eb annual report 2012-2013

Annual Report 2012–2013

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2. Mission3. EB at a Glance4. Message from the Head of School6. Message from the Chair of the

Board of Trustees8. Board of Trustees

10. EB School Journal12. High School and College Choices16. Volunteers18. Finance and Advancement Report20. The Campus Campaign26. Donors38. In Memoriam

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Our MissionEcole Bilingue de Berkeley educates a diverse population of boys and girls, inspiring them to strive for academic excellence and to develop a high sense of personal and social responsibility.

We offer a challenging and rigorous course of study in both French and English, set in a multicultural environment.

We support each student in the acquisition of skills and the development of character necessary for citizenship in an increasingly complex world.

Notre PhilosophieL’Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley éduque une population diverse d’enfants et suscite en eux un désir de réussite scolaire tout en les encourageant à acquérir un sens élevé de leurs responsabilités individuelles et sociales.

Nous proposons un cursus scolaire ambitieux et rigoureux, à la fois en français et en anglais, au sein d’un environnement multiculturel riche.

Nous apportons à chacun de nos élèves le soutien nécessaire à l’acquisition des connaissances et au développement de la personnalité qui leur seront indispensables face aux exigences d’un monde toujours plus complexe.

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EB at a Glance (2013–2014)

Grades: Preschool–Grade 8School established: 1977Total number of students: 542Total number of families: 372Students of color: 39%Students receiving financial aid: 42%Number of faculty: 58Student to teacher ratio: 10.6/1Teachers with 10 years’ seniority: 45%Teachers who are native French speakers: 66%Number of nationalities represented at the school: 55Students who hold French citizenship: 43%Families who speak French at home: 57%Families who speak English at home: 77%Families who speak a third language at home: 28%Number of alumni: 1211

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As the 2012-2013 school year was wrapping up, we received confirmation that the California Association of Independent Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges had renewed our accreditation for a full six-year term. Our accreditation was no surprise… but just as validating were the accrediting committee’s commendations about what we do well at EB. After visiting our school, observing classrooms and talking to teachers, administrators, trustees, and parents, the committee complimented EB in a number of areas. Highlights of their commendations included:

• The Board of Trustees for helping to ensure the long-term stability of the School by financing the purchase of three buildings and allowing the school to own 100% of its campus.

• The Faculty for their passion, engagement, and commitment to their students and the school, thus creating a nurturing and dynamic learning environment.

• The Students for being polite, welcoming, enthusiastic, helpful, engaged with their academic work, and respectful with each other, which creates a warm, supportive, and positive environment.

• The School Community for its holistic approach to education, which addresses social emotional skills, conflict resolution, acceptance, mindfulness, and respect, thus, creating a positive and supportive school culture, where children feel safe.

These commendations were a timely reminder of what makes EB great, and the professionalism, hard work and community spirit that make EB such a positive environment for children. We got more reminders of what makes EB great when we learned that our graduates had, once again, been accepted to top high schools and colleges. (See pages 12 – 13 for placement results.) The entire Board deserves credit for their careful planning and their countless hours of work. And you, our school community, deserve credit for your strong support of the school.

Speaking of professionalism and hard work, I would like to thank Lynn Van Housen, who is stepping down as

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Message from the Head of School

Board Chair after five years as Chair and nine years as a trustee. As Lynn mentions in her letter, these weren’t just any five years! The school accomplished a record number of major projects, especially the transition to facilities ownership. Since she became Chair in 2008,

• We went from leasing both our campuses to owning both the Lower and Middle School campuses. Before taking this crucial step, we were at the mercy of the real estate market; now these costs are controlled through a 4% fixed-rate loan.

• We planned our first campus expansion in over 20 years, taking a welcome step towards giving our students more green space to learn and play outdoors.

• We raised over $2.29 million towards our Campus Campaign goal, a record in the history of our school.

Lynn’s belief in our mission wasn’t just abstract. She is the mother of three EB alumni: Lucie (class of 2007; currently at Georgetown University), Nathalie (class of 2009; currently at Stanford) and Sébastien (class of 2012; currently in the International Baccalaureate program at Berkeley High). She has seen firsthand what a unique school EB is, and how well it prepares children for their next steps. Lynn’s extraordinary dedication, her down-to-earth leadership style, her strategic vision and her experience in nonprofit management have all been great assets to the school, and we are very grateful for her service to EB.

I look forward to working with our incoming Chair, Peter Secor, and the rest of the Board this year. And I look forward to the support of our talented faculty and our generous, supportive parent community as we all work together for the benefit of our children.

Frédéric CanadasHead of School

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Message du Chef d’établissement

Alors que l’année 2012–2013 touchait à sa fin, la California Association of Independent Schools et la Western Association of Schools and Colleges ont confirmé qu’elles renouvelaient notre habilitation pour les six prochaines années. Plus encore que l’habilitation, à laquelle nous nous attendions, ce sont les commentaires du Comité qui nous ont agréablement surpris : suite à la visite de l’établissement, pendant laquelle les membres du comité ont pu observer les classes, discuter avec les personnels enseignants et non enseignants, les membres du Conseil d’administration et les parents, le Comité a félicité l’école sur de nombreux points. Citons les principaux :

• L’action financière du Conseil d’administration, qui a permis à l’école d’acquérir ses locaux et de devenir propriétaire à 100% de son campus. C’est la stabilité à long terme de l’école qui est assurée.

• La passion, l’engagement et l’implication des enseignants envers les élèves et l’école, créant un environnement d’apprentissage riche et dynamique.

• Le comportement des élèves : polis, accueillants, enthousiastes, serviables, impliqués dans leur scolarité et respectueux les uns des autres ; ce qui crée un environnement chaleureux, solidaire et positif.

• L’approche holistique de l’éducation qui prévaut au sein de notre communauté, mettant en avant les qualités sociales et affectives, la gestion des conflits, la tolérance, la pleine conscience et le respect. Elle favorise l’émergence d’une culture d’école positive et solidaire, où les enfants se sentent en sécurité.

Ces éloges viennent à point nommé nous rappeler ce qui fait l’excellence d’EB, ainsi que le professionnalisme, les efforts et l’esprit de communauté qui font d’elle un environnement si bénéfique pour les enfants. Nous avons eu une nouvelle occasion de constater la valeur de notre école, en apprenant que les élèves sortis d’EB sont acceptés dans les plus prestigieux établissements du secondaire et du supérieur (voir les résultats d’admission p.12–13). Remercions tous les membres du Conseil d’administration pour leur organisation rigoureuse et les heures de travail dispensées sans compter. Quant à vous, membres de la communauté de l’école, nous vous remercions du soutien sans faille que vous apportez à notre école.

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En parlant de professionnalisme et d’efforts, j’aimerais remercier Lynn Van Housen. Elle nous quitte après avoir passé neuf ans au Conseil d’administration, dont cinq ans en tant que Présidente. Comme Lynn l’exprime dans sa lettre, que de choses se sont passées durant ces cinq années ! L’école a mené à bien un nombre record de projets majeurs, notamment la transition vers la propriété de ses locaux. Depuis son arrivée à la présidence en 2008,

• Nous sommes passés de la location à la propriété des campus de l’école primaire et du collège. Avant de prendre ce tournant, nous étions à la merci du marché de l’immobilier ; désormais, ces dépenses sont contrôlées dans le cadre d’un prêt à taux fixe à 4%.

• Nous avons établi un plan d’expansion afin de proposer à nos élèves un environnement plus verdoyant pour leurs activités éducatives et récréatives en extérieur.

• Nous avons collecté plus de 2 290 000 dollars dans le cadre de notre projet Campus Campaign, un record dans l’histoire de l’école.

La foi de Lynn en notre mission s’est toujours exprimée concrètement. Elle est la mère de trois anciens élèves d’EB : Lucie (promotion de 2007, actuellement étudiante à Georgetown University), Nathalie (promotion de 2009, maintenant à Stanford) et Sébastien (promotion de 2012, suivant le programme du Baccalauréat international à Berkeley High). Elle a tout de suite compris qu’EB était une école unique, offrant à ses élèves une excellente préparation pour les étapes suivantes. Son extraordinaire implication, le pragmatisme et la diplomatie dont elle a su faire preuve, sa vision stratégique et son expérience du management en milieu non-lucratif, ont représenté de grands atouts pour l’école, et nous lui en sommes très reconnaissants.

Je souhaite la bienvenue à Peter Secor, le nouveau Président du Conseil d’administration, ainsi qu’à toute l’équipe du Conseil. Et je suis heureux de pouvoir compter cette année encore sur le soutien de notre excellente équipe pédagogique et de notre généreuse communauté de parents tandis que nous travaillons tous ensemble au bien-être de nos enfants.

Frédéric CanadasChef d’établissement

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Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees

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As I step down from EB’s Board of Trustees and reflect on the past nine years, I am struck by the many contributions of individuals that together have given rise to traditions we now hold dear and to opportunities created and seized that point us with confidence towards the future.

I’d like to share a few that especially speak to me.

The World Celebrations potluck. While my kids loved the dishes from all over the world, I always noticed the incredible feeling of community when I walked into the hall. Many people make this event happen every year, but the idea and the energy to start it back in 2003 came from Karoline Robbins. This event celebrates a central quality of the EB community: its multiculturalism.

The 8th Grade Class Gift. As a Trustee, Board Chair and former Annual Fund agent, fundraising for EB is near and dear to my heart. Back in 2008, Sally Drach understood that our kids also need to be part of our attempts to create a giving culture at EB. She instituted not only the tradition of an 8th grade gift to the school, but coupled it with education about philanthropy and the magic of compounding interest. She reminds us that it’s always about more than just the money.

Our Moment: The Campus Campaign. There are so many individuals who have contributed to the many aspects of this project that I cannot name them all here. Many have served as EB Trustees ensuring that financing, fundraising, building and design elements all happen when and how they need to. But other individuals, especially parents, have made major contributions. Talented architect Charles Debbas created the first drawings showing the possibilities of what we could do with our expanded outdoor space and allowing us to start the conversation with you. Then Matt Wadlund integrated feedback from teachers, kids and parents to produce the current round of designs. Vicente Madrigal and Ann Harrison opened their home to host that first conversation in 2009.

