earworms rapid brazilian portuguese vol. 2

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earwormsM u s i c a l B r a i n T r a i n e r  


200+ essential words and phrasesanchored into your long-term memory

with great music

Rapid   Brazilian

Your personal audio language trainer


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 Your personal audio language trainer

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earworms mbt® Brazilian Portuguese puts the words and

phrases you need not just on the tip of your tongue, but

also transports them deep into your long-term memory.

Simply by listening to these specially composed melodieswith their rhythmic repetitions of Brazilian Portuguese andEnglish a few times, the sound patterns are indelibly burnedinto your auditory cortex. You will have successfully learnedthe Brazilian Portuguese phrase and have the correct accentringing in your ears. Wherever you are, whatever you are

doing: while jogging, in the car, in the bath, doing the ironing… you can be learning Brazilian Portuguese at the sametime!

earworms mbt® Rapid Languages is the first language

course to get your toe tapping.

You know the phenomenon of those catchy tunes orearworms that you just can't get out of your head? Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Well, earworms mbt® hasput this phenomenon to positive use. Gone are the days oflearning pressure and frustration at not being able to remem-ber, the experience of many on conventionallanguage courses. In combination with music, the phrasesyou need are automatically anchored deep into your

memory, ready for instant recall.

Music is the key

The idea is as simple as it is old. Before the age of writing,ancient historical events were recorded in verse and songform for easy memorisation. In his book 'Songlines'Bruce Chatwin describes how the Australian Aborigines were

able to navigate their way across hundreds of miles of desertto their ancestral hunting grounds without maps. And how?The extensive lyrics of their traditional songs were exactdescriptions of the routes!

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Rhythm and words i.e. song and verse have always beena very powerful memory aid, and this is supported by

recent scientific research. The advertising industry knowsonly too well how powerful music can be in gettingthe message across with brainwashing-like jingles andsoundbites.

It really works!

Developed and used over years in the classroom,

earworms mbt® Rapid Languages has shownphenomenal success. In tests pupils using this techniqueregularly get average marks of over 90% compared to lessthan 50% with conventional book based learning.Why hasn't music been used more in education up tonow? Imagine kids at school getting a CD of hip hopsongs with all the historical dates they have to learn, or allthe irregular verbs they have to learn! Wouldn't that maketheir (and teachers') school lives much easier, muchmore fun, much more successful?

What you get

 Volume 1 dealt with the essentials for your visitabroad and was very much ‘I-centric’, e.g. I’d like …,

Can I have …?, Can you tell me …?, I need …,I’ve reserved …, I’ve lost …, and so on. Volume 2 has more to do with conversation: Are you travelling to … on business?, Are you from …?,I’ll take you to …, What do you do?, etc. Among other themes you are also introduced to futureand past tenses. The themes follow closely the CommonEuropean Framework for language learning, a recognised

benchmark of language proficiency, and the emphasisis constantly on usefulness to the learner.

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How to use earworms: Don't think, just listen!

Sit back, relax and groove along to the melodies withouttrying to listen too hard. Treat them as songs you hear onthe radio. Our recommendation is that you do familiariseyourself with the words in the booklet at least the first timeyou listen. After listening several times, playfully test yourself - coverup the English side of the phrase book and see how manywords and phrases you remember!

Lastly - a word of thanks

The earworms team would like to thank you for puttingyour trust in our 'slightly different' learning conceptand are sure that you will have the success that manyothers have already had. It's motivating to know thatlearners are really benefiting from our research anddevelopment. Also, as accelerated learning is a rapidlygrowing field, we look forward to hearing yourexperiences and successes - so feel free to visit uson the website:


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1. On business or on vacation?

Listen to the sounds of the letters highlighted in red. At the end of the phrasebookthere is a list of all of these words together. Go through them and see if you canimitate the exact Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation.

 Are you going to Lisbon on business …(lit.: to work)

… or on vacation/holiday?

To work and for visiting friends, too.

for visiting friends

too / also / as well

Excuse me, please switch off your cellphone.

switch off


cell phone

Yes, OK.

Could you bring me a cognac, please?(lit.: Bring me a cognac, please?)

(Could you) bring me …?

a cognac / a beer

Yes, of course, just a moment.


 Another cognac, please.

For me, too.

Here are your cognacs.

Here is your cognac.

Here they are. / Here it is.

Cheers! To your health!

