ece 905 science for young learners syllabus - fresno … · assignment 4.2 evaluating children’s...

To register for the course go to: Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016 Independent Study Online Course Syllabus Units: 3 Grade Level: PreK-2 nd grade Instructor: Dianne Young Phone number: (559) 734-7781 Email: [email protected] Course Description Discover how to plan and implement teaching strategies and content in the area of science into the Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten curriculum for the classroom. Explore the Guiding Documents to help align your science curriculum with Foundations and Standards. Gain access to current research for science in early childhood classrooms. Required texts and course materials Students will have access to required texts under Guiding Documents. Students may utilize their state specific curriculum standards in completing assignments. Selected Internet resources as assigned during class sessions. Course Dates: Students may enroll any day and time and have up to one year to complete the course. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Student Learning Outcomes in this course Student will be able to: Standards Addressed * CE program SLOs 1. Students will identify, reflect on, and apply Preschool Standards, National Science Education Standards, or State Standards in the area of Science. CA Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 3: *Foundations in Science CE 4, 2. Students will demonstrate the importance of developing a science curriculum that encourages inquiry and implementation of science process skills. CA Preschool Learning Foundations: *Foundations in Science a. Standard 1.0 Observation and Investigation b. Standard 2.0 Documentation and CE 2, CE 5 Center for Professional Development 1717 S. Chestnut Ave. Fresno, CA 93702-4709 Course Number: ECE 905 Course Title : Science for Young Learners

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To register for the course go to: Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners

Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Independent Study Online Course Syllabus

Units: 3 Grade Level: PreK-2nd grade

Instructor: Dianne Young Phone number: (559) 734-7781 Email: [email protected]

Course Description Discover how to plan and implement teaching strategies and content in the area of science into the Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten curriculum for the classroom. Explore the Guiding Documents to help align your science curriculum with Foundations and Standards. Gain access to current research for science in early childhood classrooms.

Required texts and course materials Students will have access to required texts under Guiding Documents. Students may utilize their state specific curriculum standards in completing assignments. Selected Internet resources as assigned during class sessions.

Course Dates: Students may enroll any day and time and have up to one year to complete the course.

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

Student Learning Outcomes in this course Student will be able to: Standards Addressed * CE program

SLOs 1. Students will identify, reflect on, and applyPreschool Standards, National Science EducationStandards, or State Standards in the area of Science.

CA Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 3: *Foundations in Science

CE 4,

2. Students will demonstrate the importance ofdeveloping a science curriculum that encouragesinquiry and implementation of science process skills.

CA Preschool Learning Foundations: *Foundations in Sciencea. Standard 1.0Observation andInvestigationb. Standard 2.0Documentation and

CE 2, CE 5

Center for Professional Development 1717 S. Chestnut Ave.

Fresno, CA 93702-4709

Course Number: ECE 905 Course Title : Science for Young Learners

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Communication Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science

3. Students will apply critical thinking skills and create opportunities for their classroom students to apply critical thinking skills.

National Professional Teaching Standards Standards 1-5

CE 4, CE 6

4. Students will reflect on their teaching. National Professional Teaching Standards Standards 1-5

CE 1, CE 2, CE 3

Standards Addressed in This Course: - CA Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 3 - CA Preschool Curriculum Frameworks Volume 3 - Common Core State Standards National Teaching Standards, Five Core Propositions National Science Education Content Standards Next Generation Science Standards

Topics, Assignments and Activities Topic 1 – Defining Science Education

Assignment 1.1 Reading Assignment Assignment 1.2 Video Critique Assignment 1.3 FORUM: Personal Reflection on Science Assignment 1.4 Journal Reflection

Topic 2 – Making Classroom Connections

Assignment 2.1 Reading Assignment and Reflection Assignment 2.2 Creating an Environment Assignment 2.3 FORUM –Classroom Environment Assignment 2.4 Meeting Guiding Principles Assignment 2.5 Science, You and Young Children Assignment 2.6 Journal Reflection

