ec calicut syllabus

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  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus










  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    1 & 2 SEMESTER(Common for All Branches)

    Hours / week MarksCode Subject L T P/ D Int e-

    r na lE nd-sem



    EN09 101 Engineering Mathematics I 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 102 Engineering Mathematics II 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 103 Engineering Physics 2 - - 30 70 3 3

    EN09 103(P) Physics Lab - - 1 50 50 3 1

    EN09 104 Engineering Chemistry 2 - - 30 70 3 3

    EN09 104(P) Chemistry Lab - - 1 50 50 3 1

    EN09 105 Engineering Mechanics 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 106 Basics of Civil and MechanicalEngg. 2 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 107Basics of Electrical,Electronics & CommunicationEngg.

    2 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 108 Engineering Graphics 0 - 3 30 70 3 3

    EN09 109(P) Computer Programming in C 1 - 1 50 50 3 3

    EN09 110(P) Mechanical Workshops - - 2 50 50 3 2

    EN09 111(P) Electrical and Civil Workshops - - 2 50 50 3 2

    Total 15 5 10 38

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P /



    rna l



    Sem. EndDurat ion -


    Cred its

    EN09 301 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EN09 302 Humanities and CommunicationSkills 2 1 - 30 70 3 3

    EC09 303 Network Analysis & Synthesis 4 1 - 30 70 3 5

    EC09 304 Signals and Systems 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 305 Digital Electronics 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 306 Electrical Engineering 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 307(P) Digital Electronics Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

    EC09 308(P) Electrical Engineering Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2TOTAL 18 6 6 28


    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P Inter-na l


    Sem. EndDurat ion -

    HrsCred its

    EN09 401(B) Engineering Mathematics IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EN09 402 Environmental Science 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 403 Electronic Circuits 4 1 - 30 70 3 5EC09 404 Analog Communication 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 405 Computer Organization &

    Architecture 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 406 Solid State Devices 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 407(P) Electronic Circuits Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2EC09 408(P) Analog Communication Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

    TOTAL 18 6 6 28

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P Interna lSem-End

    Sem. EndDurat ion -

    HrsCred its

    EC09 501 Digital Signal Processing 4 1 - 30 70 3 5EC09 502 Quantitative Techniques For

    Managerial Decisions 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 503 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 504 Digital Communication 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 505 Microprocessors &

    Microcontrollers 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 506 Linear Integrated Circuits 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 507(P) Microprocessors &

    Microcontrollers Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2

    EC09 508(P) Linear Integrated Circuits Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2TOTAL 18 6 6 28


    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P Interna l


    Sem. EndDurat ion

    -HrsCred its

    EC09 601 Basics of VLSI Design 4 1 - 30 70 3 5EN09 602 Engineering Economics and

    Principles of Management 3 1 - 30 70 3 4

    EC09 603 Radiation and Propagation 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 604 Control Systems 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 605 Optical communication 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 Lxx Elective-I 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 607(P) Digital Communication & DSP Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2EC09 608(P) Mini Project - - 3 50 50 3 2

    TOTAL 18 6 6 28

    Elect ive IEC09 L01 Power Electronics

    EC09 L02 Numerical methods for Engineers

    EC09 L03 Entrepreneurship

    EC09 L04 Speech & Audio Processing

    EC09 L05 Satellite Communication.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P Interna lSem-End

    Sem. EndDurat ion

    -HrsCred its

    EC09 701 Information Theory and Coding 4 1 - 30 70 3 5EC09 702 Microwave Engineering 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 703 Analog & Mixed MOS Circuits 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 704 Digital System Design 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 Lxx Elective-II 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 Lxx Elective-III 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 707(P) Communication systems Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2EC09 708(P) VLSI Design Lab - - 3 50 50 3 2EC09 709(P) Project - - 1 100 - - 1

    TOTAL 17 6 7 28


    Hrs / week MarksCode Subject

    L T P Interna l


    Sem. EndDurat ion

    -HrsCred its

    EC09 801 Data & Communication Network 4 1 - 30 70 3 5EC09 802 Wireless Mobile communication 2 1 - 30 70 3 3EC09 Lxx Elective-IV 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 Lxx Elective-V 3 1 - 30 70 3 4EC09 805(P) Seminar - - 3 100 - - 2EC09 806(P) Project - - 11 100 - - 7EC09 807(P) Viva Voce - - - - 100 - 3

    TOTAL 12 4 14 28

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    EC09 L06 Soft Computing

    EC09 L07 High Speed Digital Design

    EC09 L08 Introduction to MEMS

    EC09 L09 Multimedia Communication Systems

    EC09 L10 Management Information systems

    EC09 L11 Cryptography & Network security

    EC09 L12 Antenna Theory & Design

    EC09 L13 Microwave Active Devices & Circuits

    EC09 L14 Internet technology

    EC09 L15 Television & Radar Engineering

    EC09 L16 Embedded systems

    EC09 L17 Photonic Switching And Network

    EC09 L18 Nano Technology

    EC09 L19 Advanced semiconductor device technology

    EC09 L20 Mobile computing

    EC09 L21 Image & video Processing

    EC09 L22 Advanced digital signal Processing

    EC09 L23 Data Structures & Algorithms

    EC09 L24 Electronic Packaging

    EC09 L25 Biomedical Instrumentation

    GLOBAL ELECTIVESCE09 L25 Finite Element Analysis

    ME09 L23 Industrial Safety Engineering

    EE 09 L24 Mechatronics

    EE 09 L25 Robotics & Automation

    CS09 L23 Simulation & Modeling

    CS09 L25 Pattern Recognition

    IC09 L25Aerospace Engineering and NavigationInstrumentation

    IC09 L23 Bio-Informatics

    AI09 L25 Probability and Random process

    BM09 L24 Virtual Instrumentation

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus


    B.Tech . Degree Prog ramme Syl labi - Combined Firs t & Sec ond Semeste rs

    1 & 2 SEMESTER

    EN09 101: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lec ture and 1 hour tutor ial per week


    This course is addressed t o t hose who int end t o app l y t he sub jec t a t t he proper p lace and time, wh ile keep ing h im / her aware t o t he needs o f t he soc iet y where he / she can lend h is / her exper t serv ice, and a lso t o t hose who can be use f ul t o t he commun it y w it hou t even go ing t hrough t he f orma l process o f dr illi ng t hrough r igorous t rea t men t o f ma t hema tics.

    Module I: Differential Calculus (15 hours)Inde term ina te forms LHop itals ru le Rad ius of curva ture (On ly Car tes ian form) Cen ter of curva ture - Evo lute Func tions of more than one var iab les - Idea of Par tial D ifferen tiation Eu lers theorem for Homogeneous func tions Cha in ru le of Par tial d ifferen tiation App lica tion inerrors and Approx ima tions Change of var iab les Jacob ians Max ima and M inima of func tionsof two var iab les Me thod of Legrange mu ltipliers.

    Module II: Infinite Series (15 hours)Def inition of Convergence and D ivergence of Inf inite ser ies Ra tio tes t Compar ison tes t Raabe s tes t Roo t tes t Ser ies of pos itive and nega tive terms Abso lute convergence Tes t forAlterna ting ser ies Power ser ies In terva l of Convergence Tay lors and Mac laur ins ser iesexpans ion of func tions Le ibn itz formu la for the n th der iva tive of produc t of two func tions I tsuse in Tay lors and Mac laur ins ser ies expans ions.

    Module III: Matrices (15 hours)Rank of a ma trix Reduc tion of a ma trix to Norma l and Eche lon forms Sys tem of L inearequa tions Cons istency of Sys tem of L inear Equa tions Gauss e limina tion me thod Sys tem of Homogeneous L inear equa tions So lution of Sys tem of Homogeneous L inear equa tions by Gausselimina tion me thod E igen Va lues and E igen Vec tors Cay ley-Ham ilt on Theorem Diagona lisa tion of a ma trix us ing E igen vec tors Quadra tic forms Def inite, Sem i-def inite andIndef inite forms Ma trix assoc iated w ith a quadra tic form Reduc tion to Canon ica l form byor thogona l transforma tion.

    Module IV: Fourier Series and Harmonic Analysis (15 hours)Per iod ic func tions Tr igonome tric ser ies Four ier ser ies Eu ler Formu lae Even and Oddfunc tions Four ier ser ies of Even and Odd func tions Func tions hav ing arb itrary per iod Four ierser ies of Func tions hav ing arb itrary per iod Ha lf-range expans ions Numer ica l me thod forde term ining Four ier coeff icien ts Harmon ic Ana lys is.

    Reference books1. M ichae l D Greenberg, Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics (2 nd Ed ition), Pearson

    Educa tion As ia.2. Wy lie C.R and L.C. Barren t, Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , McGraw H ill .

    3. Kreyz ig E., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , W iley eas tern.4. P iskunov N., D iff eren tia l and In t egra l ca lcu lus , MIR Pub lishers.5. Ayres F., Ma t r ices , Schaum s Ou tline Ser ies, McGraw H ill .6 . Sas try S.S., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics-Vo l. I and II ., Pren tice Ha ll of Ind ia.7. G lyn James., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma thema tics, 3 / e, Pearson Educa tion As ia.8. Dr.ChandraMohan,Dr.Varegheese Ph ilip, Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics I,II,III & IV ,

    Sangu ine Techn ica l Pub lishers.9. Pe ter V O Ne il, Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , Thomson Ind ia Ed ition.

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)

    30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.

