echo #4, october 2013


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The 4th issue of ECHO Fashion & Arts magazine on IMVU.


Page 1: ECHO #4, October 2013

echo#4, October 2013

save the credits!

fashion @ arts

unpredictable parakissFashiOnista spOtliGht

echO hallOWeen15 hallOWeen OutFits

music divasGet the lOOk OF YOur FavOrite

Female sinGers

hiGh FashiOn develOper Farmes

intrOducinG develOpernastY

artist spOtliGht

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in this issuesave the credits!Save the creditS6high Fashion developer FarmesiNtrOdUciNG deveLOPer10music divasGet the LOOk14nastyartiSt SPOtLiGht24Which developer?MOdeLiNG tiPS30mission chericONFeSSiONaLS36echO halloweenOUtFitS OF chOice44unpredictable parakissFaShiONiSta SPOtLiGht64blending avatar into a backgroundart tiPS68things you should know as a modelarticLe OF chOice74


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s av e t h e c r e d i t s


do you have this one item that you can’t figure out how to use again and then you feel like it’s just a

waste of credits? We all have this one clothing piece! In this article every month we’ll feature one hard-to-match-to item and show 3 different versions of how it could be used and make sure the credits spent on it don’t go to a waste.

This issue our ‘victim’ are leggings by Freakykiki. they are super cute looking and at first seem like very easy to match to, but as soon as you begin searching the catalog, you might end up with a mental breakdown. so, we’ve matched three different versions of an outfit with the leggings – cute, Winter and even a pJ.

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7Article by Veritigna

cute outfit. This was the first outfit that came to my mind – a girly, light and white blouse to go with

the cute theme of the outfit. The blouse by KisaTheCutie does the job. As for the shoes, i went for something that is in style lately – lita boots, just in a gray color to match with the outfit. As for the earrings, I felt like it’s a great touch – cute, fluffy fur

balls. Gives a great accent to the outfit.

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s av e t h e c r e d i t s


Winter outfit. As MissC has a lot of pink and white clothing, i decided to check her catalog and

yes, indeed, I found a beautiful sweater that matches our leggings. the scarf gave a great accent to the outfit as well. And, of course, i couldn’t help, but choose another lita boots for the winter outfit, but hey, they are warm and fashionable

same time!

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9Article by Veritigna

the pJ. For some reason i thought that these pants would make a great pJ, so

matched together with a top by Mun and simple white flats as slippers, it actually gave the feeling of a pJ. and see, it’s not impossible to have a versatility of outfits by using the same pair of pants. Just don’t be afraid to dig through the catalog more to find the items you


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We have many content creators on imvu community, almost every other person is a developer nowadays. however, since the success of the creator mostly depends on how wealthy they are and how many people they have in friends list to gift stuff out to. Obviously, not all of the developers can afford it, so it’s much harder to achieve

success. echO would like to help the developers that work hard to receive the well-deserved recognition.

We all know Farmes from the modeling community, as she used to be one of us. Always sharp and bold, not afraid to express her opinion on any topic. Now she’s a developer and expresses herself in high fashion clothing. Her style often varies, starting from

something simple, colorful and casual and ending with black clothing with spikes, but there is always at least a detail of high fashion.

Her collections are usually made in sets, so you don’t have to worry about finding accessories or shoes to go with that gorgeous dress.

Also, she sometimes makes a few hairstyles with interesting tones that go very well with her clothing, so don’t be afraid to experiment by using a different hairstyle with that outfit!

Best of luck to Farmes in further developing! We can’t wait to see what you bring next!

i n t r O d u c i n G d e v e l O p e r


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11Article by Vertigina / Modeled by FCii

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a r t i s t s p O t l i G h t



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What is your name?My name is Nat but also known as Mihi.

how long have you been on imvu? I have been on IMVU since 11/11/2008.

tell us about your imvu’s everyday! Sadly there not much to say, I haven’t been checking IMVU a lot lately, the only thing that I do is reply to random messages. I’m not on the client anymore and when I do get on it’s probably to take screenshots, so yeah, I kinda gave up on the “site”.

For how long have you been an artist on IMVU? Well that’s hard to say, it’s been a while, but I think that i started around 2010 (as a joke) then I realized that it was really fun, so I got serious with art generally.

are you doing something art related in real life as well?

No. I would love to but in my country there aren’t many chances for artists so, I’m keeping it as a hobby for now.

