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EBI Track 200 TI21 Audio Frequency Track Circuit Technical Manual M125401A4 Scope: This manual covers non-electrified and double rail traction return applications. Single rail traction return applications are covered separately. Issue 4: October 2011

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EBI Track 200 TI21 Audio Frequency Track Circuit

Technical Manual


Scope: This manual covers non-electrified and double rail traction return applications. Single rail traction return applications

are covered separately.

Issue 4: October 2011

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(ii) M125401A4

Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Amendment Record

Issue Date

From To Details 0p1 1 First release – ECR12490 July 2006

1 2 Digital Rx added. Ref to Single Rail Application Manual added. ECR6-1757 refers.

February 2008

2 3 Update to close issues arising from Digital Rx Safety Case. ECR6-

2606 refers.

October 2008

3 4 General update to reflect current practice. ECR6-26113. October 2011

Bombardier Transportation Estover Close Estover Plymouth PL6 7PU Tel : +44 1752 725000 Fax : +44 1752 725001 Email: [email protected] This document and its contents are the property of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. This document contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction, distribution, utilisation or the communication of this document or any part thereof, without express authorisation is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages.

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M125401A4 (iii) Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

2011 Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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(iv) M125401A4

Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


This manual describes the operation and application of the Bombardier EBI Track 200 TI21

Audio Frequency track circuit equipment. Companion reference documents are:

• Single Rail Manual M580000626A4.

• Application Notes

These are referenced in section 1.6.


If there is concern that the parameters specified in this handbook cannot be met for a particular

intended installation, please contact the manufacturer. It may still be possible to apply EBI

Track 200 by specifying alternative combinations of operating parameters by providing the

manufacturer with full information regarding the intended installation, who may be able to

specify modification to the parameters. Some extreme combinations may require additional

safety and monitoring measures, of which the manufacturer will advise. Note that any

deviations from this manual must be approved by the relevant rail authority before putting into


If deviations from this manual are proposed, it is a condition that the manufacturer has a

representative in attendance (for which it reserves the right to make a call-out charge to the


In no other circumstances but those described above will the manufacturer accept liability for

any adverse consequences arising from the operation of the EBI Track 200 Track Circuit.


The equipment label on each item of EBI Track 200 equipment contains a panel of numbers

that is used to indicate the modification status or MOD STRIKE number (1,2,3,etc.) of that

item of equipment. The modification panel, identified as M/S, for an unmodified piece of

equipment is depicted below:

All 10 numbers are unmarked which indicates that the unit has not been modified and is at


An item of equipment which has been subject to modification number one, it has the number 1

'struck out', this may be done either by scratching/stamping a diagonal line across the number 1

square or by deleting the number one with a black permanent marker pen. At each additional

modification, the next number in sequence will be 'struck out', the last struck out number gives

the MOD STRIKE status, e.g. if numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are struck out, that item of equipment

would be at MOD STRIKE 6 status

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10





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Please send to [email protected]


The abbreviations listed below are commonly used in this handbook.

A, amps Ampere

ac, AC Alternating Current

BRB British Rail Board

CMD Condition Monitoring Display

dc, DC Direct Current

EBI Track 200 TI21 EBI Track 200 TI21 Audio Frequency Track Circuit

ETU End Termination Unit

IRJ Insulated Rail Joint

LMU(Tx) Line matching Unit, Transmitter End

LMU(TU) Line matching Unit, TU/ETU End

RX, Rx Receiver

SPETU Surge protected ETU. In this manual, the term ETU also

applies to SPETU

TCU Track Coupling Unit

TI21, TI 21 Audio Frequency Track Circuit Style TI21 (former brand name)

TTM TI21 Track Circuit Meter

TX, Tx Transmitter

TU Tuning Unit

V Volt

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(vi) M125401A4

Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


Page no.

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1-1

2. EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 2-1

3. TRACK CIRCUIT AND TI UNIT TECHNICAL DATA ................................ 3-1

4. TRACK CIRCUIT DESIGNER’S GUIDE ...................................................... 4-1

5. SETTING-UP AND COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ............................... 5-1

6. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................. 6-1

7. EQUIPMENT ORDERING INFORMATION ................................................. 7-1

8. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION AND DRAWINGS ............................ 8-1

9. TI21 TX/RX EQUIPMENT RECORD CARD ................................................ 9-1


B. APPENDIX B, MANUAL CHANGE HISTORY ............................................ B-1

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Section 1 Introduction

M125401A4 1-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 2

1.1 Safety Requirements .................................................................... 2

1.1.1 Competence of Staff .................................................................... 2

1.2 General ........................................................................................ 2

1.3 Track Circuit Separation............................................................... 3

1.3.1 General ........................................................................................ 3

1.3.2 Track Circuit Electrical Separation Joint ...................................... 3

1.3.3 Use Of End Termination Units ..................................................... 5

1.4 Traction Return Current And Equipotential Bonding .................... 6

1.5 ‘Single Rail’ Track Circuits Using Track Coupling Units ............... 6

1.6 Additional Reference Material ...................................................... 7

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Section 1 Introduction

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The EBI Track 200 TI21 Audio Frequency Track Circuit must be installed and operated within

the parameters specified in this handbook.

• Safety related applications conditions are given at the beginning of section 4.

• Specific Safety Requirements are given in:

o Section 2.6

o Section 4.1

o Section 4.3.4

o Section 4.3.7

o Section 5.2

o Section 5.3

o Section 5.4

o Section 5.6

o Section 6.1.4

o Section 6.3

o Section 6.6

1.1.1 Competence of Staff

Bombardier recommend that staff responsible for commissioning and maintenance of

EBI Track 200 track circuits are able to demonstrate their competence as follows:

• EBI Track 200 training course certificate

• Manual handling course certificate

• Staff working on operational LMUs must be competent to work on voltages higher

than 50V since voltages on LMU connections can reach 140V under fault conditions.

It is further recommended that access to set-up keys is restricted to trained personnel.


The TI Track Circuit Style 21 is of the jointless type designed for AC or DC electrified areas

where high levels of interference (arising principally from 50 Hz harmonics) may be present.

The equipment is classified as universal since it meets the onerous immunity requirements of

all traction systems and the needs of all known track circuits.

EBI Track 200 TI21 track circuits employ eight audio frequencies in the range of 1549 Hz to

2593 Hz, the nominal frequencies are usually referred to by letter, i.e. frequencies A, B, C, D,

E, F, G and H. The equipment for the eight nominal frequencies are used as four pairs - A/B,

C/D, E/F, and G/H. One pair is used per track and the frequencies are alternated, e.g.

'frequency A' track circuit, then 'frequency B' track circuit, then 'frequency A' track circuit, and

so on. Further details of frequency allocation are given in section 4.2.2.

A block diagram of a basic track circuit is shown in Figure 1.2.






Track Relay110 / 220 VAC





Track Relay110 / 220 VAC

Track Circuit Frequency F2 Track Circuit

Frequency F1

Track Circuit

Frequency F1


20m 20m

50m to 1100m

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Section 1 Introduction

M125401A4 1-3 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Basic Track Circuit (1435mm gauge) Fig. 1.2

Standard BR miniature line relays or their equivalent are directly operated by the receiver. It is

not necessary to use low powered, high percentage release relays with small contact stacks, or

AC immune relays.

The TI receiver has an inbuilt delayed pick-up response that obviates the need for "slow to

pick-up" relays. The transmitters and receivers are arranged for standard BR relay rack


The track circuit may be configured so as to cater for all types of traction current return



1.3.1 General

The track circuit is of the 'jointless' type, electrical separation of adjacent track circuits is

accomplished by tuning the inductance of 20 metres of track, using two track tuning units.

The ideal properties of a separation joint are as follows:

(1) That it embodies a minimum crossover length where one circuit begins and another one


(2) That a minimum signal is fed in the reverse direction through the joint.

(3) That failure of any element of the joint is detected.

1.3.2 Track Circuit Electrical Separation Joint

The electrical properties of the separation joint will be discussed with reference to the circuit

diagram drawing (Figure 1.3.2a) which is a diagram of an electrical separation joint

comprising two tuning units.

Earth Screen










To Receiver(or Transmitter if inLow Power Mode)

Earth Screen

To Transmitter (forNormal Power Mode)










(Between 2m & 10m Depending on Ballast Conditions)

Overlap Shunting Zone

20 metres for

1435 (nominal) Track Gauge


Track Circuit Frequency 'B'Track Circuit Frequency 'A'


To Receiver(or Transmitter if inLow Power Mode)

To Transmitter (forNormal Power Mode)

Electrical Separation Joint Fig. 1.3.2a

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Each electrical separation joint is associated with two track circuit frequencies, the diagram

shows one 'A' frequency track circuit and one 'B' frequency track circuit. 'A' for transmission

to or from the left, 'B' for transmission to or from the right. Depending on application the joint

may be associated with (i) one transmitter and one receiver, (ii) two transmitters or (iii) two


Each track tuning unit presents a low impedance to one of the frequencies present in the joint,

e.g. tuning unit frequency 'A' will present a low impedance, via LA and C

2A to the 'B' frequency

signal, whilst tuning unit frequency 'B' via LB and C

2B presents a low impedance to the 'A'

frequency signal, so the transmission of the frequencies is terminated at the low impedances.

The inductance of the rails between the two track tuning units is tuned to a high impedance for

both the frequencies present by means of the net capacitive reactances in the tuning units. The

track tuning unit frequency 'B' tunes the rails to 'B' frequency whilst the tuning unit frequency

'A' tunes the rails to 'A' frequency to give directional tuning, with consequent directional

transmission or reception. The following equivalent circuit diagrams (Figure 1.3.2b) show the

directional tuning effect.

Inductance providedby 20m of rail

Loss provided by20m of rail

Inductance providedby 20m of rail

Loss provided by20m of rail

Output Impedance

Signal providedby Transmitter

Track Tuning UnitFrequency 'A'

Track Tuning UnitFrequency 'B'

Track Tuning UnitFrequency 'A'

Track Tuning UnitFrequency 'B'

Output Impedance(approx. 1Ω)

Signal providedby Transmitter

Frequency 'A' Equivalent Electrical Circuit

Frequency 'B' Equivalent Electrical Circuit

(approx. 1Ω)

Equivalent Circuits Fig. 1.3.2b

The voltages appearing in the direction of transmission or reception depend in part upon the

losses in the tuned circuits, most of which will be in the rails themselves. The voltage

appearing across the low impedance, LA, C

2A or L

B, C

2B (Fig. 1.3.2a) will be determined by the

losses in these components alone. For a particular frequency, there is a ratio between the

voltage across the tuning unit of that frequency and the voltage across its companion tuning

unit; the ratios for each frequency and for various TX/RX arrangements are given in Table


The low impedance circuits in the tuning units also serve the very important function of

shorting the rail-to-rail traction harmonic voltages at the track circuit frequencies. Thus the

track circuit frequency component of rail-to-rail traction voltage is kept low enough to avoid

swamping the receiver as swamping the receiver can de-energise the relay when the track

circuit is clear.

The transmitter output and the receiver input provide a low impedance load to the track circuit

which is necessary for correct tuning of the tuned area. On the tuning unit, receivers are

always connected to terminals 1 and 2. For normal power mode (track circuit lengths of 200 to

1100 metres) the transmitter is connected to terminals 4 and 5, whilst for low power mode

(track circuits of 50 to 250 metres long) the transmitter is connected to terminals 1 and 2.

Within the tuned area there exists an overlap zone. This is a region where both track circuits

will be de-energised by a shunt. The specified shunt value will de-energise both track circuits

at the centre of the tuned area, and the shunt value required to drop each track circuit will

reduce to zero as the shunt position moves away from that track circuit’s pole tuning unit.

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The length of the overlap zone will depend upon several factors including the drop shunt set

for each of the track circuits, ballast conditions and the shunt value. It will generally be

between 2m and 10m.

The typical variation in the shunt value required to drop the track circuit within the separation

joint is indicated in Figure 1.3.2c.

1.0 ΩΩΩΩ1.0 ΩΩΩΩ

0 5m 10m 15m 20m

0.3 ΩΩΩΩ












The shunt resistance required in the tuned area falls as the shunt position is moved further into the separation joint from the circuit concerned. The graphs show the relative shunt value requiredcompared to 1Ω at the feed or receive tuning unit track terminations for a 1435mm gauge track.

0.3 ΩΩΩΩ

Shunt Value within Separation Joint Fig. 1.3.2c

NOTE: It has been found that the effect of the EBI Track 200 signal coupling into

concrete steel reinforcing or DC stray current gathering systems can have a

significant effect on overlaps.

The specific effect on any individual tuned area is dependant on positioning of

the tuned area with respect to the concrete decking, and overlaps may be biased

toward one end or the other of the tuned area. There will however always be an

overlap area where both track circuits are dropped by a zero ohm shunt, and the

overlap will normally include the centre of the tuned area.

1.3.3 Use Of End Termination Units

The End Termination Unit is a self-contained tuned circuit for applications where the track

circuit isolation using the electrical separation joint is not required. Such applications are:

(a) end feed, or end receive, adjacent to insulated rail joints or,

(b) centre feed arrangements.

The End Termination Unit employs the same housing as the standard tuning unit, and also the

same terminations:

Output to track on T1 and T2;

Input from transmitter on terminals 4 and 5 for normal power;

Output to receiver on terminals 1 and 2;

Terminal 3 is the earth screen.

For low power mode the transmitter output is connected to terminals 1 and 2.

A surge protected version of the ETU (SPETU) exists for use railways usinjg the DC 3rd


system where high voltage transients can be generated by shorts between the 3rd

rail and the

running rail. This product, and its applications, are fully described in the Single Rail Manual,


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Traction bonding is the practice of connecting the running rails to the traction substation and to

each other to provide a return path for the traction current. It also includes the connection of

exposed metal structures that are part of the traction supply system to the running rail for

safety reasons.

The EBI Track 200 track circuit has been designed to give safe and reliable operation in both

AC and DC electrified territory, and with all known types of locomotive. EBI Track 200 can

be used in both single and multiple track territory with traction current return arrangements as

recommended below.

AC: EBI Track 200 can be used with either single or double rail traction return

arrangements, although double rail traction return is recommended to minimise the

effects of traction interference and optimise availability.

DC: Double rail traction return is preferred in DC electrified areas due to the higher

currents found in the lower voltage systems.

Examples of traction return bonding are given in Section. 4.


In some areas, where the track layout is complicated and adjacent tracks are in close proximity,

it may not be physically possible to position TUs or ETUs at the trackside because of the

limited space available. Using the track circuit in ‘single rail’ mode may solve this problem.

This ‘single rail’ operation is achieved by using Track Coupling Units (TCUs) instead of

Tuning Units. The tuned area is replaced by an insulated block joint in one running rail.

The track circuit functions like the conventional AC track Circuit, i.e. you can have only one

Receiver per track circuit and since the traction bonding is done through transverse bonding,

the traction return current flows only through one rail and thus reducing the number of

Impedance Bonds required.

The TCUs are located in the apparatus cases or equipment room, and are connected to the

track using 2.5mm2 twisted pair cables. The total cable length between the track and the two

TCUs can be up to 200 metres (See section

A typical single rail track circuit is depicted in Figure 1.5. Full details of the Single Rail

application are given in the Single Rail Manual, M580000626A4.

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M125401A4 1-7 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

1 metremax.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

220 VAC


1 metremax.

Track Circuit Frequency F2Track CircuitFrequency F1





Track Relay






Track Relay



Basic Track Circuit with Track Coupling Units Fig. 1.5


The following application notes are available to provide additional information on specialist


IS580001109A4 TI21 Track Circuits, Guidance Notes for Traction Bonding

TR580011786A4 EBI Track 200 TI21 Track Coupling Unit Circuit Review. Contains

rationale for earthing strategy

IS580001448A4 Operation With Concrete Slab Track With Steel Reinforcing Or Iron

Lined Tunnels

IS580014943A4 EBI Track 200 TI21, Summary of Fusing and Surge arrestor


IS580018381A4 Application Note: Maximum Transmitter and Receiver Feed Lengths

When Using LMUs

IS580012852A4 Information Sheet – EBI Track Track Circuit Condition Monitoring

M580000626A4 EBI Track 200 Audio Frequency Track Circuit Style Single Rail


M580036853A4 EBI Track Audio Frequency Track Circuit, PC Application Users

Manual, Customer Version.

M6/6/118951 TTM Operating Instructions

M6/6/122940 SIT Operating Instructions

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Section 1 Introduction

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Section 2 Equipment

M125401A4 2-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


2. EQUIPMENT ................................................................................ 2

2.1 Transmitter ................................................................................... 2

2.2 Receiver ....................................................................................... 3

2.3 Tuning Unit (TU) and End Termination Unit (ETU) ...................... 4

2.4 Track Coupling Unit (TCU) ........................................................... 4

2.5 Line Matching Unit (LMU) ............................................................ 4

2.6 Power Supplies ............................................................................ 5

2.6.1 24v dc Power Supply .................................................................... 5

2.7 B3 4000 / 3000 Impedance Bond ................................................. 6

2.8 Test Equipment ............................................................................ 6

2.8.1 TI21 Test Meter (TTM) ................................................................. 6

2.8.2 Rocoil Current Transducer ........................................................... 6

2.8.3 TI21 Shunt Box ............................................................................ 6

2.8.4 Sleeper Insulation Tester (SIT) .................................................... 7

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A block diagram of the transmitter is shown in Figure 2.1. The carrier is produced by direct

digital synthesis (DDS). This entails sampling the level of a digital representation of a sine

wave, stored in a PROM, at the appropriate rate to produce an output of the required

frequency. The sample rate is changed between that appropriate for the low sideband and that

for the high sideband at a frequency of 4.8Hz, thus producing the correct modulation of the

output carrier.

'MOD' Input


OSC. 1(32MHz)


USBStep Size 18



Delta-SigmaD to AConverter





OSC. 2(4MHz)


LSBStep Size






AnalogPowerRegulator / Gate

OutputFilter To


Within ASIC


Transmitter Block Diagram Fig. 2.1

The ‘MOD’ input on the front panel allows the internal 4.8Hz modulation to be overridden. If

‘MOD’ is tied to N24 then the output will be continuously at the Low Sideband, if it is tied to

B24, then the output will be continuously at the High Sideband.

Separate crystal oscillators and divider chains are used to generate the correct sampling rate

for each the low and high sidebands, this is so that drift in one oscillator will only affect the

frequency of one sideband. This would produce an output which does not correspond to any

valid EBI Track 200 signal, so could not become a potential source of false feed to another

track circuit.

It is important, in order to provide good output regulation and avoid unacceptable increases in

output power, that a good quality sine wave is produced by the DDS signal generator. One

potential danger in this respect is that certain data or address lines, if failed permanently low or

high, could result in the PROM output being closer to a square wave at the carrier frequency,

and cause large output increases. It is not possible to avoid this failure mechanism completely,

but it is possible to ensure that, if such a failure happens, it will only affect one sideband in this

way, and probably corrupt the other sideband to make the overall output invalid.

To avoid the possibility of the output changing to something approaching a square wave at the

carrier frequency, at least for both sidebands, both the PROM address and data lines are

inverted for the upper sideband. Tests have shown that no data or address line failing low or

high causes an increase in overall energy to the track, and in many cases makes the track easier

to shunt.

Samples read out of the PROM are converted into analogue levels using a Delta-Sigma, or one

bit, D to A converter, and then fed to the power regulator, which compensates for variation in

the unit’s supply voltage (B24). The Delta-Sigma converter does not use a voltage reference,

its output switches between the supply rail and ground at a high frequency, and is filtered to

produce the analogue output required. The regulator output is gated by a circuit which will not

pass the signal if the converter supply voltage is more than a small percentage away from its

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Section 2 Equipment

M125401A4 2-3 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

correct value. In this way the failure mode of an increase in amplitude into the regulator,

causing an increase in overall output power, is avoided.

In addition to the transmitter function, the unit contains Health Monitoring circuitry which

enables the operation of the unit to be monitored. Output is by means of three Green / Red /

Yellow LEDs on the front panel. A green LED indicates OK, red indicates a fault and yellow

has a special meaning as defined below. The LEDs are grouped as follows:

• Top LED: External power supply – turns red if the input supply is too high or low.

• Centre LED: Internal functionality – turns red if the sideband frequencies, the

modulation frequency or the output pulse widths are out of specification, or the output

drive stage stops switching.

• Bottom LED: External load condition – turns red if the load current on the output is

too high. This indicates that either the external output wiring is short circuit, or that

the output stage is short circuit.

Transmitters are frequency dependant, i.e. there is a Transmitter for each TI frequency, i.e. A,

B, C, D, E, F, G and H


A block diagram of the receiver is shown in Figure 2.2. The signal from the track tuning unit

is fed to the Front-End block which incorporates an input transformer to isolate the receiver

circuit from the tuning unit. The signal is converted to digital format (ADC block) and then

filtered by the DSP stage to recover the two sidebands. The sidebands are then demodulated

and evaluated to ensure that upper asnd lower sideband signals are present in anti-phase to

each other and above the detection threshold (supplied by the Auto-Set block). If the

evaluation is true continuously for more than two seconds , the track clear indication output is

set to TRUE.

Receiver Block Diagram Fig. 2.2

Key Features

• A common Receiver unit is assigned to one of the eight EBI Track 200 frequencies by

means of the configuration key.

• The Auto-Set feature simplifies the track set-up procedure and front end circuit by

eliminating the requirement for sensitivity-setting straps.

• Condition monitoring and diagnostic information is available via a four character

display and as isolated serial data on a 9-way ‘D-type’ connector.

• The Track Clear output is an isolated relay drive signal.

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A Tuning Unit is used to couple energy into a track circuit which is terminated by an electrical

separation joint (tuned area). Tuning units are frequency specific, i.e. there is a TU for each of

the EBI Track 200 operating frequencies, i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The design utilises

only passive components, no power is required for a TU at the trackside.

An End Termination Unit is used to couple energy into a track where there is no tuned area, it

achieves this by emulating the characteristics of a tuned area. ETUs are generally used in the

following situations:

• Centre-fed applications

• At the end of a EBI Track 200 track circuit which adjoins a non-TI track circuit

• At the end of a EBI Track 200 track circuit which adjoins non-track circuited territory

• At the end of a EBI Track 200 track circuit which adjoins another EBI Track 200

track circuit where there is insufficient room for a tuned area (so insulated block

joints are used), such as in points or crossings

• At the end of a EBI Track 200 track circuit which adjoins another EBI Track 200

track circuit, but of a different frequency pair (insulated block joints must be used)

TUs and ETUs are frequency dependant, i.e. there is a TU and an ETU for each TI frequency,

i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.

A Surge Protected End Termination Unit (SPETU) has been developed for applications where

fault conditions could impose traction voltages across the running rails which would then cause

damage to an unprotected ETU. Such fault conditions can be produced by third rail DC traction

systems when a short circuit fault develops between the third rail and one of the running rails.

The SPETU is identical in function to a standard ETU as described above except that it contains

10A fuses in series with its rail terminals and a surge arrestor in parallel. .

SPETUs are frequency dependant, i.e. there is an SPETU for each frequency, i.e. A, B, C, D,

E, F, G and H. SPETUs and their application are fully described in the Single Rail Manual,



The Track Coupling Unit is used to couple energy into a track where:

• it is not convenient to mount units on or beside the rails


• the maximum track circuit lengths do not exceed 200m


• the Transmit end TCU-to-rail distance plus the Receive end TCU-to-rail distance is not

more than 200m.

These conditions typically arise in siding and depot areas.

TCUs are frequency specific, i.e. there is a TCU for each of the EBI Track 200 operating

frequencies A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. TCUs and their application are fully described in the

Single Rail Manual, M580000626A4


The Line Matching Unit allows the distance between the TX and its TU / ETU to be extended

to up to 500 metres; the maximum track circuit length is restricted to 970m. The LMU consists

of two units :

• Line Matching Unit (TX) - fitted next to its associated EBI Track 200 transmitter,

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• Line Matching Unit (TU) - fitted adjacent to the associated tuning unit.

LMUs are not frequency dependant, i.e. the same LMU(Tx) or LMU(TU) can be used with

any of the EBI Track 200 operating frequencies A to H



SAFETY REQUIREMENT The requirements on power supply loading in section 4.3.7 must be

observed to guarantee safe operation of EBI Track 200 track circuits.


The Power Supply is specially designed to be compatible with EBI Track 200 Transmitters and

Receivers and AC input voltages of 110V 50 or 60Hz. It has the same physical dimensions,

and occupies 2½ relay spaces when rack mounted. Two versions are available, one for

110VAC, and one for 220VAC.

The power supply will run two transmitters or a combination of transmitters and receivers

drawing a maximum load current of 4.4A. It’s output is in the range of 22.5VDC to 30.5VDC.

One power supply unit should not be arranged to feed a transmitter and receiver of the same


A strap adjustment is provided to ensure adequate regulation for two ranges of load:

(1) 0.25 Amps to 2.2 Amps.

(2) 2.2 Amps to 4.4 Amps.

A 3 Amp anti-surge fuse must be used on the AC input to the power supply to prevent nuisance

blowing due to inrush current at switch on. A suitable fuse is specified in section 7.

The circuit for the power supply is shown in Figure 2.6.1.







WAGO 5mmPluggable 8-Way.Male Panel Mount

































D4 D2


















WAGO 5mm Pluggable 8-Way.Female Cable to Male Straight PCB







WAGO 7.5mmPluggable 9-Way.Male 90Deg PCB



















Green Red (not used)

Power Supply Circuit Diagram Fig. 2.6.1

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Confidential and proprietary.

Note: A green LED indication is provided to show that the 24V DC output is

energised. It does not indicate that the DC output is within specification since it

turns on when the output is above 5V.

2.7 B3 4000 / 3000 IMPEDANCE BOND

The B3 4000A impedance bond is a ferrite-cored, tuned impedance bond. The B3 4000A is

designed to operate at up to 4000A traction return current in AC and DC electrified areas;

where the areas are fitted with EBI Track 200 traction immune track circuits.

The basic bond can be fitted with one of eight tuning modules (capacitor boxes) so that it can

be re-tuned to any of the eight EBI Track 200 operating frequencies.


Impedance Bond Equivalent Circuit Fig. 2.7

A variant of this impedance bond, the B3 3000A, utilises a different arrangement for

terminating the tuning module to the bond coil. This version is intended for the UK market



2.8.1 TI21 Test Meter (TTM)

The TI21 Test Meter is designed to measure voltage levels within the individual EBI Track

200 frequency bands. It enables readings of track circuit parameters to be taken without

corruption from other track circuit signals or interference at non-EBI track 200 frequencies,

e.g. 50 Hz traction return currents. In particular it permits the voltage on a "zero" tuning unit to

be measured at one particular frequency without any disconnections being necessary.

Its use is recommended for use when working on EBI Track 200 track circuits so as to obtain

accurate measurements with minimum disruption of adjacent track circuits, see section 5.

Operating instructions for the TTM are given in M6/6/118951.

2.8.2 Rocoil Current Transducer

The Rocoil current transducer is designed to connect to the TTM to provide a means of

measuring rail currents non-intrusively. The TTM / Rocoil combination is a versatile aid to

diagnosing track faults. A description of the Rocoil’s controls is given in section 3.10 and

sections 5 and 6 provide further details on its application.

2.8.3 TI21 Shunt Box

The TI21 Shunt Box is designed for applying accurate shunt resistance values across the track

during setting-up and testing, as described in sections 5 & 6. The shunt box provides shunt

value settings from 0 Ω to 9.9Ω, selectable in steps of 0.1Ω.

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The unit consists of an aluminium die cast box, two rotary switches for shunt value selection

and two insulated, crocodile clip terminated cables for connecting the Shunt Box to the rails.

The internal wiring is arranged so that switch contact resistance is kept reasonably constant.

Because the internal resistors are of a high rating, the shunt box can remain connected to the

rails during shunt testing of EBI Track 200 track circuits.

2.8.4 Sleeper Insulation Tester (SIT)

The Sleeper Insulation Tester (SIT) is designed to detect leakage of EBI Track 200 track

circuit signals into the sleepers. It provides the operator with an audible and visual indication

of leakage level. The SIT allows a specific EBI Track 200 frequency to be checked without

interference from any other EBI Track 200 track circuits or any other frequency.

The SIT also has an AC detection mode that can be used to detect any AC signal up to

approx. 3 kHz; this mode is useful to detect high levels of harmonic leakage in DC 3rd

rail, electrified areas. Note that the visual indication is not available to the operator in this

mode .

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Section 3 EBI Track 200 Technical Data

M125401A4 3-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


3. EBI TRACK 200 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................... 2

3.1 General ........................................................................................ 2

3.1.1 System Specification .................................................................... 2

3.1.2 Minimum And Maximum Track Circuit Lengths ........................... 4

3.2 Transmitter ................................................................................... 5

3.3 Receiver ....................................................................................... 7

3.4 Tuning Unit (TU) and End Termination Unit (ETU) ...................... 10

3.5 Track Coupling Unit (TCU) ........................................................... 10

3.6 EBI Track 200 Power Supply ....................................................... 11

3.7 Line Matching Unit (LMU) ............................................................ 13

3.7.1 TX Line Matching Unit ( LMU(TX) ) .............................................. 13

3.7.2 TU / ETU Line MatchIng Unit ( LMU(TU] ) ................................... 14

3.8 B3 Bonds for use in AC or DC Electrified Areas .......................... 15

3.9 TI21 Test Meter (TTM) ................................................................. 15

3.10 Rocoil Current Transducer ........................................................... 16

3.11 Sleeper Insulation Tester (SIT) .................................................... 16

3.12 Shunt Box ..................................................................................... 16

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3.1.1 System Specification

System Specification Table 3.1.1

Parameter Value Comments

Power Supply 220 V (nominal) 50Hz or 60Hz AC

110 V (nominal) 50 Hz or 60 Hz AC

24V (nominal) DC Battery

Uses 24V DC Power Supply 220 V version

Uses 24V DC Power Supply 110 V version

No Power Supply required

Balllast Conductance 0.5 Siemens/km maximum Ballast conductance above 0.5 Siemen/km may

promote nuisance dropping of the track relay, or

unsafe set-up conditions.

Ballast Conductance


Ballast conductance must not fall to less than one

fifth of its value at the time of track circuit set up

It is very unlikely that the ballast condition will

change from one extreme to the other between

maintenance checks of the track circuit. If ballast

is renewed, then the track must be reset.

Train Shunt 0.5Ω or less in main part of track circuit

0.15Ω or less throughout tuned area

This is the worst case shunt presented by a train.

Temperature Range -30ºC to +70ºC Operating

Track mounted units (TU / ETU) can tolerate a

minimum temperature of -40°C.

Humidity Resistance 0% to 100% Relative Humidity

Tuned Area Length 1.0m gauge 22m ±0.5m

1.067m gauge 22m ±0.5m

1.220m gauge 21m ±0.5m

1.435m gauge 20m ±0.5m (Standard gauge)

1.674m gauge 19m ±0.5m

Tuned area length depends on the rail gauge. For

rail gauges other than those shown, please

contact Bombardier Transportation for details.

ETU / IRJ Position Up to 3m ETU rail connections must be placed within 3m

of the IRJ defining the end of the track circuit. In

the event of staggered joints, this distance refers

to the joint nearest the ETU. Note that some rail

authorities may have more restrictive conditions.

IRJ Stagger Rail authorities may control the amount of

permissible stagger in order to avoid an excessive

length of dead section..

Determination of

Circuit Extremity Defined by centre of the Tuned Area ±5m or

position of IRJs

An overlap of 2m to 10m will exist in tuned

areas, see section 1.2.2.

Relays Standard Neutral Line Relay from BR930 series

or equivalent non-welding safety relay.

If BR 930 style relays or other non-welding

safety relays are not used, then a contact proving

arrangement which guarantees detection of

welded contacts by the control system must be


Track Feed Voltage 0.8V to 1.8V

4.8V to 8.2V

Low Power

Normal Power

Dependent on frequency and ballast condition

Track Circuit


Nominal Actual

A 1699 1682-1716

B 2296 2279-2313

C 1996 1979-2013

D 2593 2576-2610

E 1549 1532-1566

F 2146 2129-2163

G 1848 1831-1865

H 2445 2428-2462

Hz Hz

A to D are the primary frequencies

E to F are the secondary frequencies

Track Connection

Resistance 1 mΩ per connection

Track Connection

Current Capability

TU or ETU 25A minimum

TCU 5A minimum

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Parameter Value Comments



EBI Track 200 track circuits comply with

European Directive 89/336/EEC.

To achieve compliance, the E terminal on the

transmitters, receivers and power supply must be

connected to earth.

Maximum Number of

Receivers in a Track


3 Complex crossings may require more than 3

receivers in a track circuit. In this case, consult

Bombardier Transportation for guidance.

Handling and Storage There are no special handling requirements

Storage temperature limits: -30ºC to +70ºC

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3.1.2 Minimum And Maximum Track Circuit Lengths

Minimum And Maximum Track Circuit Lengths Table 3.1.2



Distance (m) (see NOTE 5)

Track Circuit Length (m) (see NOTE 2)


No Impedance


One Impedance


Two Impedance


Normal Power

End fed < 30 200 to 1100 200 to 1035 200 to 970

Centre fed < 30 300 to 1000

(each half)

300 to 900

(each half)

300 to 850

(each half)

See sub-section

End fed

With LMUs

30 to 500

200 to 970 200 to 910 200 to 860 See NOTE 1

Low Power

End fed < 30 50 to 250 50 to 250 50 to 250

See sub-section

See NOTE 4

End fed

With LMUs 30 to 500 50 to 250 50 to 250

50 to 250

See NOTE 3.

See NOTE 1

& NOTE 4

Single Rail

Using Track

Coupling Units

200m total

Tx + Rx cables 10 to 200 N/A N/A

See manual


Using ETUs As double rail 20 to 1100 See


See manual


NOTE 1: This is the preferred method for extending TX-to-TU distance, see sub-section

NOTE 2: (A) End fed distances are from the centre point of the TX tuned area to the centre point of the RX tuned area.

(B) Centre-fed distances are for each half of the track circuit measured between the TX ETU and the centre point of the

receive tuned area.

NOTE 3: To avoid loss of broken rail detection, only two impedance bonds are only allowed in a low power track circuit where they

provide traction continuity across IRJs at either end of the track circuit. In this situation it is allowable to use a third bond for

traction return to the sub-station, or the traction return conductor may be connected to the centre tap of one of the bonds at the

TC joints. In either case only one connection should be taken to the traction return system or for cross-bonding.

NOTE 4: If ETUs (with IRJs) are fitted at both ends of a low power track circuit, the minimum track circuit length may be reduced to 20


NOTE 5: Tx to track distances assume 2.5mm2 cable. The maximum Rx-to-track distance is500m (also in 2.5mm2 cable). See section 4.2.6

for further information.

NOTE 6: The maximum length of single rail circuits may be limited by traction requirements.

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Supply Voltage Range: 22.5VDC to 30.5VDC

Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘Outside the track’.

Current consumption with TU/ETU 2.2A maximum (clear track) over full supply range

On Normal Power:

Current consumption with TU/ETU 0.25A maximum (clear track) over full supply range

On Low Power:

Current consumption with TCU: 0.5A maximum (clear track) over full supply range

Supply Fuse 3A slow blow (see section 7 for part number)


Output power: Normal Power Mode 40W to track (maximum)

Low Power Mode 3W to track (maximum)

Single Rail with TCUs 3W to track (maximum)

Output stabilisation over maximum

variation of supply: ±5%

Health Monitoring Displays: Red/Green LED – External Supply

Red/Green LED – Internal parameters

Red/Green LED – External Load

Green In specification

Red Out of specification

Modulation rate: 4.8Hz

Connector Plug-in 9-way WAGO connector.

Unit size : 140 mm H x 142 mm W x 194 mm L (2½ BR relay


Mounting: Screw fixings arranged for standard BR relay centres

(Ensure that there is at least 10 mm horizontal spacing

and 35 mm vertical spacing between units for air

circulation). If the unit is fitted in an enclosure, allow

50mm between the connector and the enclosure door for

wiring. Rear panel fixing dimensions are identical to the

front panel.

Weight: 3kg

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EBI Track 200 Transmitter Outline:

Connector Allocation

Position 9-Way Connector

Legend Function

1 B24 Supply positive

2 N24 Supply negative

3 Mod Modulation input

4 Not used

5 OP1 Output

6 Earth symbol

Earth terminal

7 OP2 Output

8 Not used

9 Not used

57.15 CRS

114.3 CRS



28.57 CRS

57.15 CRS

117.45 CRS












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Supply Voltage Range: 22.5VDC to 30.5VDC

Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘Outside the track’.

Current Consumption: 0.3A maximum with relay energised

Relay Output: 42VDC at 50mA maximum (2.1W, suitable for driving a

BR 930 series 50V relay). Alternatively, a 20.5VDC

output version is available (2.1W, suitable for driving a

BR 930 series 24V relay).

Time Delay to operate output relay: Pick 2 seconds ± 0.5 seconds

Maximum Input sensitivity: 15mA

Maximum Input Signal: 4 x threshold level or 500mA whichever is lower.

Frequency Configuration Defined by removable key

Condition Monitoring Display User-interface for frequency configuration and

and Control Buttons automatic set up when the set-up key is inserted.

Readouts of track circuit quantities:

o Clear track current

o Threshold current

o PSU voltage

o Relay state

o Relay drive voltage and current

o Internal temperature

o Frequency, Mod state and Serial No

Condition Monitoring Interface 9-way D type connector enabling RS232 or RS485

interface with proprietary monitoring systems. The

maximum length of the serial cable is 30m.

Fault Relay Contact Rating 220V DC / 1A.

Connector Plug-in 9-way WAGO connector.

Unit Size 211mm x 140mm x 142mm with mounting plate.

Mounting – Receiver Unit Clip-on fixing with integral latch at rear. Front

mounting is not possible.

Mounting – Plate Screw fixing arranged for standard BR relay centres

(Ensure that there is at least 35mm vertical spacing

between units for air circulation, horizontal spacing is

not critical).

If the unit is fitted in an enclosure, allow 50mm between

the connector and the enclosure door for wiring.

Note that a rear connector mounting plate is available

for installations where analogue units were front-


Weight – Receiver Unit 1.3 kg

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EBI Track 200 Receiver Outline:

Mating Connector Optional Convertor Adapter to Enable Use of

Fanning Strip or Spade Crimps

Right Angle Straight

Front view of Receiver only.

Rear View of Receiver only.

TI21 Receiver

EBI Track 200


IP 2

IP 1















TI21 Receiver

EBI Track 200


IP 2

IP 1

















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9-Way Main Connector Allocation

Position Legend Function

1 Top B24 24V supply positive

2 N24 24V supply negative

3 TP1 Access to 1Ω

4 IP C Signal input

5 IP 1 Signal input and access to 1Ω

6 IP 2 Alternative signal input via 100Ω (not normally used on mainline


7 RL+ Relay drive

8 RL- Relay drive

9 Bottom E Connected to case

9-Way Condition Monitoring Connector Allocation

Pin Function Comments

1 RS485 or RS232 select Link to pin 9 for RS485

2 RS232 Tx or RS485 Z

3 RS232 Rx or RS485 A

4 Relay common Fault Relay contact 220V/1A: open = fault.

5 Isolated 0V

6 RS485 Y

7 RS485 B

8 Normally open relay contact Fault Relay contact 220V/1A: open = fault.

9 Isolated 5V supply

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Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘On sleeper’.

Size overall: 375 mm H x 407 mm W x 114 mm L

Maximum rail to rail volts: 110VAC/160VDC

Mounting: Lineside Stake or Sleeper

Weight: 7.5Kg

Note: Cables are supplied fitted with crimp terminations but each cable requires a rail

termination kit for fixing at the ‘rail end’, see Fig 8.5.

A Surge Protected version (SPETU) exists for use in single rail applications,

see M58000626A4.

EBI Track 200 Tuning Unit / ETU Outline:





Terminal Allocation

M10 Terminals 2 BA Terminal Block

T1 Rail connection (not polarity sensitive)

1 RX or TX Low Power (not polarity sensitive)

T2 Rail connection (not polarity sensitive)

2 RX or TX Low Power (not polarity sensitive)

3 Earth terminal

4 TX Normal Power (not polarity sensitive)

5 TX Normal Power (not polarity sensitive)

6 Not connected


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For TCU details see Single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4.


Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘Outside the track’

Input Nominal 85 – 120V AC version 110VAC 50Hz

190 - 240V AC version 220VAC 50Hz

Input tappings See below

Input variation ±7% of selected tappings

Input frequency 50/60Hz

Output voltage 22.5 VDC to 30.5VDC smoothed

Output current 0.25A to 2.2A or 2.2A to 4.4A (Range set by output


Output ripple maximum 3V peak-to-peak at full load current

Peak inrush current at power up 50A. Note that an anti-surge 3 amp fuse must be

used in series with the PSU input

Power factor 0.97

Connectors RH: Plug-in 9-way WAGO connector

LH: Plug-in 8-way WAGO connector

Unit size 144 mm H x 146 mm W x 210 mm L (2½ BR relay


Mounting Screw fixings arranged for standard BR relay centres

(ensure that there is at least 10 mm horizontal spacing

and 35 mm vertical spacing between units for air


Rear panel fixing dimensions are identical to the

front panel

Weight 5kg

220V Variant

Input tappings: 10-0-190-210-230 V

Input Voltage Input Connections between:

190 V T0 & T190

200 V T10 & T190

210 V T0 & T210

220 V T10 & T210

230 V T0 & T230

240 V T10 & T230

110V Variant

Input tappings: 5-0-95-105-115 V

Input Voltage Input Connections between:

85V T0 & T85

90V T5 & T85

95 V T0 & T95

100 V T5 & T95

105 V T0 & T105

110 V T5 & T105

115 V T0 & T115

120 V T5 & T115

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Power Supply Outline:

Note: 110V variant shown. 220V variant identical except input terminals are labelled T10, T0,

T190, T210 & T230 instead of T5, T0, T85, T95, T105 & T115.

LH 8-way Connector Allocation

EBI Track 200

Position Legend Function

8 Top T5 (T10)

Voltage adjustment tappings

7 T0 (T0)

6 T85 (T190)

5 T95 (T210)

4 T105 (T230)

3 T115

2 Not used

1 Bottom Earth Symbol Earth terminal

RH 9-way Connector Allocation

EBI Track 200

Position Legend Function

1 Top B24 24v supply positive output

2 B24 24v supply positive output

3 B24 24v supply positive output

4 N24 24V supply negative output

5 N24 24V supply negative output

6 N24 24V supply negative output

7 2.2-4.4A Output current adjustment tappings

8 0.25-2.2A

9 Bottom TAP COM

114.3 CRS


57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS












M6 EARTH TERMINAL(Transformer Screen & Chassis)



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3.7.1 TX Line Matching Unit ( LMU(TX) )

Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘Outside the track’.

Connector Plug-in 9-way WAGO connector

Unit size: 140 mm H x 142 mm W x 208 mm L (2½ BR relay


Mounting: Screw fixing arranged for standard BR relay centres

(Ensure that there is at least 10 mm horizontal spacing

and 35 mm vertical spacing between units for air


If the unit is fitted in an enclosure, allow 50mm between

the connector and the enclosure door for wiring.

Rear panel fixing dimensions are identical to the front


Weight: 2.1 Kg

EBI Track 200 LMU(Tx) Outline:


117.45 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


57.15 CRS

114.3 CRS











EBI Track 200

Position Legend Function

9 Top Tx Connects to TX (not polarity sensitive)

8 Not used

7 Tx Connects to TX (not polarity sensitive)

6 Not used

5 Not used

4 TU Connects to TU/ETU (not polarity sensitive)

3 Not used

2 TU Connects to TU/ETU (not polarity sensitive)

1 Bottom Earth Symbol

Earth terminal

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3.7.2 TU / ETU Line MatchIng Unit ( LMU(TU) )

Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘On sleeper’.

Unit size: 75 mm H x 127 mm W x 190 mm L

Mounting: Screw fixing to backplate, see Fig 8.8

Weight: 2.04 kg including backplate and cover plate


Ouput Cable Gland( to TU )

Input Cable Gland (from Tx )

Sketch of LMU(TU) with lid removedto show position of Terminal Block

& Terminal Identities.



LMU (TU) 2BA Terminal Block

Position Legend Function Position Legend Function

LH Column

RH Column

1 Top TU Connect to TU/ETU (not polarity sensitive)

4 Top Not connected

2 5 TX Connect to TX (not polarity sensitive) 3 E Earth terminal

(connects to case) 6

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B3 Bond variants:

B3 3000 Meets BR863 temperature rise limits

Capacitor box terminated on busbars outside of main


B3 4000 Exceeds BR863 temperature rise limits

Capacitor box terminated within main casting

Vibration and Shock Resistance Complies with EN50125-3 ‘On sleeper’.

Unit size (Both variants): 158 mm H x 640 W mm x 459 mm D

Resonated Impedance: 12 Ω minimum. Note: A capacitor box matching the

frequency of the track circuit must be fitted to the bond

Traction Resistance: DC: < 25 µΩ. Each end to centre tap

AC: < 3 mΩ Each end to centre tap

Traction Current Rating:

B3 3000 B3 4000

Per Rail Per Bond Per Rail Per Bond

Continuous 1500ADC 3000ADC 2000ADC 4000ADC

Two Hour 2250ADC 4500ADC 3000ADC 6000ADC

Four Minute 4500ADC 9000ADC 6000ADC 12000ADC

100msec 25kA 50kA 25kA 50kA

20msec 50kA 100kA 50kA 100kA

Out of Balance Current rating: Track circuit signal voltage attenuation no greater than

5% at the appropriate carrier frequency for an out of

balance current of 450A compared to level with no

traction current.

Terminations: Clearance holes for M16 bolts.

Tuning Capacitors (both variants)

Weight: 71 Kg


Refer to the Operating Instructions - M6/6/118951

Freq Value µF

A 308.23 ±1.5%

B 167.22 ±1.5%

C 222.07 ±1.5%

D 130.79 ±1.5%

E 373.41 ±1.5%

F 191.80 ±1.5%

G 259.76 ±1.5%

H 147.29 ±1.5%

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Sensitivity Ranges: 10A/Volt (with 50Hz blocking filter)

1A/Volt (with 50Hz blocking filter)

1A/Volt (without 50Hz blocking filter)

Current Rating: 65A peak on 10A/V range

6.5A peak on 1A/V range

Batteries: 2 x PP3

Battery life > 40 hours

Indicators: ‘Power’ LED

Indicates steady red when unit powered on

Flashes when battery voltage low.

Overload LED

Indicates red for 2 sec after switch on.

Indicates red if current input is overrange.

Output Connections: 2 x 4mm sockets

Control / Range Switch: OFF, 10A, 1A, 1A (unfiltered)


Refer to the Operating Instructions – M6/6/122940


Resistance Values: 0 to 9.9Ω in 0.1Ω steps

-5% +5% +25mΩ

Power Rating: 15W (continuous use on EBI Track 200)

Cable Length: 1m (each lead)

Dimensions: 171mm wide (excluding cable glands) x 120mm

deep x 160mm height (including handle)

Weight: 1.67kg

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4 TRACK CIRCUIT DESIGNER’S GUIDE ...................................... 2

4.1 Safety Related Application Conditions ......................................... 2

4.1.1 Design .......................................................................................... 2

4.1.2 Installation And Operation ............................................................ 2

4.1.3 Preventative Measures against Bypass Paths ............................ 2

4.2 Track Circuit Layout Design ......................................................... 3

4.2.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 3

4.2.2 Frequency Allocation.................................................................... 3

4.2.3 Double Rail Track Circuits ........................................................... 4 End Fed Arrangement .................................................................. 4 Centre Fed Arrangement ............................................................. 5 Jointed Double Rail Operation ..................................................... 6 Low Power Operation................................................................... 7 Minimum Separation Of Units Of The Same Frequency ............. 7 Adjoining Other Types Of Track Circuit Or Adjoining Non-Track Circuited Lines ........................................................... 8

4.2.4 Single Rail Track Circuits ............................................................. 10 Using End Termination Units ....................................................... 11 Using Track Coupling Units ......................................................... 11 Adjoining Other Types Of Track Circuit Or Adjoining Non-Track Circuited Lines ........................................................... 11

4.2.5 Changing Between Single And Double Rail Track Circuits In Electrified Areas ........................................................................... 12

4.2.6 Increasing Feed Lengths / Centralised Operation ....................... 13 Increasing The Tx-To-TU / ETU Distance By Using Line Matching Units ............................................................................. 13 Increasing The Tx-To-TU / ETU Distance By Using Cable With Larger Cross Sectional Area ................................................ 14

4.2.7 Points & Crossings ....................................................................... 15 Shunting Considerations .............................................................. 15 Generic Crossing Arrangements .................................................. 15

4.2.8 Electrical Bonding Of Metallic Structures To The Rails ............... 18

4.2.9 Non Standard And Exceptional Situations ................................... 19 Track Circuit Interrupters and Treadles ....................................... 19 Cut Sections ................................................................................. 20 Inserting an Extra Track Circuit .................................................... 20 Track Circuits with steelwork in the bed of the track .................... 20

4.3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 21

4.3.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 21

4.3.2 Transmitter and Receiver Mounting ............................................. 21

4.3.3 Rail Connections .......................................................................... 21 Tuning Units (TUs) And End Termination Units (ETUs) .............. 21 Track Coupling Units (TCUs) ....................................................... 22

4.3.4 Cables .......................................................................................... 22

4.3.5 Rail Bonding ................................................................................. 25 Jointed Rail .................................................................................. 25 Traction Return Current Bonding ................................................. 25 Bonding For IRJ Failure Detection ............................................... 26 Check Rails .................................................................................. 26

4.3.6 Lightning Protection (This does not apply to single rail circuits using TCUs) ..................................................................... 27

4.3.7 Power Supply Unit Considerations .............................................. 27 Power Supply Unit Loading Rules ............................................... 27 24V Battery Supplies.................................................................... 28 Power Supply Location ................................................................ 28

4.3.8 EMC Compliance ......................................................................... 28

4.3.9 Fusing - TX, RX and PSU ............................................................ 28 TX and RX B24 ............................................................................ 28 Power Supply Input BX110 or BX220 Circuits: ............................ 29

4.3.10 Torque Settings for EBI Track 200 ............................................... 30

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SAFETY REQUIREMENT The following requirements on design, installation and operation must be observed to guarantee safe operation of EBI Track 200 track circuits.

4.1.1 Design

The following design rules must be observed for applications of EBI Track 200 to be

adequately safe:

• The Track Circuit Layout Design section of this manual must be strictly observed.

• The track relay must be a BR930 style or other non-welding safety relay. AC

immune relays are not required provided the relay is housed in the same equipment

cabinet as its receiver.

• Abutting tracks must not be of the same frequency.

• Tuned Zone length must be in accordance with section 3.1.1.

• Relay contacts (for example in track circuit interrupters, treadles and cut sections)

must not be incorporated into the B24/N24 feeds to transmitters or receivers. This

rule ensures that the logging capabilities of the EBI Track 200 are maintained.

4.1.2 Installation And Operation

The following application rules must be observed for applications of EBI Track 200 to be

adequately safe:

• The Installation and Set Up and Maintenance sections of this manual must be strictly


• Any Insulated Rail Joints (not protected by the presence of a diagonal bond) must be

subject to regular maintenance checks to ensure their integrity (section 6.2.2 Test R).

• Rail insulation must be subject to regular maintenance to reduce the likelihood of

nuisance failures.

• EBI Track 200 equipment conforms to the European EMC directive. Other

equipment located in the vicinity should be checked for compatibility with EBI Track

200 equipment.

• If the track bed incorporates steelwork, an assessment of the impact of the steelwork

on the track circuit behaviour must be made, see section

4.1.3 Preventative Measures against Bypass Paths

The following application rules are used to mitigate the risk of bypass paths arising between

transmitters and receivers.

• Transmitters and receivers of the same frequency must be fed from separate power

supplies, except where battery supplies are used to feed TCU circuits.

• All B24 and N24 lines must be earth-free.

• PSU, transmitter, receiver and LMU (Tx) cases must be earthed.

• Transmitter and receiver to trackside feed cables of the same frequency must be

separated as described in section 4.3.3.

• Surge arrestors used with TUs/ETUs must have their centre terminal earthed.

• Surge arrestors must be regularly tested to ensure that they have not become short

circuit to earth (see test Q in section 6.2.2).

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4.2.1 Overview

In designing a complete track circuit scheme, the designer has to consider the following


• The most applicable and cost-effective track configurations. For example, the use of

double rail configuration through points and crossing should be considered as a more

efficient alternative to single rail.

• Suitable equipment location and signal feed arrangements.

• Frequency allocation.

• Points and crossings: shunting performance and traction bonding requirements.

• Interface to non-track circuited lines or other types of track circuit.

• Considerations where impedance bonds are sited.

• Site conditions and construction.

• The uncertainty in definition of the end of a track circuit using tuned zones must be

considered where position information is critical to signalling.

EBI Track 200 is designed and has been approved to operate within a set of environmental

and physical conditions which are defined in this manual. A number of options allow

considerable flexibility for the designer in parameters such as track length, signal cable lengths

and equipment positioning. Should either environmental conditions or the basic track circuit

limiting conditions required for a specific application be beyond those specified within this

manual, please contact Bombardier Transportation for further advice.

The following sections define the design issues and options in more detail, particularly where

there are interactive or conflicting requirements.

4.2.2 Frequency Allocation

Correct allocation of frequencies is critical in jointless applications as tuning units only

operate with the correct paired frequencies for which they were designed. Jointed applications

offer more flexibility to the designer when it comes to frequency allocation; however it is

recommended that the same rules are followed where possible in order to simplify the overall

application design.

There are eight nominal frequencies of equipment used as four pairs - A/B, C/D, E/F, and

G/H. One pair is used per track and the frequencies are alternated, e.g. 'A' track circuit, then

'B' track circuit, then again 'A' track circuit, and so on.

Normally, the two frequency pairs A/B and C/D are considered as the primary frequencies for

double track lines, while E/F and G/H are used only for situations where there are more than

two tracks. This approach results in the following rules to control the risk of induction into

parallel track circuits:

• Areas of multiple parallel lines, e.g. station areas, three lines should separate the use

of the same frequencies

• Where parallel lines are spaced vertically, frequencies must be chosen so that no two

track circuits of the same frequency are vertically adjacent for any distance exceeding

20m unless the separation is greater than 10m.

