ecc-net web presence, lars boström

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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ECC-Net-Sweden Web presence, From a Swedish pointof view Lars Boström Konsumentverket


  • 1. ECC-Net-Sweden Web presence - From a Swedish point of view

2. Agenda How we work web development and web editorial workflow The integrated approach between the host and ECC-Net-Sweden And some final words about future challenges. 3. Lifecycle of a website Like a life form or organism of its own: Its born first release Needs care web editing, improvements It grows over time Development You are Never done Continuous needs (both content and tech development) It might end up dead one day change occurred New expectations/needs arose Something new came up 4. What weve been doing during the past five years? Nothing worked, old CMS from the dawn of the webeditorial work Social media presenceRebuilding from scratch, new CMS/new web environmentRedesign Reduction of editor content Preparations for responsive web & mobile content WCAG Design for allChallenges of the future 5. Web developmentSTARTGOAL 6. Web development from idea to evaluation IdeaMake a descriptionGet a cost estimatePlace an orderTestGo liveEvaluation 7. Idea Ideas & needs comes from many directions From web editors (Swedish Consumer Agency & ECC-Net Sweden) DG-SANCO Legislation As a solution to a consumer problem From the surrounding world in general 8. Make a Idea descriptionWhat do we need? make a descriptionDocumentation of what we need and intend to do is essential: We might use mock-ups text documents with descriptions Use guidelines from the Commission when applicable Meetings with the consultant some more meetings and some more planning 9. Contact the consultant time estimate = costsGet a cost Make a Idea estimate descriptionWe use a back-log system to keep tabs on our documentation and specifications and we also use it for communication with the consultants Time and cost estimate is delivered to us from the consultant 10. Place an orderWhen everything is settled Finallywe place an order. Work starts for the web consultant Often several parts of development, so-called workitems, are kept together in one release which are delivered at the same time. 11. Test Did we get what we asked for? Delivery to test environment Testing is essential And yesit happends that things dont work immediately New development delivery to test environment New period of testing and so on 12. Go liveNew versionFinally we go live and a new release is born! 13. Make a Get a an Put cost Evaluation Test Idea description estimate orderEvaluate do we give what we should give to the consumers? Statistics Google Analytics Kundo statistics Downloads Facebook analytics Feedback on articles on the website 14. Webb development from idea to evaluation IdeaMake a descriptionGet a cost estimatePlace an orderTestGo liveEvaluation 15. Everyday work web gardening 16. How we work:A web editors job Production of new articles News & Information Optimization of the sites content and structure Newsletters Search Engine Optimization Evaluation of the site and much more 17. How we work:An integrated approach Weekly web administrative meetings Editors assemblies (called upon when needed) Administrative meetings with our IT-department and Registrar function (when needed) We share the same agreements with ITconsultant agencies & web design agencies and take part in the same public procurements We also have a Administrative backlog in place for IT-management and development issues 18. Benefits/effects: Effective and integrated web and electronic communication with our mutual target groups A smooth and well kept workflow for management issues A positive overhearing between the different web channels which benefits all web channels. 19. The future 20. Better evaluation are we doing the right things? Input logic Key performance indicators, ratios Measurment points 21. The tricky part of statistics Statistics is not the truth - its a snapshot image of the real world from a certain perspective In best case it shows trends In worst case its misinterpreted claiming to say things that is only partly true or not true at all.Solution Balance. Use different methods and use qualitative methods too. For example: Users panels, focus groups, interviews etc. 22. Be where the consumers are, presence in everyday life 23. More film to the consumers 24. Thank you!