What editing software are you using for your edits? I’m using a Wacom Bamboo Create tablet and Paint Tool SAI most of the time, but I also like to experiment, so Photoshop CS6. Painter X3 or Manga Studio 5, as well.

What inspires you to make the artwork?Sometimes it might be music or a random picture from internet, some music video on YouTube, anime, simple animations or even my mood/feelings at the moment. It depends on my taste and what I find pretty.

Which kind of edits are you the best at?I don’t really know, I think that I’m not the right person to reply, I’m not a professional and there’s much to improve, I’m constantly learning new stuff and trying to get better. My style and technique is different each time, I’m not always happy with the outcome either and I honestly do not know I’ll let you reply to that.

What kind of edits are you able to do?Any kind, whatever the commissioner asks for I’m up to. I do not enjoy realism at all though, if requested I will do it, but I prefer avoiding it.

how much do you charge for your edits?The starting price is 10.000 credits, it might go up, though, depending on the detail asked or the size of the edit.

do you have a place customers can order your artwork at?

I do not at the moment. Anyone interested could just private message me, though, and I will reply as soon as possible.

25Article by Viennex

NastyNext issue, next search, next artist. As all know it is 4th issue so we are more and more near to the Top 5

artists which we will put in the 10th Issue. This time it was much easier to find an artist because I found way to search for IMVU Artists. And again a unique and amazing artist. Her name is Nasty and I really love

her work. To see some of her work search in deviantART with the name Mihichun! So here is a small interview that we did with Nasty. Enjoy!

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m O d e l i n G t i p s


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31Article by Veritigna

Do you ever struggle with deciding which developer catalogs to check to find something specific? And then you spend hours and hours just scrolling through catalog trying to find what you need, but end up

with nothing? Well, ECHO is here to help you out! We’ve gathered some lists of developers that we suggest checking catalogs of, depending on our own experience.

To systematize the list, we’ve divided them into the following categories : Specific Style Developers, Shoe Developers, Accessory Developers, Dress Developers, Hair Developers, Skin Developers, Avatar & Pose Developers and Male Developers.





stYle develOpers suGGestedHaute Couture ANDZELICA, baraq, MrrFux, EKOARTHigh Fashion Anelise, Ao, FCii, m1h0, PSCouture, Quantum

Glamour BellaBrown, Farmes, HauteCoutureDesign, Iss, Martha, Myah, VictoriaIV, Velur, Vertigina, Whims, wiiing

Vintage aedah, Irrelevant, Mun, Psicodelic, Mun, Vinnie, WizardCasual Bape, CAL, FreakyKiki, KisaTheCutie, LuvableMeme, MissCUrban Genders, CleoLatex Anry, Night, Sinfully, SirenRoga


ed b

Y ca



cateGOrY develOpers suGGestedHair Gab, Java, Fine, Lee, Nevoir, Mun

Skin Anry, Cindyy, Dolfie, enjoo, istrawberrykiwi, Lollpiepawp, Majorette, Octopus, Scarling, thegangstamuffin

Dress AmericanApparel, SouthWestAngel, Stella, StorpieStyles, RiyahAcessories Allo, Anry, MissMaya, RomyChanel, TiaraStone, Vallenor, Whims

Shoes Allo, Ales, Anry, Cleo, DanyM0stWant3d, Iss, Luis3DMAX, Lovers, MissC, MissMaya, Myah, Seniha88, starglous

Avatar & Pose Laffy, Sinderella, TheAvatarFactory, TheCelebrityFactory, TheModelFactory, VisNova, Yess

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Iss: Hello and welcome to the Mission “Cheri”! :)Sinderella: Hi! Thanks for having me!Iss: Thank you also for accepting to discuss all the details about your newest avatar Cheri with us.Sinderella: My pleasure.Iss: So tell us, what is your plan before starting to make an avatar?Sinderella: I wanted to try something slightly different this time. So, I thought it would be great to let community participate in the process. :)Iss: Do you have a specific order of actions?Sinderella: I guess the first thing I do is decide how many poses the avatar will have, then I go looking for reference pictures of the poses I’d like to make and it’s also very useful to come up with avatar’s name as soon as possible.Iss: How much time does it take you to do a single pose?Sinderella: I’ve no idea. Some poses take much longer than others. I actually don’t make them in one go. First I do the draft version, that one doesn’t take too long, since I don’t pose the fingers, or even import it into CM mode. Then after I’ve done several of those, I’ll do the second round, and that’s probably the longest one, that’s when I pose the fingers, and tweak the pose until everything looks perfect. But if I had to guess, probably a few hours at least, but again, depends on the pose. :)Iss: Yeah, I bet. Your poses are very detailed.Sinderella: Thanks! I always try my best.Iss: And you do! How much around it can take you to finish the whole avatar?Sinderella: A long time. Usually they take a few weeks, 6-10 maybe, depending on how many poses there are. I don’t always work on them nonstop, so it’s pretty hard to measure how long it takes exactly. But it feels like a very long time either way.Iss: But perfecting needs time. :)Sinderella: Exactly! It always does..Iss: What was the inspiration to create Cheri?Sinderella: Hm… I don’t know. I guess it was time for a new avatar?Iss: Absolutely was. Your fans were waiting for it!Sinderella: Yep, I had to take a break from creating due to some personal stuff earlier this year, but now it’s nice to be back. :)Iss: We are glad you are back to work, to bring us flawless avatars!Sinderella: :)Iss: This might be harsh question, but which is your favorite avatar by yourself?

Sinderella: Hmm… It’s a tough one. But it’s always the last or one of the last ones I made… So right now it’s a tie between Cheri, Valentina and Luna. They’re like, my kids, so it’s hard to pick one favorite. :pIss: I bet! And its ok, so you are between 3 latest ones. I personally love them all I can’t pick either. Anyway, let’s move on!Sinderella: Sure!Iss: As we all know, this time you decided to do your avatar in a different way, by a group, tell us how you got the idea to start it over like that?Sinderella: Well, I thought it would be a fun thing to try… Of course, when I created the group, I had no idea if anyone would join at all and what to expect from it. So initially my plan was to just go on with creating the avatar just the way I usually do, even if I don’t get any feedback or whatsoever. But, even on the first day, I got a ton of pose suggestions, so it was just awesome seeing what kind of poses everyone would like to see done or sometimes I’d also be wondering if I’m doing things right, so it’s always nice to ask a poll question or post a survey and hear everyone’s opinions on the subject.Iss: Yeah there were a lot of people interacting in the group with you, I was checking every day for anything new in the group, to be honest. :)Sinderella: Yep, and more and more joining now… Too bad that it’s a bit late. :pIss: Always time for next one! How did you feel seeing people sharing their pose ideas and interacting in this project?Sinderella: Loved it! Usually I have to do all the work looking for poses and stuff like that, and now everyone just posted the poses they’d like to be made. And it was easier for me to make certain decisions about the avatar now that I saw there were people with similar opinions to back me up.Iss: Do you usually base your pose ideas from pictures or you try the most to do self-made ones?Sinderella: Yes, most of my poses are based on real-life photos. It’s just easier that way. Sometimes, if that real-life pose doesn’t work with IMVU avatar, I might tweak it a bit and change it into something quite different, but that doesn’t happen too often.Iss: You ever had a struggle with a single pose and it took you more time than you had expected? If yes, you remember which?Sinderella: All the time! Basically, all poses that have hands aligned to some part of the body, be it hips, or face or umm… AP area, lol, they do take extra time,

Article by Iss 39

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because the avatar I work with in max is nothing like what we use on IMVU everyday, when it comes to hands size or some of the body proportions. So I can’t single out just one or two poses that took extra time… A lot of them did.Iss: Wow! :P I have seen the model that’s on max, lol, I understand you. :P As we saw, this time your making of an avatar was a celebration with many events and mini contests, do you like seeing people participate and expressing their selves in them?Sinderella: Yep, these things are always fun. They do take some extra time, but they’re worth it. Iss: Yeah, everyone enjoyed them!Sinderella: Glad you did! You’re probably the most active participant of all of my contests/events.Iss : Yay! How did you pick the name for her? “Cheri”, very classic! :P It was a hard choice?Sinderella: So the avatar name selection process was also a mini contest in the group. I asked everyone to post a few names they really like, and I’d pick one I think would work best for the avatar. So the winning name was Cherie, but I just thought it would be fun to use a French version of the name. I think it just suited the style of poses I was making, it’s fun and flirty so I thought it would be a perfect name for the avatar.Iss: Awesome! How did you decide to take models for the E triggers? It’s the 1st time you do so. Are you glad that you decided to do so?Sinderella: Well, it was.. a different experience… But this avatar was all about doing things differently, I guess. I did consider to do all of the previews with models, but it probably wasn’t the most convenient option for me, as I knew that any moment until the final release, the poses could be tweaked, so in that case it’s easier for me to redo the screenies myself. That’s why I decided to just do one section with models which was more like a contest. I did meet a lot of talented people in the process and everyone did such an amazing job, so yep, obviously I have no regrets about that one! –claps-Iss: Woo! –claps- Are you planning to take models for any of the next avatars?Sinderella: It’s a possibility.Iss: That’s great.Sinderella: I’ll decide for sure when I’m ready to make the screenies.Iss: At this point let’s talk about the look of Cheri.Sinderella: Sure.Iss: How was your experience collaborating with some developers through your group for the look? You were excited?

