 56 11 / 58 7 / 50050S/L 500 34 / 186 36 / 193 23 / 167 17 / 93 18 / 97 12 / 83 12 / 62 12 / 64 8 / 56050S/L 550 — / — — / — 25 / 183 — / — — / — 13 / 92 — / — — / — 9 / 61080S 500 34 / 186 36 / 193 23 / 167 17 / 93 18 / 97 12 / 83 12 / 62 12 / 64 8 / 56080S 560 38 / 209 40 / 218 25 / 185 19 / 104 20 / 109 13 / 92 13 / 70 14 / 73 9 / 62080S 630 43 / 234 45 / 244 29 / 209 22 / 117 22 / 122 14 / 104 14 / 78 15 / 81 10 / 70080S/L 710 48 / 263 50 / 274 33 / 237 24 / 131 25 / 137 16 / 118 16 / 88 17 / 91 11 / 79080S/L 800 54 / 299 57 / 311 37 / 266 28 / 149 28 / 156 18 / 133 18 / 100 19 / 104 12 / 89080S/L 890 — / — — / — 41 / 297 — / — — / — 20 / 148 — / — — / — 14 / 99142M/L 890 55 / 299 57 / 312 41 / 298 28 / 150 29 / 156 21 / 149 18 / 100 19 / 104 14 / 99142M/L 980 61 / 335 63 / 349 45 / 331 31 / 168 32 / 175 23 / 166 20 / 112 22 / 116 15 / 110142M/L 1080 68 / 373 71 / 389 51 / 373 34 / 186 36 / 194 26 / 187 23 / 124 24 / 130 17 / 124142M/L/E 1220 76 / 419 80 / 437 57 / 414 38 / 210 40 / 218 28 / 207 26 / 140 27 / 146 19 / 138142M/L/E 1420 85 / 467 89 / 487 66 / 482 43 / 233 44 / 243 33 / 241 28 / 156 30 / 162 22 / 161210L 1610 84 / 457 87 / 476 73 / 530 42 / 228 44 / 238 36 / 265 28 / 152 29 / 159 24 / 177210L 1760 86 / 510 97 / 532 81 / 595 47 / 255 49 / 266 41 / 297 31 / 170 32 / 177 27 / 198210L 1900 104 / 567 108 / 591 90 / 657 52 / 283 54 / 296 45 / 329 35 / 189 36 / 197 30 / 219210L 2100 114 / 625 119 / 651 95 / 698 57 / 312 60 / 326 48 / 349 38 / 208 40 / 217 32 / 233250E 2300 123 / 676 128 / 704 104 / 752 62 / 338 64 / 352 52 / 376 41 / 235 43 / 235 35 / 250250E 2500 136 / 744 142 / 776 113 / 824 68 / 372 71 / 388 57 / 411 46 / 248 48 / 259 38 / 274210D 1610 87 / 476 89 / 487 72 / 531210D 1850 102 / 563 105 / 576 83 / 606 Not Applicable Not Applicable210D 2100 118 / 649 121 / 663 93 / 680250D 2100 118 / 651 121 / 666 93 / 680250D 2300 128 / 704 131 / 720 103 / 753 Not Applicable Not Applicable250D 2500 141 / 775 144 / 793 112 / 824250M 2100 118 / 651 121 / 666 93 / 680250M 2300 128 / 704 131 / 720 103 / 753 Not Applicable Not Applicable250M 2500 141 / 775 144 / 793 112 / 824250X 2100 118 / 651 121 / 666 93 / 680250X 2300 128 / 704 131 / 720 103 / 753 Not Applicable Not Applicable250X 2500 141 / 775 144 / 793 112 / 824

Note: The minimum evaporator water velocity is 0.457 m/sec for IECU tubes and 0.610 m/sec for all other tubes. For a variable evaporator water flow system, theminimum GPME is generally not applicable at full load, and may be limited by other factors such as glycol. Confirm actual minimum and maximum flows for eachselection before operating near flow boundaries.

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CondenserFlow Rates

Table 4. Minimum/maximum condenser flow rates (GPM)Shell Bundle Two PassSize Size SBCU TECU IECU

CDSZ CDBS Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max032S 230 214 / 784 209 / 767 218 / 798

032S/L 250 239 / 877 234 / 857 245 / 899032S/L 280 267 / 980 261 / 958 273 / 1000032S/L 320 295 / 1083 289 / 1059 306 / 1121050S 360 336 / 1233 329 / 1205 347 / 1272

050S/L 400 378 / 1388 370 / 1357 391 / 1434050S/L 450 426 / 1563 417 / 1528 441 / 1616050S/L 500 473 / 1733 462 / 1695 490 / 1797080S 500 473 / 1733 462 / 1695 490 / 1797080S 560 529 / 1940 517 / 1896 548 / 2010

080S/L 630 595 / 2182 582 / 2133 614 / 2252080S/L 710 673 / 2466 657 / 2411 689 / 2525080S/L 800 756 / 2770 739 / 2708 774 / 2838142L 890 853 / 3126 833 / 3056 876 / 3211142L 980 948 / 3477 927 / 3399 975 / 3575142L 1080 1060 / 3885 1036 / 3798 1091 / 3999142L 1220 1185 / 4344 1158 / 4246 1217 / 4463142L 1420 1335 / 4896 1305 / 4786 1407 / 5160210L 1610 1331 / 4881 1301 / 4771 1495 / 5483210L 1760 1473 / 5402 1440 / 5280 1655 / 6069210L 1900 1615 / 5923 1579 / 5790 1812 / 6645210L 2100 1760 / 6454 1721 / 6309 1964 / 7200250L 2100 1760 / 6454 1721 / 6309 1950 / 7140250L 2300 1935 / 7094 1891 / 6934 2140 / 7840250L 2500 2113 / 7749 2066 / 7575 2330 / 8530

One Pass210D 1610 2543 / 9324 2602 / 9541 2998 / 10991210D 1760 2814 / 10320 2880 / 10560 3318 / 12165210D 1900 3086 / 11315 3158 / 11578 3632 / 13319210D 2100 3363 / 12330 3441 / 12617 3936 / 14432250D 2100 3363 / 12330 3441 / 12617 3931 / 14412250D 2300 3696 / 13552 3782 / 13868 4317 / 15829250D 2500 4038 / 14804 4131 / 15149 4698 / 17226250M 2100 3363 / 12330 3441 / 12617 3931 / 14412250M 2300 3696 / 13552 3782 / 13868 4317 / 15829250M 2500 4038 / 14804 4131 / 15149 4698 / 17226250X 2100 3363 / 12330 3441 / 12617 3931 / 14412250X 2300 3696 / 13552 3782 / 13868 4317 / 15829250X 2500 4038 / 14804 4131 / 15149 4698 / 17226

Note: The minimum/maximum condenser water velocity is 3 / 11 ft/sec, and may be limited by other factorssuch as glycol. Confirm actual minimum and maximum flows for each selection before operating near flowboundaries.

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CondenserFlow Rates

Table 4 (Continued). Minimum/maximum condenser flow rates (Liters/Second)Shell Bundle Two PassSize Size SBCU TECU IECU

CDSZ CDBS Min / Max Min / Max Min / Max032S 230 13 / 49 13 / 48 14 / 50

032S/L 250 15 / 55 15 / 54 15 / 57032S/L 280 17 / 62 16 / 60 17 / 63032S/L 320 19 / 68 18 / 67 19 / 71050S 360 21 / 78 21 / 76 22 / 80

050S/L 400 24 / 88 23 / 86 25 / 90050S/L 450 27 / 99 26 / 96 28 / 102050S/L 500 30 / 109 29 / 107 31 / 113080S 500 30 / 109 29 / 107 31 / 113080S 560 33 / 122 33 / 120 35 / 127

080S/L 630 38 / 138 37 / 135 39 / 142080S/L 710 42 / 156 41 / 152 43 / 159080S/L 800 48 / 175 47 / 171 49 / 179142L 890 54 / 197 53 / 193 55 / 203142L 980 60 / 219 58 / 214 62 / 226142L 1080 67 / 245 65 / 240 69 / 252142L 1220 75 / 274 73 / 268 77 / 282142L 1420 84 / 309 82 / 302 89 / 326210L 1610 84 / 308 82 / 301 94 / 346210L 1760 93 / 341 91 / 333 104 / 383210L 1900 102 / 374 100 / 365 114 / 419210L 2100 111 / 407 109 / 398 124 / 454250L 2100 111 / 407 109 / 398 123 / 450250L 2300 122 / 447 119 / 437 135 / 494250L 2500 133 / 489 130 / 478 147 / 538

One Pass210D 1610 160 / 588 164 / 602 189 / 693210D 1760 178 / 651 182 / 666 209 / 767210D 1900 195 / 714 199 / 730 229 / 840210D 2100 212 / 778 217 / 796 248 / 910250D 2100 212 / 778 217 / 796 248 / 909250D 2300 233 / 855 239 / 875 272 / 998250D 2500 255 / 934 261 / 956 296 / 1087250M 2100 212 / 778 217 / 796 248 / 909250M 2300 233 / 855 239 / 875 272 / 998250M 2500 255 / 934 261 / 956 296 / 1087250X 2100 212 / 778 217 / 796 248 / 909250X 2300 233 / 855 239 / 875 272 / 998250X 2500 255 / 934 261 / 956 296 / 1087

Note: The minimum/maximum condenser water velocity is 0.914/3.35 m/sec, and may be limited by otherfactors such as glycol. Confirm actual minimum and maximum flows for each selection before operatingnear flow boundaries.

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Figure 13. Electric connections

Shipment and Assembly

All style hermetic CenTraVac™ units shipas a factory assembled, factory testedpackage, ready to rig into place onfactory supplied isolation pads.


Supply and Motor Lead Wiringand Connections

Copper conductors only should beconnected to the compressor motor dueto the possibility of galvanic corrosion asa result of moisture if aluminumconductors are used. Copper conductorsare recommended for supply leads in thestarter panel.

Suggested starter panel line and loadside lug sizes (when lugs are provided)are noted in the starter submittals. Thesesubmitted lug sizes should be carefullyreviewed for compatibility withconductor sizes specified by the electricalengineer or contractor. If they are notcompatible, the electrical engineer orcontractor should specify the requiredlug sizes for the particular application.Ground lugs are provided in the motorterminal box and starter panel. Themotor terminals are supplied withconnection pads which willaccommodate bus bars or standardterminal lugs (crimp typerecommended). Terminal lugs are field-supplied. These connection pads provideadditional surface area to minimizeimproper electrical connections. Also,a 3/8-inch bolt is provided on allconnection pads for mounting the lugs.Figure 9 illustrates the connectionbetween the motor connection pads andthe terminal lugs.