Topic 3 – Science Topics

Assignment 3.1 Reading Assignments Assignment 3.2 Science Topics Assignment 3.3 FORUM: Science Topics Assignment 3.4 Journal Reflection

Topic 4 – Science Process Skills

Assignment 4.1 Science Process Skills Assignment 4.2 Evaluating Children’s Books that Support Science Skills Assignment 4.3 Journal Reflection

Topic 5 – Scientific Inquiry and Questioning Techniques

Assignment 5.1 Scientific Inquiry Assignment 5.2 Connecting Questions to Content Assignment 5.3 Journal Reflection

Topic 6 – Culminating Project Assignment 6.1 Identifying the foundation

To register for the course go to: Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners

Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Assignment 6.2 Culminating Project Power Point Assignment 6.3 FORUM: Culminating Project Sharing Assignment 6.4 Journal Reflection: Course Evaluation

Additional Texts and/or other Online Resources – National Academies Press

Technology Requirements: In order to successfully complete the course requirements, course participants will need Internet access, be able to send and receive email, know how to manage simple files in a word processing program, and have a basic understanding of the Internet.

Please remember that the instructor is not able to offer technical support. In the event that you need technical support, please contact your Internet Service Provider.

Moodle: This course will be delivered totally online. Moodle is a learning management system that provides students access to online resources, documents, graded assignments, quizzes, discussion forums, etc. with an easy to learn and use interface. To learn more about moodle go to: ( There are some student tutorials on the Center for Online Learning website at Fresno Pacific University –

Moodle Site Login and passwords – (or other online course access information) Students will need to have internet access to log onto The username and password numbers for Moodle access will be sent to you by the university using the email address you submitted at the time of registration. The instructor will then contact you with a welcome letter and login instructions. If you need help with the username and password recovery please contact the Center for Professional Development at (800)372-5505, or (559)453-2000 during regular office hours - Mon-Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Getting Help with Moodle: If you need help with Moodle, please contact the Center for Online Learning (COL), by telephone 1-559-453-3460. Help by phone is available Mon-Thurs 8:00 am to 8:00pm and on Fridays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, or by filling out a “Request Services” form at Please identify that you are with the Continuing Education/Independent Studies department.

Plagiarism and Academic Honesty

All people participating in the educational process at Fresno Pacific University are expected to pursue honesty and integrity in all aspects of their academic work. Academic dishonesty,

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

including plagiarism, will be handled according to the procedures set forth in the Fresno Pacific University Catalogue. URL Grading Policies and Rubrics for Assignments

• Assignments include article critiques, viewing videos and power points, personal reflections, creation of lesson plans, evaluating classroom design and exploring literature for developing social emotional skills.

• Students must earn a minimum of 80% to received credit • A – 90-100%, B= 80-89%, (anything below 80% will not receive credit.) • Grading policies: • The discernment between an A or a B is at the discretion of the instructor based on the

quality of work submitted (see assignment rubrics). • Coursework falling short of a quality equaling a B or a Credit Grade will be returned with

further instructions. • All assignments must be completed in order to receive a grade. In addition, all

assignments are expected to reflect the quality that teacher-training institutions require of professional educators. If completed assignments do not meet this standard, students will be notified with further instructions from the instructor.

• 4 point Assessing Rubric for each assignment Writing Requirements included in rubrics

Superior: Writing is clear, succinct, and reflects graduate level expectations. Standard: Writing is acceptable with very few mistakes in grammar and spelling. Sub-standard: Writing contains noticeable mistakes in grammar and spelling. Written assignments and papers need to follow APA formatting (1” margins, Times New Roman font - size 12, double spaced; centered title, student first and last name on paper. Instructors may add additional APA writing requirements as needed.)

