east carroll's lea 1ev - library of congress · 2017. 12. 14. · '•ile bar1l er-l)...

'•ile Bar1l er-l) eniocrat. PtUBLISHED EVEEY SATURDAY AT LAKE PROVII)DNCE, LA. JAMES N. TURNER. PMlisher and P r op r ie t or . SUBSCRIPTION: $ 2 00 PER YEAR. Saturday, Ja e 29 , 1 9 01 . Fifth District Levee Board. Regolar meetings second W Yednesday' Ir January. Ap r il Ju l y, an d . O cto b er , a t Delta. [14. A reward of $2500 is offered for the capture of Prince Edwards, or Ford, who killed John Gray Foster n ea r S h re v ep o rt a b ou t t w o w e ek s a go . The State of t4eo r gi a i s re p orted to have the worst c ot t on , c o rn , melon, peach and app l e c ro p that it has had in the past thirty years. Too much iain is the cause of it. T he ne w s w as se n t o ut fr o m Col. umbus, Ohio, on Monday that Ilan- na had actually captured the Repub- lican machine, as if it was a big sur- prise. Hanna is boss, even over McKinley, and nothing moves with- out first consulting him. Perhaps it took a little cash t o g et co n tr o l o f the Ohio Republican c on v en t io n , bat HIanna has no scruples in that direction. The tenth anniversay of the con- secration of Rt. Rev. lavis Ses- sums, as Episcopal Bishop, was ob- served in New Orleans on Monday at Christ Church Cathedral. The Bishop received m an y l o vi n g t rib- ites by the clergy and laity. Handsome vestments and an Epis. copal ring were preenated to him, lie is a great man, and. devotedly loved by his people. Last Saturday oeat Florence, a small station on the Gulf and Ship Island railroad and about fifteen miles south of Jackson, * 'pitched battle took place on an excnrsion train between whites and blacks, in which three of the negroes were dangerously wounded. The fight started over an attempt of a negro to take the seat of a white woman, and which was resented by the whites. The Cotton, Ginner's. Jonrnal of Waco, Texas, says that ",we have never known as large an amount of cotton on hand, at inteirior towns and on farms, much of it onsold, as late a date as this (Juhe 189-'as can be seen to-day. The amount in Texas would astonish those who are going on the theory that the cotton has nearly all come into sight or been counted. There will be solme surprise at the Winauop;" - A great many Sdathern papers are tlaikug about I% atp a Sot- S erm emsai for Presideni -Iaeeak a � thing wonitiheppm , a ll that could be coauted q9tonid Ahe solid South; and that' wouild' be'afl : that any S.uthern, mah'~olaU h bardly .ex - poet. 'it, ,the' HeailiC pirty nonminate Carter Harrisos, or sonme other good maw, bury the issues of the past two campaigns, and the Democratic party will have a good chance of winiing.- Russia will soon be able to supply her own waits is co•tOn, anu will not need any from the United States. Oklahotna and the Indian Territory is far ahead of any other section in l the increase of cotton acreage. for the year. 'Texas hat inereased -her/ acreage, and with favof•able coduid Stions as to weathber, labor, etc., could produce 4,000,000 bales. All of the above goes to show that - c ot - t on is mo r ethan liable to bring a low price the coming season. The different railroads entering New Orleans want to erect a Union Depot, bu t it deems tliit ~he city council is against such a puble benefit lo 'theb city, to thq trateling publie and to tIse railroad.. ItJa a great draw back tq Sew Orleans not to have a Union Depot, which- no doubt keeps a large amount - o f travel away froi that city. New Orleans o6tght to be lrogreaive enough to see its needs, and es- pecially in having a Union Depot, which the railroade have been try- ing to secure for several years. The State of Arkanase is fast forging to the fr•ont in many ways. The Cotton Planters Journal says .hat 281 umiles of railroad has been build in that s ta t e w i th i n t he past Stwo years, naking ii rank third in the United S•ter in railroad building during that period of tiQe ,Se- sides it bhasaforest of ovi -iO41 ,- 000 ere'. It- forebt arva nlue ir greater thin thq. ,hol stiyl e Sudiana, - greater tuas Fre•t•ky, equao; obhio end ia t tgr a iT h e S3tate o( Pannsylf I 414 l CF of-Ktcgear, Spwingd.al and 'avetse ville, on the St. L,,uib . Sa - irn cicu-fal;ltro--,, , lnO m 'i 1nt,, h:.. ped 1,dl eart ladseauapl•tsi, Wl.ia mawawuted to nearly •tu, o0o.0 ~ - , ,, EAST CARROLL'S yEW COURT HOUSE. . I i.jri- - 1 1. . .- 7 Above we give a p i ct u re of th e ' new court house for this pa r is h , n ow in process of construction, the corner stone of which is to be laid on Tues- day next with appropriate ceremonies under the an,>pice, of the Masonic fraternity. On this day it is expected that a largf- portion of the resi. dents of the parish will be present to participate in the ceremonies and the festivities which have been provided for by the various committees apl,,oi'ted for the purlose. Wihile this picture shows the outer appearance of the building only, an examination of the plans snows a convenient and comfortable arrange- ment of all the departments necessary for carrying on the business of the parislth. The ground floor plan is 54x64 ft. On the front of the building, facing east, is a plorch 9x2F ft. which leads into the main entrance, or hall, 9x64 ft. On the south side of the hall is the clerk's office and re- cord room, the first 18x29 ft. the second 18x26 ft. The record room to be fire proof, having thicker interior wall with concrete and cement floor and atchedl iron ceiling. On the noth side of the hall is located the sheriff's main office 18x19 ft. to which is attached a fire proof vault 6xll ft. constructed in manner similar to the record room, and a police jury room 18xl1 ft. The main stairway leading to the second floor is in the tower in the north-east corner of the building. This leads into a lobby 13x14 ft. which opens directly into the court room, 35x42 ft. which has four open- ings on the east and five on the south side. On the north and west sides of the court room are situated, in addition to the lobby, a grand jury room 13x i• ft. two petit jury rooms lix I ft. and 14x14 ft. Immediately back of the judge's stand, over the back hall entrance, i, a room 15x15 ft. to be used as a lawyer's room. The tower, which will contain a bell and clock, is 72 ft. high to top of I roof and is provilel with stairway to reach the roof. The specifications provide for a complete and hanlsoinme finishing of the interior with the best of all material to be obtained. Thln it will h! seen that the building, though not much larger than the d one, but di tlein_, greatly in dcsign and convenient arrangement, will be am p le for the ou'iness of the parish for mnany years. The P o lice Jur y i s t o b e c o n• u ratulated upon its progressive spirit, every member of whiih has the s up p or t in gi v in g E a st Carroll such a building, long iiee -,Id in place of the old one that has been dangerous and unsafe for many years. L a Town C ou n ci l P r oc e ed i ngs , hip Lake Providence, La.. :June 17, 1901. en Tihe Hon. Mayor and Town Council met this day pursuant to adjourn- iedent. on Present-G. MI. Franklin, Mayor; i , C o uncilmen N. F o us s e. J. W. Pittman, C. F. )Davis and W. S. Maguire. e re Ab s en t -M. Levy. ht Upon motion, the C ou n ci l adjou r ned to next day. the 18th. SG. Al. FRANKLIN, Mayor. n, W H. FisHiER, Secretary. he Lake Proyidence, LA., June 18,1901. The Town Council imet this day pur I uunt to adjournment, with the same Of present as yesterday. vq On motion of Councilman Davis, the of following bid of Mr. Edward J. O'- Beirne, for the construction of the ar- US, tesian well be accepted, and that the as Mayor be authorized to excut:e a con- tract with the said Edward J. O'Beirne in a:coC:'dance with his h id an d s p ecili- it cations ,.f engineier : ir Town of 1rovidencie, La.. June 17. 