easter celebrate


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Easter is a word that derived

from Ēastre or Ēostre in Old

English. In German Ostern.

• “Easter” is named after Eastre, theAnglo-Saxon goddes of Spring, dawn, and fertility.

Easter is one of Most important Christian


It’s Important because ,

• Christians Celebrate the resurrection of JesusChrist.

• Also Pagans were greeting to Sun and celebrate Spring

.All in some way or another are a "salute to

spring," marking re-birth

People go to Churches to Pray

• Easter Bunny has a Basket full of Candies .

• It has also hidden the eggs .

WT* Easter Bunny ?

The Easter Bunny is a Folkloricfigure and symbol of Eastern.

Origins from German FairyTales , In legend, the creature carries colored eggs in his basket, candy, and sometimes also toys to the homes of children.

• Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts.

Easter eggs are used as a Christian symbol to represent the empty tomb.

• The Egg Roll itself is a race, where children push an egg through the grass with a long-handled spoon.

• Easter Monday is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn.