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- Adrienne Sangalang - & Luis Cordova Falls

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Post on 10-May-2015




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-Adrienne Sangalang -& Luis Cordova


Hi! My name is Edwin E. Bola. Before I tell you all about my adventure, I’ll tell you a little about myself. Perhaps you

might know some of my cousins in the Filoviridae family. Most of

us are located in Africa. We might have a “threadlike” structure, but I wouldn’t

underestimate our abilities.

Hi guys!

Look at my new


While fighting crime in Africa, Batman decided to buy a bat.

Little did he know that his new friend has a friend of its own.


All of a sudden, batman’s bat bites him.

Sir, are you alright?

I’m fine.

Meanwhile Eddie is floating within batman about to begin his replication process .

Edwin Starts replicating causing batman to have a slight fever and a mild headache.

About 2 to 21 days later. . .

Man, I don’t know. I feel like there’s something seriously wrong with me.

Why don’t you go to a doctor?

Now, Edwin has replicated so much that Batman can no longer save gotham. He is now showing signs of intense weakness.

Sir, I really think

you’re sick.

As edwin continues to replicate, Batman continues to deny his condition.

Wee! Yay!

Alfred clearly sees that batman’s immune system is weakening so he secretly isolates his cells by taking a blood sample.

Sir, you have Ebola

haemorrhagic fever and there is

no treatment.

Why didn’t you test the bat for any diseases before

bringing it home?

Batman dies.

I tried to constantly rehydrate him, but it was too late. He was

already starting to bleed out of every opening.

it's all right and it's not your fault, but now it's up to me to keep gotham safe!

The End



n• There are five different strains of the virus. Each

strain is common to a specific African country.• It’s one of the world’s deadliest viruses because of

the life-threatening disease it causes, which is also extremely contagious.• It can be transmitted through close contact with body fluids of infected animals as well as people.

• EHF has a 90% death rate mostly because it causes the person to have a high fever and hemorrhages.• But for those who do survive, it’s a full recovery. Recovering from EHF is a great mystery, but they believe the ones who do survive have a stronger immune system.

• No one knows exactly what the virus affects in the body, but it is believed that Ebola virus glycoprotein is synthesized, which forms a complex that binds the virus the endothelial cells lining the interior surface of blood vessels. Another GP forms a protein that gives the virus the invade the immune system by interfering with the signaling of a type of white blood cell. The virus along with cell damage release cytokines, which signal fever and inflammation. All of these actions lead to hemorrhages.

• We chose a bat because it is believed to be the natural host.

Sources• http://media.dcentertainment.com/sites/default/files/Prologue2.png

• http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_QEBh7yJDdog/SwdejRcyLmI/AAAAAAAAAHk/S9HA88GMYgk/s1600/Ebola_virus_en.gif

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