Serving on EB’s Board has convinced me that there is no limit to what the EB community can achieve. The

talent and dedication of outgoing trustees Thomas Clydesdale, Nathalie Destandau, Corinne Pluche, Rick Richetta and John Rosenthal will be missed though their contributions will continue to be felt in the many projects they influenced. Thomas and John both deserve special mention: Thomas served seven years on the Board, including four and a half as Treasurer, and John served nine years, two of them as Treasurer. Not only were they instrumental in helping protect and guide EB’s finances through the economic downturn, their wisdom and collegiality were tremendous assets to the Board. We welcome incoming trustees Yusef Alexandrine, Sharon Le Duy, Jeff Loustau, Stéphane Prunet and French faculty Marion Tobie and are grateful for their willingness to serve the school in this way. I am grateful to the faculty members who have served on the Board in addition to everything else they do, as well as the administrative staff for serving on and supporting Board committees.

I want to acknowledge the special honor I’ve had of working alongside our Head of School, Frederic Canadas. Frederic is a Head who is compassionate, dedicated and visionary, and we are fortunate to have him guiding the school into the future. I will miss our partnership.

It has been a privilege to serve alongside such talented individuals. I would like to thank the trustees I served with and the teachers and administrators who serve our kids day in and day out. Under the leadership of Frédéric Canadas and our new Board Chair Peter Secor, the school will continue to thrive, and to offer a world-class bilingual education to our students.

Lynn Van HousenChair, Board of Trustees

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Message de la Présidente du Conseil d’Administration

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À l’heure de céder mon siège de Présidente du Conseil d’administration, je me remémore ces neuf dernières années, et je suis frappée par le nombre de personnes qui nous ont apporté leur soutien. Ensemble, elles ont fait naître des traditions que nous conservons aujourd’hui, et elles ont offert des opportunités qui nous permettent de nous projeter dans l’avenir avec sérénité.

Je souhaiterais évoquer ici celles qui m’ont le plus marquée.

La Célébration des Fêtes du Monde. Pendant que mes enfants se régalaient avec des plats du monde entier, je n’ai jamais manqué de remarquer l’incroyable sentiment de communauté présent dans la salle polyvalente. De nombreuses personnes participent à l’organisation de cet événement annuel, mais c’est Karoline Robbins qui a eu l’idée et l’énergie de renouer avec cette tradition en 2003. Cette fête met à l’honneur une caractéristique fondamentale de la communauté d’EB : son multiculturalisme.

Le don des 4èmes. En tant que membre et Présidente du Conseil d’administration, et ex-agent du Fonds Annuel, je suis particulièrement attachée à la collecte de fonds. Dès 2008, Sally Drach avait compris que nos enfants devaient être associés à nos tentatives de créer une culture du don à EB. Non seulement elle a institué le don des 4èmes, mais elle l’a doublé d’un projet d’éducation à la philanthropie et à la magie des intérêts cumulés. Elle nous a rappelé qu’il s’agit bien plus que d’une simple question d’argent.

Our Moment: The Campus Campaign. Les différents aspects de ce projet ont mobilisé tant de monde que je ne peux tous les citer ici. Parmi eux, beaucoup de membres du Conseil d’administration ont veillé à ce que les phases de financement, de collecte de fonds, de construction et de conception s’enchaînent correctement. D’autres acteurs, en particulier des parents, nous ont également apporté une aide précieuse. L’architecte Charles Debbas a mis ses talents à notre service pour imaginer les possibilités d’expansion de la cour de récréation, nous permettant d’initier le dialogue avec vous. Puis Matt Wadlund a intégré les idées des enseignants, des élèves et des parents

pour produire les plans actuels. Vicente Madrigal et Ann Harrison nous ont ouvert leurs portes pour accueillir cette première rencontre en 2009.

Mon travail au sein du Conseil d’administration d’EB m’a convaincu qu’il n’y a pas de limite à ce que la communauté d’EB peut accomplir. Le talent et le dévouement des membres sortants Thomas Clydesdale, Nathalie Destandau, Corinne Pluche, Rick Richetta et John Rosenthal nous manqueront, même si leur action continuera à vivre à travers les projets qu’ils ont initiés. Thomas et John méritent une mention spéciale : Thomas a servi pendant sept ans, dont quatre ans et demi en tant que trésorier, et John pendant neuf ans, dont deux comme trésorier. Non seulement ils ont joué un rôle clé pour assurer et orienter les finances d’EB durant la crise économique, mais leur sagesse et leur esprit d’équipe ont aussi constitué d’énormes atouts pour le Conseil d’administration. Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres : Yusef Alexandrine, Sharon Le Duy, Jeff Loustau, Stéphane Prunet et Marion Tobie. Merci à eux d’avoir décidé de servir l’école de cette manière. Je remercie les enseignants qui ont participé au Conseil d’administration en plus de leurs missions, de même que le personnel non enseignant pour avoir servi et soutenu les Comités du Conseil.

Ce fut un honneur de travailler avec notre Chef d’établissement, Frédéric Canadas. C’est un directeur humain, dévoué et visionnaire, et nous avons beaucoup de chance de l’avoir à la tête de l’école. Je regretterai notre collaboration.

J’ai eu l’immense privilège de travailler avec des personnes très compétentes. Je souhaite remercier les membres du Conseil d’administration avec qui j’ai servi, les personnels enseignants et administratifs qui accompagnent constamment nos enfants. Sous la direction de Frédéric Canadas et de notre nouveau Président Peter Secor, l’école va continuer de prospérer en offrant à ses élèves une éducation bilingue d’envergure internationale.

Lynn Van HousenPrésidente du Conseil d’administration

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Romain Serman, Consul Général de France, Honorary ChairBernard Lehucher, Chef de ChancellerieDenis Bisson, Attaché CulturelIvan Bertoux, Attaché Culturel Adjoint

Lynn Van Housen, ChairPeter Secor, Vice-Chair, and Campus Campaign Co-ChairHélène Cahen, Secretary, and Campus Campaign

Committee Co-ChairThomas Clydesdale, Treasurer

Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee, PA Co-PresidentSusan Campbell, English Faculty ParticipantFrédéric Canadas, Head of SchoolChristine Chapon

BOARD 2012–2013From left, back row: Tanu Sankalia, John Palmer, Corinne Pluche, Thomas Clydesdale, Lynn Van Housen, Alfred Moore, John Rosenthal, Peter Secor, Nathalie Destandau, Loy Sheflott, and Rick Richetta. Front row: Setenay Frucht, Susan Campbell, Christine Chapon, Tamara Daney, Frédéric Canadas, Hélène Cahen, Joanne Hom-Addis, Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee.

Tamara Daney, Chair of Organization & GovernanceNathalie DestandauPhilippe DietzSetenay Frucht, PA Co-PresidentJoanne Hom-AddisJames LevineKili McGowanAl MooreJohn PalmerCorinne Pluche, French Faculty ParticipantMark PoffRick RichettaJohn RosenthalTanu Sankalia, Chair of Buildings and Grounds CommitteeLoy Sheflott, Advancement Committee Chair


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Yusef Alexandrine, from the EB class of 1991, is the third EB alum to serve on the Board. He works as an Investment Management Attorney at K&L Gates LLP, advising clients regarding regulatory, transactional and counseling matters involving the securities and commodities laws. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee for the Homeless Prenatal Program. Yusef holds a J.D. from Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley.

Sharon Le Duy, who also served on the Board in 2005–2007, is the Advancement Committee Chair. Sharon is a senior Vice President, legal and HR of Thismoment.inc. She has also worked in private practice as well as being senior Vice President and General Counsel of CNET Networks. She received her B.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and her J.D. from Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley. She and her husband Christophe have two children: Walter (EB class of 2010) and Margot (G7).

Jeff Loustau is sole proprietor of Arcadian Community Development, with extensive experience in the development of mixed-income/mixed use housing in California. His background includes service at the California Housing Consortium, BRIDGE Housing Corp., and The John Stewart Company. He served on the Board of the MAITRI AIDS Foundation for fifteen years and is an active member of two French guilds, League Henri IV and La Gauloise. A licensed California architect, Jeff earned a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters in City Planning from MIT. He has two sons—Justin, a junior at University of Washington, and Alec, a second-grader at EB—and lives in Berkeley with his wife Eileen.

Stéphane Prunet was a member of the Management Board of AXA Investment Managers from 2002 to 2012. He also led AXA IM opera-tions in Asia and Japan. In these capacities, Stéphane acted as CEO and board member of investment companies regulated in multiple jurisdic-tions. Prior experience includes work with Invesco, Cortal (BNP Paribas), and UAP (AXA), membership in the Institutional Investor US Institute, as well as helping launch Self Trade, a leading European online broker. Stéphane graduated cum laude from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and has lectured on financial services at ESCEAP MBA program (a lead-ing European business school), and École des Arts & Métiers. Stéphane and his wife Anshu have two children: Ketan (G8) and Nina (G5).

Marion Tobie is the French Faculty participant. Marion taught several years in France and one year in New Orleans before joining EB in 2006 as a Kindergarten teacher. Since September 2010, Marion has taught Third Grade. Marion obtained her French Teaching Certificate in 2002.


The EB Honorary Circle is composed of community leaders, many of them EB parents or alumni parents, who support the school’s mission of educating a diverse population of boys and girls, inspiring them to strive for academic excellence and to develop a high sense of personal and social responsibility.

Romain SermanConsul Général de France

Chris AndersonParent

Pascal BaudryFormer Trustee

Kermit Lynch Alumni Parent

Gail Skoff Alumni Parent

Jane Metcalfe Alumni Parent

Jean-Pierre Moullé Alumni Parent

Denise Lurton-Moullé Alumni Parent, Former Trustee

Orville Schell Alumni Parent, Former Trustee

Alice WatersAlumni Parent

Fanny Singer Alumna, Class of 1997

Laura Truffaut-Wong Alumni Parent, Former Trustee


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Construction (Summer 2013)

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Summer Improvements to Our Campus

The new outdoor classroom and garden at the Middle School (still under construction)

The new garden

Jean-Marie Letellier‘s students enjoying their new edible garden


This summer, we took the first step in transforming our yards and creating an outdoor learning environment. The new school garden has been wonderful. Now that the garden is in the small courtyard instead of being behind a fence, it has become a gathering point for our community.

