eastern europe info

 EASTERN EUROPE -Is made up of states between Western Europe and Russia. They are POLAND, EAST GERMANY, HUNGARY, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA (CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA) -Eastern Europeans are mostly Slavic descent. The Hungarians are descended from the Magyars. The people of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Poland speak the Slavic languages. Romanians speak language related to Latin. POLAND The Largest country Eastern Europe Capital “WARSAW” Total landmass 120,727 sq .mi.(312,683 sq.km.) Physical Geography Most of the country is a plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountain in the South and Oder Neisse River in the west. Oth er major rivers, w/c are important to commerce are the Vistula, Warta, and Bug. Land Use: Agriculture Agricultural Products Industrial Products -Grains -potatoes -steel/iron -chemicals -Sugar beets -food processing -transportation equip. -livestock -shipbuilding Population -38,429,000 -318 per sq.mi. Currency - Zloty Natural Resources -Coal -copper -Lead -natural gas -Silver - salt POLITICS: Government: Democratic Republic President: Bronislaw Komorowki Prime Minister: Donald Tusk CULTURE: The culture Poland reflects various customs and traditions of different tribes and races residing in the country. Western and Eastern impact can be seen in the Polish Culture still today. Music and arts are also two integral parts of the Polish tradition. Since various religions are there in this country, some customs are rituals of various religions have been accepted in the country’s tradition. HISTORY: Mieszko I founder of Great Poland on 966 -belonged to the Piast dynasty Tribes of southern Poland- form the little Poland 1047-Great Poland and little Poland united under the rule of Casimer I the Restorer 1386- Poland merged with Lithuania by royal marriage During 14 th and 16 th centuries- Polish-Lithuanian state reached the peak of its power Lack of strong Monarchy- enabled the Russia, Prussia, and Austria to carry out a 1 st partition of the country in 1772,a second in 1792 and a third in 1795. 19 th century- the Polish people revolted against foreign dominance Nov.1918-Poland was formally reconstituted under Marshal Josef Pilsudsk as a chief of state Ignance Paderewski-the famous pianist and patriot, became the first Prime Minister 1in 1919 1926- Pilsudski seized complete power in a coup and ruled dictatorially until his death on May 12, 1935 Sept.1, 1926-hitler attacked Poland On Sept.17 and Sept.18-Soviet troops invaded from the East and a German-Soviet agreement divided Poland between USSR and Germany Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz-formed a government-in-exile in France, which move to London after France’s defeat in 1940.C June 1941- all of Poland was occupied by Germany after the Nazi attack on the USSR 1944-Polish government-in-exile was replaced w/ the Communist dominated Polish Committee of National Liberation by the Soviet Union Provisional Government of Poland- moving to Lublin after that city liberation, proclaimed itself Aug.2, 1945- some former members of the Polish Government joined the Leblin Government to the Polish Government of National Unity, w/ Britain and USA recognized. President Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin and Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Britain-established a new de  facto western frontier for Poland along the Oder and Neisse River Aug.16, 1945-the USSR and Poland signed a treaty delimiting the Soviet-Polish borders under these aggrement are: - Poland was shifted westward -In the east it lost 69,860sq.mi. (180,934sq. km.) -Subject to final peace conference approval,in the west it gained 38,986sq.mi. (100,973 sq.mi.) Dec.7, 1970-the border was finally agreed to by West Germany in an aggression pact was signed.

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