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Vaishnavi Institute of Technology | ECEDEPT

ECA Lab Manual

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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati

Vaishnavi Institute of TechnologyTirupati

Department of ECE

Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab Manual

Prepared By

Mr. S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst. ProfessorMr. M.S.A. Srivatsava, M.Tech, Asst. Professor

Department of ECE

S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst.Professor of ECE 2

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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati


II Year B.Tech. ECE. I-Sem T P C0 3 2


List of Experiments ( Twelve experiments to be done) :

I) Design and Simulation in Simulation Laboratory using Multisim OR Pspice OR Equivalent Simulation Software. (Any Six):

1. Common Emitter and Common Source amplifier2. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier3. Current shunt and Feedback Amplifier4. Cascade Amplifier5. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors6. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors7. Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less)8. Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier9. High Frequency Common base (BJT) / Common gate(JFET) Amplifier.

II) Testing in the Hardware Laboratory (Six Experiments : 3 + 3) :

A) Any Three circuits simulated in Simulation laboratoryB) Any Three of the following

1. Class A Power Amplifier (with transformer load)2. Class B Power Amplifier3. Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier4. Series Voltage Regulator5. Shunt Voltage Regulator

Equipments required for Laborataries:

1. For software simultation of Electronic circuitsi) Computer Systems with latest specificationsii) Connected in Lan (Optional)iii) Operating system (Windows XP)iv) Simulations software (Multisim/TINAPRO) Package

2. For Hardware simulations of Electronic Circuitsi) RPSsii) CROsiii) Functions Generatorsiv) Multimetersv) Components

S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst.Professor of ECE 3

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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati

Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab

List of experiments (Twelve Experiments to be done):

Design and Simulation using multisim or pspice:

1. a. Common Emitter Amplifier

b. Common source JFET Amplifier

2. Two Stage RC coupled Amplifier

3. RC Phase shift Oscillator using Transistors

4. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors

5. Class A Power Amplifier ( Transformer less )

6. Class B Complimentary symmetry Amplifier

Testing in the Hardware Laboratory(3+3):

1. a. Common Emitter Amplifier

b. Common source JFET Amplifier

2. RC phase shift Oscillator

3. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors

4. Class A Power Amplifier ( With transformer load )

5. Series Regulator

6. Shunt Regulator

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EXP.NO DATE Experiment Name Page No Remarks

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PART A Software: EXP NO: 1 DATE:

1. Common Emitter Amplifier

AIM: To design and simulate the output of common emitter amplifier using Multisim software and compare the voltage gain with its theoretical value .

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY:The CE amplifier consists of biasing resistors R1 and R2,

temperature stabilization resistor RE, collector load resistor Rc . The circuit uses bypass capacitor CE to eliminate ac degeneration. The signal source is connected to the transistor base via coupling capacitor C1, capacitor C2 couples external load resistance RL to the transistor collector.

The input signal which is to be amplified is applied to the base emitter circuit and the amplified output signal is taken between collector & emitter. In CE amplifier, + ve going signal i.e, a 1800 phase shift is introduced between the output and input signals and further the output and input signals is an amplified version of the input signal.

Characteristics of CE amplifier:i. Large current gain Ai

ii. Large voltage gain Av

iii. Large power gainiv. Voltage phase shift of 1800

v. Moderate input and output impedances.

Experimental procedure:

1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.5. View and store the result.

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Circuit Diagram:


Expected graph:

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Tabular column: Frequency Response of CE Amplifier Vi = mV

S.NO. Frequency ( HZ)

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV (indB)=20log(AV normalized)

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Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) =

Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =

Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=


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Result: Thus the frequency response and gain of Single stage CE amplifier is

verified by using Software and Hardware tools.

Exp NO: 1 DATE:1.b. Common source JFET Amplifier

AIM: To design and simulate the output of Common source JFET Amplifier using Multisim software and compare the voltage gain with its theoretical value .

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY: The circuit diagram provides the basic circuit of one stage low

frequency common source amplifier, which is analogous to the CE amplifier. Here, the source is common terminal to both input and output side. The input voltage Vi is applied between gate and the source while the amplified output voltage is obtained across the load resistance RL in the output circuit.

However, the source resistance Rs is connected between source ‘S’ and ground to provide negative feedback. The circuit conditions are assumed to provide linear property to it.

Characteristics of CS amplifier:i. The input impedance Zi for CS amplifier is equal to RG i.e,

gate resistance except for voltage divider configuration ( R1

R2) of it.ii. By considering rd >> RD , approximation of all biased

circuits of it attains same output impedance.iii. In all circuits, the gain is similar but with unbypassed Rs ,

voltage gain Av decreases.