No less exciting were the improvements at the Middle School. Just a few years after the Middle School garden got its start

(thanks to Sue Campbell and the students and parents who pitched in to help), the garden has now doubled in size, with a new outdoor classroom where any class can gather to learn. There is also an outdoor lounge—a quiet, green space away from the hubbub of the main yard. The students are really enjoying these new spaces!

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New for 2013–2014: Better Support for Teachers and Students

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Back row, from left to right: Sylvie Le Meur, Mathieu Cladidier, Stacy Chandler, Amanda Fox, Emmanuel Labadie, Betsy Cory, Magali Noth, Amy Gordon-Risz, Nadine Morrisette, Thierr y Durandard. Front row, from left to right: Susan Campbell, Kathleen Mitchell, Deborah Ferranti. Not shown: Douglas Gostlin.

Teachers’ first and main focus is their students. This is as it should be… and yet devoting attention to the children can make it difficult to also coordinate with colleagues about curriculum innovations, research new resources and trends in education, make sure that the curriculum progresses smoothly from one grade to the next, and that every effort is made to harmonize our French and English curricula. On top of that, some students’ needs are best met with a little extra support. These are challenges in any school, and especially in a school that covers two curricula in two languages!

So to better support our teachers—and by extension our students—EB has reorganized its academic team to include some new roles:

Stacy Chandler picked up additional responsibilities (Middle School faculty hiring, professional development and supervision, as well as curriculum development) as our new Middle School Head.

Current teachers Sue Campbell and Mathieu Cladidier are now our English and French curriculum coordinators at the Middle School in addition to their teaching duties.

Magali Noth, our current lower school Dean of Student Life, has the additional duty of Cycle I coordinator while continuing her work on the Social and Emotional Learning program.

Lower School Counselor Betsy Cory has doubled her hours to be available to more students overall, which now gives Middle School girls the option of consulting with a same-gender counselor.

Deborah Ferranti is our new part-time learning specialist.

Kathleen Mitchell is the new English Program Curriculum Coordinator/Cycle 3 Coordinator for the Lower School.

We had originally planned to have a full-time French Curriculum Coordinator, but due to unanticipated circumstances the position was scaled back to part-time for 2013-2014. Sylvie Le Meur, who has taught at EB for 17 years, now spends one day a week on curriculum coordination.

Other members of the team include Middle School Counselor and High School Placement specialist Douglas Gostlin, Learning Specialist Amy Gordon-Risz, Soutien Specialist Nadine Morrisette, ESL instructor Amanda Fox and Academic Technology Coordinator Emmanuel Labadie.

Thierry Durandard is now the only Assistant Head of School, overseeing the entire department.

Not only do these changes allow for better coordination by grade level and by language, but the teachers are better supported by having a point person for each cycle. The Student Support Team (Learning Specialists and Counselors) has put in place new systems that allow for more responsiveness when working with our students and their parents. We are confident that this new structure for the academic department will increase faculty support and will have a positive impact overall on our students!

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Erin Anderson Berkeley High School (IB)Lauren Baldock-Wood Berkeley High School (AHA)Brianna Bourne College Preparatory SchoolSébastien Bridonneau Berkeley High School (IB)Elijah Brown-Martin Oakland Technical High SchoolConnor Burns Bishop O’Dowd High SchoolQuinn Carroll Saint Mary’s College High SchoolNicholas Chauvin Piedmont High SchoolEmily Chung Berkeley High School (IB)Zoë Dove College Preparatory SchoolOlivier Drilleau-Craft International High SchoolJulian Elias International High SchoolClaire Fargeix Berkeley High School (IB)Adrien Goldfarb Berkeley High School (IB)Adrien Hanley College Preparatory SchoolElliott Hansen International High SchoolLucile Henderson Oakland Technical High SchoolAxel Izaret Head-Royce SchoolElise Krueger Saint Mary’s College High SchoolJean-Daniel LeRoy Lick-Wilmerding High School

Sophie Maras-Gillet Berkeley High School (IB) Alice Martin International High SchoolShaye Maxey Pinole Valley High SchoolClaudia Nehme Saint Mary’s College High SchoolChloé Rebuffel Carondelet High SchoolAudrey Rood Oakland Technical High SchoolJedrek Sanchez-Howe Saint Mary’s College High SchoolBrandon Sengpraseuth California High SchoolGeorge Setchko Marin AcademyMaxim Sivolella International High SchoolAlessandra Smull Saint Mary’s College High School Chloé Stringfellow Berkeley High School (IB)Asa Symons International High SchoolJackson Sypher Concord AcademyAuriane Vacher Albany High SchoolNathaniel Villarina International High SchoolMeredith Wang Oakland Technical High SchoolChiara Weber Berkeley High School (IB)Essi Westerman Oakland Technical High SchoolMaxime Wintroub Saint Mary’s College High School

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High Schools Chosen by the Class of 2013


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Raya Abourjeily University of MichiganNatalie Benn University of WashingtonOciane Canadas Université de GrenobleAugust Carroll Ex’pression CollegeCamille Clausen University of OregonMalek Debbas Pitzer CollegeMathilde Delorme University of Western AustraliaAndrew Dixon Dartmouth CollegeKarina El Baze Stanford UniversityRebecca Ford Université de LausanneKalin Hershey Rochester Institute of TechnologyEmma Kemble Georgetown UniversityAlexandra Lamirande UC DavisLeilanie Lee McGill UniversityCharlotte Letellier California State University ChicoCarla Lok Not knownAlessandra Lopez Haverford CollegeEmily Madrigal Princeton UniversityNathalie Marie Stanford University

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Colleges Chosen by the Class of 2009Clara McLeod UC DavisAlexander Mills Diablo Valley CollegePreshet Moore UC DavisOlivia Nemec Not knownLauren Noga UC Los AngelesTazio Ottis Not knownLawrence Perry Contra Costa CollegeTroia Reyes-Stone Brandeis UniversityNatalia Riccardi University of OregonHannah Robbins UC DavisHannah Rosenthal University of PennsylvaniaJamie Ryerson Lewis and Clark CollegeEllen Slatkin London Contemporary Dance SchoolAlizée Stampf Not knownJack Swett Year off, then University of VermontGabriel Vergez Not knownTamara Wescott University of Colorado, BoulderAdrian White UC Los AngelesZoe Whittall University of Edinburgh


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Yusef Alexandrine, Class of 1988 (G5)

I attended EB from 1983 until 1988, from first to fifth grade, before EB had a Middle School. In many ways, it was one of the best experiences of my

childhood. My experience at EB had a significant impact on my perspective as well as my sense of self. I left with the sense that I was capable of learning almost anything and succeeding in almost any environment. In addition to an excellent bilingual education, EB’s culture of inclusiveness and its open approach to learning changed the way I conceptualized the world around me as well as how I approach that which is unfamiliar. I have often thought of these as my strongest attributes.

As an investment management attorney, advising clients regarding regulatory, transactional and counseling matters involving the securities and commodities laws, I find that the foundation laid at EB has helped me every step of the way.

I joined the EB board this year because I wanted to give something back to the school that gave so much to me. I am grateful to be able to share my experience and hope to contribute to future generations of EB graduates.

Kili McGowan, Class of 1993

I attended EB for ten years, and was part of the first Middle School graduating class of 1993.

Growing up in EB’s international

community helped me feel at home in the world and inspired an insatiable curiosity about other cultures and worldviews. EB fostered an open-mindedness and flexibility that is essential to my work and travel. Most importantly, the rigorous academics and emphasis on clear communication in multiple languages laid the foundation for all the detail-oriented skills I use in running my own business.

I am a safari specialist and own an agency, Next Adventure, based in Berkeley. I design tailor-made photographic safaris throughout East and Southern Africa for couples, families and small groups of friends.

It didn’t take much consideration for me to happily join the Board as a way of giving back to a school family that has meant so much to me. I was fascinated to hear all about what was new and exciting at EB, and also deeply proud that the school has stayed true to its character and mission. I am also thrilled to have my daughter starting her education at EB this fall and this has redoubled my enthusiasm for participating in the community.

John Palmer, Class of 1988 (G5)

I attended EB from 1983 until 1988, from first to fifth grade. During that time, I learned that there is always more than one way to do something–think long division.

Since then, I’ve tried to ask questions when presented with differences of method, opinion, culture: I’ve tried to ask about the strengths and weaknesses of each method, the origins of the opinion, the evolution of the cultural norm. This has made me a bricoleur—willing to source my methods, opinions, maybe even my culture pretty widely. It has made me curious about try-ing new things and it has made me believe in the abiding value of not being scared of the unknown, not finding difference to be something that needs resolution, but rather finding delight and richness in difference.

This clearly has implications at work—I’m a finance lawyer in San Francisco—my work involves finding solutions that meet the needs of different perspectives, it demands innovation, it bridges economic strata and culture and sometimes even language. But the point is: no matter what I had ended up doing, the education I got at EB would have informed the way I approached my work, and, I think, made it better.

I think that learning to live in a world increasingly divided by difference is going to mean that we will need citizens who think of themselves as people who can bridge those differences, who are at home in multiple cultures, who aren’t ineluctably rooted in their own perspective. If this was valuable thirty years ago when I started my education at EB, it’s only become more valuable since, and I can’t think of a better way than joining the Board both to give back, and also to do my small part to help produce the kinds of citizens we’re going to need in the coming decades.

Spotlight on our Three Alumni Board Members

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Susan AcquistapaceBecky AndersenBrigitte BastrentaAnne BrandonSteve Cook (Chair)Tamara DaneyFériel El GhaouiFabiola EtienneJoan FinnieDouglas GostlinMei-Lin HaAnn HasseJoyce HemmerElizabeth HerzbergVirginia HoytVéronique JordanFlorence KragenKathleen LetellierHeather LoucksNazanine MaghsoudniaJohnelle ManchaJerri MariottTina MeyerJennifer MonahanGloria PolanskiNatalie PowellRick RichettaKaroline RobbinsRoberte RountreeJennifer SchreyerVicki SchumbJoan SteelePriscilla WanerusAzadeh Yazdi

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Alumni Parent Fabiola Etienne and Alumna Sophia Chytr y helped served the G8 Graduation dinner in June 2013



Bianca Cano Nakamura (1986)Syltin Etienne (1998) Phyllis Grant (1981) Sarah Horwich Spear (1982)Omayya Kanafani (1986) Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts (1980)

Kate Massie (1995) Kili McGowan (1993)Joshua Meyer (1984) Maya Ravi (1994)Camille Winet (1993)

The school would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Steve Cook, our steadfast Alumni Committee Chair, for all his work the past three years in leading the Alumni Committee. Thank you Steve!