Sinderella: Well, actually, there wasn’t much going on in the group itself, I did a survey asking whether there should be custom hair or not. Majority kinda decided against it.Iss: Yeah, kinda. Maybe because of the KB’s, to not oversize it.Sinderella: True, a lot of users prefer lighter, and just add extras when they need them. So that’s why it was so challenging to find the right parts for Cheri. It couldn’t be anything too ‘extravagant’. But low poly/light on kb products seem to be a thing of the past, nobody really makes them anymore.Iss: Yeah, and it’s very smart of you to make also a lite version of each avatar.Sinderella: Not every one of them, some avatars already come pretty light, so they don’t have a light version, but, as for bigger ones, true, I’m sure a lot of people appreciate them. :)Iss: Well only Veronica and Valentina don’t have, right?Sinderella: Yep.Iss: Did you have hard times organizing everything and contacting with the developers?Sinderella: Yes.Iss: What was the hardest part of the look?Sinderella: Hmm… I’m not sure if they can actually compare. Some things just didn’t work out how I initially planned, but some did exceed all my expectations, like the lovely outfit you’re wearing right now. :pIss: Tell us the experience you had collaborating with baraq in this avatar for 1st time. I personally know that she loves your avatars :PSinderella: It was amazing. I’ve always have been a huge fan of baraq’s. So it was a bit intimidating to approach her, even though a very long time ago we were talking about maybe doing possible collaboration together, so in the end it all worked out and she did come up with a beautiful and unique outfit on a quite short notice and it’s pretty low on KB’s, too. So that collaboration was literally perfect in every way.Iss: What was the 1st step in order to get the collaboration with her?Sinderella: I just sent her a message. :D I knew whatever she’d come up with, would be just amazing... Of course, I wasn’t too confident it would work out, but it doesn’t hurt to ask either way.Iss: And the result is really amazing. How did the idea for the base outfit come? Did you both decide about it?Sinderella: Nope, the idea was all baraq’s. I just asked that she’d try to make it low on KB’s, and that it would have to be separate-able when you put on a different top


m i s s i O n c h e r i

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or bottom. I’m usually a total control freak about stuff like that, but in this case, I knew I could completely trust her, I don’t think there is one product that’s made by her that I don’t like, so I knew it’d turn out amazing either way.Iss: And indeed she did great job on it.Sinderella: So true.Iss: How did you want Cheri to look after everything is done?Sinderella: Since I knew that some parts of her look might be ‘subject to availability’, I knew I couldn’t plan anything way too specific.Iss: Yeah, I see, but she looks very fierce, are you excited with the result?Sinderella: I do love what she turned out like, so yep, of course I do! :)Iss: We love it also, we didn’t expect something less. What do you think for baraq as a creator?Sinderella: I think she’s a brilliant designer, but I think I probably made it pretty clear by now.Iss: You did. This is the second time you collaborate with Anry for the skin, what do you like the most about her skins?Sinderella: The shading, probably. It’s so detailed and realistic and I just love the makeup, and I love the color. So, I guess it’s pretty much everything, lol.Iss: Yeah, they give a different sense in your avatars. Have you planned what’s going after Cheri? If yes tell us a bit! :P

Sinderella: Well, after I’m finished with tall Cheri, I might try to make a GA Valentina.Iss: Wow that’s exciting!Sinderella: I still don’t know what it might turn out like, as almost every pose would have to be changed to pass the GA requirements, but we’ll seeIss: We wish you good luck with it then and we trust you!Sinderella: Haha, thank you! :)Iss: Well, I don’t have anything else to ask you. If there’s anything you want to say to the people that will read this interview you are free to!Sinderella: Thank you for having me here and big thanks to all my supporters <3 and stay tuned for more! :)Iss: Thank you also for accepting once more, it was really fun, and I am glad we had this interview! :) And hopefully in the future we can do a full interview about who is Sinderella. :)Sinderella: Everything is possible.Iss: Thank you! And keep up the good work, Sinderella!