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Controls Capabilities

Tracer™ CH530 ChillerController

Today’s CenTraVac chillers offerpredictive controls that anticipate andcompensate for load changes. Othercontrol strategies made possible withthe Tracer CH530 controls are:

Feedforward Adaptive ControlFeedforward is an open-loop, predictivecontrol strategy designed to anticipateand compensate for load changes. Ituses evaporator entering-watertemperature as an indication of loadchange. This allows the controller torespond faster and maintain stableleaving-water temperatures.

Soft LoadingThe chiller controller uses soft loadingexcept during manual operation. Largeadjustments due to load or setpointchanges are made gradually, preventingthe compressor from cyclingunnecessarily. It does this by internallyfiltering the setpoints to avoid reachingthe differential-to-stop or the currentlimit. Soft loading applies to the leavingchilled-water temperature and current-limit setpoints.

Multi-Objective Limit ArbitrationThere are many objectives that thecontroller must meet, but it cannotsatisfy more than one objective at a time.Typically, the controller’s primaryobjective is to maintain the evaporatorleaving-water temperature.

Whenever the controller senses that itcan no longer meet its primary objectivewithout triggering a protectiveshutdown, it focuses on the most criticalsecondary objective. When thesecondary objective is no longer critical,the controller reverts to its primaryobjective.

Fast RestartThe controller allows the CenTraVac torestart while the inlet guide vanes areclosing and also during the postlubeprocess. If the chiller shuts down on anonlatching diagnostic, the diagnostichas 30–60 seconds to clear itself andinitiate a fast restart. This includesmomentary power losses.

Adaptive Frequency Drive ControlThe combination of speed control andinlet guide-vane position is nowoptimized mathematically and controlledsimultaneously. The increasedperformance of the microprocessorallows the chiller to operate longer athigher efficiency and with greaterstability.

Variable-Primary Flow (VPF)Chilled-water systems that vary thewater flow through chiller evaporatorshave caught the attention of engineers,contractors, building owners, andoperators. Varying the water flowreduces the energy consumed bypumps, while requiring no extra energyfor the chiller. This strategy can be asignificant source of energy savings,depending on the application.

Using the optional variable flowcompensation, the Tracer chillercontroller reliably accommodatesvariable evaporator water flow andvirtually eliminates its effect on thechilled-water temperature.

Variable Flow CompensationVariable flow compensation is a new,optional, control feature that includeswater pressure-sensor transducers.

Variable flow compensation improvesthe ability of the chiller to accommodatevariable flow, even in combination withan Adaptive Frequency Drive™ (AFD).

VPF with an AFDPrevious controllers sometimes haddifficulties with variable water flow incombination with variable-speed drives.Variable flow compensation reacts soquickly that this energy-savingcombination is now possible.

34°F Leaving-Water TemperatureAnother benefit of Feedforward AdaptiveControl is the ability to operate theCenTraVac chiller at low leavingevaporator-water temperatures withoutthe use of glycol.

Colder water is generally used in widedelta-T systems, reducing the pumpingenergy required and making it lessexpensive to deliver cooling capacityover long distances. For this reason, lowleaving-water temperatures arefrequently used in district coolingapplications, but can also be used incomfort cooling applications.

Your local Trane office can assist inmaking chiller two- or three-passselections using 34°F to 36°F leaving-water temperatures. Special installationprocedures may be required.

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DynaView Operator Interface

DynaView™ is the unit-mountedoperator interface and also serves as themain processor. It has a touch-sensitiveoverlay on a 1/4 VGA display.

DynaView presents information throughan intuitive, tabbed-navigation system.Alternate languages can be downloadedto the control panel, which can holdEnglish plus two other languages at onetime.

DynaView can be connected to theservice tool using a standard 9-pin male,9-pin female RS-232 serial cable. Theserial connection is located at thebottom of the DynaView panel.

DynaView receives information from andcommunicates information to the otherdevices on the chiller’s communicationslink. DynaView performs the LeavingChilled Water Temperature and LimitControl algorithms, arbitrating capacityagainst any operating limit against whichthe chiller may find itself working.

• Auto/Stop commands

• Status (all subsystems)

• Setpoint adjustment(daily user points)

• 10 active diagnostics

• Mode overrides

• ASHRAE chiller log

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TechView Service Interface

The Tracer chiller controller adds a levelof sophistication better served by a PCapplication to improve service technicianeffectiveness and minimize chillerdowntime. DynaView is intended toserve only typical daily tasks. Theportable, PC-based service tool software,TechView, supports service andmaintenance tasks.

The Tracer chiller controller is used onvirtually all Trane chillers. TechViewserves as a common interface to all Tranechillers, and will customize itself basedon the properties of the chiller with whichit is communicating. Thus, the servicetechnician learns only one serviceinterface.

The panel bus is easy to troubleshoot,using LED verification of sensors. Onlythe defective device is replaced. Captivescrews ensure that the appropriatemounting hardware is available.TechView can communicate withindividual devices or groups of devices.

All chiller status, machine configurationsettings, customizable limits, and up to60 active or historic diagnostics aredisplayed through the service-toolsoftware interface. Any PC that meetsthe system requirements may downloadthe service interface software andDynaView updates

LEDs and their respective TechViewindicators visually confirm theavailability of each connected sensor,relay, and actuator.

TechView is designed to run on acustomer’s laptop, connected toDynaView with a serial cable.

Hardware requirements for TechView:

• Pentium II, III, or higher processor

• 128 MB RAM

• 1024 x 768 resolution


• 56K modem

• 9-pin RS232 serial connection

• Windows® 95, 98, 2000

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Standard Features

Field ConnectionThe field-connected elements areinvolved in physically turning the chilleron or off. This involves ensuring that thechiller is not in an emergency or externalstop condition, starting the pumps, andverifying that flow has been established.The optional, factory-supplied flowswitch or a customer-supplieddifferential- pressure switch can be usedto prove flow.

• External auto stop (enable/disable)

• Emergency stop

• Chilled-water flow contacts

• Condenser-water flow contacts

• Chilled-water pump relay

• Condenser-water pump relay

Heat Exchanger ControlFundamental internal variables that arenecessary to control the chiller aregathered and acted upon by the heatexchanger control function.

Motor Control and CompressorProtectionThis includes all functions that start, run,and stop the motor. The starter moduleprovides the interface and control of Y-delta, across-the-line, primary reactor,autotransformer, and solid-state starters.Analog and binary signals are used tointerface with the solid state starter. AnAFD output signal, included in the AFDoption, controls the Adaptive Frequencydrive. The motor control also provides

protection to both the motor and thecompressor.

EarthWise Purge ControlThe purge control function provides allthe inputs and outputs to control thepurge, optimizing both purge and chillerefficiency. The purge controllercommunicates with DynaView over theIPC3 bus communications link,uploading setpoints and downloadingdata and diagnostics.

Phase Voltage Sensors – 3 phaseIncludes factory-installed potentialtransformers in the starter formonitoring and displaying phase voltageand provides over/ undervoltageprotection. DynaView, TechView andTracer Summit display the following:

• Compressor phase voltage(a-b, b-c, c-a)

• Kilowatts

• Power factor (uncorrected)

Chilled-Water ResetChilled-water reset reduces energyconsumption during periods of the yearwhen heating loads are high and coolingloads are reduced. It is based on returnchilled-water temperature. Resetting thechilled-water temperature reduces theamount of work that the compressormust do by increasing the evaporatorrefrigerant pressure. This increased


evaporator pressure reduces thepressure differential the compressormust generate while in the heat recoverymode. Chilled-water reset is also used incombination with the hot-water control.By resetting the chilled-watertemperature upward, the compressorcan generate a higher condenserpressure, resulting in higher leaving hot-water temperatures.

Hot-Water ControlIn the hot-water mode, the chillerproduces hot water as its primaryobjective, rather than chilled water. As anoption, the Extended Operation packageallows an external controller to enable,disable, and modulate this mode. It canbe performed with or without asecondary condenser. See also HeatRecovery/Auxiliary Condenser option.

Ice-Making ControlFor chillers that have been selected toallow for ice-making operation, thestandard control package includes theice-making mode. As an option, theExtended Operation package allows anexternal controller to enable, disable,and modulate this mode.

Figure 14. Chilled water reset

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Extended Operation Package

Select the extended-operation packagefor chillers that require external ice-building control, hot water control, and/or base-loading capabilities. Thispackage also includes a 4-20 mA or 0-10Vdc analog input for a refrigerantmonitor.

• External Ice-building control• External Ice-building relay• External base-loading control• External base-loading relay• External hot-water control relay• Refrigerant monitor input

Base-Loading ControlThis feature allows an external controllerto directly modulate the capacity of thechiller. It is typically used in applicationswhere virtually infinite sources ofevaporator load and condenser capacityare available and it is desirable to controlthe loading of the chiller. Two examplesare industrial process applications andcogeneration plants. Industrial processapplications might use this feature toimpose a specific load on the facility’selectrical system. Cogeneration plantsmight use this feature to balance thesystem’s heating, cooling, and electricalgeneration.

All chiller safeties and Adaptive Controlfunctions are in full effect when BaseLoading is enabled. If the chillerapproaches full current, the evaporatortemperature drops too low, or thecondenser pressure rises too high, thecontroller’s Adaptive Control logic limitsthe loading of the chiller to prevent thechiller from shutting down on a safetylimit. These limits may prevent thechiller from reaching the load requestedby the Base Loading signal.

An alternative and less radical approachto Base Loading indirectly controlschiller capacity. Artificially load the chillerby setting the chilled-water setpointlower than it is capable of achieving.Then, modify the chiller’s load byadjusting the current-limit setpoint. Thisapproach provides greater safety andcontrol stability because it leaves thechilled-water temperature-control logic


in effect. The chilled-water temperaturecontrol responds more quickly todramatic system changes and limitschiller loading prior to reaching anAdaptive Control limit.

Ice-Making ControlThis feature allows an external controllerto control the chiller in an ice-storagesystem. Ice storage is typically used inareas where high electrical-demandcharges can be offset by shifting buildingenergy use to off-peak (typicallynighttime) hours.

While the standard controller is fullycapable of running the chiller in ice-making mode, installation savings andadditional energy savings can berealized by using the Chiller Plant Controlmodule of the Tracer buildingautomation system. Chiller Plant Controlanticipates how much ice needs to bemade at night and operates the systemaccordingly. The controls are integratedwith the chiller—two wires andpreprogrammed software reduce field-installation cost and complex customprogramming.

The CenTraVac chiller is uniquely suitedfor low-temperature applications like icestorage, because it provides multiplestages of compression. This allows thechiller to produce ice efficiently, whileexperiencing less stress than a single-stage compression chiller.