    10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld b e a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tions

    from any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer four ques tions ou t of s ix. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 70

    EN09 102: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lec ture and 1 hour tutor ial per week

    Objectives Ma t hema tics is a necessary avenue t o sc ien tifi c know ledge wh ich opens new v ist as o f

    men t a l ac tivit y. A sound know ledge o f eng ineer ing ma t hema tics is a sine qua non f or t he moderneng ineer t o a tt a in new he igh t s in a ll aspec t s o f eng ineer ing prac tice. Th is course prov ides t hest uden t wit h p len tif ul oppor t un iti es t o work w it h and app l y t he concep t s, and t o bu ild sk ill s and exper ience in ma t hema tica l reason ing and eng ineer ing prob lem so lving.

    Module I: Ordinary Differential Equations (15 hours)Equa tions of f irst order Separab le, Homogeneous and L inear Exac t Equa tions Or thogona ltra jec tor ies Linear second order equa tions Homogeneous L inear equa tion of second order w ithcons tan t coeff icien ts fundamen tal sys tem of so lutions So lutions of the genera l L inear equa tionsof second order w ith cons tan t coeff icien ts me thod of var iation of parame ters Cauchy sequa tion.

    Module II: Laplace transforms (15 hours)Gamma and Be ta func tions Def initions and s imp le proper ties Lap lace transform InverseLap lace transform sh if ting theorems Transforms of der iva tives and integra ls D ifferen tiationand integra tion of transforms Convo lution theorem (No proof) Transform of Un it step func tion

    Transform of Impu lse func tion transforms of per iod ic func tions So lution of ord inaryDifferen tial equa tions us ing Lap lace transform.

    Module III: Vector Differential Calculus (15 hours)Vec tor func tion of a S ing le Var iab le D ifferen tiation of vec tor func tions Sca lar and Vec tor

    f ields Grad ien t of Sca lar f ields D ivergence and Cur l of Vec tor F ields Phys ica l mean ings Re lations be tween the vec tor d ifferen tial opera tors.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus


    9University of Calicut

    Module IV: Vector Integral Calculus (15 hours)Doub le and Tr iple integra ls The ir eva lua tion : Line, Surface and Vo lume integra ls Green sTheorem Gauss D ivergence Theorem S toke s Theorem (Proofs of these theorems areexc luded) L ine integra ls independen t of the Pa th.

    Reference books1. M ichae l D Greenberg, Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics (2 nd Ed ition), Pearson

    Educa tion As ia.2. Wy lie C.R and L.C. Barren t, Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , McGraw H ill .3. Kreyz ig E., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , W iley eas tern.4. P iskunov N., D iff eren tia l and In t egra l ca lcu lus , MIR Pub lishers.5. Ayres F., Ma t r ices , Schaum s Ou tline Ser ies, McGraw H ill .6. Sas try S.S., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics-Vo l. I and II ., Pren tice Ha ll of Ind ia.7. G lyn James., Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma thema tics, 3 / e, Pearson Educa tion As ia.8. Dr.ChandraMohan,Dr.Varegheese Ph ilip, Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics I,II,III & IV ,

    Sangu ine Techn ica l Pub lishers.9. Pe ter V O Ne il , Advanced Eng ineer ing Ma t hema tics , Thomson Ind ia Ed ition.

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld b e a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer four ques tions ou t of s ix. There

    shou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 70

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    EN09 103: ENGINEERING PHYSICS(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lec ture per week

    Objectives To impar t t he bas ic concep t s and ideas in phys ics To deve lop sc ien tifi c a ttit udes and enab le t he s t uden t s t o corre la t e t he concep t s o f

    phys ics w it h t he core programmes

    Module 1(15 hours)In terfernce of ligh t-superpos ition of waves-cond itions for interference-spa tial coherence- tempora lcoherence- interference in thin f ilms-P lane para llel f ilms- -Co lours of thin f ilms in ref lec ted andtransm itt ed ligh t- interference in wedge shaped f ilms- Tes ting of op tica l f latness-New tons R ings-theory and express ion for the rad ius in ref lec ted ligh t.-Measuremen t of wave leng th and refrac tiveindex.

    Diffrac tion of ligh t-Fresne l and Fraunhoffer c lass of D iffrac tion-Fresne ls ha lfper iod zone-Fraunhofer D iffrac tion a t a s ing le s lit-(Qua litative Ana lys is) -D iffrac tion Gra ting- s imp le theoryof d iffrac tion transm iss ion gra ting- De term ina tion of wave leng th of monochroma tic ligh t us inggra ting. Ray leighs cr iter ia for reso lution of spec tral lines-Reso lving power and d ispers ive powerof gra ting- ma thema tica l express ions.

    Crys tal struc ture space lattice-bas is- trans lation vec tor- pr imitive lattice ce ll-un it ce ll-No.of latti ce po ints per un it ce ll-s imp le cub ic-bcc-fcc- latti cep lanes and m ill er ind ices--spac ing beweenthree d imens iona l lattice p lanes-cub ic crys tals-s truc ture of sod ium ch lor ide D istance be tweenad jacen t atoms for NaC l crys tal- Rec iproca l lattice-X-ray d iffrac tion and Braggs law use incrys tal stud ies.

    Module II (15 hours)Po lar isa tion of ligh t-P lane po lar ised ligh t-Produc tion of po lar ised ligh t- Doub le refrac tion-Op ticax is and pr inc iple p lane-Huyghens Exp lana tion of doub le refrac tion in un iax ial crys tals-pos itiveand nega tive crys tals--N ico l pr ism - cons truc tion and work ing -Quar ter wave and ha lf wave p late-Theory of e lliptica lly and c ircu lar ly po lar ised ligh t-Ana lytica l ana lysis-produc tion and de tec tionof p lane po lar ised,e lliptica lly po lar ised and c ircu lar ly po lar ised ligh t-po laro ids-Op tica l ac tivity-Laws of op tica l ro tation-spec if ic ro tation-Lauren ts ha lf shade po lar ime ter-De term ina tion of concen tra tion of sugar so lution-App lica tions of po lar ised ligh t.

    Laser- introduc tion--spon taneous and s timu lated em iss ion-pr inc iple of laser- proper ties of laser-Eins tein coeff icien ts and the ana lysis of las ing cond itions- Bas ic componen ts o f a laser-D ifferen ttypes of lasers- cons truc tion,work ing and app lica tions of Ruby laser-Neodym ium YAG laser- He- Ne

    laser- sem iconduc tor laser-App lica tions of laser in med icine, indus try,sc ience andcommun ica tion. Ho lography-bas ic pr inc iple-Compar ison w ith ord inary pho tography-Record ingand recons truc tion of ho lograms-app lica tions .

    Op tica l f ibre--Bas ic s truc ture of an op tica l f ibre - s tep- index f ibre and graded index f ibre-propaga tion of ligh t in an op tica l f ibre-accep tance ang le and accep tance cone- Numer ica l aper tureof a s tep- index f ibre-Numer ica l aper ture of a graded index f ibre-modes of propaga tion-s tep indexmonomode f ibre-Mu lti mode s tep index f ibre- Graded mu ltimode f ibre-A ttenua tion in op tic f ibres-f ibre losses-ma ter ial loss,sca tter ing loss,absorp tion loss, leaky modes- d ispers ion in op tica l f ibres-App lica tions .

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Module III (15 hours)Sem i-conduc tor phys ics-energy bands in so lids-c lass if ica tion of so lids on the bas is of energy bandgap-Ferm i leve l-in trins ic sem i conduc tors- carr ier (e lec tron and ho le concen tra tion) in ins trins icsem iconduc tors-Ferm i leve l in intrins ic sem iconduc tors- law of mass ac tion- E lec trica lconduc tivity- Ex trins ic sem iconduc tors- N- type and P- type-Donor and accep tor s tates-Ferm i leve lin ex trins ic sem iconduc tors.

    Sem i-conduc tor dev ices-PN junc tion d iode-Vo ltage-curren t charac ter istics of a PN junc tion-S taticand Dynam ic res istance of a d iode-Zener d iode-Ava lanche breakdown and zener breakdown-zener charac ter istics-vo ltage regu lation us ing zener d iode-cons truc tion,work ing and uses of tunne l d iode , L igh t em itti ng d iode varac ter d iode-So lar ce ll- liqu id crys tal d isp lay-app lica tions-Bipo lar junc tion trans istor-Ac tion of a trans istor as an amp lif ier-charac ter istics of a npn trans istorin CE Conf igura tion- inpu t res istance-ou tpu t res istance- curren t amp lif ica tion fac tor.

    Superconduc tivity-In troduc tion-- trans ition tempera ture-Me issner effec t-proper ties of superconduc tors.Types of superconduc tors- type 1 and type 2- AC Josephsons effec t- DC Jospehsonseffec t- F lux quan tisa tion-Squ id-H igh tempera ture superconduc tors-App lica tions of superconduc tivity.

    Module IV (15 hours)Quan tum mechan ics-In troduc tion-or igin of quan tum theory-b lack body rad iation and pho toelec tric effec t (br ief ideas on ly)-ma tter waves- wave packe t-uncer tainty pr inc iple-( two forms)T imedependen t Shrod inger equa tion for a free par ticle-Par ticle in force f ield and time dependen tSchrod inger equa tion-T ime independen t schrod inger equa tion-Phys ica l in trepre tation of wavefunc tion-app lica tion -Par ticle in a Box (one d imens iona l) Energy e igen va lues and wavefunc tions

    Ultrason ics-p iezo e lec tric effec t-Magne tos triction effec t-produc tio n o f u ltrason ics-proper ties of ultrason ics- u ltrason ic d iffrac tome ter and de term ina tion of ve loc ity of u ltrason ics in a liqu id-App lica tion of u ltrason ics in non des truc tive tes ting - Accous tics of bu ilding-reverbera tion-Absorp tion Coeff icien t- Sab ines formu la for reverbera tion time(Der iva tion)-Accous tic intens ity-loudness-dec ibe l-phon-cond iti ons for good acous tics(Qua litative s tudy).

    Nanosc ience-bas ic ideas of Nanosc ience and nano techno logy-Nano c lus ters-carbon nano tubes-proper ties and app lica tions-Fu ture prospec ts and app lica tions of Nano techno logy (Qua litativeideas)

    Text Books1. Phys ics for Eng ineers-M.R.Seen ivasan-New Age Pub lishers 1996 Ed ition.2. A Tex t book of Eng ineer ing Phys ics-A.S.Vasudeva S.Chand pub lishers 2008 Ed ition3. A Tex t book of E lec tron ics-S.L.Kakan i and K.C. Bhandar i-New Age In terna tiona l(p)

    pub lishers 2000 Ed ition4. Nanosc ience and Techno logy-VS Mura lidharan& A.Subraman ia-Ane Books Pv t.L td.2009

    Ed ition

    Reference books .1. Fundamen tals Op tics- Jenk ins F.A. and Wh ite H.E. Mc Graw H ill Pub lica tion2. Op tics-A joy Gha tak- Ta ta McGraw-H ill Pub lish ing companyL td3. In troduc tion to so lid s tate phys ics- Char les K ittel-W iley Eas tern4. Concep ts of Modern Phys ics Ar thur Be iser- Ta ta McGraw-H ill Pub lish ing company L td5. Lasers and non linear op tics-B.B.Laud-W iley Eas tern6. In troduc tion to Sem i conduc tor ma ter ials and Dev ices-Tyag i M.S. Jhon w iley and Sons.7. Nano :The essen tials-T.Pradeep-Ta ta McGraw-H ill Pub lish ing company L td.8. Op tica l Fibres and F ibre Op tic Commun ica tion Sys tems-Sub ir Kumar Sarkar-S.Chand

    Pub lishers9. Eng ineer ing Phys ics-G.S.Raghuvansh i-Pr intice Ha ll of Ind ia10. Tex t book of Op tics-Br ijlal and Subramanyam-S.Chand pub lishers11. Modern Phys ics- Murukesan R-S.Chand and Co.12. A Tex t book of Sound-N. Subraman iam &Br ij La l-V ikas pub lish ing house L td.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.

    10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

    A ll ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tions

    from any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer four ques tions ou t of s ix. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 70

    EN09 103(P) : Physics Lab(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credit: 11 hour prac tica l per week


    To deve lop sc ien tifi c and exper imen t a l sk ill s o f t he s t uden t s To corre la t e t he t heore tica l pr inc i p les w it h app lica tion based s t ud ies.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus


    131. Charac ter istics of Zener d iode.2. De term ina tion of band gap energy in a sem i-conduc tor us ing a reverse b iased p-n junc tion3. Vo ltage regu lation us ing Zener d iode.4. S tatic charac ter istics of a trans istor in common em itter conf igura tion5. Charac ter istics of pho to d iode6. Charac ter istics of a LED and wave leng th of em itted rad iation.7. Draw the charac ter istics of a so lar ce ll .8. Wave leng th of mercury spec tra l li nes us ing d iffrac tion gra ting and spec trome ter.9. De term ina tion of ang le of a Quar tz / ca lcite pr ism and hence de term ine the refrac tive ind ices

    of ord inary and ex tra ord inary rays in ca lcite or quar tz pr ism10. D iame ter of a thin w ire or thickness of a thin paper by A ir-wedge me thod.11. Wave leng th of sod ium ligh t by New tons R ing me thod. Rad ius of curva ture of the lens by

    Boys me thod12. Spec if ic ro tation of cane sugar so lution us ing po lar ime ter.13. To inves tiga te the re lationsh ip be tween op tica l ac tivity and wave leng th.14. Wave leng th of laser us ing Gra ting. S tandard ise the Gra ting us ing sod ium ligh t.15. To s tudy the re lation be tween the s ine of the ang le of d iffrac tion and the wave leng th of ligh t.16. Reso lving and d ispers ive power of Gra ting.17. To de term ine the angu lar d ivergence of a laser beam us ing He-Ne laser or d iode laser.18. To measure the numer ica l aper ture of an op tica l f ibre.19. Wave leng th and ve loc ity of u ltrason ic waves us ing u ltrason ic d iffrac tome ter.20. Frequency of e lec trica lly ma intained tun ing fork ( transverse and long itud ina l modes)

    (M inimum 12 exper imen t s shou ld be comp let ed)

    Reference books .1.Prac tica l phys ics w ith v iva vo ice-Dr.S.L.Gup ta and Dr.V.Kumar-praga ti Prakashan Pub lishers2.Exper imen ts in Eng ineer ing Phys ics-M.N.Avadhanu lu,A.A.Dan i and

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-50)50% - Labora tory prac tica l and record40% - Tes t10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination (Max imum Marks-50)

    70% - Procedure and tabu lation form, Conduc ting exper imen t, resu lts and inference20% - V iva voce10% - Fa ir record

    EN09 104: ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(Common for a ll branches))

    Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lec ture per week

    Objectives To f am ili ar ise t he s t uden t s on app lica tion or ien t ed t hemes like t he chem ist ry o f ma t er ia ls

    used in eng ineer ing d isc i p line To f ocus t he s t uden t s on t he chem ist ry o f compounds resu lti ng f rom po llution, was t e

    genera tion and env ironmen t a l degrada tion and t o app l y t he know ledge in so lving t hesecurren t env ironmen t a l prob lems e ff ec tivel y.

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    Module I (18 hours)Sem i conduc tors Band theory intrins ic and ex trins ic sem iconduc tors conduc tivity insem iconduc tors Effec t of tempera ture on conduc tivity - sem i conduc tivity in non-e lemen talma ter ials sto ich iome tric and nons toich iome tric sem iconduc ting compounds ultrapure s iliconproduc tion zone ref iningIn troduc tion to Nanosc ience carbon nano tubes and nanow ires app lica tionsLiqu id crys tals c lass if ica tion Mo lecu lar order ing iden tif ica tion po lymer ic liqu id crys tals app lica tion of liqu id crys tals d isp lays and thermographyWa ter spec if ica tion for var ious purposes- ( indus trial, domes tic, dr ink ing) Ana lysis of wa ter Hardness, a lka linity D isadvan tages of hard wa ter de term ina tion of hardness- EDTA me thod sof ten ing lime soda, Ion exchange me thods pur if ica tion of wa ter for domes tic use Es tima tionof d isso lved oxygen

    Module II (18 hours)Po lymers c lass if ica tion Types of po lymer iza tion add ition, condensa tion, co-po lymer isa tion,co-ord ina tion po lymer iza tion Mechan ism ca tion ic, an ion ic, free rad ica lPo lymer isa tion techn iques Bu lk, so lution, suspens ion and emu lsionStruc ture re lation to proper tiesThemop las tics PE, PVC, PS, PVA - Thermose tting Bake lite, UF, S ilicones - F ibres Ny lon 6,Ny lon 66, Dacron - Na tura l rubber Vu lcan isa tion - Syn the tic rubber Buna S, Buna N, - S iliconrubber compound ing App lica tions of po lymers in E lec trica l and E lec tron ic indus tryLubr ican ts Theor ies of fr iction Mechan ism of lubr ica tion Th ick f ilm, thin f ilm, ex tremepressure. C lass if ica tion so lid, liqu id, sem iso lid proper ties v iscos ity, f lash po int, f ire po int,cloud and pour po int, An iline po int, corros ion s tab ilit y.

    Module III (12 hours)Elec trochem istry sing le e lec trode po ten tial He lmho ltz doub le layer Nerns t equa tion der iva tion types of e lec trodes (M / M+, M / MA / A -, M / A+, A 2+ , P t/ H2,H

    +, g lass e lec trode)Elec trochem ica l ce lls, concen tra tion ce lls - s a lt br idge emf measuremen t Poggendorf scompensa tion me thod Elec trochem ica l ser ies app lica tions storage ce lls Lead ac idaccumu lator alka line ce lls N icke l cadm ium fue l ce lls H 2 / O2 fue l ce ll so lar ce lls Chem ica l sensors.

    Ac ids and bas is Lowry Brons ted and Lew is concep ts. Concep t of pH pH measuremen t us ingglass e lec trode D issoc iation cons tan ts Buffer so lu tion Henderson equa tion for ca lcu lation of pH

    Module IV (12 hours)Corros ion and its con tro l theor ies of corros ion dry corros ion and we t corros ion ga lvan icser ies - corros ion of iron in ac idic, neu tra l and bas ic cond itions D ifferen tial aera tion corros ion,stress corros ion ga lvan ic corros ion Fac tors inf luenc ing corros ion .Corros ion pro tec tion se lf pro tec ting corros ion produc ts P illi ng Bed wor th ru le- Coa tings Organ ic (Pa ints and po lymers) Inorgan ic Me tallic (ga lvan izing, tinn ing, e lec trop lating,cemen tation) Nonme tallic (phospha te, chroma te, anod ising, chem ica l ox ide). Pass iva tion of me talsby chem ica l trea tmen t pro tec tion by sacr if icial anode Impressed curren t.Po llution Def initions c lass if ica tion of po llutan ts Effec t on env ironmen t A ir po llu tion Pho tochem ica l Smog Ozone dep letion Chapman cyc le of Ozone forma tion CFC d issoc iationand its reac tion w ith Ozone A lterna te refr igeran ts Therma l po llution Me thods of con tro l of air po llution - wa ter po llution BOD, COD de term ina tion.

    Text Books1. Ja in and Ja in (2007) Eng ineer ing Chem istry Dhanpa t Ra i Pub lish ing Co.2. Shash i Chaw la (2006) A tex t Book of Eng ineer ing Chem istry Dhanpa t Ra i pub lish ing

    Co.3. Dr. Kochubaby Man jooran Modern Eng ineer ing Chem istry Kannan ther i Pub lica tion,

    Koch i.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Reference Books

    1. B.R. Gowar ikar e t. a l Po lymer Sc ience New Age In terna tiona l.2. S. Deswa l and A. Deswa l A bas ic course in Env ironmen tal S tud ies Dhanpa t Ra i

    pub lish ing Co.3. A.K. De Env ironmen tal Chem istry New Age In terna tiona l.4. B.K. Sharma Elec trochem istry Goe l Pub lish ing House.5. V. Raghavan Ma ter ial Sc ience and Eng ineer ing A F irs t Course Pren tice Ha ll of Ind ia

    Pv t. L td.6. V.S. Mura leedharan and A. Subraman ia Nano Sc ience and Techno logy, Ane Books Pv t.

    Ltd., New De lhi.

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu larity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer four ques tions ou t of s ix. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 70

    EN09 104(P): Chemistry Lab(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credit: 11 hour prac tica l per week

    Objectives To equ i p t he s t uden t s w it h t he work ing know ledge o f chem ica l pr inc i p les, na t ure and

    t rans f orma tion o f ma t er ia ls and t he ir app lica tions. To deve lop ana l ytica l capab iliti es o f st uden t s so t ha t t hey can unders t and t he ro le o f

    chem ist ry in t he field o f Eng ineer ing and Env ironmen t a l Sc iences

    1. Es tima tion of ion in Mohr s sa lt us ing s tandard K 2Cr 2O72. Es tima tion of iron in a samp le of iron ore3. Es tima tion of copper in a g iven samp le of brass

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    164. Es tima tion of total hardness in a g iven samp le of wa ter us ing EDTA.5. Es tima tion of ch lor ide ions in domes tic wa ter6. De term ina tion of d isso lved oxygen presen t in a g iven samp le of wa ter (W ink ler s Me thod)7. De term ina tion of ava ilab le ch lor ine in a samp le of b leach ing powder8. De term ina tion of f lash po in t and f ire po int of an o il us ing Pensky Mar tens f lash po int

    appara tus9. De term ina tion of EMF of a ce ll by Poggendo rfs compensa tion me thod10. Prepara tion of buffers and s tandard iza tion of pH me ter11. Es tima tion of iron, chrom ium, lead and Cadm ium in wa ter Co lour ime trica lly12. Prepara tion of urea forma ldehyde and pheno l forma ldehyde res in

    (M inimum 8 exper imen t s shou ld be comp let ed)

    Reference BooksA.I. Voge l A tex t book of Quan titative Ana lys is ELBS, London.Dr. Sun ita Ra ttan Exper imen ts in App lied Chem istry S.K. Ka tar ia and Sons, New De lhi.

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-50)

    50% - Labora tory prac tica l and record

    40% - Tes t10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination (Max imum Marks-50)

    70% - Procedure and tabu lation form, Conduc ting exper imen t, resu lts and inference20% - V iva voce10% - Fa ir record

    EN09 105: ENGINEERING MECHANICS(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 42 hours lec ture and 1 hour tutor ial per week

    Objectives To acqua int wit h genera l me t hod o f so lving eng ineer ing prob lems. To illus t ra t e t he app lica tion o f t he me t hods learned in Mechan ics in prac tica l

    eng ineer ing prob lems.

    Units: Sys t em In t erna tiona l

    Module I (16 hours)In troduc tion to eng ineer ing mechan ics - un its - d imens ions - vec tor and sca lar quan titi es - laws of mechan ics - e lemen ts of vec tor a lgebra - impor tan t vec tor quan titi es - equ iva len t force sys tems -

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus


    17trans lation of a force to a para llel pos ition - resu ltan t of a force sys tem - s imp les t resu ltan t of spec ial force sys tems - d istribu ted force sys tems - equa tions of equ ilibr ium - free body d iagrams -free bod ies invo lving inter ior sec tions - genera l equa tions of equ ilibr ium - prob lems of equ ilibr ium- s tatic inde term inacy. (Bo th vec tor and sca lar formu lations are to be introduced to so lveprob lems.)

    Module II (16 hours)Fr iction laws of fr iction s imp le con tac t fr iction prob lems.

    In troduc tion to s truc tura l mechan ics - trusses - ana lys is of s imp le trusses - me thod of sec tions me thod of jo ints.

    Proper ties of s imp le and compos ite p lane areas and curves f irst momen t and cen tro id theoremsof Pappus-Gu ldinus - second momen t of p lane and compos ite areas para llel and perpend icu larax is theorems po lar momen t of iner tia of area produc t of iner tia and pr inc ipa l ax is (concep tua lleve l trea tmen t on ly).Momen t of iner tia of a r igid body and lam ina (der iva tion of MI for cy linder, rod and sphere).

    Module III (14 hours)Kinema tics of par ticles - rec tili near mo tion - curv ilinear mo tion mo tion of a pro jec tile -tangen tial and norma l acce lera tionKine tics of par ticles - rec tili near mo tion curv ilinear mo tion - New ton s second law DAlember ts pr inc ip le mo tion on hor izon tal and inc lined surfaces mo tion of connec tedbod ies.Work, power and energy work-energy equa tion transforma tion and conserva tion of energy impu lse and momen tum.

    Module IV (14 hours)Kinema tics r igid bod ies - ro tation of a r igid body abou t a f ixed ax is - p lane mo tion of a r igid body -ins tan taneous cen ter

    Kine tics r igid bod ies - equa tions of mo tion of a r igid body ro tating abou t a f ixed ax is - ro tationunder the ac tion of a cons tan t momen t - D Alember ts pr inc iple equa tions of mo tion for genera lplane mo tion - pr inc iple of work and energy.

    Text Books1. Shames I.H, Eng ineer ing Mechan ics - S t a tics and Dynam ics , 4 th ed.,Pren tice-Ha ll of Ind ia, New

    De lhi, 20012. H ibbe ler R. C. , Eng ineer ing Mechan ics, Vo l.I s t a tics, Vo l II Dynam ics , 2 nd ed., Pearson

    Educa tion, De lhi, 2004.3. T imoshenko S. and Young D. H., Eng ineer ing Mechan ics, 4 th ed., McGraw H ill In terna tiona l

    Ed ition, S ingapore, 1956.

    Reference Books1. Beer F.P and Johns ton E.R., Vec t or Mechan ics f or Eng ineers - Vo l.1 S t a tics and Vo l.2

    Dynam ics , 3 rd ed., Ta ta McGraw H ill , New De lhi, 2000.2. Mer iam J.L and Kra ige L.G., Eng ineer ing Mechan ics - Vo l.1 S t a tics and Vo l.2 Dynam ics , 5 th

    ed., W iley S tuden t Ed ition, Kund li, 20043. Ra jasekharan S. and Sankarasubraman ian G., Eng ineer ing Mechan ics S t a tics and Dynam ics ,

    3 rd ed., V ikas Pub lish ing House, De lhi, 2005

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks

    A ll ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer four ques tions ou t of s ix. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 70

    EN 09 106: BASICS OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGG.(Common for a ll branches)

    Credits: 4

    Teaching scheme1 hour lec ture per week

    Section1: Basicsof CivilEngineering

    ObjectiveTo g ive a bas ic know ledge o f t he t op ics in C ivil Eng ineer ing.

    (In- dep th trea tmen t is no t requ ired)

    Module I (15 hours)Scope of C ivil Eng ineer ing- Ro le of C ivil Eng ineers in na tion bu ilding.Br ief descr iption of Eng ineer ing proper ties and app lica tions of the fo llow ing cons truc tionma ter ials ( i) La ter iti c s tone ( ii) br ick ( iii) cemen t (iv) sand (v) Rubb le & Crushed s tone (v i) T imber(v ii) Iron & s tee l. (S tudy on labora tory tes ts no t expec ted, de tailed manufac tur ing processes of ma ter ials no t expec ted).Stone and br ick masonry cons truc tion- bonds used in genera l cons truc tions- Cemen t mor tar andCemen t Concre te - Proper ties and app lica tions- Re inforced Cemen t Concre te Fundamen tals -po ints to be observed dur ing masonry cons truc tion and concre ting.(On ly br ief descr iption is expec ted).

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Module II (15 hours)In troduc tion to Survey ing- br ief descr ip tion of the fo llow ing ins trumen ts ( i) cha in and accessor ies

    (ii) Dumpy leve l ( iii ) Theodo lite. Use of leve lling ins trumen t for de term ining reduced leve ls of var ious s tations- S imp le prob lems on Leve lling - use of theodo lite for measur ing hor izon tal ang les

    S imp le prob lems on hor izon tal d istance and p lane area. (On ly br ief descr iption is expec ted).Building drawing- plan, section and elevation of a single room building with RCC roof (sketching in the paper/note book only is expected).Type and func tions of the fo llow ing s truc tura l componen ts of bu ildings(i) Founda tion ( ii) Wa ll (iii) Co lumn ( iv) Beam (v) S lab (v i) Arch & L intels (v ii) P lane Trusses.Geome tric, s truc tura l, and func tiona l fea tures of Roads, Br idges and Dams.

