east hunsbury school prospectus new intake 2013-14

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  • 8/13/2019 East Hunsbury School Prospectus New Intake 2013-14



    East Hunsbury Primary School

    School Prospectus

    New Intake2013/2014

    Penvale RoadEast HunsburyNorthampton

    NN4 0QW

    Telephone: 01604 677970Fax: 01604 677971

    e-mail: [email protected]:www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk

    Headteacher : Mrs R M Arundel


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk/http://www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk/http://www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk/http://www.east-hunsburyprimary.co.uk/mailto:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 East Hunsbury School Prospectus New Intake 2013-14



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  • 8/13/2019 East Hunsbury School Prospectus New Intake 2013-14



    Dear Parent / Carer

    Welcome to East Hunsbury Primary School

    We have produced this prospectus to help you gain more information about the life and work ofthe school. We are a Community co-educational Primary School with a Designated SpecialProvision (DSP) for children with severe learning difficulties, taught in an inclusive environment.

    At East Hunsbury Primary School we are committed to both excellence and enjoyment. Ourcurriculum, our organisation, our decision making and our ethos are founded on the following set

    of beliefs:

    We believe

    Our school should be a stimulating and welcoming community in which all childrenand adults feel valued, able to contribute and where relationships are based onmutual respect.

    Children should be active participants in the learning process and be provided withexperiences that maximise their involvement, autonomy and independence.

    We should be an inclusive community where pupils are offered opportunities togrow together, learn together, laugh together and celebrate together.

    We should equip our children with the skills they need to be happy and successful inlife, nurturing in them a true and life-long love of learning.

    We are responsible for the development of the whole child. We recognise differingneeds and endeavour to meet these needs, maximising the opportunities forchildren to explore their physical, social, emotional and intellectual potential.

    We should be a community that respects and celebrates diversity.

    It is also our belief that we can only achieve the best for your child through close co-operationbetween school and home. In these early years there will be opportunities for you to share inyour child's education and I, along with the staff, am available to talk to you about any aspects ofyour child's development.

    Please take the time to read the enclosed documentation as we are concerned about all aspectsof your childs progress and we hope that you wil l share with us in making this a successful and

    joyful period in your child's life. Help us ensure that your child enjoys, achieves and aspires ashe/she journeys through our learning community.

    Yours sincerely

    Mrs R M Arundel


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    The School Day

    The children are admitted into school from 8.45am. This gives them the opportunity to settle in beforeregistration. We ask that parents abide by this rule and do not bring the children in before 8.45am asthis is teacher preparation time. Parents are also asked to vacate the building promptly so that thechildren can begin their morning tasks and registration can start at 8.55am.

    Children will leave classes at 3.30pm and we ask parents to wait by the cloakroom / classroom doors.This will assist us in ensuring all the children are safely collected. No child is allowed to leave the

    premises without an adult unless the school has been notified otherwise in writing. Any child notcollected by 3.45pm, unless we have been notified, will be taken to the after school club [charges maybe incurred].

    Pre-school and After-school clubs / Holiday clubs are available and more information can be found withinthe prospectus.

    Children are grouped mainly according to age but within the D.S.P. some classes may contain childrenof a wider age range than others. This varies from year to year due to the changes in the numbers ofchildren attending the school and the budget. Parents are notified when such changes occur. Theclasses are known by the teacher's name or by a colour in the DSP. The class teachers, for the majority

    of the time, teach their own class, but especially in the older classes teachers with an expertise in aspecific subject may take other classes for lessons. The children are normally taught in mixed abilityclasses, but for numeracy and literacy are placed in ability groups or sets, which may occur across yeargroups. This setting may also take place in other subjects.

    Authorised Absences

    All lateness is recorded and all absences must be reported. On day one a telephone call is acceptable,but a letter is required for subsequent days.

    Please telephone the school before 9.00am so any unexplained absences can be followed upimmediately. Tel: 01604 677970 Option 1

    Parents are actively discouraged from booking holidays during term time. During the academicyear only 10 days away from school can be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Any additionaldays will be recorded as unauthorised and will be reported on your child's end of year report.