Hot-Water ControlThis feature allows an external controllerto enable/disable and modulate the hot-water control mode. Occasionally,CenTraVac chillers are used to provideheating as a primary mission. In thiscase the external controller or operatorwould select a hot-water temperaturesetpoint and the chiller capacity wouldbe modulated to maintain the setpoint.Heating is the primary mission andcooling is a waste product or asecondary mission. This techniqueprovides application flexibility, especiallyin multiple-chiller plants in conjunctionwith undersized heating plants.

The chiller needs only one condenser forhot-water control, whereas HeatRecovery uses a secondary condenser.

Refrigerant MonitorThe Extended Operation package allowsfor a refrigerant monitor to send a 4-20mA signal to the DynaView display. Itcan be calibrated to correspond to either0-100 ppm or 0-1,000 ppm concentrationlevels. The concentration level isdisplayed at DynaView, but the chillerwill not take any action based on theinput from the refrigerant monitor.

Alternatively, a refrigerant monitor canbe connected to Tracer Summit, whichhas the ability to increase ventilation inthe equipment room in response to highrefrigerant concentrations.

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Variable Flow Compensation

This option includes transducers for thedifferential evaporator-and condenser-water pressures (psid). Flow switches orsome other means to prove flow are stillrequired and must be field connected.One type of sensor handles all pressureranges up to 300 psig.

The following data will be shown at theDynaView and TechView displays and atTracer Summit.• Evaporator and condenser differentialwater pressures (psid)

• Evaporator and condenser gpm• Evaporator tons

How It WorksThe Tracer chiller controller uses apatented, variable, water-flowcompensation algorithm to maintainstable, precise capacity control. Variableflow compensation is a new optionalcontrol feature for CTV chillers.

It will automatically adjust capacitycontrol to:• Maintain control stability at low flow.• Reject variable-flow disturbance.

If the water-pressure transducer fails andthe flow switch continues to prove flow,water-flow compensation will bedisabled and the design delta T will beused.

For applications designed to operatewith variable-primary (VPF) water-flow,variable flow compensation allows thechiller to respond quickly to acceleratingor decelerating water. By automaticallyadjusting the control gain, large changesin the water-flow rate can be tolerated.

Data shown on Figure 15 demonstrateswater-temperature control with flowcompensation enabled. The chilled-water temperature remains stable, evenwhen the water-flow rate drops 50percent in 30 seconds. In contrast, Figure16 demonstrates water-temperaturecontrol without flow compensation.

Another benefit is disturbance rejection.Figure 17 shows the test results fromstep changes in water flow withincreasing magnitudes. The leavingchilled-water temperature remainslargely unaffected. Even the most severechange—dropping water flow 66 percentin 30 seconds— caused only a small,


1.5°F variation in chilled-watertemperature. It is unlikely that a chillerapplication would be making water-flowchanges of this magnitude. The resultsdemonstrate that the chiller is more thancapable of supporting variable water-flow applications.


Figure 15. Capacity control with variable flow compensation

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Figure 17. Capacity control with flow changes and variable flow compensation

Variable Flow Stability

Figure 16. Capacity control without variable flow compensation


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Inputs• Chiller Auto/Stop• Chiller Mode (i.e. Heat, Cool,Free Cool, Ice)

• External Base Loading Enable/Disable• External Base Loading Setpoint• Chilled Water Setpoint• Current Limit Setpoint• Heating Setpoint

Outputs• Evaporator Pump• Condenser Pump• Chilled Water Flow Status• Condenser Water Flow Status• Evaporator Water Flow Rate• Condenser Water Flow Rate• Leaving Chilled Water Temperature• Entering Chilled Water Temperature• Entering Condenser WaterTemperature

• Leaving Condenser Water Temperature• Second Condenser Entering WaterTemperature

• Second Condenser Leaving WaterTemperature

• Active Chilled/Hot Water Setpoint• Active Current Limit Setpoint• Active Base Loading Setpoint• Head Relief Request• Compressor Running• Chiller On/Off• Limit Warning• Maximum Capacity• Alarm Description and Severity• Alarm Reset

• Condenser Refrigerant Pressure• Condenser Refrigerant Temperature• Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure• Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature• Compressor Discharge Refrigerant

Temperature• Operating State (Alarm, Run Enabled,

Local Control, Limited)• Chiller Modes (i.e. Off, Starting,

Running, Shutting Down)• Base Loading Active• Hot Gas Bypass Active• Operating Mode (i.e. Heat, Cool, Free

Cool, Ice)• Percent RLA• Current Per Line• Voltage Per Phase• Unit Power Consumption (kW)• Oil Temperature• Oil Pressure Differential - High Side• Oil Pressure Differential - Low Side• Compressor Starts• Compressor Run Time• Purge Status (on, pumping out,

regenerating)• Purge Pumpout Average (24 hour)• Communication State

Additional outputs to Tracer Summit• Condenser Water Delta Temperature• Condenser Water Approach

Temperature• Chilled Water Delta Temperature• Chilled Water Approach Temperature• Active Tons

Controls Interoperability

LonTalk® CommunicationsInterface (LCI-C)The optional LonTalk CommunicationsInterface for Chiller (LCI-C) is availablefactory- or field-installed. It is anintegrated communication board thatenables the chiller controller tocommunicate over a LonTalk network.The LCI-C is capable of controlling andmonitoring chiller setpoints, operatingmodes, alarms and status. The TraneLCI-C provides additional points beyondthe standard LonMark®-defined chillerprofile to extend interoperability andsupport a broader range of systemapplications. These added points arereferred to as open extensions. TheLCI-C is certified to the LonMark ChillerController Functional Profile 8040version 1.0 and follows LonTalk FTT-10Afree topology communications.

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Building Automation andChiller Plant Control

For a preprogrammable and flexiblebuilding automation and chiller plantcontrol, Trane has developed the TracerSummit™. It can control the operation ofthe complete installation: chillers,pumps, cooling towers, isolating valves,air handlers and terminal units. Tranecan undertake full responsibility for anoptimized automation and energymanagement for the entire chiller plant.

The main functions are:

• Chiller sequencing: equalizes thenumber of running hours of the chillers.Different control strategies are availabledepending on the configuration of theinstallation.

• Control of the auxiliaries: includesinput/output modules to control theoperation of the various auxiliaryequipments (water pumps, valves,cooling towers, etc.)

• Time of day scheduling: allows the enduser to define the occupancy period, i.e.time of the day, holiday periods andexception schedules.

• Optimization of the start/stop time ofthe installation: based on theprogrammed schedule of occupancyand on the historical record of thebehavior of the temperatures,calculates the optimal time of start andstop of the installation to get the bestcompromise between energy savingsand comfort of the occupants.

• Soft loading: the soft loading functionminimizes the number of chillers thatare operated to satisfy the buildingmorning pull down, thus preventing anovershoot of the actual capacityrequired. Unnecessary starts areavoided and the peak current demandis lowered.

• Communication capabilities: severalcommunication levels are provided:— local, through a PC workstation

keyboard. Summit can beprogrammed to send messages tolocal or remote workstations and ora pager in the following cases:

— Analog parameter exceeding aprogrammed value.

— Maintenance warning.

— Component failure alarm.— Critical alarm messages. In this

latter case, the message isdisplayed until the operatoracknowledges the receipt of theinformation. From the remotestation it is also possible to accessand modify the chiller plant’scontrol parameters.

• Remote communication through amodem: As an option, a modem can beconnected to communicate the plantoperation parameters through voicegrade phone lines.

The remote terminal is a PC workstationequipped with a modem and software todisplay the remote plant parameters.

Chiller-Tower OptimizationTracer Summit™ chiller-toweroptimization extends Adaptive Control™to the rest of the chiller plant. Chiller-tower optimization is a unique controlalgorithm for managing the chiller andcooling-tower subsystem. It considersthe chiller load and real-time ambientconditions, then optimizes the towersetpoint temperature to maximize theefficiency of the subsystem.

Integrated Comfort™ System (ICS)The onboard Tracer chiller controller isdesigned to be able to communicate

with a wide range of buildingautomation systems. To take fulladvantage of the capabilities of thechiller, incorporate your chiller into aTracer Summit building automationsystem.

But the benefits do not stop at the chillerplant. At Trane, we realize that all energyused in your cooling system isimportant. That is why we workedclosely with other equipmentmanufacturers to predict the energyrequired by the entire system. We usedthis information to create patentedcontrol logic for optimizing the HVACsystem efficiency.

The building owner’s challenge is to tiecomponents and applications expertiseinto a single reliable system thatprovides maximum comfort, control andefficiency. Trane’s Integrated Comfort™

systems (ICS) are a concept thatcombines system components, controlsand engineering applications expertiseinto a single, logical and efficient system.These advanced controls are fullycommissioned and available on everypiece of Trane equipment, from thelargest chiller to the smallest VAV box.As a manufacturer, only Trane offers thisuniverse of equipment, controls andfactory installation and verification.


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Controls Protections

Standard Protections

The chiller controller uses proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control for alllimits—there is no dead band. Thisremoves oscillation above and belowsetpoints and extends the capabilities ofthe chiller.

Some of the standard protection featuresof the chiller controller are described inthis section. There are additionalprotection features not listed here.

High Condenser-Pressure ProtectionThe chiller controller’s condenser limitkeeps the condenser pressure under aspecified maximum pressure. The chillerruns all the way up to 100 percent of thesetpoint before reducing capacity usingits adaptive control mode.

Starter-Contactor Failure ProtectionThe chiller will protect itself from astarter failure that prevents thecompressor motor from disconnectingfrom the line to the limits of itscapabilities.

The controller starts and stops the chillerthrough the starter. If the startermalfunctions and does not disconnectthe compressor motor from the linewhen requested, the controller willrecognize the fault and attempt toprotect the chiller by operating theevaporator-and condenser-water pumpsand attempting to unload thecompressor.

Loss of Water-Flow ProtectionDynaView has an input that will accept acontact closure from a proof-of-flowdevice such as a flow switch or pressureswitch. Customer wiring diagrams alsosuggest that the flow switch be wired inseries with the cooling-water(condenser-water) pump starter’s

auxiliary contacts. When this input doesnot prove flow within a fixed time duringthe transition from Stop to Auto modesof the chiller, or if the flow is lost whilethe chiller is in the Auto mode ofoperation, the chiller will be inhibitedfrom running by a nonlatchingdiagnostic.

Evaporator Limit ProtectionEvaporator Limit is a control algorithmthat prevents the chiller tripping on itslow refrigerant-temperature cutout. Themachine may run up to the limit but nottrip. Under these conditions the intendedchilled-water setpoint may not be met,but the chiller will do as much as it can.The chiller will deliver as much coldwater as possible even under adverseconditions.

Low Evaporator-Water TemperatureLow evaporator-water temperatureprotection, also known as Freeze Statprotection, avoids water freezing in theevaporator by immediately shuttingdown the chiller and attempting tooperate the chilled-water pump. Thisprotection is somewhat redundant withthe Evaporator Limit protection, andprevents freezing in the event of extremeerrors in the evaporator- refrigeranttemperature sensor.