• Lateral separation of frequencies as shown in Table 4.2.2 and Fig 4.2.2 should be

used to ensure that no two track circuits of the same frequency are laterally adjacent.

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Table 4.2.2

Track Frequency Letter

Nominal Frequency

Actual Frequency

1 A


1699 Hz

2296 Hz

1682 Hz to 1716 Hz

2279 Hz to 2313 Hz

2 C


1996 Hz

2593 Hz

1979 Hz to 2013 Hz

2576 Hz to 2610 Hz

3 E


1549 Hz

2146 Hz

1532 Hz to 1566 Hz

2129 Hz to 2163 Hz

4 G


1848 Hz

2445 Hz

1831 Hz to 1865 Hz

2428 Hz to 2462 Hz

fA fA fA fA fAfB fB fB fB

fC fC fC fC fCfD fD fD fD

fE fE fE fE fEfF fF fF fF

fG fG fG fG fGfH fH fH fH

indicates limit of track circuit

fA fA fA fA fAfB fB fB fB

Frequency Allocation Example Figure 4.2.2

4.2.3 Double Rail Track Circuits

EBI Track 200 is primarily intended for operation as a double rail track circuit, allowing

balanced double rail traction current return in either AC or DC electrified areas. Under these

conditions all traction return current paths, and any equipotential bonds for safety reasons, are

connected to the rails via the centre tap of an impedance bond.

In normal plain line track the use of tuned areas means that continuously welded rail is

possible. In non-electrified territory EBI Track 200 is often used specifically to allow the use

of continuously welded rail.

Double rail configuration should also be considered as the most efficient method of track

circuiting points and crossings.

Sections to describe the equipment configurations required for basic double rail

track circuit operation. Maximum and minimum track circuit lengths are given in Table 3.1.2.

A low power option is available for short track circuits, see section Typical points and

crossings arrangements are discussed in section 4.2.7. End Fed Arrangement

The standard configuration for double rail EBI Track 200 applications uses tuned areas for

track circuit separation and Tuning Units for coupling the Transmitter and Receiver to the

track. This basic configuration is termed ‘End Fed’. A typical end fed arrangement is shown

in Figure

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Track Relay

20m 20m

F1 Track Circuit



Lineside Cubicle Lineside Cubicle




Standard End Fed Track Configuration (1435mm gauge) Figure

For transmitters operating in normal power mode, ensure that no receiver of an identical

frequency is closer than 200 metres (see section Centre Fed Arrangement

In order to economise on equipment on long plain track runs, a ‘Centre Fed’ configuration is

available. This uses an ETU to transmit the signal into the rails in both directions, and tuned

areas (or ETUs) with receivers of the same frequency at either extremity.

The two halves of the track circuit function completely independently and may be used as two

separate track circuits providing the coarse overlap (see Fig. does not cause any

problem. If both halves are required to work as one track circuit then an extra line circuit must

be provided to link the two track relays.

It is not necessary for the two sections to be the same length which can be an advantage when

planning trackside equipment case locations.

Fig. .shows s typical centre fed track circuit arrangement.






Track Relay


Track Relay

F1a F1b

20m 20m

F1 Track Circuit


Lineside Cubicle Lineside CubicleLineside Cubicle








Centre Fed Track Configuration (1435mm gauge) Figure

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Track Circuit F1bTrack Circuit F1a

F1b may be shunted

F1a may be shuntedF1a always shunted

F1b always shuntedF1b never shunted

F1a never shunted

Overlap Zone at Centre Fed Position (1435mm gauge) Figure Jointed Double Rail Operation

There are various situations where it is not convenient to terminate a double rail track circuit

with a tuned area, either at one or both ends. These situations include locations where:

• The 20m length of a tuned area will not fit into the signalling requirements.

• Precise definition of the track circuit boundary is required.

• EBI Track 200 abuts a track circuit of a different type.

• Two EBI Track 200 track circuits of non-paired frequencies abut.

In these circumstances Insulated Rail Joints are normally used to provide track circuit

separation. End Termination Units are used to feed and/or terminate the track circuit at one or

both ends, depending on requirements.

Double rail traction current continuity is provided by the use of B3 impedance bonds (for EBI

Track 200 track circuits) fitted either side of the block joints, their centre taps being

connected. When EBI Track 200 track circuits adjoin those of a different kind, then an

impedance bond suitable for the adjoining track should be used.

Figure shows a typical arrangement for jointed double rail operation.







Track Relay

F1 Track Circuit



Lineside Cubicle Lineside Cubicle









Insulated Rail Joint

Jointed Double Rail Operation Figure

ETU / B3 Bond Connections

Where ETUs are installed close to B3 Bonds, it is recommended that the ETU to track

connection is made to the capacitor connection stud on the B3 Bond. This has the advantage

of providing detection of loss of a B3 Bond sidelead connection.

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ETU / IRJ Position ETU rail connections must be placed within 3m of the IRJ defining the end of the track circuit.

In the event of staggered joints, this distance refers to the joint nearest the ETU. Note that

some rail authorities may have more restrictive conditions.

IRJ Stagger

Rail authorities may control the amount of permissible stagger in order to avoid an excessive

length of dead section. Low Power Operation

Low power operation is used on short track circuits in the range of 50 to 250 metres long, and

facilitates easy adjustment of the receiver by the use of reduced rail voltages. Normal Power

circuits are permitted for track circuits in the range over 200 metres long In design, it is

recommended that track circuits below 250m are specified as Low Power and the overlap

between the lengths for low and normal power of 200m – 250m is used to deal with specific

site conditions during commissioning.

Low power operation is available simply by driving a transmitter into tuning unit terminals 1

and 2 (normally the receiver terminals) instead of terminals 4 and 5. This connection gives a

track drive voltage of approximately 25% of the normal without any other significant

alteration to the functional performance of the track circuit.

For transmitters operating in low power mode, ensure that no receiver of an identical

frequency is closer than 50 metres (see section

A special engraved insulated label is available for fitting to terminals 4 and 5 of the transmitter

and receiver tuning units as a reminder that the track circuit is connected in low power mode

(see section 7 for the part number of this label). It is recommended that track circuit identity

labelling in the equipment cabinet or equipment room should include the legend ‘Low Power’.

Low Power Label: 510/5222DA4 Figure

. Minimum Separation Of Units Of The Same Frequency

For transmitters operating in normal power mode, ensure that NO receiver of an identical

frequency (of a different track circuit) is closer than 200 metres on the same track.

For transmitters operating in low power mode, ensure that NO receiver of an identical

frequency (of a different track circuit) is closer than 50 metres on the same track.

These minimum lengths are specified to ensure that, in the event that a tuning unit becomes

disconnected or open circuit, a transmitter cannot falsely feed another receiver on the same

line. They ensure that there is sufficient margin of safety provided by the impedance of the

intervening rails.

This precaution is in addition to the protection provided by the fact that the loss of a tuning

unit will be detected because the associated track circuit will de-energise.

The following sketches show typical layouts which can be used to maintain minimum

separation of units of the same frequency.





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Normal Power

200m - 1100m

Low Power

50m min.

Normal Power

200m - 1100m

TC 1


TC 2


TC 3


TC 5


TC 4









NPAdjacent TC4 has TX & RX positions transposed so that TC4 RX is not within 200m of the same frequency normal

power TX of TC2

TX/RX transposition to prevent a RX being within 200m of same frequency normal power TX Figure

Normal Power

200m - 1100m

Low Power

200m - 250m

Normal Power

200m - 1100m

TC 1


TC 2


TC 3


TC 5


TC 4











Adjacent TC2 has to be converted to low power because its TX is within 200m of same frequency

RX of TC4.

Low Power

50m min.

TC2 must also be at least 200m long to maintain

separation between normal power fA TX of TC1 & RX

of TC3

Use of second low power TX where transposition shown in Fig is not possible Figure Adjoining Other Types Of Track Circuit Or Adjoining Non-Track Circuited Lines

Where double rail EBI Track 200 track circuits have to adjoin non track circuited line, the

easiest solution is to use a Tuning Unit and a cable strap as shown in Figure This

solution avoids having to insert insulated block joints and, in electrified areas, includes a low

cost traction bond across the rails. The spacing of the cable strap from the Tuning Unit

depends on the rail gauge:

1.0m gauge 21.5m ±0.5m

1.067m gauge 21m ±0.5m

1.220m gauge 20m ±0.5m

1.453m gauge 18.5m ±0.5m

1.674m gauge 18m ±0.5m

Track CircuitFrequency F1


Tuning UnitFrequency F1





(35mm²)Copper Cable(Or traction ratedin electrifiedareas)

Track Circuitlength measuredfrom centre ofremote TunedArea to thisposition

EBI Track 200 adjoining non-track circuited areas without

the use of insulated block joints (1435mm gauge) Figure

If two EBI Track 200 track circuits of non-paired frequencies have to be joined, and double

rail track circuit operation and traction return are to be maintained, then the arrangement

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shown in Figure should be adopted. Each bond is resonated to the frequency of the

track circuit it is in by means of the appropriate tuning module. Failure of either block joint

should be detected by the loads reflected across the impedance bonds by autotransformer

action in each direction. These should be sufficient to drop both track circuits.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections to be within 3m of the IRJ



Track CircuitFrequency F2




UnitFrequency F1


UnitFrequency F2


Frequencies F1 and F2 can be any non-paired TI frequencies, but must not bethe same.

3m 3m

EBI Track 200 adjoining a non-paired frequency

Double rail track circuits and traction return Figure

Where EBI Track 200 track circuits have to abut track circuits of a type other than EBI Track

200, care must be taken to confirm that there is no possibility of the EBI Track 200 carrier

signal energising the receiver of the adjoining track circuit, or vice versa, especially in the

presence of block joint failures if these are not detectable. Certain types of track circuit use

similar carrier frequencies and modulation schemes, so careful design of the interface is


There is also a danger that one EBI Track 200 track may feed through an intervening non-EBI

Track 200 track to falsely energise another EBI Track 200 track if there is a multiple failure of

IRJs. In many instances an EBI Track 200 impedance bond installed on the EBI Track 200

track close to the IRJs will detect their failure by shunting the adjacent non- EBI Track 200

track. Otherwise the type of non- EBI Track 200 track to be used must be chosen to avoid

this danger. Bombardier Transportation will be pleased to advise further on solutions to this


Figures and d give suggested arrangements for double rail EBI Track 200 track

circuits adjoining both double and single rail track circuits of different types.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections must be within 3m of the IRJ


OtherDouble RailTrack Circuit




UnitFrequency F1

OtherT.C.Tx / Rx


EBI Track 200 adjoining a double rail track circuit

of a type other than EBI Track 200 Figure

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Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections must be within 3m of the IRJ


OtherSingle RailTrack Circuit



UnitFrequency F1

OtherT.C.Tx / Rx


EBI Track 200 adjoining a single rail track circuit

of a type other than EBI Track 200 Figure

4.2.4 Single Rail Track Circuits

Due to its traction current immunity, EBI Track 200 is also suitable for operation as a single

rail track circuit, allowing imbalanced traction current return in either AC or DC electrified

areas. Under these conditions all traction return current paths, and any equipotential bonds for

safety reasons, are connected to the rail allocated as the traction return or common rail. The

other rail is used solely for track circuiting purposes, and is periodically isolated with insulated

rail joints for this purpose. Impedance bonds are not used.

In many cases insulated rail joints are positioned in both rails, and the common rail is swapped

from one side to the other by means of a traction bond connected diagonally across the joints

(See Figure In this way failure of an insulated block joint is always detected by the

bond presenting a dead short across one of the two track circuits associated with the joint.

It must be noted that broken rail detection cannot be guaranteed for the traction return (or

common) rail when EBI Track 200 is used in single rail mode, and that certain other

conditions apply in order to guarantee shunt detection under fault conditions (i.e. in the

presence of a broken rail). These conditions are given in the single rail manual


Sections to describe the equipment configurations required for basic single rail

track circuit operation.

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M125401A4 4-11 Issue 4: Otober 2011 Confidential and proprietary. Using End Termination Units

The use of End Termination Units (ETUs) allows track circuits in an ‘End Fed’ configuration

with lengths of between 50m and 250m in low power mode, or 200m to 1100m in normal

power mode. There are restrictions to the number of traction return connections that can be

made within any single track circuit, and there are more restrictive length limits if overhead

line equipment gantries are connected directly to the rail (see section 4.2.8).

Only one traction return or track cross bond connection is allowed within any single track

circuit. This does not include the diagonal traction bond across double insulated block joints,

if used.



Track Relay

F1 Track Circuit



Lineside Cubicle Lineside Cubicle









Standard Single Rail End Fed Configuration Figure Using Track Coupling Units

Track Coupling Units (TCUs) provide a lower cost method of implementing single rail track

circuits which has the advantage of not requiring equipment immediately beside the track. For

details, see Single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4. Adjoining Other Types Of Track Circuit Or Adjoining Non-Track Circuited Lines

Where single rail EBI Track 200 track circuits have to adjoin non track circuited line insulated

block joints are normally used as shown in Figure The block joint avoids the EBI

Track 200 signal travelling in the wrong direction, into the non-track circuited area.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Less than 3m

NOTE: If precautions are required to protect against the consequences of IRJ failure, thena possible solution would be to fit a bond as indicated by the dotted lines. Any bondfitted must be traction rated in electrified areas.


UnitFrequency F1






Single Rail EBI Track 200 Track Circuit Adjoining

Non Track Circuited Areas Figure

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If two single rail EBI Track 200 track circuits of non-paired frequencies have to be joined,

then the arrangement shown in Figure should be adopted. Failure of either block joint

is detected by the diagonal bond presenting a short circuit across one of the track circuits.

Less than 3m



UnitFrequency F1


UnitFrequency F2

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Track CircuitFrequency F2

Less than 3m

Frequencies F1 and F2 can be any non-paired TI frequencies, but must not bethe same. Bond must be traction current rated in electrified areas.



EBI Track 200 Single Rail Track Circuit Adjoining

Non Paired Frequency EBI Track 200 Track Circuit Figure

Where EBI Track 200 track circuits have to abut track circuits of a type other than EBI Track

200, care must be taken to confirm that there is no possibility of the EBI Track 200 carrier

signal energising the receiver of the adjoining track circuit, or vice versa, especially in the

presence of block joint failures if these are not detectable. Certain types of track circuit use

similar carrier frequencies and modulation schemes, so careful design of the interface is


There is also a danger that one EBI Track 200 track may feed through an intervening non- EBI

Track 200 track to falsely energise another EBI Track 200 track if there is a multiple failure of

IRJs. Normally a cable bond installed diagonally across the IRJs will detect their failure by

shunting either the EBI Track 200 or the adjacent non-EBI Track 200 track. Otherwise the

type of EBI Track 200 track to be used must be chosen to avoid this danger. Bombardier

Transportation will be pleased to advise further on solutions to this problem.

Figures gives a suggested arrangement for single rail EBI Track 200 track circuits

adjoining single rail track circuits of a different type. Note that the second IRJ and

transposition bond may not be required for certain track circuit types; therefore it is

recommended that local railway authority rules are consulted.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Less than 3m



OtherSingle RailTrack Circuit


UnitFrequency F1

OtherT.C.Tx / Rx


Bond must be traction current rated in electrified areas. EBI Track 200 Single Rail Track Circuit Adjoining

Single Rail Track Circuit Of Another Type Figure

4.2.5 Changing Between Single And Double Rail Track Circuits In Electrified Areas

In some schemes there is a need to change between double and single rail track circuits. An

example of this is schemes where plain line tracks are double rail, but single rail track circuits

and traction return is used in points and crossings areas. In these circumstances it is important

that the transition between the two traction return styles is done correctly, otherwise

imbalanced traction currents in the double rail area can saturate impedance bonds and cause

track circuit unreliability.

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Figure 4.2.5 shows how an impedance bond is used to make the transition between single and

double rail track circuits without causing traction current imbalance.

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections to be within 3m of the IRJ



Track CircuitFrequency F2



UnitFrequency F1


UnitFrequency F2


Normally frequencies F1 and F2 would continue the paired sequence if thetransition is in the normal route in points, or be non-paired frequenciesif the transition is in the reverse route.

Transition From Double To Single Rail

EBI Track 200 Track Circuit Figure 4.2.5

4.2.6 Increasing Feed Lengths / Centralised Operation

The normal method of connection between the Transmitter or Receiver and the Tuning Unit

(TU) or End Termination Unit (ETU) is using 2.5mm2 (50/0.25mm) twisted pair wire. Under

these conditions the loop resistance of the wire in the transmitter circuit must be limited to

0.5Ω maximum, which limits the length to 30m. Because of the impact on the source

impedance of the TU/ETU, increasing the Tx to TU/ETU feed cable resistance above the

nominal 0.5Ω is not normally recommended.. Longer feed lengths for the transmitter may be

possible depending on cable type, track circuit length and rail authority regulations. The loop

resistance of the wire in the receiver circuit is much less critical, and feed lengths of up to

500m can be used without special precautions.

On some installations, the required distance between the Transmitter and its associated TU or

ETU exceeds the distance allowed by the normal equipment arrangement. In such cases the

Tx-to-TU / ETU distance may be increased by adopting one of two methods, given in order of


(1) Use Line Matching Units to increase the Tx-to-TU / ETU distance to up to 500m..

(2) Use a cable with a larger cross sectional area to maintain a loop resistance of no greater

than 0.5Ω

The following sections provide more detail on each of these methods. Increasing The Tx-To-TU / ETU Distance By Using Line Matching Units

The maximum length of the Transmitter to TU / ETU cable can be extended up to 500m by

fitting Line Matching Units between the Transmitter and TU / ETU without any special

precautions other than a reduction in the maximum track length to 970m. Longer feed lengths

for both transmitter and receiver may be possible depending on cable type, track circuit length

and rail authority regulations, please consult Application Note IS580018381A4 for details.

The LMU consists of two units:

Line Matching Unit (TX) - fitted next to its associated EBI Track 200 transmitter.

Line Matching Unit (TU) - fitted adjacent to the associated TU / ETU.

The general equipment layout for the use of LMUs is shown in Figure

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Tuned Area




Track Relay

Tuned Area

F1 Track Circuit



Equipment Room






Up to500m

Up to500m

Standard Remote Fed Track Configuration With LMUs Figure

Ref Application Rules for LMUs

1 Since the normal maximum distance between LMUs is limited to 500m, induced voltages from

OHLE are kept to safe levels and there is no need for restrictions on running parallel to OHLE.

Additional restrictions relating to induced voltages may be required if longer lengths are used.

2 Because of the long feed length and high voltage, 50/0.25 twisted pair or screened twisted pair

cable shall be used between the LMU units in order to minimise cross-talk. See also rules

regarding runs in the same troughing or cable hangers in section 4.3.4.

3 LMU(Tx) or LMU (TU) may be positioned up to a total (for both units) of 5m from the Tx or

TU/ETU that they connect to. This rule permits flexibility where there are space constraints on

mounting the LMUs.

Table Application Rules for LMUs Increasing The Tx-To-TU / ETU Distance By Using Cable With Larger Cross Sectional Area

This method is intended for relatively small increases in distance; if this requirement exists,

then a cable with cross sectional area greater than the standard 2.5mm2 should be used. The

cable size should be chosen to maintain the total loop resistance in the Tx-to TU / ETU circuit

of 0.5Ω or less. The Rx-to-TU / ETU cable length is unaffected..

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4.2.7 Points & Crossings Shunting Considerations

EBI Track 200 may be used through points and crossings, but consideration must be given to

obtaining acceptable shunting throughout the track circuit. In electrified areas, since cross

bonding has to be used at IRJs to enable traction current continuity, consideration must be

given to the consequent ‘feed around’ paths that these bonds may create. No more than 3

receivers should be used in a track circuit. If a complex crossover requires more than this,

please consult Bombardier Transportation for guidance.

ETU / IRJ Position

ETU rail connections must be placed within 3m of the IRJ defining the end of the track circuit.

In the event of staggered joints, this distance refers to the joint nearest the ETU. Note that

some rail authorities may have more restrictive conditions. Generic Crossing Arrangements

Points and crossings can be divided into three generic types which are described below. If

further assistance is needed for a specific application, please contact Bombardier

Transportation. It should be noted that the double rail, jointless configuration generally

provides the most cost-effective solution.

(1) Single Turnout of Less than 20 metres1

The following sketch shows a typical EBI Track 200 arrangement at a single turnout of

less than 20 m length. Bonding is arranged for full double rail track circuit operation

and traction return.

TUFrequency 2





< 20 m


TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 2

ETUFrequency 3

B3 Bond

B3 Bond

Points With Turnout Less Than 20 metres Long

- Double Rail Operation Figure

In this application, the bond [A] fitted at the IRJs ensures that a train is detected within

the turnout, it may also carry traction current and must be rated accordingly. Note that

failure of bond [A] will cause a loss of shunt detection in the turnout.

The turnout stub may be terminated with a tuned area if it is desired to make the stub

termination jointless.

In single rail territory block joints replace the tuned area and back to back bonds, as

shown in Figure In this arrangement bond [A] should carry little or no traction

current, this would not be the case if the common rail were swapped.

1 Note that the maximum permitted spur length may vary between rail authorities.

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ETUFrequency 2





< 20 m


ETUFrequency 1

ETUFrequency 1

ETUFrequency 2

ETUFrequency 3

Points With Turnout Less Than 20 metres Long

- Single Rail Operation Figure

For locations where plain track is double rail and points and crossings change to single

rail, see Section 4.2.5, “Changing between single and double rail track circuits in

electrified areas”

(2) Single Turnout Longer Than 20 Metres

Where the turnout is more than 20m long then it must be terminated with its own

receiver. The same variations for double and single rail operation apply to this

arrangement, Figure shows a typical arrangement for longer turnouts with

double rail operation.

TUFrequency 2





Note: Contacts of Track Relays for RX1 & Rx2 are wired in series to control a single track occupancy indicator.

TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 2

TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 3

Points With Turnout More Than 20 metres Long

- Double Rail Operation Figure

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Figure shows a typical arrangement for longer turnouts with single rail


ETUFrequency 2





Note: Contacts of Track Relays for RX1 & Rx2 are wired in series to control a single track occupancy indicator.

ETUFrequency 1

ETUFrequency 1

ETUFrequency 2

ETUFrequency 1

ETUFrequency 3

Points With Turnout More Than 20 metres Long

- Single Rail Operation Figure In this application, the contacts of the track relays for each receiver in the track circuit

are wired in series to control a single indication for track occupancy. The bond in the

turnout ensures that a train is detected within the turnout by one of the receivers.

(3) Simple Crossover

Arranging track circuiting in crossovers can give rise to complex problems of meeting

traction return bonding requirements, yet not building in track circuit signal run-round

paths which could lead to false feeding of a receiver when a train is present in the


Figure shows a typical EBI Track 200 arrangement at a simple crossover,

where double rail traction return is used throughout. Since there is generally

insufficient room to place impedance bonds within the crossover, two impedance bonds

sited in the main routes are used to provide a traction connection between the roads.

Double Rail Generic Crossover Arrangement Fig


TUFreq. 1



Frequency 1


Frequency 2


Frequency 4


Frequency 1


Frequency 3


Frequency 3




TUFreq. 2

TUFreq. 4

ETUFreq. 3

TUFreq. 1

TUFreq. 2

TUFreq. 4




TUFreq. 3

NOTE: If either turnout length is greater than 20m then that section must be terminated with an ETU and Receiver

B3 Bond

B3 Bond

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Figure shows a typical EBI Track 200 arrangement at a simple crossover,

where double rail traction return is used in the plain line sections, but single line

traction return is used in points and crossings. Impedance bonds are used to convert

from double to single rail return on entering the crossing area at all four positions. A

single cable bond between the common rails of the two crossing point tracks gives a

cross bonding connection.


ETUFreq. 1



Frequency 1


Frequency 2


Frequency 4


Frequency 1


Frequency 3


Frequency 3




ETUFreq. 2

ETUFreq. 4

ETUFreq. 3

ETUFreq. 1

ETUFreq. 2

ETUFreq. 4





ETUFreq. 3




NOTE: If either turnout length is greater than 20m then that section must be terminated with an ETU and Receiver

Single Rail GenericCrossover Arrangement Fig

These applications are basically the same as the ‘less than 20 m’ application, longer

crossovers could employ the ‘longer than 20 m’ application using the arrangements

shown in Fig or d.

IMPORTANT Where two receivers are used, the Tx to Rx paths for each route must be either greater than 250m (ie normal power) or less than 250m (ie low power). This is ensures that neither the longest path is run with insufficient current nor that the shortest path is run with too much.

4.2.8 Electrical Bonding Of Metallic Structures To The Rails

It is important that the electrical bonding of metallic structures, such as OHL gantries,

switchgear, bridge metalwork, metal fences, etc. is performed according to the requirements of

the electrification engineer of the railway authority. This will normally mean compliance with

a specification produced by that authority or with a national standard. In Europe the applicable

standard will be the national version of EN50122-1.

In DC traction systems the running rails are not generally connected to earth, this being to

avoid cathodic corrosion problems in buried metalwork near the track. This practice eases the

potential problem of run-round or false feed paths for the track circuit signals being formed

via earth connections, however traction current return bonding practices must be taken into

account when designing track layouts.

Due to the difficulty of providing a good earth at every gantry location, and the much reduced

degree of cathodic corrosion caused by AC systems, these systems tend to have the rails

closely coupled to earth, and often use them directly for equipotential bonding of gantries and

other metalwork close to the track. This practice can lead to the formation of run-round or

false feed paths for the track circuit signals.

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The preferred solution to this problem is the use of a ‘buried earth cable’ or ‘overhead earth

wire’ system. In this case an earth cable is either buried alongside the track or carried on the

catenary system. All metalwork which must be earthed is connected to this cable, and the

cable in turn is connected to the running rails via the centre taps of impedance bonds at

suitable regular intervals. In this way the track circuit signals remain balanced within the rails

of each track circuit, the rail potentials (at track circuit frequencies) remain equal and balanced

about ground, and no run-round or false feed paths are set up.

In order to safely implement this system a few application rules must be followed:

• The maximum distance between impedance bonds will normally be specified by the

traction engineer for the railway authority, a typical maximum distance is 1500m.

• There must not be more than one connection to the buried earth cable within any

single track circuit.

If traction return conductors are provided, but no booster transformers, then the return

conductor will normally provide the connections between the gantries and the rails (via

impedance bonds), and no earth cable or direct gantry to rail bond will be required. Where

booster transformers are fitted the voltage on the traction return cable will vary, and an earth

cable is again required.

Under the right conditions it is possible to use EBI Track 200 in areas where gantries are

directly connected to the rails. This will normally involve restrictions in the maximum length

of the track circuits, and possibly the loss of broken rail detection in the earthed rail. Please

consult Bombardier Transportation for advice on such applications.

A fuller discussion of traction bonding solutions is given in the Guidance Notes for Traction

Bonding, IS580001109A4.

4.2.9 Non Standard And Exceptional Situations Track Circuit Interrupters and Treadles

Track circuit interrupters are provided so that if they are activated, for example at catch (or

trap) points when a train passes over the points whilst they are in the normal (trap) position,

the track circuit protecting the points is set to the occupied state. Treadles are often provided

at level crossings for strike in/out detection and in some locations for leaf fall protection.