    Always remember any time taken off during school time cannot be replaced in your child'seducation.

    All children arriving late or leaving during a session must notify the front office and be signed inor out.

    School Organisation

    Morning Session: 8.55 am11.30am

    Afternoon Session: 12.30 pm3.30 pm

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    Book Bags

    Your child will bring a range of books home from school in their book bag. These books are for you to read and

    share with your child so they develop a sense of enjoyment and love of reading.

    Also in the book bag is a small booklet in which you can comment on your child's enjoyment and attitude towardsthe books bought home. The teacher will read these comments and may sometimes write a comment in thebooklet. More information on reading in the school is provided annually as your child progresses through theschool.

    Extra Curricular Activities

    A variety of activities are available for the children in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. As these are undertakenafter school or at lunchtimes, parents are asked to complete a consent form. There may be a charge for activitiesas they often involve an outside provider.

    Activities currently include basketball, tag rugby, judo, recorder, football, street dance, gardening, art, dramaacademy and dodgeball. Please see the website for the activities on offer and contact details should you wish yourchild to participate in one of our clubs.

    Children with Special Educational Needs

    East Hunsbury Primary School should be a place in which all pupils are able and willing to learn. Some pupils may

    require additional support to cater for their physical, social, personal or intellectual development. Early identificationis most important. Communication from feeder schools will be sought and assessments undertaken in closeconsultation with parents. Such pupils will often be supported by a Teaching Assistant who will follow a specificprogramme of work devised by the class teacher and Special Needs Co-ordinator. These children will have anIndividual Education Plan (IEP) that is shared termly with parents when targets are agreed and signed.

    Currently, we have three SENCOs in school: Mrs Bartosiak-Smith, Mrs Knowles and Miss Ingman (D.S.P.).Please feel able to make an appointment if you ever have concerns.

    Designated Special Provision (DSP)

    The school provides for 35 children with severe learning difficulties within our Designated Special Provision. All thechildren have statements of special needs and as such warrant a far higher ratio of staff to pupils than otherchildren in the school. Each class of children has both a trained teacher and a Teaching Assistant who work withthem on both social and academic targets.

    The children have four classroom bases and a Rainbow Room within the school where many of them will spendmost of their time. As assessments of ability are made, the children will work with their link year group for particularlessons and activities in order to provide a truly inclusive school experience. These are highly structured by stafffrom both classes.

    The school has an Inclusive Quality Mark award to acknowledge the success of its inclusive practice


    School Organisation

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    Home School Partnership

    To involve the parents at every opportunity we provide an open-door policy. We regularly welcome visitors into theschool as well as take children on visits as part of our rich, broad and relevant curriculum.

    Parents are encouraged to come into school to help in various capacities. Through this, it is felt that parents cansee the curriculum in action. Parents are also asked to take an active interest in all aspects of their child's schoollife and to encourage their child to participate in the wide range of activities offered by the school. Concerts andperformances are also shared with families and there are many opportunities to view the childrens work.

    Teaching and Learning consultations (Parents Evenings) are held twice a year by appointment. End -of-yearreports are sent out at the end of the Summer Term with an appointment if desired.

    If parents have any problems or concerns, they are invited to talk to the class teacher before school or make anappointment after school. Appointments can also be made with the Headteacher and Special Needs Co-ordinators.

    East Hunsbury Primary School also has a Learning Mentor/Family Worker who can provide support for pupils and

    parents. Appointments can be made via the school.

    Home-School Agreement

    Your child will be given a copy of the Home-School Agreement on entry to the school which we hope you will readcarefully and sign. This is our attempt to involve all the partners in striving for excellence in your child's education.

    School and Community

    As a school we are eager to work in and with our local and wider community. We endeavour to support initiatives,invite visitors and speakers, encourage community use and participate in local and town-wide celebrations,concerts and festivals.

    The school also supports police and schools liaison. We are committed to the idea that the police and schoolsshould work together to foster in pupils a sense of social responsibility and good citizenship. We also have linkswith Environmental Wardens who support the school through community projects.