    Text Books1. L.S.Jayagopa l and R. Rudramoor thy- Bas ic C ivil and Mechan ica l Eng ineer ing-

    V ikas Pub lish ing house Pv t L td, New De lhi New-110014.

    Reference Books1. Rangwa la. S. Eng ineer ing Ma ter ials, Chara tor book s tall, Anand2. Arora. K.R. Survey ing Vo l I and Vo l II, S tandard Book house,3. Punm ia. B.C- Bu ilding Cons truc tion, Laxm i Pub lica tions4. Ra jpu t. R.K. Eng ineer ing Ma ter ials, S. Chand and Company5. Ba lagopa l. T.S. Prabhu e Bu ild ing Draw ing and De tailing, Spades.

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-15)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern for Section 1Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld b e a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer two ques tions ou t of three. There

    shou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Section2: BasicsofMechanical Engineering

    Teaching scheme1 hour lec ture and 1 hour tutor ial per week


    To impar t t he bas ics o f t hermodynam ics, hea t eng ines, t herma l power p lan t s, hydrau licmach ines and power p lan t s, renewab le energy power p lan t s e t c

    To impar t t he bas ics o f Power t ransm iss ion e lemen t s and bas ic manu f ac t ur ing processes.

    On l y pre liminary unders t and ing o f t he sub jec t is t o be impar t ed, as t his is a bas iccourse.

    Module I (Basic Thermodynamics and applications) (16 hours)Basic Thermodynamics- Concep t of tempera ture, Zero th law, hea t and work, F irst law, In terna l

    Energy concep t, Second law (S tatemen t and exp lana tion on ly) Hea t eng ine, refr igera tor and hea tpump _ Concep ts of en tropy - Thermodynam ic cyc les -Carno t cyc le, O tto cyc le, D iese l cyc le,Bray ton cyc le.

    Internal Combustion Engines C lass if ica tion - SI and CI eng ines, Two s troke and Four s trokeeng ines, Carbure tted and MPFI eng ines, CRDI eng ines. Work ing pr inc iples on ly.Power p lan ts layou t and work ing of Gas turb ine Power p lan ts, S team power p lan ts, D iese l powerplan ts and Nuc lear power p lan ts.Vapour compression and Air refrigeration systems Concep t of Ton of Refr igera tion andCOP, s imp le cyc le and schema tic d iagram on ly. Bray ton cyc le- der iva tion of eff iciency of thecyc le s imp le prob lemsRenewable and non renewable sources of energy Fue ls and the ir proper ties coa l, LSHS,FO, LNG , HSD, B iod iese l and b iogas layou t and work ing pr inc iples of so lar, w ind, tida l,OTEC, Geo therma l, power p lan ts.

    Module II (Hydraulic machines and Manufacturing systems) (14 hours)

    Hydel power plants and pumps.- Hydrau lic Turb ines - C lass if ica tion, cons truc tion, work ing andapp lica tions. Hydrau lic pumps - C lass if ica tion, Rec iproca ting and cen trifuga l pumps, Pr iming,mu lti stage pumps, pumps like vane, gear and jet pumps (work ing pr inc ip le and app lica tions on ly).Basic Power transmission systems- Be lt and cha in dr ives, express ions for power transm itted, be lttens ion, & coeff icien t of fr iction re lationsh ips- gears and gear tra ins - Rack & p inion, S lidercrank mechan ism, eccen tric mechan ism (bas ics on ly)Basic manufacturing processes - Cas ting (Sand and d ie cas ting processes), Forg ing (open andclosed d ie forg ing & ne t shape forg ing), Ro lling (2 and 3 ro ll process), Ex trus ion (D irec t, ind irec tand hydros tatic ex trus ion), We lding (SMAW & Oxy fue l we lding)

    Reference Books1. A tex tbook on In terna l Combus tion Eng ines Ma thur and Sharma, Dhanpa t Ra i & Sons

    2. E lemen ts of Mechan ica l Eng ineer ing Roy and Choudhary3. Power p lan t eng ineer ing P.K. Nag, Ta ta Mc Graw H ill4. Bas ic Mechan ica l Eng ineer ing Ben jam in

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-15)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    University Examination Pattern for Section 2Note: (Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books)

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer two ques tions ou t of three. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 35


    (Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching Scheme Credits : 42 hours lec ture and 1 hour tutor ial per week


    To prov ide t he bas ic concep t s and an overv iew o f E lec t r ica l Eng ineer ing.

    Module I (15 hours)Kircho ffs laws so lution of ser ies-para llel c ircu its w ith DC exc itation. (2Hrs) Magne tic c ircu its MMF, f lux, re luc tance compar ison of magne tic and e lec tric c ircu its. (3 Hrs) Faraday s laws Lenz s law s tatica lly and dynam ica lly induced EMF se lf and mu tua l induc tance coeff icien t

    of coup ling. (3 Hrs)Sing le phase AC c ircu its genera tion of s inuso ida l EMF cyc le, frequency, time per iod averageand RMS va lues form fac tor and peak fac tor of s ine wave on ly ana lys is of s imp le R,L,Ccircu its reac tance and impedance ac tive, reac tive and apparen t power power fac tor. (5Hrs)3-phase c ircu its genera tion of 3-phase AC vo ltage S tar and De lta connec tion vo ltage &curren t re lationsh ips in s tar and de lta (ba lanced on ly). (2 Hrs)

    Module II (15 Hours) (Basic Concepts only)Sing le phase transformer cons truc tion pr inc iple of opera tion EMF equa tion transforma tionra tio idea l t ransformer on ly. (3 Hrs)DC mo tor and genera tor cons truc tiona l de tails EMF equa tion of dc genera tor - shun t, ser iesand compound (schema tics on ly) app lica tions of dc mo tors. (3 Hrs)

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    223-phase induc tion mo tor squ irre l cage and wound ro tor type cons truc tiona l de tails ro tatingmagne tic f ield (concep ts on ly) - pr inc iple of opera tion s lip app lica tions. (3 Hrs)3-phase synchronous genera tors cons truc tiona l de tails sa lien t-po le and cy lindr ica l ro tor type -pr inc iple of opera tion. (3 Hrs)Bas ic s truc ture of ac power sys tem (1Hr)Elec trica l es tima tion of sma ll res iden tial bu ilding (quan tity of ma ter ials on ly) (2Hrs)

    Text Books

    1. Edward Hughes, E lec t r ica l Techno logy , Pearson Educa tion2. V incen t De l Toro, E lec t r ica l Eng ineer ing Fundamen t a ls , Pearson Educa tion

    Reference Books1. Ko thar i & Nagra th, Theory & prob lems o f Bas ic E lec t r ica l Eng ineer ing , Ta ta McGraw H ill2. Ashfaq Husa in, Fundamen t a ls o f E lec t r ica l Eng ineer ing , Dhanpa t Ra i & Co.3. J.B. Gup ta, A course in e lect r ica l i ns t a lla tion, es tima tion & cos ting , S.K. Ka tar ia & Sons

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-15)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)

    30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern for Section 1Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

    A ll ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer two ques tions ou t of three. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 35

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    B.Tech . Degree Prog ramme Syl labi - Combined Firs t & Sec ond Semeste rs

    Section2: BasicsofElectronicsandCommunicationEngineering

    Objectives To impar t know ledge abou t bas ic e lec t ron ic and d igit a l sys t ems To g ive bas ic ideas abou t var ious commun ica tion sys t ems

    (On l y sys t em leve l b lock d iagram approach, no ana l ysis requ ired) Module

    I (14 hours)

    Amplifiers: Pr inc iple of e lec tron ic amp lif iers B lock d iagram represen tation C lass if ica tion Sign if icance o f inpu t impedance, ou tpu t impedance, ou tpu t power, power ga in, vo ltage ga in andfrequency response no ise in amp lif iers cascaded amp lif iers concep t of d ifferen tial amp lif iersand opera tiona l amp lif iers open loop and c losed loop sys tems effec t of nega tive feedback concep t of osc illators.(7 Hours)Digital Systems : Log ic ga tes log ic s tates Boo lean a lgebra a lgebra ic log ic m inimisa tion genera ting log ic d iagram from Boo lean express ion introduc tion to TTL and CMOS log ic programmab le log ic dev ices . (4 Hours)

    Measurements and Data Acquisition Systems : Work ing and b lock d iagram of CRO sensors ac tua tors pr inc iple of d igital vo ltme ter concep t of mu ltiplex ing pr inc iple of ADC and DAC ..(3 Hours)

    Module II (16 hours)

    Radio Communication : Modu lation - Pr inc iple Of AM & FM b lock d iagrams of transm itt ers wave forms band w idth pr inc iple of AM & FM demodu lation - compar ison of AM &FM pr inc iple of super he terodyne rece iver b lock d iagram . (4 Hours)

    Radar and Navigation : pr inc iple of Radar Radar equa tion [ Der iva tion no t requ ired ] b lock schema tics of pu lsed Radar and con tinuous wave Radar app lica tions of Radar introduc tion to

    nav iga tiona l a ids. (4 Hours)

    Communicational Systems : pr inc iple o f m icrowave commun ica tion frequency band repea ters b lock d iagrams pr inc ip le of sa tellit e commun ica tion sys tems transponder b lock diagram of op tica l commun ica tiona l sys tems pr inc iple of ligh t transm iss ion through f ibre advan tages of op tica l commun ica tion bas ic pr inc iples of ce llular commun ica tions concep ts of ce lls frequency reuse handoff roam ing pr inc iple of GSM , CDMA, GPRS techno log ies . (8Hours)