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October is the month when we celebrate Halloween, the spookiest day of the year. Every year we search all over the IMVU

catalog to find the perfect costume to surprise our friends, participate in a fashion show or attend a party. This year ECHO models will help you out a bit by showing some outfits they have matched. Get inspired or buy the whole look, the choice is


Article by ECHO Models

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47Outfits by Electrive

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49Outfits by Riven

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50 Outfit by GeoStath

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53Outfits by FCii

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55Outfits by Paryx

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57Outfits by Yareli

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59Outfits by Parakiss

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61Outfits by Iss

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Parakiss is one of the ECHO Models. She began modeling way back in 2009 and has developed her skills to without a doubt be labeled as a professional model. She has modeled for many agencies, participated in countless competitions and worked the catwalk in a lot of shows

for impressive developers, such as Parisine, Anry, PH, Jenny and even participated in Encore fashion week.

Style wise you never know what to expect from Parakiss. It’s the most common to see her in glamour outfits, but she will always add an interesting twist to each outfit. Her style varies from day to day. Give her a theme – she’ll take an unpredictable turn on it and make everyone’s jaws drop.

Keep surprising us and best of luck in Devour!

Fa s h i O n i s ta s p O t l i G h t



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Article by Vertigina

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a r t t i p s

Welcome to the first art tip article. Let’s get right into this issue’s topic - blending avatar into a back-ground. Nowadays models often have to know how to make the avatar actually fit in the background, as they are entering competitions, doing advertisements for developers and so on, so I decided to

shortly show you how to do it. I will be using Photoshop CS6, but I suppose this should work on GIMP, too. I will be trying to explain it as easy as possible.

First, let’s see what will need for this picture : a screenshot, a background and somewhat of a pillow that the avatar will be sitting on. I took the pillow from IMVU with *hiResSnap and removed the background using color remover tool in GIMP.


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Step 1 : So, quite obviously, the first step is to put all of the stuff on the background in the right position. Make sure you scale it in a way it actually looks realistic in the photo and the avatar doesn’t seem too large/too small/too far/too close and so on. Remember that the placement is not permament, so if you later don’t like it,

feel free to rearrange it.

Step 2 : This step might seem funny to some of the people. As you’ll need to do shading on your avatar, it is very needed to know where exactly the light is coming from. If you can’t really picture it in your head (and even if you can), I suggest to draw a little sun in the place you want the light to come from. It will help a lot! Remember to draw it in a seperate layer, so you can delete it later!

Step 3 : It’s kind of optional. Understand where the shadows and lights are, depending on your light. Remember that the object is 3D, so it can make shadow on itself, as well. In seperated layer I have drawn where the shadows and highlights will actually be in my case. You don’t have to draw it out like this, but you should

understand it for yourself in your head.

69Article by Vertigina

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a r t t i p s

Step 4 : Using Dodge and Burn tools actually add the shadows and highlights in the places decided in Step 3. In my case I used 20% strenght dodge for highlights and 50% burn for shadows. The size of the brush was around

20px, but 5px for smaller places.

Step 5 : The highlights look acceptable, but the shadows could be a bit more intense. “Burning“ them more won’t look good, so what to do? I used a 30px big 20% opacity black brush. For the avatar I used a Clipping Mask layer (left click on layer and set it as Clipping mask), but for under the avatar and under the pillow I just created a

new layer between them.

Step 6 : An awesome thing to do to make the avatar blend into the background better is making a colored light on the avatar. To do this, create a Clipping Mask layer above the avatar, take a warm color (yellow, orange, red, cream) brush, set the opacity to about 40% and draw on the side of the line. Then set the layer setting to Soft Light. It should look how it is in the picture. Makes it

seem as if the room is more cozy.


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Step 7 : Merge the layers together (don’t merge the sun with the rest, though!), then go to Filters/Render/Lightning effects and add an Omni light around the area where sun is coming from, so you’d get that extra lightning in the picture. Don’t make it too bright, though.