    Equal Duty

    Our Equality Policy makes it clear that we work together to ensure no child or adult in the school is discriminatedagainst because of gender, race, religion, ability or class. All children and adults should be respected, feel valuedand experience enjoyment and success, be able to explore their many gifts and realise their potential.

    Open Access to RecordsThe information about your child in terms of progress and assessments are kept by the school. These records willbe added to and reviewed annually and will also be passed to the child's next school.The folder will contain the following details:

    1. Name, address, date of birth, doctor etc.2. Information concerning the child's personal circumstances.3. Reports and records of the child's achievements.

    It is the Authority's policy to provide open access to all records of employees and pupils. Records will beconfidential to all except those who have a rightful access to them.

    It is a legal obligation to provide parents with written reports annually, at the end of each Key Stage and to provide

    reports on statutory assessments.

    School Organisation

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    Starting School

    We are extremely proud to inform parents that our Reception setting has, for the last 10 years when it first applied,achieved and maintained Effective Early Learning Accreditation due to its good practice.

    In Northamptonshire children have the opportunity to start school at the beginning of the school year in which theywill become five. At East Hunsbury Primary School we start preparing to welcome your child into school as soonas we know they are coming. This is achieved by forging good relationships with our partner nurseries and pre-schools in the first instance and then by working in partnership with our new parents and carers to ensure a smoothtransition is achieved for every child new to our school.

    Our aim is to take your child from where they are within the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and ensurethat they continue to develop as a unique child with good well-being and involvement levels in a happy, safe andsecure learning environment.

    Unique Child

    Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.Our practitioners understand and observe each childs development and learning, assess progress and plan fornext steps.

    Positive relationships

    Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. Ourpractitioners are responsive to childrens needs, feelings and interests and supportive to childrens own efforts andindependence. We aim to be consistent to ensure clear boundaries are understood by the children. Our School

    Rules are the foundation for this teaching.

    Enabling Environments

    Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individualneeds and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and carers. We offer stimulatingresources, relevant to all the childrens cultures and communities and rich learning opportunities through play andplayful teaching. We also support children to take risks and explore.

    Learning and Development

    Children develop and learn in different ways. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework covers the education

    and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. Practitioners teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas oflearning and development.

    They foster the characteristics of effective early learning.

    Playing and exploringthis will foster engagement for your child

    Active learningthis will foster motivation for your child

    Creating and thinking criticallythis will offer challenge for your child

    The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum focuses on seven areas of learning:-The first three areas of learning are known as the prime areasand develop quickly in response to relationshipsand experiences and run through and support learning in all other areas.

    Personal, Social and Emotional DevelopmentMaking Relationships, Self-confidence and Self-awareness

    Communication and LanguageListening and Attention, Understanding, Speaking

    Physical DevelopmentMoving and Handling, Health and Self-care.

    New Intake

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    The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge. They grow out of the prime areas and provide theimportant context for learning.

    Literacy - Reading and Writing

    MathematicsNumbers and Shape, Space and Measure

    Understanding the WorldPeople and Communities, The World, Technology

    Expressive Arts and DesignExploring and Using Media and Materials, Being Imaginative

    We will share more details about the EYFS Curriculum during our New Intake Meeting and answer any questionsyou may have.

    How can I help at home?

    As previously stated the Prime Areas are the most important areas of development as they facilitate the otherareas of learning and as these are supported by good relationships and experiences you can do a great deal tohelp these areas develop at home.

    Personal, Social and Emotional Development

    Encourage your child to share, take turns and respect their own and others property. Try giving your child lots ofpraise for hanging up their own coat, going to the toilet independently, getting dressed themselves as this will helpyour child feel confident in their own abilities and this will go a long way to building resilience which is a lifelong skillthat helps us through difficulties. Praise is a greater motivator than reprimanding inappropriate behaviours. Do nottry for perfection at this young agehaving a go is a great start and a little practice regularly will see great results.Dont try for too many achievements in one go start slow but stick at something small and be consistent. Putting a

    jumper on the wrong way round is a great start if you say no its wrong try again your child wil l feel deflated andwill be reluctant to try next time!