19t01. To the lion. Mayor and Councilmen, Town.! Dn of Providence, L a. : Gentlemen-l propose to put down or and case with iron casing pipe one 6 8s inch well to such depth as you may. designate on following basis: First 100 feet $1 per foot. Second 1I)0 feet '' per foot. tre 'hiro 100 feet $3 per foot. ;k. Fourth 100 feet $1 per foot. r Fifth 100 feet $5 per foot. Sixth 100 feet $6 per foot. Id Each additirnal 100.feet at a 'price i of $1 per foot additional. at Payment to he made as work pro- gresses each 100 feet; but in no case am I to receive less than $500 for well. ty Respectfully submitted. he EOWAtcOJ. O'BEiNmE.i The following resolution offeroed by of ount:ilman Magutre,was unanimously he adopted : od Resolved, That Edward J. O'Beirue be and is hereby not i lied to proceed at once in accordance with his contract with the town of Providence, dated ply Febrary 21st. 1901, and that the sum ill of (*75.00() eight hundlred and seven- ty-~tce dollars be allowed said Edward ' J. O'Beirne on a:ccouut of the advance ry in price of material since date of con. I l t ra c t. Mr. O'Beirne submitted the follow- or lug proposition, and on motion of e Councilman Pittman it was unanimous- ly accepted. 'Town of Providence, La.. June 17, 1901. I, To the Ilon. Mayor and Councilmen Town Ll of P"rovidence. La.: Gentlemen-I hereby propose to t )ctiltasc your issue of Waterworks and a Electric Light bonds, amounting to $17.500. at par value, subject to the ;iapproval of such atto.ney as I may designate. ag Respectfully Submitted,, on Edward J. O'Beirne: ity rher being no further business the lie Board adjourned subject to call of the Mayor. ' G. .M FRANKLLN, Mayor. as W. H. Frs'rtn, tecretarv. ot n and after July 1,. stamps will Ute not be required on thte articles named of below: ew Bills of lading for export, 10 cents. Bond of obligation by guarantee com- av4 pany, one-half of 1 cent on eaehdollar- e a- C er t if i ca t e of damage, 25 cents t, Certificate of deposits, ?cents. Certificates not otherwise specified, ry- 10 cents. Charter party, $3 t o $ 10 . Chewing gum, 4 cents each $1. Commercial brokers. $20. s at Dr a ft s , sight. 2 cents. s. Express receipts, 1 cent. libsurance--Life. 8 cents on each $100; marine, inland, tire, k cent on ?ei ach c 1; etsulality, lidelity and guaran- t y). cenit on each $1. I Le sc. 25 cents to $1. Manifest for custom house entry, $1 Sugto $. S Mor sgage or conveyance in trust, 25 c0.,•s for each $1,500. Perfur,.ry' anrid cosmetics, f cent for P~Wo of alittori:ey to vote, 10 cents. !Powr of att)t'rney to sell., 5 ? t:ts. Pro :.,sor nnotes, O conts for each 1 b e t 1i)0 eah. 'It. I , . , ' .L it 1 0 1" otltis. , ce.,,, SPtECIAI SUMMER TOURIST RATES VIA Y. & M. V. R. R. ( 1. Incil Tickets sold daily until September 30. un- Final return limit, October 31st, 1901. r ontreal. Canada..................8 10 Port Calborne, Canada .............. 40 50 Ian, St. CaR,herines. Canada ............... 40 0i Toronto. Canada .. ............... 44 85 Colorado Springs, Col........ ....... 4895 'ned Denver, Col.......................... 4895 Pueblo, Col ......................... 48 95 Chicago. Ill ......................... 2; 10 yor. French Lick, Ind .................... 2.25 West Baden, Ind..................... 27 25 Dawson Springs, Ky ................ 1790 Louisville, Ky...................... 2325 I. Deer Park. Md ....................... 385 7 Ipui - Battle Creek. Mich ...... ............ 3355 Lue Marquette. Mich .................. 43351 Mt. Clemens, Mich...... ............ 3760i Minneapolis. Minn............... 4; •)' the St. Paul. Minn ...................... 4 O'- Bay St. Louts, Miss ................... 1l5 ar- Biloxi, Miss ..................... . 1 3. 3 0 Pass Christian, M is s . . .... . .. . .. . .. 12 40 the St. Louis, Mo......................... 24 00 :on Buffalo, N. Y. ........................ 40 0 irne Jamestown, N. Y....................40 50 i.i- Sewance, Tenn....................... 22 80 Mouteagle. Tenn ............ ...... 22 80 Salt Lake, Utah ...................... 740 Olit. Ogden. Utah ....................... 7670 own Old Point, Va.................... 4200 Norfork, Va ....................... 4200 own ' Warrenton, Va .................... 4320 i 6 Harpers Ferry, W. V................. 42 55 Waukesha. Wis ................. 3080 nay. Waupaca, Wis.................... 3600 Special rates to various other points. For information, etc.. write or call on A. Q. PEARCE. C. P. & T. A., Vicks- burf. Miss. L. F. MONTGOMERY, T. P. A., Jackson, Miss. rice QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. ro- National Convention Epworth League, 'll. San Francisco, Cal., July 18-21, 1901. . F or _ the above occasion, New Or- by loans & . N ortheastern, Alabama & t Isly Vicksburg, and Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Ry. will sell round trip tick- irue ets to San Francisco at rate of forty- d at seven dollars and lifty cents ($47.50). ract Dates of sale July 6th to 13th, 1901. Lted( For further particulars call upon ume any Q . & C' Ag e nt, or address, ren- R. W. BONDS, T. V. A., aril Meridian, Miss. Lnce , on- Didn't Marry for.Money. ow . T h e B os t on gpan, who lately married of a sickly rich young woman, is happy pus- now, for he got Dr. King's New Life lills, which restored her to perfect health. Infalliable for Jaundice, Bil- wn liousnese, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver andStomach troubles. Gentle to but effective. Only 25c at Guenard and drug store. to the nay VENIRE. List of grand jurors selected this the 7th day of June, to serve for the six months of e the year 1901, and for the term of the 7th the District Court, beginning on the first Mon- the day, the 1st day of July, 1901 : ward ward T TB Davis 5 J G Pittman 2 GeoCuier 2 Geo. S. Owen 5 T 8 Sittou 3 J A Brooks 3 Chas McAlpin 4 R L Hill 3 will W N White 3 T JPowell 3 med J W Pittman 3 Albert Taylor 2 W B Keene 2 Leo Shields I J W Tooke. jr 3 J W Crump 4 ta. Chris:. McGianis 3 Ralph Aly 4 om- JS Millikin 3 W Moore 2 Ilar. List of petit jurors drawn to serve for. I the first week of the District Court begin- ning on the first Monday. the 1at day of July. 1901: Sied, N Hall -3 Ben Green 2 W H. McCulloch 5 Morgan Warrea 2 Jono Boatner 4 F K Pittman 4 Robt~ amble 2 Simon Willis 2 Jno Walker i E J Delony 3 Perry Washington 5 Urias Cona 3 Joe Green 5 Jake Ware 2 W K Spurlock 8 Harry Hill 3 () P Hamilton 3 Steve Pullin 3 Lewis Ellis 3 Will Blansfield 3 on I 1 (Grtifin 2 Henry Day 3 ran- F I; Davis 5 Jillts Dillar 3 Lewis Mitenell 5 E FGuenard 3 Rtandel Wade 3 Calvin Dunn 5 Mathew itobinson 5 Ed Edwards S , $ 1 List of pvt't jur o rs drawn to serve for the second week of the District Court, be- g 25 ginning on the seebnd Mon n iay, the vt h ay Will Cfolilins Ben Irvin 2 r.,eojge Maks . len William 3 Adam Green 5 ,1 T Bates 1 ets. Ezra Bradford 2 Rlichard Mci~ey i . 'il Jamcs 5 Fred (alanty 3 W i l l Gil spi. I W B Frost 3 a il 1 I Jones ;; Zeke enslda s .�1 lilack 3 .Claibe I)ixon 2 f .\,'i0rw Lames 1 John Eldrige 4 ( has ilr 'biesoo 3 Lewis lite 2 ,Jio A*terrv 4 Pinknev BoIlvd 2 (:to, Wa-hibgton 3 Wm Ma olow 3 N \ ite 3 Jlune Campbell 2' .' " "avis 3 iinr Atlas 3 d .),•..ierus , Clhris Winiherly 1 GE D . F. BLACK1BURN. . lcrk 'thl l)iatrict Court. ,k u '. v il.hn.',. La l ", C1 , 15, .L. 0 ! P AR A SO L LS r C fr ST R AW ~ MA ' S ee •~OUR SHOW WINDOW DISPLAY OF lTH E L A TEST IN SHOES F OR MEN, LADIES,. C ILDtREN. We h a ve the Best Line of Colored Shirts m ad e for Ge n te m en . A s k to see them. We are lieacdt(uarters for all kinds of Smni•ic l)ress (oods. We handle no second qul ality •.ools--lnothingi buit the best grade cal be found in our store. J.N. Hi11 Bro. ï ¿ ½ U ND E RW E AR n A U N DSRWJAR F OR W . OJS'L J ' FOR LAD I ES' M M E A ND BO Y FD S ( DCHILDREN MILLIKIN'S. If you want a nice Flannel Coat and Vest for the summer, call and see our line. We have the only complete stock in town. We also have a nice line of Ready Made Suits, in greys and stripes. SIf you want to wear a good comfortable, the best shoe that is made, wear a pair of Brown Shoe Co's. Shoes. We guaranteoe every pair, and we are satisfied they will give satisfaction. We wouldn't ]andhle them if they didn't. We have them to suit all--in Misses, Ladies' and Children. We are the sole agents for M. Born & Co., the leading and largest Clothing I louse in the 7. . They. are celebrated for making fine clothl i.' which fits well, weav•'s well a, l([ please well, in every particu~tlart. e have 200 samples to select from, and we will take your measure and guaran- tee a fit. Drop in and have your measure taken. See our fnie N eckwcar and (Gent's furnishings. MILLIKIN'S. i J. JPOWERS, Pros. * A , F . N IMTZ Vi c e Pes. T. G. BRIER L Y, Secty. Vicksburg & Greenville Packet Co., Steamers BELLE OF TIE BENDS, ANNIE LAURIE and RUTH II Steamer Belle of the Bends leaves Vicksburg every Monday and Thursday at 3 p. m.; returning, leaves Grdenville every I ;usday and Friday. Steamer Annie Laurie leaves Vicksburg every Wedne -,ay and Saturday at .' p. m.; returning, leaves Greenville every Tuesday and Sunday evening. First-class passenger and freight accommodations. Boats brillianlly lightid throughout with electricity. Lights in every state~mem. Cusine unsurpassed. YANCEY BELL, Agent. DeerIfg Ideal Improved Mowers and Rakes. Steel roller and ball hear- ing. Parts and Repairs kept on hand. Highest award at Paris Exposition. J. W1. PI'TMAN, Agt. for Lake Providence WILL SAVE YOU FREIGHIT.] and Adjacent Territory. LEA 1EV Lake and L evee S t s., Lake Prowidenoe, La. GENT' FURNISHING - G O ODS. Tl-he Finest Lne of Clothing C~ar. * ried in the City. 0 Ladies' Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Mackintoshes and Hunting Coata. T ru n ks , V a li s es and Ha n d B ag s , +4+ouR*n* C AN N OT BE SU R PA S SED. Cal l o n m e B e fo r e P uro h as i ng El s ew h er e . A.. D. f& S. SPENGLER, AGTS., ........ VI'CsSBURG, MaiSS.......... -Manufacturers of- Sash, Door s , B lind s ,' S tain-work, Interio r F i ni s h, and Al l B u il d ij n g Material. Ohespes PIaoe in the South. Write for pdies before purehasdng elawhere W. B. THOMPSON. P. L. MoOAL. W. B. Thompson & Co., C o tt o n F ac t or s & Co m mi s si o n M er c ha n ts NO. 80 8 P E RDI D O S TR E ET , N ew Or l ea n s, : : L o ui s la n a. PANIIM A•:i c } " Yi } !. X ).� ION, . 1 t ft a lo . I r iew Y ork' v ia (ern & ('rescent l',onte- or ti al a ( e ) . i o , 's 1i . . Q oe t il C rII l Ia m w i n i ll ti i it-ti a t f a st sch,.dnb:'. ce i e i t. y o f the liu- esl t ill the c•lnt:ry. lFor plarticular., eilli upon: or ahdd ' r ^ any Q & : C. A' , en4. or. K. W. BONI)S. T. '. A. ! Merili'in. Mj•,•,- A T e rr i ble Kxploi i on "Of a gasoli n e s •ov e bairntd a la' d V h er e f r ig h tf u ll . '" wr i te s N E. 1'Pi r n. " r, of Kirkman,. la. "'l'he bto , do c to , r _ c o uldn'l hea l t h e r iunnin g S u,)r e I hat foll o wed, but lu e 'k l 't' M A r ina tS v Io entirely enred a ew." It s ta l lil a bl e tfor 4 Culs . C o rn s , S it's , Il t oi lo I u e mb . 8 , Skin i )lk•on, andl Pil c se . 2.cti r: 1 ( l t: - i rds r, drug " ,r. SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS From Vicksburg, Miss. TO ( TILE MOUNTAINS, LAKES. ANI) SEA- SIt O RE lRESORT1'S "l'i h et,l. ont s .h.e t n til Si•- ber ;• h . I .'t, to r•t•,r t i ll O 't.Co l r :1. l t0 . v i n Q uL L ee n & C rt e sceut Rt,,ule. Ifb r ou ' ll t sleepers and dining cars, fast time t anut c lo e e ro n necti o ns. thhvil l t . N . C ................ ...... $27 11: Basic. Va .............. 25 H ed l ord. V a . .. . .. . .. . ............... 35 i B l ue Ri d ge . Va . . .. . . ...... . 35 B uf f :l o Lit h ia Springs , V a . ........ . . 3 S 4 3 Charlottesville, Va ... ............. . :i 2' Chicago. Ill ................... . .. . .. 2 II) Cin iunati. 0 . . ...................... 00 Farnnville . Va ......... :; 4 Glade Springs. V .................. 2 Lookout Slountain, Tenn.. ....... ) .. 2'- ) L ou i sv i ll e . K v . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ....... 2 Monteagle. Ten .......... .. 2 Niagara Fa l ls , N . Y .......... ....... 40 Norlork, Va ..................... 4200 Old P o in t C o mf o rt , Va ............... 42 i t Put-in ay. ................... .... 34 Roanoke. Va.......... ............. :.'I ;t. S t. Lo u is . M o . .. . ... .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 24 4 Staunton. Va ....................... .. 3 w ). W ankesha, . ies .................... :*' White S ulpher Sp r in g s, W. V a . .. . : 3S t. Wav•esville. N. C . . ..... . 2. 20. And to points innumerable. Rates q uot- ! ed to all points on apphieation to F. M. DONOHOE. C. I' & T. A.. Vicksburgl.. M is s ¿ ½ GEO. Ii. SMITH, i. J. ANDERRSUOI G. P. A., New Orleans, A. G. '. A. P National Ecducational Assoclation. Meeting, Detroit, Mllchigan. July 6 to 12 1901. For the ab h ove occasion, the Qu e en &; Crescent Route w il l s e ll ti c kets to Do - tra i t M ic h .. a t r at e o f o : ie first cl a ss fare for t he ro u nd tr i p p lu s t w o d ol l ars. S.Dates of sale J ul y 5 th , 6 t h a nd 7th , w it h f i na l l i mi t t o r e tu r n J ul y 1 6 tb . 19 1 11 . By de p os i ti n g t ic k et s w i th Jo i nt A g en t o n o r b e fo r e J ul y 1 2 th an d o ; payment of fe of fifty cents, an ex- tens i on of t h e f in a l l im i t w i ll be gr a nt - e d u nt i l S ep t em b er 1s t , 1 90 1 , incl u - I sire. Fo r f u rt h er in f or m ha t ion r ad pi t rt i ca - l ar s , ca l l u po n a n y ( Q. & C . A ge n t. or , R . W . B O ND S . T '. P. A. Meri h ian, Mi s s. Constable Sale. sta t e of Louisiana, Parish of East Carroll, Third Wa r d . lu L ti c e C ourt. S . c t" h war t z & C o . vs . S . . A. M cN e al - No, fl.5. .I. D o rn b us e h vs.. A. A. NeNeal- No. (;71. J. I)~. o useh vs. S. A. 1IcNeat I\y virture ol writs ot 'i F.t' to u ie di. re e ted vb y t h e l ion. C. It. t i l vy . .1n u tice o f t Ue Peace f th l ie 'IThird W a r tl J.i tic Ctou r t f or tl t he pa r ish o f E as t C a rr o l! aforesidl is th i e a ove entitle h d . amius. I w till proc e d to s el l a t p ) iu li c a tt i on . l T the door A- ti h saidt T hi r d J :i t ( i c , t ' ur e i rei l an a - i:ll) in the town of C'rovidence, East .La.rrell parish, La:i.. alt "at t lrdaly . thie t h ,itav o f July, 10101. betw y i , t i ft hou r s p rei'st r i• e d l by la w , all the rilgh, t itle al n d interes t of S . A . MNcNe a t in and to tfle foliowing dec. riled property, to-wit: One bay mare. and the entire stock ol goods., iare. meirchlandise. store-lixtures and m ov : ll s . il r on Stae tnll co•ntents. alnd b o ok s a n d a :c o uitls. in the s to l ehoi s e oni Levee street occupied byv said S. A. MeNeat as a grocery stote, lcordineii to the inven- tory on file in my office-seized in the above suit. e Terms oF , s a le--cash with the benefit of appraisement. W. iI. HIUNTER, ConlaLble. Constable's Office, Providence, La., June "2 , . l!)l-3t . STATE TAX SALES OF Immovable Property. The State of Louisiana, the Parish of. E as t C a rr o ll. and t he Fi f th hi s tr i ct Levee . B o ar d v s . D eo l inq u ent Tax- Payers. By virtue o 1 t h e autthority vested in Ite hby he iConstitution and Iaws of the State of Louisinna. 1 will s e ll at th e p r in e tp a l f ro e nt door :: the Court Ilouse in which the SCivil D)istrict Court of al! paIlish is held, within the legal hours for judicial sales, beginning at 11 o'lok a. m., on Sa t ur d ay , J u ly 6, 19 0 1, anti continuing on each su c ce e dingc d a y until said sales ta:ire completed, all Immova- ble l'roper t ly o nii which taxes are n ow du e t o t he St a te ,of L o ui s ia n a. the P a rI s h o f a E a st Car r ol l , : nd th e Fi f th li . istrict Levee Of Board to e n uf o rc e c o ll e ctiona if t ax e s ias.ssed in th. )years 1511. iSle and 1500. t-. getiher with tihe interess thereon from the a31st day of [tecember, 1,597. at the rate oef two per cent per mouth until pals and all c os t s. r The names ol said delinquent tax-payers, the amount due by each on the assessmelnt - O l said year. andl the imnnmvalle property assessed to each to be oflered or sale as follows, to-wit: [IFTI WARIL. L . L . W 1' ' KO ) WS K I. 0 acres: the W A of NW i of See;' l, T 22 N Rt 12, E. T'axes 98 ............ . .. . .. . . .. EG 00) Taxes 15'99 ................... 6 00 Taxes 19,0 ................. 5 92 lIn said lnay of sale. I will sell such por- tions of anid property ans each debtor will Spoint out, and in case tilhe debtor will not l ,iint out slfliitlent prolperty, will at once Sand without furtlher delay, sell the leaet quantitiy of said property of any debtor whiich any Ihidder will uiiv for the a mo u nt of tihe taxes. intet aest and cost due by said t:ebtor; the sate w t il made withcut ap iraisemnent fur caah in legal tenrd r money ol the U:nitedl states, and the property aold shall Ie redeenmable at any time for the space oi one ye:ar, by paying the price Sgiven, with t2o :er cent and costs and pen- SlIthy added. J. W. DUNN, Sheriff and "T: Collictor taut Carroll Par.