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iv. This is commonly used one.

Experimental procedure:

1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.5. View and store the result.

Circuit Diagram:


Expected graph:

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Tabular column: Frequency Response of CE Amplifier Vi = mV

S.NO. Frequency ( HZ)

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV (indB)=20log(AV normalized)

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Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) =

Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =

Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=


S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst.Professor of ECE 13

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Result: Thus the frequency response and gain of Single stage CS amplifier is verified by using Software and Hardware tools.

EXP NO: 2 DATE:2. Two Stage RC coupled Amplifier

AIM: - To design and simulate transient response and AC analysis of Two Stage RC coupled Amplifier Circuit to Sinusoidal input by using Multisim PSPICE package and verify the result practically with Hardware tools.

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY: As the gain provided by a single stage amplifier is

usually not sufficient to drive the load, so to achieve extra gain multi-stage amplifier are used. In multi-stage amplifiers output of one-stage is coupled to the input of the next stage. The coupling of one stage to another is done with the help of some coupling devices. If it is coupled by RC then the amplifier is called RC-coupled amplifier.

Frequency response of an amplifier is defined as the variation of gain with respective frequency. The gain of the amplifier increases as the frequency increases from zero till it becomes maximum at lower cut-off frequency and remains constant till higher cut-off frequency and then it falls again as the frequency increases.

At low frequencies the reactance of coupling capacitor CC is quite high and hence very small part of signal will pass through from one stage to the next stage.

At high frequencies the reactance of inter electrode capacitance is very small and behaves as a short circuit. This increases the loading effect on next stage and service to reduce the voltage gain due to these reasons the voltage gain drops at high frequencies.

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At mid frequencies the effect of coupling capacitors is negligible and acts like short circuit, where as inter electrode capacitors acts like open circuit. So, the circuit becomes resistive at mid frequencies and the voltage gain remains constant during this range.Experimental procedure:

1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.5. View and store the result.

Circuit Diagram:

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Fig: Two stage RC coupled Amplifier


Gain (dB) 3dB

F1 f2 Frequency (Hz)

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Tabular column: Frequency Response of Two stage RC coupled Amplifier Vi

= mV

S.NO. Frequency ( HZ)

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV (indB)=20log(AV normalized)

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Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) =

Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =

Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=



Thus the frequency response and gain of Two stage RC coupled amplifier is verified by using Software tools.

EXP NO: 3 DATE:3. RC Phase shift Oscillator using Transistors

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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati

AIM: To simulate Frequency response of an RC Phase shift Oscillator using

Multisim PSPICE software package.

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY: The circuit of RC phase shift oscillator using a common emitter

amplifier and three sections of RC phase shift network is seen. The phase shift in each ‘ RC’ section is Φ = tan-1 1 / ( ωCR). Here if R is made zero, then Φ = 900.

As it is impracticable to make ‘R’ zero, in practice the value of ‘R’ is adjusted such that ‘Φ’ becomes 600. The RC ladder network produces a total phase shift of 1800 between its input and output voltages for the given frequency.

Thus the total phase shift from the base of the transistor around the circuit and back to base will be exactly 00 or 3600, thereby satisfying the Barkhausen condition for oscillation.

Experimental procedure:

1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.5. View and store the result.

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Circuit Diagram:

Fig: RC phase shift oscillator


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Theoretical Frequency = 1/ (26RC).

Theoretical :-

R = ______K Ω

C = ______ μf

Frequency f = 1 / 2π R.C √6 =


Time Period (T) =

Frequency (f) = 1/T =

Amplitude = _____ Vpp

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Thus the frequency response and gain of RC Phase shift Oscillator is

verified by using Software tools.

Theoretical frequency = --------------------

SIMULATED FREQUENCY = --------------------

EXP NO: 4 DATE:1. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors

AIM: To simulate Frequency response of an Wien Bridge Oscillator using

Multisim PSPICE software package.

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY: The Wien bridge oscillator is the standard oscillator circuit for

all frequencies in the range of 10Hz to 1MHz. It is the most frequently used type of audio oscillator as the output is free from circuit fluctuations and ambient temperature. It is essentially a two stage amplifier with RC bridge circuit resistances R3, L are used to stabilize the outputs amplitude. First transistor serves as an oscillator and amplifier while the second one serves as an inverter.

Advantages:i. Constant outputii. Works easilyiii. Overall gain is high.iv. Frequently of oscillations easily changed by


Disadvantages:i. Requires two transistors and large number of

components.ii. It cannot generate very high frequencies.