    Communication and Language

    Before we learn to read and write we need to be able to communicate by listening carefully, giving our full attentionto ensure we have understood what has been said. Try giving your child simple instructions to follow such asPlease can you put your car in the box. You can extend this and build it into play scenarios for fun by addingmore descriptive words such as Can you put the yellow car under the wooden bridge etc. Once listening andattention is in place, understanding will follow and then speaking will become more specific. We, as adults, areimportant role models to ensure children are hearing the correct words in the correct order so that they can copy usand develop their speech sounds and grammar. It is important not to correct a child directly when they phrasesomething wrongly as they can lose confidence. Just try repeating back the correct phrase/sentence in answer tothem. For example if your child says I did get a new toy you can say Yes, you got a new toy.

    Sharing picture books is a great way to foster a love of reading with your child reading the pictures is animportant early reading skill and you can be a great role model sharing the story together. Children love it when weput on funny voices for the characters and change the ending to see if they notice. Favourite stories read over andover again really help children to remember them well so that they are ready when asked to talk about theirfavourite characters, favourite parts, where the story is happening, what happens at the end etc. We read formeaning so it is so important that children engage with the pictures and understand what the book is telling us longbefore they become interested in reading the text.

    New Intake

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    Physical Development

    Children need to develop co-ordination and balance long before they are able to consider even holding a pencil orknife and fork with confidence. Going to the park, walking to the shops, riding scooters, swimming, kite flying,playing ball games are all very important for young children to engage in. Once they have mastered confidence

    jumping, hopping and running they will f ind catching, kicking, rolling and throwing big balls a little easier. Learningto use a remote control car, computer mouse, dials, buttons and switches on electronic toys all help towards achilds manipulative skills. Using playdough, paint brushes, spoons, chopsticks, threading beads, pegs and pegboards, chalks, sticks in mud, squeezing pegs are all good early tools to use which will eventually aid the ability foryour child to hold a pencil with control. So please do not worry if your child does not find holding a pencil easy butplease do work on some of the earlier skills as this will aid their physical development.

    Can your child open their own lunch box, peel a banana, or satsuma, open a wrapper or packet of food? Push astraw into a carton? Can they tell you what food they can have every day and what food is for a treat? Can theygo to the toilet independently, wash their hands and dry them? These are all very helpful for them to master beforethey come to school as this will give them self confidence in their own abilities.

    Please do not consider looking at literacy and mathematics skills at this early stage unless all the above areas arein place. We have more information for you at our New Intake evening to support these areas of learning.

    Parent Partnership

    During your childs first year at school you will receive a weekly Newsletter to keep you informed of your childslearning experiences. At regular intervals during the year there will be opportunities for you to share in a range of

    learning opportunities with your child. We also have a Well Done Board near each classroom to enable us tocelebrate your childs new learning both in school and at home. We also hold parent workshops and evenings toshare specific curriculum information and your childs progress and next steps of learning.

    New Intake Arrangements

    At East Hunsbury Primary School we believe it is very important that your childs transition from a nursery/pre-school setting into school should be as smooth as possible. A crucial part of this process is making sure thechildren feel safe and secure in a new environment and begin to forge positive relationships with the practitionersand each other. With this in mind we operate a part-time intake procedure which allows the staff to work withsmall groups of children in the first few weeks.

    The part-time induction times are as follows:-

    We wish you and your child a happy and successful transition into school life.

    We look forward to getting to know both you and your child and to sharing in the many opportunities that

    lie ahead for them as they continue their learning journey with us and reach their full potential at EastHunsbury Primary School.

    The Morning Session will be 9.00am11.30am

    The Afternoon Session will be 1.00pm3.30pm

    New Intake

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    The Governing Body of East Hunsbury Primary School comprises the following:

    Headteacher x 1

    Staff Representative x 3

    Parent Representative x 6

    Community Representative x 4

    LEA Representative x 3

    The Governors of the school have legal duties and responsibilities under the 1986 Education (No 2) Act

    and Reform Act 1988 and the Education Act 1993. Governors core duties and responsibilities are largely

    unchanged. The Education Act 2002 [The Act] has introduced greater flexibility in, and deregulation of, the

    way in which governing bodies operate.