Step 8 : Accept the lightning effects and delete the sun. You can now do some dodge in the light part and burn in the shadow side, but it’s very optional. I didn’t do it

in this picture.

Step 9 : Add any other effects, filters and stuff you want and do whatever you need to do with the picture! You have blended the avatar into the picture!


Hopefully you found this tutorial somewhat helpful! Stay tuned for other ones! If you wish to suggest one,

go to the Suggestion thread in our main group! :)

71Article by Vertigina

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it isn’t easy to be a model. It takes a lot of time and effort. We know that modeling is very difficult in real life, but it isn’t easy on IMVU, as well. Obviously, in both real and IMVU modeling you have to have a knowledge base. In this article we will be reviewing the most important things you must know about IMVU modeling

industry before calling yourself a model.First of all, you need to know something about fashion, like the difference between various styles. It will help

you to find your style, see what kind of clothing you are the best at and decide what developers you are able to model for, also it is required on different Fashion Shows or random everyday modeling agency tasks. Of course, there are many styles, but we’ll cover the most popular and common:


things you shouldknow as a model

high Fashion: The name says all, it’s something edgy. This style includes some accessories that aren’t for every day, for example, fancy hats, spikes, interesting necklaces, shoulder pads and so on. Of course, you need to be careful with accessorizing, because a lot of crazy accessories might change the High Fashion to Haute Couture.

elegant/Glamour: This is for the fancy people that want to look professional and glamorous on daily basis. This probably is the most common style among models, as all the cocktail dresses, lace, black outfits, small but interesting accessories, heels with or without platforms, skirts and elegant gloves fall under this category. I think that everyone knows this style and it isn’t only for special occasions anymore.

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casual: Most likely the style everyone knows the best. Very simple style that we were everyday and it is comfortable. Basically, any jeans, comfortable sweaters, t-shirts, tank tops, cardigans, shorts, sneakers, sandals, even simple dresses and heels and simple accessories fall under this category.

haute couture: As I said in the High Fashion, a lot of unordinary accessories or weird outfit belong to Haute Couture Style. By definition Haute Couture is something that is unique and can be found only in 1 exemplar, therefore, the outfits have to be extraordinary and very well planned out. Anything can go in this category.

Secondly, you must know how to match an outfit. It not enough to know the differences between styles, but you have to master outfit matching as well, as in the modeling industry you’ll often be required to match outfits for shows, challenges and so on. It can be learnt, of course, but you can’t have a teacher in it, you have to feel it and develop your own system of how you do it, or you just need a talent in it.

Another quite important thing that seems to be forgotten nowadays, is that you must have a quite big of clothing variety in your inventory. Some of you may ask why should they have stuff in inventory, if you can take a *hiResnobg screenshot from the shop and no one can tell? That, of course, is true, but..! For instance, the professional agencies on IMVU make fashion shows with outfits according to a specific theme. You must have the outfit in your inventory, and

it is always nice, if you already have some accessories or clothing pieces in inventory and you don’t have to spend as much money. Also, what if you are required to model for a developer live, while the developer is in the room? You must have some accessories and items that could match the outfit provided.

Let’s move on and talk about editing. Back in the days it wasn’t really necessary for a model to know editing, but in today’s modeling industry editing is strongly connected with modeling. All of the agencies do contests, where you are required to edit. You should learn editing because it doesn’t open only the door to become a professional model, but also gives you an opportunity to become and artist on IMVU! Also, don’t forget to use a good software for it. I suggest Photoshop and GIMP, as those are software that offer good editing.

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Fourth and more optional, is that almost every professional model has a trademark. What is a trademark? Trademark is the unique look of a model, so he/she can be recognized. To achieve this look, you should have a specific hair color/colors, head, skintone set, eyes, eyebrows, maybe an accessory or maybe a specific editing style. Why a model should have a trademark? A model should have a trademark so he/she could stand out from the other models. If you are interested in creating your own image, check Issue 3 of ECHO, where Vertigina gives her advice on creating an image.

And the last and maybe the most important thing is to have patience, time and be willing to put in a lot of effort. If you don’t have all of these, you can just forget about being a model, because if you don’t have the time you can’t develop your experience, if you don’t have the patience, you will get annoyed easily that you don’t succeed with the first attempt, and if you aren’t willing to put in effort, you won’t achieve anything.

Hopefully this helps you to improve yourself as a model and you’ll be in the best agencies on IMVU! Good luck and thank-you for reading!


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