- Shieri;tf's ofice, 'Provilence, La., June 1, 10I1- O tL . NOTICE TO MORTGAGOE CREDITORS PARISH Ol" EAST CAR.S•LE. Sberifl and Tax Collector's Olllaeea. s - i s h of East C'LIroll. L ke Providenee La., SJune 1. I.l.--ln accordance .witl Ilt ( t13, Act . of 1I8, notice is berebj ll 8 .a a IIl I artics hold i ng mi o rtgagea th a Pe - e t. estatec in lhe I ariali of Least •fatail bh Wh:,wh taT:e'. for :he cyears 1898L . 1 1 SS aal' 1th) have not bheen paid. that I still begt the sale of sarUe at thue Court Hose door. oI Sattird:v. thur ith day of July. 1WIt, a•ad. tha l it a numllber or piecet. or pro•rty co . - li hnett are-now beienc advertised in 1aRb newspaper in conformity with the laht preparatory to such sales. The attention. ol the nlortgage credlitor Is especially of clled to these advertleements of tax sales; and they. are warned to take auch steps. lior to the sale as nmay be necessary to p" o.tet hlilt rights. ,1. W. )i'NN, SherifT and Tax Collector East Carroll Pas -herlrcas oie, P'rovidenet, La., June 1 t waItW:,-t.. Special Notice. All members of Providence Lodge No. 28, Knights of Pythias, are requested to meet at the Castle H al l o n J u ly 2nd, 1901, at 10:.0 sharp, to arrange to take part in the ceremony of layiog the corner stone of the new Court House. T. J. PO)WELL, C. C. JAS. BEARD, K. of R. a S. Providence. La.' June 29, 1901. A C A RD . Thia is to notify my friends sad the pub- lic that I was honorably acqtrtted of the charge of stealing a cow. I have lived in this community for many years, and it is the first time that I was ever arrested or accused in any way of wrong doing. and those who know me, and those for whom I have worked for, know that I was innocent of any such charge. I sincerely thank my many white and colored friends for their acts of kindness while 1 was in this trouble. Respectfully. STEVE PI'LLIN, Butcher. Providence, L a. , J u ne 27 . lt901. Stray Pony. Taken up by Adam Brown in new ground of Panola plantation, a light sorrel pony. 13I or 14 hands high. Iorse was sick when taken up. Owner can have' same by proving property, paying advertisement and expense. Call on C. A. VOELKER, Bunch's Bend. Panola, La. june 29-01. FOR SAIE .- A new Eagle c.und4n. ser. Can be bought for less than cost. Apply to R.J. BURNEY, Lake I'ruvideuce, L,•. Assessor's Notice. P ar i sh of Eas t C a rr o ll . S t at e o f i . ou i s- iana, June 1, U l!l--Ti accordan c e w it h t h e provisions of section "1 of Act No. 10., ap- proved July 9, 1~10. notice is hereby giver to tax payers of the parish of East Carroll, that the listing of property, real and per- sonal of said tax payers. is completed, to- gether with the valuation placed upon said property, and that said list will be exposed in my oflice for the term of 20 days. begin- ning June 10. 1901. All tax payers are requested to avail themselves of the opportunity afforded to make known their objections to any assess- ment and to testp their correctness In the manner prescribed by law. W. C. MelAE. Assessor. S he r it ' s Sale. S ta t e o f L ou i si a na. P a ri s h o f East C ar r ol l , Ninth District Court.--No. abT. C. A. Voelker et al.. versus George Aahhridge. By virtue of a writ of !il Fn to me direct- ed by the Honoralte Ninth District Court for the pari.sh of East Carroll aforesultd in the ahovi entitled cause. I will proceed to sehI at public auction. at the door of the court house. in the town ul Providence, East Carroll parihb. La.. on Saturday. the 2.9tlh day of June. 1901, between the hours prescribed by law, all the right, title and interest of George Ash- bridge n' and to the following described property. to-wit : The entire stock of goods, wares, mer- chandise, atore-flxt'ures and movable" in the Voelker store-house on Lake street. aecording' to Ihe inventory on tile in mt oficne. seized ht the s,,ove sulit. Terms of isle-cabh with the benefit of aSijpraii'trent. J, W. DUNK. Sheriff. Shcfiftrfa ofice, Providence, La.. Jturne i Information for the Public. YAZOO & MISSISIPPI- VALLEY RAILROAD CO. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOON JANUARY 2 8t h , 1900. SOUTH BOUND. No. 23-Leave Mkephlis 9:00 a. m. Arri ve Vicksburg 7:01 p. um. No. 5-Leave Memphiei 7:35 p. iu. Arrive Vickshurg 2:1u a. m. No. 5-Leave Vicksburg 2 :2 0 a . i m . Arri v, New IOrleans 9:10 a. m. No. 21-Leavc Vicksburg 7:15 a. im. Arrives New Orleans 5:50 p. in. NORTH BOUND. No 2 t--Leave Vicksburg 7:15 a, m. Arrive Memrphis 5:35 p. , n. No. 6-- -Leave :New Orleaus 4 :00u.p. m. Arrive Vieksburg 11 : 2; 5 p . i n . No. 6--Leave Vicksburg 11:30 p. m. No, 22--Leave New Orleans :40 a.m. Arrive Vicksburig 7:05 p.m. VICI:SBUIRG AND (;REENVILLE ACCOMMODAT.O N. Leave Vicksburg 4:20) p. im.. arrive at Greenville 8:20 p. m. Leav (;Greenville 6 a. mn.; arrive at Vicksblurg 1)0:00 :. ni. For further infolrmfl tion apply to A Q. PEAlI(:E, C. E. & T. A.. Vi:ksburg. Miss JNO A. SCOTT, I)iv'n. Pass'r. Ag't. Memphis, Tenn. CITY BARBER SHOP, - Lake Street,- W . !. MABEN ............. Proprietor Up-to-date work at Popular Prices. Patronage S ol i ci t ed . Agent for Memphis S te a m L au n dr y . B ra x to n H o us e , is still in Business and continues to handle the finest Beef, P ork an d M u tton. Your patronage is r es p ec t fully asked and sat i faction gnaraoteed. i3-Sbhop right across the st r ee t from the old Whittingten Stable. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured. "Al o ne ti m e I s u ff e re d f r om a s ev e re sp r ai n o f t h e ankle," ssys Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Wash- ington. Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without suc- cess, I tr i ed Ch a mb e rl a in ' s P ai n Ba l m. and am p le a se d t o a s y t ha t r e lief c a me as soon as I began its use and a com- pleiecure speedily followed." Sold at Gueuard's drug store. A Good Cough Iedlcine. I t s pe t a:s wetll tor Ct 'amb e rlaiu's Couih Rtemeldy wue th druggists use it It ! their or , tl f a rnil i t .,inl pretereuce to any othele " " i ha l, sold- C hamber- lai n 's Co u gh Itemed. for the. past five years with t ol•elte satisis c Ht ru to r i im y el" natd cUtui o mtr s ," rave I)rug . - gist J. GI : ,,:.mis t h, Val Nit e n, N. J. Il hbIvte anltwav\r n:t i! lt it miy 1, own fa t y i, 1 ' ., r t . l a t ,,r Cou g tl s au t ll c(tdk,.' an f•• r the cough ftllowing Ia 4 ï ¿½ril'rt' a 'n tii, it vI erv etfficacious." " atn, c ak at l.. -;. Guenard's drug store. Queen & Cresce n t' R OU T E. The Best Line -FROM- VTIC.EESMBITERC- -TO- -IN THE- ITorth and Larst. THROUGH SLEEPERS. The Summer Tourist's favorite lite via Lookout Mountain. GEO. II. SMITH,(G. P. A., New Orleans, La. R. J. ANDERSON, A. G. P. A.. Nw Orleans. La. R. W. BONDS. T. P. A., Meridian, Miss. J OH N W I LL I AM S Undertaker. Lake Providence - - La Keeps on band a large assortment of B ur i al Ca s ke t s, Ne w , P la i n a nd Or n a mental Metallic Cases and Wooden Coffins Made and Trimmed to Order [april 1&-89-11y 50 YE A RS E XP E RI E NC E T RA ' E M AR K S D CSIG N S C OP Y RI G HTS &C. A r.yn qrndlnrding a sketch a•ri d1-c rlptorion may ql•P.'ily r . 3o a rt . iu1 ou r odd h .t +ree wnh e th e r a n t , v .r . rt i on to pr. t a b ly petez l t4 b bl. f i •f l i n e i |I c A- i i' " .- . tr t et i ye a u ht d ht l .i 11 ,G b .O l kO h i ' at r tal S ent *` ' .+" . () I (! l Tt rTgi ICv fr ,l ' cur:;tg p..*'itra . t'atelta t( a k . t thr, uch M uiln k C o . re c el v e p .' int not i , without charge, in the Sc i ntifir .le r ican. A handsomely Ilustrated weekly. i.arest cir- culatio i k o f a ny scientific journal. Terms. ~i a year four months, SL Sold byall newsdealers. MNUNN J Cq 31o.Bt u e w Yorrk Braeh Oae 7 E' St.. Washbaton. D. C. ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH. sUNDAY sEVICES. 9 a. m.--Sunday school. 11 a . m . -- 'renching. 8 p . n i. - Class Meeting. Sp. in.--Preaching. REV. J. L. ELBERT, P. C. S. FULGUM, S. 8- Supt. J. M. KENN EDY, A T TO R NE Y -A T -LAW, L ak e Provi d en c e, Li,. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURT S FOR SALE. B. P. R. e ggs , $ 1 .0 0 p e r setting of M. H. Tu'rkcy eggs, $2.00 per setting of 13. o3EO. S. OWEN, Goss•l p p i a PIlan t ti io:, Ii . t'f + : v i .. La