EB is proud to report it now boasts eleven “graduate parents,” alumni who have chosen to enroll their own children at EB and give them the same wonderful experience they had years ago. Here’s to coming full circle at EB for generations to come!


EB was delighted to expand its alumni outreach by hosting three separate reunions for its alumni community this year:

All-ages Reunion in January at EBReunion for 21+ Alumni in January at Pyramid Brewery in BerkeleyReunion for 21+ Alumni in June at The Thirsty Bear in San Francisco

Steve Cook and his wife Wendy

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The EB Parents’ Association plays a hugely important role at EB. Whether it is coordinating events, organizing fundraisers, creating school spirit, or supporting our teachers, the PA is at the heart of EB’s community. This year, they put a tremendous amount of effort into organizing a strong, stable PA body that is invested in our school and our children. The creation of the popular First Friday Coffees is an example of this commitment to commu-nity building. In addition to their many contributions in the classroom, their hard work is essential to the success of the major EB events and traditions:

• World Celebrations • Grandparents and Friends’ Day• The Raffle • Teacher/Staff Appreciation• La Place du Marché • Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay• First Friday Coffees • EB Spirit Wear• Welcome Committee • Scrip Program

Thank you to each and every one of you for your time and efforts to make this school an exceptional place!

2012–2013 PA BOARDCo-Presidents: Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee and Setenay FruchtVice Presidents: Steve Levine and Nicolas PellerinSecretary: Angela JacobsonTreasurer: Judy DeJesseCommunications Secretary: Tracy PoffVolunteer Coordinator: Nadine AmareloRoom Rep Coordinators: Tish Moore, Kim Nogay, Karoline Robbins


• World Celebrations:Sarah Goodwin

• Grandparents and Friends’ Day:Nadine AmareloMarcella Fassò

• Raffle: Nina Carbone-PellerinOlga Popova

• Faculty and Staff Appreciation:Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee

• Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay:

Catrine Charron

• La Place du Marché:Tammy BrownTracy Poff


• EB Spirit Wear: Angela JacobsonAnn Lefkovits

• eScrip: Jennifer Fawcett

• Library Coordinator:Nadine Amarelo

• Lost and Found:Nadine Amarelo

Parents’ Association

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From left to right: Tracy Poff, Nadine Amarelo, Andrea Bacigalupo-Lee, Setenay Frucht, Steve Levine, and Judy DeJesse.

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Room Representatives 2012–2013

William AdamsMandeep AhluwaliaNadine AmareloJulianne BalmainShannon BloemkerHarold BoscovichCaitlin CampbellLaura CarmanyLisa ClemonsMichelle ClinckeSusanna CorcoranDeanna DavisStéphane DelégerMarie-Anne DescalleMargaret DubinJacqueline EspinozaMarcella FassòJennifer FawcettPetra FibrichovaLisa FontaineChandra GangulyMaureen GarveyVicky Gellon

Elise GetzAgnès GirardDenise GlagauKarine GlorieuxIsadora Gullov-SinghNoémie HansenAngela JacobsonManon JohnsonSylvie JonathHélène JordanOmayya KanafaniCathy KellerSuzanne Kelly-LyallBeverly KingJohn and Janice KirkDeniz KursunogluMaria LandoniValérie LavoyerSteve LevineAdair LoveridgeJennifer LyonsChanté MaxeyAnosha Misaghi

Room Representatives

Tish Moore*Lucie MosesRose Mota-NadeauAnh-Thu Nguyen-TrongKim Nogay*Brenda OgburnClaudine OzzelloAnshu Prunet-SharmaAnna PuchkovKaroline Robbins*Andrea RondiniCamille Servan-SchreiberKristen SidellKatie SlemmerAlexandra Thusy-PrivatNathalie ValetteCarole VaroneHallie Von RockStephanie WaltonSonia Waters

* Coordinators

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EB completed the 2012–2013 fiscal year in solid financial condition. EB recorded an operating surplus of $178,611 for the year ending June 30, 2013. Almost all of this surplus ($177,986) was necessary for yearly principal repayments of our loans used to purchase our Middle School and Lower School campuses.

We are grateful for the generous support of our extended community: current parents, faculty and staff, Board of Trustees, our alumni and their families, grandparents, and friends of the school.

In 2012–2013, we raised $415,828 in contributions to “The Campus Campaign – Our Moment,” EB’s Campus Campaign. As of June 2013, our school has raised $2.29 million toward this effort. The Campus Campaign is a key component to Phase 2 of our Long-Range Facilities Master Plan—the purchase of the property north of the Lower School playground in the Fall of 2013 and improvements on that property and the existing Lower School playground in the Summer of 2014. With the planned conclusion of the Campus Campaign in the 2013–14 school year, these exciting improvements to our outdoor learning environment will enhance the EB experience for our children and future generations of EB students.

Other notable results from our generous community this year included:

• $447,565 in unrestricted gifts raised through our annual giving efforts and fundraisers, including the Annual Fund ($315,715), the Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay and the online auction ($69,363—this number excludes the restricted gifts to the Fund-A-Need), the Raffle ($17,609) and the Place du Marché ($10,484), retail partnerships of $4,935, and a special gift from the Trustees of $30,000 towards the operating budget.

• $133,088 in restricted gifts including $50,000 towards the Field Mithoefer Financial Aid Fund and an outstanding $62,650 in donations raised during our Auction Fund-A-Need to support EB’s Financial Aid program. This amount also includes $20,438 in generous contributions to the Endowment, of which $9,124 were made by the 8th grade class. Developing EB’s endowment remains a long-term goal and we are grateful to the 8th grade families, parents, and students for supporting this effort. We also thank the anonymous alumni family who developed and continues to support building EB’s endowment through the tradition of the class gift and the Citizenship Award.

Our fiscal policies and actions reflect our commitment to EB’s mission of providing an exceptional bilingual education to a diverse group of students. Specifically, two key elements guided our efforts:

• Promoting excellence in the classroom by providing the resources necessary to support faculty, enhance academic programs, improve facilities, and strengthen the school’s long-term future.

• Supporting the school’s financial sustainability and economic diversity through prudent fiscal management, a balanced operating budget, and ongoing support of financial aid programs.

Diverse and generous families, parents, and students are the core of EB’s wonderful and vibrant community, and our achievements are the result of your tremendous gifts of talent, time, and financial contributions. We are grateful for your support, and look forward to our continued partnership together.

Mark PoffTreasurer

Mark Poff, Treasurer

Loy Sheflott, Advancement Chair

Antoine Portales, Business Manager

Florence Kragen, Director of Advancement

Finance and Advancement Report

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Total: $997,022


• Annual Fund $315,715(of which $10,000 was transferred to Endowment)

• Special unrestricted gift from Board to Operating Budget $30,000

• Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay (net) $69,363(excluding Fund-A-Need)

• Raffle/Place du Marché (net) $28,093

• Retail Partnerships $4,935


• The Campus Campaign $415,828

• Field Mithoefer Memorial Financial Aid Fund $50,000

• Auction Fund-A-Need for EB Financial Program $62,650

• Endowment $20,438Class of 2013 Gift: $9,124Matching Gift to Class Gift: $1,000Citizenship Award Gift: $1,000Individual Gift: $9,314(Endowment value as of June 30, 2013: $182,247)

2012–2013 EXPENSES

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Tuition and Fees (includes tuition paidby bourses scolaires and by EB financial


Ancillary Programs (Extended daycare,

vacation camps, after-school classes, interest on monthly payments,

interest earned…)4.32%

Annual Fund 2.57%

Events 0.67% Other Gifts (escrip,

released restrictedgifts…) 0.42%

Instructional Expenses 49.10%Financial Aid

Expenses (does notinclude the bourses scolaires which are not an EB expense)


Plant Expenses 8.92%

General and Administrative

Expenses 25.83%

Interest Expenses 3.72%

2012–2013 REVENUES

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The Campus Campaign responds to our community’s long-held desire for outdoor athletic facilities and our faculty’s request for a campus that better supports the quality of our academic programs. We could not be more excited about the plans for our outdoor learning environment, designed by the firm of Sessa + Wadlund Design Studio and including a seasonal creek carrying rain run-off, as well as a basketball court and grassy field for our PE classes and our much-decorated Jaguars.

As of June 2013, 260 parents, students, teachers, staff, alumni, friends and supporters including the French “Assemblée Nationale” have contributed $2,290,000 to our campaign goal of $2,750,000. Our goal for the coming year is to raise the final $260,000 by June 2014 to earn a generous foundation grant of $200,000.

The Campus Campaign

The tremendous support from our community has already led to a campus milestone. In October 2013, we completed the purchase of the property adjacent to the Lower School playground, nearly doubling the size of the main playground. Spring 2014 will see work begin on this property and by the start of the 2014–2015 school year our students, faculty and staff will begin enjoying the long-awaited transformation of our school campus.

We cannot thank our donors enough for their support and special commitment to EB, and we are also grateful to the many members of our community who have lent their time and talent to making the Campus Campaign a reality.

For more information or to support the Campus Campaign, please visit eb.org/ourmoment or contact Florence Kragen, Director of Advancement, at [email protected] or at (510) 549-3867.

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The expanded playground offers almost twice the space, with a junior basketball court, a half soccer field, an outdoor stage/amphitheater and renovated Maternelle yard.

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The renovated playground looking towards the amphitheater, which will be a gathering space for assemblies and performances.

The seasonal creek is a perfect place to study the environment, and the integrated seating creates a welcoming spot for any class to meet outdoors.

