ebenezer united methodist church · *going forth “benedictus” gordan young *please stand, as...

Ebenezer United Methodist Church March 24, 2019 Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. Welcome Ministers: 8:30 Jean and Christine Harlan 11:00 Dennis and Nancy Williams Greeters: 8:30 Adele Madden and Kristin Moser 11:00 Phil and Shirley Gardner Ushers: 8:30 Curtis Reedy and Rick Guretsky 11:00 John Humphreys and Don Grimes Worship Leaders: 8:30 Kathy Zinn 11:00 Deb August Acolyte: 8:30 Olivia Ormsby 11:00 Ellen Helojoki Communion Servers 8:30 Jean and Christine Harlan 11:00 Paul and Beth Manchester Flowers today are presented to the Glory of God and In Loving Memory of Loved Ones Presented by Delia Irwin

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Page 1: Ebenezer United Methodist Church · *GOING FORTH “Benedictus” Gordan Young *please stand, as you are able UMH: The United Methodist Hymnal (red) TFWS: The Faith We Sing (black)

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

March 24, 2019

Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a

Stephen Ministry Congregation.

Welcome Ministers: 8:30 Jean and Christine Harlan 11:00 Dennis and Nancy Williams Greeters: 8:30 Adele Madden and Kristin Moser 11:00 Phil and Shirley Gardner Ushers: 8:30 Curtis Reedy and Rick Guretsky

11:00 John Humphreys and Don Grimes

Worship Leaders: 8:30 Kathy Zinn 11:00 Deb August Acolyte: 8:30 Olivia Ormsby 11:00 Ellen Helojoki Communion Servers 8:30 Jean and Christine Harlan 11:00 Paul and Beth Manchester

Flowers today are presented to the Glory of God and

In Loving Memory of Loved Ones

Presented by Delia Irwin

Page 2: Ebenezer United Methodist Church · *GOING FORTH “Benedictus” Gordan Young *please stand, as you are able UMH: The United Methodist Hymnal (red) TFWS: The Faith We Sing (black)


THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT With All Your Heart: Repenting

“Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near;

let the wicked forsake their way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the LORD, that he may have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:6-7

Sunday, March 24, 2019 ______ 8:30 & 11:00 AM GATHERING Greeting & Announcements

Kindly sign our pew registers and pass to your neighbor. If you are visiting with us today, please sign your name and USPS or e-mail address

as we would like to acknowledge you being with us today.

CENTERING MUSIC “Ah, Holy Jesus” Cruger/Ferguson

*CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive)

Welcome to the fabulous feast that God has prepared! We come hungry, thirsty, and searching for God.

God is near, full of power and glory. We are here to be fed by God’s word.

It is never too late to turn to God! Let us turn to God, that God may have mercy on us!

For God will pardon our sins and cleanse us of our transgressions.

We will praise God for the new life we have found!

*PRAISE HYMN (UMH 124) “Seek the Lord” alt. tune EBENEZER

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) We seek you in your word, O God,

as though we are searching for water in a dry and weary land.

By the power of your Holy Spirit, may this word be to us a rich feast,

satisfying the soul. Then with our mouths, we will praise you;

and with our lips we will bless you, our Host and our Hope.


This is the word of the LORD. Thanks be to God.

MUSIC MINISTRY (8:30) “Lamb of God” Paris/Courtney

Chancel Choir

(11:00) “Beautiful Hands” Haldor Lillenas Delia Irwin, soloist

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(8:30) Children K – 3rd grade may leave for Kids Own Worship in Goodley Helms Hall.

MESSAGE Rev. Mary H. Browne

PRAYER SONG (UMH 375) “There is a Balm in Gilead” BALM IN GILEAD


INVITATION Christ our LORD invites to his table all who love him,

who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another.

Therefore, let us confess our sin before God and one another.


we confess that we have grown complacent in our response to you.

You set before us a rich feast of blessing, but we are drawn to lesser things that cannot satisfy.

You call us to attend to urgent needs in the world, but we indulge in our own desires.

Our ways are not your ways; our thoughts do not ascend to your thoughts.

Forgive us when we fall short of your claim upon our lives.

Disturb our complacency and quicken our desire for a more fruitful life.

Be patient, we pray, as we amend who we are, in the hope of becoming who you intend us to be.

We ask this in the name of our Savior, your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


God’s love is sure and steadfast, always providing a way out,

a way through, a way back to God.

Through Christ Jesus, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God.


God makes peace within us. Let us claim it. God makes peace between us. Let us share it.

Let us greet another as a sign of God’s peace. The peace of the LORD be with you. And also with you.