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Page 1: EAST CARROLL'S LEA 1EV - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 14. · '•ile Bar1l er-l) eniocrat. PtUBLISHED EVEEY SATURDAY AT LAKE PROVII)DNCE, LA. JAMES N. TURNER. PMlisher and P

'•ile Bar1l er-l) eniocrat.




PMlisher and P r opr iet or .


Saturday, Jae 29, 1901.

Fifth District Levee Board.

Regolar meetings second WYednesday'Ir January. Ap r il Jul y, an d . O ctob er, atDelta. [14.

A reward of $2500 is offered for

the capture of Prince Edwards, or

Ford, who killed John Gray Foster

n ear Shreveport abou t tw o weeks


The State of t4eo r gia i s reported

to have the worst cott on, co rn,

melon, peach and app le c rop that it

has had in the past thirty years.

Too much iain is the cause of it.

T he new s w as sen t out fr om Col.

umbus, Ohio, on Monday that Ilan-

na had actually captured the Repub-lican machine, as if it was a big sur-prise. Hanna is boss, even over

McKinley, and nothing moves with-

out first consulting him. Perhapsit took a little cash t o g et contr ol o f

the Ohio Republican convent ion,bat HIanna has no scruples in thatdirection.

The tenth anniversay of the con-secration of Rt. Rev. lavis Ses-sums, as Episcopal Bishop, was ob-

served in New Orleans on Monday

at Christ Church Cathedral. TheBishop received many l ovin g t rib-ites by the clergy and laity.

Handsome vestments and an Epis.

copal ring were preenated to him,

lie is a great man, and. devotedlyloved by his people.

Last Saturday oeat Florence, asmall station on the Gulf and Ship

Island railroad and about fifteenmiles south of Jackson, * 'pitchedbattle took place on an excnrsiontrain between whites and blacks, inwhich three of the negroes weredangerously wounded. The fight

started over an attempt of a negroto take the seat of a white woman,and which was resented by thewhites.

The Cotton, Ginner's. Jonrnal ofWaco, Texas, says that ",we havenever known as large an amount ofcotton on hand, at inteirior townsand on farms, much of it onsold, as

late a date as this (Juhe 189-'as canbe seen to-day. The amount inTexas would astonish those who aregoing on the theory that the cottonhas nearly all come into sight orbeen counted. There will be solme

surprise at the Winauop;" -

A great many Sdathern papersare tlaikug about I% atp a Sot-

S erm emsai for Presideni -Iaeeak a

� thing wonitiheppm , all that could

be coauted q9tonid Ahe solidSouth; and that' wouild' be'afl : that

any S.uthern, mah'~olaU h bardly .ex -

poet. 'it, ,the' HeailiC pirtynonminate Carter Harrisos, or sonmeother good maw, bury the issues of

the past two campaigns, and the

Democratic party will have a goodchance of winiing.-

Russia will soon be able to supplyher own waits is co•tOn, anu willnot need any from the United States.Oklahotna and the Indian Territoryis far ahead of any other section in lthe increase of cotton acreage. for

the year. 'Texas hat inereased -her/acreage, and with favof•able coduid

Stions as to weathber, labor, etc.,could produce 4,000,000 bales. Allof the above goes to show that -cot-t on is morethan liable to bring a

low price the coming season.

The different railroads enteringNew Orleans want to erect a Union

Depot, bu t it deems tliit ~he citycouncil is against such a publebenefit lo 'theb city, to thq tratelingpublie and to tIse railroad.. ItJa agreat draw back tq Sew Orleans notto have a Union Depot, which- nodoubt keeps a large amount

- of

travel away froi that city. NewOrleans o6tght to be lrogreaiveenough to see its needs, and es-pecially in having a Union Depot,which the railroade have been try-

ing to secure for several years.

The State of Arkanase is fast

forging to the fr•ont in many ways.The Cotton Planters Journal says.hat 281 umiles of railroad has beenbuild in that state w ith in t he pastStwo years, naking ii rank third in

the United S•ter in railroad buildingduring that period of tiQe ,Se-sides it bhasaforest of ovi -iO41 ,-000 ere'. It- forebt arva nlue ir

greater thin thq. ,hol stiyl eSudiana,

-greater tuas Fre•t•ky,

equao; obhio end ia t tgr aiT heS3tate o( Pannsylf I 414 l CFof-Ktcgear, Spwingd.al and 'avetseville, on the St. L,,uib . Sa

- irn

cicu-fal;ltro--,, , lnO m'i 1nt,, h:..

ped 1,dl eart ladseauapl•tsi, Wl.ia

mawawuted to nearly •tu, o0o.0~ - , ,,


.I i.jri- - 1 1.. .- 7

Above we give a p ictu re of th e' new court house for this pa r ish , n ow inprocess of construction, the corner stone of which is to be laid on Tues-day next with appropriate ceremonies under the an,>pice, of the Masonicfraternity. On this day it is expected that a largf- portion of the resi.dents of the parish will be present to participate in the ceremonies andthe festivities which have been provided for by the various committeesapl,,oi'ted for the purlose.

Wihile this picture shows the outer appearance of the building only,an examination of the plans snows a convenient and comfortable arrange-ment of all the departments necessary for carrying on the business of theparislth.

The ground floor plan is 54x64 ft. On the front of the building,facing east, is a plorch 9x2F ft. which leads into the main entrance, orhall, 9x64 ft. On the south side of the hall is the clerk's office and re-cord room, the first 18x29 ft. the second 18x26 ft. The record room tobe fire proof, having thicker interior wall with concrete and cement floorand atchedl iron ceiling. On the noth side of the hall is located the sheriff'smain office 18x19 ft. to which is attached a fire proof vault 6xll ft.constructed in manner similar to the record room, and a police jury room18xl1 ft. The main stairway leading to the second floor is in the towerin the north-east corner of the building. This leads into a lobby 13x14 ft.which opens directly into the court room, 35x42 ft. which has four open-ings on the east and five on the south side. On the north and west sidesof the court room are situated, in addition to the lobby, a grand jury room13x i• ft. two petit jury rooms lix I ft. and 14x14 ft. Immediately backof the judge's stand, over the back hall entrance, i, a room 15x15 ft. to beused as a lawyer's room.

The tower, which will contain a bell and clock, is 72 ft. high to top of Iroof and is provilel with stairway to reach the roof. The specificationsprovide for a complete and hanlsoinme finishing of the interior with thebest of all material to be obtained.

Thln it will h! seen that the building, though not much larger than thed one, but di tlein_, greatly in dcsign and convenient arrangement, will

be am p le for the ou'iness of the parish for mnany years.The P olice Jur y is t o be con•u ratulated upon its progressive spirit,

every member of whiih has the sup p or t in gi v ing E ast Carroll such abuilding, long iiee -,Id in place of the old one that has been dangerous andunsafe for many years.


a Town C ou n ci l Pr oc eedings,hip Lake Providence, La.. :June 17, 1901.

en Tihe Hon. Mayor and Town Councilmet this day pursuant to adjourn-

iedent.on Present-G. MI. Franklin, Mayor;i , Co uncilmen N. F o usse. J. W. Pittman,

C. F. )Davis and W. S. Maguire.ere Ab sent -M. Levy.

ht Upon motion, the C ou n cil adjou r nedto next day. the 18th.

SG. Al. FRANKLIN, Mayor.n, W H. FisHiER, Secretary.

heLake Proyidence, LA., June 18,1901.

The Town Council imet this day purIuunt to adjournment, with the sameOf present as yesterday.vq On motion of Councilman Davis, theof following bid of Mr. Edward J. O'-

Beirne, for the construction of the ar-US, tesian well be accepted, and that the

as Mayor be authorized to excut:e a con-tract with the said Edward J. O'Beirnein a:coC:'dance with his h id and specili-

it cations ,.f engineier :ir Town of 1rovidencie, La.. June 17. 19t01.

To the lion. Mayor and Councilmen, Town.!Dn of Providence, L a.:

Gentlemen-l propose to put downor and case with iron casing pipe one 68s inch well to such depth as you may.

designate on following basis:First 100 feet $1 per foot.Second 1I)0 feet '' per foot.tre 'hiro 100 feet $3 per foot.

;k. Fourth 100 feet $1 per foot.r Fifth 100 feet $5 per foot.Sixth 100 feet $6 per foot.

