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Life Fit FT Easy Guide to Good Nutrition 1 | Page Easy Guide to Good Nutrition… Michael Pollan sums it up quite nicely in his documentary “In Defence of Food” 7 Words & 7 Rules for Eating Pollan says everything he's learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." Probably the first two words are most important. "Eat food" means to eat real food -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and, yes, fish and meat -- and to avoid what Pollan calls "edible food-like substances." Here's how: 1. Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. "When you pick up that box of portable yogurt tubes, or eat something with 15 ingredients you can't pronounce, ask yourself, "What are those things doing there?" Pollan says. 2. Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce. 3. Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. Real food tends to be on the outer edge of the store near the loading docks, where it can be replaced with fresh foods when it goes bad. 4. Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. "There are exceptions -- honey -- but as a rule, things like Twinkies that never go bad aren't food," Pollan says. 5. It is not just what you eat but how you eat. "Always leave the table a little hungry," Pollan says. "Many cultures have rules that you stop eating before you are full. In Japan, they say eat until you are four-fifths full. Islamic culture has a similar rule, and in German culture they say, 'Tie off the sack before it's full.'" 6. Families traditionally ate together, around a table and not a TV, at regular meal times. It's a good tradition. Enjoy meals with the people you love. "Remember when eating between meals felt wrong?" Pollan asks. 7. Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline. In the U.S., 20% of food is eaten in the car.

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Easy Guide to Good Nutrition… Michael Pollan sums it up quite nicely in his documentary “In Defence of Food”

7 Words & 7 Rules for Eating

Pollan says everything he's learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

Probably the first two words are most important. "Eat food" means to eat real food -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and, yes, fish and meat -- and to avoid what Pollan calls

"edible food-like substances."

Here's how:

1. Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. "When you

pick up that box of portable yogurt tubes, or eat something with 15 ingredients you can't pronounce, ask yourself, "What are those things doing there?" Pollan says.

2. Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.

3. Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. Real

food tends to be on the outer edge of the store near the loading docks, where it can be

replaced with fresh foods when it goes bad.

4. Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. "There are exceptions -- honey -- but as a rule, things like Twinkies that never go bad aren't food," Pollan says.

5. It is not just what you eat but how you eat. "Always leave the table a little hungry," Pollan says. "Many cultures have rules that you stop eating before you are full. In Japan, they say eat until you are four-fifths full. Islamic culture has a similar rule, and

in German culture they say, 'Tie off the sack before it's full.'" 6. Families traditionally ate together, around a table and not a TV, at regular meal times.

It's a good tradition. Enjoy meals with the people you love. "Remember when eating between meals felt wrong?" Pollan asks.

7. Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline. In the U.S., 20% of food is eaten in the car.

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This is actually the 2nd Nutritional guide that I have put together. The first one I have discovered has way too much technical info in it that if you’re just starting out, is information


This Nutritional guide is aimed at helping you change your eating habits into lifestyle habits to help you avoid processed foods as much as possible as well as help you initially loose and

maintain a healthy weight. If you are aiming for BIG muscle growth and re-composition, you are going to have to get technical and follow my other Nutritional guidelines.

If you can get a hold of it try to watch “In Defence of Food” by Michael Pollen (it used to be on Netflix) It just widens your eyes to the food we eat that maybe is causing us damage and we

didn’t even realise it!

The main Key to eating for fat loss is not about eating less!! It’s about eating clean and

wholesome. A lot of people who struggle to lose weight are not eating enough. Our bodies

burn calories at WORK – WORKOUT – PLAY – and at REST! On your body scan you will have a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) number it might be 1231 or 2035, everyone’s is different this

number is in calories. The BMR indicates the number of calories your body burns each day if your are in bed or lying on the couch all day! It’s a considerable number and contributes to 50-80% of your energy used for the day. So if you are not consuming at least this number of

calories your body may want to store fat because it thinks it’s not going to get enough calories

to maintain organ and bodily basic function.

Your Body needs Macro Nutrients – Proteins – Carbs and Fats, as well as Micro Nutrients –

Vitamins and Minerals. If the body has a balanced diet of Macro Nutrients then you should

be getting a good balance of Micro Nutrients however food allergies, food availability,

food genetic modification and the use of pesticides on plants can alter the balance of

micronutrients your body absorbs. See the diagram Figure 1 for information on how

important Micronutrients are for your bodies daily function.

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Source: carehappiness.com

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What do I eat?