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OFFERING PRAYER (unison) As we enjoy the rich feast you have provided,

we know that there are those who want for food and drink. Multiply the tithes and offerings we share today,

that they may bless those in need. May the spiritual nourishment we receive today

strengthen us for continued service in your name. Amen.

OFFERTORY 8:30 “And Can it Be?” Dan Forrest

Chancel Choir

11:00 (UMH 393) “Spirit of the Living God” LIVING GOD

*PRESENTATION OF GIFTS (UMH 97) “For the Fruits of This Creation”

alt. tune:AR HYD NOS

*THE GREAT THANKSGIVING (UMH 20-22) Schubert/Proulx


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


*SHARING THE BREAD AND CUP (TFWS 2254) “In Remembrance of Me” RED

*PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING (unison) God of wilderness and Promised Land,

in days of want and in days of plenty you have been with us.

By these gifts we have brought,

may others know of your providence and care. Send us—not only our tithes and offerings,

but our very selves— to console and comfort, to lift up and reach out,

to listen and sit beside your children everywhere at the one Table you have set;

through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.


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Turn to the Lord, for God is good. We have found new life in Christ!

Repent of your sins and find God's forgiveness. We have found new life in Christ!

Go forth as new creatures, ready to serve and quick to love.

We have found new life in Christ!

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.


*GOING FORTH “Benedictus” Gordan Young

*please stand, as you are able

UMH: The United Methodist Hymnal (red)

TFWS: The Faith We Sing (black)

††This Order of Worship is subject to the direction of the Holy Spirit. ††

UMCOR Sunday is next week, March 31. There will be envelopes in the bulletins in which you

may place your gift to this UM Special Sunday offering; there are also designated envelopes in

your box of giving envelopes, or you can give online at ebenezerumcnewark.org.

Lectionary Scriptures for the 4th Sunday in Lent, March 31, 2019: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Lamb of God

Your only Son, no sin to hide, but You have sent Him from Your side To walk upon this guilty sod and to become the Lamb of God

Your Gift of Love they crucified. They laughed and scorned Him as He died.

The humble King they named a fraud and sacrificed the Lamb of God.

O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, I love the holy Lamb of God.

O wash me in Your precious blood, My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

I was so lost, I should have died, but You have brought me to Your side To be led by Your staff and rod and to be called a Lamb of God.

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Our Prayers

In an effort to list all prayer requests each will appear for 4 weeks as indicated by

the number of + after the name

Please pray for all Law Enforcement Officers.

Please continue to remember all who serve our country in the military,

especially pray for those represented from our congregation.

Missionaries We Support: Matt & Erin Reinders (Unalaska UMC)

Joy & Robert Vargas (Paraguay)

Sue Givens (Paraguay)

Jacquea Akasa Umembudi (Congo)

Valentine Shutsha (Congo)

Catherine & Andy Kellogg

Luke Baccino +++

Mary Bowers + Lori Brown +++ Damien

Brian Fulton Jr.++ Donna Guretsky Wallace Hudson +

Fran Lewis + Jeffrey Lucht Mabel Madden + Alina Rose Oswalt + Capt. Davis Oswalt + Virginia Parker Curtis Reedy +

John Stapleford +++ Geoffrey Steggell ++ Donna Turner ++ Helen Vible +++ Xavier

Ongoing Concerns Joshua August Leta Bachman Barbara Donald Bogert Roy Brown

Freida Crossan Ruth Dore Tom Fort, Jr Dot Godwin Kristin Howard & Louise Pierce Denise Reedy Haley Richart Zach Trexler Josh Vible Alex Wiant

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Altar Flowers: As many of you may know, altar flowers can be dedicated “in memory of” or

“in honor of” a family member or friend on any Sunday of the year. The dedication appears in the Sunday bulletin of your chosen Sunday. If you wish to make an altar flower dedication

($40/Sunday), please contact Carol in the church office at 731-9495. Thank you!

Adult Sunday School Classes at Ebenezer, classes start at 9:45am. Faith Class Lounge “In the Dust of the Rabbi” by Ray Vander Laan

“F.I.S.H” Room 204 “The New Testament You Never Knew” The “Hill Toppers” Room with a view “A Life Well Lived: Discovering the Rewards

of an Obedient Heart”

Confirmation Class! Please remember our Confirmation Class

with your cards and notes. It means so much to them. No need to for postage, just bring them to church on Sundays. You can give them to

Elaine Williams or leave them in the office or Education Mail Box. This

year's confirmands are: Jack Bowdoin: 6/13/05, Olivia Ormsby: 2/10/05 and Haden Helojoki: 8/19/05. Thanking you ahead of time.