Id Each additirnal 100.feet at a 'pricei of $1 per foot additional.at Payment to he made as work pro-

gresses each 100 feet; but in no caseam I to receive less than $500 for well.

ty Respectfully submitted.he EOWAtcOJ. O'BEiNmE.i

The following resolution offeroed byof ount:ilman Magutre,was unanimously

he adopted :

od Resolved, That Edward J. O'Beiruebe and is hereby not ilied to proceed atonce in accordance with his contractwith the town of Providence, datedply Febrary 21st. 1901, and that the sum

ill of (*75.00() eight hundlred and seven-ty-~tce dollars be allowed said Edward' J. O'Beirne on a:ccouut of the advance

ry in price of material since date of con.

I l tra ct.Mr. O'Beirne submitted the follow-

or lug proposition, and on motion ofe Councilman Pittman it was unanimous-

ly accepted.'Town of Providence, La.. June 17, 1901.I, To the Ilon. Mayor and Councilmen Town

Ll of P"rovidence. La.:

Gentlemen-I hereby propose tot )ctiltasc your issue of Waterworks and

a Electric Light bonds, amounting to$17.500. at par value, subject to the;iapproval of such atto.ney as I maydesignate.ag Respectfully Submitted,,

on Edward J. O'Beirne:ity rher being no further business thelie Board adjourned subject to call of the

Mayor.' G. .M FRANKLLN, Mayor.

as W. H. Frs'rtn, tecretarv.

ot n and after July 1,. stamps willUte not be required on thte articles namedof below:

ew Bills of lading for export, 10 cents.Bond of obligation by guarantee com-

av4 pany, one-half of 1 cent on eaehdollar-ea- Cert ifi cat e of damage, 25 cents

t, Certificate of deposits, ?cents.Certificates not otherwise specified,

ry- 10 cents.Charter party, $3 to $ 10.Chewing gum, 4 cents each $1.Commercial brokers. $20.

sat Dr a fts, sight. 2 cents.s. Express receipts, 1 cent.

libsurance--Life. 8 cents on each$100; marine, inland, tire, k cent on?ei ach c 1; etsulality, lidelity and guaran-t y). cenit on each $1.

I Le sc. 25 cents to $1.Manifest for custom house entry, $1

Sugto $.S Mor sgage or conveyance in trust, 25

c0.,•s for each $1,500.Perfur,.ry' anrid cosmetics, f cent for

P~Wo of alittori:ey to vote, 10 cents.!Powr of att)t'rney to sell., 5 ? t:ts.Pro :.,sor nnotes, O conts for each1b e t1i)0 eah.


I , .,

' .L it1

0 1" otltis. , ce.,,,


( 1.Incil Tickets sold daily until September 30.

un- Final return limit, October31st, 1901.

r ontreal. Canada..................8 10Port Calborne, Canada .............. 40 50

Ian, St. CaR,herines. Canada ............... 40 0iToronto. Canada .. ............... 44 85Colorado Springs, Col........ ....... 4895

'ned Denver, Col.......................... 4895

Pueblo, Col ......................... 48 95Chicago. Ill ......................... 2; 10

yor. French Lick, Ind .................... 2.25West Baden, Ind..................... 27 25Dawson Springs, Ky ................ 1790Louisville, Ky...................... 2325

I. Deer Park. Md ....................... 385 7Ipui - Battle Creek. Mich ...... ............ 33 55Lue Marquette. Mich .................. 43351

Mt. Clemens, Mich...... ............ 3760iMinneapolis. Minn............... 4; •)'

the St. Paul. Minn ...................... 4O'- Bay St. Louts, Miss ................... 1l5ar- Biloxi, Miss ..................... . 13.30

Pass Christian, M iss .. .... . .. . ... .. 12 40the St. Louis, Mo......................... 24 00:on Buffalo, N. Y. ........................ 40 0irne Jamestown, N. Y....................40 50

i.i- Sewance, Tenn....................... 22 80Mouteagle. Tenn ............ ...... 22 80Salt Lake, Utah ...................... 740Olit. Ogden. Utah ....................... 7670own Old Point, Va.................... 4200

Norfork, Va ....................... 4200own ' Warrenton, Va .................... 4320

i 6 Harpers Ferry, W. V................. 42 55Waukesha. Wis ................. 3080nay. Waupaca, Wis.................... 3600

Special rates to various other points.For information, etc.. write or call onA. Q. PEARCE. C. P. & T. A., Vicks-

burf. Miss.L. F. MONTGOMERY, T. P. A.,

Jackson, Miss.


ro- National Convention Epworth League,

'll. San Francisco, Cal., July 18-21,

1901.. F or_ the above occasion, New Or-

by loans & . N ortheastern, Alabama & tIsly Vicksburg, and Vicksburg, Shreveport

& Pacific Ry. will sell round trip tick-irue ets to San Francisco at rate of forty-d at seven dollars and lifty cents ($47.50).ract Dates of sale July 6th to 13th, 1901.

Lted( For further particulars call uponume any Q . & C' Age nt, or address,

ren- R. W. BONDS, T. V. A.,

aril Meridian, Miss.Lnce

, on- Didn't Marry for.Money.

ow. T h e B os ton gpan, who lately marriedof a sickly rich young woman, is happy

pus- now, for he got Dr. King's New Life

lills, which restored her to perfecthealth. Infalliable for Jaundice, Bil-wn liousnese, Malaria, Fever and Ague and

all Liver andStomach troubles. Gentleto but effective. Only 25c at Guenard

and drug store.to

the nay VENIRE.List of grand jurors selected this the 7th

day of June, to serve for the six months ofe the year 1901, and for the term of the 7th

the District Court, beginning on the first Mon-the day, the 1st day of July, 1901 :

ward wardT TB Davis 5 J G Pittman 2GeoCuier 2 Geo. S. Owen 5T 8 Sittou 3 J A Brooks 3Chas McAlpin 4 R L Hill 3

will W N White 3 T JPowell 3med J W Pittman 3 Albert Taylor 2

W B Keene 2 Leo Shields IJ W Tooke. jr 3 J W Crump 4

ta. Chris:. McGianis 3 Ralph Aly 4om- JS Millikin 3 W Moore 2Ilar. List of petit jurors drawn to serve for. I

the first week of the District Court begin-ning on the first Monday. the 1at day ofJuly. 1901:

Sied, N Hall -3 Ben Green 2W H. McCulloch 5 Morgan Warrea 2Jono Boatner 4 F K Pittman 4Robt~ amble 2 Simon Willis 2Jno Walker i E J Delony 3Perry Washington 5 Urias Cona 3Joe Green 5 Jake Ware 2W K Spurlock 8 Harry Hill 3() P Hamilton 3 Steve Pullin 3Lewis Ellis 3 Will Blansfield 3

on I 1 (Grtifin 2 Henry Day 3ran- F I; Davis 5 Jillts Dillar 3

Lewis Mitenell 5 E FGuenard 3Rtandel Wade 3 Calvin Dunn 5Mathew itobinson 5 Ed Edwards S

, $1 List of pvt't juro rs drawn to serve forthe second week of the District Court, be-g 25 ginning on the seebnd Monn iay, the vt h ay

Will Cfolilins Ben Irvin 2r.,eojge Maks . len William 3Adam Green 5 ,1 T Bates 1

ets. Ezra Bradford 2 Rlichard Mci~ey i. 'il Jamcs 5 Fred (alanty 3W i l l Gil spi. I W B Frost 3a il 1 I Jones ;; Zeke enslda s.�1 lilack 3 .Claibe I)ixon 2

f .\,'i0rw Lames 1 John Eldrige 4( has ilr 'biesoo 3 Lewis lite 2,Jio A*terrv 4 Pinknev BoIlvd 2(:to, Wa-hibgton 3 Wm Ma olow 3

N \ ite 3 Jlune Campbell 2'.' " "avis 3 iinr Atlas 3d .),•..ierus , Clhris Winiherly 1


. lcrk 'thl l)iatrict Court.,k u '. v il.hn.',. La l", • C1 , 15, .L.

0! P AR A SO L LS r Cfr ST R AW~ MA '

S ee•~OUR





We have the Best Line of Colored Shirts

m ade for Gente m en. A sk to see them.

We are lieacdt(uarters for all kinds of

Smni•ic l)ress (oods. We handle no

second qul ality •.ools--lnothingi buitthe best grade cal be found in our


J.N. Hi11 Bro.ï¿ ½








MILLIKIN'S.If you want a nice Flannel Coat and Vest for the

summer, call and see our line. We have the onlycomplete stock in town.

We also have a nice line of Ready Made Suits,in greys and stripes.

SIf you want to wear a good comfortable, the bestshoe that is made, wear a pair of Brown Shoe Co's.Shoes. We guaranteoe every pair, and we are satisfiedthey will give satisfaction. We wouldn't ]andhlethem if they didn't. We have them to suit all--inMisses, Ladies' and Children.

We are the sole agents for M. Born & Co., theleading and largest Clothing I louse in the 7. .They. are celebrated for making fine clothl i.'which fits well, weav•'s well a, l([ please well, inevery particu~tlart. e have 200 samples to selectfrom, and we will take your measure and guaran-tee a fit. Drop in and have your measure taken.

See our fnie N eckwcar and (Gent's furnishings.

MILLIKIN'S.iJ. JPOWERS, Pros. * A, F.NIMTZ Vice Pes. T. G. BRIERLY, Secty.

Vicksburg & Greenville Packet Co.,Steamers BELLE OF TIE BENDS, ANNIE


Steamer Belle of the Bends leaves Vicksburg every Monday and Thursdayat 3 p. m.; returning, leaves Grdenville every I ;usday and Friday.Steamer Annie Laurie leaves Vicksburg every Wedne -,ay and Saturdayat .' p. m.; returning, leaves Greenville every Tuesday and Sunday evening.