The cutout setting should be based onthe percentage of antifreeze used in thecustomer’s water loop. The chiller’soperation and maintenancedocumentation provides the necessaryinformation for percent antifreeze andsuggests leaving-water temperature-cutout settings for a given chilled-watertemperature setpoint.

High-Vacuum Lockout ProtectionThe controller inhibits a compressorstart with a latching diagnostic wheneverthe evaporator pressure is less than orequal to 3.1 psia for R123. This protectsthe motor by locking out chilleroperation while the unit is in a highvacuum, to prevent starting when theevaporator is in a high-vacuum state.

Oil-Temperature ProtectionLow oil temperature when the oil pumpand/or compressor are running may bean indication of refrigerant diluting theoil. If the oil temperature is at or belowthe low oil-temperature setpoint, thecompressor is shut down on a latchingdiagnostic and cannot be started. Thediagnostic is reported at the userinterface. The oil heater is energized inan attempt to raise the oil temperatureabove the low oil-temperature setpoint.

High oil-temperature protection is usedto avoid overheating the oil and thebearings.

Low Differential Oil-Pressure ProtectionOil pressure is indicative of oil flow andactive oil-pump operation. A significantdrop in oil pressure indicates a failure ofthe oil pump, oil leakage, or otherblockage in the oil-circuit.

During oil pump and compressorprelube mode the differential pressureshould not fall below 12 psid. Ashutdown diagnostic will occur within 2seconds of the differential pressurefalling below 2/3 of the low differential oilpressure cutout.

When the compressor is running theshutdown diagnostic will occur when thedifferential pressure falls below thedifferential oil pressure cutout for morethan (cutout x 3) seconds. This allows fora relatively high cutout to be violatedlonger before triggering shutdown, ascompared to a low cutout.

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Excessive Purge DetectionPump-out activity is indicative of theamount of air leaking into the chillerrefrigerant system. The operator shouldbe informed when the air-leakage ratechanges. Through this setpoint, theoperator can indicate the expectedleakage rate, and can be notified thougha diagnostic if the rate is higher thanexpected.

Occasionally, when a service technicianperforms a mechanical repair on thechiller, an unusually high pump-out rateis expected for a certain period of timefollowing the procedure. The serviceexcessive pump-out override allows thetechnician to specify a time period forthe purge system to rid the chiller of airin the system. This temporarily suspendsexcessive purge detection.

Phase-Unbalance ProtectionPhase-unbalance protection is based onan average of the three phase-currentinputs. The ultimate phase-unbalancetrip point is 30 percent. In addition, theRLA of the motor is derated by resettingthe active current-limit setpoint based onthe current unbalance. The RLA derateprotection can be disabled in the field-startup menu.

The following derates apply when thephase-unbalance limit is enabled:

10% unbalance = 100% RLA derate15% unbalance = 90% RLA derate20% unbalance = 85% RLA derate25% unbalance = 80% RLA derate30% unbalance = Shutdown

Phase-Loss ProtectionThe controller will shut down the chillerif any of the three phase currents feedingthe motor drop below 10 percent RLA.The shutdown will result in a latchingphase-loss diagnostic. The time to trip is1 second at minimum, 3 secondsmaximum.

Phase Reversal/Rotation ProtectionThe controller detects reverse phaserotation and provides a latchingdiagnostic when it is detected. The timeto trip is 0.7 seconds. Phase-rotationprotection can be disabled in TechView.

Momentary Power Loss and DistributionFault ProtectionThree-phase momentary power loss(MPL) detection gives the chillerimproved performance through manydifferent power anomalies. MPLs of 2.5cycles or longer will be detected andcause the unit to shut down. The unit willbe disconnected from the line within 6line cycles of detection. If enabled, MPLprotection will be active any time thecompressor is running. MPL is not activeon reduced-voltage starters from theinitial start signal through transition. TheMPL diagnostic is an automatic resetdiagnostic. MPL protection can bedisabled in TechView.

An MPL has occurred when the motorno longer consumes power. An MPLmay be caused by any drop or sag in thevoltage that results in a change in thedirection of power flow. Differentoperating conditions, motor loads, motorsize, inlet guide vane (IGV) position, etc.

may result in different levels at whichthis may occur. It is difficult to define anexact voltage sag or voltage level atwhich a particular motor will no longerconsume power, but we are able tomake some general statementsconcerning MPL protection:

The chiller will remain running under thefollowing conditions:

• Line-voltage sag of 1.5 line cycles orless for any voltage magnitude sag

• Control-voltage sags of less than 3 linecycles for any magnitude sag

• Control-voltage sags of 40 percent orless for any amount of time

• Second-order or lower harmoniccontent on the line

The chiller may shut down under thefollowing conditions:

• Line-voltage sags of 1.5 or more linecycles for voltage dips of 30 percent ormore

• Control-voltage sags of 3 or more linecycles for voltage dips of 40 percent ormore

• Third-order or higher harmonic contenton the line


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Current Overload ProtectionThe control panel will monitor thecurrent drawn by each line of the motorand shut the chiller off when the highestof the three line currents exceeds the tripcurve. A manual reset diagnosticdescribing the failure will be displayed.The current overload protection does notprohibit the chiller from reaching its full-load amperage.

The chiller protects itself from damagedue to current overload during startingand running modes, but is allowed toreach full-load amps.

High Motor-Winding TemperatureProtectionThis function monitors the motortemperature and terminates chilleroperation when the temperature isexcessive. The controller monitors eachof the three winding-temperaturesensors any time the controller ispowered up, and displays each of thetemperatures at the service menu.Immediately prior to start, and whilerunning, the controller will generate alatching diagnostic if the windingtemperature exceeds 265 ± 5°F(129.4 ± 2.8°C).

Surge Detection ProtectionSurge detection is based on currentfluctuations in one of three phases. Thedefault detection criterion is twooccurrences of RMS current change of30 percent within 0.8 seconds in 60 + 10percent seconds. With the Tracer chillercontroller, the detection criterion isadjustable.

Overvoltage and UndervoltageProtectionThe unit will be shut down with anautomatic reset if the line voltage isbelow or above 10 percent of nominal.

Must trip = 15 percent of nominal.

Time to trip = minimum of 1 minute, 10seconds and maximum of 5 minutes, 20seconds. Overvoltage and undervoltageprotection can be disabled usingTechView.

Controls Protections

Power Factor and kW MeasurementThree-phase measurement of kW andunadjusted power factor yields higheraccuracy during power imbalanceconditions.

Short-Cycling ProtectionTwo selections exist, one based onmotor-winding temperature and theother based on a start-to-start time.

Based on Motor-Winding Temperature:

If all three motor-winding temperaturesare less than the ’Restart InhibitTemperature’ setpoint, the chiller will beallowed to proceed with prestart whenthere is need to cool. If at least one of thethree motor-winding temperatures isgreater than or equal to the setpoint, butless than 265°F, the chiller will enter therestart-inhibit mode. The chiller willremain in this mode until all three motor-winding temperatures are less than thesetpoint. After these temperatures dropbelow the setpoint, they will not bechecked again in this sequence. If at leastone of the three motor-windingtemperatures is 265°F or higher, a HighMotor Winding Temp diagnostic will becalled.

Based On Time:

This method uses a straight start-to-starttimer to determine when to allow thenext start. A time-based restart inhibit-function is used if the Restart Inhibit Typeis set to ’Time’ or if the motor-windingtemperatures are determined to beinvalid.

A ’Restart Inhibit Start-to-Start Time’setpoint is used to set the desired start-to-start time. There is no ’free’ start on apower up at DynaView. The real-timeclock is used to determine when the nextstart will be allowed, based on theprevious start.

When the start is inhibited by the restart-inhibit function, the time remaining isdisplayed along with the restart-inhibitmode.

Enhanced Protection Option

This optional package (included with theindustrial package) includes sensors andtransducers that enable the followingprotection features:

Enhanced Condenser-Limit ControlIncludes factory-installed condenser-pressure transducer and interconnectingpiping and wiring. Provides enhancedhigh-pressure cutout avoidance byenergizing a relay to initiate head relief.Note: This option is in addition to thestandard high refrigerant-pressure safetycontact.

Compressor-Discharge Refrigerant-Temperature Protection (optional)Includes a factory-installed sensor andsafety cutout on high compressor-discharge temperature. Allows the chillercontroller to monitor compressordischarge temperature, which isdisplayed at DynaView, TechView, andTracer Summit. Note: When the chiller isselected with HGBP, this sensor and itsassociated protection are included.

Individual Sensing of Leaving Oil SetTemperature For Each BearingOptional factory-installed sensors allowhigh-temperature safety cutouts tomonitor the leaving bearing-oiltemperatures. The chiller controller andTracer Summit display the temperatures.The high bearing-temperature cutout isfixed at 180°F (82.2°C). If either bearingtemperature violates the cutout, alatching diagnostic will be generated.

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60 Hz Compressor(IP & SI Units)Weights

The weight information provided here should be used for general information purposes only. Trane does not recommend usingthis weight information for considerations relative to chiller handling. The large number of variances between chiller selectionsdrives variances in chiller weights that are not recognized in this table.

Table 5. Weights 60 Hz compressorsWithout With Starters

Operating Weights Shipping Weights Operating Weights Shipping WeightsMODL NTON CPK EVSZ CDSZ lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg

350 - 570 588 050L 050L 21152 9595 18617 8445 22234 10085 19699 8935350 - 570 588 050S 050L 19814 8988 17668 8014 20896 9478 18750 8505350 - 570 588 050S 050S 18925 8584 16937 7683 20007 9075 18019 8173350 - 570 588 080L 080L 30751 13949 26866 12186 31833 14439 27948 12677350 - 570 588 080S 080L 28589 12968 25254 11455 29671 13459 26336 11946

C 350 - 570 588 080S 080S 26876 12191 23787 10790 27958 12682 24869 11281V 650 - 910 957 080L 080L 32688 14827 28803 13065 34249 15535 30364 13773H 650 - 910 957 080S 080L 30526 13847 27191 12334 32087 14555 28752 13042F 650 - 910 957 080S 080S 28813 13070 25724 11668 30374 13778 27285 12376

650 - 910 957 142L 142L 42739 19386 36476 16546 44300 20094 38037 17254650 - 910 957 142M 142L 41548 18846 35653 16172 43109 19554 37214 16880

1060 - 1280 1228 142E 142L 44713 20282 38063 17265 46130 20925 39480 179081060 - 1280 1228 142L 142L 43436 19703 37173 16862 44853 20345 38590 175041060 - 1280 1228 142M 142L 42245 19162 36350 16488 43662 19805 37767 171311060 - 1280 1228 210L 210L 52882 23987 44876 20356 54299 24630 46293 20999