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$75,000 and upHélène Cahen and Dean HanleyBetsy and Steven DixonTanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent

HodgettsVicente Madrigal and Ann HarrisonThe Van Housen-Marie Family

$50,000 to $74,999Edward Lee and Rhonda RighterJohn Rosenthal and Sally DrachAnonymous (3)

$25,000 to $49,999

Assemblée Nationale Française Timothy Burns and Laura WattsFrédéric and Odile CanadasPeter and Catrine CharronLaura and Thomas ClydesdaleJohn Edward Dittoe, Alanna Benham

Dittoe, and Kirstin Dittoe CiceroThe Flora Family FoundationThe Hershey FamilyAngela Jacobson and James LevineKevin and Rosemary JordanMichael Lukan and Laura PantaleoMichael, Christina, Joshua, Christopher

MeyerAlfred Moore and Michelle ClinckeKarma RobertsStuart Russell and Loy SheflottTimothy Stokes and Anya Lewis


Hélène Cahen, Campaign Co-Chair, Trustee

Alfred Moore, Campaign Co-Chair, Trustee

Frédéric Canadas, Head of SchoolAnnie-May de Bresson, First

Generation ParentFlorence Kragen, Director of

AdvancementSharon Le Duy, Advancement Chair,

TrusteeKili McGowan, Organization and

Governance Chair,TrusteeTanu Sankalia, Buildings and Grounds

Chair, TrusteePeter Secor, Board ChairTim Stokes, Honorary Chair, Past

TrusteeLynn Van Housen, Past Board Chair

Kate Arnold, ParentThomas Clydesdale, Past TrusteeNathalie Destandau, Past TrusteeMichael Lukan, Past TrusteeRick Richetta, Past TrusteeLoy Sheflott, Trustee

Sandy Drew

CAMPUS CAMPAIGN DONORSThank you to the generous donors of “The Campus Campaign—Our Moment” who are supporting the expansion and improvement of EB’s campus, for the benefit of generations of students. This list includes all donors since 2009.

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“The outdoor learning environment will give us new opportunities to study living things. Our current garden is great, but a space ten times bigger will offer many more mini-ecosystems to observe and study.”

Jeff Friedman, Lower School Science teacher

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$5,000 to $24,999Paul-André Abboud and Kristen SidellSteven Addis and Joanne Hom-AddisAdobe Systems IncorporatedMatt and Kate ArnoldBerit Ashla and Aron CramerRobert Bartlett and Victoria PlautBedell Frazier Investment CounselingFrançois Bertault and Qingwen Feng*Gerda BloemraadDorion, August, Quinn and Liam

Carroll and Michele MullerChristine Chapon and Alan KormanHeather Clague and Frédéric

TheunissenTamara Daney and Ariel CaoAndrew Davis and Alexandra Von BurgThe de Bresson-Leland FamilyNathalie Destandau and Gaby BrinkPhilippe Dietz and Corine MeyerThe Dreyfus Family – Hubert,

Geneviève, Stéphane and GabriellePaul and Laura EscobosaJacqueline Espinoza and Steven J.

RamirezJoan FinnieThe Fontaine Family Charitable FundThe Galinson FoundationGoogle Gift Matching ProgramDouglas GreenholzChristopher Harrelson and Sara

Rahimian*Joyce HemmerMarilyn KinneyErnest and Julianne KnellMichael Korcuska and Shannon JacksonFlorence and Jules KragenSharon and Christophe Le DuyAnn and Steve LefkovitsAlfredo and Vivian LopezRichard and Jennifer LyonsJitendra Malik and Isha RayMatthew and Brenda OgburnPierre and Laure OlivierSteve Oliver and John Komes, Oliver

and CompanyJohn and Lily PalmerMark and Tracy PoffGloria Polanski and Jean-Luc

SzpakowskiDr. Michael Powell and Tana B. Powell

Stéphane Prunet and Anshu Prunet-Sharma

Rick Richetta and Thierry DurandardTanu Sankalia and Devyani JainDaniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van

LangFrançoise and Oliver Sorgen-

GoldschmidtEdward Sweet and Harold StevensTom C. Tellefsen and Myrna WaltonUma Thomas and Douglas DoveLaura Truffaut and Stephen WongAriane Van Der Straten and Georges

NatsoulisThe Vollmerhausen-Glagau FamilyZachary and Stephanie WaltonAnonymous (4)

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The tree-lined “allée” will separate the expanded playground from the street. Do-nors’ names will be engraved in the pavers, along with milestones in EB’s history.

Up to $4,999Asseffa Abye and Pauline BrooksYusef AlexandrineCarol AllenArdene AndersonSamuel AronsAndrea Bacigalupo-Lee and Robert LeeBrigitte Bastrenta and Rudolph WalterNicolas and Darlene BeardeValérie and Daniel BishopBlackRock Matching Gift ProgramGerald Bourne and Janice PrudhommeRobert Brady and Sandra SimonAnne BrandonPatrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas

Burns*Hugh and Gail BurroughsBénédicte Cambon-Ritter and Mark

RitterBarbara CampbellSusan Campbell and Doug Oakley

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William and Timothea CampbellMartha ChaseChevron Humankind Matching Gift

ProgramEugene and Sonya Clark-HerreraThe Clorox Company FoundationGeorge and Sheri ClydeThomas and Renee ClydeClaire ClydesdaleMichael Cohen and Josiane SaulnierFrançoise, Norman Cohen, Céline Cohen-

Stumbles, Stéphanie Cohen-ThynneSteven and Wendy CookSteve and Gino Coulom*Irving CramerStephen and Judy DeJesseAlexis DetwilerLynne DominguezCharles and Mary DonovanJoseph Duggan and Annalee RejhonJenine DurlandSamir Dzankic and Golriz Ghassem-

ArdebiliJacques and Fabiola EtienneAndre and Andromache FargeixKitty FassettAyman Fawaz and Rania Rayes-FawazKenneth and Setenay FruchtHenry L. GardnerJohn Gargani and Mary Kathryn LynchMila GelvezonMichael Gill and Caryn AugstAndrée GrahamPhyllis Grant and Matthew RossThe Grant Family

Katherine and Jeroen Grasman*Briana Hall-HarveyRobert and Nicole HamiltonThe Hartley Corporation, Winter and

Pamela MeadAnn HassePhyllis HeenanWilliam and Mijo HorwichDavid HoytElizabeth HoytHoward and Virginia HoytWilliam HoytEric Hughes and Priscilla WanerusNghi HuynhPaul Johnson and Joan SteeleFlorence and Arnaud JoliffRochelle Jones Morrissey and Chris

MorrisseyVéronique, Sean, Brian and William JordanAlexander KaitzDiana KaitzMonica KaitzAdib and Karin KanafaniLinda KazdovaKatherine Whitman Keeler-HodgettsDonald Kelley and Susan GetmanJordan KelleyBruce KernGregory Klein and Patricia ProchaskaMary Jane KoberMirza and Shantell KopelmanOlga and John KorcuskaMax Kozlov and Tatiana PavlovaMark KragenOlivia KragenJoseph and Marianne KuoCem and Deniz KursunogluRichard and Marie-Paule LadenHannah LêMartin and Dorothy LefkovitsStalky and Judy LehmanReverend Christine Leigh-Taylor and David

WeberMark Levine and Irma HerreraJeremy Longinotti and Alexis PatrizioJohn (Jack) and Kathie LonginottiMindyn LonginottiJeffrey and Eileen Loustau*Dhara MacDermedElisa MalinSteven and Janice MarcomJerri Mariott and Michael SilpaTom and Merideth Marschak

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 3


Frédéric Canadas, Head of SchoolEmma Gimon, ParentJoanne Hom-Addis, Jeffrey Loustau, TrusteeChristopher Osborn, Facilities

ManagerAntoine Portales, Business ManagerTanu Sankalia, Buildings and Grounds

Committee Chair, TrusteePeter Secor, Board ChairKristen Sidell, Parent

The Henry Massie Family Charitable Trust Sasha MatchKili S. McGowan and Jeremy TowsendLouise B. McGowanTyphaine Métayer and Olivier MazéasCheryl MillsFilomene MorrisonFrank Morrison and Susan Vinluan-

MorrisonHuntly MorrisonJennifer MoultonEric Naiman and Anne NesbetThe Nelson-Smits FamilyWilliam and Betty NelsonCarl and Carolyn NodolfJeanne Marie OakleyMichael and Janet PaigeAlbert and Anna PantaleoBernard and Joan PechCamille and Brian PennixDominique PeytraudRoy and Olga PlautCorinne PlucheKameshwar Poolla and Radhika RaoJohn and Marianne PoppasAntoine PortalesLogan and Omayya RayFrançoise and David Rees

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Milton and Hope RighettiLaurent Rigobert and Ethel BrennanHilary RobertsMark RobertsAnnalisa RoblesNorman RonnebergJoshua Rose and Maria Landoni de RoseHannah RosenthalMatthew RosenthalRoberte RountreeMarie-José Sat and Peter VollhardtDouglas SaundersOrville and Baifang SchellAndrew SchreyerAnya Schwin Gibson and Casey GibsonDonald and Karen SecorTim SecorPeter and Mary Kay SidellAnthony SiinoRobin SimSophie and Eric SnoeyLinda SonntagDavid St. Jean and Irene BloemraadJoan Steele and Paul JohnsonJeffery Stephens and Janice KimDonald and Sara SweetZygmunt and Maria TeodorczykTom and Peggy ThomasAlan and My TrueSaleh TyebjeeZia TyebjeeRicardo and Viviana VillarinaJean and Annie WalrandThe Watters FamilyThe Wells Fargo Foundation Educational

Matching Gift ProgramWilliam and Margaret WestermanFred Womack and Patty BrunnSteve and Linda WoodWarren and Patricia ZeitlinAnonymous (9)

* Matching Gift

In-Kind DonationsSusan Davis, DonsuemorCharles Debbas, Charles Debbas

ArchitectureNathalie Destandau and Gaby Brink,

Tomorrow PartnersTegan Hoffmann, Blue Earth ConsultantsRenaud GarnierMerideth Marschak, Noll & Tam

ArchitectsMatt Wadlund, Sessa + Wadlund Design

StudioSarah Nasgovitz, Stella Nonna

Gifts in Memory of…• Auguste Chardonnet

Véronique, Sean, Brian and William Jordan

• Nancy Ann Cunan “Aunt DeDe”The Dittoe-Cicero Family (Madison Estate)

• Colin HasseAnn Hasse

• Victoria A.S. MadrigalVicente Madrigal and Ann Harrison

• Richard E. McGowanKili S. McGowan and Louise McGowan

• Raymond R. OgburnMatthew and Brenda Ogburn

• Philippe Moura and Georges VitryRoberte Rountree

• Rose SchechterThomas C. Tellefsen and Myrna Walton

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“For me it is a dream come true!”

