easter sunday 2020 · the seasonal symbol for easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden...

April 12, 2020 Prelude - Word that formed creation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmhobeup0oI Preparation: In our ACF calendar today is a Eucharist service where we gather to hear the words of institution from Jesus which calls us to remember him in the symbols of bread and wine. For many reasons we cannot physically do this as we remain in our own homes. I have seen creative ways of people inviting one another over for dinner using electronic devices to bring family, or friends to the dinner table via the internet. You may like to do this as well with this service of worship which is an adaptation from Family Prayers used in the Anglican Church of Canada. Some practical advice concerning the service: The service is most appropriately held in a place where it is usual for the whole group or family to gather such as the dining table. The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection The Anglican Church in Freiburg Celebrates Easter Sunday

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Page 1: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

Prelude - Word that formed creationhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmhobeup0oI

Preparation: In our ACF calendar today is a Eucharist service where we gather to hear the words of institution from Jesus which calls us to remember him in the symbols of bread and wine. For many reasons we cannot physically do this as we remain in our own homes. I have seen creative ways of people inviting one another over for dinner using electronic devices to bring family, or friends to the dinner table via the internet. You may like to do this as well with this service of worship which is an adaptation from Family Prayers used in the Anglican Church of Canada. Some practical advice concerning the service: The service is most appropriately held in a place where it is usual for the whole group or family to gather such as the dining table. The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers



The Resurrection The Anglican Church in Freiburg Celebrates Easter Sunday

Page 2: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

to reflect a meal in the morning rather than evening. But you are welcome to then adapt the service that I have prepared with the help of Helen Rose and Martyn Rittman to be used at an evening meal where the family gathers together where a guest via Skype may join the table discussion. You will notice that we have included the links for music, and where needed, a file attachment. We even have a prelude and postlude that will help us all with learning the tunes, and some new lyrics.

Opening SoF 285 Jesus Christ is risen todayhttps://youtu.be/_6sj9ljVsfk

Children Children SoF 225 I live, I livehttps://youtu.be/gMCPfy_VYOIIt is very quiet at children’s time lately. I sit on my steps and wonder what would we do together to speak about Jesus. You may have a candle on your table that sends the message of the light of Christ has not been beaten by the darkness. Another way to send a signal that Christ is risen from the dead is to shout Hallelujah! I am sure you will find sometime to shout our Hallelujah in worship. Also, many large churches and cathedrals have bell towers with more than one or two bells. People ringing in the Easter morning with a lot of bell ringing…some can ring for an hour! Here is a video of the change ringers — can you do what they do? Get working and pull on the ropes and sing your Hallelujah’s today so people know it is Easter and Jesus is alive. Change ringers in a Cathedral bell tower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYZeogB8ISM

The Preparation The candle or candles on the table may be lit. The one who lights them says one of the following:

Leader: May the light of Christ in glory rising scatter the darkness of heart and mind. Alleluia! Christ is risen.


Quiet as a mouse on Easter Day?

Opening Worship


Page 3: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

All: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Leader: O God, the source of light and life, by the resurrection of your only Son you have led us out of darkness into your marvellous light, from death into life, from slavery into freedom. Bring the light of your new creation to us and to our world, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.

HYMN Kyrie

Collect Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity. Amen.

The Meal: with your form of grace said over the meal, the one following. Lord, may our fellowship be the revelation of your presence and turn our daily bread into bread of life. Amen.

As your meal is served sing: Sanctus and Benedictus (Blessèd is ...)

Readings in bold are read as you enjoy your meal: Acts 10.34-43; Psalm 118.1-2,14-24

Gradual Song - ACF 49 Halle, halle, halle https://youtu.be/xjf6bYQRbtU

Colossians 3.1-4; Matthew 28.1-10


Jesus Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

It seems, as one clever person posted on an online forum, this is ‘the Lentiest Lent I’ve every Lented.’


Collect - a prayer to gather our thoughts on the day, its theme and intentions.



Page 4: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

As many of our own Lenten devotions seem to have paled in comparison to the situation around the world, this Easter Day we experience anew the resurrected Christ and God’s gift of new life. Surely an Easter message of hope is what a world needs in any circumstance. The gospel evangelists all have their particular style and way of telling the story of God’s salvation. Matthew has flashes of light, dazzling clothes and a lot of fear mixed with joy. Do not be afraid is proclaimed by the angle of the Lord as the tomb is rolled open and the women who have come to anoint Jesus’ body find that he is not there. After some instruction, still with fear and joy mixed together the women (who many see as the first disciples of the risen Christ) set off.

In the turning and going off to proclaim to the others this amazing news that the woman have experienced at this garden Tomb they are met by Jesus himself. Greetings! The women have the response to take hold of his feet and worship Jesus, before Jesus continues in his directions for them. They are to find the others, to go to Galilee where they will see him.

There are a number of words and phrases in this passage that I think are important. One is the phrases that are said, repeatedly; not just hear, but elsewhere in scripture. Do not be afraid and Greetings. These angelic messenger phrases inspire confidence in the moment, where people are gripped by fear, they find joy and the inclination is to worship. As God’s people have met many challenges, think of the times that the words, Be not afraid, come to the foreground. The answer to be not afraid is often, ‘For I am with you.’ Certainly, Jesus is not just walking ahead; his name means God with us. In the request to go to Galilee, Jesus goes before the disciples and meets them there. The anxiety and fear is met and erased by, ‘God with us.’

Another phrase I really like is Greetings! Initially I was thinking of this phrase as a simple…well, greeting. However, it reminds me of the


Page 5: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

announcements of Jesus’ brith in another gospel as Mary is told by the angel that she is with child. ‘Greetings!’ is a salutation, but also an announcement that something new and creative is happening with God.

The other phrase, rather statement, is ‘there, they will see me.’ Jesus gives instructions for the disciples who have not come to the tomb, to meet him in Galilee and the empirical evidence is given for a disciple named Thomas. Jesus will meet the disciples on a hill. Seeing and experiencing Jesus, to touch his feet, to examine his wounds is a curious thing when on other occasions of meeting God on mountain tops there was also worship, shoes removed on holy ground, and wonderment at the changes that we might recall Peter’s words, “Lord, let us build three shelters.”

This Easter, of course we are worried about the pandemic. We’ve even become a little worried, of touch. Each new anxiety, fear, or loss that crops up from year to year is still met with resurrection, be not afraid, greetings, and I go before you. The Church, as the body of Christ, proclaims each year, indeed, each day, the love of God which conquers death, fear, anxiety. While we are not invulnerable from fear, notice that the disciples hold a mixture of fear and joy. The overwhelming statement is that our faith holds that Jesus is Emmanuel - God with us. Covid-19, paying rent, loosing a job, homeschooling your children, or using Zoom — in these fears and anxieties we hear, do not be afraid, I go before you, greetings, God with us, and doing something new is part of God’s plan. This Easter, as always, God is doing something new, and he is indeed with us from death to new life. Amen.

Jesus Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

For reflection and talk around your table: Do you think that Jesus goes before in your own problems, challenges, or fears? Where can you hear the voice of Jesus saying to you, Do not be afraid?



Page 6: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

Touching people and cleanliness are also important in Jesus’ time. How do you react to the first disciples touching Jesus’ feet and worshiping him? What does it meet for you to be greeted? How does it feel? How does your own greeting help those who are filled with a mix of fear and joy?


Now the green blade riseshttps://youtu.be/UVduV0ustWw


Leader: Let us pray together to the Lord, saying, “Lord, hear our prayer.” All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: Loving God, we thank you for your many gifts to us, for the love which brings us together, for the earth which provides for our needs, for the new life you have given us in Jesus Christ, (for . . . ). All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader We pray to you for our Christian family (especially for . . . ) and for grace to grow in your love. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader We pray to you for our world, for all its cares and needs, and for all who lead us and care for us, (especially . . . ) All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader We pray to you for those in need, for the sick and the lonely, for the hurt and the frightened, and for those who live without hope (especially . . . ). All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader We pray for those we love who have died, that you will surround them with your care and love (especially . . . ) All: Lord, hear our prayer. Leader We pray for one another, asking you to bless us, our friends, and relatives. Bless the places where we work, and bless our home and our life together. All: Lord, hear our prayer.



Page 7: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

Members of the home may wish to share in personal prayer. Then may be said,

Leader: Let us remember before God our selfish ways, the things we have done wrong, the sorrows we have caused, the love we have not shown.

Silence for reflection is kept.

All Most merciful Father, forgive us our sins against you and against each other. Strengthen us to overcome our weaknesses, that we may live in love as you would have us live, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Fill our hearts, O God, with your Holy Spirit that we may go forth this day in peace and joy, serving you eagerly in all we do, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Conclusion Leader: God of Life, who for our redemption gave your only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection have delivered us from the power of our enemy: grant us so to die daily to sin,


Lord’s Prayer


Page 8: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his risen life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Final SoF 73 Come on and celebratehttps://youtu.be/vcM8IudedJ0

Other Easter Services & Activities• Join the Archbishop of Canterbury here https://youtu.be/

6bmhRCJ3YAI Live at 9AM, the site gives no reference to time zones but we can assume GMT London.

• Bishop Robert will be celebrating eucharist from his own home at 9:00 CET — The eucharist is on the Diocesan Youtube Chanel at this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJClP-qZ1YGN_4CUhIqi4g The order of service is here on this separate link.

• Parents: You're asked to check your postbox. If the Easter bunny has not visited please let Anke know — anke.rohleder (at) gmail (dot) com

• A number of people have expressed an interest in a Zoom coffee gathering Sunday morning. Freiburg Anglican is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Freiburg Anglican's Zoom Meeting

Time: Apr 12, 2020 11:30 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/501200022

Meeting ID: 501 200 022



Page 9: Easter Sunday 2020 · The seasonal symbol for Easter - a new lighted candle, eggs, and garden flowers may be placed on the table. I have modified the prayers 1 Preparation: The Resurrection

April 12, 2020

The Quarter Peal at York Cathedral (last 3 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t9K8aE2_pE