1470 1340 210L 210L 56217 25500 48211 21869 57299 25991 49293 223591470 - 1720 1340 250E 250L 68393 31023 57807 26221 69475 31514 58889 26712230 - 320 287 032L 032L 16691 7571 15145 6870 17773 8062 16227 7361230 - 320 287 032S 032L 15795 7165 14484 6570 16877 7655 15566 7061230 - 320 287 032S 032S 14960 6786 13730 6228 16042 7277 14812 6719

C 230 - 320 287 050L 050L 20650 9367 18081 8202 21732 9858 19163 8692V 230 - 320 287 050S 050L 19312 8760 17132 7771 20394 9251 18214 8262H 230 - 320 287 050S 050S 18278 8291 16248 7370 19360 8782 17330 7861E 360 - 500 453 050L 050L 22187 10064 19618 8899 23269 10555 20700 9390

360 - 500 453 050S 050L 20849 9457 18669 8468 21931 9948 19751 8959360 - 500 453 050S 050S 19815 8988 17785 8067 20897 9479 18867 8558360 - 500 453 080L 080L 30758 13952 26806 12159 31840 14443 27888 12650360 - 500 453 080S 080L 28595 12971 25194 11428 29677 13461 26276 11919360 - 500 453 080S 080S 27155 12318 24016 10894 28237 12808 25098 11384

C 1500 - 2000 745 210D 210D 82345 37352 70434 31949 84211 38198 72300 32795D 2100 - 2500 1062 250D 250D 91786 41634 77908 35339 92900 42139 79022 35844H 3000 1340 250M 250M 115613 52442 98544 44700 N/A N/A N/A N/AF 3500 1340 250X 250X 119662 54279 100297 45495 N/A N/A N/A N/A

These values represent chiller weights that include the following:• Heaviest possible bundle and heaviest possible motor voltage combination for the applicable family of chillers• Applicable compressor• TECU .028” tubes• 150 psig non-marine waterboxes• Chillers-with-starter values include the weight of the heaviest possible starter• Operating weights include the heaviest possible refrigerant charge weight• CPTR (Control Panel Transformer) option, add 130 lbs. (50 kg)• SMP (Supplemental Motor Protection) option, add 500 lbs. (230 kg)• INDP (Industrial Control Panel), add 50 lbs. (23 kg)• Starter, add 1082 lbs. (492 kg)

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Weights50 Hz Compressor(IP & SI Units)

The weight information provided here should be used for general information purposes only. Trane does not recommend usingthis weight information for considerations relative to chiller handling. The large number of variances between chiller selectionsdrives variances in chiller weights that are not recognized in this table.

Table 6. Weights 50 Hz compressorsWithout With Starters

Operating Weights Shipping Weights Operating Weights Shipping WeightsMODL NTON CPK EVSZ CDSZ lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg

480 - 565 489 050L 050L 23384 10607 20815 9442 24466 11098 21897 9932480 - 565 489 050S 050L 22046 10000 19866 9011 23128 10491 20948 9502480 - 565 489 050S 050S 21323 9672 19324 8765 22405 10163 20406 9256480 - 565 489 080L 080L 31955 14495 28003 12702 33037 14986 29085 13193

C 480 - 565 489 080S 080L 29792 13514 26391 11971 30874 14004 27473 12462V 480 - 565 489 080S 080S 29154 13224 26065 11823 30236 13715 27147 12314H 670 - 780 621 080L 080L 33266 15089 29314 13297 34348 15580 30396 13788G 670 - 780 621 080S 080L 31103 14108 27702 12566 32185 14599 28784 13056

670 - 780 621 080S 080S 30465 13819 27376 12418 31547 14310 28458 12909670 - 780 621 142L 142L 44705 20278 38442 17437 45787 20769 39524 17928670 - 780 621 142M 142L 43514 19738 37619 17064 44596 20229 38701 17555920 - 1067 621 142L 142L 45545 20659 39282 17818 46627 21150 40364 18309920 - 1067 621 142M 142L 44354 20119 38459 17445 45436 20610 39541 17936920 - 1067 621 210L 210L 57319 26000 49375 22397 58401 26491 50457 22887190 - 270 242 032L 032L 16719 7584 15173 6882 17801 8075 16255 7373190 - 270 242 032S 032L 15823 7177 14512 6583 16905 7668 15594 7073190 - 270 242 032S 032S 14988 6799 13758 6241 16070 7289 14840 6731

C 190 - 270 242 050L 050L 20678 9380 18109 8214 21760 9870 19191 8705V 190 - 270 242 050S 050L 19340 8773 17160 7784 20422 9263 18242 8275H 190 - 270 242 050S 050S 18306 8304 16276 7383 19388 8794 17358 7874E 300 - 420 379 050L 050L 21569 9784 19000 8618 22651 10274 20082 9109

300 - 420 379 050S 050L 20231 9177 18051 8188 21313 9668 19133 8679300 - 420 379 050S 050S 19197 8708 17167 7787 20279 9199 18249 8278300 - 420 379 080L 080L 30140 13672 26188 11879 31222 14162 27270 12370300 - 420 379 080S 080L 27977 12690 24576 11148 29059 13181 25658 11638300 - 420 379 080S 080S 26537 12037 23398 10613 27619 12528 24480 11104

CD 1250 - 1750 621 210D 210D 86267 39131 74805 33932 88431 40112 76969 34913HG 2150 621 250D 250D 97424 44192 83035 37665 97862 44390 83473 37863

These values represent chiller weights that include the following:• Heaviest possible bundle and heaviest possible motor voltage combination for the applicable family of chillers• TECU .028” tubes• Applicable compressor• 150 psig non-marine waterboxes• Chillers-with-starter values include the weight of the heaviest possible starter• Chillers-without-starter values do not include a weight-add for the starter• Operating weights include the heaviest possible refrigerant charge weight

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Table 7. CenTraVac water connection pipe sizeWater Shell SizePasses 032 050 080 142 210 250

EVAPORATOR Nominal Pipe Size (Inches)1 PASS 8 10 12 16 16 162 PASS 6 8 10 12 14 143 PASS 5 6 8 10 12 12

CONDENSER 2 PASS 6 8 10 12 14 14EVAPORATOR Metric Pipe Size (Millimeters)

1 PASS DN200 DN250 DN300 DN400 DN400 DN4002 PASS DN150 DN200 DN250 DN300 DN350 DN3503 PASS DN125 DN150 DN200 DN250 DN300 DN300

CONDENSER 2 PASS DN150 DN200 DN250 DN300 DN350 DN350


Single Compressor CenTraVac Chillers

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Table 8 for Figure 18. Physical dimensions 50 Hz compressor chillers (IP and SI Units)IP UNITS

Envelope Clearance Unit DimensionsW/O Unit With Unit W/O Unit With Unit

Shell Mounted Mounted Tube Mounted MountedShell Arrange- Starters Starters Pull Starters Starters

COMP Size ment EL EW EW CL1 CL2 Length Height Width Width190-270 320 SS 26' 5” 10' 6 1/4” 11' 7 1/2” 11' 9” 3' 5” 11' 3” 7' 9 3/4” 5’ 10 3/8” 6' 8”190-270 320 SL & LL 33' 11 1/4” 10' 6 1/4” 11' 7 1/2” 15' 6” 3' 5” 15' 0 1/4” 7' 9 3/4” 5’ 10 3/8” 6' 8”190-270 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 9 7/8” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 2 1/4” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 10 1/4”

C 190-270 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 9 7/8” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 2 1/4” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 10 1/4”V 300-420 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 8 1/2” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 2 1/2” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 9”H 300-420 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 8 1/2” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 2 1/2” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 9”E 300-420 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 6 3/8” 7' 11 3/8” 8' 7 1/2”

300-420 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 15' 6” 4' 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 6 3/8” 7' 11 3/8” 8' 7 1/2”480-565 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 13' 7 5/8” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 7 1/4” 6' 10 3/8” 7' 8 3/8”480-565 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 13' 7 5/8” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 7 1/4” 6' 10 3/8” 7' 8 3/8”480-565 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 1 5/8” 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 8” 7' 11 1/2” 8' 0 7/8”

C 480-565 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 1 5/8” 15' 6” 4 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 8” 7' 11 1/2” 8' 0 7/8”V 670-780 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 10” 13' 10 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 6 3/4” 7' 11 1/2” 8' 8 3/4”H 670-780 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 10” 13' 10 15' 6” 4' 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 6 3/4” 7' 11 1/2” 8' 8 3/4”G 670-780 1420 ML & LL 35' 5 1/4” 14' 5 3/4” 14' 4 1/2” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 10' 1 1/8” 9' 9 1/8” 9' 10 1/4”

920-1067 1420 ML & LL 35' 5 1/4” 14' 5 3/4” 14' 4 1/2” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 10' 1 1/8” 9' 9 1/8” 9' 10 1/4”920-1067 2100 LL 35' 5 1/4” 15 3 3/4” 15' 8 3/8” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 11' 0 7/8” 10' 6 1/2” 10' 9 3/4”

SI UNITS (mm)190-270 320 SS 8052 3207 3543 3581 1041 3429 2380 1786 2032190-270 320 SL & LL 10344 3207 3543 4724 1041 4578 2380 1786 2032190-270 500 SS 8087 3470 3909 3581 1076 3429 2494 2086 2394

C 190-270 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 3909 4724 1076 4578 2494 2086 2394V 300-420 500 SS 8087 3470 3874 3581 1076 3429 2502 2086 2362H 300-420 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 3874 4724 1076 4578 2502 2086 2362E 300-420 800 SS 8338 3867 4198 3581 1327 3429 2905 2424 2629

300-420 800 SL & LL 10630 3867 4198 4724 1327 4578 2905 2424 2629480-565 500 SS 8087 3470 4156 3581 1076 3429 2624 2086 2347480-565 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 4156 3581 1076 4578 2624 2086 2347480-565 800 SS 8338 3867 4003 4724 1327 3429 2946 2424 2461

C 480-565 800 SL & LL 10630 3867 4003 4724 1327 4578 2946 2424 2461V 670-780 800 SS 8338 3912 4216 3581 1327 3429 2915 2086 2661H 670-780 800 SL & LL 10630 3912 4216 4724 1327 4578 2915 2086 2661G 670-780 1420 ML & LL 10754 4413 4381 4724 1499 4578 3077 2439 3004

920-1067 1420 ML & LL 10754 4413 4381 4724 1499 4578 3077 2439 3004920-1067 2100 LL 10801 4667 4667 4724 1499 4578 3375 3211 3296


50 Hz Compressor(IP & SI Units)

Single Compressor CenTraVac Chillers

*Without unit-mounted starters.