Patrice Zauret, Lower School PE teacher

Gifts in Honor of…• Claire and Luc Abboud

Peter Sidell and Mary Kay

• Lucy BirnbergThe Galinson Foundation

• David and Laura Carmany, parents of Charlotte and Eleanor CarmanyJoseph and Marianne Kuo

• Jack and Raquel ClydesdaleClaire Clydesdale

• Mr. Eaton, for making a difference in her son’s lifeCheryl Mills

• Nartan FruchtAnonymous

• Marcus LefkovitsMartin and Dorothy Lefkovits

• The Magu FamilyWilliam and Betty Nelson

• Cooper and Drake MatheneyRobin Sim

• Sara NicklèsStuart Russell and Loy Sheflott

• Margot SaulnierMichel Cohen and Josiane Saulnier

• Roxane and Vincente VayZygmunt and Maria Teodorczyk

• Natasha WadlundCarl and Carolyn Nodolf

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Annual Fund Donors by Recognition Level

The Annual Fund is EB’s top fundraising priority. Annual Fund gifts go into the school’s general operating budget and help support teacher training, financial aid, classroom technology, libraries, and athletic programs. Thank you for your gifts that benefit every student and every program.

PRESIDENT($10,000 and up)Dean Hanley and Hélène CahenJohn Rosenthal and Sally Drach

AMBASSADEUR($5,000 TO $9,999)

Frédéric and Odile CanadasThomas and Laura ClydesdaleNathalie Destandau and Gaby BrinkGoogle Gift Matching ProgramChristophe and Sharon Le DuyMichael Lukan and Laura PantaleoOlivier Marie and Lynn Van HousenAl Moore and Michelle ClinckeMark and Tracy PoffStuart Russell and Loy SheflottAnonymous (1)

CONSUL($3,000 to $ 4,999)

Paul-André Abboud and Kristen Sidell*Christopher and Anne AndersonRandy Arndt and Nicole GauthierFrançois Bertault and Qingwen Feng*BlackRock Matching Gift ProgramRob and Shannon BloemkerPatrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas

Burns*Chevron Humankind Matching Gift

ProgramSteve and Gino Coulom*Marek Fibrich and Petra Fibrichova*Christopher Harrelson and Sara

Rahimian*Michael Korcuska and Shannon

Jackson*Carl Langford and Wendy Bernstein

Niklaus Largier and Karen FeldmanJames Levine and Angela JacobsonJeffrey and Eileen Loustau*Richard and Jennifer LyonsMichael and Christina MeyerJohn and Lily PalmerDaniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van

LangMike and Katie SlemmerJon Strich and Catherine DowerEdward Sweet and Harold StevensAlan and My TrueFrédéric and Carole VaroneJean-Luc and Agnieszka VayNorman and Jennifer VillarinaTodd Vollmerhausen and Denise GlagauZachary and Stephanie WaltonWells Fargo Foundation Educational

Matching Gift Program

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2012–2013 ANNUAL FUND


Trustees......................................100%Administration and Staff ........100%Faculty.......................................... 74%Parents ......................................... 67%

Rosemary Jordan, Annual Fund Chair, and Joshua Rose, Annual Fund Vice-Chair

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We extend our heartfelt thanks to the following volunteers who helped educate their fellow parents about the Annual Fund.

ATTACHÉ($1,600 to $2,999)

Richard and Nadine AmareloApple Inc.Matt and Kate ArnoldRaul Axtle and Natalia Del PozoJulianne BalmainVivien and Stéphanie BanholzerRobert Bartlett and Victoria PlautGerald Bourne and Janice PrudhommePeter and Catrine CharronStuart and Vanessa Correa-KendallAron Cramer and Berit AshlaAndrew Davis and Alexandra Von BurgSamir Dzankic and Golriz Ghassem-

ArdebiliSean Flannery and Carolyn Rebuffel

Flannery*Doug and Lisa FontaineKenneth and Setenay FruchtEric and Emma Gimon*

Annual Fund Agents 2012–2013

Andrea Bacigalupo-LeeLucinda BazilePatrick BurnsLinda ChungHeather ClagueLaura ClydesdaleAndrew DavisCatherine DowerPascal HoffmannRosemary Jordan, ChairCatherine KellerMax KozlovSteve LevineAl MooreDoug OakleyMatt OgburnIsha RayJoshua Rose, Vice ChairPeter SecorValérie SobelStephanie Walton

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Michael Goldbach and Zahra Mahloudji*

Willie and Michelle Horn*Kevin and Rosemary JordanCasey and Catherine Keller*Max Kozlov and Tatiana Pavlova*Cem and Deniz KursunogluEdward Lee and Rhonda RighterSteve and Ann LefkovitsJitendra Malik and Isha RayGeorge Martin and Janelle NobleHenry Massie and Bridget ConnellyDerek and Marina McBreartyAli-Antoun Nakhle and Carol

Theokary*Matthew and Brenda OgburnGaret and Amy O’KeefePerforce SoftwareJamal Perry and Kate MassieErich Pfeifer and Kelly Evans-PfeiferKameshwar Poolla and Radhika RaoSteven Ramirez and Jacqueline Espinoza

David and Françoise ReesJoshua Rose and Maria Landoni de RoseTanu Sankalia and Devyani JainEric Snoey and Sophie BarbantTony Tam*Emmanuel Vuillequez and Vanessa

Chong* Anonymous (4)

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DIPLOMATE($750 to $1,599)

Steven Addis and Joanne Hom-AddisAdvent Software, Inc.Pablo Arbelaez and Roxana Yockteng

BenalcazarJavier Arizmendi and Odile Leland-

ArizmendiAlfred and Valerie BarberMark Blake and Sally StephensPhilippe Dietz and Corine MeyerAbraham and Elizabeth EstradaRobert and Alix Gade*Benjamin Gold and Pria HidisyanJeroen and Katherine Grasman* Anand and Isadora Gullov-SinghPaul Johnson and Joan SteeleJohn and Janice Kirk*Alan Korman and Christine ChaponJules and Florence KragenCécile Laurent*Robert Lee and Andrea Bacigalupo-LeeLinkedIn Matching Gifts ProgramTaslim McDonald

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 3

Board, 26%

Parents, 60%

Faculty/Staff, 3%

Alumni, 2%

Other, 9%

Joshua MeyerTom Meyer and Chandra Ganguly-

MeyerMicrosoftGregory and Monique MorrisGeorges Natsoulis and Ariane Van Der

StratenDoug Oakley and Susan CampbellAntoine PortalesGuillaume Privat and Alexandra Thusy-

Privat*Rick Richetta and Thierry DurandardAaron and Stephanie RossDavid St. Jean and Irene BloemraadManning Sutton and Hilary GoldmanThe Flora Family FoundationFrédéric Theunissen and Heather

ClaguePeter Tippet and Muriel Taton*Jeremy Townsend and Kili McGowanGlenn Valenzuela and Itziar AperribayRudolph Walter and Brigitte BastrentaChieh Wang and Linda LewYahoo!Anonymous (4)

MEMBRE(Up to $749)

AdobeAykut Akcaoglu and Maria del Pilar

ReyesJeanne AlexanderJeffrey and Andrea AppellMario and Sarah AssadiClovis and Christina AzouriWilliam and Meryl BaileyRonald and Lucinda BazileFranck and Barbara BédrossianDaniel and Valérie BishopLeslie BisnoJeremy Bled and Katherine DawsonFranck and Isabel BochatonEric and Veronique BonabeauHarold Boscovich and Hallie Von RockNicolas Bossut and Patricia Ugarte*Alexis BrandonPatrice Brault and Déborah BlockerRobert and Lillian BrewerVictor Brochard and Ellen WangDirk BrockstedtChauncey BurnettPatricia CamachoAriel Cao and Tamara DaneyAntoine Carrière and Irina Wolf

Carrière*Dorion Carroll and Michele MullerAndrea CavalloCharles Schwab FoundationMaurice CharrièreChase BankJean-François and Dominique ChauvetYves and Leilani ChauvinEnder Choo and Cheah Hui SiowMathieu CladidierThe Clorox CompanyThomas and Renee ClydeJean-Baptiste CochereauAlbert and Rosalie CohenJason Cohn and Camille Servan-

SchreiberChristopher Colebourn and Marion

TobiePatrick Corcoran and Susanna

Stromberg CorcoranBetsy CoryPatrick CoulonEmmanuel Coup

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Blake and Deanna DavisLuc De ArmeyMarc De Armey and Abeba Abraham-

DeArmeyStephen and Judy DeJesseClémence DemoncheauxClélia DonovanGabrielle DreyfusWilliam and Kathryn DumasHerve Estimbre and Caitlin CampbellJacques and Fabiola EtienneVirginie FalquerhoAndre and Andromache Fargeix*Marie FilouxJulie FordMartine FournierAmanda FoxMark Fox and Angie WangDaniel Frederick and Susan McKeehanFreeCauseFaye FruchtmanMiguel and Mayra GarciaNicolas Garcia and Yelena Lunskaya*Will GarnerAlexis Giner and Courtenay MartinAgnès GirardDouglas Gostlin and Virginie Téjéro-

GostlinAndrée GrahamTom GrayChris and Amy GreacenBenjamin Guglielmi and Véronique

LaurinMei-Lin HaMatthew and Noemie HansenWilliam Hapiuk and Bruno FazzolariWilliam and Margaret HartDon Henderson and Catherine MétayerJames and Cassiopée HettPascal and Tegan Hoffmann*Satnam and Bakhsho HundelMohammed Husseini and Dana LarsonNghi HuynhRotha IengJean-Manuel and Christine IzaretAndrew Johnson and Astrid Cruz*Michael Jonath and Sylvie Mwila JonathSean and Véronique JordanKaiser Permanente Community Giving

CampaignThierry Kanor and Michelle Fernando*Lishan KebedeDonald Kelley and Susan GetmanKaren Kelley

Naji and Hana KhabbazJan-Ulco Kluiwstra and Marie-Anne

DescalleErnest and Julianne KnellMirza and Shantell KopelmanOjars KratinsManfred and Bette KroeningChristopher Kutz and Jessica RiskinEmmanuel and Fanny LabadieColette LapeyreCarine LapicqueHannah LêSylvie Le Meur Alain and SiewLian Le RoyJason and Ludivine LehmanHayne and Kit LelandJean-Marie and Kathleen LetellierStephen Levine and Paola Laverde-