It really is simpler than we all think, see the Australian Dietary Guideline figure 2. The thing to consider

above all else is how processed is this food? The more processed the more extra ingredients and unknown

substances are added. When buying anything in a package READ LABELS! The majority of your foods should

come from perishable items. Choose whole grains and browns over white and refined. Chose lean cuts of

meat. Choose fats/oils carefully (see FATS section further on in this handout) If you are planning to use a

protein powered supplement make sure you are not supplementing more than 30% of your daily protein

needs from powder.


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One thing we need to make very clear is that CARBS are not evil!! They are necessary for

our body’s energy supply and brain function. The bad rap Carbs have taken is from what

we call empty calorie carbs or fast digesting carbs (products with added sugar, highly

processed, white flours, most baked goods), as opposed to Nutrient Dense Carbs. All

carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram yet 100 grams of wholemeal pasta and 100

grams of lollies will have differing responses in your body. As would 100 rams of green

beans to 100 grams of white bread. Or 100 grams of Banana to 100grams of Brown rice!

Check out Figure 5 at the end of the document for some amazing and essential

Carbohydrate choices as well as great choices for Protein and Fats as well.

Portion Control is KEY as well as Hunger. If you are hungry it’s your bodies way of telling

you that you need fuel however the overuse of sugars in our diet can cause our bodies

signals to get messed up and we think we are hungry but it’s just the addicted brain

needing sugar… #sugarcravings If you think you have a problem with this we need to

talk!! A few things we can do with hunger. 1. Drink Water (90% of the time we are thirsty

when we think we are hungry- yes your mother was right!) wait half an hour then…2. Go

for a fruit or vegetable snack or a Protein shake. If the thought of these snacks doesn’t

satisfy then you’re dealing with a craving which is our body and gut flora missing all the

junk we used to feed it! You can either suck it up and get on with life, the more we ignore

the better we get at avoiding cravings, try to at these times remind yourself of the goals

you have set for your life, stay focused you can do it! If it is really really really hard then we

allow ourselves a small substitute. Check out our Eat this not that list (Figure 3.) for ideas

on healthier alternatives.

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Figure 3.

Back to portion control, if the food you are eating is out of balance Macro wise you may

struggle to lose weight or lose fat. An awesome tool that is easy to use is the Hand Portion

guide (see Figure 4) This Guide allows you to portion your Carbs, Protein and Fats

anywhere and anytime.

Avocado over Butter

Homemade protein balls over Chocolate bar

Fruit over sweet treat or baked goods

Spray oils over pouring oils

Cottage Cheese over Sour Cream

Protein rich Greek Yoghurt over Sweetened Yoghurt

Lean cuts of meat over fatty cuts or processed meats like sausage or salami

Wholemeal and grains over white flour and processed

Homemade over packaged and processed

Nuts over Chips (can satisfy a salty craving)

Spices over Sauces

Low fat cheese over Brie, Camembert

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One of the most important keys to eating well is being prepared. If you have not thought out

your meals for the day and wait until you’re hungry and can’t think straight, then you’ll most

likely make some bad decisions. Plan your meals with a variety of colours of vegetables and

a nice protein portion add that to a wholesome carb and you’ll be set!. Use spices over

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sauces for flavour and excitement! Extra Virgin Olive oils (especially flavoured ones ie

lemongrass and ginger) can take a boring salad into the amazing zone! Get creative and

share your new favs on our Facebook Members page! I’ve added below some simple

recipes and ideas to get you started. If you are super overwhelmed and are extra busy with

life or work there are a few things you could do to make things easier for you.

1. Buddy up with a fellow Lifer and feed ideas off each other and encourage each other

along the way, let us know how you’re going on our members page, we are all here for each


2. Look into a program that can make decisions for you, take the thinking out and just

prepare good food. A Great program that even offers $$ back if you have weight loss

success is the CSIRO total wellbeing diet (great food, great recipies)


3. Have meals delivered from a company such as Lite n Easy or something similar. These are good

because they are calorie restricted to your needs however, I’m not sure how they stack with

preservatives etc. It’s a decision you’ll have to weigh up for yourself!

At the end of the Day our aim is LIFE!. To live well, to live long, to love Life, to have a healthy Life,

these 8 weeks of challenge are PART of your Journey, learn something, change something, gain

wisdom and hopefully you can move forward from this challenge with some healthier habits that can

continue into everyday LIFE xxx

You’ve Got this Lifer Stay Strong!