Upcoming Special Services April 13th Easter Egg Hunt 9:00am

April 14th Palm Sunday 8:30am 11:00am April 17th Seder Meal 6:30pm

April 18th Holy Thursday 12:00 noon 7:00pm April 19th Good Friday 12:00 noon Cross Walk 7:00pm Tenebrae Service

April 21st Easter 6:30am 8:30am 11:00am

Easter Egg Hunt: April 13th 9-11am 9:00-9:30 Arts and Crafts Tables

9:30-9:45 Children’s Chapel Time (Megan and Mike)

9:45- 10:00 Break out in Groups Groups Birth- 3(playground)

4-6(prayer garden)

7 and up (Field) 10:30 Prize Claim and Jelly Bean Jar

Ways you can help- donations of goodies to fill the eggs can be placed in the donation box in

the narthex and treats for the refreshment table can be dropped off in the kitchen any time prior to the egg hunt.

If you'd like to volunteer to help the day of the event, please contact Megan Jones.

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Beginning with the June issue, we will be offering electronic delivery of The Highlighter, if you

prefer that method to receiving a paper copy in the mail. If so, please send your e-mail address to the church office ([email protected]). You must opt-in for each

family member for electronic delivery or you will continue to receive a paper copy of The Highlighter in the mail.

“AND I RISE UP” Young Adult Summit

March 29-31 Hyatt Place Oceanfront, Ocean City, MD

The Peninsula-Delaware Conference Vision Team presents the 2019 Young Adult Summit, open to every

adult ages 18-35. Get ready for an exciting weekend in the Spirit of the Lord! This year’s YAS will feature 3

terrific workshop presenters, passionate worship, and time to make connections and build

relationships with other young adults in our annual conference.

Registration brochure is available at pen-del.org; online registration is encouraged (deadline is March 1). For questions, contact Rev. Carlos Reyes, [email protected] or Rev. Lester

Justice, [email protected].

“Rise up and shine, for your light has come.

The shining-greatness of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

Please save your frosting containers

for a VBS craft.

We will need about 100 of these by June.



God’s Grace Group Jr. (K-5th grade) is working on a mission-focused project for the 1st part of

the year. Between January 27 & April 28, they are collecting supplies for the UMCOR School Kit; donated items may be placed in the round red tub in the narthex. After April 28

they will assemble the school kits and deliver them to The HUB at Christiana UMC.

Here are the items needed for the kits:

Blunt scissors (round tip; no plastic blades) 24 count crayons Loose-leaf paper (100 – 200 sheet packs) 6 unsharpened pencils

Hand-held pencil sharpener (1 inch or longer) 12 in./30 cm. ruler 2 in. or large lump eraser 2 gal. re-sealable bags

1 subject notebook (no marbled composition books)

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KIDS NIGHT OUT! Calling all Kids!!!! Calling All Kids!!! Want to

come and have a play date at Church!

Fun, Games, Movie Night!

Come Party with your friends!

Let Your Parents go and enjoy a yucky Romantic evening!

Where: Ebenezer UMC; in the Christian Life Center

When: Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday, May 18, 2019 5:30 pm – 9:00pm

Ages: 2 – 12 Cost: Free

Have your kids wear their PJ’s and bring a pillow and blanket for the movie night.

***Please pack a yummy dinner or snack for your child.

We will provide water only due to allergies. ****

Movie: TBD Donations to Benefit Ebenezer Youth Group Appreciated

If you have questions, please contact Megan Jones, Youth Pastor Ebenezer UMC.

[email protected]

(302)740- 8836

Easter Lilly orders must be received by March 31st!!

Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30pm

in our Christian Life Center Led by Mark Dayan of Congregation Beth Yeshua, Philadelphia.

Meats and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share

Questions please call 302-731-9495

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On Sunday, April 7th the

Matsiko World Orphan

Choir will join us at Ebenezer for

worship and a concert. This 23-member children and youth choir tours

throughout the world sharing their story, joy and exuberance in praise of

God. They will worship with us at the 8:30am and 11am services.

A short concert will take place between services at 10:15am – 10:45am.

In addition to presenting their music for worship, they will also have a

display of their handmade crafts.

They will need overnight housing for Sunday and Monday nights. Please contact church office

if you are interested in being a host.

*Hosts must be able to pick up and drop off the children and chaperones at a predetermined central location on time each day. They also must be prepared to provide

breakfast and a sack lunch for all of their guests each day.

*Each host family needs to be able and willing to house 3-5 people (1 adult and 2-4 children). We ask that no child share a bed OR room with any individual other than

their choir teammates. Team members sharing beds (double or larger), sleeping on blow up air mattresses, or sleeping on the floor with a pillow and blankets is acceptable. No child will

be placed in a house without an ICN Staff Member.