    Text Books1. Ne il S torey, Elec tron ics ; A Sys tems Approach Pearson Educa tion, 2 nd Ed., New De lhi2. San thiram Ka l.Bas ic E lec tron ics-Dev ices, C ircu its & IT fundamen tals , PHI, New

    De lhi3. Lou is E Frenze l,Pr inc iples of E lec tron ic Commun ica tion sys tem s , Ta ta McGraw H ill ,

    New De lhi4. W illi am S talli mg s. W ire less Commun ica tions & Ne tworks , Pearson Educa tion, New

    De lhi5. Dav id A Be ll .Elec tron ic Ins trumen tation & Measuremen ts, PHI, New De lhi

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-15)

    60% - Tes ts (m inimum 2)30% - Ass ignmen ts (m inimum 2) such as home work, prob lem so lving, group d iscuss ions, qu iz,

    litera ture survey, sem inar, term-pro jec t, sof tware exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

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    University Examination Pattern for Section 2Note: Section 1 and Section 2 are to be answered in separate answer books

    PART A: Shor t answer ques tions (one /t wo sen t ences) 2 x 2 marks=4 marks1 x 1 mark = 1 mark

    A ll ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le and no t more than two ques tionsfrom any modu le.

    PART B: Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 5 marks=10 marks

    Cand ida tes have to answer two ques tions ou t of three. Thereshou ld be a t leas t one ques tion from each modu le and no t morethan two ques tions from any modu le.

    PART C: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 2 x 10 marks=20 marks

    Two ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Max imum To t a l Marks: 35

    EN09 108: ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 33 hours drawing per week

    Objectives By going through the contents student will be able to:

    Understand systems of drawing.

    Produce orthographic drawing of points, lines and solids. Produce isometric views of any object. Develop skill to produce perspective views of any object. Deve lop sk ill t o conver t t he p ict or ia l views o f simp le eng ineer ing ob jec t s int o

    or t hograph ic v iews.

    Module I (9 Hours; 1 Drawing Exercise)Draw ing ins trumen ts and the ir use - D ifferen t types of l ines - Le tter ing and d imens ion ing Sca les- Fam iliar iza tion w ith curren t Ind ian S tandard Code of prac tice for genera l eng ineer ing draw ing -Cons truc tion of Con ic sec tions - Cons truc tion of Cyc loid, Invo lutes and He lix(For int erna l work assessmen t on l y, no t f or Un ivers it y Exam ina tion)

    Module-II (24 Hours; 4 Drawing exercises)a) In troduc tion to pro jec tions - Sys tems of pro jec tions - Ver tica l, Hor izon tal and Prof ile

    planes - Pr inc iples of f irs t and third ang le pro jec tions - Pro jec tions of po ints in d ifferen tquadran ts - Or thograph ic pro jec tions of s tra igh t lines para llel to bo th reference p lanes -Perpend icu lar to one of the reference p lanes - Inc lined to one and para llel to o therreference p lane - Inc lined to bo th the reference p lanes and occup ied in one quadran t -Traces of lines - True leng th and inc lina tion of a line w ith reference p lanes - L ine occup ied

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus


    25in more than one quadran t - L ine inc lined to the two reference p lanes bu t para llel to theprof ile p lane.

    b) Pro jec tions of p lane lam ina of geome trica l shapes - P lane lam ina para llel to one of thereference p lanes - Inc lined to one and perpend icu lar to the o ther reference p lane - Inc linedto bo th the reference p lanes - Inc lined to the two reference p lanes bu t perpend icu lar to theprof ile p lane.

    Module- III (18 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

    a) Pro jec tions of Po lyhedra, So lids of revo lution and Frus tums - Pro jec tions of so lids w ithax is para llel to one and inc lined to the o ther reference p lane - Ax is inc lined to bo th thereference p lanes - Pro jec tions of so lids on aux iliary p lanes (So lids to be drawn : Cube,Pr isms, Pyram ids, Te trahedron, Cone and Cy linder)

    b) Sec tions of so lids - Sec tions by cu tting p lanes para llel to the reference p lanes - Cu ttingplane inc lined to one and perpend icu lar to o ther reference p lane - True shape of the sec tionby pro jec ting on aux iliary p lane (So lids to be drawn : Cube, Pr isms, Pyram ids,Te trahedron, Cone and Cy linder)

    Module- IV (15 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

    a) In tersec tion of surfaces - Me thods of de term ining the curve of intersec tion - L ine me thod -Cu tti ng p lane me thod - Axes of the so lids perpend icu lar to each o ther and one of them isperpend icu lar to ver tica l p lane and o ther is perpend icu lar to hor izon tal p lane - In tersec tionof two pr isms - In tersec tion of two cy linders In tersec tion of cy linder and cone.

    b) Deve lopmen t of surfaces of so lids - Me thod of para llel line and rad ial line deve lopmen ts -Deve lopmen t of Po lyhedra, Cy linder, Cone and sec tioned so lids - Deve lopmen t of so lidshav ing ho le or cu t - Deve lopmen t of E lbow and T- joint.

    Module- V (15 Hours; 3 Drawing exercises)

    a) In troduc tion to isome tric pro jec tion - Isome tric sca le - Isome tric v iews - Isome tricpro jec tions of Pr isms, Pyram ids, Cy linder, Cone, Spheres, sec tioned so lids andcomb ina tion of them.

    b) In troduc tion to perspec tive pro jec tions - C lass if ica tion of perspec tive v iews - V isua l rayand van ish ing po in t me thod of draw ing perspec tive pro jec tion - Perspec tive v iews of p lanef igures such as po lygons and c irc les - Perspec tive v iews of so lids like Pr isms, Pyram idsand Cube.

    c) In troduc tion to mu ltiview pro jec tion of ob jec ts - The pr inc ip le of the s ix or thograph icviews -Convers ion of p ictor ial v iews of s imp le eng ineer ing ob jec ts into or thograph ic v iews.

    Module- VI (9 Hours; 2 Drawing exercises)

    a) In troduc tion to Compu ter A ided Draf ting (CAD) - Prepara tion of eng ineer ing draw ings byus ing any sof tware capab le of draf ting and mode ling - Crea tion of s imp le f igures like

    po lygon and genera l mu ltili ne f igures - Draw ing of fron t v iew and top v iew of so lid likePr ism, Pyram id and Cy linder and d imens ion ing - Draw ing of fron t v iew and top v iew of ob jec ts from p ictor ial view.

    b) Conven tiona l represen tation of threaded fas teners - Draw ing of nu ts, bo lts, washers andscrews - Lock ing arrangemen ts of nu ts - Bo lted and screwed joints - Founda tion bo lts.

    (For int erna l work assessmen t on l y, no t f or Un ivers it y Exam ina tion)

    NOTE: All draw ing exerc ises men tioned above are f or c lass work. Add itiona l exerc ises whereever necessary may be g iven as home ass ignmen t s

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    Text Books1. John.K.C, Eng ineer ing graph ics, Je t Pub lica tions, Thr issur2. P.I.Varghese, Eng ineer ing Graph ics, VIP Pub lica tions, Thr issur

    . 3. Bha tt.N.D, E lemen tary Eng ineer ing Draw ing, Charo tar Pub lish ing House, De lhi4. K.N.An ilkumar, Eng ineer ing Graph ics, Adhu th Narayanan Pub lishers, Ko ttayam

    Reference Books .

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-30)

    60% - Draw ing exerc ises (Bes t 12 shee ts)30% - Tes ts (m in imum 2)10% - Regu larity in the c lass

    University Examination Pattern

    No ques tion f rom modu les I and VI Answer THREE ques tions f rom Par t A and any TWO ques tions f rom Par t B. All

    ques tions carry equa l marks

    PART A Q 1 Two ques tions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from modu le 3 x 14 marks=II, one from modu le II (a) and one from modu le II(b), w ith 42 markscho ice to answer any one.

    Q II Two ques tions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from modu leIII, one from modu le III(a) and one from modu le III(b),with cho ice to answer any one.

    Q III Two ques tions (a) and (b) of 14 marks each from modu leIV, one from modu le IV(a) and one from modu le IV(b),with cho ice to answer any one.

    PART B Q IV 3 Ques tions (a), (b) and (c) of 14 marks each from modu le 2 x 14 marks =V, one from modu le V(a), one from modu le V(b) and one 28 marksfrom modu le V(c), w ith cho ice to answer any two.

    Max imum To t a l


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    EN09 109(P): COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN C(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 31 hour lecture and 1 hour prac tica l per week


    To impar t t he bas ic concep t s o f compu t er and in f orma tion t echno logy To deve lop sk ill i n prob lem so lving concep t s t hrough learn ing C programm ing in prac tica l


    Module I (7 hours)In troduc tion to Compu ters : CPU, Memory, inpu t-ou tpu t dev ices, secondary s torage dev ices,Processor Concep ts - Evo lution and compara tive s tudy of processors. Mach ine language, assemb lylanguage, and h igh leve l language. Ins ide a PC, La tes t trends and techno log ies of s torage, memory,processor, pr inting e tc. Concep t of Program and da ta, Sys tem sof tware - BIOS, Opera ting Sys tem-Def inition-Func tions-W indows, and L inux. Comp ilers and assemb lers. App lica tion sof tware.Def inition and scope of IT, Compu ter ne tworks, LAN, W iFi, In terne t Serv ices.