In these cases the interrupter or treadle must be insulated from the rails on which it is mounted

and a repeat relay provided. The preferred solution is to use the repeat relay contacts to cut

the receiver output to the track relay. Note that because of restrictions on the cabling between

the receiver and the track relay, the repeat relay must be in the same cabinet as the receiver.

On electrified lines this repeat circuit must be designed so as to be immune from the

interference caused by the traction system. See Figure


LocationPower Supplly



ET200 RxOutput to Relay

Track CircuitInterrupter or Treadle




Equipment Cabinet

Track Circuit Interrupter or Treadle Figure

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Confidential and proprietary. Cut Sections

An alternative to a centre fed track circuit for obtaining a longer track circuit is to use one

track relay to cut the output of the next section’s transmitter. This can be done as many times

as required to meet the desired track circuit length. A typical cut section arrangement is

shown in Figure

TUFrequency 1


Track CircuitFrequency F1

TxFreq. 1

Track CircuitFrequency F2

RxFreq. 2

TUFrequency 2

TUFrequency 2

T R BRxFreq. 1

TUFrequency 1

TUFrequency 2

TxFreq. 2

TUFrequency 1


Operates as single track circuit with TRB acting as track relay for complete section

Direction of Travel

Cut sectioned Track Circuit Figure Inserting an Extra Track Circuit

There is sometimes a requirement to install an extra track circuit in an established signalling


In jointless territory using tuned areas the alternating frequency arrangement of adjacent track

circuits must be maintained. In some circumstances the insertion of an extra track circuit can

simply be achieved by converting an end fed into a centre fed track circuit, or a centre fed into

two end fed tracks of the same frequency, separated by one of the paired frequency. If these

options are not available, then it may be possible to insert block joints and use a track circuit

from a different frequency pair, otherwise it may be necessary to change the frequencies of a

number of tracks to maintain the correct sequence.

In jointed areas, having inserted an additional pair of joints, the new track circuit should be

selected from a different frequency pair to that currently on the line. This avoids the risk of

false energisation of a track circuit in the event of an insulated rail joint failure. Track Circuits with steelwork in the bed of the track

If the bed of the track incorporates ‘steelwork’ (e.g. steel reinforcing rods in concrete or metal

bridge components) it may have an effect on the length of track circuit or tuned area. It may

even preclude the use of tuned areas because of excessive loading of the tuned area rail

inductance. Application note IS580001448A4 provides further information on the types of

track construction to be avoided.

Please contact Bombardier Transportation for guidance, and please supply full details of the

intended installation.

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4.3.1 Overview

This section provides the detailed information required to enable the correct installation of EBI

Track 200 track circuits.

WARNING The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some circumstances this can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or removing these units, power must be removed from the associated transmitter. personnel delegated to work on these units while in operation, must be suitably competent. In order to detect wiring errors in LMU circuits which could lead to overloading, commissioning tests shall be carried out as soon as practicable after power is switched on. Before handling heavy or bulky items, ensure that adequate lifting resources are available.

4.3.2 Transmitter and Receiver Mounting

It is important to ensure that no signal from a transmitter feed cable can couple into a receiver

feed cable where the receiver and transmitter are of the same frequency. This places

requirements on the wiring between the various track circuit components, but does not impact

the physical location of Transmitters and Receivers in equipment cabinets or control rooms.

Therefore, there are no restrictions on the mounting of transmitters, receivers and LMU(Tx).

Specifically, it is permitted to mount two receivers of the same, or different frequency on the

same mounting plate.

4.3.3 Rail Connections Tuning Units (TUs) And End Termination Units (ETUs)

Units are normally mounted on a post or stake at the side of the track. If required, LMUs may

be used with this arrangement, which is referred to as stake-mounted. Details of this mounting

arrangement are shown in Figures 8.7 to 8.9 in Section 8.

Alternatively, Tuning Units and End Termination Units may be mounted between the rails on

standard sleepers or between sleepers where continental tie-bar sleepers are used. These are

referred to as track-mounted installations. Details of these mounting arrangements are shown

in Figures 8.10 to 8.12 in Section 8.

All electrical rail connections should be bonded to the rails using methods which ensure that

the high current and low impedance requirements of Section 3.1 are met.. Cembre or Glenair

Rail Bonds are recommended; details of these connections are shown in Figure 8.5 in

section 8

Track connection cables from stake-mounted TUs and ETUs as far as the nearest rail are to be

run in parallel and tied together. Ideally, cables from stake-mounted TUs/ETUs should be run

over the ballast in a protective tube; if a protective tube is not employed, the long cable to the

furthest rail should be tied to the nearest sleeper as shown in Figure 8.9a.

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Stake mountedTU / ETU

TU/ETU-to-rail cables tied together

Stake Mounted Unit With Cables Tied Figure

IMPORTANT The length and size of the cables must be within the recommended values specified in table 4.3.3, as any variation may lead to degradation of system safety. The rail connections must be checked for security and that they do not exceed the resistance value given in sub-section 3.1.

With track-mounted units, the unit to track cables should be arranged to cross as shown in


SleepermountedTU / ETU

ETU-to-rail cables crossed and tied together

Track Mounted Unit With Cables Crossed Figure Track Coupling Units (TCUs)

For details see single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4.

4.3.4 Cables

Limitations on transmitter and receiver to TU/ETU feed lengths, and methods for increasing

them, are given in section 4.2.6.

SAFETY REQUIREMENT It is important to ensure that no signal from a transmitter feed cable can couple into a receiver feed cable where the receiver and transmitter are of the same frequency. To achieve this each circuit must use a separate single twisted pair cable of the recommended type. Extensive lengths (ie longer than 50m) in the same troughing, or cable run, are not permitted. Where cable hangers are used, the spacing between cable runs must be greater than 200mm. If screened twisted pair cable pairs are used, then the spacing requirements may be waived. Twisted pair cables must have a pitch not exceeding 75mm or 120mm for screened cables.

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In case of doubt, please contact Bombardier Transportation.

The recommended cables to be used on a EBI Track 200 track circuit installation are

summarised in Figure 4.3.3 and in Table 4.3.3:





Track Relay

24V Supply 24V Supply

Gain Straps0.75mm² copper(24/0.2mm)Single core


35mm² copper(19/1.53mm)Single core.

0.75mm² copper(24/0.2mm)single core

0.75mm² copper(24/0.2mm)Single core

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

0.75mm² copper(24/0.2mm)single-core

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

With LMUs

TX End RX End



Junction Box



(OPTIONAL)LMUs allowincreased

feed lengthbetween

TX & TU / ETUup to 500m.

2.5mm² copper (50/0.25mm) Twisted pair

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

35mm² copper(19/1.53mm)Single core.



Junction Box Junction Box

2.5mm² copper(50/0.25mm)Twisted pair

Cable Summary Figure 4.3.3


• For clarity, earthing cables are not shown on this diagram, see Table 4.3.3.

• Trackside Junction Boxes are optional.

• For TCU arrangements, see Single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4.

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Recommended Cable Types Table 4.3.3

Equipment Cable Details



Core material Construction Additional Information



PSU current strap

RX to Track Relay

RX Gain Strap

0.75 mm²


copper (24/0.2

or 7/0.37)

single core PSU must be located in the same

equipment cabinet as the Rx and Tx

that it feeds. Cables must be less

than 100m in length. Lengths over

10m must be run as twisted pairs

The track relay must located in the

same equipment cabinet as its Rx.

TX /RX to cable

termination block inside

location case


LMU(TX) to cable

termination block inside

location case

2.5 mm²


copper (50/0.25) twisted pair If there are no units of the same

frequency in the equipment case or

REB, then single core cable may be

used since there is no risk of cross-


TX to TU/ETU or

LMU (Tx) to



2.5 mm²




2-core twisted pair

(in areas prone to severe

electrical storms, eg tropical

countries, it may be desirable

to use 2-core with screen,

earthed at one end only)

No LMU: up to 30m

With LMU: up to 500m

If Tx and Rx cables carrying the

same frequencies are run together,

then 2-core twisted pair screened

cables must be used (see 4.3.4).

Screens shall be connected to earth

at the Tx or Rx end.

See Figures 8.1and 8.2 for earthing.

TU / ETU to RX 2.5 mm²


copper (50/0.25) 2-core twisted pair

(in areas prone to severe

electrical storms, eg tropical

countries, it may be desirable

to use 2-core twisted pair with

screen, earthed at one end


Normally up to 500m

See Figures 8.1 and 8.2 for


TU / ETU to Rail 35 mm² copper (19/1.53)


high flexibility


cable may be


single-core Stake Mounted

Long: 2.9±0.15m

Short: 1.65±0.15m

Sleeper Mounted

Both: 1.2±0.15m

Part numbers for cable sets are

given in section 7.

70 mm² copper


Longer cables used to place

TU/ETU in a position of safety

Stake Mounted TU/ETU

Long: 4.8 ±0.15m

Short: 3.0±0.15m

ETU cables may be up to 15m.

Continuity bonding cables

to suit traction


copper single-core 35mm2 minimum (traction)

2.5mm2 minimum (non-traction)

Includes check rail bonding.


earth terminals to earth

TU / ETU terminal 3 to


TU / ETU terminal 3 to

LMU(TU) terminal E

Surge Arrestor

connection to earth

2.5 mm²


copper (50/0.25) single-core, green/yellow This is the minimum cross-sectional

area that should be used for earth

cables on a EBI Track 200 installation.

See Figures 8.1 and 8.2 for


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4.3.5 Rail Bonding Jointed Rail

Tuning units must be sited so that no catch points or expansion joints are located within the 20

metres between tuning units.

If the track circuit is installed on conventional jointed track then it is likely that there may be

rail joints within the track circuit boundary. It is important that good quality connections are

used in order to achieve reliable operation. Within the tuned area, 19/1.53 copper cable,and a

rail connection meeting the resistance requirement in Table 3.1.1 must be used . Cembre or

Glenair rail bonds are the recommended method of achieving rail connections. Traction Return Current Bonding

Traction return current bonding is primarily the responsibility of the traction supply engineers,

but the requirements of EBI Track 200 must be considered. The bonding for traction return

current must be applied so it does not compromise the safe operation of the train detection

system, i.e. EBI Track 200. The full methodology of traction bonding is outside the scope of

this manual, but some typical bonding configurations, suitable for EBI Track 200 operation,

are shown in the following figure. Further information on traction bonding can be found in

Guidance Notes for Traction Bonding, IS580001109A4.

Negative Return

Impedance Bonds

e.g. Type B3



Negative Return



Cross Bond

Double Rail Traction Current Return Single Rail Traction Current Return

Return rail (common)

Return rail (common)

Note : Try to limit cross bonds to one per track

circuit if possible.

Rail break detection lost in common rail.

Impedance Bond

e.g. Type B3


Double Rail to Single Rail

Traction Current Return


Return rail




Single Rail to Single Rail

Traction Current Return


Return rail


Return rail


Examples of Typical Traction Current Return Bonding Figure

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Confidential and proprietary. Bonding For IRJ Failure Detection

Double Rail Boundaries At double rail track circuit boundaries, impedance bonds are used to carry the traction current

around the IRJs as shown in Figure

Figure In order to provide IRJ failure detection, ETUs of frequency A, C, E or G must be paired with

an ETU from the group B, D, F, H. For example, a frequency A ETU can be used with a

frequency B, D, F or H ETU and still retain IRJ failure detection capability. Failure detection

is achieved because, when an IRJ fails, the combination of the load from the Bond and the

load from the zero in the paired ETU causes one, or both of the track circuits to drop.

Single to Double Rail Boundaries At single to double rail track circuit boundaries, impedance bonds are used to carry the

traction current around the IRJs as shown in Figure

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections must be within 3m of the IRJ



Track CircuitFrequency F2



UnitFrequency F1


UnitFrequency F2


Normally frequencies F1 and F2 would continue the paired sequence if thetransition is in the normal route in points, or be non-paired frequenciesif the transition is in the reverse route.

Figure In the event of failure of the lower IRJ, the B3 Bond acts to present a low impedance across

both track circuits thus causing them to indicate occupied. In the event of failure of the upper

IRJ the combination of the load from the Bond and the load from the zero in the companion

ETU causes one, or both of the track circuits to drop. Detection is achieved for all

combinations of ETU frequencies, without restriction.

Non-Electrified Boundaries At non-electrified boundaries, no impedance bonds are required. This track arrangement

cannot detect the first block joint failure due to lack of bonding. Detection of failure of the

second IRJ can be assured if ETUs of frequency A, C, E or G are paired with an ETU from the

group B, D, F, H, except that the pairing of frequency C with frequency F must not be used.

Single Rail Boundaries Single rail boundaries are dealt with in the Single Rail Manual, M580000626A4. Check Rails

Check rails must be bonded at both ends to the adjacent running rail. In addition, any joints

must be bonded out and long check rails must be bonded every 60m

Track CircuitFrequency F1

Rail connections must be within 3m of the IRJLess than 3m



Track CircuitFrequency F2




UnitFrequency F1


UnitFrequency F2


Frequencies F1 and F2 can be any non-paired TI frequencies, but must not bethe same.

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If check rails span an IRJ, then the check rail must also contain an IRJ to prevent a bypass


4.3.6 Lightning Protection (This does not apply to single rail circuits using TCUs)

In temperate climates it may be permissible to omit the earth connection on the TU / ETU,

only judgement and experience of the local climatic conditions can be employed to make this

decision. However, under all conditions, it is recommended that surge arrestors are fitted

across the input terminals of the receiver and output terminals of the transmitter, or LMU(Tx).

In order to ensure correct by-passing of the surge current it is essential that the centre tap of

the arrestor is connected directly to a low impedance local earth. It should be noted that any

traction currents are effectively isolated from this earth system by the tuning unit. Surge

arrestor details are given on Figure 8.3 in Section 8.

The input transformer in the receiver, the output transformer in the transmitter and the power

supply transformer each include screens which are wired out to an earth terminal (E) on the

front of the unit and, when connected to earth, these provide valuable rejection of common

mode transients. The exposed metalwork of each unit is also connected to the E terminal. The

E terminal on all receivers, transmitters, power supply units and LMU (TX)’s must be

connected to a low impedance local earth. It should be noted that any traction currents are

effectively isolated from this earth system by the TU/ETU.

Where intermediate equipment cubicles or junction boxes are used, and the cable between

these intermediate locations and the Tx / Rx equipment location is protected from lightning, eg

by cable ducts or troughing, optimum protection of assets is achieved by placing the Surge

Arrestor in the intermediate cubicle closest to the rails as possible. For example if the Track

Circuit feed to the TU/ETU is wired from a Relocatable Building to a Location Case the Surge

Arrestor and Fuse must be fitted in the Location Case.

Typical circuits are shown in Figure 8.1 – 8.2. IS580014943A4 summarises the surge arrestor

arrangements for different circuit configurations.

Surge Arrestor Types One arrestor arrangement is generically approved for use with EBI Track 200 TU / ETU


• Littelfuse SL1026

For arrestors approved for single rail applications, see the Single Rail Manual, M58000626A4.

Recognition and installation information is illustrated in section 8, Figure 8.3 and part

numbers are given in section 7.

Users must check rail authority certification for approved types in their region.

4.3.7 Power Supply Unit Considerations

SAFETY REQUIREMENT The following requirements on power supply loading must be observed to

guarantee safe operation of EBI Track 200 track circuits. Power Supply Unit Loading Rules


• For safety reasons, one power supply unit shall not be arranged to feed a transmitter

and receiver of the same frequency.

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Permitted: Table shows the permitted combinations of transmitters and receivers run from a single


No. of Receivers or Low Power Tx

No. of Normal Power Transmitters

0 1 2

0 X

1 X

2 X

3 X

4 X

5 X

6 X X

7 X X

8 X X

Table Permitted Combinations of Transmitters and Receivers


• No transmitter and receiver may be of the same frequency.

• If more than 2 track circuits are driven from one PSU, then the overall arrangement

must be shown by the not to have a negative impact on scheme reliability.

A strap adjustment is provided to ensure adequate regulation for two ranges of load:

(1) 0.25 to 2.2 amps

(2) 2.2 amps to 4.4 amps 24V Battery Supplies

Where battery supplies are used in conjunction with rail authority approved charging systems,

the maximum current available will be limited by the charger’s output current rating. This

rating should not be less than 4A.

Combinations of transmitters and receivers may be used provided:

• The total current requirement is less than 70% of the nominal current output raying of

the charger.

• No transmitter and receiver may be of the same frequency2. Power Supply Location

Power supplies (including battery supplies) must be located within the same Relay Room,

REB or Location Case as the transmitters and/or receivers that they feed. The power cables to

Tx and/or Rx must not exceed 100m and lengths longer than 10m must be run as twisted pairs.

4.3.8 EMC Compliance

EBI Track 200 Track Circuits comply with European Directive 2004/108/EC. However, to

achieve compliance, the E terminal on the TX, RX and PSU must be connected to earth.

4.3.9 Fusing - TX, RX and PSU TX and RX B24

The transmitter current consumption of 2.2A stated in Section 3.2 is a typical maximum value

for transmitters operating in normal power mode, obtained when measured with a multimeter

on the DC range. This is the DC average value of the current, and is valid for commissioning

and maintenance tests and records.

2 The only exception to this rule requires the use of TCUs. TCU applications are covered in the single rail manual, M580000626A4.

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The actual supply current drawn by a transmitter also contains an AC component, which can

be up to 2.0A. This component can only be accurately measured using a true RMS multimeter

with a frequency response high enough to cover the EBI Track 200 operating frequency range

(up to 2600Hz) on the AC range. In this mode, the meter will only measure the AC

component. The total RMS value of the current, combining the AC and DC components, can

approach 3.0ARMS.

This being the case, it is important to fit fuses that are rated for continuous operation at

3.0ARMS rather than rated to rupture at this level.

It is recommended that the following fuse type is used for fusing of EBI Track 200

Transmitter B24 and Receiver B24 :

• 3A anti-surge fuse such as a Cooper Bussmann MDA-3-R, Bombardier part number 520026437. This fuse is also recommended for Power Supply fusing, see section

An alternative fuse type for the Transmitter and Receiver is:

• 3A Joint Services Fuse to DEF Standard 59-96 (NATO Reference System).

available from Cooper Bussmann under their part number 059-0111, the Bombardier

part number 113508

Either fuse is compatible with the Entrelec M10/13TSF fuseholder (Entrelec part no.199-095,


IMPORTANT: If it is not possible to obtain these fuse types, always use a fuse that is rated

for continuous operation at 3.0ARMS.

Note that suitably rated circuit breakers can be used instead of fuses. Power Supply Input BX110 or BX220 Circuits:

A 3A anti-surge fuse is used to prevent nuisance blowing due to inrush current at switch on.

A suitable fuse type is a Cooper Bussmann MDA-3-R, Bombardier part number 520026437.

The latest power supply, part number L520019357, must be use this fuse.

Note that suitably rated circuit breakers can be used instead of fuses.

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4.3.10 Torque Settings for EBI Track 200

This sub-section outlines the torque settings to be used when making connections to EBI

Track 200 equipment:


Impedance Bond (see Figs 8.13, 8.14)

Side leads connection at Bond (copper crimp)

M16 110

Side leads connection at Bond (aluminium


M16 90

Bond centre tap to cable (copper crimp)

M16 110

Bond centre tap to cable (aluminium


M16 90

Bond centre tap to Aluminium, plate

M16 90

Capacitor Module to bond housing

M6 7

Capacitor Module terminations to Bond

M10 40

Aluminium plate to Rail Lead connection

(Copper or Aluminium crimp)

M16 90

Aluminium plate to Rail Lead connection

(Copper or Aluminium crimp)

M12 72

Side leads or Rail Leads to Cembre or Glenair rail bonds

M12 72

Bond cover fixing M10 Tighten manually using best judgement

Bond to concrete sleeper

M16 expanding stud

110 to fix insert, 80 to secure Bond

Bond to timber sleeper M16 or 5/8 inch coach

screw with gimlet point 60

Bond to steel sleeper M12 blind bolt Jam nut

Phillidas nut

17 50


T1 & T2 M10 (see Fig 8.6)


Cembre or Glenair Rail Bonds

M6 (see Fig 8.5)


Terminal block 2BA (as supplied) (see Fig 8.6)


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TU/ETU to adapter plate/ or to stake

M8 (as supplied) (see Figs 8.7, 8.8)


Adapter plate to concrete sleeper

(if used)

M16 safety stud anchor

(see Fig 8.10 – 8.12)


Adapter plate to wooden sleeper

(if used)

5/8” Coach Screw (see Fig 8.10 – 8.12)


Adapter plate to steel sleeper (if used)

M20 Blind Bolt Jam nut

Phillidas nut (see Fig 8.10 – 8.12)

35 110

TU protective cover (if used)

M8 (see Fig 8.10 – 8.12)



Mounting 2BA/M5 (as supplied)


Terminals 4BA/M3.5 (as supplied)


Earth stud (where provided)

M6 6

LMU(TU) Terminals 2BA 4.5

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5.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 2

5.1.1 General ........................................................................................ 2

5.1.2 Summary Of Setting-up And Commissioning Procedure ............. 2

5.1.3 Equipment Required .................................................................... 3

5.1.4 Pre-requisites For Setting-up ....................................................... 3

5.2 Limitations On Setting Up Conditions .......................................... 4

5.2.1 Limitations On Ambient Temperature .......................................... 4

5.2.2 Limitations On Ballast Conductance ............................................ 4

5.3 Track Circuits With TUs Or ETUs and EBI Track 200 Receivers ..................................................................................... 5

5.3.1 Standard Procedure: Track Circuits with One Receiver .............. 5

5.3.2 Track Circuits With Two Or Three Receivers .............................. 8

5.3.3 Track Circuit Records................................................................... 8

5.3.4 Checking the Accuracy of the Condition Monitoring Display ....... 8

5.3.5 Emergency Set-up Procedure ...................................................... 9

5.4 Track Circuits With TUs Or ETUs and Analogue Receivers ........ 10

5.4.1 Standard Procedure: Track Circuits with One Receiver .............. 10

5.4.2 Track Circuits With Two Or Three Receivers .............................. 10

5.5 Analogue Receiver Settings ......................................................... 11

5.5.1 Nominal Track Circuit Lengths For Each Receiver Sensitivity Setting ......................................................................... 11

5.5.2 Receiver Input Wiring and Pick-Up Current for Each Sensitivity Setting ......................................................................... 12

5.6 Additional Commissioning Tests .................................................. 15

5.6.1 Crosstalk and Feed-through Checks ........................................... 15

5.6.2 IRJ Confirmation Checks ............................................................. 15

5.6.3 Earth Connection Confirmation Checks ....................................... 15

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5.1.1 General

WARNING High voltages may be present at EBI Track 200 rail connections. Setting-up, maintenance and repair of an EBI Track 200 track circuit must be undertaken only by qualified and authorised personnel. Before setting-up, maintenance or repair is attempted, the effect of such actions on the operation of the system must be determined and the necessary authority obtained. If the track relay function is to be tested by imposing an external voltage on the relay coil then, to avoid damage to the receiver output circuit, the receiver’s 9-way connector shall be disconnected.

The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some circumstances this can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or removing these units, power must be removed from the associated transmitter. Personnel delegated to work on these units while in operation, shall be suitably competent. In order to detect wiring errors in LMU circuits which could lead to overloading, commissioning tests shall be carried out as soon as practicable after power is switched on. Observe all Safety Procedures that are in force for track possession, and for working on or near the track. Before handling heavy or bulky items, ensure that adequate lifting resources

are available.

No facilities are provided on the transmitter for adjustments. The receiver input signal will

vary with track length and ballast condition.

EBI Track 200 digital receivers have a readout of receiver input current provided on the

receiver’s display so that use of a current-measuring meter, or shunt, is not required. A 1Ω

resistor is provided internally and wired to the front panel terminals, so that checking of the

current measurement is possible.

It is recommended that a record of track circuit characteristics is taken for future reference, as

an aid to fault finding and as part of a routine maintenance programme. If such a record is

required, then an appropriate selection of the tests listed in Section 6 may be carried out, as

shown on the equipment record card in section 9. It is recommended that the tests are carried

out during commissioning, setting-up and/or after any subsequent equipment changes.

The prescribed settings ensure that the track will not drop when there is not a train present if

the ballast conductance increases to its specified maximum value of 0.5 Siemens / km, nor will

the drop shunt ever decrease below 0.5 ohms, if ballast conductance reduces.

5.1.2 Summary Of Setting-up And Commissioning Procedure

• Power up transmitter and receiver.

• Set a 1Ω drop shunt across the rails at the receiver TU or ETU rail connections.

Replace the frequency key with a set-up key and perform the auto-set operation at the

receiver. The auto-set operation locks the receiver current threshold into the receiver.

After set-up, receiver currents above the threshold cause the receiver to indicate

‘track clear’, while currents below the threshold cause an indication of ‘track


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• Replace the set-up key with the frequency key and verify that the track drops with

0.7Ω drop shunt.

• Set-up any additional receivers in the track circuit, re-checking each when all have

been set up.

• Set up each half of a centre-fed track as if it were a single track circuit.

• Carry out any additional commissioning tests required (see section 5.6).

• Record the track settings and measurements.

5.1.3 Equipment Required

• Bombardier TI21 Track Meter (TTM).

• Bombardier Shunt Box.

5.1.4 Pre-requisites For Setting-up

The following track circuit information is required before a track circuit can be set-up:

• Track circuit identification.

• Track circuit length and boundaries.

• Track circuit frequency.

• Quantity of receivers in track circuit.

Before setting-up a track circuit. Ensure that the following conditions have been met:

• The EBI Track 200 equipment has been correctly installed with the correct frequency


• Required rail and traction bonding is correctly installed.

• The correct frequency key, and a set-up key, are available for the receiver.

• The equipment wiring has been verified as correct.

• There should be 2-way communications between the staff setting-up the track circuit.

• The correct test instruments are available and test leads.

• A Track Circuit Record Sheet is available.

• Currently installed rail and traction bonding meets requirements.

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SAFETY REQUIREMENT The following limitations on setting-up procedures must be observed to avoid erosion of the track circuit safety margin.

5.2.1 Limitations On Ambient Temperature

In order to optimise availability whilst maintaining the highest levels of safety, EBI Track 200

track circuits should be set up at a time when the ambient temperature in which the trackside

equipment (TUs and ETUs) are operating is within the range +10°C to +30°C. This ensures

the optimum set up for operation over the ambient temperature range given in Section 3.

If a track circuit has to be set-up when the trackside ambient temperature is outside the setting-

up temperature range, the following guidelines must be observed:

Ambient temperature below +10°C

If the temperature is below +10°C at the time that the track circuit is set-up, then it is possible

that a large increase in ambient temperature at the trackside equipment could cause the

receiver current to fall below the receiver threshold setting. As a result, the track circuit will

show occupied.

If this situation should occur, the problem will be rectified by repeating the setting-up

procedure for the track circuit when the trackside ambient temperature has risen above +10°C.

