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Ebenezer Baptist Church

TIPSDaniel Fast Friendly Restaurants

• Chipotle• Q’doba• Subway• Applebee’s• P.F. Changs• Taco Bell• Ruby Tuesday• Penn Station• Starbucks

You may visit the above restaurants but you must be mindful of the ingredients in the items you select. Please follow the guidelines be-low:

• Fast Friendly Foods• Only fruits and vegetables• Only water and natural 100% juices• No sweeteners• No bread• No meat• No dairy• Grab a “Battle Buddy” for accountability• Pray and have devotional time daily

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Quick Tomato SauceThis is an easy recipe for homemade tomato sauce that you can use as a base for vegeta-ble casseroles, over 100% whole wheat pasta, or over brown rice.

• 2 TBSP olive oil• 1 medium yellow onion (chopped)• 2 cans diced tomatoesI14.5 oz) (or fresh)• 1/4 cilantro, finely chopped

Saute onions in heated oil over medium heat, cooking until soft. Add tomatoes (including juice) and pepper and sea salt. Simmer un-til slightly thickened, about 10 mins. Add cilan-tro and simmer for 5-10 more minutes.

Herb-Roasted Idaho Potato Fries• 1 lb sml baking potatoes (cut crosswise or dice)• 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil• 1/2 tsp dried thyme• 1/2 tsp dried rosemary• 1/4 tsp sea salt

Preheat oven to 425°. Coat a heavy baking sheet with cooking spray. In a cup, mix the oil and dry ingredients. Pour over potato and toss to mix well. Spread the potatoes on the sheet and bake, stirring 2 or 3 times. Bake about 25 minutes.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

No Chicken White Chili• 2 pks Mccormick white chicken seasoning• 2 cans Bush’s Great Northern Beans• 1 can Hunts Fire Roasted Tomatoes• 1 1/2 c water

Bring all to boil over med-low heat, reduce heat, simmer 10 mins. Enjoy!

Submitted by: Mariann Dillon

Apple Blueberry Oatmeal Cereal• 2 Sweet apples• 1 c rolled oats• 1 c blueberries• 1 c almonds• 1 c apple juice

Cook the oats as directed on box. Chop or grind the almonds, chop the apples and combine. Add the blueberries

Black Bean Soup

Combine black beans, vegetable broth, crushed garlic, large chopped onion, 1 jar of all natural salsa, chopped jalapeno, chopped Cilantro. Com-bine all ingredients and enjoy. Amount of broth de-pends on how chunky you like your soup.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook


• Mix nuts or nuts of your choice• Raisins

Mix together and enjoy for a snack!

Nutbutter and ApplesChoice of nutbutter(please read ingredients and make sure it’s not made with any sugar)

ApplesSlice apples and enjoy with some nutbutter!

Tortilla Chips & Salsa• Whole grain tortilla chips• 1 jar salsa

Wheat Penne & Mix Veggies

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Black Bean & Brown Rice Stuff Peppers• 1 qt 100% vegetable or tomato juice• 2 cups cooked black beans• 1 c cooked brown rice• 2 med green onions (chopped)• 1 c fresh cilantro (chopped)• 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil• 2 tbsp. lime juice• 1 clove garlic (finely chopped)

2-3 large bell peppers (cut in half lengthwise and deseeded)

Combine all ingredients except juice and bell peppers in bowl and mix well. Place peppers in glass dish and stuff with mixture. Pour juice over peppers and plenty of excess in the dish. Cover and bake in oven on 350 de-grees for 45-60 minutes.

Spicy Green Beans• 2 TSB vegetable oil• 1 pound green beans, trimmed• 1/4 tsp sea salt• 3 cloves garlic, minced• 1/4—1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

Heat oil in frying pan or wok over medium high heat. Add trimmed green beans and sea salt. Cook, stirring frequently for 3 mins. Stir in garlic and red pepper flakes, cook for 1 more minute.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Broccoli & Coleslaw Salad• 1 Bag of coleslaw mix• 1 Bag of fresh broccoli• Olive Oil• Vinegar• Raisins• Sunflower seeds

Combine all ingredients with a desirable amount of your choice. Chil at least an hour prior to serving. Enjoy!