First-class passenger and freight accommodations. Boats brillianlly lightidthroughout with electricity. Lights in every state~mem. Cusine unsurpassed.


DeerIfg Ideal Improved Mowers and Rakes. Steel roller and ball hear-ing. Parts and Repairs kept on hand. Highest award at ParisExposition. J. W1. PI'TMAN,

Agt. for Lake ProvidenceWILL SAVE YOU FREIGHIT.] and Adjacent Territory.

LEA 1EVLake and L evee St s.,

Lake Prowidenoe, La.


Tl-he Finest Lne of Clothing C~ar.* ried in the City. 0

Ladies' Dress Goods,Hats, Caps, Boots and

Shoes, Mackintoshesand Hunting Coata.

Trunks, Valises and Hand Bags,+4+ouR*n*


Cal l o n m e B e fo r e P uroh asi ng El s ew h er e .

A.. D. f& S. SPENGLER, AGTS.,........ VI'CsSBURG, MaiSS..........

-Manufacturers of-

Sash, Doors, B linds,' Stain-work, Interior Fi nish,and All Bu il d ijn g Material.

Ohespes PIaoe in the South. Write for pdies before purehasdng elawhere


W. B. Thompson & Co.,

Cotton Factors & Commission MerchantsNO. 80 8 P E RDI D O STR E ET ,

N ew Or lea n s, : : L o uis la n a.

PANIIM A•:i c }" Yi } !. X ).� ION, .1t fta lo. Ir iew Y ork'

v ia(ern & ('rescent l',onte-

or ti al a ( e ) . io , 's 1i. . Q oet il

C rII l Ia m w i n i ll ti i it-ti a t

fa st sch,.dnb:'. ce i ei t.y of the liu-


ill the c•lnt:ry.

lFor plarticular., eilli upon: or ahdd' •r ^

any Q &: C. A' ,en4. or.K. W. BONI)S. T. '. A.

! Merili'in. Mj•,•,-

A T e rr i ble Kxploi ion

"Of a gasoli n e s•ov e bairntd a la'd V

h er e f rig h tf u ll .'" wr i te s N E. 1'Pir n. "r,

of Kirkman,. la. "'l'he bto , do c to, r

_ co uldn'l hea l t h e r iunning Su,)r e I hat

foll o wed, but lu e'k l 't' M A rina tS vIo

entirely enred a ew." Itstal lil abl e tfor

4Culs. C o rn s , S it's , Iltoi lo I uemb. 8,

Skin i)lk•on, andl Pil c se. 2.cti r:1

( l t:-i rds r, drug ",r.




SItO RE lRESORT1'S"l'i het,l. ont s.h.e t n til Si•- ber ;• h .

I.'t, to r•t•,r t i ll O 't.Co l r :1. l t0 .

v i n Q uLLeen & C rtesceut Rt,,ule. Ifb r ou 'll t

sleepers and dining cars, fast time tanut

clo e e ron nectio ns.

thhvil lt . N . C ................ ...... $27 11:Basic. Va .............. 25H ed lord. V a ... . .. . .. . ............... 35 iB l ue Ri dge . Va .. .. . . ...... . 35

B uff :l o Lit h ia Springs , V a . ........ . . 3 S 43Charlottesville, Va ... ............. . :i 2'Chicago. Ill ................... . .. . .. 2 II)Cin iunati. 0 . . ...................... 00Farnnville . Va ......... :; 4Glade Springs. V .................. 2Lookout Slountain, Tenn.. ....... )

.. 2'- )

L ou i svi ll e. K v . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ....... 2Monteagle. Ten .......... .. 2Niagara Fa lls , N . Y .......... ....... 40Norlork, Va ..................... 4200Old P oint Co mfo rt, Va ............... 42 i tPut-in ay. ................... .... 34Roanoke. Va.......... ............. :.'I ;t.

S t. Lou is. M o . .. . ... .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 24 4Staunton. Va ....................... .. 3 w).W ankesha, . ies .................... :*' •White S ulpher Spr ings, W. V a . .. . : 3S t.Wav•esville. N. C . . ..... . 2. 20.

And to points innumerable. Rates q uot-! ed to all points on apphieation to

F. M. DONOHOE. C. I' & T. A..Vicksburgl.. M iss.ï


G. P. A., New Orleans, A. G. '. A.

P National Ecducational Assoclation.Meeting, Detroit, Mllchigan.

July 6 to 12 1901.

For the abh ove occasion, the Qu e en &;Crescent Route w il l se ll tic kets to Do-tra i t M ich .. at r at e o f o : ie first cl assfare for the rou nd tri p p lus t w o d ol l ars.

S.Dates of sale J ul y 5 th , 6t h a nd 7th,

w it h fi nal l i mi t t o r etu r n J ul y 16 tb.19 111 . By de p osi ti n g t ick ets w i th Jo int

A gent o n or be for e J ul y 12 th an d o;payment of fe of fifty cents, an ex-

tens i on of t h e fin a l l im i t w i ll be gr a nt -

ed u nt il S ept em ber 1st , 190 1 , incl u-I sire.

Fo r f urther inf or mhat ion rad pi trt ica -

l ars , ca l l u po n any (Q. & C . A ge nt. or ,R . W . BO ND S. T'. P. A.

Meri hian, Mi ss.

Constable Sale.stat e of Louisiana, Parish of East Carroll,

Third Wa r d . luL ti ce C ourt.

S . c t"h war t z & C o . vs. S. . A. M cNeal - No,fl.5. .I. Do rn b us eh vs.. A. A. NeNeal-No. (;71. J. I)~.o useh vs. S. A. 1IcNeat

I\y virture ol writs ot 'i F.t' to u ie di.ree ted vby t h e l ion. C. It. t i l vy. .1n u tice o f

tUe Peace f thlie 'IThird W ar tl J.i tic Ctour tf or tl the par ish o f E ast Carr o l! aforesidl isthi e a ove entitleh d . amius. I wtill proc ed to

sell a t p) iu lic atti on. l T the door A- ti h saidt

T hi r d J :i t ( ic , t 'ure i rei lana - i:ll) in the

town of C'rovidence, East .La.rrell parish,La:i.. alt

"at tlrdaly. thie th ,itav o f July, 10101.betwy i, t i ft hou rs prei'st r i• ed lby la w , all

the rilgh, title aln d interes t of S . A . MNcNea tin and to tfle foliowing dec. riled property,to-wit:

One bay mare. and the entire stock olgoods., iare. meirchlandise. store-lixturesand m ov: ll s. ilr on Stae tnll co•ntents. alndb o ok s a n d a :co uitls. in the sto l ehoi se oniLevee street occupied byv said S. A. MeNeatas a grocery stote, lcordineii to the inven-tory on file in my office-seized in the abovesuit.

e Terms oF, sale--cash with the benefit ofappraisement.

W. iI. HIUNTER, ConlaLble.Constable's Office, Providence, La., June

"2,. l!)l-3t .


Immovable Property.The State of Louisiana, the Parish of.

E ast Ca rr o ll. and t he Fi f th histr ict

Levee. B o ar d v s. D eol inqu ent Tax-


By virtue o1 th e autthority vested in Itehby he iConstitution and Iaws of the State ofLouisinna. 1 will sell at the p rine tpal f roentdoor :: the Court Ilouse in which theSCivil D)istrict Court of al! paIlish is held,within the legal hours for judicial sales,beginning at 11 o'lok a. m., on

Sa turday, Ju ly 6, 190 1,anti continuing on each su c ceedingc d a yuntil said sales ta:ire completed, all Immova-ble l'ropertly onii which taxes are n ow due

t o the State ,of L oui siana. the P arI s h o f

a Ea st Car r ol l , : nd the Fi fth li .istrict Levee

Of Board to enuf orce colle ctiona if t ax esias.ssed in th. )years 1511. iSle and 1500. t-.

getiher with tihe interess thereon from thea31st day of [tecember, 1,597. at the rate oeftwo per cent per mouth until pals and all

cost s.r The names ol said delinquent tax-payers,

the amount due by each on the assessmelnt

- Ol said year. andl the imnnmvalle propertyassessed to each to be oflered or sale asfollows, to-wit:


L . L . W1' ' KO) WS K I. 0 acres: theW A of NW i of See;' l, T 22 N Rt 12,E.

T'axes 98 ............ . .. ... . . .. EG 00)Taxes 15'99 ................... 6 00Taxes 19,0 ................. 5 92

lIn said lnay of sale. I will sell such por-tions of anid property ans each debtor willSpoint out, and in case tilhe debtor will not

l ,iint out slfliitlent prolperty, will at onceSand without furtlher delay, sell the leaet

quantitiy of said property of any debtorwhiich any Ihidder will uiiv for the amou ntof tihe taxes. intet aest and cost due by saidt:ebtor; the sate w til • made withcut apiraisemnent fur caah in legal tenrd r money

ol the U:nitedl states, and the property aoldshall Ie redeenmable at any time for thespace oi one ye:ar, by paying the price

Sgiven, with t2o :er cent and costs and pen-SlIthy added.