Ambient temperature above +30°C

If the temperature is above +30°C at the time that the track circuit is set up, then it is possible

that a large decrease in ambient temperature could significantly erode the track circuit safety

margin. To avoid this possibility, any track circuit that is being set up when the trackside

ambient temperature is above +30°C should be set up temporarily to have a drop shunt

between 1.3 Ω and 1.7Ω. When the temperature has fallen below 30°C, the track circuit must

be set up with the normal drop shunt limits of 0.8Ω to 1.2Ω

Note: If the trackside ambient temperature is outside the +10°C to +30°C range during

setting up, then record the actual temperature in the remarks column on the Track

Circuit Record Card.

5.2.2 Limitations On Ballast Conductance

There is an upper limit to the ballast conductance above which it becomes impossible to set up

the track circuit without lowering the RX threshold to an unacceptable level. This effect is

most noticeable for track circuit lengths of 800m and above.

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SAFETY REQUIREMENT The following setting up procedures must be completed before the track circuit is used in traffic, both after initial installation and after alterations to the track or equipment.

IMPORTANT If connections to the test points on the 9-way WAGO connectors are required, then the 2mm test lead adaptors supplied with the set-up key must be used to prevent damage to the connector. If the track relay function is to be tested by imposing an external voltage on the relay coil then, to avoid damage to the receiver output circuit, the receiver’s 9-way connector must be disconnected.

5.3.1 Standard Procedure: Track Circuits with One Receiver

WARNING The correct frequency key must be used in the receiver

High voltages may be present at EBI Track 200 rail connections. Observe all Safety Procedures that are in force for track possession and for working on or near the track.

(1) At both the transmitter and receiver ends:

(a) measure the actual value of the incoming 110VAC (or 220VAC) supply using a

TTM or suitable multimeter. Connect the incoming supply to the Power Supply

Unit via the appropriate taps to match the measured input supply voltage (see

section 3.6),

(b) set the output current strap on the power supply unit to match the current drain.

For a current drain of 0.25A to 2.2A, link terminals 0.25-2.2A and TAP COM.

For a current drain between 2.2A to 4.4A, link terminals 2.2-4.4A and TAP


(c) Check that the power supply is giving out 24 - 26V DC. Adjust the input

incoming supply taps if necessary.

(2) Power up the transmitter. Power up the Receiver. The display will respond with

‘KEY’. Fit the correct frequency configuration key for the track circuit under test. The

display will echo back the frequency and then display the relay state (‘PICK’ or


(3a) Using a TTM, or the condition monitoring display, confirm that Rx has a supply

voltage within the range 22.5V to 30.5V.

(3b) Confirm the track circuit has a Sideband imbalance ratio less than 1.6:1 for TU/ETU as

follows. On the receiver:

• Press OK then ‘NEXT’ until ‘INOW’

• Press OK then Next Until ‘USB’

• Press OK and note the value.

• Press ‘BACK’ then ‘NEXT’ until ‘LSB’

• Press OK and note the value

Calculate and record sideband imbalance by dividing the larger value by the smaller


(3c) Confirm that the clear track current is within the expected range for the length of the

track circuit (see Table 5.3.1). If the clear track current is more than 20% below the

expected level, this indicates that the track circuit is losing current. In this case the

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cause of the current loss must be determined and rectified otherwise the safety margin

of the circuit can be eroded.

Note: If the transmit circuit uses LMUs then losses in the LMUs reduce the expected

clear track current by 10%.

Table 5.3.1.

DISTANCE (metres)

Clear Track Current

Normal Power Low Power

mA Min Max Min Max



130 200 240 20 90

98 240 300 50 90

78 300 360 90 110

66 360 415 110 140

56 415 475 140 170

48 475 535 170 200

44 535 595 200 230

40 595 655 230 250

36 655 710

32 710 770

30 770 1100

(4) Connect a shunt box across the rails at the receiver TU or ETU track connections. Fix

the drop shunt at either 1.0Ω for a normal power track or 1.5Ω for a low power track.

Check that clear track current is 40-60% less than the value without the shunt box


(5) Replace the frequency key with the set-up key. The display will respond with ‘SET?’

Press the ‘OK’ button to begin the automatic set-up process

WARNING If the set up key left in place for more than 1 minute, then the set up function will time out and the threshold will be set to zero.

(6) The condition monitoring display will show the legend ‘WAIT’, followed by ‘PASS’

or ‘FAIL’.

‘PASS’ indicates that set-up has been successful, and the new gain settings have been

locked into the unit.

‘FAIL’ indicates that set-up was unsuccessful because, for example, the wrong

frequency key has been used, or the track current is too low. In this case, ‘FAIL’ will

cycle with the reason for failure shown as a code. The track circuit must be

investigated, and faults corrected before set-up is attempted again.

WARNING If the set up fails, then the threshold will be set to zero.

The automatic set-up failure code consists of 4 letters which are designed to focus the

fault investigation:

• M indicates that the modulation rate is in error, eg mod pin stuck on high


• S indicates that the sideband imbalance is too great (exceeds 100%)

suggesting a TU fault.

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• H indicates that the input signal is too high suggesting the track should be

moved to ‘Low power’.

• L indicates that the input signal is too low suggesting open circuits / poor


Typical examples of fault codes are given in Table 5.3.2.

Table 5.3.2: Typical Automatic Set-up Failure Codes

Message Meaning of Code Field Examples

L Input signal low. Over-long TC. Poorly set-up tuned

area. Loose connections.

H Input signal high TC too short.

HL Input signal high and low Internal RX fault.

S Sideband imbalance high Failed TU.

SL Sideband imbalance high and

signal low

Unlikely to occur

SH Sideband imbalance high and

signal high

Unlikely to occur

SHL Sideband imbalance high,

signal high and low

Internal RX fault.

M Mod rate incorrect Faulty TX.

ML Mod rate incorrect and signal


Open circuit in TC. Wrong

frequency TX or RX key.

MH Mod rate incorrect and signal


Unlikely to occur

MHL Mod rate incorrect and signal

high and low

Internal RX fault.

MS Mod rate incorrect and

sideband imbalance high

MOD pin tied on TX or TX MOD


MSL Mod rate incorrect, sideband

imbalance high and signal low

Incorrect frequency key used.

MSH Mod rate incorrect, sideband

imbalance high and signal high

Unlikely to occur

MSHL All signals incorrect Internal RX fault.



A-B mismatch between


High level traction interference

signal present.

Time Out - ‘OK’ not pressed within 60


Key Wrte - Faulty key or process corrupted.

WRNG - Set up key inserted before

frequency key or incorrect

frequency key inserted to finish the


(7) Replace the set-up key with the frequency key. Check that clear track current is still

40-60% less than the value without the shunt box connected. Remove the shunt box

and check that the current recovers to the value noted at the beginning of step 3.

(8) Connect a shunt box, set to 0.7 ohms, across the rails at the transmit end TU / ETU

track connections and check that the track circuit drops.

(9) Record the clear track current and the threshold level on the track circuit record card.

Note 1: See section 5.3.4 for advice on using data from the Condition Monitoring

display for use on the record sheet.

Note 2: Where low power tracks are used, ‘Low Power’ labels must be fixed to the

Tx, Rx and TUs / ETUs

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5.3.2 Track Circuits With Two Or Three Receivers

When setting up a track circuit which has two or three receivers being driven from the same

transmitter, the following procedure should be adopted:

(a) Carry out step (1) above.

(b) Ensure that all receivers in the track circuit are connected.

(c) Carry out step (2) and (3) for all receivers in the track circuit.

(d) Set-up each receiver in turn as detailed in steps (4) to (6) above.

(e) Finally, Connect a shunt box, set to 0.7 ohms, across the rails at the transmit end TU /

ETU track connections and check that all Rx drop.

5.3.3 Track Circuit Records

Track circuit record cards have traditionally recorded the sensitivity, or gain, setting of the

analogue Receiver. It is important to note that, with Digital Receiver, this parameter is

replaced by the threshold value read from the Condition Monitoring display using the ‘Ith’

command. Similarly, the I/P signal for track clear can be read from the Condition Monitoring

display using the ‘Inow’ and then ‘Av’ commands. All other recorded values are unchanged.

Full details of the operation of the Condition Monitoring display are given in section 6.1.

5.3.4 Checking the Accuracy of the Condition Monitoring Display

The measurements displayed by the Condition Monitoring Display are made by high integrity,

duplicated circuitry. However, if there is difficulty in reading the display, eg if some of the

LED segments have failed, measurement of key values can be made independently of the

Condition Monitoring display using a calibrated TTM in the following way.

PSU Voltage Measure the voltage across B24 and N24 using a TTM on the DC range.

Sensitivity Setting A 1Ω resistor is included in the input circuit between IP1 and TP1. The sensitivity setting locked into the unit at set-up can be checked by measuring the voltage across TP1 and IP1 (using a TTM set to the correct frequency) while the automatic set-up is in progress.

I/P Signal Track Clear Again, use the 1Ω resistor by measuring the voltage across TP1 and IP 1 using a TTM, when the track is clear.

Relay O/P Voltage Measure the voltage across RL+ and RL- using a TTM on the DC range.

Note: The 1Ω resistor has a protection circuit in series with it and TP1, thus any

attempt to check the value of the 1Ω will return a resistance value much larger

than 1Ω.

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5.3.5 Emergency Set-up Procedure

This procedure may be used when it is necessary to replace a failed receiver and there is no

opportunity to take possession of the track to perform the drop shunt test.

IMPORTANT: A full set-up in accordance with section 5.3.1 or 5.3.2 should be carried out as soon as practicable.

(1) Note the threshold current value recorded on the track circuit record card.

(2) Remove the failed receiver and replace with the new one.

(3) Insert the original frequency key. Press the Next Key to display Inow, then the OK key

to display AV, then OK again to display the value of average track current.

(4) Using the 2mm test lead adaptors, attach a shunt box across the IPC and IP1 terminals,

or at the equivalent point on the surge arrestor terminals. Then adjust the shunt so that

the average track current reads the same as the threshold current value recorded on the

test record card.

(5) Leaving the shunt box in place, remove the frequency key and replace it with the set-up

key. Press OK to carry out the automatic set-up process as described in 5.3.1 steps (5)

and (6).

(6) On successful completion of the automatic set-up, replace the set-up key with the

frequency key. Record the clear track current on the record card. The receiver is now


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SAFETY REQUIREMENT The following setting up procedures must be completed before the track circuit is used in traffic, both after initial installation and after alterations to the track or equipment.

5.4.1 Standard Procedure: Track Circuits with One Receiver

WARNING High voltages may be present at EBI Track 200 rail connections. Observe all Safety Procedures that are in force for track possession and for

working on or near the track.

(1) At both the transmitter and receiver ends:

(a) measure the actual value of the incoming 110VAC (or 220VAC) supply using a

TTM or suitable multimeter. Connect the incoming supply to the Power Supply

Unit Style 11 via the appropriate taps to match the measured input supply

voltage (see sub-section 3.6),


(b) set the output current strap on the power supply unit to match the current drain.

For a current drain of 0.25A to 2.2A, link terminals 0.25-2.2A and TAP COM.

For a current drain between 2.2A to 4.4A, link terminals 2.2-4.4A and TAP


(2) Set the receiver sensitivity to the value given in Table, according to the track

length and operating mode (normal or low power).

(3) Connect a shunt box across the rails at the receiver TU or ETU track connections.

(4) Adjust the sensitivity so that the track drops with a shunt of:

(i) between 0.8Ω and 1.2Ω for a normal power track,

(ii) between 1.3Ω to 1.7Ω for low power.

Note 1: To lower the drop shunt, raise the sensitivity setting (eg 9 to 10)

To raise the drop shunt, lower the sensitivity setting. (eg 12 to 11)

Note 2: If the sensitivity setting has to be raised by more than 2 steps then this

indicates that the track circuit is losing current. In this case the cause of the

current loss must be determined and rectified otherwise the safety margin of

the circuit can be eroded. (If the transmit circuit uses LMUs then this does

not apply due to losses in the cable)

Note 3: Where low power tracks are used, ‘Low Power’ labels must be fixed to the

Tx, Rx and TUs / ETUs.

(5) Connect a shunt box, set to 0.7 ohms, across the rails at the transmit end TU / ETU

track connections and check that the track circuit drops.

5.4.2 Track Circuits With Two Or Three Receivers

When setting up a track circuit which has two or three receivers being driven from the same

transmitter, the following procedure should be adopted:

(a) Carry out step (1) above.

(b) Ensure that all receivers in the track circuit are connected.

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(c) Set-up each receiver in turn as detailed in steps (2) to (4) above.

(d) Return to the first receiver and check that the drop shunt is still correct; if not, then re-

adjust the receiver sensitivity as detailed in step (4) above.

(e) Repeat step (d) for each of the other receivers in turn until a drop shunt within the

specified range is achieved for each receiver in the track circuit.

CAUTION If the sensitivity setting for any receiver in a multi-receiver track circuit has to be adjusted, then the drop shunt for each of the other receivers in the track circuit must be checked, and re-set if necessary.


5.5.1 Nominal Track Circuit Lengths For Each Receiver Sensitivity Setting

IMPORTANT The figures given in this sub-section apply only to standard gauge: 1435 mm End Fed Track Circuits

Table is intended as a guide that can be used to set the initial RX sensitivity setting for

various track circuit lengths; they have been calculated to give a 0.5 ohm shunt at both

transmitter and receiver track connections with a worst case ballast condition of 0.5 mho/km.

IMPORTANT: The actual sensitivity setting necessary for any track must be determined from practical shunting tests achieving a shunt value at the receiver tuning unit in

the range 0.8ΩΩΩΩ to 1.2ΩΩΩΩ for normal power, and 1.3ΩΩΩΩ to 1.7ΩΩΩΩ for low power. These values allow for a reduction of ballast impedance due to, for example, a rain



DISTANCE (metres)

Sensitivity Normal Power Low Power Step Min Max Min Max



3 200 240

4 240 300 50 90

5 300 360 90 110

6 360 415 110 140

7 415 475 140 170

8 475 535 170 200

9 535 595 200 230

10 595 655 230 250

11 655 710

12 710 770

13 770 1100

Example: A 680 metre end fed track circuit should have its receiver initially set to

sensitivity step 11.

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Note: If a track circuit contains any impedance bonds then the sensitivity may need to be

higher than that indicated.

Before the track is cleared for traffic, a rail to rail shunt test must be made by the receiver TU /

ETU rail connections. The sensitivity setting should be adjusted if necessary to give a shunt

of 0.8Ω to 1.2Ω (normal power), or 1.3Ω to 1.7Ω (low power). Centre Fed Track Circuits

Centre fed track circuits should be treated as two independent track circuits. Because of the

extra loading effect of the second circuit, the sensivity setting may need to be increased by one


Example: A centre fed track with receivers 500m and 700m from the transmitter should

have the two receivers set initially to sensitivity steps 9 and 12 respectively.

Before the track is cleared for traffic, a rail to rail shunt test must be made by the receiver

tuning unit rail connections for each receiver. The sensitivity setting should be adjusted if

necessary to give a shunt of 0.8Ω to 1.2Ω.

5.5.2 Receiver Input Wiring and Pick-Up Current for Each Sensitivity Setting

Receiver sensitivity is set by adjustment of the turns ratio of the input transformer. This is

achieved by connecting the input signal through one or more of the three primary windings of

the transformer, and arranging the relative phases of the windings (if more than one is

required) to either add or subtract their effect. This section describes the receiver input wiring

arrangements required to obtain the desired pick-up current.

The polarity of the signal from the TU is not important, therefore the terms ‘Input 1’ and

‘Input 2’ are interchangeable. In all cases one input (Input 2 in Table 5.5.2 and Figure 5.5.2a)

from the TU / ETU is terminated to one end of the 1Ω resistor in the receiver. A link from the

other end of this resistor is taken to the required end of the appropriate input transformer

winding, and other links (if required) and the other input from the TU / ETU are connected

such that the required gain is selected.

Table 5.5.2 contains the required connections for up to 3 straps and the other TU / ETU input

(Input 1) for each receiver gain setting.

Table 5.5.2


Pick-up Current

Input Wiring

Sensitivity (mA) Input 1 Strap 1 Strap 2 Strap 3

1 195 1H 1L 2 98 1L 3L 1H - 3H 3 65 3H 3L 4 49 1H 3L 1L - 3H 5 39 1L 9L 1H - 3L 3H - 9H 6 33 3L 9L 3H - 9H 7 28 1H 9L 1L - 3L 3H - 9H 8 24 1L 9L 1H - 9H 9 22 9H 9L 10 20 1H 9L 1L - 9H 11 18 1L 9L 1H - 3H 3L - 9H 12 16 3H 9L 3L - 9H 13 15 1H 9L 1L - 3H 3L - 9H

Input 2 is connected to the lower end of the 1Ω resistor.

Strap 1 is taken from the upper end of the 1Ω resistor to the position shown above. Inputs 1 & 2 are interchangeable. I.e. TU / ETU outputs are not polarity sensitive.

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From TU / ETUto Input 1

STRAP 1 asshown inTable 5.5.2

From ETU toInput 2

Receiver Input Connections Figure 5.5.2a

Notes: (1) STRAP 1 is always taken from top of 1Ω resistor and

one output from the TU / ETU is always connected to bottom of 1Ω


(2) INPUT 1 (the other output from TU / ETU ), STRAP 2 & STRAP 3 are

connected to achieve the required sensitivity.

(3) For convenience, INPUT 2 is usually connected to terminal 2 on TU /

ETU & INPUT 1 connected to terminal 1 on TU / ETU - but it does not

matter if these two connections are reversed.

(4) Measuring the voltage across 1Ω resistor in mV gives same value as Rx

input current in mA.

The following sketch (Figure 5.5.2b) shows the strapping for three example sensitivities:

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INPUT 1from TUor ETU

STRAP 1from resistor






Sensitivity Setting

9 + 3 + 1 = 13










Sensitivity Setting

9 + 1 - 3 = 7









Sensitivity Setting

3 - 1 = 2























INPUT 1from TUor ETU

INPUT 1from TUor ETU

STRAP 1from resistor

STRAP 1from resistor

Figure 5.5.2b Example Sensitivity Settings

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SAFETY REQUIREMENT It is a safety requirement that the tests defined in 5.6.1 to 5.6.3 are carried out.

5.6.1 Crosstalk and Feed-through Checks

Carry out Test P in section 6.2.2 to confirm that crosstalk and feed-through interference are

controlled. Record the result of the test on the record card.

5.6.2 IRJ Confirmation Checks

If the track circuit is bounded by insulated block joints, then carry out inspection and testing as

detailed in section 6.2.2, Test R, to confirm that the IRJs are providing adequate insulation

between sections. Record the result of the IRJ test on the record card.

5.6.3 Earth Connection Confirmation Checks

Carry out earth continuity confirmation tests as detailed in Test Q in section 6.2.2.

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Section 6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal

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6.1 Condition Monitoring .................................................................... 2

6.1.1 Powering Up and Key Operations ................................................ 2

6.1.2 Operation of Display and Control Buttons .................................... 3

6.1.3 Operation of Display and Control buttons Under Error Conditions .................................................................................... 3

6.1.4 Remote Monitoring ....................................................................... 5

6.1.5 Recovery of Snapshots, Error Logs and Operating History from the Configuration Key .......................................................... 7

6.1.6 Applications of Monitored Parameters ......................................... 9

6.2 Track Circuit Tests ....................................................................... 10

6.2.1 General ........................................................................................ 10

6.2.3 Tests - Track Circuits with TCUs ............................................... 18

6.3 Routine Maintenance ................................................................... 19

6.4 Fault Finding................................................................................. 20

6.4.1 Track Circuits with TUs / ETUs .................................................... 20

6.4.2 Track Circuits with TCUs ............................................................. 25

6.5 After Fault Clearance ................................................................... 25

6.7 Disposal ....................................................................................... 25

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The EBI Track 200 TI21 Receiver incorporates three forms of condition monitoring to help

the maintenance team achieve high reliability.

• For routine testing, a four character display can be used to show key track crcuit


• For fault investigation work, key track circuit values leading up to the most recent

‘Track occupied’ indication are stored on the Configuration Key. These values can

be read back via a PC to reveal track circuit activity.

• Continuous, remote monitoring is enabled via the Condition Monitoring Interface


Further details of these three interfaces are given in the following sections.

EBI Track 200 Front Panel Figure 6.1.1

6.1.1 Powering Up and Key Operations

After power up, and during normal operation, the following displays may appear:

• ‘Key?’

There is no frequency, or set-up key, inserted in the Receiver. A frequency key

must be inserted so that the Receiver can configure its frequency.

• ‘200freq’ followed by ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ where ‘freq’ is the EBI Track frequency A –H.

This is the normal sequence after inserting a frequency key or powering up with a

previously-set-up key in place: it indicates that the Receiver has configured its

frequency and the unit is now displaying the track relay state.

EBI Track 200

TI21 Receiver




IP 2

IP 1








Condition Monitoring Display

Control Buttons

Frequency Key

Main Connector

Condition Monitoring Interface


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• ‘WRNG’

A set-up key has been inserted before a frequency key. The set-up key must be

removed and a frequency key inserted, so that the Receiver can configure its

frequency. An incorrect frequency key has been inserted to finish the process.

• ‘BadK’

The key is corrupted and must be replaced.

• ‘200freq’ followed by ‘NewK’ where ‘freq’ is the EBI Track frequency A –H.

A frequency key has been inserted for which the Rx does not have

threshold data. A fresh auto-set procedure must be carried out (seee section 5.3).

6.1.2 Operation of Display and Control Buttons

The condition monitoring and the associated control buttons provide a simple user interface

with the Digital Receiver. There are two operating modes:

• With the set up key in place, the receiver is in Set-up mode:

o Pressing the ‘OK’ button will initiate the set-up sequence as described in

section 5.3.

• With the Frequency Key in place, the receiver is in Condition Monitoring mode.

o In this mode, the control buttons are used to cycle through the condition

monitoring displays, as explained below.

o No alterations to operating characteristics can be made in this mode.

In condition monitoring mode, The display allows the following parameters to be interrogated

via the menu structure shown in Figure 6.1.2:

• Receiver output relay state (‘PICK’ or ‘drop’).

• Instantaneous track current (‘I now’) readout in mA to three significant figures1.

• Receiver threshold value2 locked into the Receiver during the set up process (‘I th’) readout

in mA to three significant figures.

• Power supply voltage (‘Vout’) readout in Volts

• Output drive voltage to the track relay (‘Vout’) readout in Volts

• Output drive power to the relay (‘Pout’) readout in Watts

• Internal temperature (‘Temp’) readout in °C.

• Receiver Status ‘Stat’

• Unit configuration data (‘CFG’):

o Unit frequency

o Unit modification state

o Unit serial number

6.1.3 Operation of Display and Control buttons Under Error Conditions

When the Receiver detects an error, the default Relay state display changes to cycle between

‘ERR’ and ‘KEY?’ if no key is inserted, ‘ERR’ and ‘NEWK?’ if a new, unregistered key is

inserted, or ‘ERR’ and ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ if an operational error has occurred In this last case,

pressing ‘OK’ will route the display to the quantity causing the error. From this point, the

standard menu navigation key presses apply so the user can check for disturbance of other


Figure 6.1.2 illustrates the complete menu navigation structure.

1 During measurement of track current, it is important to know that the display has not frozen. For this reason, the decimal point alternates between “.” and “,”.. If the point does not alternate, then the display has frozen and the unit should be replaced. Mod Strike 1 and earlier receivers had lower resolution, and used an alternating “A” and “B” prefix for this task. 2 After set-up, receiver currents above the threshold value will cause the receiver to indicate ‘track clear’, while currents below the threshold will cause an indication of ‘track occupied’.

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CM Display Menu Structure Figure 6.1.2

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6.1.4 Remote Monitoring

Remote monitoring can be accomplished using the Condition Monitoring interface connector

and the serial link protocol described in the following paragrapghs.

Pin Function Comments

1 RS485 or RS232 select Linked to pin 9 for RS485

2 RS232 Tx or RS485 Z

3 RS232 Rx

4 Relay Common Fault Relay contact 220V/1A: open = fault.

5 Isolated 0V

6 RS485 Y

7 Do not connect

8 Normally Open relay contact Fault Relay contact 220V/1A: open = fault.

9 Isolated 5V supply

Condition Monitoring Connector Details Table 6.1.4a


The maximum length of the serial cable is 30m.

The serial cable must not be terminated so as to link RS232 connector shells at

both ends because of the risk of connecting grounding systems at different

potentials together.

The RS485 configuration is recommended for daisy chain connections between

monitored units since it uses twisted pair cable without a screen.

For details on using the remote condition monitoring facility, refer to the application note:

EBI Track 200 TI21 Digital Receiver Condition Monitoring Interface, IS580001464A4.

Recommended logger for use with EBI Track 200 is:

SA380TX manufactured by MPEC

Table 6.1.4b contains a list of the quantities that are available for remote monitoring.

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Channel Ref Display Label Description Display Serial Port

1 TEMP Temp Unit internal temperature

2 VPSU Vpsu External power supply voltage

3 FPGP FPGA boot ROM S/W part no.

4 FPGV FPGA boot ROM S/W version

5 ACMP ARM Condition Monitoring S/W part no.

6 ACMV ARM Condition Monitoring S/W version

7 ACMB ARM Condition Monitoring S/W build

8 ABLP ARM Bootloader S/W part no.

9 ABLV ARM Bootloader S/W version

10 ABLB ARM Bootloader S/W build

11 PIP1 PIC 1 S/W part no.

12 PIV1 PIC 1 S/W version

13 PIP2 PIC 2 S/W part no.

14 PIV2 PIC 2 S/W version

15 SERN S/N Receiver serial no.

16 MODS MS Receiver modification state

17 FREQ Freq Frequency code

18 KYID Key ID code

19 KYSN Key serial no.

20 EADD Address of last error log

21 STAT Stat Receiver status

22 FCON FPGA condition

23 FSTA FPGA status

24 ASSN Last auto-set key serial no.

25 RLST PICK/drop Output relay drive status

26 ITHR Ith Auto-set current threshold

27 VOUT Vout Output relay drive voltage

28 IOUT Iout Output relay drive current

29 ILSB LSB Lower side band input current

30 IUSB USB Upper side band input current

31 IAVE AV Average input current

32 SECS Seconds since 01/01/2000

33 LADD Logging buffer address.

34 LERC Last error code

35 FPFT FPGA firmware type

42 POUT Pout Output relay power

54 FPDY FPGA firmware date

Data Available for Monitoring Table 6.1.4b

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6.1.5 Recovery of Snapshots, Error Logs and Operating History from the Configuration Key

The receiver continuously logs real time data to the configuration key so that following data is

available via the condition monitoring interface:

• A snapshot of the operating conditions at the Rx (see Figure

• The error log (see Figure

• A readout of operating history, covering sufficient history, is available in case

investigation of intermittent faults or other occurrences are required.

These outputs may be recovered to a standard Laptop or Notebook computer using proprietary

software available from Bombardier. This action only recovers logged data from the receiver,

it is entirely non-destructive.

Snapshot Data Figure

Error Log Figure

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6-8 M125401A4

Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary. Error Codes

Table lists the error codes and their meaning.