Figure 18 for Table 8 and 9. Space envelope for 60 and 50 Hz compressor chillers


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Table 9 for Figure 18. Physical dimensions 60 Hz compressor chillers (IP and SI Units)IP UNITS

Envelope Clearance Unit DimensionsW/O Unit With Unit W/O Unit With Unit

Shell Mounted Mounted Tube Mounted MountedShell Arrange- Starters Starters* Pull Starters Starters CPTR SMP/DMP

COMP Size ment EL EW EW CL1 CL2 Length Height Width Width230-320 320 SS 26' 5” 10' 6 1/4” 11' 7 1/2” 11' 9” 3' 5” 11' 3” 7' 9 3/4” 5’ 10 3/8” 6' 8” — —230-320 320 SL & LL 33' 11 1/4” 10' 6 1/4” 11' 7 1/2” 15' 6” 3' 5” 15' 0 1/4” 7' 9 3/4” 5’ 10 3/8” 6' 8” — —230-320 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 9 7/8” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 2 14” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 10 1/4” — —

C 230-320 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 9 7/8” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 2 1/4” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 10 1/4” — —V 360-500 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 8 1/2” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 2 1/2” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 8 1/2” — —H 360-500 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 12' 8 1/2” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 2 1/2” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 8 1/2” — —E 360-500 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 6 3/8” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7 5/8” — —

360-500 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 15' 6” 4' 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 6 3/8” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7 5/8” — —350-570 500 SS 26' 6 3/8” 11' 4 5/8” 13' 7 5/8” 11' 9” 3' 6 3/8” 11' 3” 8' 4” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 8 1/2” — —350-570 500 SL & LL 34' 0 5/8” 11' 4 5/8” 13' 7 5/8” 15' 6” 3' 6 3/8” 15' 0 1/4” 8' 4” 6' 10 1/8” 7' 8 1/2” — —350-570 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 6 1/2” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7 5/8” 8' 7/16” 8' 4 7/8”350-570 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 5 1/4” 13' 9 1/4” 15' 6” 4' 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 6 1/2” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7 5/8” 8' 7/16” 8' 4 7/8”

C 650-910 800 SS 27' 4 1/4” 12' 10” 13' 10 11' 9” 4' 4 1/4” 11' 3” 9' 6 3/4” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7” 8' 6 1/8” 9' 7/8”V 650-910 800 SL & LL 34' 10 1/2” 12' 10” 13' 10 15' 6” 4' 4 1/4” 15' 0 1/4” 9' 6 3/4” 7' 11 7/16” 8' 7” 8' 6 1/8” 9' 7/8”H 650-910 1420 ML & LL 35' 5 1/4” 14' 5 3/4” 14' 4 1/2” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 10' 1 1/8” 9' 9 1/8” 9' 8 1/2” 9' 9 1/4” 10' 2 1/2”F 1060-1280 1420 ML &LL 35' 5 1/4” 14' 5 3/4” 14' 4 1/2” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 10' 1 1/8” 9' 9 1/8” 9' 10 1/4” 9' 9 1/4” 10' 2 1/2”

1060-1280 1420 EL 39' 2 7/8” 14' 5 3/4” 14' 4 1/2” 17' 5” 4' 11” 16' 10 3/4” 10' 1 1/8” 9' 9 1/8” 9' 10 1/4” 9' 9 1/4” 10' 2 1/2”1060-1280 2100 LL 35' 5 1/4” 15' 3 3/4” 15' 8 3/8” 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 11' 0 7/8” 10' 6 7/16” 10' 5 3/4” 10' 1 3/4” 10' 10”1060-1280 2500 EL 39' 5 7/8” 16' 7” 18' 2 5/8” 17' 5” 5' 2 1/8” 16' 10 3/4” 11' 4 7/8” 11' 6 7/8” 11' 11 1/2” 11' 5 1/2” 10' 11 1/2”1470-1720 2100 LL 35' 5 1/4” 15' 3 3/4” NA 15' 6” 4' 11” 15' 0 1/4” 11' 5” 10' 6 7/16” 10' 10” 10' 8 3/16” 11' 4 1/4”1470-1720 2500 EL 39' 5 7/8” 16' 7” NA 17' 5” 5' 2 1/8” 16' 10 3/4” 11' 9 1/8” 11' 6 7/8” 11' 11 1/2” 11' 5 1/2” 11' 5 7/8”

SI UNITS (mm)230-320 320 SS 8052 3207 3543 3581 1041 3429 2380 1786 2032 — —230-320 320 SL & LL 10344 3207 3543 4724 1041 4578 2380 1786 2032 — —230-320 500 SS 8087 3470 3909 3581 1076 3429 2494 2086 2394 — —

C 230-320 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 3909 4724 1076 4578 2494 2086 2394 — —V 360-500 500 SS 8087 3470 3874 3581 1076 3429 2502 2086 2350 — —H 360-500 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 3874 4724 1076 4578 2502 2086 2350 — —E 360-500 800 SS 8338 3867 4198 3581 1327 3429 2905 2424 2632 — —

360-500 800 SL & LL 10630 3867 4198 4724 1327 4578 2905 2424 2632 — —350-570 500 SS 8087 3470 4156 3581 1076 3429 2540 2086 2350 — —350-570 500 SL & LL 10379 3470 4156 4724 1076 4578 2540 2086 2350 — —350-570 800 SS 8338 3867 4198 3581 1327 3429 2908 2424 2632 2449 2558350-570 800 SL & LL 10630 3867 4198 4724 1327 4578 2908 2424 2632 2449 2558

C 650-910 800 SS 8338 3912 4216 3581 1327 3429 2915 2424 2617 2594 2761V 650-910 800 SL & LL 10630 3912 4216 4724 1327 4578 2915 2424 2617 2594 2761H 650-910 1420 ML & LL 10754 4413 4381 4724 1499 4578 3077 2975 2959 2978 3109F 1060-1280 1420 ML &LL 10754 4413 4381 4724 1499 4578 3077 2975 3004 2978 3109

1060-1280 1420 EL 11909 4413 4381 5309 1499 5150 3077 2975 3004 2978 31091060-1280 2100 LL 10801 4667 4667 4724 1499 4578 3375 3211 3194 3091 33001060-1280 2500 EL 11069 5055 5553 5309 1578 5150 3477 3529 3645 2491 33411470-1720 2100 LL 10801 4667 NA 4724 1499 4578 3479 3211 3302 3256 34401470-1720 2500 EL 11069 5055 NA 5309 1578 5150 3585 3491 3645 3491 3501

CL1 CAN BE AT EITHER END OF MACHINE AND IS REQUIRED FOR TUBE PULL CLEARANCE.CL2 IS ALWAYS AT THE OPPOSITE END OF MACHINE FROM CL1 AND IS REQUIRED FOR SERVICE CLEARANCE.*Dimensions for low-voltage unit-mounted starters. Medium-voltage starters are also available for unit mounting.


60 Hz Compressor(IP & SI Units)

Single Compressor CenTraVac ChillersSee Figure 18 on previous page for reference dimensions.

CPTR stands for Control Power Transformer option, no unit-mounted starter.SMP stands for Supplemental Motor Protection, no unit-mounted starter.DMP stands for Differential Motor Protection.

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Table 10. Physical dimensions dual 50 and 60 Hz compressor units (IP and SI Units)Envelope Clearance Unit Dimensions

IP UnitsW/O Unit With Unit W/O Unit With Unit

Shell Mounted Mounted Tube Mounted MountedShell Arrange- Starters Starters Pull Starters Starters

Type NTON Size ment EL EW EW CL1 CL2 Length Height Width WidthCDHF 3500 250X XX 67' 6" 16' 3" N/A 30' 6" 7' 0" 30' 0" 11' 9 3/8" 11' 5 1/4" N/ACDHF 3000 250M MM 59' 6" 16' 3" N/A 26' 6" 7' 0" 26' 0" 11' 9 3/8" 11' 5 1/4" N/ACDHF 2100-2500 250D DD 50' 6" 16' 9" 16'9" 22' 0" 7' 0" 21' 6" 11'4 7/8" 11' 10 1/2" 11' 11 1/4"CDHG 2150 250D DD 50' 6" 16' 9" 16' 9" 22' 0" 7' 0" 21' 6" 11' 4 7/8" 11' 10 1/2" 11' 11 1/4"CDHF 1500-2000 210D DD 50' 6" 15' 9" 15' 11" 22' 0" 7' 0" 21' 6" 11' 0 3/4" 10' 11 1/2" 11' 4 1/8"CDHG 1250-1750 210D DD 50' 6" 15' 9" 15' 11" 22' 0" 7' 0" 21' 6" 11' 0 3/4" 10' 11 1/2" 11' 4 1/8"

SI UnitsCDHF 3500 250X XX 20574 4953 N/A 9297 2134 9144 3591 3487 N/ACDHF 3000 250M MM 18136 4953 N/A 8078 2134 7925 3591 3487 N/ACDHF 2100-2500 250D DD 15392 5105 5105 6706 2134 6553 3477 3620 3639CDHG 2150 250D DD 15392 5105 5105 6706 2134 6553 3477 3620 3639CDHF 1500-2000 210D DD 15392 4801 4851 6706 2134 6553 3372 3340 3458CDHG 1250-1750 210D DD 15392 4801 4851 6706 2134 6553 3372 3340 3458



50 & 60 Hz(IP Units)

3’-0” (914 mm)RECOMMENDED




1’ 6” (457 mm)RECOMMENDED




CL 1/CL23’ 3” (991 mm)




Dual Compressor CenTraVac ChillersCenTraVac™ Water Connection Pipe Sizes

Shell SizeWater Passes 250D, 210D 250M 250XEVAPORATOR Nominal Pipe Size (Inches)1 Pass 16 18 18CONDENSER1 Pass 16 20 20EVAPORATOR Nominal Pipe Size (mm)1 Pass DN400 458 458CONDENSER1 Pass DN400 508 508

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These graphics are intended to help you visualize the possible connections/combinations that may be available for your unit. You must contactyour local Trane office who can configure your selection as an as-built drawing to confirm it is available and to provide appropriate dimensions.