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Recipe and Food Idea’s to get you Started Below are some of my favourite’s try prepping large batches and freezing whole meals as a go to on a busy day. Make sure you take your lunch to work and make it YUM! Otherwise it

may be easier to cave when the office goes to get takeaway.

Takeaway a whole topic in itself – we’ll tackle this online… throw your questions out to me…

now onto chicken… and no KFC is not a good source of Chicken don’t even ask it, don’t

mention it…

PROTEINS – Lunches and Dinners or whenever you need more…

CHICKEN, the leanest source of high protein…easy to prepare, millions of ways to prepare! Here are my favourite clean chicken prep recipes.

Chicken Breast Prep…

Lemon + Garlic

Approx 1.5 kg Chicken

Juice of 1 Lemon

Salt + Pepper to taste

Garlic cloves x 5 or six (or 1 x tsp crushed garlic)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl with chicken to coat and cook either in a moderate oven for approx. 20-

30 mins (depending on oven) or BBQ or pan fry – don’t forget to count extra calories depending on

what oil you use!

Ginger + Soy

Approx 1.5 kg Chicken

2 x tsp fresh ginger grated (or 1 tsp ginger from jar)

1 x tbs sweet chilli sauce

¼ cup soy sauce

¼ tsp garlic pepper

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Mix all ingredients in a bowl with chicken to coat and cook either in a moderate oven for approx. 20-

30 mins (depending on oven) or BBQ or pan fry – don’t forget to count extra calories depending on

what oil you use!

Lemon and Herb Peri - Peri Rub

Approx 1.5 kg Chicken

2 Tbs of Olive oil

1 pk of Nando’s Peri -Peri rub (make sure it’s a dry mix not a bottle sauce – sauces are way too high

in cals due to sugar content.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl with chicken to coat and cook either in a moderate oven for approx. 20-

30 mins (depending on oven) or BBQ or pan fry – don’t forget to count extra calories depending on

what oil you use!

Spicy BBQ chicken

Approx 1.5 kg Chicken

2 Tbs of Olive oil

1 Tbs of Stonemill Chicken BBQ Grill Rub seasoning

Mix all ingredients in a bowl with chicken to coat and cook either in a moderate oven for approx. 20-

30 mins (depending on oven) or BBQ or pan fry – don’t forget to count extra calories depending on

what oil you use!

***These recipes are so so easy, you can use just about any dry spices to your taste. Dry spices don’t

add massive calories, so we can be sure we’re getting a variety of tasty meals without the extra

calories that most sauces include. If you invent a new combination let us know!

OTHER PROTEIN: Check out the list in FIGURE 5 – stay away from sauces they are usually from the devil, however check the labels, some may surprise you. Use a variety of fresh

herbs and dry seasonings to add flavour to your day!


Protein Balls….

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So so so many protein ball recipes available online! A great way to increase your protein

intake for the day but watch out for hidden sugars

My Favourite recipe is in the LIFER recipe collection which will be sent out with this


Protein Bars…

Again; many recipes available and many commercially available, look out for nasty hidden

sugar and un natural weird ingredients.

Vegetables and Dip…

Any Vegetables of course – try seasoning broccoli with any herb or peppers of choice with a

splash of olive oil and bake for 15 mins, it’s great for dipping.

When dipping check ingredients – hummus is usually good but watch out for added oils,

make your own for cleanest results. Chobani (Coles only I think) have great high protein low

fat dips….and they are yum!

Try dipping apple in a teaspoon of peanut butter, or spread peanut butter or almond spread

on slices of banana!


Avoid low fat as this means more sugar added. Avoid flavoured, add your own, a splash of

berries or mango to natural Greek yoghurt, even a splash of honey! Coconut yoghurt is great

but high in fat – there’s the saturated fat issue with coconut yoghurt and coconut oil, I am

however a believer in butter over margarines etc… keep your fats on track, moderate!


My Favourite carb snack is… Ryvita original Rye crispbread! 2 ingredients ONLY:

Wholegrain rye flour and salt! Top it with Avocado, ricotta or cottage cheese, tomato and

pepper, salmon, etc… etc… etc… This food is my secret weapon and also part of my other

secret weapon to my daily planning….. 2 lunches! Instead of what most people have as

morning tea, I have as 1st lunch it is usually Ryvita with a protein and fat like avo and

salmon. Then around lunch time I have something like chicken with salad and sweet potato.