Quantity Test Display

0 Internal Circuit Fault

Circuit monitoring tests failed. This test has highest priority

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘INT’

1 Temperature

Error raised if internal temperature outside the range

-30°C to +100°C

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Temp’

2 PSU Voltage Error raised if PSU voltage outside the range 22V to +31V

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘PWR’

4 Relay Voltage Error raised if Relay Voltage below 10V and output is ON.

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Vout’

5 Relay State Error raised if relay voltage > 10V and relay state = drop.

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Vout’

6 Modulation Frequency

Modulation Frequency out of range ‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’

On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘MOD’

7 Sideband Imbalance

Sideband imbalance out of specification.

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’

On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘SB’

8 Over-range Signal

Input current exceeds 500mA ‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘OVR’

9 Power Up Not an error as such, used to make a log entry.

10 Relay Power Trip

Relay power exceeds 2.4W ‘ERR’ cycling with ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘TRIP’

11 FPGA Fail One or both FPGA test flags are clear or FPGAs not configured.

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Stat’ then ‘OK’ routes to ‘INT’

12 Autoset An autoset has successfully occurred.

Not an error as such, used to make a log entry on autoset.

13 Relay Power Error raised if Relay Power exceeds 2.2W.

‘ERR’ cycling with ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ On ‘OK’ display routes to ‘Pout’

- Corrupt Key Error raised if key communication halted due to a corrupted key.

‘ERR SW’ displayed (Note: this error is not logged).

Error Codes Table

The action to be taken on discovery of an error is given in Table

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Quantity Likely Cause Recommended Action

0 Internal Circuit Fault

Failed receiver. Replace receiver.

1 Temperature

Very unlikely to occur. Overheating components in equipment enclosure.

Find and rectify overheating component.

2 PSU Voltage Mains supply has changed. Correct tappng setting of PSU (see tests 6.2. 2 B).

4 Relay Voltage Fault in external relay wiring. Correct fault in relay wiring.

5 Relay State Fault in external relay wiring. Correct fault in relay wiring.

6 Modulation Frequency

Transmitter ‘Mod’ pin short circuit to B or N24. Transmitter failed

Check transmitter operation and replace if necessary (see tests 6.2. 2 C, D).

7 Sideband Imbalance

TU/ETU installation fault. TU/ETU failed

Check TU/ETU installation (see tests 6.2.2 E to J). Replace TU/ETU if no other cause found.

8 Over-range Signal

TU/ETU in normal power mode when low power mode is required.

Correct TU/ETU setting.

9 Power Up No fault. No action required.

10 Relay Power Trip

Incorrect relay type used. Fault in relay wiring (eg two relays in parallel).

Correct wiring.

11 FPGA Fail Internal receiver fault. Replace receiver.

12 Autoset No fault. No action required.

13 Relay Power Incorrect relay type used. Fault in relay wiring (eg two relays in parallel).

Correct wiring.

- Corrupt Key Corrupted key. Replace key

Recommended Action for Error Codes Table

6.1.6 Applications of Monitored Parameters

Table 6.1.2 illustrates the uses of the various parameters that the Receiver provides data for.



Application of Monitored Parameters

Routine Track

Circuit Monitoring

Track Circuit Fault


Unit Fault



Control Data

Relay State √ √

Instantaneous Track Current

√ √3

Threshold Values √ √ √

PSU Voltage √ √

Relay Voltage √ √

Relay Power √ √

Internal Temperature √

Configuration Data √

Application of Monitored Parameters Table 6.1.6

3 In particular, track current can be used to give advance warning of degrading track circuit performance before complete failure occurs.

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6.2.1 General

WARNING High voltages may be present at the EBI Track 200 Receiver output terminals

and at rail connections.

The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some

circumstances this can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or

removing these units, power must be removed from the associated transmitter.

Personnel delegated to work on these units while in operation, must be suitably


Observe all Safety Procedures that are in force for track possession, and for

working on or near the track.

IMPORTANT It is important that, before disconnecting any tuning unit rail connections, both track circuits adjacent to the affected track are switched off. This is because the disconnected TU may have formed the short circuit that prevented energy from one adjacent track feeding through to the other. There is a danger of false feeding a track circuit and causing a wrong side failure if this precaution is not observed and another tuning unit were to become disconnected.

Beware, also, that short circuiting connections to a TU or disconnecting a Transmitter or Receiver from a TU may cause a right side failure by dropping the companion track circuit.

Measurements of voltage and current of the TI frequency signal for a track may be corrupted by signals from the companion track and other AC sources. To overcome this problem, a TI21 Test Meter (TTM), set to the frequency of the track circuit under test, should be used for all readings. If a TTM is not available, to reduce the problem, the Transmitter of the companion track should be switched off as follows:

(1) Always switch off the companion Transmitter if it shares the tuned area being tested. Switch off by removing a power supply fuse - do not disconnect the Transmitter from the Tuning Unit as this will upset the "pole" tuning.

(2) When signal levels less than or equal to receive end rail voltages are being measured, switch off the companion Transmitter even if it is remote from the tuned area being tested, i.e. Tests E (except normal transmit end rail voltage), F (as E), G and K.

Unless a TTM is used, there is always a danger that interference from other tracks or 50 Hz mains may reduce the accuracy of measurements. In electrified areas measurements should not be made when a train is nearby on any line lest harmonics in the traction current at TI frequencies corrupt the readings. A TTM will not satisfactorily filter out other signals within 30 Hz of that selected for measurement.

Note that the TTM could be influenced by strong magnetic fields. Consequently it is

advisable that a TTM is not placed directly onto traction current carrying components, such as running rails, impedance bonds, traction return cables, etc. Also, on some schemes with concrete track beds there is the possibility of stray currents flowing in concrete reinforcements of the track bed.

(1) A selection of the following tests may be used to compile a track record card, monitor

the operation of the track as part of a routine maintenance programme and to find faults

on a defective track circuit. Each half of a centre fed track circuit and each portion of a

cut sectioned track must be treated separately.

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(2) A 'companion' track is that which shares the tuned area being tested with the track that

is under investigation.

6.2.2 Tests – Track Circuits with TUs / ETUs

Use of the Transmitter and Receiver Health Monitoring Displays

The Transmitter’s Health Monitor LEDs can help to identify fault conditions. The

meaning of the indications is as follows.

Power LED

A Red indication means that the supply is outside the range 22.5V to 30.5V.

A Green indication means that the supply is within specification.

If the Power LED shows a Red indication check that the power supply to the unit

is within specification and free from excessive noise & ripple.

Internal LED

A Red indication means that the internal logic has failed, the output stage is short

circuit or the load is short circuit. If either the output stage, or the load, is short

circuit, then the load LED will also be red.

A Green indication means that the internal logic and output stage are fully


If the Internal LED alone shows a Red indication then replace the unit.

If the Internal LED and the Load LED are red, then follow the procedure indicated

under Load LED below.

Load LED

A Green indication means that the load current is within normal operating limits.

A Red indication means that the external load is short circuit or the transmitter

output stage is short circuit.

If the Load LED shows a Red indication, check first for a short circuit output stage

by disconnecting O/P 1 or 2 and checking that the load LED remains Red. In this

case, replace the transmitter.

If the Load LED extinguishes, then the fault is a short circuit in the transmitter

output wiring, eg a surge arrestor failure, which must be corrected.

The Reciever’s LED display also helps to identify fault conditions:

If the display indicates ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ alone, then all parameters are within their

normal operating range.

If the display indicates ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ alternating with ‘ERR’, then an error

condition is present and pressing ‘OK’, as described in section 6.1.3, allows the

operator to interrogate the Receiver to find out which parameter is out of range.

Interpretation of the output is given below.

‘Vpsu’ indicates thast the B24/N24 supply voltage must be adjusted back within

operating limits (prefersably 24V-26V).

‘Vout’ indicates that the Reciever is not producing sufficient voltage to drive the

track relay. The receiver should be replaced.

‘Pout’ indicates that the track relay is drawing too much current. The wiring to

the relay should be checked for incorrect loading, eg two relays..

‘Temp’ indicates that the temperature local to the receiver needs to be reduced .to

within specification. As a temporary measure, this could be achieved by opening

the location case doors. Longer term measures may include removing any high

dissipation equipment from the vicinity.

‘Stat’ can be further broken down:

‘Int’ indicates an internal fault in the receiver which should be replaced.

‘Mod’ indicates that the modulation rate is incorrect – this may be

caused by the ‘Mod pin’ on the transmitter having become shorted to B24

or N24, since this forces the transmitter to output only one sideband.

Otherwise, it indicates a fault with the transmitter.

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‘SB’ indicates that there is too much difference between the sidebands,

this ls likely to be due to a TU/ETU problem, see following track circuit


‘OVR’ indicates that the receiver is getting too much signal, most likely

caused by a low power track being operated on normal power.

‘SIGZ’ indicates that there is no track current at the receiver. Check

wiring for open circuits and TU/ETU operation.

‘THR’ indicates internal faults with the receiver, which should be


‘TRIP’ indicates that the track relay is drawing too much current. The

wiring to the relay should be checked for short circuits.

‘FPGA’ indicates an FPGA fault in the receiver, which should be


Further investigation of the source of the fault can be achieved by use of the track circuit tests

next described.

The following sketch summarises the tests that are described in this sub-section:



(if fitted)





Track Circuit F1







A, B A, B

M, N, P







Tuned AreaTuned Area




(if fitted)



Summary of Tests for track Circuits with TUs / ETUs Fig 6.2.2

Note: For Test A use a digital multimeter set to the appropriate DC current range

(maximum 2.2A at a Tx and 0.5 A at an RX).

For Tests B & L use a TTM, or digital multimeter set to measure DC voltage

(maximum voltage 30.5 V for B and 60V for L).

For Tests, D3 / D4 use a digital multimeter that is suitable for measuring true

r.m.s. AC voltages at frequencies up to 3 kHz.

For Tests C, D1 / D2, E, F, G, H, J, K, N and P use a TTM set to the

appropriate voltage range and to the frequency of the track circuit being tested.

(If a TTM is not available, use a digital multimeter that is suitable for

measuring true r.m.s. AC voltages at frequencies up to 3 kHz.)

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A. Transmitter / Receiver B24 Power Supply Input Current

The supply input current is most easily measured across the appropriate B24 fuse

holder with the fuse removed. The reading should be:

Transmitter Normal power transmitter 1.3ADC to 2.2ADC

Low power transmitter 0.2ADC to 0.4ADC

Receiver relay down (de-energised) approximately 50 mADC

relay up (energised) 0.2ADC to 0.5ADC

B. Transmitter / Receiver B24 Power Supply Input Voltage

Measure this voltage across the B24 and N24 terminals of the unit under investigation.

In all cases it should be between 22.5VDC and 30.5VDC (preferably 24V-26V). For EBI

Track 200 Receivers, the voltage may be read directly from the CM display by

accessing the quantity ‘PWR’.

C. Transmitter Output Voltage

NOTE: In order to obtain consistent results for this test, it is important that a TTM

switched to the frequency of the Transmitter being checked is used, and that

the Transmitter is connected to its TU / ETU.

Measure the voltage across the outgoing links from the location case; this also checks

the Transmitter to link wiring. If LMUs are used, then measure the voltage at the

Transmitter output terminals.

In normal power mode, the voltage level should be within the range 8.5VRMS to

12.5VRMS for all carrier frequencies. In low power mode, the output voltage may be up

to 5VRMS higher.

D. If Line Matching Units are fitted:

D1 Measure the input to the LMU(Tx) across the ‘TX’ terminals. It should be the

same value as that obtained in Test C.

D2 Measure the output from the LMU(TU) across the terminals marked ‘TU’, the

value can be up to 2.5V, approximately, less than the result of Tests C & D1.

WARNING Do not use a TTM to measure the output from the LMU(Tx) and the input to an


Take care when measuring the output from the LMU(Tx) and the input to an

LMU(TU) as it exceeds 100V at TI frequencies and may be as high as 700V peak-

to-peak if the output from either LMU is not on load or the track circuit is

operating in low power mode.

This voltage is high enough to endanger life; before fitting or removing these

units, power must be removed from the associated EBI Track 200 Transmitter.

Note: Tests D3 & D4 are not necessary unless the result obtained in Test D2 is


D3 Using a digital multimeter, measure the output from the LMU(Tx) across the TU

terminals, the output should be between 80VRMS and 120VRMS.

D4 Measure the input to the LMU(TU). The value should be within 10VRMS of that

measured in D3 above.

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E. Transmitter Tuning Unit Input Voltage

This voltage is measured at the input terminals to the tuning units - terminals 4 and 5 for

normal power operation, terminals 1 and 2 for low power. Allowing for cable losses

(and LMU transformer losses, if fitted), the reading obtained in this test can be up to

2.5V, approximately, less than the result of Test C.

F. Transmitter / Receiver End Rail-to-rail Voltage

These voltages are measured between the appropriate TU / ETU rail connections.

Depending on track length and ballast conditions, they will approximate the values

shown in the following Table 6.2.2F. To measure receive end voltage, the Tuning Unit

output on terminals 1 and 2 must be connected to the Receiver or short circuited - do

not leave them open circuit.

Typical Rail-To-Rail Voltages Table 6.2.2F





50 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

Low Power 150 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.8

250 1.4 1.8 0.5 0.6

200 4.8 -5.6 6.2-7.5 1.9-2.9 2.1-3.1

Normal Power 400 5.2-6.3 6.4-8.0 0.9-1.7 1.0-1.8

600 5.2-6.5 6.4-8.1 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2

900 5.1-6.6 6.3-8.2 0.4-0.8 0.4-0.8

1100 5.1-6.6 6.3-8.2 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.7

G. Transmitter Tuning Unit Output Voltage

Note: Unless compiling a Track Record Card, it may not be necessary to carry out

Test G unless the results obtained in Test F were incorrect.

To check the integrity of the track to tuning unit cable, measure the tuning unit output

voltage across terminals T1 and T2. The voltage reading should be about 5% to 10%

higher than the reading obtained in Test F.

H. Transmitter / Receiver Rail Voltage at Companion Tuning Unit

The voltage measured across the rail connections of the companion, or ‘Zero’, Tuning

Unit should be lower than that across the ‘Pole’ Tuning Unit of a tuned area. Table

6.2.2H lists the minimum acceptable ratios for the Pole / Zero voltage ratio for tuned

areas of the various frequencies and equipment configurations.

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Table 6.2.2H

Tuned Area

Pole Frequency Zero Frequency Ratio









TX E RX F 9:1

TX E TX F 8:1

RX E TX F 9:1

RX E RX F 9:1

IMPORTANT Ratio figures are calculated with voltages measured at the frequency of the POLE tuning unit, using a TI21 Test Meter (TTM).

J. Receiver Tuning Unit Input Voltage

To check the integrity of the track to tuning unit cable, measure the tuning unit input

voltage across T1 and T2. The voltage reading should be within 5% of the values given

in Table 6.2.2F.

K. Receiver Tuning Unit Output Voltage

Measure the tuning unit output voltage across terminals 1 and 2. The voltage reading

should be lower than the reading obtained in Test J, typically in the range 30 to


L. Receiver Output Voltage to Relay

WARNING Take care when measuring the output from the Receiver as the output may

exceed 50 VDC. This voltage is high enough to endanger life

The Receiver output voltage should be between 40 VDC and 44 VDC (EBI Track 200

Receivers) or 40VDC and 75VDC(Analogue Rx), but may rise to approximately 70VPEAK

(EBI Track 200 Receivers) or 120VPEAK (analogue Receivers) if the relay is not


M. Drop Shunt Test at Receive End

The drop shunt level of the track circuit should be measured at the receive end Tuning

Unit rail connections. This should be between 0.8Ω to 1.2Ω for normal power

operation, or 1.3Ω to 1.7Ω for low power operation.

CAUTION Under no circumstances must the track be left with a drop shunt of under 0.5ΩΩΩΩ.

The prescribed settings ensure that the track will not drop when there is not a train

present if the ballast resistance falls to its specified minimum value of 2Ω·km

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(conductance of 0.5mho/km), nor will the drop shunt ever decrease below 0.5Ω, if

ballast resistance increases.

Note that the drop and pick-up shunts are virtually identical on an EBI Track 200 track


N. Receiver Input Current

The value of Receiver input current can be established by measuring the voltage, using

a TTM, across the 1Ω resistor which is connected in series with the input within the

Receiver. The voltage represents 1mA/mV. For EBI Track 200 TI21 Receivers, this

value may be read directly from the display by accessing the quantity ‘Inow’ and then


The minimum value necessary for an analogue Receiver to pick up the track relay at

each gain setting is shown in Table 5.4.2. It can be calculated as (195/Gain)mA. For

EBI Track 200 TI21 Receivers, this value may be read directly from the display by

accessing the quantity ‘Ith’since this is the threshold value locked into the receiver

during the automatic set-up process.

P. Cross Talk / Feed Through Tests

Ensure that all track circuits which may cause interference to the track circuit being

tested are operational, including:

(a) the next track circuits of the same frequency,

(b) track circuits connected to the track circuit under test by cross bonding.

Switch off the Transmitter associated with the tack circuit under test, and ensure that the

track relay de-energises.

For analogue Receivers, use a TTM, set to the frequency of the track circuit being

tested and to the 30 mV range. Measure the voltage across the 1Ω resistor of the

Receiver - it should be less than 8 mV (the voltage represents 1mA/mV). For EBI

Track 200 TI21 Receivers, the current may be read directly from the display by

accessing the quantity ‘Inow’. A curent higher than 8mA must be investigated, look for

disconnected cable screens, tuning unit failure, etc.

Q. Earth Connection Confirmation Checks

Confirm by continuity tests that the TX, RX and PSU cases and lightning protection

surge arrestor earth terminals are connected to the local earth.

Also confirm that no lightning protection surge arrestors have become short circuit to


R. IRJ Insulation Check

IMPORTANT It is not intended that the procedures given in this sub-section should replace

or supersede any inspection procedures, or inspection periods, detailed by rail

authority instructions / codes of practice, but rather be used as a supplement to

any such procedure.

R1 Visual inspection

Check that the insulated rail joint has been correctly assembled, and that all insulation

pieces are fitted, and are undamaged.

Check that there is no metal swarf, rust or debris bridging the insulation post between

the rail ends or the fishplate insulation pieces. Any swarf or debris must be removed

with a stiff wire brush. Also remove excessive grease which may retain conductive


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Check that there is at least 5mm clearance between the rail ends. As the rails wear, the

clearance will be reduced, increasing the risk of the insulation being bridged. Excessive

burring of the rail ends can be removed by grinding. The insulation should be replaced

as required. Wider insulation posts are available.

Check that the bolts are correctly tightened. If the bolts are loose then the joint may

close during the passage of trains.

Check that the IRJ to SPETU or TCU rail connections spacing does not exceed 3m.

Following the cleaning and adjustment of insulated rail joints, the drop shunts of

affected track circuits should be checked. In accordance with section 5.

R2 Electrical Test

This procedure measures leakage current, and needs the track circuit signal to be

powered. If the joint is in good condition there should be no or very little current

passing through the joint.

IMPORTANT The following test may drop the track circuits. Agreement must be reached

with the Signaller before proceeding.

Figure 6.2.2.R: IRJ Test Diagram

The track circuits either side of the IRJ must be powered up with all normal track

connections fitted.

Referring to Figure 6.2.2R, attach a Rocoil Rail Current Transducer set to 1.0V/1.0A,

and a TTM set to the frequency of the track on the same side of the IRJ (F1). The TTM

should read less than 5mA. Check the operation of the Rocoil / TTM by connecting a

shorting strap between points E and G. The TTM reading should increase by over 100

times and the track circuit will drop. Move the shorting strap from point E to point F.

The track circuit should pick and the TTM should read less than 5mA (I1).

In order to detect partial failure within the IBJ assembly, connect a second shorting

strap between:

• The rail in F1 and the upper fishplate (points A and B).

• The rail in F1 and the lower fishplate (points A and D).

• The rail in F2 and the upper fishplate (points C and B).

• The rail in F2 and the lower fishplate (points C and D).

All TTM readings except the initial check reading should remain below 5mA. If the

reading increases above 5mA, or the track circuit indicates occupied, then the IRJ is

defective and must be replaced.

Any other type of

track circuit



Track Circuit F1











IRJ Under





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Where IRJs are used in both rails (as illustrated), the tests must be repeated for the

second IRJ.

6.2.3 Tests - Track Circuits with TCUs

For test details see Single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4.

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It is a functional requirement that routine maintenance shall be carried out on an EBI Track

200 track circuit every six months. Such periodic attention can often be of value.

Insulated rail joints, while not part of the EBI Track 200 equipment, can be the cause of track

circuit failures due to breakdown or bridging of the insulation.

SAFETY REQUIREMENT Insulated rail joints must be maintained in good condition in order to

guarantee safe operation of EBI Track 200 track circuits.

It is recommended that the inspection and tests specified in Test R of section 6.2.2 are

normally carried out at twelve-monthly intervals. If joint failure is very frequent then more

regular inspections must be made. Where there is a recurring problem then the underlying

causes should be investigated. These may include the presence of metallic swarf from rail

drilling operations, excessive rail wear due to mis-aligned rails, etc. The results should be

recorded on a IRJ Test Record Card, a suitable format is given in Section 9. This should be

done when the track is commissioned and whenever any alterations or adjustments are made to


The tests required for a track circuit with TUs/ETUs (see sub-section 6.2.2) are:

Transmitter End: A, B, C and F (include tests D2/D2/D3/D4 if LMUs are fitted)

Receiver End: A, B, F, K, M and N

General: P, Q and R

The tests required for a track circuit with TCUs are covered in the Single Rail Applications

Manual, M580000626A4.

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6.4.1 Track Circuits with TUs / ETUs General

If adjacent track circuits fail together, then items common to them - power supplies, tuning

units or interconnections - should be checked first.

The most vulnerable parts of the track circuit are the TU / ETU-to-rail and impedance bond-to-

rail connections. It is prudent to check the integrity of these before beginning a systematic test

through the circuit from the transmit end. It is also advisable to check that there is no fault in

the wiring between the Receiver output, track relay and the panel indication before proceeding

to the trackside

Full details of the tests are given in Section 6.2.2. It is important not to simply overcome a

fault by adjusting the Receiver gain; the reason for a change in drop shunt value should be

ascertained by performing the tests given in this section. The results of each test can be

compared with the measurements taken at the last test / commissioning / setting-up that were

logged on the Record card; any major differences may be a guide to the possible fault area.

Although the tests are presented to start from the transmit end of the track circuit, sometimes it

may be more convenient to start from the receive end. Transmitter End

(1) Check that the Transmitter and Tuning Unit / End Termination Unit are making their

usual 'singing' noise, and that all 3 Transmitter monitoring LEDs are green (unless the

Transmitter is in low power mode, when the ‘Load’ LED may be yellow).

If the ‘Power’ LED is red then proceed to (3) test B. Until the power supply is correctly

adjusted, all indications and measurements are likely to be misleading.

If the Transmitter is not ‘singing’ or the ‘Internal’ LED alone is red, then the

Transmitter is faulty and should be changed.

If the ‘Internal’ and ‘Load’ LEDs are red, then proceed to (2).

(2) Check for a short circuit transmitter output stage by disconnecting O/P 1 or 2 and

checking that the load LED remains Red. In this case, replace the transmitter to correct

the fault.

If the ‘Internal’ and ‘Load’ LEDs extinguished, then the fault is a short circuit in the

transmitter output wiring. On correction of the short circuit, check that all Transmitter

LEDs are green then check the rail-to-rail voltage at the transmit end tuning unit (Test

F). If this is correct, then a 1.0Ω shunt across the Transmitter TU rail connections will

reduce the rail-to-rail voltage by approximately half if the transmit end is working

properly and the remainder of the Transmitter tests need not then be carried out.

(3) Test the B24 power supply voltage and current to the Transmitter (Tests A and B), and

the Transmitter output voltage (Test C). Results from these tests outside the normal

range show that the power supply unit, Transmitter or Tuning Unit / End Termination

Unit may be faulty. Further tests will help to indicate which has failed but only

replacement of the most suspect unit may finally establish which is faulty.

(4) Tuning Unit input and output voltages (Tests E and G) will show whether the

interconnections are OK.

(5) If LMUs are fitted, the results of TEST D will indicate whether the inter-wiring

between Tx/LMU(Tx) and LMU(Tx)/LMU(TU) is serviceable.

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WARNING Do not use a TTM to measure the output from the LMU(Tx) or the input to an


Take care when measuring the output from the LMU(Tx) and the input to an

LMU(TU) as it exceeds 100v at TI frequencies and may be as high as 700v peak-

to-peak if the output from either LMU is not on load or the track circuit is

operating in low power mode.

This voltage is high enough to endanger life; before fitting or removing these

units, power must be removed from the associated EBI Track 200 Transmitter.

(6) If the rail-to-rail voltage (Test F, step 2 above) is wrong, then either of the TUs, or the

rail connections may be faulty.

The companion TU voltage should be tested (Test H). If incorrect, then the companion

TU may be faulty. The companion TU will be confirmed as faulty if the rail-to-rail

voltage at the TU of the failed track becomes correct when terminal T1 is shorted to

terminal T2 on the companion TU.

If the transmit end appears to work normally, walk through the track checking bonds

and insulation pads, and looking for any metal debris that may be shorting it out.

The rail-to-rail voltage should fall in an approximately linear manner between the

Transmitter and Receiver ends as shown in Figure below. During the walk

through, it should be checked every 50m or 100m and the difference between any two

consecutive readings should be about the same. Any irregularities in the pattern of rail-

to-rail voltages indicate a problem with the track itself. The place where the irregularity

occurs can be used as a guide to the location of the track fault.

See section & 5 for further information on track faults if required.

200 4000








≈ 1.1V

Rail to rail voltage (V)


≈ 1.2V / 100m

Typical 400m Track Circuit








Rail to rail voltage (V)

200 400 600 800 1000


≈ 0.6V / 100m

Typical 1000m Track Circuit

≈ 0.4V

The rail to rail voltage along a track circuit falls approximately linearly from Tx end to Rx end.The rate of fall is dependent on the track circuit length.

Typical Rail-to-Rail Voltage Distribution Graphs Figure

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(1) Check that the Receiver LED display is showing ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ and is not alternating

with ‘ERR’. If ‘ERR’is showing, then an error condition is present and pressing ‘OK’,

as described in section 6.1.3, allows the operator to interrogate the Receiver to find out

which parameter is out of range.

If no faults are displayed, then proceed to step 2 below.

(2) Check the voltage at the tuning unit rail connections (Test F). A low reading indicates

that either TU may be faulty or that a connection has failed.

(3) The voltage at the companion TU should be tested (Test H). If incorrect, then the

companion TU may be faulty. The companion TU will be confirmed as faulty if the

rail-to-rail voltage at the TU of the failed track becomes correct when terminal T1 is

shorted to terminal T2 on the companion TU.

(4) Measure the Receiver input current (Test N). If this is too low for the Receiver to

operate, i.e. under 15 mA, the Receiver TU is faulty. If it is adequate but there is

insufficient relay supply voltage (Test L) with a satisfactory power supply (Tests A and

B), then change the Receiver.

(5) Check the connections to the relay, and that the voltage is available on the coil

terminals. Change the relay if necessary.