Instructor/Student Contact: Contact will be provided with Journal Reflections included in each Module in Moodle. Those students enrolled in online cohort will meet weekly via Adobe Connect for contact with instructor and other students. Continuing Education Program Student Learning Outcomes:

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

CE 1. Demonstrate proficient written communication by articulating a clear focus, synthesizing arguments, and utilizing standard formats in order to inform and persuade others, and present information applicable to targeted use. CE 2. Demonstrate comprehension of content-specific knowledge and the ability to apply it in theoretical, personal, professional, or societal contexts. CE 3. Reflect on their personal and professional growth and provide evidence of how such reflection is utilized to manage personal and professional improvement. CE 4. Apply critical thinking competencies by generating probing questions, recognizing underlying assumptions, interpreting and evaluating relevant information, and applying their understandings to the professional setting. CE 5. Reflect on values that inspire high standards of professional and ethical behavior as they pursue excellence in applying new learning to their chosen field. CE 6. Identify information needed in order to fully understand a topic or task, organize that information, identify the best sources of information for a given enquiry, locate and critically evaluate sources, and accurately and effectively share that information.

Topics and Activities

Topic 1 – Defining Science Education

Assignment 1.1 Reading Assignment: Science Pedagogy and Constructivism Read the following articles posted on Moodle. Summarize each article. Apply critical thinking skills by comparing and contrasting the information the articles. ~ What is meant by the Constructivist Theory? ~ What does this look like in the classroom setting? ~ What information in each article is the same? Do they agree on definition and strategies? ~ What different information is found in each article? ~ How can this information be implemented into the science curriculum in your classroom? Minimum 2 full pages. “The Constructivist Perspective – Implications and Teaching Strategies for Science” “Constructivist Approaches to Learning in Science and Their Implications for Science Pedagogy: A Literature Review”

Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 1.2 Video Critique: Science in Early Childhood After viewing the video with Nadjia Varney and Gregory Nelson, discuss

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

the information presented. Include your personal reflection on the importance of the information and how you might implement it into your science program. ~ How do children learn best? ~ How does the information connect to Constructivist Theory? ~ What do we need to do to teach children to be “scientists”? ~ How does teaching science promote problem solving in young children? What is the teacher’s role in this process? ~ What best practices in teaching did you observe during the science lesson presentation? ~ Why is it important to present science concepts in depth instead of quantity of concepts? demonstrationScience&go=Submit+Query&qs=bs&form=QBVR#view=detail&mid=B748786FA6367B1C4722B748786FA6367B1C4722 Minimum 2 full-pages. Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 1.3 FORUM: Personal Reflection on Science Post a discussion of what it means to be a “sage on the stage” vs. a “guide by the side”. What would your role be in each of these strategies? Respond to a minimum two other posts with 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Posting Content 15 Writing 5 Response 10 points for each (possible 20 points) Assignment 1.4 Journal Reflection Reflect on your view of your science curriculum. If you have everything you wanted to implement a science program, what would you need to do to make changes/improvements? How can science be integrated in all other areas of the curriculum? Content 15 Writing 5 Instructor/Student Contact Contact weekly via Adobe Connect, email, assignment feedback, etc.

Topic 2 – Making Classroom Connections

Assignment 2.1 Reading Assignment and Reflection Read Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 3: Foundations in Science pages 48–60 and Preschool Curriculum Framework Volume 3: Appendix: Suggested Materials pages 234-236.. Discuss the important points in the information. How does your science program implement the main ideas in the reading? What is new information that you might include in your science program? If you are not using the Preschool Foundations or Frameworks, how do your state standards compare to the information in the foundations.