Waterbox ConnectionArrangement

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Table 11. Waterbox lengths – IP units (inches) and SI Units (mm)Evaporator Condenser

Return ReturnLength Length Length Length

Shell PSIG Type Passes IP SI IP SI Passes IP SI IP SI1

320 150 Marine 2 16.12 409 6.94 176 2 16.674 424 6.125 15631

320 150 NonMarine 2 12.94 329 6.94 176 2 9.25 cast 235 cast 6.125 15631

320 300 Marine 2 16.12 409 6.94 176 2 17 432 8 20331

320 300 NonMarine 2 12.94 329 6.94 176 2 13.28/20.28 337/515 8 20331

500 150 Marine 2 18.5 470 6.73 171 2 16.31 414 7.875 20031

500 150 NonMarine 2 12.73 323 6.73 171 2 10.5 cast 267 cast 7.875 20031

500 300 Marine 2 19 483 6.73 171 2 18.363 466 7.6 19331

500 300 NonMarine 2 12.73 323 6.73 171 2 12.86/20.46 327/520 7.6 19331 23.225 590

800 150 Marine 2 21.225 539 7.21 183 2 23.75 603 8.32 2113 19.225 4881

800 150 NonMarine 2 13.19 335 7.21 183 2 14.2 361 8.32 21131 25 635

800 300 Marine 2 23 584 7.96 202 2 28.14 871 8.93 2273 21 5331

800 300 NonMarine 2 13.96 355 7.96 202 2 14.4/23.27 366/591 8.93 22731 28.25 718

1420 150 Marine 2 25 635 9.33 237 2 28.25 718 9.25 2353 23 5841

1420 150 NonMarine 2 15.41 391 9.33 237 2 16 406 9.25 23531 31.056 789

1420 300 Marine 2 27.8 706 9.84 250 2 33.16 842 10.06 2563 25.8 6551

1420 300 NonMarine 2 15.59 396 9.84 250 2 15.79 401 10.06 25631 N/A N/A N/A N/A

2100 150 Marine 2 27.25 692 8.88 226 2 29.632 753 9.382 2383 25.25 6411

2100 150 NonMarine 2 15.88 403 8.88 226 2 16.38 416 9.382 23831 N/A N/A

2100 300 Marine 2 29.64 753 9.84 250 2 35 889 10.71 2723 29.64 7531

2100 300 NonMarine 2 16.84 428 9.84 250 2 17.71 450 10.71 27231 N/A N/A

2500 150 Marine 2 30 762 11.75 298 2 32 813 10.75 2733 N/A N/A1

2500 150 NonMarine 2 18.75 476 11.75 298 2 17.75 451 10.75 27331 N/A N/A

2500 300 Marine 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 38.3 973 11.75 2983 N/A N/A1

2500 300 NonMarine 2 20.25 514 13.25 337 2 18.75 476 11.75 2983


Waterbox Lengths(IP & SI Units)

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Table 12. Waterbox lengths - IP and SI UnitsEvaporator Condenser

No. of Length Return No. of Length ReturnShell PSIG Type Passes IP SI Length Passes IP SI Length210D 150 Marine 1 28.25 718 N/A 1 31.88 810 N/A210D 300 31.62 803 N/A 38.88 988 N/A210D 150 NonMarine 1 15.88 403 N/A 1 16.38 416 N/A210D 300 16.88 429 N/A 17.75 451 N/A250D 150 Marine 1 30.25 768 N/A 1 36.25 921 N/A250D 300 34.25 870 N/A 38.38 975 N/A250D 150 NonMarine 1 18.75 476 N/A 1 17.75 451 N/A250D 300 20.25 514 N/A 18.75 476 N/A250M 150 Marine 1 30.25 769 N/A 1 36.25 921 N/A250M 300 34.25 870 N/A 45.25 1150 N/A250M 150 NonMarine 1 18.75 477 N/A 1 17.75 451 N/A250M 300 20.25 515 N/A 18.75 477 N/A250X 150 Marine 1 30.25 769 N/A 1 36.25 921 N/A250X 300 34.25 870 N/A 45.25 1150 N/A250X 150 NonMarine 1 18.75 477 N/A 1 17.75 451 N/A250X 300 20.25 515 N/A 18.75 477 N/A

Marine Waterbox Arrangement Tables

Evaporator Waterbox ArrangementEVWA Inlet OutletLFRF LH Front RH FrontRFLF RH Front LH FrontLRRR LH Rear RH RearRRLR RH Rear LH RearLFRR LH Front RH RearRFLR RH Front LH RearLRRF LH Rear RH FrontRRLF RH Rear LH Front

Data based on looking at unit on control panel side

PhysicalDimensions Duplex™ Chillers

Condenser Waterbox ArrangementCDWA Inlet OutletLFRF LH Front RH FrontRFLF RH Front LH FrontLRRR LH Rear RH RearRRLR RH Rear LH RearLTRT LH Top RH TopRTLT RH Top LH TopLBRB LH Bottom RH BottomRBLB RH Bottom LH BottomLFRR LH Front RH RearLFRT LH Front RH TopLFRB LH Front RH BottomRFLR RH Front LH RearRFLT RH Front LH TopRFLB RH Front LH BottomLRRF LH Rear RH FrontLRRT LH Rear RH TopLRRB LH Rear RH BottomRRLF RH Rear LH FrontRRLT RH Rear LH TopRRLB RH Rear LH BottomLTRF LH Top RH FrontLTRR LH Top RH RearLTRB LH Top RH BottomRTLF RH Top LH FrontRTLR RH Top LH RearRTLB RH Top LH BottomLBRF LH Bottom RH FrontLBRR LH Bottom RH RearLBRT LH Bottom RH TopRBLF RH Bottom LH FrontRBLR RH Bottom LH RearRBLT RH Bottom LH Top

Data based on looking at unit on control panel side

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Guide VanesFully modulating variable inlet guidevanes provide capacity control. Theguide vanes are controlled by anexternally mounted electric vaneoperator in response to refrigerationload on the evaporator.

ImpellersFully shrouded impellers are highstrength aluminum alloy and directlyconnected to the motor rotor shaftoperating at 3,600 rpm (60 hertz),3,000 rpm (50 hertz). Impellers aredynamically balanced and over-speedtested at 4,500 rpm; the motor-compressor assembly is balancedto a maximum vibration of .15 inch/second at 3600 rpm as measured on themotor housing.

Compressor CasingSeparate volute casings of refrigerant-tight, close-grained cast iron are used onthe centrifugal compressor; eachincorporating a parallel wall diffusersurrounded by a collection scroll. Thediffuser passages are machined toensure high efficiency. All casings areproof-tested and leak-tested.

MotorCompressor motors are hermeticallysealed two-pole, low-slip squirrel cage,induction-type. They are built inaccordance with Trane specifications andguaranteed by the manufacturer forcontinuous operation at the nameplaterating. A load-limit system providesprotection against operation in excess ofthis rating. The rotor shaft is of heat-treated carbon steel and designed suchthat the first critical speed is well abovethe operating speed. The control circuitprevents motor energization unlesspositive oil pressure is established.Impellers are keyed directly to the motorshaft and locked in position. Nonferrous,labyrinth-type seals minimizerecirculation and gas leakage betweenthe stages of the compressor.200- through 600-volt, three-phase, 60-hertz and 380 through 415 volt three-phase 50 hertz motors are supplied withsix terminal posts for full-voltage(across-the-line) or reduced-voltage (star-delta, autotransformer or solid-state)starting. For low-voltage, full-voltagestarting — connecting links are furnishedto convert the motor to a 3-lead motor.

2,300- through 4,160-volt, three-phase,60-hertz and 3300 through 6600 voltthree phase 50 hertz motors are suppliedwith three terminal posts for full-voltage(across-the-line) or reduced-voltage(primary reactor or autotransformer)starting. Motor terminal pads aresupplied. A removable sheet metalterminal box encloses the terminalboard area.


Motor CoolingCooling is accomplished by liquidrefrigerant pumped through the motorwith a patented refrigerant pump. Therefrigerant circulates uniformly over thestator windings and between the rotorand stator. The windings of all motorsare specifically insulated for operationwithin a refrigerant atmosphere.

LubricationA direct-drive system, positive-displacement oil pump driven by a lowvoltage 3/4 horsepower, 120/60/1 or120/50/1 motor is submerged in the oilsump to assure a positive oil supply tothe two compressor bearings at alltimes. A low watt-density heatermaintains the oil temperature whichminimizes its affinity for refrigerant.

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Shell and WaterboxesThe evaporator shell is formed of carbonsteel plate and incorporates a carbonrupture disc in accordance with theANSI/ASHRAE 15 Safety Code. Arefrigerant temperature coupling isprovided for customer use or for usewith a low limit controller.

For all units, pass arrangements areavailable at 150 psig or 300 psig waterside working pressures, with groovedconnections. Flanged connections arealso available. Marine-type waterboxesare available.

Tube SheetsA thick carbon steel tube sheet is weldedto each end of the shell and is drilled andreamed to accommodate the tubes.Three annular grooves are machinedinto each tube hole to provide a positiveliquid and vapor seal between therefrigerant and water side of the shellafter tube rolling. Intermediate tubesupport sheets are positioned along thelength of the shell to avoid contact andrelative motion between adjacent tubes.

TubesIndividually replaceable externally finnedseamless copper tubing, either internallyenhanced (one-inch nominal diameter)or (three-quarter inch nominal diameter)is utilized as the evaporator heat transfersurface. Tubes are mechanicallyexpanded into the tube sheets (andaffixed to the intermediate supportsheets with the clips) to provide a leak-free seal and eliminate tube contact andabrasion due to relative motion.

EliminatorsMultiple layers of metal mesh screenform the eliminators and are installedover the tube bundle along the entirelength of the evaporator to preventliquid refrigerant carryover into thecompressor.

Refrigerant DistributionA refrigerant distribution compartmentin the base of the evaporator assuresuniform wetting of the heat transfersurface over the entire length of the shelland under varying loads. High velocityrefrigerant spray impingement on thetubes is prevented through this design.

Refrigerant Flow ControlA multiple orifice flow control systemmaintains the correct pressuredifferential between the condenser,economizer and evaporator over theentire range of loading. This patentedsystem contains no moving parts.

Shell TestsThe refrigerant side of the evaporatorshell, complete with tubes, but withoutwaterbox covers, is proof-tested at45 psig, vacuum leak-tested andpressure leak-tested. The water side ofthe shell, with waterboxes in place, ishydrostatically tested at one and one-half times the design working pressure,but not less than 225 psig. (These testsare not to be repeated at installation).


Condenser/Heat RecoveryCondenser

Shell and WaterboxesThe condenser shell is formed of carbonsteel plate designed and constructed inaccordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15Safety Code. For all units, all passarrangements are available at 150 psig or300 psig water side working pressureswith grooved connections. Flangedconnections are also available. Marine-type waterboxes are available.

Tube SheetsA thick carbon steel tube sheet is weldedto each end of the shell and is drilled andreamed to accommodate the tubes.Three annular grooves are machined intoeach tube hole to provide a positiveliquid and vapor seal between therefrigerant and water sides of the shellafter tube rolling. Intermediate tubesupport sheets are positioned along thelength of the shell to avoid contact andrelative motion between adjacent tubes.

TubesIndividually replaceable externally finnedseamless copper tubing, either internallyenhanced (one-inch nominal diameter)or (three-quarter inch nominal diameter),is utilized as the condenser heat transfersurface.

Refrigerant Gas DistributionA baffle between the tube bundle and thecondenser shell distributes the hot gaslongitudinally throughout the condenserdownward over the tube bundlepreventing direct impingement of highvelocity compressor discharge gas uponthe tubes.