Caution Always switch off the power supply to the Receiver before removing the relay; if the relay is removed for a long period with the Receiver powered then the Receiver output could become stressed / damaged. Track-Related Problems

If all the standard tests detailed in sections to do not reveal a fault and

problems persist, then the fault is probably due to excessive leakage of track circuit

signal current. The causes of leakage fall into three main groups:

Individual sleeper leakage


Chair bolts touching reinforcing in concrete sleeper and either

no or failed insulation system (pads & biscuits between rail

and chairs).

Localised. leakage paths Track running through a ‘wet bed’ or over a road crossing

where contamination has occurred (e.g. lorries carrying coal

or minerals).

General ‘background’


Old track on wooden sleepers without insulation system

between rails and chairs

In the case of localised leakage and individual sleeper problems, the most effective

means of identifying the problem area is by use of a TI21 Rail Current Transducer and

TI21 Track Meter (TTM) using the following method.

The Rail Current Transducer is connected to the TTM and the meter switched to the

correct frequency for the track circuit under investigation. Current flowing onto the

track circuit from the End Termination Unit should first be measured.

Rail current is typically 1A on normal power or 0.5A on low power. The current level

in each rail should be the same; this should be checked since a difference of more than

about 5% should be investigated. Differences in current between the two rails indicate

that there is a third path through which some of the feed or return current is flowing.

This could be a path through the ground (or ballast), but is more likely to be via traction

bonding or other rails or tracks. Such paths should be eliminated as far as possible since

they can only reduce the sensitivity of the track circuit to train shunts by providing

alternative paths that are not shunted.

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Section 6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal

M125401A4 6-23 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Areas where current can be significantly different in each rail are in points and

crossings. It is sometimes the case that one rail splits to form two parallel paths, e.g. via

the diamond of a crossing. In this case about half of the track circuit current will flow in

each path, and it will not be possible to change this.

In areas of plain line, assuming the current in both rails is the same, it is not normally

necessary to continue measuring in both rails. The current in the rail should be

measured at convenient intervals, say 20m to 50m, until a larger than normal decrease is

noted. The poor ballast area or shorting sleeper will be within this area. Further

readings may now be taken to narrow down the precise area of leakage, or the shorting

sleeper. Track Voltage and Current Profiles

A better understanding of the condition of the track circuit can be obtained by plotting

the voltage and current profiles along the track. Three examples of profiles are given

below which show the effects of:

Figure An ideal track with low leakage

Figure A track with two areas of high leakage.

Figure A track with generally poor ballast (0.5 Siemens/ km)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11000







Rail to rail voltage

Rail current

Distance from Transmit end (m)

(V o

r A


Track with Very Low Leakage Figure

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11000






Rail to rail voltage

Rail current

Distance from Transmit end (m)

(V o

r A


Track with Two areas of High Leakage Figure .

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Section 6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal

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Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11000






Rail to rail voltage

Rail current

Distance from Transmit end (m)

(V o

r A


Track with Generally Poor Ballast Figure

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Section 6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal

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6.4.2 Track Circuits with TCUs

For details see Single Rail Applications Manual, M580000626A4.


After a fault has been cleared, the setting-up procedure (Section 5) must be carried out to

ensure that the track is operating correctly before it is returned to traffic.


SAFETY REQUIREMENT Units which have reached the end of their working life should be disposed of in accordance with national legislation

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Section 6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal

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Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

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Section 7 Equipment Ordering Information

M125401A4 7-1 Issue 4 : October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


7. EQUIPMENT ORDERING INFORMATION ................................. 2

7.1 List of Part Nuimbers.................................................................... 2

7.2 Ordering Guides ........................................................................... 5

7.2.1 Transmitter ................................................................................... 5

7.2.3 Receiver ....................................................................................... 5

7.2.4 Power Supply ............................................................................... 5

7.2.5 LMU .............................................................................................. 5

7.2.6 Tuning Unit / ETU Installation Kits ............................................... 5

7.2.7 Impedance Bond Installation Kits ................................................. 6

7.3 Modification States ....................................................................... 6

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Section 7 Equipment Ordering Information

7-2 M125401A4

Issue 4 : October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


7.1 List of Part Nuimbers

This section provides details of the separate items of EBI Track 200 equipment. The contents

of kits is given in section 7.2.

IMPORTANT: Not all parts may be approved by all railway administrations. Local approvals

must always be consulted.

Description Bombardier Part No.

EBI Track 200 Parts

Transmitter Frequency A 1682/1716 Hz L520014330

Transmitter Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz L520014331

Transmitter Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz L520014332

Transmitter Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz L520014333

Transmitter Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz L520014334

Transmitter Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz L520014335

Transmitter Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz L520014336

Transmitter Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz L520014337

Transmitter Plug Kit L520025402

EBI Track 200 Receiver, 50V Relay Drive L520002390

EBI Track 200 Receiver, 24V Relay Drive L520002392

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency A Key 1682/1716 Hz L520002422

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency B Key 2279/2313 Hz L520002423

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency C Key 1979/2013 Hz L520002424

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency D Key 2576/2610 Hz L520002425

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency E Key 1532/1566 Hz L520002426

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency F Key 2129/2163 Hz L520002427

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency G Key 1831/1865 Hz L520002428

EBI Track 200 Receiver Frequency H Key 2428/2462 Hz L520002429

EBI Track 200 Receiver Set-up Key1 L520002500

EBI Track 200 Receiver Mounting Plate L520002329

EBI Track 200 Receiver Rear Connector

Mounting Plate


Receiver Installation Kit L520024504

Receiver Rear Connector Mounting Installation



Line Matching Unit (Tx) L520021547

Line Matching Unit (TU) 6/5/5213/11GA2L

Tuning Unit Frequency A 1682/1716 Hz 6/5/5021/100GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz 6/5/5021/101GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz 6/5/5021/102GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz 6/5/5021/103GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz 6/5/5021/104GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz 6/5/5021/105GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz 6/5/5021/106GXL

Tuning Unit Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz 6/5/5021/107GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency A 1682/1716Hz 6/5/5021/108GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz 6/5/5021/109GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz 6/5/5021/110GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz 6/5/5021/111GXL

1 2mm test leads are supplied with the set-up key. These test leads fit the test sockets in the 9-way WAGO connector thus providing a good connection for the Bombardier TTM.

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Description Bombardier Part No.

End Termination Unit Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz 6/5/5021/112GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz 6/5/5021/113GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz 6/5/5021/114GXL

End Termination Unit Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz 6/5/5021/115GXL

SPETU Frequency A 1682/1716Hz L520008836

SPETU Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz L520008837

SPETU Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz L520008838

SPETU Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz L520008839

SPETU Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz L520008840

SPETU Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz L520008841

SPETU Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz L520008842

SPETU Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz L520008843

Power Supply Unit

4.4A @ 24v, Input 110 VAC 50/60Hz


Power Supply Unit

4.4A @ 24v, Input 220v, 50/60 Hz


24V PSU Plug Kit L520025401

B3 4000A Impedance Bond 6/5/5021/290GA0L

B3 3000A Impedance Bond (UK market only) 6/5/5021/309GA0L

B3 4000 B3 3000

Capacitor Box Frequency A (308µF) 1682/1716 Hz 6/5/5021/291GXL 6/5/5021/362GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency B (167µF) 2279/2313 Hz 6/5/5021/292GXL 6/5/5021/363GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency C (222µF) 1979/2013 Hz 6/5/5021/293GXL 6/5/5021/364GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency D (131µF) 2576/2610 Hz 6/5/5021/294GXL 6/5/5021/365GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency E (373µF) 1532/1566 Hz 6/5/5021/295GXL 6/5/5021/366GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency F (192µF) 2129/2163 Hz 6/5/5021/296GXL 6/5/5021/367GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency G (260µF) 1831/1865 Hz 6/5/5021/297GXL 6/5/5021/368GXL

Capacitor Box Frequency H (147µF) 2428/2462 Hz 6/5/5021/298GXL 6/5/5021/369GXL

Bond Installation:

Wood Sleeper kit 6/5/5021/333GXL Note: must order

Bond Cover kit as

well unless Bond is

mounted in the cess.

Concrete Sleeper kit 6/5/5021/324GXL

Steel Sleeper kit L520038644

Steel Sleeper conversion fixing kit L520040652

Bond Cover kit L520035873

TU/ETU Accessories2

Muffler for TU / ETU 933/5077DA2

Label for Tuning Units When Used in Low Power



Mounting Stake for Stake-mounted TUs/ETUs 920/1DA1

Installation kits for sleeper mounting

Wood sleepers L520038646

Concrete sleepers L520038645

Steel sleepers L520038647

Tail Cables

1.20m for Track-mounted Tuning Unit

(two required)


1.65m / 2.9m, 35mm2 for Stake-mounted TU /

ETU to Rail



3.0m / 4.8m, 70mm2 Stake-mounted TU / ETU to




10m / 11.8m, 70mm2 Stake-mounted ETU to Rail 520053067


Only permitted for

use with ETUs

2 Please note that accessoriesaccessories are not supplied with TUs/ETUs, and that these items will have to be ordered separately.

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Section 7 Equipment Ordering Information

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Issue 4 : October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Description Bombardier Part No.


Tx/Rx/TCU/PSU/LMU(Tx) Plug coupler –


9-way Female Straight 520001222

9-way Female Straight with Strain Relief 520001223

9-way Female Right-angle 520001224

9-way Female Right-angle with Strain Relief 520001225

PSU Plug coupler – (Female)

8-way Mating Connector (straight) 520017429

8-way Mating Connector (right-angle) 520018222

Transmitter Mating Connector with adaptor for

Fanning Termination or fork terminals


Receiver Mating Connector with adaptor for

Fanning Termination or fork terminals


Test Equipment

TI21 Track Circuit Meter (TTM) 6/6/118365GXL (NR Cat


Rocoil Rail Current Transducer 119044

Rocoil Rail Current Transducer for Tram Rail 125767

Sleeper Insulation Tester 6/6/121873GA3L

Shunt Box 6/6/5021GA1L

USB to serial adaptor

(Receiver serial port to Laptop)


Receiver serial port extension cable (3m) 520008907

PC application SW580015046

Surge Arrestor Parts

Surge Arrestor SL1026 (275V) 115260

Surge Arrestor Base (no airgap) 118852

Mounting Plate for five Surge Arrestors 910/5231DA3

Surge arrestor kit (arrestor, base, plate, fixings

and leads)



3A Joint Services Fuse to DEF Standard 59-96

(generic part number 059-0111)


(NR Cat No.


3A Anti-surge fuse for PSU AC input

Cooper Bussman MDA-3-R


10A Fuse for SPETU (38.1mm x 10.31mm) 520009301

Track Relay Parts

Track Relay (BR 930 style; 50 V;

12F 4B contacts; pincode 003)


Track Relay Plugboard including clip for BR930

style relays (plugboard undrilled for pincode)


Plugboard connector crimp, type Q) 113261

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7.2 Ordering Guides

7.2.1 Transmitter

Transmiters are frequency-specific so the correct frequency unit must be specified.

Transmitters are delivered with a plug kit (L520025402, which includes the fork crimp

adaptor) as standard.

7.2.3 Receiver

Receivers are supplied without installation kits or keys. Two receiver installation kits are


• Standard Rear Mounting Installation Kit, L520024504. This kit contains:

o Receiver mating connector, straight.

o Receiver mating connector with adapator for fork terminals.

o Standard mounting plate

• Receiver Rear Connector Mounting Installation Kit, L520044840. This kit contains:

o Receiver mating connector, straight.

o Receiver mating connector with adapator for fork terminals.

o Rear connector mounting plate

In addition to the installation kits, the appropriate frequency and set up keys must be ordered.

7.2.4 Power Supply

Power supplies are delivered with a connector kit (L520025401) which includes an anti-surge

fuse as standard.

7.2.5 LMU

LMU(Tx) is delivered with its mating half connector as standard.

7.2.6 Tuning Unit / ETU Installation Kits

Four installation kits are available for TU/ETUs depending upon the mounting method. These

are listed below.

• Stake Mount 920/1DA1

o Contains stake only. Fixings are provided with TU/ETU

• Sleeper Mounting

o Wood sleepers: L520038646

o Concrete sleepers: L520038645

o Steel sleepers: L520038647

Note that these installation kits do not include:

• The TU/ETU itself

• Rail bonds, connecting cables, cable cleats for sleepers and cable clips for the rail


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Issue 4 : October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

7.2.7 Impedance Bond Installation Kits

The table below explains which kits are required for various installation activities. If Bonds

are mounted in the cess, then sleeper mounting kits, and cover kits are not used.

Installation Activity Concrete Sleeper Wood Sleeper Steel Sleeper

New Bond and Cover • Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

• Concrete Sleeper Fixing Kit (M16 fixing bolt and busbar connection screws/nuts) 6/5/5021/324GXL

• Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

• Wood Sleeper Fixing Kit (5/8 x 6” long coach bolt and busbar connection screws/nuts) 6/5/5021/333GXL

• Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

• Steel Sleeper Fixing Kit (M12 Blind Bolt & Top Hat and busbar connection screws/nuts) L520038644

Fit Bond Cover to existing Bond

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Bond Cover Kit (Top, Bottom, Screws) L520035873

• Conversion Fixing Kit – M12 Blind Bolt & Top Hat L520040652

Replace existing Bond • Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

• Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

Bond 6/5/5021/309GA0L

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

• Capacitor Box of correct frequency 6/5/5021/362GXL to 6/5/5021/369GXL

Table 7.2.7: Impedance Bond Installation Kits

7.2.7 TTM

There are two variants of TTM available:

• TTM without accessories: 6/6/117465GXL.

• TTM complete with case, leads, etc: 6/6/1183365GXL.

7.3 Modification States

The equipment label on each item of EBI Track 200 equipment contains a panel of numbers

that is used to indicate the modification status or MOD STRIKE number (1,2,3,etc.) of that

item of equipment. The MOD STRIKE status of any piece of equipment is shown by the last

number struck out on the modification panel, (identified as M/S). Some examples are given


• Unmodified equipment – no numbers struck out.

• Equipment at Mod Strike 1 will have the number ‘1’ struck through.

• Equipment at Mod Strike 2 will have the numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’ struck through.

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Section 8 Miscellaneous Information & Drawings

M125401A4 8-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


This section contains information and drawings which are not suitable for inclusion in the main

body of the manual.


Figure No. Title

8.1 Typical Wiring Schematic for Installations without LMUs 8.2 Typical Wiring Schematic for Installations with LMUs 8.3 Recognition Information -Surge Arrestors For TU/ETU Circuits 8.4 Cubicle Detail - Surge Arrestor Plate 8.5 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Rail Connections Using Rail Bonds 8.6 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Terminal Blocks And Connection

Arrangement 8.7 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Stake Mounting Arrangement 8.8 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU With LMU Stake Mounting

Arrangement 8.9a Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Stake Mounted – Typical Installation 8.9b Trackside Detail – ETU Stake Mounted with B3 Bond – Typical

Installation 8.10 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Sleeper Mounted – Typical Installation 8.11 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Track Mounted - Continental Sleepers

On Concrete Bed 8.12 Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Track Mounted - Continental Sleepers

On Ballast 8.13 Trackside Detail – B3 Impedance Bond – Typical Installation 8.14 Trackside Detail – B3 Impedance Bond – Miscellaneous Details

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Figure 8.1 – Typical Wiring Schematic for Installations without LMUs

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Figure 8.2 – Typical Wiring Schematic for Installations with LMUs

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Littelfuse Surge Arrestor


Littelfuse Type 1053 without spark gap (Bombardier Part Number: 118852)

Gas Discharge Tube:

Littelfuse Type 1026 (Bombardier Part Number L520003405)

Body markings: Black and yellow bands

Figure 8.3 – Recognition Information -Surge Arrestors For TU/ETU Circuits

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4 x 5.5 DiaMounting Holes

Mounting Plate

Arrestor Mount


5mm Dia HoleFor Earthing Crimp

Electrical Characteristics Type SL1026 - 275

DC Sparkover (V)Impulse Sparkover (max) (V)Alternating Discharge Current (A)Impulse Discharge Current (kA)Insulation Resistance (Ω)Capacitance (max) pFHoldover (V)Gap to Gap Transfer Time (ns)

200 to 35080040202 x 10E82.5150100

Arrestor Dimensions: 45mm Long x 9mm Dia.


8 8




Figure 8.4 – Cubicle Detail - Surge Arrestor Plate

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Prysmian Cable - see Section 7 for P/No's

Neutral Axis

View on D-D



Section thro fixing



Glenair connectionCembre connectionM6 signal bond P/N 81927

(2 kits are required when using the FLEXO termination)nut to be torgued to 10N-m

Rail Web Electrical connection system AR69DE (2 kits are required when using the FLEXO termination)

M6 nut torgued to 13N-m

NOTE: The Cembre connections shown are suitable for rail web thicknesses of 14.0 -16.5mm. The manufacturer's advice must be taken for other rail web thicknesses

M6 signal bond P/N 81927(2 kits are required when using the FLEXO termination)

nut to be torgued to 10N-m

Figure 8.5 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Rail Connections Using Rail Bonds

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M10 Full Nut (Brass - Nickel Plated)Torgue to 25Nm

M10 Plain Washer (Brass - Nickel Plated)

M10 Bolt (Brass - Nickel Plated)

TU Internal Connection Crimp

2BA Washer (Brass - Nickel Plated)

2BA Full Nut (Brass- Nickel Plated)Torgue to 2.9Nm

2BA Ring Tag Crimp(Equipment Cupboard)

2BA Ring Tag Crimp(TU Internal Connection)

2BA Terminal Block To BRS SE37

View of TU / ETU Terminal BlockAnd Recommended Fastening Arrangement

For Tx, Rx And Earth Connections

View Of TU / ETU Main T1 / T2 Terminals ShowingRecommended Nut And Washer Arrangements

For Track Connections

When completing external connections it is important to check the nuts holding the internal connections are tightned to the torgue levels specified.


M5 Stainless steel spring washerM5 Stainless steel spring washer

2BA Ring Tag Crimp(Equipment Cupboard)

2BA Ring Tag Crimp(TU Internal Connection)

2BA Full Nut (Brass- Nickel Plated)Torgue to 2.9Nm

Track Connection CrimpM10 Stainless steel spring washer

M10 Plain Washer (Brass - Nickel Plated)

Navel Brass tapped spacer

Figure 8.6 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Terminal Blocks And Connection Arrangement

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Distance To Inner Edge Of Nearest Running Rail 850mmBallast Level

114 405



M8 Fixing Bolts With Nuts and Lock Nuts

M8 Bolt To Seal Fixing Hole Required For Sleeper Mounting


Note: Cut-outs in box act as drainage

Figure 8.7 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Stake Mounting Arrangement

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Distance To Inner Edge Of Nearest Running Rail 850mm

Ballast Level




M8 Fixing Bolts With Nuts and Lock Nuts

114M8 Bolt To Seal Fixing Hole Required For Sleeper Mounting

Line Matching Unit (LMU(TU))


View On Z-Z

Cut Out To Clear Cable Gland

Note: LMU Protective Cover Is Slipped Over LMU So That Input Cable Gland Fits In Slot And Cover Is Secured By Shackle

Figure 8.8 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU With LMU Stake Mounting Arrangement

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Section 8 Miscellaneous Information & Drawings

M125401A4 8-10 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Cable Ties

Rail Cable Termination Details Shown in Fig 8.5Terminations can be on either side of rail depending on rail authority requirements

Cables cleated to sleeper (see note)

Ensure distance from running edge to ETU meets the requirements ofstructure guage and kinematic

envelope of vehicles

Pass cables under rail

Cable to pass through Pandrol Rail Clip unless otherwise specified by rail authority

Cable to pass through Pandrol Rail Clip

Rail Cable Termination Details Shown in Fig 8.6

Note:In order to keep the cables as close together as possible,see detail below:Clip one cable to the sleeper.Secure the other cable to it using cable tie.

Figure 8.9a – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Stake Mounted – Typical Installation

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Figure 8.9b – Trackside Detail – ETU Stake Mounted with B3 Bond – Typical Installation

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M125401A4 8-12 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Rail Cable Termination Details Shown On Fig 8.8



Removable 6mm Cover ForAccess To Tuning Unit WithoutRemoval Of Tuning Unit From Sleeper Use rail authority approved

cleats and fixings

Cables Crossed To MatchImpedance Of Stake Mounted TU

SECTION A-A (Steel sleeper shown )

Sleeper Level

Mounting Plate

Protective Cover

Secure Mounting Plate with appropriate nuts and washersin accordance with sleeper type. For concrete sleepers use Hilti HSA M16 x 100.For wooden sleepers use 5/8" x 6" Long Square Head Coach Screw (Bombardier Part No. 103543) For Steel sleeper use Blind Bolt M20 x 110.See appropriate manufacturers' data sheets for installation procedure.

After TU is mounted and connections completed. Position Protective Cover and secure with 4 off M8 nyloc nuts and washers.

Tuning unit base plateSee Section A-A for fixing arrangements

527 CTRS


Sleeper LevelMounting Plate

Protective Cover

M8 x 30 stud weldedto mounting platein 4 positions

Secure using M8plain washer andNyloc nut


TU CoverTU Moulding

8mm Stud Welded ToMounting Bracket

Mounting Bracket


Secure using M8 Plain Flat Washerand Nyloc Nut (3 Positions)

Place a flat washerbetween TU case and Mounting bracket when LMU is fitted.



M20 x 3 steel plain washer

M20 Jam Nut

M20 Philidas Nut

Figure 8.10 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Sleeper Mounted – Typical Installation

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Cables Crossed To MatchImpedance Of Stake Mounted TU

Side view showing TU position between sleepers

527 (AWS CTRS)

Rail Cable Termination Details Shown On Fig 8.5






Protective 6mm Cover For AccessTo Tuning Unit Without RemovalOf Tuning Unit FromSleeper

After TU is mounted and connections completed. Position Protective Cover and secure with 4 off M8 nyloc nuts and washers.

Use rail authority approved cleats and fixings

Sleeper LevelMounting Plate

Protective Cover


Sleeper LevelMounting Plate

Protective Cover

M8 stud welded to mountingplate in 4 positions

Secure using M8 plain flatwasher and Nyloc nut

TU CoverTU Moulding

8mm Stud Welded ToMounting Bracket

Mounting Plate


Secure using M8 Plain Flat Washerand Nyloc Nut (3 Positions)

Place a flat washerbetween TU case and Mounting bracket when LMU is fitted.


Mounting Plate

Sleeper Level

Hilti M16 x 140/25/45 stud anchor.(Hilti part number 00337117)Refer to manufacturers' datafor installation details.

Figure 8.11 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Track Mounted - Continental Sleepers On Concrete Bed

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Cables Crossed To MatchImpedance Of Stake Mounted TU

Side view showing TU position between sleepers

527 (AWS CTRS)Wooden Section 100 x 250 Set BetweenSleeper Ties As Shown (2 positions)

Rail Cable Termination Details Shown On Fig 8.5







Wooden section levelMounting Plate

Protective Cover


Mounting Plate

Protective Cover

M8 x 30 stud weldedto mounting platein 4 positions

Secure using M8plain washer andNyloc nut

TU CoverTU Moulding

8mm Stud Welded ToMounting Bracket

Mounting Bracket


Secure using M8 Plain Flat Washerand Nyloc Nut (3 Positions)

Place a flat washerbetween TU case and Mounting bracket when LMU is fitted.

5/8" x 6" Long Square Head Coach Screw (Bombardier Part No. 103543)

Wooden section level

Protective 6mm Cover For AccessTo Tuning Unit Without RemovalOf Tuning Unit FromSleeper

Figure 8.12 – Trackside Detail – TU / ETU Track Mounted - Continental Sleepers On Ballast

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527 (AWS CTRS)
















The Correct Resonating Capacitor For The Track Circuit Frequency Must Be Fitted

7 Off M16 Clearance Holes

Rail Connecting Cables 800mm Long. Quantity And Size To Suit Traction Current Requirements.

Four Lifting Eyes Are Fitted To Facilitate Carrying.Remove After Installation and fit Bond Covers.


Typical Concrete Sleeper Section Notes: All Dimensions In mm See Figure 8.20 For Fixing And Connection Details

Figure 8.13 – Trackside Detail – B3 Impedance Bond – Typical Installation

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Neutral Axis

M16 Washer

M16 Bolt x 55


M16 Washer

Lock Washer & M16 NutOr M16 Noloc Nut

Rail Surface To Be Ground Clean, Be Free Of Rust And Scale, And Be Degreased Prior To Installation.

Mechanical Fixing Of Electrical ConnectionsTo Rail

1) Basic Connection With Bolt

2) Swaged Insert Or Pin

Neutral Axis

M16 Swaged Insert Or Pin


M16 Washer

Lock Washer & M16 NutOr M16 Nyloc Nut

Neutral Axis


M16 Washer

Lock Washer & M16 NutOr M16 Noloc Nut

M16 x 30 Stud CAD Welded Or Bright Bonded To Rail

3) CAD Weld Or Bright Bond

Electrical Connections To Centre TapAnd Coil (End Taps)

M16 Screw x 60 (See note)

M16 Washer Plain

Heat Shrink Sleeving(All Crimp Connections)Hellerman 0HXL Type, Adhesive Lined

M16 Crimp

Bond Coil Connection

M16 Washer Plain

M16 Washer Spring

M16 Nut

Screw, M16, Stainless Steel 18/8, 45mm LongScrew, M16, Stainless Steel 18/8, 60mm LongWasher, M16, Plain, Stainless Steel 18/8Washer, M16, Spring, Stainless Steel 18/8Nut, M16, Full, Stainless Steel 18/8Nut, M16, Nyloc, Stainless Steel 18/8


Recommended Impedance Bond Connection Fittings


Mechanical Fixings

M16 Washer Plain

Impedance Bond

Wooden Sleeper

Mounting On Wooden Sleeper

M16 Washer Plain

Impedance Bond

Concrete Sleeper

Mounting On Concrete Sleeper

Hilti M16 x 140/25/45 stud anchor.(Hilti part number 00337117)Refer to manufacturers' datafor installation details.

Sleeper (Concrete)

Suitable Fixing,e.g.Hilti HSL-3 M10/40 (Hilti part 00371779)

Cable Clamp Arrangement

Clamp To Suit Cable Size

Bond Cover (lower part)

M12 Washer Plain

Impedance Bond

Steel Sleeper

Mounting On Steel Sleeper

M12 Blind Bolt x 120.Refer to manufacturers' datafor installation details.(Note: Both M12 nuts are part of item)

Nylon top hat bush

M12 'jam' nutM12 Philidas nut

Bond Cover (lower part)

Bond Cover (lower part)

TypicalGlenair or Cembre connectionsrefer to manufacturers' installationprocedures.

Note: Connection arrangement to centre tap is identical. Use M16 x 45 for centre tap connection.

Electrical Connection to Coil (End Taps)

5/8" x 6" Long Square Head Coach Screw (Bombardier Part No. 103543)

Figure 8.14 – Trackside Detail – B3 Impedance Bond – Miscellaneous Details

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Section 9 EBI Track 200 TI21 Tx/Rx Equipment Record Sheet

M125401A4 9-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary



SERIAL No: ...........................................

TRACK CIRCUIT No: .......................... LENGTH:………………….



SERIAL No: ...........................................

TRACK CIRCUIT No: .......................... LENGTH:………………….