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Minimum 1 full-page discussion. Content 15 Writing 5 Assignment 2.2 Creating an Environment Create a floor plan noting areas of science investigation in your classroom. Note each specific area in your drawing, i.e. writing center, library, math/manipulative center, library, paint center, blocks, science center, etc. For the science center, include all areas where children engage in science process skills including science centers, equipment and tools, reference materials, etc. In a one page narrative, discuss the arrangement including any changes you would like to make. Floor Plan 10 Narrative 15 Writing 5 Assignment 2.3 FORUM - Classroom Environment Post your floor plan and narrative to Forum. Thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to a minimum of two other postings with 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Include ideas and suggestions for any improvements. Compare your floor plan to each to which you are responding. What ideas did you glean from another student’s floor plan that you might incorporate into your floor plan? Posting 5 points Response 20 possible points (10 per response) Writing 10 possible points (5 per response) Sample floor plans and facilities planning can be found at the following websites: Assignment 2.4 Meeting Guiding Principles Read the “Guiding Principles” in Preschool Curriculum Framework Volume 3 pages 138-142. Choose five of the principles and reflect on how you meet these principles with science in your classroom throughout the school year. Give specific examples of how you incorporate these principles in your teaching of science concepts. Minimum two full-page response required. Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 2.5 Journal Reflection How will you use the information presented in the assignments this week?

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

What is new information and what information reinforces what you already implement in the classroom? Submission must be minimum 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Content 15 Writing 5 Instructor/Student Contact Contact weekly via Adobe Connect, email, assignment feedback, etc.

Topic 3 – Science Topics

Assignment 3.1 Reading Assignment Read the information on Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth Science on pages 176-228 in California Preschool Curriculum Framework. In a two-page narrative, what new strategies and interactions mentioned in the text can you implement in each area? Choose ones that you are not currently implementing. Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 3.2 Science Topics Complete the table noting the science topics presented in your classroom and Preschool Foundation or your state standards they address. Use information in Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 3 pages 61-83 and Bibliographic Notes pages 84-94 as reference.

Science Strand Science Topic Foundation or

Standard Scientific Inquiry (using knowledge, imagination, reasoning, and process skills to actively develop science understanding)

Physical Science (any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, as in light, heat, sound)

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Life Science (science that deals with living organisms, their life processes, and their interrelationships, as biology, medicine, or ecology)

Earth Science (any of various sciences, as geography, geology, or meteorology, that deal with the earth, its composition, or any of its changing aspects)

Assignment 3.3 FORUM: Science Topics Post your Science Topics chart to FORUM. Respond to a minimum 2 other students with suggestions for topics to include in each strand. Include ideas you have used in teaching the specific topics. Compare your chart to a minimum two other students. Begin a conversation by replying to the students who respond to you by answering their questions or commenting on how you might incorporate their ideas. Response should be a minimum 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Posting 5 Response 10 each (Possible 20 points) Writing 5 each Response (Possible 10 points) Reply 5 points (Possible 10 points) Total possible points 45 Assignment 3.4 Journal Reflections Reflect on new learning this week and how it might change your science curriculum. What information reinforces what you are currently doing? What information can be implemented to help improve your science curriculum? What materials or resources do you feel would help improve

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

your science curriculum? Response should be 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Content 15 Writing 5

Topic 4 – Science Process Skills

Assignment 4.1 Science Process Skills Read the following articles posted on moodle. Summarize each article. ~ Why is it important to provide children with experiences that will allow them to use process skills? ~ How can your science program help children develop problem solving skills through inquiry? ~ How does providing science experiences promote thinking skills in young children? Minimum 2 pages. Content 30 Writing 10 “Developing Science Skills”,_Catherine_Valentino.pdf “Inquiry, Process Skills and Thinking in Science” (pages 23-44) “What Children Gain Through Inquiry” Assignment 4.2 Evaluating Children’s Literature that supports Science Skills Since children can learn many concepts through the use of good literature, Introducing science skills using children's literature is a wonderful way to integrate science in the curriculum. By taking a closer look at the books that are read to children, it allows the teacher to discover new ways to use literature. For instance, I Went Walking can teach prediction skills. Inchworm is a great book for addressing measurement. Take a closer look at your library and find good books that can address the science skills listed below. PART 1: Choose 1 children’s books for each of the 6 science process skills (observing, inferring, measuring, communicating, classifying, predicting). The books chosen should be good literature for children. These choices should not include Franklin, Dora, Clifford, Bernstein Bears, Sesame Street or other books of this type. Include titles in APA format for each book along with a brief summary (annotation) in your own words of each book. This will NOT be a copy and paste of the summary/annotation found online. Include a discussion of how each title can be used to address the science skill. The critique narrative for each chosen book should be a minimum one-half page. PART 2: Using the lesson plan template provided on Moodle, create a