Você vai para São Paulo a trabalho ...( ‘ão’ sounds like ‘awng’ and ‘h’ sounds like ‘y’ )

... ou de férias?( ‘de’ sounds like ‘ jee’ )

 A trabalho e para visitar amigos, também.( ‘o’ sounds like ‘oo’,‘m’ at the end sounds like ‘ng’ )para visitar amigos


Desculpe, por favor desligue o seucelular.desligue

o seu


Sim, tudo bem.

Me traga um cognac, por favor?

Me traga …?

um cognac / uma cerve ja( ‘j’ sounds like ‘sh’ )

Sim, claro, só um momento.( ‘ó’ sounds like ‘or’ )

Outro cognac, por favor.

Para mim também.

 Aqui estão os seus cognacs.

 Aqui está o seu cognac.

 Aqui estão. / Aqui está.

Saúde! À sua saúde!

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2. Are you Brazilian?

Você é br asileiro/ br asileira?( ‘r’ is rolled)

Você é português/portuguesa?

Não, eu sou br asileira ~ mas eu moro

em Portugal.Eu sou …

… mas eu moro em Portugal.

Você é de São Paulo?

Não, eu não sou de São Paulo.

Eu não sou do Rio de Janeiro.

De onde ~ você é?

Eu sou da Bahia.( ‘h’ pronounced like ‘y’ )

E você? De onde você é?

Eu sou de Londres.( ‘e’ spoken like an ‘i’ )

… dos Estados Unidos.( ‘o’ sounds like ‘oo’ )

… de Nova Iorque.

Onde é a Bahia?

É ~ no ~ nordeste.

Eu espero que ~ você tenha ~ uma boa

estadia ~ no Br azil. ( ‘h’ sounds like ‘y’ )Eu espero que você tenha …

… um bom fim-de-semana.

Bom fim-de-semana!


 Are you Brazilian?(lit.: You are Brazilian?)

 Are you Portuguese?

No, I am Brazilian ~ but I live in Portugal.

I am …

… but I live in Portugal.

 Are you from São Paulo?(lit.: You are from São Paulo?)

No, I am not from São Paulo.

I’m not from Rio de Janeiro.

From where ~ are you?

I am from Baía.

 And you? From where are you?

I’m from London.

… from the United States.

… from New York.

Where is Bahia?

It’s ~ in the ~ north-east.

I hope that ~ you have ~ a good stay ~

in Brazil.I hope that you have …

… a good weekend.

Have a good weekend!

weekend(lit.: finish of the week)

Read the original text and phonetics to give yourself extra visual

input. To perfect your pronunciation... let your ears guide you!

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3. Meeting and greeting

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* ‘You’ is not just ‘you’ in Brazilian. Depending on whether talking to a close friend orin a more formal boss-employee-situation, or whether the ‘you’ is the main object of

the sentence or not, there are different words for ‘you’ (here ‘você’ and ‘lo’). Don’t con-cern yourself too much with this at this stage, just be aware that there are differences.

Hi, everything OK?

How great ~ to see you*.

My name is …

Glad to meet you.(lit.: Much pleasure.)

The pleasure is all mine.

all mine

How are you? (formal)

So, everything OK with you?(informal to a friend etc.)So …

Everything is fine, thanks.

Welcome to Portugal.

… to Brazil.


How ~ was ~ the flight/journey?

(It ) was ~ pleasant.(lit.: Was agreeable.)

 At what time did you leave?(lit.: What time you left?)

… did you leave?

(lit.: … you left?)I left ~ from São Paulo ~ at 4.

What time ~ do you leave ~ tomorrow?(lit.: What time ~ you leave ~ tomorrow?)

Tomorrow, I leave at 4.

Oi, tudo bem?

Que bom ~ ver você/vê-lo!

O meu nome é …

Muito pr azer.

O pr azer é tudo meu.

tudo meu

Como está?

Então, tudo bem com você?

Então …

Tudo bem, obrigado/a.

Bem-vindo a Portugal.

… ao Brasil.

Bem-vindo (to a man). / Bem-vinda (toa woman).

Como ~ foi ~ o voo / a viagem?

Foi agradável.

 A que horas você saiu?

… você saiu?

Eu saí ~ de São Paulo ~ às quatro.

 A que horas ~ você sai ~ amanhã?

 Amanhã eu saio às quatro.

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4. Future plans

O que ~ a gente ~ faz agora?( ‘gente’ sounds like ‘shainchi’ )

o que

a gente



O que ~ a gente ~ vai fazer ~ mais tarde?

O que ~ a gente ~ vai ~ fazer?



Eu vou ~ levá-lo ~ ao hotel.

Eu vou …

… levar você

… levá-lo (lo = man, la = woman)

… ao hotel.