(mA) Track Clear









Date Earth Continuity Test

Cross Talk & Feedthrough P/F

IRJ Insulation P/F

Date Earth Continuity Test

Cross Talk & Feedthrough P/F

IRJ Insulation P/F

Figure 9.1 EBI Track 200 RX/TX Equipment Record Card

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Section 9 EBI Track 200 TI21 Tx/Rx Equipment Record Sheet

M125401A4 9-2 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

M125401A4 A-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


A. TECHNICAL DATA FOR SUPERSEDED PARTS ....................... 2

A.1 Transmitter ................................................................................... 2

A.1.1 Technical Data ............................................................................. 2

A.1.2 Technical Description ................................................................... 3

A.2 Receiver ....................................................................................... 4

A.2.1 Technical Data ............................................................................. 4

A.2.2 Technical Description ................................................................... 5

A.3 Power Supply Style 11 ................................................................. 6

A.4 Line Matching Unit (LMU) ............................................................ 8

A.4.1 TX Line Matching Unit ( LMU[TX] ) .............................................. 8

A.5 Part Numbers Of Obsolete Equipment ........................................ 9

A.6 Obsolete Equipment Drawings ..................................................... 10

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

A-2 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.



A.1.1 Technical Data

Transmitter variants:

EBI Track 200 TI21 (Obsolete) Front panel has screw connectors

EBI Track 200 TI21-4 (Obsolete) Front panel has a plug-in connector

EBI Track 200 Transmitter Outline:




114.3 CRS


57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS











EBI Track 200 TI21-4 Transmitter Outline:

114.3 CRS




57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS













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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

M125401A4 A-3 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Connector Allocation

EBI Track 200 TI21 EBI Track 200 TI21-4

Position Legend Function Position Legend Function

8 Top B24 24V supply positive 10 Top 24V supply positive

7 N24 24V supply negative 9 24V supply negative

6 Mod Modulation input 8 Modulation input

5 O/P1 Tx output 1 7 Not connected

4 Earth symbol Connected to case 6 Tx output 1

3 Tx output 2 5 Earth symbol Connected to case

2 Not connected 4 Tx output 2

1 Bottom Not connected 3 Not connected

2 Not connected

1 Bottom

A.1.2 Technical Description

A block diagram of the transmitter is shown in Figure 2.1. Multi-vibrator (A) produces a

square wave signal frequency of 4.8 Hz. This square wave frequency modulates the output of

oscillator (B) and so produces an output signal from Modulator (C) which varies by ±17 Hz

about the nominal signal frequency at a rate of 4.8 Hz.

Amplifier (D) increases this signal to a power level suitable for transmission on the track.

Transformer (E) matches the amplifier output to the load. Filter (F) isolates the unit from

unwanted DC and AC voltages.




















Transmitter Block Diagram Fig. A1.2

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A.2.1 Technical Data

TI21 Analogue Receiver variants:

TI21 Analogue Front panel has screw connectors

TI21-4 Analogue Front panel has plug-in connectors

TI21 Analogue Receiver Outline:

114.3 CRS


57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS

















TI21-4 Analogue Receiver Outline:

114.3 CRS




57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS















1Ω H

1Ω L

LH Connector Allocation

TI21 TI21-4

Position Legend Function Position Legend Function

8 Top 1H Gain strap connections

10 Top 1H Gain strap connections

7 1L 9 1L

6 3H 8 3H

5 3L 7 3L

4 9H 6 9H

3 9L 5 9L

2 1Ω Gain strap &1Ω access 4 Not connected

1 Bottom 1Ω Signal input & 1Ω access 3 1Ω Gain strap &1Ω access

2 Not connected

1 Bottom 1Ω Signal input & 1Ω access

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

M125401A4 A-5 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

RH Connector Allocation

TI21 TI21-4

Position Legend Function Position Legend Function

8 Top B24 24v supply positive 10 Top B24 24v supply positive

7 N24 24V supply negative 9 N24 24V supply negative

6 Not connected 8 Not connected

5 Not connected 7 R+ Track relay drive

4 R+ Track relay drive 6 R- Track relay drive

3 R- Track relay drive 5 Not connected 2 Not connected 4 Not connected 1 Bottom Earth symbol Connected to case 3 Not connected

2 Not connected

1 Bottom Earth symbol Connected to case

A.2.2 Technical Description

A block diagram of the receiver is shown in Figure 2.2. The signal from the track tuning unit

is fed to the input transformer (A). This isolates the receiver circuit from the tuning unit and

pre-sets the receiver sensitivity by means of straps which alter the turns ratio. The signal is

filtered at (B1), which is set to the higher signal frequency and also at (B2), which is set to the

lower signal frequency. Each of the resulting two signals is then amplified at (C), further

filtered at (D) and demodulated at (E).

The signals are then combined in a circuit (F) which only gives a constant output to Delay to

Operate circuit (G), when both frequencies produced by modulation are present in anti-phase

to each other. If the resultant signal is continuously present for more than two seconds , the

output relay is energised via an amplifier (H).
















(G)Track Relay








From Track

F1 F2 F1 F2



Receiver Block Diagram Fig. A.2.2

Receivers are frequency dependant, i.e. there is a Receiver for each TI frequency, i.e. A, B, C,

D, E, F, G and H

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

A-6 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


220V Variant

Input Nominal: 220VAC

Input tappings: 10-0-190-210-230 V

Input Voltage Input Connections between:

190 V T0 & T190

200 V T10 & T190

210 V T0 & T210

220 V T10 & T210

230 V T0 & T230

240 V T10 & T230

110V Variant

Input Nominal: 110VAC

Input tappings: 5-0-95-105-115 V

Input Voltage Input Connections between:

95 V T0 & T95

100 V T5 & T95

105 V T0 & T105

110 V T5 & T105

115 V T0 & T115

120 V T5 & T115

Rear panel fixing dimensions are identical to the front panel.

Weight: 5kg

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

M125401A4 A-7 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

PU11 Power Supply Outline:













M6 EARTH TERMINAL(Transformer Screen & Chassis)




117.45 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS

57.15 CRS

114.3 CRS



Note: 110V variant shown. 220V variant identical except input terminals T10, T0, T190, T210

& T230 instead of T5, T0, T95, T105 & T115.

LH Connector Allocation

EBI Track 200

Position Legend Function

8 Top Voltage adjustment tappings


6 T5 (T10)

5 T0

4 T95 (T190)

3 T105 (T210)

2 T115 (T230)

1 Bottom

RH Connector Allocation

EBI Track 200

Position Legend Function

8 Top B24 24v supply positive output

7 B24 24v supply positive output

6 N24 24V supply negative output 5 N24 24V supply negative output 4 2.2 – 4.4A

3 0.25 – 2.2A


1 Bottom Not connected

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

A-8 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


A.4.1 TX Line Matching Unit ( LMU[TX] )

LMU(Tx) variants:

TI21-3 (Obsolete) Front panel has screw connectors

TI21-4 (Obsolete) Front panel has a plug-in connector

EBI Track 200 TI21-3 LMU(Tx) Outline






57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


57.15 CRS

114.3 CRS




117.45 CRS



EBI Track 200 TI21-4 LMU(Tx) Outline:


114.3 CRS


57.15 CRS

57.15 CRS

28.57 CRS


117.45 CRS









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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

M125401A4 A-9 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

A.5 Part Numbers Of Obsolete Equipment

Description Bombardier Part No.

TI21-1 (Screw Terminal)

TI21-4 (Plug-in Connector)

Transmitter Frequency A 1682/1716 Hz 6/5/124410GXL 6/5/125081GXL Transmitter Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz 6/5/124411GXL 6/5/125082GXL Transmitter Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz 6/5/124412GXL 6/5/125083GXL Transmitter Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz 6/5/124413GXL 6/5/125084GXL Transmitter Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz 6/5/124414GXL 6/5/125085GXL Transmitter Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz 6/5/124415GXL 6/5/125086GXL Transmitter Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz 6/5/124416GXL 6/5/125087GXL Transmitter Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz 6/5/124417GXL 6/5/125088GXL Analogue Receivers TI21

(Screw Terminal) TI21-4

(Plug-in Connector) Analogue Receiver Frequency A 1682/1716 Hz 6/5/5021/11GXL 6/5/5214/93GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency B 2279/2313 Hz 6/5/5021/12GXL 6/5/5214/94GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency C 1979/2013 Hz 6/5/5021/13GXL 6/5/5214/95GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency D 2576/2610 Hz 6/5/5021/14GXL 6/5/5214/96GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency E 1532/1566 Hz 6/5/5021/74GXL 6/5/5214/97GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency F 2129/2163 Hz 6/5/5021/75GXL 6/5/5214/98GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency G 1831/1865 Hz 6/5/5021/76GXL 6/5/5214/99GXL Analogue Receiver Frequency H 2428/2462 Hz 6/5/5021/77GXL 6/5/5214/100GXL TI21-3

(Screw Terminal) TI21-4

(Plug-in Connector) Line Matching Unit (TX) 6/5/5213/10GA1L 6/5/5412/92GA1L Power Supply Unit Style 11 (110 V version) 4.4A @ 24v, Input 220v, 50/60 Hz


Power Supply Unit Style 11 (220 V version) 4.4A @ 24v, Input 220v, 50/60 Hz


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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

A-10 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


This section contains information and drawings of obsolete equipment which are not suitable

for inclusion in the main body of the appendix.


Figure No. Title

A6.1 Cubicle Detail – TI21-4 Front Panel Connector Coding

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Figure A6.1 –Cubicle Detail – TI21-4 Front Panel Connector Coding









L9 R2









RXA 6/5/5506SXL

6/5/5214/93GXL UNIT





































L9L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8TI21-4 TI21-4 DIGITAL






TXA 6/5/5569SXL6/5/5569SXL

6/5/5214/83GXL 6/5/125081GXL UNIT


TXB 6/5/5570SXL

6/5/5214/84GXL 6/5/125082GXL UNIT


TXC 6/5/5571SXL

6/5/5214/85GXL 6/5/125083GXL UNIT


TXD 6/5/5572SXL

6/5/5214/86GXL 6/5/125084GXL UNIT


TXE 6/5/5573SXL

6/5/5214/87GXL 6/5/125085GXL UNIT


TXF 6/5/5574SXL

6/5/5214/88GXL 6/5/125086GXL UNIT


TXG 6/5/5575SXL

6/5/5214/89GXL 6/5/125087GXL UNIT


TXH 6/5/5576SXL

6/5/5214/90GXL 6/5/125088GXL UNIT


RXA 6/5/5578SXL

6/5/5214/93GXL UNIT












































R9R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8TI21-4 TI21-4 DIGITAL







One Coding Element Part No. 113121 to be positioned in each location indicated with a tick in the relevant table entry for the assembly being coded.

The LMU and TX only have R/H Connectors. Ignore the L/H Connector table.

Positions 1 and 10 on each connector do not have coding element slots.

When correctly coded, each part of the two-part connector must contain four coding elements.

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Appendix A Technical Data for Superseded Parts

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Appendix B Manual Change History

M125401A4 3-1 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.


B. Manual change History ................................................................. 2

B.0 Preliminaries ............................................................................... 2

B.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 2

B.2 Equipment .................................................................................... 2

B.3 EBI Track 200 Technical Data ..................................................... 2

B.4 Track Circuit Designer’s Guide .................................................... 3

B.5 Setting Up and Commissioning Procedure .................................. 5

B.6 Condition Monitoring, Maintenance and Disposal ........................ 6

B.7 Equipment Odering Information ................................................... 7

B.8 Miscellaeneous Information and Drawings .................................. 7

B.9 EBI Track 200 Tx/Rx Equipment Record Sheet........................... 7

B. A Technichal Data for Superseded PArts ........................................ 8


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Appendix B Customer-Specific Recommendations

3-2 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011

Confidential and proprietary.


This appendix contains a brief description of the changes in each section for the most recent



• Foreword simplified, pointer to section 1.6 for reference documents added.

• Safety considerations section reduced in scope. References to safety related application

conditions moved to section 1.1.

• Abbreviations updated.


• 1.1 Safety Requirements - new section.

• 1.1.1 Competence of Staff – new section.

• Subsequent sections renumbered

• 1.3.3 SPETU introduced and reader pointed to the Single Rail Manual for its application.

• 1.6 Additional Reference Material – new section containing references to application notes

and other reference documents.


• 2.3 SPETU added and reader pointed to the Single Rail Manual for its application.

• 2.4 Reader pointed to the Single Rail Manual for TCU application.

• 2.6 New 24V PSU circuit diagram replaces original.

Requirement to use 3A anti-surge fuse added.

Reference to battery supplies deleted since this is discussed in 4.3.7.

Note about Green LED added.

• 2.8.2 Rocoil Current Transducer – new section.

• 2.8.3 was 2.8.2

• 2.8.4 Sleeper Insulation Tester – new section.


• Table 3.1.1 updated as follows:

ETU/IRJ position data added.

IRJ Stagger data added.

Track feed voltage updated.

• Table 3.1.2 updated as follows

Normal power track lengths have minor increases in length.

ETUs added to Single Rail section

Notes reordered following deletion of old Note 2. Old Note 2 referred to a method of

increasing Tx feed lengths that is no longer permitted.

Note 5 clarified.

Note 6 added.

• 3.2 updated as follows:

Current consumption with TU/ETU on low power added.

Coonector type added.

Unit size corrected.

Vertical mounting space reduced from 75mm to 35mm.

Connector allocation added.

• 3.3 updated as follows:

Current consumption corrected to 0.3A.

Relay Output updated to show actual voltages.

Unit Mounting updated to state that front mounting is not possible.

Plate Mounting: vertical mounting space reduced from 75mm to 35mm.

Note that horizontal spacing is not critical added.

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Appendix B Manual Change History

M125401A4 3-3 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

Reference to rear connector mounting plate added.

View of straight connector added on outlines page.

• 3.4 updated as follows:

Size overall corrected.

Reference to SPETU added.

Terminal allocation added.

• 3.6 updated as follows:

Specification details of new 24V PSU replace old version.

New outlines and connector allocation details replace old version

• 3.7.1 updated as follows:

Connector type added

New outlines and connector allocation details replace old version with screw connectors.

• 3.7.2 updated as follows:

Unit size corrected.

2BA Terminal Block allocation details added.

• 3.8 updated as follows:

Reference to BR967 corrected to BR863.

20 and 100msec traction current ratings added.

Tuning capacitor values added.

• 3.10 Rocoil Current Transducer – new section added. Subsequent sections renumbered.


• 4.1.1 updated as follows:

Note that AC immune relays are not required provided the relay is housed in the same

equipment cabinet as its receiver added.

New rule added: Relay contacts (for example in track circuit interrupters, treadles and cut

sections) must not be incorporated into the B24/N24 feeds to transmitters or receivers.

This rule ensures that the logging capabilities of the EBI Track 200 are maintained.

• 4.1.2 updated as follows:

Rule regarding rail insulation updated: Rail insulation must be subject to regular

maintenance to reduce the likelihood of nuisance failures.

• 4.1.3 Preventative Measures against Bypass Paths – new section.

• 4.2.1 updated as follows:

First bullet amended as follows: The most applicable and cost-effective track

configurations. For example, the use of double rail configuration through points and

crossing should be considered as a more efficient alternative to single rail.

New last bullet added: The uncertainty in definition of the end of a track circuit using

tuned zones must be considered where position information is critical to signalling.

• 4.2.2 third paragraph updated as follows:

Normally, the two frequency pairs A/B and C/D are considered as the primary frequencies

for double track lines, while E/F and G/H are used only for situations where there are

more than two tracks. This approach results in the following rules to control the risk of

induction into parallel track circuits:

• Areas of multiple parallel lines, e.g. station areas, three lines should separate the use

of the same frequencies

• Where parallel lines are spaced vertically, frequencies must be chosen so that no two

track circuits of the same frequency are vertically adjacent for any distance exceeding

20m unless the separation is greater than 10m.

• Lateral separation of frequencies as shown in Table 4.2.2 and Fig 4.2.2 should be

used to ensure that no two track circuits of the same frequency are laterally adjacent.

• 4.2.3 third and fourth paragraphs amended:

Double rail configuration should also be considered as the most efficient method of track

circuiting points and crossings.

Sections to describe the equipment configurations required for basic double

rail track circuit operation. Maximum and minimum track circuit lengths are given in

Table 3.1.2. A low power option is available for short track circuits, see section

Typical points and crossings arrangements are discussed in section 4.2.7.

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Appendix B Customer-Specific Recommendations

3-4 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011

Confidential and proprietary.

• updated as follows:

Second bullet added: Precise definition of the track circuit boundary is required.

Three new paragraphs added:

ETU / B3 Bond Connections

Where ETUs are installed close to B3 Bonds, it is recommended that the ETU to track

connection is made to the capacitor connection stud on the B3 Bond. This has the

advantage of providing detection of loss of a B3 Bond sidelead connection.

ETU / IRJ Position

ETU rail connections must be placed within 3m of the IRJ defining the end of the track

circuit. In the event of staggered joints, this distance refers to the joint nearest the ETU.

Note that some rail authorities may have more restrictive conditions.

IRJ Stagger

Rail authorities may control the amount of permissible stagger in order to avoid an

excessive length of dead section.

• updated as follows:

First paragraph:

Low power operation is used on short track circuits in the range of 50 to 250 metres long,

and facilitates easy adjustment of the receiver by the use of reduced rail voltages. Normal

Power circuits are permitted for track circuits in the range over 200 metres long In

design, it is recommended that track circuits below 250m are specified as Low Power and

the overlap between the lengths for low and normal power of 200m – 250m is used to deal

with specific site conditions during commissioning.

Last paragraph:

A special engraved insulated label is available for fitting to terminals 4 and 5 of the

transmitter and receiver tuning units as a reminder that the track circuit is connected in low

power mode (see section 7 for the part number of this label). It is recommended that track

circuit identity labelling in the equipment cabinet or equipment room should include the

legend ‘Low Power’

Illustration of the Low Power Label added.

• updated as follows:

First paragraph:

For transmitters operating in normal power mode, ensure that NO receiver of an identical

frequency (of a different track circuit) is closer than 200 metres on the same track.

Second paragraph:

For transmitters operating in low power mode, ensure that NO receiver of an identical

frequency (of a different track circuit) is closer than 50 metres on the same track.

• updated as follows:

Length tolerance added to gauge table.

Diagrams altered to show ETUs connecting to the B3 Bond instead of directly to the rails.

• 4.2.4: Reference to Single Rail Manual added.

• Note added to final paragrapgh:

Note that the second IRJ and transposition bond may not be required for certain track

circuit types; therefore it is recommended that local railway authority rules are consulted.

• 4.2.5 Diagram altered to show ETU connecting to the B3 Bond instead of directly to the


• 4.2.6 This section has been completely revised and the the option of increasing feed length

by shortening the track circuit has been removed.

• New final paragraph added:

ETU / IRJ Position

ETU rail connections must be placed within 3m of the IRJ defining the end of the track

circuit. In the event of staggered joints, this distance refers to the joint nearest the ETU.

Note that some rail authorities may have more restrictive conditions.

• The whole section and its diagrams have been revised to empahsise the use of

double rail solutions.

An important note has been added to the end of the section:

Where two receivers are used, the Tx to Rx paths for each route must be either greater

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Appendix B Manual Change History

M125401A4 3-5 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

than 250m (ie normal power) or less than 250m (ie low power). This is ensures that

neither the longest path is run with insufficient current nor that the shortest path is run with

too much.

• 4.2.8 Additions in fourth paragraph to clarify that buried earth cable or overhead erath

wires can be used.

Reference to Guidance Notes for Traction Bonding added.

• Track Circuit Interrupters and Treadles. This section and its diagram have been

significantly revised.

• This section and its diagram have been significantly revised.

• Reference to Application note IS580001448A4 added.

• 4.3.1 New warning panel added:

The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some circumstances this

can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or removing these units, power must

be removed from the associated transmitter. personnel delegated to work on these units

while in operation, must be suitably competent.

In order to detect wiring errors in LMU circuits which could lead to overloading,

commissioning tests shall be carried out as soon as practicable after power is switched on.

Before handling heavy or bulky items, ensure that adequate lifting resources are available.

• 4.3.2 Transmitter and Receiver Mounting – new section added. Subsequent sections re-


• Recommendation to use Cembre or Glenair rail bonds added to third paragraph.

• 4.3.4 Cables. This section, its diagram and associated Table have been significantly


• Second paragraph has been revised:

If the track circuit is installed on conventional jointed track then it is likely that there may

be rail joints within the track circuit boundary. It is important that good quality

connections are used in order to achieve reliable operation. Within the tuned area, 19/1.53

copper cable,and a rail connection meeting the resistance requirement in Table 3.1.1 must

be used . Cembre or Glenair rail bonds are the recommended method of achieving rail


• Bonding For IRJ Failure Detection. This section has been substantially revised.

• Check Rails. New section.

• 4.3.6 Lightning Protection. This section has been substantially revised.

• 4.3.7. Power Supply Unit Considerations. This section has been substantially revised.

• 4.3.9 Fusing - TX, RX and PSU. This section has been substantially revised.

• 4.3.10 Torque Settings for EBI Track 200. This section has been substantially revised.


• 5.1.1 New paragraphs added to warning panel:

If the track relay function is to be tested by imposing an external voltage on the relay coil

then, to avoid damage to the receiver output circuit, the receiver’s 9-way connector must

be disconnected.

The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some circumstances this

can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or removing these units, power must

be removed from the associated transmitter. Personnel delegated to work on these units

while in operation, must be suitably competent.

In order to detect wiring errors in LMU circuits which could lead to overloading,

commissioning tests shall be carried out as soon as practicable after power is switched on.

• 5.1.4 updated as follows:

Second bullet: …..and boundaries… added at end.

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Appendix B Customer-Specific Recommendations

3-6 M125401A4 Issue 4: October 2011

Confidential and proprietary.

Sixth bullet is new: Required rail and traction bonding is correctly installed.

Final bullet is new: Currently installed rail and traction bonding meets requirements.

• 5.2.2 Revised to read: There is an upper limit to the ballast conductance above which it

becomes impossible to set up the track circuit without lowering the RX threshold to an

unacceptable level. This effect is most noticeable for track circuit lengths of 800m and


• 5.3 New paragraph added to Important panel:

If the track relay function is to be tested by imposing an external voltage on the relay coil

then, to avoid damage to the receiver output circuit, the receiver’s 9-way connector must

be disconnected.

• 5.3.1 has been revised as shown:

(1) (c) has been added: Check that the power supply is giving out 24 - 26V DC. Adjust the

input incoming supply taps if necessary

(3) has been split inot (3)(a) and (3)(c).

(3)(b) Confirmation of sideband imbalance ratio has been added.

(3)(c) has had the following note added:

If the transmit circuit uses LMUs then losses in the LMUs reduce the expected clear track

current by 10%.

Table 5.3.1 has been revised.

(4) Has had a final sentence added: Check that clear track current is 40-60% less than the

value without the shunt box connected.

(5) Has had a warning panel added:

If the set up key left in place for more than 1 minute, then the set up function will time out

and the threshold will be set to zero.

(6) Has had a warning panel added: If the set up fails, then the threshold will be set to


Table 5.3.2 has been revised.

(7) Has been revised vas follows: Replace the set-up key with the frequency key. Check

that clear track current is still 40-60% less than the value without the shunt box connected.

Remove the shunt box and check that the current recovers to the value noted at the

beginning of step 3.

• 5.3.2 Paragraph (b) has been added:

Ensure that all receivers in the track circuit are connected.

Subsequent paragraphs renumbered.

• 5.3.4 First paragraph has been revised:

The measurements displayed by the Condition Monitoring Display are made by high

integrity, duplicated circuitry. However, if there is difficulty in reading the display, eg if

some of the LED segments have failed, measurement of key values can be made

independently of the Condition Monitoring display using a calibrated TTM in the

following way.


• 6.1.1 Second bullet, first line has become:

‘200freq’ followed by ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ where ‘freq’ is the EBI Track frequency A –H.

Third bullet, last sentence has become:

An incorrect frequency key has been inserted to finish the process

Fifth bullet, first line has become: ‘200freq’ followed by ‘NewK’ where ‘freq’ is the EBI

Track frequency A –H.

• 6.1.2 Bullets 3 – 9 have been revised as shown:

3: Receiver output relay state (‘PICK’ or ‘drop’).

4: Instantaneous track current (‘I now’) readout in mA to three significant figures1.

1 During measurement of track current, it is important to know that the display has not frozen. For this reason, the decimal point alternates between “.” and “,”.. If the point does not alternate, then the display has frozen and the unit should be replaced. Mod Strike 1 and earlier receivers had lower resolution, and used an alternating “A” and “B” prefix for this task.

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Appendix B Manual Change History

M125401A4 3-7 Issue 4: October 2011 Confidential and proprietary.

5: Receiver threshold value2 locked into the Receiver during the set up process (‘I th’)

readout in mA to three significant figures.

6: Power supply voltage (‘Vout’) readout in Volts.

7: Output drive voltage to the track relay (‘Vout’) readout in Volts.

8: Output drive power to the relay (‘Pout’) readout in Watts.

9: Internal temperature (‘Temp’) readout in °C.

• Figure 6.1.2 has been revised to show Pout.

• Table 6.1.4b has revisions for channels 28, 35, 42 and 54.

• 6.1.5 has been completely revised.

• 6.1.6 was incorrectly numbered as 6.1.5.

• 6.2.1 Warning panel has an additional paragraph:

The nominal voltage on the LMU terminals is 95V RMS. Under some circumstances this

can be as high as 140V RMS, therefore before fitting or removing these units, power must

be removed from the associated transmitter. Personnel delegated to work on these units

while in operation, must be suitably competent.

• 6.2.2 Has been revisede as shown:

Load LED section has a new second paragraph:

A Red indication means that the external load is short circuit or the transmitter output

stage is short circuit.

The Receiver LED Display section has been revised.

Test F, Table 6.2.2F has been revised.

Test H, Table 6.2.2H has been revised.

Test J has bene revised.

Test K has been revised.

Test Q has been revised.

Test R has been re-written.

• 6.3 Requirements for IRJ maintenance have been added.

• Paragraph (1) has been added:

Check that the Receiver LED display is showing ‘PICK’ or ‘drop’ and is not alternating

with ‘ERR’. If ‘ERR’is showing, then an error condition is present and pressing ‘OK’, as

described in section 6.1.3, allows the operator to interrogate the Receiver to find out

which parameter is out of range.

If no faults are displayed, then proceed to step 2 below.

Subsequent paragraphs have been re-numbered.

• Paragraph four, new first sentence:

Rail current is typically 1A on normal power or 0.5A on low power.

• 6.6 Disposal. Renumbered from 6.7.

Previous section 6.6 related to IRJ inspection, now deleted.


• 7.1 List of Part Numbers.

Table re-ordered to make parts easier to find.

Main part numbers unchanged, but some new accessories and kits added.

• 7.2 Ordering Guides

Completely new section providing a guide to ordering parts and accessories.

• 7.3 Modification States

New section explaining the use of Modification States.


• The whole section has been substantially revised.


• Sheet two hs been deleted. It contained data relating to the IRJ inspection tests that have

been removed from section 6.6.

2 After set-up, receiver currents above the threshold value will cause the receiver to indicate ‘track clear’, while currents below the threshold will cause an indication of ‘track occupied’.

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Appendix B Customer-Specific Recommendations

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Confidential and proprietary.


• New appendix.