Experimental procedure:

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1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.5. View and store the result.

Circuit Diagram:


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Theoretical Frequency = 1/ (2R1R2C1C2).

Theoretical :-

R1 = ______K Ω , R2 = ______K Ω

C1 = ______ μf , C2 = ______ μf

Frequency f = 1/ (2R1R2C1C2) =


Time Period (T) =

Frequency (f) = 1/T =

Amplitude = _____ Vpp

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Thus the frequency response and gain of Wien bridge oscillator is

verified by using Software tools.

Theoretical frequency = --------------------

SIMULATED FREQUENCY = --------------------


2. Class A Power Amplifier ( Transformer less )

AIM: To design and simulate frequency response of a class-A power amplifier using Multisim software package tools. Also calculate the efficiency..

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY:It is an amplifier in which an output current flows for the

complete AC cycle of the input signal. This condition is achieved by locating the Q-point at the centre of the load line. Class A amplifier is basically a CE amplifier and the output is directly coupled with load . Thus it is called ‘Direct coupled Class A power amplifier.

In this case, in order to operate the transistor exactly in midpoint of the load line, two separate power amplifier are used. The resistor RB provides biasing voltage to the base emitter junction transistor through VBB & VCC provides biasing voltage for base collector junction.

The input signal is coupled to base via input coupling capacitor C1, it provides the loading effect between source resistance and RB. The resistor RE acts as temperature stabilization resistor.

Experimental procedure:

1. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.2. Select the new file and give the file name.3. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit


S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst.Professor of ECE 25

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4. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by choosing output variables.

5. View and store the result.

Expected waveform:

Circuit Diagram:

Fig: Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less )


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Gain (dB) 3dB

F1 f2 Frequency (Hz)

Tabular column: Frequency Response of Class A Power Amplifier. Vi = mV

S.NO. Frequency ( HZ)

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV (indB)=20log(AV normalized)

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Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) =

Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =

Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=


S.Bharath Kumar, M.Tech, Asst.Professor of ECE 28

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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati

Result: Thus the frequency response and gain of Class A Power Amplifier is

Verified by using Software and Hardware tools.


6. Class B Complimentary symmetry Amplifier

AIM: To design and simulate the output of Class B Complimentary symmetry


using Multisim software and compare the voltage gain with its theoretical value .

SOFTWARE USED: Multisim software, computer.

THEORY:Power amplifiers are designed using different circuit configuration

with the sole purpose of delivering maximum undistorted output power to load. Push-pull amplifiers operating either in class-B are class-AB are used in high power audio system with high efficiency.In complementary-symmetry class-B power amplifier two types of transistors, NPN and PNP are used. These transistors acts as emitter follower with both emitters connected together.

In class-B power amplifier Q-point is located either in cut-off region or in saturation region. So, that only 180o of the input signal is flowing in the output.

In complementary-symmetry power amplifier, during the positive half cycle of input signal NPN transistor conducts and during the negative half cycle PNP transistor conducts. Since, the two transistors are complement of each other and they are connected symmetrically so, the name complementary symmetry has come

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Theoretically efficiency of complementary symmetry power amplifier is 78.5%.

Experimental procedure:

6. Open the Multisim simulation package in the personal computer.7. Select the new file and give the file name.8. Build a circuit using component toolbar according to the circuit

diagram.9. Simulate the circuit using frequency response analysis menu by

choosing output variables.10.View and store the result.

Circuit Diagram:

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Expected graph:

Tabular column: Frequency Response of CE Amplifier Vi = mV

S.NO. Frequency ( HZ)

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV (indB)=20log(AV normalized)

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Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) =

Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =

Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=


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Electronic Circuit Analysis LAB – V.I.T,,Tirupati

Result: Thus the frequency response and gain of Single stage CE amplifier is

verified by using Software and Hardware tools.

Current Series Feed back Amplifier

AIM: To simulate the Current Series feedback amplifier using Multisim

Software Required: Multisim


Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) = Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=



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Voltage Shunt Feed back Amplifier

AIM: To simulate the Voltage Shunt feedback amplifier using Multisim

Software Required: Multisim


Maximum Voltage Gain(Av max) = Av max - 3db=

Lower cutoff Frequency f1 =Upper Cutoff Frequency f2=



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RC Phase Shift Oscillator

AIM: To simulate the RC Phase shift oscillator using Multisim

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Software Required: Multisim


Time Period:Frequency:Amplitude Vp-p:



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Wien Bridge Oscillator

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AIM: To simulate the Wien Bridge Oscillator using Multisim

