ece 6504: advanced topics in machine learnings14ece6504/slides/l3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfece 6504:...

ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale Learning Dhruv Batra Virginia Tech Topics: Bayes Nets: Representation/Semantics – v-structures Probabilistic influence, Active Trails Readings: Barber 3.3; KF 3.3.1-3.3.2

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Page 1: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale Learning

Dhruv Batra Virginia Tech

Topics: –  Bayes Nets: Representation/Semantics

–  v-structures –  Probabilistic influence, Active Trails

Readings: Barber 3.3; KF 3.3.1-3.3.2

Page 2: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Plan for today •  Notation Clarification

•  Errata #1: Number of parameters in disease network

•  Errata #2: Car start v-structure example

•  Bayesian Networks –  Probabilistic influence & active trails –  d-separation –  General (conditional) independence assumptions in a BN

(C) Dhruv Batra 2

Page 3: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

A general Bayes net •  Set of random variables

•  Directed acyclic graph –  Encodes independence assumptions

•  CPTs –  Conditional Probability Tables

•  Joint distribution:

(C) Dhruv Batra 3

Page 4: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Factorized distributions •  Given

–  Random vars X1,…,Xn

–  P distribution over vars –  BN structure G over same vars

•  P factorizes according to G if

Flu Allergy


Headache Nose

(C) Dhruv Batra 4 Slide Credit: Carlos Guestrin

Page 5: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

How many parameters in a BN? •  Discrete variables X1, …, Xn

•  Graph –  Defines parents of Xi, PaXi

•  CPTs – P(Xi| PaXi)

(C) Dhruv Batra 5

Page 6: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Independencies in Problem


Graph G encodes local



World, Data, reality:

True distribution P contains independence


(C) Dhruv Batra 6 Slide Credit: Carlos Guestrin

Page 7: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Bayes Nets •  BN encode (conditional) independence assumptions.

–  I(G) = {X indep of Y given Z}

•  Which ones? •  And how can we easily read them?

(C) Dhruv Batra 7

Page 8: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Local Structures •  What’s the smallest Bayes Net?

(C) Dhruv Batra 8

Page 9: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Local Structures

(C) Dhruv Batra 9






Indirect causal effect:

Indirect evidential effect:

Common cause:

Common effect:

Page 10: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Car starts BN

•  18 binary attributes

•  Inference –  P(BatteryAge|Starts=f)

•  218 terms, why so fast?

(C) Dhruv Batra 10 Slide Credit: Carlos Guestrin

Page 11: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Bayes Ball Rules •  Flow of information

–  on board

(C) Dhruv Batra 11

Page 12: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Active trails formalized •  Let variables O ⊆ {X1,…,Xn} be observed

•  A path X1 – X2 – · · · –Xk is an active trail if for each consecutive triplet:

–  Xi-1→Xi→Xi+1, and Xi is not observed (Xi∉O)

–  Xi-1←Xi←Xi+1, and Xi is not observed (Xi∉O)

–  Xi-1←Xi→Xi+1, and Xi is not observed (Xi∉O)

–  Xi-1→Xi←Xi+1, and Xi is observed (Xi∈O), or one of its descendents is observed

Slide Credit: Carlos Guestrin (C) Dhruv Batra 12

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Active trails and Independence

•  Theorem: Variables Xi and Xj are independent given Z if –  no active trail between Xi and Xj

when variables Z⊆{X1,…,Xn} are observed











(C) Dhruv Batra 13 Slide Credit: Carlos Guestrin

Page 14: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Naïve Bayes:

Slide Credit: Erik Sudderth

Name That Model

(C) Dhruv Batra 14

Page 15: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Slide Credit: Erik Sudderth

Name That Model

Tree-Augmented Naïve Bayes (TAN)

(C) Dhruv Batra 15

Page 16: ECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learnings14ece6504/slides/L3_bn_semantics.pptx.pdfECE 6504: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models and Large-Scale

Name That Model

Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

Y1 = {a,…z}

X1 =

Y5 = {a,…z} Y3 = {a,…z} Y4 = {a,…z} Y2 = {a,…z}

X2 = X3 = X4 = X5 =

Figure Credit: Carlos Guestrin (C) Dhruv Batra 16