    Governors are appointed to help:

    1. Decide what is taught.

    2. Set standards of behaviour.

    3. Interview and select staff.

    4. Decide how the school budget is spent.

    Parent Governors:

    1. Have a child in school.

    2. Are elected by parents of the school.

    3. Serve, as do other Governors, for four years.

    Parent Governors bring the view of parents to the Governing Body but they speak and act as individuals -

    they do not vote for all parents in general.

    Parent Governors should be aware of ways of encouraging parent interest and should become actively

    involved in drawing parents into the school. Teachers and Heads in most schools will already be making

    efforts to encourage parent involvement and Parent Governors can become an increasingly important

    element in developing Parents in Partnership.

    If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor please ask the Head Teacher for details.

    The minutes of the Governors meetings are in the school Bursars office for anyone to read. You, as a

    parent, elect Parent Governors for a four-year period.

    The Governing Body

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    Admissions and Transfer Arrangements

    Responsibility for the school's admission arrangements lies with the admission authority, in this case the L.A. AnAppeals procedure operates within the authority.

    Children transfer at age 11 to one of the town's secondary schools. Parents are given the opportunity of choosing

    their child's next school, subject to the availability of places in that school. We currently feed to 6 Secondary

    Schools in Northamptonshire.

    Health and Safety

    The Governing Body of East Hunsbury Primary School recognises the importance of Health and Safety in school.We aim to ensure a safe working environment for pupils, staff and visitors at the school. A full copy of our Healthand Safety Policy can be obtained from the school office on request. It is also available on the school website.

    Personal Accident Cover

    Parents should be aware that there is no universal personal accident cover for school children. Parents are

    advised to check with the Headteacher for more detailed information. Parents are, of course, at liberty to take out

    insurance on an individual basis should they want additional cover for their children. The Health and Safety Code

    of Practice reminds parents of their legal responsibility in the health and safety partnership.

    No Smoking

    East Hunsbury Primary School has a no smoking policy which covers all buildings and the grounds. A copy of our

    policy can be obtained from the school office upon request.

    Car Park

    In the interests of the health, well being and safety of our children we encourage parents and children to walk to

    and from school whenever possible. When bringing and collecting your child by car, parents are expected to

    park outside the school grounds. Please follow the usual rules for parking on a public highway and respect local

    residents by ensuring you do not block their drives.

    Parents who have a disabled permit or a child attending the DSP are allowed to park in the disabled bays or within

    the school car park. Parents using Kids Club may enter the car park to drop off or collect their children only when

    using this facility.

    Policies and Procedures

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    Religious Education and Collective Worship

    Worship in East Hunsbury Primary School is based on Educational principles which aid the cultural, moral and the

    spiritual development of the individual. The arrangements for religious education and collective worship in schools

    are described in Circular 1/94.

    "If the parent of any pupil in attendance at any county school or any voluntary school

    requests that he/she be wholly or partly excused from attendance at religious worship

    and religious instruction, or from attendance at both religious worship and religious

    instruction in the school then until the request is withdrawn the pupil shall be excused

    such attendance accordingly" - Section 25.

    Sex Education Policy

    We have based our schools sex education policy on the DfEE guidance document Sex and Relationship

    Education Guidance [ref DfEE 0116/2000]. In this document, sex education is defined as learning about physical,

    moral and emotional development. It is about an awareness of their own bodies, healthy personal habits, family life

    and developing positive relationships based on respect, love and consideration for each other. Sex education is

    part of the personal, social and health education curriculum in our school. We currently follow the

    Northamptonshire Primary Sex and Relationships programme.

    Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education programme that we teach in our

    school. If a parent wishes their child to be withdrawn from sex education lessons, they should discuss this with the

    Headteacher and make it clear which aspects of the programme they do not wish their child to participate in. The

    school always complies with the wishes of parents in this regard.

    Drugs Education Policy

    The school utilises the Northamptonshire Drug Education Programme Tackling Drugs in the Primary School.Within the programme children are taught about the dangers of medicines and drugs, the skills to resist pressure

    and to develop their own attitudes about the topics covered. A copy of the Drugs Education Policy is available from

    the school office.

