eberhard o. voit georgia techtemplate file with basic commands (see file aaatemplate) start with...

Eberhard O. Voit Georgia Tech Copyright: António E.N. Ferreira 2001-2012 An Introduction to

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Page 1: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Eberhard O. Voit Georgia Tech

Copyright: António E.N. Ferreira 2001-2012

An Introduction to

Page 2: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Open File

Cut Copy Paste

Solve Steady State

Save File

Typical Windows Stuff Will be Your File Name

Download PLAS and Create Shortcut

Start by clicking Shortcut button to PLAS

Page 3: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Definition of Differential Equations Definition of Initial Values Definition of Parameters


Title Comments Transformations “Show only” Option

Sometimes Mandatory

Definition of Independent Variables

Components of a PLAS File

Page 4: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Arguments of functions in brackets

“Taboo” names: They must not be changed

Show z only!

Template File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate)

Start with AAATemplate, save under another name

Statements starting with // are comments

Page 5: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Typical File Options

Typical Edit Options

Steady State Run

Solver Settings

Arrangement of Windows

Much is explained here!

Your File Name with Path

Typical Options

Page 6: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Because of this command, only z is shown

Progress of solution is shown; often it is too fast to see

0 25 50




A First Dynamic Solution: Click

Page 7: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Under Results specify Phase Plot 2D

Because of this new command, x and y are shown (need to run the program again, before x and y show up)

0 2 4






Phase Plane Plot

Page 8: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

“Tiled” windows

Display Options

Page 9: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Results can be selected and

right-click copied

Copied with

right-click “Copy”

Display Options for Comparison

Page 10: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Internal PLAS Representation; Useful for Debugging

Page 11: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

z not listed, since it is a transformation Oscillations

Select and right-click

to copy

Display of Steady-State Features ( )


Page 12: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Select and right-click

to copy

Hide insignificant


Display of Variable Sensitivities

Page 13: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Comparative Simulation Studies

Save under a new name

Page 14: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Specify ‘Merge from file’

to import saved graph

Comparative Simulation Studies (Cont’d)

Page 15: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

X 1

X 11

X 4

X 6

X 5

X 2

X 3

X 8

X 9

X 10

X 7


Phosphorylase a




Phosphoglucose isomerase






Independent Variables

Example: Initial Steps of Glycolysis and Glycogenolysis*

X .

1 = 0.077884314 X 4 0.66 X 6

− 1.062708258 X 1

1.53 X 2 -0.59 X 7

X .

2 = 0. 585012402 X 1 0.95 X 2

-0.41 X 5 0.32 X 7

0.62 X 10 0.38

− 7.93456 × 10 -4 X 2 3.97 X 3

-3.06 X 8

X .

3 = 7.93456 × 10 -4 X 2 3.97 X 3

-3.06 X 8 − 1.05880847 X 3 0.3 X 9

GMA Model

* Cascante and Torres (unpublished); see details and references in: Voit, E.O.: Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Page 16: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

A Model of the First Steps of Glycolysis (Cascante and Torres)

X1' = .077884314 X4^0.66 X6 - 1.062708258 X1^1.53 X2^(-0.59) X7 X2' = .585012402 X1^0.95 X2^-0.41 X5^0.32 X7^0.62 X10^0.38 - >>

>> p X2^3.97 X3^(-3.06) X8 X3' = p X2^3.97 X3^(-3.06) X8 - 1.05880847 X3^0.3 X9

X1 = .067 X2 = .465 X3 = .15 X4= 10 X5= 5 X6= 3 X7= 40 X8= 136 X9= 2.86 X10 = 4

p= .000793456

&& X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10

V7 = .077884314 X4^0.66 X6

V1 = 1.05880847 X3^0.3 X9 V5 = .038706421 X2^(-0.1) X5^.84 X10

t0 = 0 tf = .1 hr = 0.1

!! x y z

Independent variables; made explicit for

log gain computation

Use Symbol Instead of Number

Continuation Symbol

Define to report dynamics of these fluxes

PLAS File for Example

Page 17: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Sensitivity Analysis for Example

Page 18: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10








Independent Variables






ic G


Pick up Data from PLAS Import into Excel Create 3D Bar Graph

Import into PowerPoint

Representation of Sensitivities in Excel and PowerPoint

Page 19: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Dynamics: Blue Sky Catastrophe

(see Chapter 2)

Page 20: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Nice, stable oscillations!

Use of LSODA Solver for Stiff or Non-Power-Law Systems

Switch to LSODA Method

Test responses to changes in A;

start with 0.264


Page 21: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

A is Changed By under 1% !


Dynamics is Extremely Sensitive to Changes in Parameter A


Page 22: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Dynamics is Extremely Sensitive to Changes in Initial Values

Page 23: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Dynamics is Extremely Sensitive to Changes in Initial Values (Cont’d)

Page 24: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Chaotic Dynamics is Extremely Sensitive (cont’d)


Page 25: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

Need both to compute phase plane plot

Phase-Plane Plot of Chaotic System

Under Results Specify Phase Plot 2D


Page 26: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities

!! x y t

Pseudo-3D Plot of the Chaotic System

Create explicit variable for time (scaled)

Page 27: Eberhard O. Voit Georgia TechTemplate File with Basic Commands (see File AAATemplate) Start with AAATemplate, ... Create 3D Bar Graph . Import into PowerPoint . Representation of Sensitivities


Pseudo-3D Plot of the Chaotic System

Under Results Specify Phase Plot 3D