This way you can get better sources of protein in at snack time and fill up more, and hit your



Almonds, walnuts, macadamia, cashews, peanuts….etc…. nuts are great just know they

come with fats, if you’re planning Macro’s and sticking quite strictly, your nuts might tip your

fats over… however if you check the healthy fats listed in the article below the best fats are

NUTS!!! My hot tip for anyone counting calories and macros is: If your fats have gone over

because you had nuts and avocado don’t stress out, however, if your fats go over because

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you had, hot chips, a packet of chips, KFC etc etc… then you need to reassess your



There areso many foods… together on our journey we’ll discover some favs and share them

with each other… there’s always so much more!

Breakfast If you’re struggling to hit your protein goals it maybe because your breakfast is carb filled.

Try to get a good spread of protein across your day.


So many ways to eat eggs. Some people limit egg intake due to yolk fat, some people make

egg white omelette. If this floats your boat …do it! I can’t think of anything more gag worthy!

A Whole egg contains all amino acids essential for every diet. Therefore, my advice is go the

whole egg!

• Poached Egg on Turkish bread with avocado and tomato and a little bit of streaky

crispy bacon is on my #1 list after a heavy-duty Saturday morning workout. The fatty

bacon and processed Turkish bread are not something you want to add to your daily

menu however a little here and there especially after a big workout is good for the


• A 2 – 3 or 4 egg Omelette with red onion, capsicum, spinach etc etc is a great start to

the day. Vary the egg count and ingredients depending on your daily calorie and

macro needs.

• Egg pancakes - 1 egg beat with 1 x mashed banana – fry in butter, eat straight from

the pan (add cinnamon and a tablespoon of almond meal for extra flavour)

If you have the stomach for it go a full meal in the morning, steak & egg with spinach,

chicken on rye (with a dab of mayo & baby spinach) etc etc etc

MY Favourite Breakfasts – No eggs

• My everyday breakfast although low in protein is: ½ cup rolled oats, 2 dates diced, ½

banana sliced, some chopped walnuts and macadamia nuts with approx. 125ml

organic coconut milk and a strong coffee. Whole, raw and amazing!

• 1 x banana, 1tsp peanut butter and a protein shake – easy yum and filling!

Usually breakfast has to be quick and easy – prepare egg muffins or banana protein muffins

– share your fav recipes….

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FIGURE 5 - Sourced from https://healthyeater.com/carb-protein-fat-rich-foods check it out for extra

tips and hints

Top 15 Healthy Carb, Protein, and Fat

Rich Foods

15 Starchy or Complex Carb Foods

1. Oatmeal (old fashioned or Steel Cut)

2. Yams (almost same as sweet potatoes)

3. Brown rice (love basmati, a long grain rice)

4. Sweet potatoes

5. Multi grain hot cereal (mix or barley, oats, rye, triticale, and a few others)

6. White potatoes with skin (glycaemic index be damned!)

7. 100% whole wheat bread

8. 100% whole wheat pasta

9. Beans and lentils (great for healthy chili recipes)

10. Cream of rice hot cereal

11. Quinoa

12. Couscous

13. Pumpkin

14. Butternut squash

15. Fresh beets

15 Carb Rich Fruits

1. Grapefruit

2. Apples

3. Blueberries

4. Cantaloupe

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5. Oranges

6. Bananas

7. Peaches

8. Grapes

9. Strawberries

10. Pineapple

11. Black berries

12. Plums

13. Pears

14. Acai berries

15. Mango

15 Vegetables Lower in Carbs but high in Nutrients

1. Broccoli

2. Kale

3. Asparagus

4. Spinach

5. Salad greens

6. Tomatoes

7. Peppers (green and red)

8. Onions

9. Mushrooms

10. Cucumbers

11. Zucchini

12. Carrots

13. Green beans

14. Peas

15. Cauliflower

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Top 15 Protein Rich Foods

1. Eggs

2. Whey protein (protein powder supplement)

3. Chicken breast

4. Salmon (wild Alaskan)

5. Turkey breast

6. Canned tuna (solid white)

7. Nuts (walnut, almonds, pecans)

8. Pumpkin Seeds

9. Tofu

10. Seitan

11. Top round steak (grass fed beef)

12. Flank steak (grass fed beef)

13. Cod fish

14. Greek yogurt

15. Rainbow trout

15 Healthy Fat Sources

1. Flaxseed

2. Almonds

3. Olive oil

4. Avocado

5. Walnuts

6. Virgin coconut oil

7. Salmon (wild caught)

8. Peanuts

9. Clarified butter

10. Ripe olives

11. Peanut oil

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12. Hemp seed oil

13. Pecans

14. Cashews

15. Dark Chocolate

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