LevineTam and Mark LiljefeltBrigitte LittleTessa LoehwingLogitech Inc.Monica LopezChristopher Lyman and Kellyann

Gilson LymanDaniel Macallair and Bonnie BarkettIan MacLeod and Béatrice MorandPaul and Laura MaguDouglas MannBruno and Vanessa MarinCory Martin and Tammy BrownGeoffroy and Pascale MartinBryan Matheney and Avery Sim*

Jason and Chanté MaxeySophie MayotMatt McCarthy and Anna Kern*Aengus McGiffin and Adair LoveridgeAndrée McGiffinJohn McIntyre and Shauna Finnie

McIntyreRobert McLaughlin and Theresa Alfaro-

VelcampJohn MeliaDarko and Raza MicicDouglas and Jennifer MillikenThe Moody’s Foundation Matching

Gifts ProgramErik and Tish MooreStephen Moros and Patricia McCarthySuzanne MorrisNadine MorrisetteFilomene MorrisonFrank Morrison and Susan Vinluan-

MorrisonHuntly MorrisonDean and Lucie MosesEric Mount and Meera FoxIan Murray and Yoko OtomiRobert Nadeau and Rose Mota-NadeauFrançois and Marie-Laure NguyenBao-Long Nguyen-Trong and Anh-Thu

NguyenSara NicklèsBoris Nikolin and Rose FallMagali NothJeanne Marie OakleyJeannette Ogburn

Teachers Nathaniel Eaton, Corinne Pluche, Suzanne Morris and Mathieu Cladidier at the G8 Graduation

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Judith OkolieCharles and Marie OlsonChristopher OsbornFatiha OuadhiPaulette OveJoe ParreiraNicolas Pellerin and Nina Carbone-

PellerinSaul Pichardo and Katalin BendeCorinne PlucheJoseph PoppasDenise PowellStéphane Prunet and Anshu Prunet-

SharmaMade Putrayasa and Annette HackettJavier QuinteroXavier and Emmanuelle RagotStéphane Raingard and Stacy ChandlerLogan Ray and Omayya KanafaniGary and Lee RichterLaurent Rigobert and Ethel BrennanYann Risz and Amy Gordon-RiszMark Ritter and Bénédicte Cambon-

RitterLuis Robles Macias and Sara Rodriguez

TorrecillaEric Rocher and Lorena Gomez-BarrisDominique Roddier and Wendy Sitler-

RoddierJeffrey RodriguezRoll Giving & Paramount Community


Hannah RosenthalMatthew Ross and Phyllis GrantStergio and Hind RoubosRoberte RountreeGaël Rozan and Vanessa KahnLuis Ruiz Rodriguez and Sarah

NasgovitzMathieu and Andrea SalguesAlvaro Sanabria and Sandra GuzmanChristopher and Heather SaulnierDavid and Victoria SchumbPhilip and Michele SchurmanAnthony SiinoMichael Silpa and Jerri MariottAlistair Sinclair and Nataliya LibinaNoelle SingharathBerend Smit and Blandine Jerome-SmitJames Smith and Erica RiggsBernard Smits and Theresa NelsonLoy Smull and Anna BellezzaWilliam and Valérie SobelAndy Spear and Sarah Horwich SpearRobert and Patricia SpearVikram Sridharan and Annika Hacin

SridharanDouglas StimpsonTimothy Stokes and Heidi TaskerWilliam Stringfellow and Nathalie

Dubois-StringfellowPaul and Stephanie SullivanSharareh TavafrashtiTodd Taylor and Elaine Wang

Tom Tellefsen and Myrna WaltonChris Thomas and Dietlind LernerJamal Tuqan and Fatima OsmanUnion BankUnited Business MediaCatherine Van SickleDomonique VeasleyMarie VilleneuveMatthew Wadlund and Alexandra

Destler WadlundNoor-Rahman Wais and Awatif ChirarGordon and Berna WatsonAndrew Weber and Muriel PaulSteven Weinberg and Georganne FerrierWells Fargo BankMichael and Evelyne WestermanBrian White and Jennifer MonahanArlena WinnJoshua Wold and Silvana Bacigalupo-

WoldBo Fun Yuan and Yat Hung KotPatrice ZauretOlivier Zyngier and Jodie BergerAnonymous (16)

* Matching Gift

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• Gus BaileyAlbert and Rosalie Cohen

• Nicholas and Christian DavisAnnalisa Robles

• The EB CommunityAlan and My True

• Ivan EwersRandy and Judy Brown

• Maia and Sasha LehmanMaia Lehman

• Bodie and Jackson OakleyDoug Oakley and Susan CampbellBarbara Campbell

• Felice Massie PerryHenry Massie and Bridget Connelly

• Thomas PoppasJohn and Marianne Poppas

• Alma RayAdib and Karin Kanafani

• Theo RobbinsWarren and Patricia Zeitlin

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• Hélène GirardAgnès Girard


Mario Assadi and Sarah Marth, GreenerPrinter

Andrew DavisMartine FournierCatherine Jolivet, French For FunVéronique JordanSarah Nasgovitz, Stella NonnaKatia SabbahRodnay Zaks

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The EB Citizenship Award recognizes EB Middle School persons whose outstanding service supports, strengthens and sustains the EB community and the broader communities in which they participate.

Candidates for the Citizenship Award were nominated by students, faculty and parents at the Middle School. Out of many nominees, parent Nathalie Valette was selected as the recipient of the Citizenship Award due to her long history of committed volunteering, teamwork and community-building. She has served the school as room rep, event organizer, yearbook coordinator, and also as coordinator of the 2013 eighth grade endowment class project.

Nathalie’s name was engraved on a plaque located at the Middle School, and the alumni family who instituted this award made a $1,000 donation to EB’s Endowment in her honor.

Nathalie Valette received the Citizenship Award 2013 for her long-time volunteering


Paul-André Abboud and Kristen SidellAykut Akcaoglu and Maria del Pilar

ReyesGeoffrey and Suzanne AshtonMario Assadi and Sarah MarthRobert Bartlett and Victoria PlautJustin and Janet BartonBlackRock Matching Gift ProgramFrédéric and Odile CanadasPeter and Catrine CharronChevron Humankind Matching Gift

ProgramThomas and Renee ClydeThomas and Laura ClydesdaleStuart and Vanessa Correa-KendallSteve and Gino CoulomMurat and Sevgi DemirkolNathalie Destandau and Gaby BrinkDouglas Dove and Uma Thomas

Matthew DuncanMarek Fibrich and Petra FibrichovaDavid Gay and Olga PopovaEric and Emma GimonJai Gohel and Maureen GarveyRich Gonzales and Mary KananRandolph and Sylvaine GriffinDean Hanley and Hélène CahenGeorge and Margaret HatfieldMichael HerrintonJean-Manuel and Christine IzaretMichael Korcuska and Shannon JacksonMax Kozlov and Tatiana PavlovaJules and Florence KragenChristophe and Sharon Le DuyJames Levine and Angela JacobsonJeffrey and Eileen LoustauMichael Lukan and Laura PantaleoRichard and Jennifer LyonsPaul and Laura MaguDouglas MannOlivier Marie and Lynn Van HousenGeoffroy and Pascale MartinGeorge Martin and Janelle NobleMichael and Christina MeyerTom Meyer and Chandra Ganguly-

MeyerAl Moore and Michelle Clincke

Harry MylerBoris Nikolin and Rose FallDoug Oakley and Susan CampbellErich Pfeifer and Kelly Evans-PfeiferCorinne PlucheMark and Tracy PoffAntoine PortalesStéphane Raingard and Stacy ChandlerJaywant RaoDavid and Françoise ReesRick Richetta and Thierry DurandardYann Risz and Amy Gordon-RiszThe Robert Keeler FoundationJohn Rosenthal and Sally DrachAaron and Stephanie RossRoberte RountreeTanu Sankalia and Devyani JainAnthony and Lisa SiinoInderpal Singh and Mandeep AhluwaliaTimothy Stokes and Anya LewisJeremy Townsend and Kili McGowanEllen VaughanNorman and Jennifer VillarinaRudolph Walter and Brigitte BastrentaZachary and Stephanie WaltonMark Westover and Barbara GalliganKoonshing WongAnonymous (1)

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FIELD MITHOEFER MEMORIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDThis fund assists current families who encounter unanticipated financial difficulties. It supplements EB’s other financial aid programs.

The Robert T. Keeler Foundation


(in support of the Citizenship Award)Tanny Keeler-Hodgetts and Kent



This tradition of a class gift was instituted by an EB alumni family who wished to educate our students about their role in supporting the long-term future of EB and creating an involved alumni community.

We honor the students of the Classes of 2008 to 2013 and their parents for their generous support. Together, these six classes have contributed $64,423 to the EB endowment.

The students and families of the Class of 2013 raised a total of $10,124 for the EB Endowment Fund through a com-bination of student-based fundraising, a matching grant tied to student fundraising, and donations from families. We thank the Class of 2013 for their inspirational efforts, and hope that in the years to come they will continue to support EB and the communities in which they participate.



