
GPIC SHE WEEK 2006 2006 áÄ«ÑdGh áë°üdGh áeÓ°ùdG ´ƒÑ°SCG 2006

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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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GPIC SHE WEEK 2006 2006 áÄ«ÑdGh áë° üdGh áeÓ° ùdG ´ƒÑ° SC G ‫ﺍﻟـﻤـﻌـﻠﻮﻣـــــــﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﻛـﺘـﻴـﺐ‬ 2006 áÄ«ÑdGh áë° üdGh áeÓ° ùdG ´ƒÑ° SC G Written & Illustrated by Yasser Al-Hamad óª◊G öSÉj ¢Sóæ¡ŸG º°SQh ∞«dC É`J 3




2006 áÄ«ÑdGh áë°üdGh áeÓ°ùdG ´ƒÑ°SCG




2006 áÄ«ÑdGh áë°üdGh áeÓ°ùdG ´ƒÑ°SCG

Informitive & Competitions Booklet

الـمـعـلومـــــــات كـتـيـب

Written & Illustrated by Yasser Al-Hamadóª◊G öSÉj ¢Sóæ¡ŸG º°SQh ∞«dCÉ`J



“The Eating House”

A restaurant is defined as an eating house, but the story you areabout to read is not about a typical restaurant, it is a about a local home that serves food just like a restaurant!

It is two thirty on a Thursday afternoon and everyone is seated at the dining table for lunch.

The mother is looking at the wall-clock and the boys are restless and not able to settle down on their chairs. The girls are bored and whining. They are all waiting for their beloved father to come from work so that they all start their “feast”.

Someone is at the door,

“It’s Daddy! Quickly Dad I am hungry, Come on dear, change those cloths quickly, the kids are starving! Daddy I need five minutes to change and wash my hands

The father joins his family at the lunch table. And the feasting begins …..

“Great food darling”! I love your ‘Mutton Makboos’, mumbles the father while devouring his food. The family is having a great time enjoying each other company and the delicious food that their mother prepared for them.

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Makboos Traditional Bahraini rice dish

4 5


‘Have you had enough darling or should I get some more rice?” The wife asks delightfully.

“Yes dear, bring us more, it is delicious, I do not want to miss it for the world!”

The mother is very happy and full of pride that her husbanded and children eat ‘well’. She believes in the old saying “The shortest way to a man’s heart is through his belly” and children must eat well.

The family is used to having very large lunches or dinners together everyday and then they all go to bed and sleep.

The father’s afternoon nap extends for several hours and he does not wake up before sunset.

When he wakes up, he usually asks for strong coffee to wake him up and take something sweet along like ‘Halwa’ or a pastry to make his mouth sweet. He than watches his favorite TV shows throughout the rest of the evening and concludes with a home delivery dinner. “Its Thursday today darling lets take away something ‘juicy and meaty!”

That night, everyone was full after dinner, and after a nice movie, the mother served everybody some home made sweets that

she prepared in the morning and kept it as a surprise for the family.

It is eight in the morning the next day. The mother is

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Halwa Traditional Bahraini sweet made mainly of sugar and nuts

6 7


cooking scrambled eggs with beef sausages prepared in nice thick ghee. The father is still fast asleep.He is awakened by the cries of his little daughter.

The father tried to get out from his bed for the call of duty. He would rather miss out on anything except his wife’s Friday breakfast. He washes, dresses up, and gets his wallet and keys. He usually drives to the bakery that is two minute walking distance away. The mother is calling from the kitchen, “breakfast is almost ready, hurry with the bread”. The father, all dressed up and ready to move, is finding his way out of the bedroom….

“Dear! Hello! Kids!” the father calls for help. He seems to be stuck at the door and helpless. One of the little boys comes out of his bedroom yawning after a good sleep. The next moment, he drops to the floor ashe breaks into laughter; to the four-year-old it is the most humorous of scenes, to the father, it is a totally embarrassing situation!

The mother comes up the staircase with haste as she hears the cries of help along with giggles! “Dear, what are you doing in the door, I mean ... Oh no! Your stuck!” the mother is terrified. “Hold my hands, pull meout!” The father desperately struggles, the little one climbs up his back. It is ‘play time’ for him!

“Get down from there!

The kids come out of their bedrooms to find their motherstruggling to pull their father out from the door. “Mum! Dad! What Happened!” the kids exclaim in surprise. How did Daddy get stuck in the door?!!

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8 9


Years of bad eating habits caused the father to get stuck in the door. The mother and the kids tried everything. They’ve tried to pull the father out the door like in a ‘tug-of- war’ contest without success.

Next they tried liquid soap to lube him out, but attempts still in vain. Whom can they call for help? A doctor or a plumber?

By midday, every body was lying around tired and hopeless. The mother is struck by a thought and awakened from her despair and all of a sudden she is enlightened. She walks with hard steps to the father and tells him “Listen dear, either you lose some weight or we lose the door!” The entire family realizes the source of the problem. Their eating habits were disastrous! They were eating beyond their capacity without exercise or workout. They realized that in a way their father was lucky to get stuck at the door and not have a heart attack as a clue that their lifestyle is not healthy. But How! He was stuck in the door for days and got embarrassed in front of his family! The father realized his mistake when he got stuck in the door. Many others discovered their mistakes when their blood tests showed high

blood pressure, or high sugar levels, or through long-term back or knee traumas.

Dad now exercises everyday, and sticks to the old saying

“Eat the breakfast of kings, the lunch of the poor and leave your dinner to the enemy”.

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10 11



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!ºYÉ£ŸG ∂∏J π©ØJ ɪc kÉeÉ“ IöSC’G

A restaurant is defined as an eating house, butthe story you are about to read is not about a typical restaurant, it is a about a local home that serves food just like a restaurant!


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