Software Required: Multisim


Time Period(T)=Frequency (f) =Amplitude Vp-p:



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PART B Hardware: EXP NO: DATE:

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CE AMPLIFIERAIM: 1. To construct a CE Amplifier and calculate AI, AV,RI and RO

Theoretically as well as practically. 2. To Calculate f1, f2 and band width.APPARATUS: S.NO. NAME RATING NO.OF DEVICES

1 Regulated power supply 12V 12 Transistor 2N2369 13 Resisters





4 Capacitors 22 μF100 μF


5 Function Generator 10-1MHZ 16 C.R.O 20MHZ 17 Connecting wires 10


1. Connect the CE Amplifier circuit as shown in fig1.

2. Apply VCC = 12V.

3. Give a sine wave input Vi = 100mV at a frequency of 5KHZ and measure

the output voltage VO using C.R.O.

4. Connect the variable resistance 4.8KΩ across output terminals shown

with dotted line in fig.(1) and adjust it to get on output voltage as half of

the open circuit voltage measured in step 3.

5. Disconnect the variable resistance 4.8KΩ from the circuit, measure its

value using multimeter, which is RO.

6. Calculate AI, AV, RI and RO both theoretically and practically.

7. Compare all values in table (1).


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Fig1. Circuit diagram of Common Emitter Amplifier

Table (1) Comparison table of CE parameters

Parameters Practical Values Theoretical ValuesVoltage gain (AV)

Current gain(AI)

Input Resistance(RI)

Output Resistance(RO)


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Theoretical Values:

hie = 4KΩ hfe =

R1=8.2KΩ R2=18KΩ


Current gain AI = -hfe =

Voltage gain AV = -hfe RL = Ri

Input resistance Ri = hie =

Output resistance RO = ∞

Practical Values:Freqency F = 5KHZ

Source Resistance RS= 1KΩ

Input Voltage Vi= 100mV

Source Voltage VS =

Output Voltage VO=

Output Resistance RO=

Output Current IO = VO/RO=

Input Current Ii = (VS-Vi )/ RS =

Voltage Gain AV= VO/Vi=

Current Gain AI= IO/Ii=

Input Impedece Ri = Vi/Ii=

Table(2) Frequency Response of CE Amplifier : Vi= 100mV

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S.NO. Frequency HZ

Output Voltage VO(mV)

AV=VO/Vi AV(Normalized)= AV/AV max .

AV(indB)=20log(AV normalized)

Expected graph:

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Frequency Response:1. By keeping the input voltage Vi = 100mV constant and varying the signal frequency note down the corresponding output voltage at each frequency. Calculate the value AV at each frequency. AV (Voltage gain) = VO/Vi.

2. Normalize the voltage gain at each frequency measure in above step with respect to its maximum value and convert the normalized gain into decibels(dB) by using the formula . AV (dB)= 20 Log (AV/AV max).

3. Draw the frequency response curve AV (dB) Vs frequency on a semilog graph sheet.

3dB frequencies:f1=f2=

Band Width = f2 – f1 =


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AIM:- To construct RC phase shift Oscillator and to calculate the frequency of Oscillations of the RC phase shift Oscillator theoretically as well as practically Using BJT.

APPARATUS:-1. RC phase shift Oscillator trainer Board.2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( C .R. O.).3. Digital multimeter.4. Connecting probes and wires.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (1).

2. Apply VCC = 12V, adjust R2 to set the operating point VCE = 5V.

3. Connect the CRO to the output VO Terminal adjust 10 K Ω potentiometer to

get an undistorted sinusoidal output.

4. Draw the output signal on a graph sheet.

5. Calculate theoretical frequency and compare it with the experimental result.


Theoretical :-

RC = 3.3 K Ω

R = 3.9 K Ω, C = 0.047μf

K = RC / R =

Frequency f = 1/ 2π R.C √(6+4 K) =


Time Period (T) =

Frequency (f) = 1/T =

Amplitude = Vpp

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Fig (1) Circuit diagram of RC phase shift Oscillator.


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WIEN BRIDGE OSCILLATORAIM:- To construct wien bridge Oscillator and to calculate the frequency of oscillations of the wien bridge oscillator theoretically as well as practically. APPARATUS:-

1. Wien Bridge Oscillator trainer Board.2. Cathode pay Oscilloscope ( C .R. O.).3. Connecting probes and wires.


1. Connect the Circuit as shown in the fig.2. Apply VCC = 12V.3. As matched components are connected in the circuit to achieve Zero phase

shift. ( i.e. R1 = R2 = 10 KΩ and C1 = C 2 = 0.01 μF).4. Observe the output signal and note down the output frequency & Amplitude

with the help of Oscilloscope.5. Compare the output frequency with theoretical value can be achieved by


Theoretical :-F = 1/(2πRC)

Where R = R1 = R2 = 10 KΩ C = C1 = C2 = 0.01 μ f.