Wraps• Whole grain Tortilla wraps• Beans or refried beans• Salsa• Lettuce

Roll beans, salsa and lettuce in the wraps and enjoy!

Kale Chips• 1 bunch of kale• 1 teaspoon sea salt• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a non in-sulated cookie sheet with parchment paper. With a knife or kitchen shears carefully re-move the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash & thoroughly dry kale. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprin-kle with sea salt, Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 –15 minutes.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Popcorn• 1/4 c unpopped popping corn kernels• 1 brown lunch bag

Place corn kernels in lunch bag. Fold at end 2=3 times. Place in mi-crowave on High for 2-3 minutes, until kernels stop popping. More of the kernels will pop with repeated refills as the bag gets hotter. Just leave the unpopped kernels in the bag for the next serving.Or Pop in hot air popper

Celery and Peanut butter snacksStuff celery with peanut butter(made with peanuts and sea salt only) and add nuts or raisins

Smoothie• Pineapples(frozen or fresh)• Bananas• Strawberries(frozen or fresh)• Other fresh or frozen fruit of your choice• Unsweetened Almond Milk• Ice (2 –3 cubes)• (Optional: fresh or frozen spinach, frozen berries

Blend a desirable amount of fruit, milk and ice. Enjoy!Submitted by: Mariann Dillon

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

DRESSINGSCreamy Green Dressing

• 1 med. Ripe avocado, peeled and pitted• 1 c distilled water• 3 TBSP fresh lemon juice• 1 c almonds, soaked overnight and drained• 1 tsp, garlic powder• 1 tsp, onion powder or flakes• Sea Salt

Blend all ingredients until smooth

Pesto Dressing• 4 small garlic cloves, peeled• 2 2/3 c tightly packed fresh basil leaves• 1/3 c pine nuts• 1/3 c cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil• Sea Salt

Place all ingredients in food processor except oil and process until chopped fine. With the machine running, slowly add oil through the feed tube. Continue to process until smooth.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Herb Vinaigrette• 1/3 c fresh lemon juice• 1 tsp dried basil (if using fresh, use twice as much• 1 tsp dried oregano• 1 tsp sea salt• 1 tsp dry mustard (optional)• 1 c fresh Italian parsley, minced• 1 c olive oil• 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced

Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake.

Italian Dressing• 1 c olive oil• 1 c fresh lemon juice• 1-2 garlic cloves, peeled• 1 tsp whole grain mustard seed (optional)• 1 c distilled water• 1 green onion, chopped• Dash Cayenne

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Remove from blender and add 2 tsp. Italian seasoning or 1 tsp. oregano and 1 tsp basis. Mix well.

French Dressing• 1 c olive oil• 1/3 c fresh lemon juice• 1 TBSP paprika• 1 c salt free tomato puree• 1 TBSP onion powder• 1 tsp garlic powder• Sea Salt

Blend on high for 30 seconds.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Blue Apple-Nut Oatmeal• (Serves 2)• 1-1/2 cups water• 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon• 1/4 c old fashion rolled oats• 2 tablespoon dried currants (or raisins)• 1 c fresh or frozen blueberries• 1 banana (sliced)• 1 Apple, peeled, cored and chopped or grated• 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

In a saucepan, combine the water, cinnamon, oats, and currants. Simmer until the oatmeal is creamy. Add the blueberries and ba-nana. Cook for 5 minutes, or until hot, stirring con-stantly. Mix in the apples and nuts.

(This oatmeal does not require additional sugar, it is sweet enough. However, if you need a little more sweet-ness use a small amount of unsweetened apple sauce.)

This recipe courtesy of:Joel Fuhrman, M.D. From his book entitled “Eat to Live”Submitted by: Cheryl Adams

Breakfast OatsOats—cook according to directionsAdd fruit(strawberries, bananas, our your choice. Add walnuts and raisins. Enjoy a breakfast meal.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad• 1 lb Roma Tomatoes, chopped• 1 cucumber sliced• 1/2 medium red onion, sliced• 2 avocados, diced• 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil• 2 Tbsp lemon juice• 1/4 c (1/2 bunch) cilantro, chopped• 1 tsp sea salt• 1/8 tsp black pepper

Place chopped tomatoes, sliced cucumber , sliced red onion, diced avocado, and chopped cilantro into large salad bowl. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp olive oil & 2 Tbsp lemon juice. Toss gently to combine. Just before serving, toss with sea salt and pepper.