J. W. DUNN,Sheriff and "T: Collictor taut Carroll Par.-

Shieri;tf's ofice, 'Provilence, La., June 1,10I1-OtL.


PARISH Ol" EAST CAR.S•LE.Sberifl and Tax Collector's Olllaeea. s

- ish of East C'LIroll. L ke Providenee La.,SJune 1. I.l.--ln accordance .witl Ilt( t13, Act . of 1I8, notice is berebj ll 8 .a

aIIl I artics hold i ng mio rtgagea thaPe - et.estatec in lhe I ariali of Least •fatail bhWh:,wh taT:e'. for :he cyears 1898L. 11SS aal'1th) have not bheen paid. that I still begtthe sale of sarUe at thue Court Hose door.oI Sattird:v. thur ith day of July. 1WIt, a•ad.thal it a numllber or piecet. or pro•rty co . -li hnett are-now beienc advertised in 1aRbnewspaper in conformity with the lahtpreparatory to such sales. The attention.ol the nlortgage credlitor Is especially

of clled to these advertleements of tax sales;and they. are warned to take auch steps.lior to the sale as nmay be necessary top" o.tet hlilt rights.

,1. W. )i'NN,SherifT and Tax Collector East Carroll Pas

-herlrcas oie, P'rovidenet, La., June 1 twaItW:,-t..

Special Notice.All members of Providence Lodge No.

28, Knights of Pythias, are requested tomeet at the Castle H all o n J u ly 2nd, 1901,at 10:.0 sharp, to arrange to take part inthe ceremony of layiog the corner stone ofthe new Court House.

T. J. PO)WELL, C. C.JAS. BEARD, K. of R. a S.

Providence. La.' June 29, 1901.

A CA RD .Thia is to notify my friends sad the pub-

lic that I was honorably acqtrtted of thecharge of stealing a cow. I have lived inthis community for many years, and it isthe first time that I was ever arrested oraccused in any way of wrong doing. andthose who know me, and those for whom Ihave worked for, know that I was innocentof any such charge. I sincerely thank mymany white and colored friends for theiracts of kindness while 1 was in this trouble.

Respectfully.STEVE PI'LLIN, Butcher.

Providence, L a., J u ne 27 . lt901.

Stray Pony.Taken up by Adam Brown in new ground

of Panola plantation, a light sorrel pony.13I or 14 hands high. Iorse was sick whentaken up. Owner can have' same byproving property, paying advertisementand expense. Call on

C. A. VOELKER,Bunch's Bend. Panola, La.

june 29-01.

FOR SAIE .- A new Eagle c.und4n.ser. Can be bought for less than cost.

Apply to R. J. BURNEY,Lake I'ruvideuce, L,•.

Assessor's Notice.P ar i sh of Eas t Carr o ll . State o f i . ou i s-

iana, June 1, Ul!l--Ti accordan ce w it h th eprovisions of section "1 of Act No. 10., ap-proved July 9, 1~10. notice is hereby giverto tax payers of the parish of East Carroll,that the listing of property, real and per-sonal of said tax payers. is completed, to-gether with the valuation placed upon said

property, and that said list will be exposedin my oflice for the term of 20 days. begin-ning June 10. 1901.All tax payers are requested to avail

themselves of the opportunity afforded tomake known their objections to any assess-ment and to testp their correctness In themanner prescribed by law.

W. C. MelAE. Assessor.

Sher it 's Sale.Sta t e o f L ou i sia na. Pa ri sh of East C ar rol l ,

Ninth District Court.--No. abT.C. A. Voelker et al.. versus George

Aahhridge.By virtue of a writ of !il Fn to me direct-

ed by the Honoralte Ninth District Courtfor the pari.sh of East Carroll aforesultd inthe ahovi entitled cause. I will proceed tosehI at public auction. at the door of thecourt house. in the town ul Providence,East Carroll parihb. La.. on

Saturday. the 2.9tlh day of June. 1901,

between the hours prescribed by law, allthe right, title and interest of George Ash-bridge n' and to the following describedproperty. to-wit :The entire stock of goods, wares, mer-

chandise, atore-flxt'ures and movable" inthe Voelker store-house on Lake street.aecording' to Ihe inventory on tile in mtoficne. seized ht the s,,ove sulit.

Terms of isle-cabh with the benefit of

aSijpraii'trent.J, W. DUNK. Sheriff.

Shcfiftrfa ofice, Providence, La.. Jturne i

Information for thePublic.



SOUTH BOUND.No. 23-Leave Mkephlis 9:00 a. m.

Arri ve Vicksburg 7:01 p. um.No. 5-Leave Memphiei 7:35 p. iu.

Arrive Vickshurg 2:1u a. m.No. 5-Leave Vicksburg 2 :20 a. im .

Arri v, New IOrleans 9:10 a. m.No. 21-Leavc Vicksburg 7:15 a. im.

Arrives New Orleans 5:50 p. in.NORTH BOUND.

No 2 t--Leave Vicksburg 7:15 a, m.Arrive Memrphis 5:35 p. ,n.

No. 6-- -Leave :New Orleaus 4:00u.p. m.

Arrive Vieksburg 11:2;5 p. in .No. 6--Leave Vicksburg 11:30 p. m.

No, 22--Leave New Orleans :40 a.m.Arrive Vicksburig 7:05 p. m.


Leave Vicksburg 4:20) p. im.. arriveat Greenville 8:20 p. m.Leav (;Greenville 6 a. mn.; arrive at

Vicksblurg 1)0:00 :. ni.For further infolrmfl tion apply to

A Q. PEAlI(:E,C. E. & T. A.. Vi:ksburg. Miss

JNO A. SCOTT,I)iv'n. Pass'r. Ag't. Memphis, Tenn.

CITY BARBER SHOP,- Lake Street,-

W . !. MABEN ............. Proprietor

Up-to-date workat Popular Prices.

Patronage S ol ici ted .Agent for Memphis S te a m L aundr y .

Braxton House,is still in Business

and continues to handle the finest

Beef, P ork an d M utton.

Your patronage is r es p ec t fully askedand sat i faction gnaraoteed.

i3-Sbhop right across the str ee tfrom the old Whittingten Stable.

A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured."Al o ne ti m e I suffered f rom a

sev e re spr ai n of t h e ankle," ssys Geo.E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Wash-ington. Va. "After using several wellrecommended medicines without suc-cess, I tr ied Ch a mb e rl ain 's P ain Bal m.and am p lea sed t o as y t ha t re lief c a meas soon as I began its use and a com-pleiecure speedily followed." Sold atGueuard's drug store.

A Good Cough Iedlcine.I t spe ta:s wetll tor Ct 'ambe rlaiu's

Couih Rtemeldy wue th druggists use itIt! their or, tl fa rnil it .,inl pretereuce toany othele ""i ha l, sold- C hamber-lain 's Co u gh Itemed. for the. pastfive years with t ol•elte satisis cHt ruto ri imy el" natd cUtui o mtrs ," rave I)rug.-gist J. GI: ,,:.misth, Val Nit en, N. J.

Il hbIvte anltwav\r n:t i! lt it miy 1, ownfa t y i, 1 ' ., r t . l at ,,r Cou

gtl s aut ll

c(tdk,.' an f•• r the cough ftllowing Ia4 ï ¿½ril'rt' a 'n tii, it vI erv etfficacious."" atn, cak at l.. -;. Guenard's drug store.

Queen & Cresce nt'R OUT E.

The Best Line-FROM-



ITorth and Larst.


The Summer Tourist's favorite

lite via Lookout Mountain.

GEO. II. SMITH,(G. P. A.,New Orleans, La.

R. J. ANDERSON, A. G. P. A..Nw Orleans. La.

R. W. BONDS. T. P. A.,Meridian, Miss.



Lake Providence - - LaKeeps on band a large assortment of

Burial Caskets, New, Plain and Ornamental Metallic Cases and Wooden

Coffins Made and Trimmed to Order[april 1&-89-11y




C OPY RIG HTS &C.A r.yn qrndlnrding a sketch a•ri d1-c rlptorion may

ql•P.'ily r .3o


.iu1 ou

r odd

h.t +ree wnh


er ant

, v .r.rt ion to pr. t a b ly petez


bbl. f



n e



i i'" .-.

tr tet iye a uht d ht l .i 11 ,G b .Ol kOh i ' at rtalS

ent *`'



lTt rTgi ICv fr ,l' cur:;tg p..*'itra

.t'atelta t(a k . t thr, uch M uiln k Co . re celve

p .' int not• i , without charge, in the

Sci ntifir .le rican.A handsomely Ilustrated weekly. i.arest cir-culatio

ik o f a ny scientific journal. Terms. ~i a

year four months, SL Sold byall newsdealers.

MNUNN J Cq 31o.Bt u ew YorrkBraeh Oae 7 E' St.. Washbaton. D. C.



9 a. m.--Sunday school.11 a . m .-- 'renching.8 p . n i.- Class Meeting.S p. in.--Preaching.

REV. J. L. ELBERT, P. C.S. FULGUM, S. 8- Supt.

J. M. KENN EDY,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,L ak e Provi dence, Li,.



FOR SALE.B. P. R. eggs, $ 1 .00 p e r setting of

M. H. Tu'rkcy eggs, $2.00 per settingof 13.

o3EO. S. OWEN,Goss•l p p i a PIlant ti io:,

Ii . t'f + : v i .. La