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Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

lesson using the children’s book you chose to teach each process skill discussed for a total of 6 lesson plans. The children’s book may be used to teach several of the process skills but you need to include at least one book focusing on each process skill. You may include each process skill in the lesson plan but focus on the science skill addressed in your narrative. Content 45 Writing 15 Assignment 4.3 Journal Reflection In one full page, discuss how the information presented has reinforced or changed your thoughts about teacher’s role in supporting development of science process skills in your students. What, in your opinion, are the pros and cons for using technology to introduce science process skills through children's literature See the websites on moodle for background information on technology and children's literature. Content 15 Writing 5 Instructor/Student Contact Contact weekly via Adobe Connect, email, assignment feedback, etc.

Topic 5 – Scientific Inquiry and Questioning Techniques

Assignment 5.1 Scientific Inquiry After reading pages 153-174 in California Preschool Curriculum Framework Volume 3 “Scientific Inquiry”, reflect on how you implement the strategies listed. Which strategies can you implement? Which strategies are you already using with children in your class? How do these strategies cross over to other areas of the curriculum? Minimum 2 pages. Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 5.2 Connecting Questions to Content Using one of the lesson plans created for Assignment 4.2, create a minimum of 5 questions for at least 5 levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy that you would use in a discussion with the students. Submit your plan with new questions to this assignment. See the articles below for reference. Content 30 Writing 10 “The Importance of Questions” “Bloom’s Taxonomy: Critical Thinking Skills for Kids” “What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? How do Teachers Use it?” “Levels of Thinking Skills” Assignment 5.3 Video Reflection: Smithsonian Early Childhood Science Education Research Forum After watching the video, reflect on the new research on science in early

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

childhood settings. ~ How does this information reflect your philosophy on science for young children? ~ How can you present science in other areas besides the science center in the classroom? ~ How can you extend science learning from one center to another? ~ Why is it important for teachers to listen to children as they are engaging in science experiences? ~ Why is it important to have children “engage, explore, and reflect” on experiences? ~ How do you see your role changing as a facilitator of science experiences for young children? Minimum 2 pages. Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 5.4 Journal Reflection After completing the assignments and reading for this week, how has your presentation of science lessons changed? If you have made no changes, what new strategies and ideas can you implement? What reactions did you observe in your students after implementing the strategies? Were there any reactions that you did not expect? Content 15 Writing 5 Instructor/Student Contact Contact weekly via Adobe Connect, email, assignment feedback, etc.

Topic 6 - Culminating Project

Assignment 6.1 Connecting Classroom Experiences to STEM View the video “STEM in the Early Childhood Classroom”. The video provides examples of how teachers are providing experiences for STEM concepts are for young children realizing it. After viewing the examples, discuss how you are providing Science-Technology-Engineering-Math experiences for children in your classroom. If you are not in a classroom, how can you provide these experiences in the home setting? How do the activities in the video connect to the California Learning Foundations Volume 3: Science or to your state/district mandated standards? Content 30 Writing 10 Assignment 6.2 Culminating Project PART 1: In a minimum of 10 slides plus title slide and reference page that includes a minimum of 4 references, create a power point presentation that will provide the audience with information on implementing science curriculum in the early childhood classroom. Some ideas to include in the