Eu vou ~ buscá-lo ~ às sete.( ‘t’ sounds like ‘ch’ )Depois ~ a gente vai jantar …

… no meu r estaurante favorito.( ‘r’ sounds like ‘h’ ) A gente vai ~ comer especialidadesbr asileiras.especialidades da casa

 Até às sete.


What ~ are we ~ doing now?





What ~ are we ~ going to do ~ later?

What ~ are we ~ going ~ to do?


to do

I’m going ~ to take you ~ to the hotel.

I’m going …

… to take you (informal)

… to take you (formal)

… to the hotel.

I’m going ~ to pick you up /collect you ~ at 7.

Then ~ we are going to dine …

… in my favourite restaurant.

We are going to ~ eat Brazilianspecialities.specialities of the house

See you at 7.(lit.: Until 7.)


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5. I reserved …

earwormsM u s i c a l B r a i n T r a i n e r  


Eu r eservei ~ um quarto …( ‘r’ sounds like ‘h’ )

… em nome de …

Eu posso ver o seu passaporte,

por favor?Eu posso ver …

… o seu passaporte?

 Aqui está.

Como o senhor/senhora vai pagar?

Como …

… o senhor

… vai pagar?

Com cartão de crédito.

 Aqui ~ está ~ a chave.( ‘ch’ sounds like ‘sh’ )

Onde é ~ o café da manhã?

O senhor precisa dea juda com a bagagem?( ‘senhor’ sounds like ‘singor’, ‘j’ sounds like ‘sh’ )

precisa de ~ a juda com a bagagem

Eu preciso de ...

O senhor precisa de ...

O senhor precisa de ...?

Preciso de … / Precisa de …?

I reserved ~ a room …

… in the name of …

Can I see your passport, please?

Can I see …(lit.: I can see … )

… your passport?

Here it is.

How are you going to pay?(lit.: How is the gentleman / lady going to pay?)

How …

… is the gentleman (Sir)

… going to pay?

By credit card.(lit.: With credit card.)

Here ~ is ~ the key.

Where is ~ breakfast?(lit.: Where is ~ the morning coffee?)

Do you need help with your baggage?(lit.: Is Sir in need of help with the baggage?)

in need of ~ help ~ with the baggage

I need …

You need …*

(lit.: Sir is in need of … )Do you need …?*(lit.: Is Sir in need of …?)

I need … / Do you need* …?

*‘You need’ and ‘Do you need?’ i.e. the statement and the question are thesame in Brazilian. Other examples: ‘You left / Did you leave?’ (  saiu, track 3) and‘We are going / Are we going?’ ( vamos, track 4).

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6. More numbers

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dezassete (or dez e sete)








sessenta e um


setenta e dois


oitenta e três


noventa e quatro


(sounds like ‘saing’ )cento e um

duzentos( ‘o’ sounds like ‘oo’ )



quinhentos( ‘h’ sounds like ‘y’ )


dois mil e onze

dois mil doze

dois mil e treze

dois mil e catorze

dois mil e quinze

dois mil e dezasseis

dois mil e dezassete

dois mil e dezoito

dois mil e dezanove

dois mil e vinte

























16 = 10 + 6

17 = 10 + 7

18 = 10 + 8

19 = 10 + 9











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How often do I have to listen to the earworms CD

before I can really remember all the language on it?

With the appeal of the earworms songs wehope that it is not a question of 'having to',

it is rather a question of 'wanting to'. But seriously:the memory is like a muscle, it needs to be trainedand exercised. Based on scientific studies, theideal is listening relatively intensively at thebeginning (the learning phase), thereafterlistening periodically to review what youhave learnt and refresh your memory.

In practical terms this means listening tothe whole album the first day, in order to'tune your ear in' to the sounds of thelanguage. Then listen regularly, severaltimes, over a period of one or two weeks,making sure that you listen to every songequally as many times. While listening,

actually speak the words out loud, whenyou can, to get a feeling for their pronun-ciation. After this, go through the bookletand test your knowledge, picking out anygaps that you may wish to concentrate on.

Lastly, the review phase. As we all know,memories fade, so it is important to refresh

your memory by listening to the CD at yourleisure, say, once a week for the following fewweeks. Thereafter, monthly.This review phase is crucial as it consolidatesyour knowledge and transfers it into yourlong-term memory. Although this demandsself-discipline, it is of course without effort,as you are only listening to songs.The result is that you will be able to recall thewords and phrases with the same ease thatyou remember your telephone number!