*Children are not permitted to ride in automobiles with a driver under the age of 21.

Each child must have their own seatbelt.

We have 16 girls, 7 boys, ages 10-18, 5 adult males and

4 adult females who require hosts.

I have a lot more information that can be shared if you are interested in being a host

household. Please contact church office to express your interest.

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On the Calendar

Sun 03/24 3rd Sunday in Lent

8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School

9:45am Lenten Bible Study -- Library 11:00am Worship Service

3:00pm Millcroft Ministries

3:00pm G3 -- CLC & Youth Room 4:15pm Youth Singers -- Sanctuary

Mon 03/25 9:00am Preschool Chapel -- GHH 12:30pm Staff Meeting -- Workroom

5:30pm Slim Sculpt Class -- CLC 5:45pm GS Troop 672 -- GHH

7:15pm 2x4 Square Dance Classes -- CLC Tues 03/26 9:00am Preschool Chapel -- GHH

9:55am Lenten Bible Study Group -- Room 204 10:00am Preschool Music -- GHH

11:30am AA Meeting -- Room 204 7:00pm Missions Committee -- Room 204

Wed 03/27 9:30am Preschool Music -- GHH 10:00am Hope Dining Room

10:00am AA Meeting -- Room 204

11:00am Intercessory Prayer – Pastor’s Office 5:30pm Slim Sculpt Class -- CLC

6:00pm Preschool Open House -- Preschool 7:00pm Finance Committee -- GHH

7:00pm Good Chimes -- Music Room 7:15pm 2x4 Square Dance Class – CLC

7:30pm Al Anon -- Room 224 Thurs 03/28 9:15am BSFT -- GHH & Classrooms

9:45am TLC -- CLC 10:00am Visual Arts

6:00pm BSA50 -- CLC 6:45pm NA -- GHH & Old Kitchen

6:45pm Lenten Bible Study -- Room 204 7:30pm Chancel Choir -- Sanctuary & Music Room

Fri 03/29 12:30pm Grief Share -- Room 204

8:00pm 2 x 4 Square Dancing -- CLC Sat 03/30 5:30pm Kids Night Out / Youth Group Lock In

9:30pm NA Meeting – GHH & Old Kitchen

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Looking Ahead!

STAY CONNECTED THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA! Website: www.EbenezerUMCNewark.org and Facebook: Ebenezer UMC Newark. If you have information about an event which you would like featured on the website, please contact Lori Brown [email protected], or Rick Browne at [email protected].

All our members, ministers Rev. Mary H. Browne, Senior Pastor contact @ [email protected]

Robert Rudolph, Music Director contact @ [email protected]

Calvin Keeler, Sr., Minister of Visitation Megan Burns, Preschool Director

Megan & Mike Jones, Youth Ministry Carol Coney, Administrative Assistant

Jackie Scott, Facilities Manager Church email:[email protected]

Phone: 302-731-9495

Sun 03/31 4th Sunday in Lent 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School 9:45am Lenten Bible Study -- Library 11:00am Worship Service 3:00pm G3 -- CLC & Youth Room

4:15pm Youth Singers -- Sanctuary Mon 04/01 9:00am Preschool Chapel -- GHH 11:30am Social Senior Club -- GHH 5:30pm Slim Sculpt Class -- CLC 7:15pm 2x4 Square Dance Classes -- CLC Tues 04/02 9:00am Preschool Chapel -- GHH 9:55am Lenten Bible Study Group -- Room 204 10:00am Preschool Music -- GHH 11:30am AA Meeting -- Room 204 12:30pm UMW Exec. Board -- Room 211 7:00pm SPRC -- Room 204 Wed 04/03 9:30am Preschool Music -- GHH

10:00am AA Meeting -- Room 204 11:00am Intercessory Prayer – Pastor’s Office 5:30pm Slim Sculpt Class -- CLC 7:00pm Good Chimes -- Music Room 7:15pm 2x4 Square Dance Class – CLC 7:30pm Al Anon -- Room 224 Thurs 04/04 9:15am BSFT -- GHH & Classrooms 9:45am TLC -- CLC 10:00am Visual Arts 6:00pm BSA50 -- CLC 6:30pm Health & Wellness Meeting -- Workroom 6:45pm NA -- GHH & Old Kitchen

6:45pm Lenten Bible Study -- Room 204 7:30pm Chancel Choir -- Sanctuary & Music Room Fri 04/05 12:30pm Grief Share -- Room 204 8:00pm 2 x 4 Square Dancing -- CLC Sat 04/06 9:30pm NA Meeting – GHH & Old Kitchen