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

presentation follow: ~ What is “science”? ~ Why is it important to include science in your planning? ~ What does science instruction look like in the classroom? ~ What skills do children learn when they engage in science? ~ Include the importance of including scientific inquiry with young children. What skills do they gain from scientific inquiry? ~ Address the process skills as they relate to science and how they connect to other areas of the curriculum.. ~ Present examples of how science concepts/experiences can be integrated in other areas of the curriculum. ~ Connect the information in the power point to guidelines in California Preschool Foundations and Frameworks Volume 3 or to your state/district specific guidelines for science. Post your power point to moodle for this assignment. PART 2: Present your power point to a minimum audience of 4 faculty, staff, or parents. Have each complete an evaluation of your presentation and submit to moodle. Power point will be graded on creativity and content. Content 60 Writing 25 Evaluations 15 Assignment 6.3 Forum: Culminating Project Post your power point to FORUM. View at least one other presentation. Respond thoughtfully and thoroughly in 2-3 fully developed paragraphs. Begin a conversation by replying to the person who responded to you. What was new information for you? What information in the power point validated what you are already doing in the classroom? Posting 5 Response 10 Writing 5 Assignment 6.4 Journal Reflection: Course Evaluation Reflect on the new learning presented in this course. What has been the most important new learning? What have you implemented in your classroom? What changes did you observe in students as you implemented new strategies? How have your ideas on science for the young child changed? Content 15 Writing 5 Instructor/Student Contact Contact weekly via Adobe Connect, email, assignment feedback, etc.

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Evaluations by Students Course evaluation is completed during Topic 6 in Journal Reflection

Estimated Coursework Time READING Hours Assignment 1.1 Science Pedagogy and Constructivism 2 Assignment 2.1 Reading and Reflection 2 Assignment 3.1 Reading Assignment 2 Assignment 3.2 Science Topics Reading 1 Assignment 4.1 Reading – Science Process Skills 2 Assignment 5.1 Scientific Inquiry 2 11 ASSIGNMENTS Assignment 1.1 Article Summary 2 Assignment 1.2 Video Critique 2 Assignment 2.1 Reflection on Readings 2 Assignment 2.2 Creating An Environment – Floor Plan & Narrative 3 Assignment 2.4 Meeting Guiding Documents 3 Assignment 3.1 Reflection on Reading 2 Assignment 3.2 Science Topics 3 Assignment 4.1 Science Process Skills 1 Assignment 4.2 Evaluating Children’s Literature 5 Assignment 5.1 Reflection on Scientific Inquiry 2 Assignment 5.2 Connecting Questions to Content 2 Assignment 5.3 Video Reflection 2 Assignment 6.1 Identifying the Foundation 3 Assignment 6.2 Culminating Project Power Point 5 37 JOURNAL REFLECTIONS Assignment 1.4 Journal Reflection 2 Assignment 2.5 Journal Reflection 2 Assignment 3.4 Journal Reflection 2 Assignment 4.3 Journal Reflection 2 Assignment 5.4 Journal Reflection 2 Assignment 6.4 Journal Reflection: Course Evaluation 3 13 Forum Assignment 1.3 FORUM: Personal Reflection on Science 2 Assignment 2.3 FORUM Classroom Environment 2 Assignment 3.3 FORUM: Science Topics 2 Assignment 6.3 FORUM: Culminating Project 2 8 RESEARCH Assignment 3.2 Science Topics Research 3 Assignment 4.2 Evaluating Children’s Literature 4 Assignment 6.1 Identifying Foundations 2

To register for the course go to:

Course Number and Title: ECD 905 - Science for Young Learners Instructor: Dianne Young, MA Date of Revision: 11/1/2016

Assignment 6.2 Culminating Project Research 5 14 VIDEO Assignment 1.2 Science in Early Childhood 2 Assignment 5.3 Smithsonian EC Science Education Research Forum 3 Assignment 6.1 Video: STEM in Early Childhood Classroom 2 7 TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSIGNMENT HOURS FOR COURSE 90 hours