Apple Cucumber Salad• 2 red apples, chopped• 2 cucumbers, chopped• 1/4 c Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing

Place chopped apples and chopped cucumbers in a salad bowl. Driz-zle with Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette. Toss to combine.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Hot Water Cornbread• White or Yellow cornmeal• Hot water

Stir cornmeal and water very well. Pat out in-dividually into patties and fry on both sides in olive oil.

Rice and Lentils• 1 c brown rice• 1/2 c of lentils• 1 tsp sea salt• 2 cups water or vegetable broth

Cook rice. The rest of the ingredients go in crock pot for five hours on high.

Vegetable Soup and Navy Beans• 1 c puree spinach• 1 c puree green beans• 1 can navy beans rinsed and drained• 1 tsp sea salt• 1 c water or vegetable broth• Put all ingredients in crock pot for four hours on medium.• Mashed pinto beans on whole grain taco shells• 1 can pinto beans rinsed and drained• 1 TBSP of raisins• 1 tsp sea salt

Cook pinto beans and raisins in crock pot for four hours. Blend in blender or mash with fork until soft. Serve with whole grain soft taco shells.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Homemade Fried Breakfast Potatoes• Salted water (for boiling potatoes)• 4 red potatoes• 3 TBSP olive oil, divided• 1 yellow onion, chopped• 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped• 1 tsp sea salt• 3/4 tsp paprika• 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper• 1/4 c chopped fresh Italian parsley

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add pota-toes and cook until just tender, about 15 minutes (be careful not to over cook). Drain, cook, and cut into 1/2-inch cubes.

Heat 1 TBSP olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and green pepper; cook until soft, stirring often, about 5 min-utes. Transfer to a plate, and set aside.

Heat remaining 2 TBSP of oil in the same skillet over medium-high heat. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika, and black pepper. Cook until potatoes are browned, stirring often, about 10 minutes.

Add onions, green peppers, and parsley; cook for another minute or until all I ingredients are well heated.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Homemade Vegetable Stock(This flavorful stock can be used as the base for many dishes. Freeze in ice cube trays for later use; or refrigerate in a tightly closed con-tainer for up to 2 days)

• 2 medium onions• 2 TBSP light olive oil• 2 leeks, well rinsed• 3 ribs celery, cut into 1-inch pieces• 8 cups cold water• 6 medium carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces• 1 turnip, peeled, cut into chunks (optional)• 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed• 4 sprigs parsley• 1 tsp dried thyme leaves, crushed• 1/4 tsp ground black pepper• 2 bay leaves

Trim tops and roots from onions, leaving most of the dried outer skin intact; cut into wedges.

Heat oil in a stockpot or 5-quart Dutch Oven over medium heat un-til hot. Add onions, leeks and celery; cook and stir 5-minutes or until vegetables are limp but not brown. Add water, carrots, turnip if us-ing, garlic, parsley, thyme, pepper and bay leaves. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cool slightly and strain through a large sieve or colander to remove vegetables and herbs. Press vegetables lightly with slotted spoon to remove excess liquid; discard vegetables. Makes about 7 cups of stock.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

Tomato-Stuffed Avocados Recipe• 2 plum tomatoes, seeded and chopped juice• 3/4 c thinly sliced red onion, quartered• 1 tsp julienned fresh basil leaves• 1/2 sea salt• 1/4 tsp pepper• 2 med ripe avocados, halved and pitted• 2 tsp lime juice

In a large bowl, gently toss the tomatoes, onion, basil, salt & pepper. Spoon into avocado halves; drizzle with lime juice.

Southwest Rice and Corn Salad with Lemon Dressing

• 1 c brown rice• 1/4 c fresh lemon• 4 TBSP olive oil, divided• 1 1/2 c fresh corn kernels (cut from 2 ear) or• frozen, thawed• 1 c chopped fresh poblano chiles or green• bell pepper• 1/2 c thinly sliced green onions• 1/2 c chopped cilantro

Cook rice until just tender, 12—15 mins. Drain & rinse in cold water. Drain again.

Meanwhile, whisk lemon juice and 3 TBS oil in small bowl. Season dress-ing to taste with sea salt & pepper.