    Module II (6 hours)Basic elements of C: F low char t and a lgor ithm Deve lopmen t of a lgor ithms for s imp le prob lems.Struc ture of C program Opera tors and express ions Procedure and order of eva lua tion Inpu t andOu tpu t func tions. Wh ile, do-wh ile and for s tatemen ts, if, if-e lse, sw itch, break, con tinue, go to,and labe ls. Programm ing examp les.

    Module III (7 hours)Functions and Program structures : Func tions dec lar ing, def ining, and access ing func tions

    parame ter pass ing me thods Recurs ion S torage c lasses Ex tern, au to, reg ister and s tatic.Library func tions. Header f iles C pre-processor. Examp le programs.Arrays: Def ining and process ing arrays pass ing arrays to func tions two d imens iona l andmu ltidimens iona l arrays app lica tion of arrays. Examp le programs.

    Module IV (10 hours)Pointer: Concep ts, dec lara tion, in itializa tion of po inter var iab les Po inters and func tions po inters andarrays Po inters and s truc tures Command line argumen ts Dynam ic memory a lloca tions. Examp leprograms.Structures, unions, and file handling: S truc tures dec lara tion, def initi on and in iti aliza tion of

    struc tures Nes ted s truc tures Arrays of s truc tures S truc tures and func tion. Un ion typedef.Concep t of a f ile F ile po inter F ile opera tions. Bas ic concep ts of linked lists. Examp le programs.

    Lab Exercises

    1. Lab Prac tice Fam ili ar iza tion of OS- DOS, W indows and L inux S imp le OS commands Crea tion of fo lders / direc tor ies, copy ing and de leting f iles e tc. S imp le she ll programm ing(3 Hrs)

    2. Lab pra ise- iden tify ing the hardware componen ts ins ide a compu ter (2 hrs)3. Lab Prac tice / Demo - Ed itor, comp iler, linker, loader (w ith a s imp le C program) (3 Hrs)4. Lab Prac tice- Common app lica tion sof twares DTP & Off ice su ite, Presen tation s lides,

    pdf and ps reader (5 Hrs)

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    5. Usage of INTERNET for academ ic purposes, f tp, torren t demo (2 hours)6. Programm ing exerc ises in C cover ing the fo llow ing top ics (15 hours)

    (a) Func tions (b) Arrays (c) Po in ters(d) S truc tures and un ions(e) F ile hand ling

    Text Books1. B.Go ttfr ied, Programm ing w it h C , 2 nd ed, Ta ta McGraw H ill , New De lhi, 20062. P. Nor ton, Pe t er Nor t on s In t roduc tion t o Compu t ers, 6 th ed., Ta ta McGraw H ill , New De lhi,

    2004.3. B. W. Kern ighan, and D. M. R itch ie, The C Programm ing Language , Pren tice Ha ll of Ind ia,

    New De lhi, 19884. E. Ba laguruswamy, Programm ing in ANSI C , 3 rd ed., Ta ta McGraw H ill , New De lhi, 2004

    Reference Books1. K. N. K ing. C Programm ing: A Modern Approach , 2 nd ed., W. W. Nor ton & Company, 20082. P. Nor ton, Pe t er Nor t on s Compu ting Fundamen t a ls, 6 th ed., Ta ta McGraw H ill , New De lhi,

    2004.3. S .Kochan , Programm ing in C , CBS pub lishers & d istribu tors4. M. Meyer, R. Baber, B. Pfaffenberger. Compu t ers in Your Fu t ure , 3 rd ed., Pearson Educa tion

    Ind ia

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks 50)

    40% - Labora tory prac tica l and record20% - Tes t(s)30% - Ass ignmen ts such as home work, term-pro jec t, programm ing exerc ises, e tc.10% - Regu larity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination Pattern (Max imum Marks 50)The exam ina tion sha ll be conduc ted in two sec tions, theory sec tion of 1 hour dura tion and prac tica lsec tion of 2 hours dura tion.

    Section 1 (Theory) This will be a common test; question paper shall be set jointly byexternal and internal examiners.PART A: Shor t answer ques tions 5 x 1 marks=5 marks

    All ques tions are compu lsory. There shou ld be a t leas t oneques tion from each modu le.

    PART B: Descr i p tive / Ana l ytica l/ Prob lem so lving ques tions 4 x 5 marks=20 marksTwo ques tions from each modu le w ith cho ice to answer oneques tion.

    Section 2 (Practical) (To t a l Marks: 25)70% - A lgor ithm / Procedure, Wr iting and execu ting C-program, Resu lts / Inference20% - V iva voce

    10% - Record

    To t a l Marks: 25

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    EN09 110(P): MECHANICAL WORKSHOPS(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 22 hours prac tica l per week


    To incu lca t e eng ineer ing ap tit ude, con fidence and exper ience t owards t echn ica l sk ill s To t ra in t he s t uden t s men t a ll y and phys ica ll y f or indus t r ies To impar t know ledge and t echn ica l sk ill s on bas ic manu f ac t ur ing me t hods

    A) Carpentry: study of too ls and joints p laining, ch ise lling, mark ing and saw ing prac tice,D ifferen t joints

    B) Fitting: study of too ls, ch ipp ing, f ili ng, cu tti ng, dr illi ng, tapp ing, ma le and fema le joints,stepped joints

    C) Smithy: study of too ls, forg ing of square pr ism, hexagona l bo ltD) Foundry: study of too ls, sand prepara tion, mou lding prac ticeE) Sheet Metal work: study of too ls, se lec tion of d ifferen t gauge shee ts, types of joints, trays

    and con tainersF) Plumbing Practice: study of too ls, s tudy of p ipe f itti ngs, p ipe jo ints, cu tting, thread ing and

    laying prac tice.

    Note : For end-semester examination, the student shall be examined in any one of the first five trades (A-E)

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-50)

    50% - Labora tory prac tica l and record40% - Tes t10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination (Max imum Marks-50)

    70% - Procedure and tabu lation form, Conduc ting exper imen t, resu lts and inference20% - V iva voce10% - Fa ir record

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    EN09 111(P) ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL WORK SHOPS(Common for a ll branches)

    Teaching Scheme Credits : 22 hours prac tica l per week


    Objective To impar t a bas ic know ledge o f elec t r ica l circu it s, mach ines and power sys t ems.

    1. Fam ili ariza tion of var ious types of Serv ice ma ins W iring ins tallations Accessor ies andhouse ho ld e lec trica l app liances.

    2. Me thods of ear thling- Measuremen t of ear th res istance- Tes ting of e lec trica l ins tallations-Precau tions aga ins t and cure from e lec tric shock

    3. Prac tice of mak ing d ifferen t joints( Br itann ia, Marr ied and T- Jo ints) on copper /

    alum in ium bare conduc tors.4. W iring prac tice of a c ircu it t o con tro l two lamps by two SPST sw itches.5. W iring prac tice of a c ircu it t o con tro l one lamp by two SPDT sw itches.6. W iring prac tice of a c ircu it t o con tro l one f luorescen t lamp and one three p in p lug socke t.7. W iring prac tice of a ma in sw itch board cons isting of ICDP sw itch, DB, MCB s and

    ELCB s.8. Fam ili ariza tion of var ious par ts of e lec trica l mo tors and w iring of three phase and s ing le

    phase mo tor w ith s tar ter.9. Fam ili ariza tion of energy me ter and measuremen t of energy consump tion by a s ing le

    phase load.10. Fam ili ariza tion of var ious e lec trica l and e lec tron ic componen ts such as transformers,

    res istors, AF and RF chokes, capac itors, trans istors, d iodes, IC s and PCB.

    11. Assemb ling and so lder ing prac tice of s ing le phase fu ll wave br idge rec tif ier c ircu it w ith i)capac itor c ircu it ii ) regu lator IC

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-25)

    50% - Labora tory prac tica l and record40% - Tes t10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination (Max imum Marks-25)

    70% - Procedure and tabu lation form, Conduc ting exper imen t, resu lts and inference20% - V iva voce10% - Fa ir record

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    Section2: CivilEngineeringWorkshop

    Objectives To prov ide exper ience on p lotti ng, measur ing / de t erm ining hor i zon t a l d ist ances, leve l

    d iff erences be t ween s t a tions and hor i zon t a l ang les . To provide experience on setting out for small buildings, masonry construction,

    plumbing work and model making.

    1. Cha in Survey ing - S tudy of cha in and accessor ies, P lotting one s ide of a bu ilding / F ive or s ix po intsin the f ield us ing cha in and cross-s taff

    2. Compass survey ing (S tudy of compass, P lo tting one s ide of a bu ild ing / Five or s ix po ints in thef ield us ing compass

    3. Leve lling - S tudy of leve lling ins trumen ts, De term ina tion of reduced leve ls of f ive or s ix po intsin the f ield.

    4. Theodo lite - S tudy of Theodo lite, Measur ing hor izon tal ang les5. Se tting ou t prac tice6. Br ick Masonry

    7. P lumb ing - Demons tra tion of p lumb ing f ixtures-Exerc ise in jo ints8. Mode l mak ing of s imp le so lids

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Max imum Marks-25)

    50% - Labora tory prac tica l and record40% - Tes t10% - Regu lar ity in the c lass

    End Semester Examination (Max imum Marks-25)

    70% - Procedure, conduc ting exper imen t, resu lts, tabu lation, and inference20% - V iva voce10% - Fa ir record

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus




    EN09 301: Engineering Mathematics III(Common for all branches)

    Teaching scheme Credits: 43 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

    ObjectiveThis course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis

    that may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fourier transform which are wealths of ideas and results with wide area of application.