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7. Can I help you? (Booking a room)

* ‘Bom dia’ is the greeting up to midday. From midday until night it is ‘Boa tarde’.** Pois não? Literally translated this phrase means “Because no?”. It actually

stands for “Can I help you?” or “What can I do for you?”

Good morning, can I help you?

Can I help?(lit.: Because no?**)

Do you have ~ a room ~ free/vacant …

… with a sea view?(lit.: … with a view to the sea?)

views ~ to ~ the sea

For how many persons?

Only for one person.

For how many nights?For two nights / one week.

With a bath or a shower?

Smoker or non-smoker?

How much does it cost?

It costs 190 reals (R$190).

Does it include breakfast?(lit.: It includes breakfast?)

Yes, it includes.

Yes, that’s fine.

Is Sir ~ going to ~ pay by credit card?

No, in cash, please.

Where is the lift/elevator?

Room 25.

Bom dia*, pois não?( ‘d’ sounds like a ‘j’ )

Pois não?**

Você tem ~ um quarto ~ vago …

… com vista para o mar?

vista ~ para ~ o mar

Para quantas pessoas?

Só para uma pessoa.

Por quantas noites?( ‘t’ sounds like ‘ch’ )

Por duas noites / uma semana.

Com banheira ou chuveiro?( ‘h’ sounds like ‘y’ )

Fumante ou não fumante?

Quanto custa?

Custa cento e noventa r eais.( ‘r’ sounds like ‘h’ )

Inclui café da manhã?

Sim, inclui.

Sim, está bem.

O senhor ~ vai ~ pagar com cartão de

crédito?Não, em dinheiro, por favor.

Onde é o elevador?

Quarto vinte e cinco.

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8. Personal details

O senhor pode preencher esteformulário?O senhor pode …

… pr eencher

… este formulário?

nome / sobrenome


número do passaporte



estado civil( ‘e’ not pronounced)

casado (man) / casada (woman)

solteiro (man) / solteira (woman)


local de nascimento

data de nascimento


O meu aniversário é dezoito deFevereiro.E o seu aniversário? Quando é o seuaniversário?

Can you fill in this form?

Can you …(lit.: Sir, can … )

… fill in

… this form?

first name / last name


passport number



marital status




place/location of birth

date of birth


My birthday is the 18. February.

 And your birthday? When is yourbirthday?

Months and dates (Meses e datas)

Janeiro, Fevereiro, Março, Abril, Maio, Junho, Julho, Agosto,Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Dezembro

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9. What kind of ...?

Boa noite.

Nós r eservamos uma mesa para ~ asnove horas.Nós r eservamos … / Eu r eservei …

… para as nove horas. / … para as nove.

Por aqui, por favor.

O que vocês querem* beber?

Que tal uma caipirinha ~ para começar?

O cardápio.

Vocês querem* uma entrada?

Como primeiro pr ato ~ talvez umasopa?Como ~ pr ato principal …

… o que ~ você prefere, peixe oucarne?

Que tipo de peixe ~ você tem?( ‘t’ sounds like ‘ch’, ‘x’ sounds like ‘sh’ )

Truta, salmão.

Eu prefiro um bife.

Com batata frita ou cozida?

Que tal arr oz?

( ‘rr’ sounds like ‘h’ ) A gente ~ já ~ pode pedir.


a gente pode / eu posso / você pode

Good evening.

We reserved a table for ~ 9 o’clock.

We reserved … / I reserved …

… for 9 o’clock. / … for 9.

This way, please.

What do you want to drink?

How about a caipirinha ~ to start?

The menu.

Do you want a starter?

For first course ~ maybe a soup?

For ~ main course …

… what ~ do you prefer, fish or meat?

What type of fish ~ do you have?

Trout, salmon.

I prefer a steak.

With fried potatoes (fries) or boiled?

How about rice?

Now we can order.(lit. : We ~ now ~ can order.)


we can / I can / you can

* “Do you want …?” = “Vocês querem …?” when addressing two or more peoplebut when addressing one person it’s “Você quer …?”

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10. What is it that you do?

O que ~ é que você faz?( ‘z’ sounds like ‘s’ )

Eu trabalho ~ num banco.

Desde quando ~ você trabalha lá?

Há dez anos.

É mesmo?

Quantos anos você tem?

Eu tenho 32 anos.

Eu não acredito.

Eu acredito.

Você é casada?

Não, eu sou solteiro/solteira.

um irmão / uma irmã

a minha mãe / o meu pai

marido / mulher

os meus filhos / um filho / uma filha

Quando eu posso ~ ver você de novo?

de novo

Que tal amanhã?

Onde e quando?