    Charging Policy

    The Governors have drawn up a detailed charging policy which is available to parents. Contributions may often be

    invited in order that a special activity / event can take place.

    Copies of all the above documents are available in school.

    A school can charge to recover the cost of copying a document if a parent wishes to have a copy. The charge

    cannot cover other associated costs with its preparation. Naturally, documents under copyright cannot be copied

    for parents.

    Charges cannot be made to cover the cost of translating documents.

    Complaints Procedure

    This document is available for inspection at all schools maintained by the L.A., Public Libraries and Education

    Offices. A copy will be given, if desired, to any person wishing to make a complaint under these arrangements,

    and the L.A. will provide a copy of the information in languages other than English, if requested to do so.

    Policies and Procedures

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    SEPTEMBER 2013JULY 2014











































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    East Hunsbury Primary School

    Kids Club


    EHPSKCBackground to the Club and what we are about:

    EHPSKC is an Ofsted registered childcare

    provision which has been running for over 19


    Morning and Afterschool Club

    The Club runs from 7.45am to 8.45am

    And 3.30pm to 6.00pm in the evening.

    We offer the facility to pick up your son or

    daughter from an extra curricular club they

    may be attending both before and after


    Who are the staff?

    Jan Knight has been the club manager for 18

    years and she has a Deputy Manager and 4

    other members of staff who work alongside

    her to provide a safe environment for your


    The Early Years Foundation Stage

    The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a

    framework that provides children with the

    foundation to develop and grow through play.

    The club allows children to participate in Arts

    and Crafts, Cooking and outdoor play.

    We provide the children with outside play

    equipment such as scooters, Z bugs, large

    parachutes as well as the resources for themto adapt their play to suit each individual.

    To enquire about availability of places,

    please contact:

    Club Manager: Jan Knight

    Mobile: 07922 217002

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.ehpskc.co.uk

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    www.everyclick.com www.thegivingmachine.co.uk

    Friends of East Hunsbury Primary School(Charity Commission no: 1139230, NCPTA no: 12899)

    Who are the Friends?

    The Friends are a volunteer group made up of parents, carers and teachers trying to raise funds for the schoolthrough fun & inclusive organised events and challenges. We registered as a charity in October 2010 to try andmaximize the opportunities available to us as a charity and the school

    Fun events

    Fundraising ventures are organised throughout the school year and ideas for activities range from discos to fetes &sponsored events. The emphasis is on raising money but with a lot of fun and excitement aswell! This year eventsincluded:

    Christmas Fayre

    School Disco

    Film Nights

    Silver Smarties Challenge

    Car Boot Sales

    Sweet and Chocolate Raffle

    Where does the money go?

    All the money raised goes back to our children in the forms of equipment or special activities. Anything that benefitsthe childrens growth and experiences. Examples include:

    Playground equipment

    Contributions to the Life Bus experience

    A new music system for the school

    Over 1,300 to the School minibus

    Donations to the Gardening Club

    New Footballs

    Kiddizoom cameras for receptionArtist in Residence

    Can you help?

    Yes!! We rely on the support and participation of the pupils and the parents to make all of our activities successful.Please look out for our latest ventures in our newsletters. We will keep you updated! We do ask for volunteers forour events and some need more volunteers than others. You may think that you dont have enough ti me to make itworthwhile but you only need to give as much as you can spare. Just an hour selling raffle tickets, helping to set upfete stalls, donating a raffle price or making cakes for a cake stand can make a big difference.

    Does your company match give to charities?

    For more information on the friends you can email us: [email protected].

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    My school. We take care of our school and our things.

    Keep our cloakroom tidy & SafeLook after our classroom and our equipment

    Use all school areas sensibly

    My fr iends. We are kind, considerate and listen to each other.

    Take turns and listen to each otherUse kind hands, feet and words

    Walk sensibly & hold doors open for other people

    My futu re. We try our best in everything we do

    Ask for help when you find something difficultListen to all adults in school and follow instructions

    Believe that YOU CAN DO ITand KEEP TRYING!