Heat 1 TBS oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add corn, pobla-nos, yellow bell pepper, & zucchini. Sprinkle with sea salt & pepper. Saute’ until vegetables are just tender, 6 to 7 minutes; scrape into large bowl. Add rice, avocado, green onions, cilantro, and dressing, toss to coat. Season with sea salt and pepper.

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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

Roasted Broccoli with Lemon• 4 cups broccoli florets n juice• 1 TBSP extra-virgin olive• 1/4 tsp sea salt, or to taste• Freshly ground pepper• Lemon wedges

Preheat oven to 450°F. Toss broccoli with oil, salt & pepper. Place on a large baking sheet (not air-insulated) and roast until the broccoli is tender and blackened on the bottom, 10 to 12 mins. Serve Immedi-ately, with lemon wedges.

Green Salad with Walnut Dressing• 2 cups baby spinach leaves• 1/2 cups lightly packed parsley leaves• 1/3 c lightly packed fresh dill• 1/4 c walnut or olive oil• 2 TBSP vegetable broth• 4 tsp apple cider vinegar• 1/4 tsp sea salt• 1/8 tsp ground black pepper• 8 cups mixed salad greens, torn in bite-sized pieces• 1/4 c walnuts, chopped for garnish

Place the spinach , parsley, dill, oil, broth, vine-gar, salt, and pepper in a blender or food proces-sor. Process until the dressing is smooth and slightly thickened (you may need to scrape the sides once or twice while processing). Place the mixed salad greens in a large bowl and drizzle the dressing over the top and toss. Use this bowl to serve or transfer to individual serving dished. Sprinkle with chopped wal-nuts & serve.

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Ebenezer Baptist Church

THREE CARROTS: The city’s only completely vegan restaurant. Made to order and grab-and-go options available but serves popular items like seitan gyros, buffalo mac and country-fried seitan

EZRA’S ENLIGHTENED CAFÉ: Features many vegan options as it specializes in raw, plant-based foods

VITALITY BOWLS: Offers a wide variety of acai bowls, smoothies and juices

TWENTY TAP: Try vegan appetizers like edamame or veggie buffalo wings and order the vegan bahn mi sandwich for dinner.

PUBLIC GREENS: Clearly marked vegan dishes like grilled cabbage and fried polenta

THE GARDEN TABLE: Menu serves acai bowls, vegetarian salads, soups and drinks

MIMI BLUE MEATBALLS: Specializes in meat but has vegan veggie balls and side options for vegans

DUOS KITCHEN: Offers marked vegetarian items like the baked tofu sandwich, veggie burger and quinoa croquette

SHOEFLY PUBLIC HOUSE: Has vegetarian and vegan salads. Also serves a vegan “no-meatloaf ”

THE SINKING SHIP: You’ll find seitan BBQ wings, vegan chili, and vegan burgers

3 SISTERS CAFÉ: Multiple vegan items marked on their breakfast, lunch and dinner menus

317 BURGER: Offers a vegan veggie burger and deep-fried zucchini sandwich

ABYSSINIA ETHIOPIAN RESTAURANT: A variety of vegetarian and vegan soups and entrees

BAZBEAUX: Vegetarian and vegan salads along with vegan and gluten-free crust pizzas.


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Taste of Ebenezer Cookbook

YARD HOUSE: Offers an entire separate vegetarian and vegan menu

BROAD RIPPLE BREW PUB: Offers separate vegetarian and vegan menu with other vegan specials

FLATWATER RESTAURANT: Serves several vegan options including: Korean lettuce wraps with grilled seitan, seitan tacos, rice noodle salad and grilled veggies.

DIVVY: Vegan plates are specifically marked and include squash tots, soft pretzel bites, edamame hummus, vegetable bisque and more

CAFÉ PATACHOU: Vegan items marked on menu

FRESHII (inside the Fashion Mall at Keystone): Offers great variety of vegan bowls, burritos, salads and wraps

THE MELLOW MUSHROOM: Has vegan options including its signature “Herb” Veggie Burger made from quinoa, kale, brown rice and roasted mushrooms.

SEASONS 52: Offers a separate vegan and vegetarian menu, including the Vegetarian Tasting, a variety of vegetarian items on a single dish

Websites for More Recipes