Shell TestsThe refrigerant side of the condensershell with tubes, but without waterboxcovers, is proof-tested at 45 psig, vacuumleak-tested and pressure leak- tested. Thewater side of the shell with waterboxes inplace is hydrostatically tested at one anda half times the design working pressure,but not less than 225 psig. (These testsare not to be repeated at installation).

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The CVHE/CVHG style CenTraVac™ two-stage economizer (single-stageeconomizer on CVHF style units) is aseries of interstage pressure chamberswhich utilize a multiple orifice system tomaintain the correct pressure differentialbetween the condenser, economizer andevaporator over the entire range ofloading. This patented system containsno moving parts. CDHG Duplex unitsuse a two-stage economizer per circuit.CDHF Duplex units use a single-stageeconomizer per circuit.

Purge System

The purge is 25 ¾” high, 27 ½” wide and21 ¾” deep.

115 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1-Phase10.3 total unit amps12.3 minimum circuit ampacity175 watt carbon tank heater335 psig design pressure high side175 psig low side

The purge uses an R404A refrigerationcircuit with a ¼ hp condensing unit (fan,compressor, expansion valve), and acompressor suction temperature sensor.The purge tank has a fusible plug,evaporator coil, normally-closed floatswitch, and the following connections:1/4” liquid return with filter-drier andmoisture indicator, 5/8” vapor line. Theexpansion valve automatically controlsthe purge suction pressure to 34 psia.

The pump-out system consists of apump-out compressor, pump-outsolenoid valve and an exhaust solenoidvalve.


The carbon bed tank incorporates atemperature sensor and a regenerativecycle, a 175-watt resistive heater, 150 psipressure relief valve, and a temperaturesensor. The carbon bed tankautomatically collects and scrubsrefrigerant molecules from thenoncondensable gas and drives anycollected refrigerant vapor back into thechiller. This design keeps the purgeefficiency at peak levels throughout itslife without the maintenance required onother purges.

The purge controller interfaces with thefollowing intelligent devices on an IPC3communications link: liquid-level switch,dual relay output, quad relay output, dualtriac output, suction temperature sensorand carbon temperature sensor. 50 Hzapplications have a separate voltagecorrection transformer.

The purge controller communicates withthe Tracer chiller controller and display,mounted on the front of the chillercontrol panel. Descriptive text indicatespurge operating mode, status, set points,purge operating data reports,diagnostics, and alarms. Operatingmodes Stop, On, Auto and Adaptiveoperate the purge refrigeration circuitand accumulate noncondensables withor without the chiller running.

Chiller ControllerThe microcomputer control panel isfactory installed and tested on theCenTraVac™ unit. All controls necessaryfor the safe and reliable operation of thechiller are provided including oilmanagement, purge operation, andinterface to the starter. The controlsystem is powered by a control powertransformer included in the starter panel.The microcomputer control systemprocesses the leaving evaporator fluidtemperature sensor signal to satisfy thesystem requirements across the entireload range.

The microprocessor controller iscompatible with reduced voltage or fullvoltage electromechanical starters,variable speed drives, or solid statestarters. Depending on the applicability,the drives may be factory-mounted orremote mounted.

The controller will load and unload thechiller via control of the stepper- motor/actuator which drives the inlet guidevanes open or closed. The load rangecan be limited either by a current limiteror by an inlet guide vane limit(whichever controls the lower limit). Itwill also control the evaporator andcondenser pumps to insure properchiller operation.

Approximately 200 diagnostic checks aremade and displayed when a fault isdetected. The display indicates the fault,the type of reset required, the time anddate the diagnostic occurred, the modein which the machine was operating atthe time of the diagnostic, and a helpmessage. A diagnostic history displaysthe last 10 diagnostics with the time anddate of their occurrence.

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The panel features machine protectionshutdown requiring manual reset for:

• low evaporator refrigerant temperature• high condenser refrigerant pressure• low differential oil pressure• low oil flow• low oil temperature• excessive loss of communication• critical sensor or detection circuit faults• free-cooling valve closure failure (free-

cooling applications only)• extended compressor surge• actuator drive circuit fault

The display also provides reports that areorganized into six groupings: Evaporator, Condenser, Compressor, Motor, Purge,and the ASHRAE Chiller Log. Each reportcontains data that is accessed byscrolling through the menu items.Each grouping will have a heading whichdescribes the type of data in thatgrouping. This data includes:

• All water temperatures and setpoints• Current chiller operating mode• Last 10 diagnostics• Control source (i.e. local panel, external

source, remote BAS)• Current limit setpoint• Water flows (optional)• Water pressure drops (optional)• Outdoor air temperature (optional)• Saturated refrigerant temperatures and

pressures• Purge suction temperature• Evaporator refrigerant liquid level• Condenser liquid refrigerant

temperature• Compressor starts and hours running• Phase currents• Phase voltages• Watts and power factor (optional)• Oil temperature and flow• Motor winding temperatures• Bearing temperatures (optional)• Refrigerant detection external to chiller

in ppm (optional)

The controller is capable of receivingsignals from a variety of control sources(which are not mutually exclusive — i.e.any combination of control sources cancoexist simultaneously) and of beingprogrammed at the keypad as to whichcontrol source has priority. Controlsources can be:

• The local operator interface (standard)• The remote operator interface(optional)

• A 4-20 mA or 2-10 vdc signal from anexternal source (interface optional,control source not supplied by chillermanufacturer)

• Tracer™ Summit building automationsystem (interface optional)

• Process computer (interface optional,control source not supplied by chillermanufacturer)

• Generic BAS (interface optional, controlsource not supplied by chillermanufacturer)

The control source with priority will thendetermine the active setpoints via thesignal that is sent to the control panel.

Isolation Pads

Isolation pads are supplied with eachCenTraVac™ chiller for placement underall support points. They are constructedof molded neoprene.

Refrigerant and Oil Charge

A full charge of refrigerant and oil issupplied with each unit. The oil ships inthe unit’s oil sump and the refrigerantships directly to the jobsite fromrefrigerant suppliers.

Thermometer Wells and SightGlasses

In addition to the thermowells providedfor use with the standard unit safetycontrols, a well is provided formeasurement of the liquid refrigerantcondensing temperature and a couplingfor the evaporating temperatures. Sightglasses are provided for monitoring oilcharge level, oil flow, compressorrotation and purge condenser drum.


Factory applied insulation is available onall units. All low temperature surfacesare covered with 3/4-inch Armaflex II orequal (thermal conductivity = 0.28 Btu/hr-ft2), including the evaporator, waterboxesand suction elbow. The economizer andmotor cooling lines are insulated with3/8” and 1/2” insulation respectively.

Refrigerant Pumpout/Reclaim Connections

Connections are factory provided asstandard to facilitate refrigerant reclaim/removal required during maintenance oroverhaul in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15.


All painted CenTraVac surfaces arecoated with two coats of air-dry beigeprimer-finisher prior to shipment.

Unit Mounted Starter Options

Low-voltage (200 - 600 V) unit-mountedstarters can be star-delta, solid-state oradaptive frequency drive in a NEMA 1enclosure.

Medium-voltage starters (2300 - 6600 V)are available to unit mount on most sizesin full-voltage, primary reactor, or autotransformer.


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Trane Adaptive Frequency™

Drive (AFD)

The Trane AFD is a closed-loop, liquid-cooled, microprocessor-based PWMdesign. The AFD is both voltage- andcurrent-regulated. The output powerdevices are IGBT transistors.

The AFD is factory-mounted on thechiller and ships completely assembled,wired and tested. Patented Trane AFDcontrol logic is specifically designed tointerface with the centrifugal waterchiller controls. AFD control adapts tothe operating ranges and specificcharacteristics of the chiller and chillerefficiency is optimized by coordinatingcompressor motor speed andcompressor inlet guide vane position.The chilled-water control and AFDcontrol work together to maintain thechilled-water setpoint, improve efficiencyand avoid surge. If a surge is detected,AFD surge avoidance logic makesadjustments to move away from andavoid surge at similar conditions in thefuture.

Standard Design Features for All TraneAFDs• NEMA 1 ventilated enclosure with ahinged, locking door is tested to a shortcircuit withstand rating of 65,000 amps.It includes a padlockable door-mountedcircuit breaker/shunt trip with AIC ratingof 65,000 amps. The entire package isUL/CUL listed.

• Simple modular construction.

• The drive is rated for 480/60/3 inputpower, +/-10%, with a drive overloadcapability of 100% continuous to 150%for five seconds.

• Motor thermal overload protection102% continuous, 140% for 1.5seconds, 108% for 60 seconds.

• Minimum efficiency of 97% at ratedload and 60 hertz.

• Soft start, linear acceleration, coast tostop.

• Adjustable frequency from 38 to 60hertz.

• All control circuit voltages arephysically and electrically isolated frompower circuit voltage.

• 150% instantaneous torque availablefor improved surge control.

• Output line-to-line and line-to-groundshort circuit protection.

• Line dip ride through.

• AFD can be started without a motorconnected.

Chiller Unit Controller Features for allTrane AFDsThe chiller unit controller capabilitiesprovide for the control/configurationinterface to, and the retrieval/display ofAFD-related data. AFD standard designfeatures controlled through the chillercontroller include:

• Current limited to 100%

• Output speed reference via IPC3communication bus from the chillercontroller to the AFD

• Motor overload protection

• Motor overtemperature protection

• Automatic restart after a power outageor power dip

• Loss of follower signal – in the event ofloss of input speed signal the AFD willdefault to 38 hertz or hold speed basedon last reference received.

• Phase loss, reversal, imbalanceprotection

• Overvoltage, undervoltage protection

• Digitally displayed on the chillercontroller: output speed in hertz, outputspeed in rpm, input line voltage, inputline kW, output/load amps, averagecurrent in % RLA, load power factor,fault, AFD transistor temperature

Environmental ratings:• 32°F to 104 (0°C to 40) operating

ambient temperature

• Altitude to 3300 feet (1000m),amperage derate of 1% per every 300feet above 3300 feet

• Humidity, 95% non-condensing

Refrigerant-Cooled Trane AFD Designfeatures• Integrated active rectification control of

the building AC power assures low line-generated harmonics back to the userspower grid. This Trane AFD has 5% orless current harmonic distortion (TDD)at the AFD.

• Active input rectifier will regulate aunity displacement power factor of .99or better.

• Full motor voltage is applied regardlessof the input voltage.

Water-Cooled Trane AFD Designfeatures• DC bus filter choke to limit harmonic


• Input displacement power factor willexceed .96 regardless of speed andload.

• Input Line Reactor Option (water-cooledAFD only)

Field-installed option is located on theinput side of the AFD to reduce harmonicdistortion and help meet IEEE 519guidelines. NEMA 1 enclosure, 5%impedance.

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Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to changedesign and specifications without notice.

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Stocking LocationTrane

A business of American Standard Companies

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