Theoretical Frequency = Hz.

PRACTICAL:- TimePeriod(T)=

Frequency (f) =1/T=

Amplitude =

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To construct a feed back amplifier (current series) determine Ri, Ro,Av,Ai,f1,f2 and bandwidth with and without feedback and compare them.


S.NO NAME OF THE DEVICE RATING NO.OF DEVICES.1. Regulated power supply 15V 12. Resistors 10kΩ

4.7KΩ 1kΩ

33 kΩ220Ω


3. Capacitors 22μf47μf


4. Resistance box (DRB) 10 kΩ.470KΩ 25. Function Generator 10HZ-1MHZ 16. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHZ 17. Transistor (BJT) BC547 18. Connection Wires. 109. Bread Board & Mutimeter 1

PROCEDURE:1. Connect the circuit as shown in the fig.(1).2. First do the experiment without feed back, i.e by replacing Re1 by

short circuit.3. Give Vcc= 15V and adjust R2 to set the operating point VCE=8V.4. Give a sine wave input of Vi=100Mv at a frequency of 5KHZ and

measure Vs and Vo using C.R.O.5. Connect 10KΩ potentiometer (DRB) across the output terminal

shown with dotted lines in fig.(1) , adjust it to get Vo as half of the open circuit voltage measured in step 4.

6. Disconnect the potentiometer (DRB) measured its value using multimeter which is Ro.

7. Decrease the input signal frequency below 5KHZ to get an output voltage equal to Vo/√2 and note down this frequency as ‘f1’. Again increase the frequency above 5KHZ to get an output voltage equal to Vo/√2 and note down this frequency as ‘f2’. Calculated the band width as f2-f1.

8. Now connect the resistor Re1 in the circuit, repeat steps 3,4,5,6,7 by giving Vcc=15V.

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9. Calculate Av, Ai, Ri, Ro for with and without feed back and compare them.


Table (1) Comparison of parameters for with and without feed back Amplifier current series.

Parameters With out feed back With feed backVoltage gain (AV)

Current gain(AI)

Input Resistance(RI)

Output Resistance(RO)

Frequency (f1)

Frequency (f2)

Band width (f2-f1)

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With out feed back: VCE= 8V Freqency F = 5KHZ

Source Resistance RS= 10KΩ

Input Voltage Vi= 100mV

Source Voltage VS =

Output Voltage VO=

Output Resistance RO=

Output Current IO = VO/RO=

Input Current Ii = (VS-Vi )/ RS =

Voltage Gain AV= VO/Vi=

Current Gain AI= IO/Ii=

Input Impedece Ri = Vi/Ii=

Lower Cutoff Frequency(f1)=

Upper Cutoff Frequency(f2)=

Band width = f2-f1 =

With feed back: VCE=8V Freqency F = 5KHZ Source Resistance RS= 10KΩ

Input Voltage Vi= 100mV

Source Voltage VS =

Output Voltage VO=

Output Resistance RO=

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Output Current IO = VO/RO=

Input Current Ii = (VS-Vi )/ RS =

Voltage Gain AV= VO/Vi=

Current Gain AI= IO/Ii=

Input Impedece Ri = Vi/Ii=

Lower Cutoff Frequency(f1)=

Upper Cutoff Frequency(f2)=

Band width = f2-f1 =


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AIM: To construct voltage series regulator and to study the response of regulator.


1 Regulated power supply 30V 12 Transistor BC107 23 Resisters 1KΩ




4 Diode IN2807 15 Multimeter 16 Bread Board 17 Connecting wires 10

PROCEDURE:1. The circuit was connected as shown in figure.

2. The supply voltage was increased and the corresponding output voltage was

notedown from multimeter.

3. The readings were tabulated in the tabular column.

4. The output response was plotted on a graph sheet.

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Expected Graph:


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AIM: To construct the voltage shunt regulator and to check its output voltage using hardware

S.NO. NAME RATING NO.OF DEVICES1 Regulated power supply 20V 12 Transistor BC107 13 Resisters 100Ω


4 Diode IN2807 15 Multimeter 16 Bread Board 17 Connecting wires 10


1. The circuit was connected as shown in figure.

2. The supply voltage was increased and the corresponding output voltage was

notedown from multimeter.

3. The readings were tabulated in the tabular column.

4. The output response was plotted on a graph sheet.

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