Que tal às nove horas aqui?

Então ~ até amanhã. Tchau!

What do you do?(lit.: What ~ is it that ~ you do?)

I work ~ in a bank.

Since when ~ do you work there?

For 10 years.

Is that so? / Really?

How old are you?(lit.: How many years you have?)

I’m 32 years old.(lit.: I have 32 years.)

I don’t believe it.I believe.

 Are you married?

No, I’m single.

a brother / a sister

my mother / my father

husband / wife

my children / a son / a daughter

When can I ~ see you again?


What about tomorrow?

Where and when?

How about at 9 o’clock here?

So ~ until tomorrow. Bye!

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Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation:

Here we have picked out the words and phrases with the letters thatsound very different to the English. Listen carefully to how the lettersin red are pronounced and then try to read these words (preferably

out loud) with the correct accent.Some of the differences that really stick out are the de (jee), the m atthe end of a word (ng), the o (as in dos Estados Unidos) sounds likeoo. The r is rolled; h as in amanhã sounds like a y; j as in a judasounds like sh. E as in espero, estadia, estás is often silent or soundslike an i.

Você, São Paulo, a trabalho, de férias, amigos, desculpe, desligue,também, Sim tudo bem, um cognac, uma cerve ja, só um momento, Aqui estão, À sua saúde!, br asileiro/ br asileira, em Portugal, dosEstados Unidos, de Nova Iorque, você tenha, Bom fim-de-semana!,Muito prazer, Então, tudo bem com você?, Bem-vindo /Bem-vinda, aviagem, Foi agradável, A que horas, amanhã, a gente, hotel,restaurante, especialidades, r eservei, senhor / senhora, cartão decrédito, a chave, o café da manhã, Bom dia, noites, chuveiro,fumante, r eais, este formulário, número do passaporte, idade, Quetipo de peixe, salmão, arr oz, faz, Desde quando, Eu não acredito,

Mulher, um filho / uma filha, amanhã.

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The science behind earworms mbt®

Unleashing the brain’s potential

 A large part of learning in general and languagelearning in particular is to do with the memorisationof words, facts and other significant information. It'sa well-known fact that we use only a fraction of ourbrain power and traditional book learning is nowrecognised as not suiting every learner.earworms uses simple techniques which open upand exploit more of the brain's native power andcome under the heading of 'accelerated learning'.

Learning to music is not only relaxing and enjoyable,it is also highly effective. Firstly, music primes theneural networks and puts the learner into the optimumstate of consciousness for learning, the so-called

 Alpha state; relaxed but at the same timereceptive.

 Also, learning rhythmically by ear engages and

stimulates more of the brain’s learning networksthan by traditional book based learning. By tappinginto the auditory cortex, the area responsible forprocessing and memorising sounds, and to someextent evoking an emotional response through musicand dialogue, earworms makes learning moreinteresting and unleashes more learning potential.

Linguistic approach

earworms mbt® adopts the so-called lexicalapproach to language learning. In essence, thismeans we look at language in terms of wholemeaningful chunks, then break these down into theircomponent bite-size, easily absorbable parts and

then reconstruct them. You not only learn complete,immediately useful phrases, you also intuitivelylearn something about the structure (the grammar)of the language. These 'chunks' which the learnercan 'mix and match', gradually build up to coverwhole areas of the language.

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Languages available:

To order any of the above and for further free languagelearning resources please visit the earworms website:www.earwormslearning.com

 Arabic Vol 1 + Vol 2Brazilian Portuguese Vol 1 + Vol 2Cantonese Vol 1Mandarin Chinese Vol 1 + Vol 2

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Page 20: EarWorms Rapid Brazilian Portuguese Vol. 2

7/21/2019 EarWorms Rapid Brazilian Portuguese Vol. 2

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/earworms-rapid-brazilian-portuguese-vol-2 20/20

The Tracks:

1. On business or on vacation? 7:342. Are you Brazilian? 7:32

3. Meeting and greeting 7:394. Future plans 6:135. I reserved ... 6:436. More numbers 6:017. Can I help you? 7:158. Personal details 6:03

9. What kind of ...? 7:5410. What is it that you do? 7:31

Concept & Text: Marlon Lodge, Project Development: Andrew Lodge, Project Management:

Maria Lodge, Music: earworms, Recording Supervision: Max Holler, Brazilian Voice:Ligia Goncalves, English Voice: Marlon Lodge, Graphic Design: Jaroslaw Suchorski @ HKP,Special Thanks to Ana Valdez.


earwormsM u s i c a l B r a i n T r a i n e r  