    Module I: Functions of a Complex Variable (13 hours)Functions of a Complex Variable Limit Continuity Derivative of a Complex function Analytic functions Cauchy-Riemann Equations Laplace equation Harmonic Functions

    Conformal Mapping Examples: Zn

    , sinz, cosz, sinhz, coshz, (z+1

    / Z ) Mobius Transformation.

    Module II: Functions of a Complex Variable (14 hours)Definition of Line integral in the complex plane Cauchy s integral theorem (Proof of existenceof indefinite integral to be omitted) Independence of path Cauchy s integral formula Derivatives of analytic functions (Proof not required) Taylor series Laurent series Singularities and Zeros Residues Residue Integration method Residues and Residuetheorem Evaluation of real integrals.

    Module III: Linear Algebra (13 hours) - Proofs not requiredVector spaces Definition, Examples Subspaces Linear Span Linear Independence Linear Dependence Basis Dimension Ordered Basis Coordinate Vectors TransitionMatrix Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets Orthogonal and Orthonormal Basis Gram-Schmidt orthogonolisation process Inner product spaces Examples.

    Module IV: Fourier Transforms (14 hours)Fourier Integral theorem (Proof not required) Fourier Sine and Cosine integral representations Fourier Transforms Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms Properties of Fourier Transforms.

    Text Books

    Module I:Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Sections: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.9Module II:Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Sections: 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4Module III:Bernaed Kolman, David R Hill, Introductory Linear Algebra, An Applied First Course, PearsonEducation.Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, Appendix.B.1Module IV:Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , McGraw Hill.

    Sections: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5

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    Reference books1. H S Kasana, Complex Variables, Theory and Applications, 2e, Prentice Hall of India.2. John M Howie, Complex Analysis, Springer International Edition.3. Shahnaz bathul, Text book of Engineering Mathematics, Special functions and Complex

    Variables, Prentice Hall of India.

    4. Gerald Dennis Mahan, Applied mathematics , Springer International Edition.5. David Towers, Guide to Linear Algebra , MacMillan Mathematical Guides.6. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, 9e , John Wiley

    and Sons.7. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics , 3e, Pearson

    Education.8. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books

    India.9. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill.10. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics , Universities Press.11. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India.12. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics , Elsevier, Newnes.13. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV. , Sanguine

    Technical Publishers.14. N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e,

    Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media.15. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II. , Ane Books India.16. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II ., Prentice Hall of India.17. Lary C Andrews, Bhimsen K Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers , Prentice Hall of


    Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

    60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

    literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at least onequestion from each module and not more than two questionsfrom any module.

    PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. Thereshould be at least one question from each module and not morethan two questions from any module.

    PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

    Two questions from each module with choice to answer onequestion.

    Maximum Total Marks: 70

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    Teaching scheme Credits: 32 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week


    To identify the most critical issues that confronted particular periods and locations in history; To identify stages in the development of science and technology; to understand the purpose and process of communication; to produce documents reflecting different types of communication such as technical

    descriptions, proposals ,and reports; To develop a positive attitude and self-confidence in the workplace; and To develop appropriate social and business ethics.

    Module I (8 hours)

    Humanities, Science and Technology: Importance of humanities to technology, education andsociety- Impact of science and technology on the development of modern civilization.Contributions of ancient civilization: Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek. Cultural, Industrial,Transportation and Communication revolutions. Advances in modern India: Achievements ininformation, communication and space technologies.

    Module II (9 hours)Concept of communication: The speaker/writer and the listener/reader, medium of communication, barriers to communication, accuracy, brevity, clarity and appropriatenessReading comprehension: Reading at various speeds, different kinds of text for different purposes,reading between lines.

    Listening comprehension: Comprehending material delivered at fast speed and spoken material,intelligent listening in interviewsSpeaking: Achieving desired clarity and fluency, manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking, task oriented, interpersonal, informal and semi formal speaking, making a shortclassroom presentation.Group discussion: Use of persuasive strategies, being polite and firm, handling questions and takingin criticisms on self, turn-taking strategies and effective intervention, use of bodylanguage.

    Module III (10 hours)Written Communication : Note making and taking, summarizing, notes and memos, developing notesinto text, organization of ideas, cohesion and coherence, paragraph writing, ordering informationin space and time, description and argument, comparison and contrast, narrating eventschronologically. Writing a rough draft, editing, proof reading, final draft and styling text. Technical reportwriting: Synopsis writing, formats for reports. Introductory report, Progress report, Incident report,Feasibility report, Marketing report, Field report and Laboratory test report. Project report:Reference work, General objective, specific objective, introduction, body, illustrations usinggraphs, tables, charts, diagrams and flow charts. Conclusion and referencesPreparation of leaflets,brochure and C.V .

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    Module IV (9 hours)Human relations and Professional ethics: Art of dealing with people, empathy and sympathy,hearing and listening. Tension and stress, Methods to handle stressResponsibilities and rights of engineers- collegiality and loyalty Respect for authority

    Confidentiality conflicts of interest Professional rights, Rights of information,Social responsibility

    Senses of ethics variety of moral issues Moral dilemma Moral autonomy Attributes of anethical personality right action self interest

    1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication- Principles and Practice

    Oxford University press, 20062. Jayashree Suresh and B S Raghavan, Professional Ethics , S Chand and Company Ltd, 20053. Subrayappa, History of Science in India , National Academy of Science, India4. R C Bhatia, Business Communication , Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 20095. Sunita Mishra and C Muralikrishna, Communicatin Skils for Engineers , Pearson Education, 2007.6. Jovan van Emden and Lucinda Becker, Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities

    Students , Palgrave macmillam, 20097. W C Dampier, History of Science , Cambridge University Press8. Vesilind, Engineering, Ethics and the Environment , Cambridge University Press9. Larson E, History of Inventions , Thompson Press India Ltd.10. Bernal J.D, Science in History , Penguin Books Ltd11. Encyclopedia Britannica, History of Science, History of Technology12. Brownoski J, Science and Human Values , Harper and Row

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

    60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

    literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc.10% - Regularity in the class

    University Examination Pattern

    PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marksAll questions are compulsory. There should be at leastone question from each module and not more than twoquestions from any module.

    PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks

    Candidates have to answer four questions out of six.There should be at least one question from each module andnot more than two questions from any module.

    PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus




    Teaching scheme Credits: 54 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

    Objectives To expose t he st udent s t o t he basic concept s o f elect r ic circu it s and t heir

    ana l ysis in time and f requency doma in To int roduce t he concep t o f filt er circu it s and design o f passive filt ers To int roduce t he t echniques o f net work Synt hes is

    Module I (21 hours)Analysis of electric networks loop and nodal analysis. Network theorems Thevenin, Norton,Superposition, Maximum Power Transfer theorems. Signal representations: Impulse, step, pulse,ramp and exponential functions. S-Domain analysis of circuits - review of Laplace transform -transformation of a circuit into S-domain - node analysis and mesh analysis of the transformedcircuit - nodal admittance matrix - mutually coupled circuits RC circuit as integrator anddifferentiator - transient analysis of RC and LC networks with Impulse, step, pulse, ramp andexponential inputs step response of a RLC network

    Module II (18 hours)Network functions- The concept of complex frequency driving point and transfer functions-Impulse response-Poles and Zeros of network functions, their locations and effects on the timeand frequency domain responses. Restriction of poles and zeros in the driving point and transferfunction. Time domain behaviour from the pole zero plot. Frequency response plots-Bode plotParameters of two-port network impedance, admittance, transmission and hybrid - Conversionformulae. Analysis of interconnected two port networks-parallel, series, and cascade connectionsof 2 port networks - Characteristic impedance and propagation constantAttenuators -propagation constant, types of attenuators-T and Bridged T - compensatedattenuators.

    Module III (16 hours)Filters- Introduction and basic terminology types of filtering-L.P filter basics-Butterworth LP

    filter transfer characteristics- Basic passive realization of Butterworth transfer functions.Frequency transformations- Transformation to high pass, band pass and band elimination.Chebyshev filters Characteristics-poles of the Chebyshev function

    Module IV (17 hours)Synthesis: positive real functions - driving point functions - Brune's positive real functions -properties of positive real functions - testing driving point functions - application of maximummodule theorems - properties of Hurwitz polynomials - even and odd functions - Strum's theorem- driving point synthesis - RC elementary synthesis operations - LC network synthesis - propertiesof RC network functions - foster and Cauer forms of RC and RL networks

  • 8/10/2019 Ec Calicut syllabus



    Text Books1. Van Va lkenberg , Net work Anal ysis, Prentice Hall of India

    2. Van Va lkenberg M.E ., Int roduc tion t o Modern Net work Synt hes is, W iley Eastern3. R.A. De Carlo and P. Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis , Oxford University Press , New Delhi , 20014. Kuo B C, Network Analysis & Synthesis , John Wiley & Sons5. Desoer C.A. & Kuh E.S., Basic C ircu it Theory, McGraw H ill

    1. ChoudaryD R , Networks and Systems, New Age International2. W.K. Chen,Passive and Active Filters-Theory and Implementations,John Wiley& Sons, New

    York.19863. Ryder J.D. , Net works, Lines and F ields, Prentice Hall4. Edm inister , E lect r ic C ircu it s, Schaum's Ou tline Series, McGraw H ill

    Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30)

    60% - Tests (minimum 2)30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz,

    literature survey, seminar, term-project, softwa