Christopher and Anne AndersonGerald Bourne and Janice PrudhommeEmmanuel Bridonneau and Clair

WhitmerPatrick Burns and Colleen Zardiackas

BurnsRobert Chung and Magali BarbieriDouglas Dove and Uma ThomasBassam Elias and Louise BarrettAndre and Andromache FargeixSean Flannery and Carolyn Rebuffel

FlanneryDean Hanley and Hélène CahenMatthew and Noemie HansenJean-Manuel and Christine IzaretSamuel Krueger and Catherine Vives

KruegerAlain and SiewLian Le RoySabrina MarasCory Martin and Tammy BrownGeoffroy and Pascale MartinHans and Susan NehmeDirk and Marjorie SetchkoNoelle SingharathDaniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van

LangLoy Smull and Anna BellezzaWilliam Stringfellow and Nathalie

Dubois-StringfellowNorman and Jennifer VillarinaChieh Wang and Linda LewAndrew Weber and Muriel PaulMichael and Evelyne Westerman


Lauren Baldock-WoodBrianna BourneNicholas ChauvinEmily ChungZoë DoveJulian EliasClaire FargeixAdrien HanleyLucile HendersonJean Daniel Le RoyShaye MaxeyClaudia NehmeBrandon SengpraseuthMaxim SivolellaChloé StringfellowJackson SypherNathaniel VillarinaMeredith WangChiara WeberEssi Westerman


(in support of the matching grant)Genentech Employee Giving Program

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Steve Addis and Joanne Hom-Addis Biale VineyeardsBistro Don GiovanniKirt Bomke and Paul CushingEthel BrennanGeorgeanne BrennanAnnie-May de Bresson Cedarville VineyardsChalk Hill EstatePeter and Catrine CharronTom and Renee Clyde Alain Ducasse, Benoît New York Duckhorn Vineyards Tim Duncan, Silver Oak The EB Board of Trustees Doug and Lisa FontaineFour Seasons Hotel New York Kenneth and Setenay FruchtHealdsburg Golf ClubEdward Keller, Carotte et CaviarPaul and Robin KirbyKokkari

Jules and Florence Kragen Christophe and Sharon Le Duy Edward Lee and Rhonda Righter Kermit Lynch, Kermit Lynch Wine

MerchantPaul and Laura MaguOlivier Marie and Lynn Van Housen Erik and Tish MooreOakville GroceryCharlie Palmer, Dry Creek Kitchen Papapietro Perry WineryParallel 37, the Ritz Carlton Henry and Olga Patland, Patland Estate

Vineyards Philip PolingSara Remington Melissa Rossi Katrina RozelleRomain Serman, French Consul

GeneralSojourn CellarsSt. Regis Hotel Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon Tim Stokes and Anya Lewis Wilson Winery


Steve Addis and Joanne Hom-AddisSabina AhmedChris BaileyBarParts.comBrigitte BastrentaSteve and Candice BeckKirt Bomke and Paul Cushing Anne BrandonEmmanuel BridonneauDirk Brockstedt and Marcella FassòKevin and Barbara BrownFrédéric and Odile CanadasAriel Cao and Tamara DaneyMichelle CarsonChalk HillPeter and Catrine Charron ChehalemMike Clausen and Barbara ScullionThomas and Laura ClydesdaleJason Cohn and Camille Servan-

SchreiberCornerstone CellarsPhilippe DietzDuckhorn VineyardsFarmstead Cheese and WinesMarek Fibrich and Petra FibrichovaKenneth and Setenay FruchtJoan GallagherRandolph Griffin and Sylvaine Guille-

GriffinDean Hanley and Hélène CahenJoyce HemmerJohn HersheyElizabeth HerzbergHoward and Virginia HoytEric Hughes and Priscilla WanerusAdam and Manon JohnsonKermit Lynch Wine MerchantJules and Florence KragenCem and Deniz Kursunoglu Christophe and Sharon Le DuyRobert Lee and Andrea Bacigalupo LeeJim Levine and Angela Jacobson

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Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay

From left to right: Matthew Duncan (Silver Oak Winery) and Tony Lynch (Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant) both graduated from EB in 2004, and were proud to represent their family wineries at the first Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay

This year, EB launched its first ever Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay, whose goals included expanding the reach of the auction, garnering more support from outside donors and bidders, and raising more funds! The event was a great success, raising more than $130,000 total for the students of EB. Thank you to our guests of honor, Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant and Tim Duncan of Silver Oak.

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Linked VineyardsPaul and Laura MaguAnna MaioliniColleen McMahanJoshua MeyerKaty MeyerMichael and Christina MeyerTom Meyer and Chandra Ganguly-

MeyerAl Moore and Michele ClinckeMichael Morris and Gina BrunoMatt and Brenda OgburnDoug Oakley and Sue CampbellDonna OldagPatland Estate VineyardsGloria PolanskiPomar Junction WineryCarolyn RebuffelPatty ReedDavid and Françoise ReesTali ReicherRick Richetta and Thierry DurandardKarma Roberts Luis Robles Macias and Sara Rodriguez

TorrecillaCatherine RonnebergJohn Rosenthal and Sally DrachChris Rynders and Tara RighettiTanu Sankalia and Devyani JainJulien and Jennifer SchreyerPeter Secor and Anna ArbitDavid and Dianelys SerpDaniel Sivolella and Jacqueline Van

LangAndy Spear and Sarah Horwich SpearWilliam Stringfellow and Nathalie

Dubois-StringfellowTateDog WineryPeter Tippet and Muriel TatonTopel WineryKavi VadnaisPedro Valdeolmillos and Valérie LavoyerGlenn Valenzuela and Itziar ApperibaySteven and Soyeba VerhaverbekePeter Vollhardt and Marie-José SatMark Westover and Barbara GalliganWindward Vineyard





Alamo Square Seafood GrillAlign Chiropractic Center Alliance Française de BerkeleyAlma Acupuncture L’Ardoise BistroAsian Art MuseumAt Home with BaystoneVivien BanholzerKim Beer Benefit CosmeticsBerkeley IronworksBette’s Oceanview Diner Blue Jay CafeBody Mind & SpiritMicheline BogeyBooks Inc.Boss Robot HobbyEmmanuel BridonneauCafé RougeCalifornia Great AmericaCalifornia RevelsCalifornia Shakespeare Theatre California State Railroad Museum CaminoCamp GalileoCarolyn Rebuffel DesignsCBS 5 – KPIXPeter and Catrine Charron Chez PanisseChildren’s Discovery Museum

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Catrine Charron, Chair of the Wine Auction Soirée of the East Bay


• Cornerstone Cellars• Duckhorn Vineyards• iNapaWine• Roederer Estate• Silver Oak

David and Françoise Rees

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Ender ChooSuzanne ChristensenThe Claremont Resort, Club, and SpaTom and Renee ClydeThomas and Laura Clydesdale Christopher ColebournCollector Art ShopPatrick Coulon and Sylvie Le MeurSevgi Demirkol, Antioche SoapsDMA OrganizingDuckhorn Wine CompanyDutton Estate Winery Eagle Eye WineryEast Bay NurseryErica TanovJacques and Fabiola EtienneMarek Fibrich and Petra FibrichovaFine Arts Museums of San Francisco Amanda FoxThe French ClassSetenay FruchtGamine French BistrotGary DankoGirls on the Go CampGlobal ExchangeKarine GlorieuxGolden Key Piano SchoolAmy Gordon-RiszDouglas GostlinGustafson Family VineyardsHalleck VineyardHidden Star OrchardsHipline

Jack Hyde Soccer CampJoshua Ets-Hokin PhotographyIsabelle Gérard Skin CareFolkmanis Inc.Kinetic Arts CenterPaul and Robin KirbyKiss That FrogThe Kleid Design GroupJules and Florence KragenLa BedaineLa FableDana LarsonLawrence Hall of ScienceLegolandLaurie Leiber Jim Levine and Angela Jacobson Lindsay Wildlife MuseumPaul and Laura Magu Marketta WineryCathy Martinod Suzanne McNeillMichelle MebineLa MéditerranéeMichael Merrill Design StudioKaya MindlinDorothée Mitrani-Bell, La Note/Café

ClemJennifer MonahanMonkey Business Camp

Mount Tehama WineryBoris Nikolin and Rose FallMagali Noth Oakland Athletics Baseball Company ODC Dance CommonsPacific Coast Brewing CompanyPalace HotelPavé Fine JewelryPenman Photographic ArtistsPicante Marirose PiciuccoPiedmont Healing Arts Center Mark and Tracy Poff Pomar Junction Vineyard & WineryOlga PopovaPowell’s Sweet ShoppePresidio Bowling Center Pump it UpIsha RayDavid and Françoise ReesMaria del Pilar ReyesRhythm and Motion Dance Rick Richetta and Thierry DurandardRichmond Country ClubGary and Lee Richter, Holistic

Veterinary CareTara RighettiRiva CucinaHannah Robbins

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Roughing It Day CampRoyal Jamaica Coffee Company Christopher Saulnier, 900 GraysonScandia Family CenterEric Schumacher Photography Scrapbook TerritorySemifreddi’s BakerySmall Batch StudioSoi 4 Bangkok EateryThe Stanford Inn by the SeaStella Nonna Stroller Spa East BaySubpar Miniature GolfSupper Club San FranciscoSusie CakesTalavera CeramicsTéanceThe Tech Museum of InnovationTherapy StoresTrace Treehouse Green GiftsEllen Wang Laura Truffaut-WongOlivia WilliamsAriel WittmanWood TavernXL AirwaysZachary’s Chicago Pizza

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 3


Frédéric and Odile CanadasMike Clausen and Barbara ScullionGeorge and Sheri ClydeRobert Lee and Andrea Bacigalupo-LeeMichael Lukan and Laura PantaleoDouglas MannRick Richetta and Thierry DurandardJohn Rosenthal and Sally DrachMichael Silpa and Jerri MariottPeter Secor and Anna ArbitTim Stokes and Anya LewisRudy Walter and Brigitte Bastrenta


AcmeBerkeley BowlBravo SportCountry CheeseFabrique DélicesFast Imaging CenterLa FarineMichael LukanSemifreddi’s BakeryTrumpet Vine CateringVicolo PizzaVigneron Imports

Vendors at La Place du Marché Zumba was in the air at La Place du Marché

EB parent band, Crisis, rocked out at the Marché!

World Celebrations

Please Note: Every effort has been made to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions. If, however, your name was in some way listed incorrectly or omitted, please accept our sincere apologies. At a convenient time, please notify Véronique Jordan at the EB Advancement Office at (510) 549-3895, extension 319 so that our records can be corrected.

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Auguste ChardonnetClass of 2008

Nov. 10, 1994–Aug. 14, 2013


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Marvin BennDec. 13, 1939–Jan. 1, 2013

Father of Nathalie Benn, Class of 2009

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Mark your calendarsAlumni Reunion December 19, 20136:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at EB

Alumni 21+ Reunion January 7, 20146:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m. at thePyramid Brewery in Berkeley

Wine Auction Soirée ofThe East Bay May 3, 2014The Claremont HotelLa Place du Marché June 1, 2014

Printed on 100% recycled paper, 50%

post-consumer content, processed chlorine-free paper

Tel: (510) 549-3867

Alumni UpdatesPlease send your news to Véronique Jordan

at [email protected] us on facebook and LinkedIn



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