
Echo Technologies Echo Technologies IT Solutions For Your Company Keep your business working, secure and fix your costs with Echo Technologies support.

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Echo TechnologiesEcho TechnologiesIT Solutions For Your Company

Keep your business working, secure and fix your costs with Echo Technologies support.

Computer hardware and software is becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Full management of the increasingly complex relationships between these requires a large investment in both time and training. The costs for the customer in acquiring the necessary skill sets in-house are often unable to be justified. The result of leaving a system to manage itself can be disastrous. Echo Technologies has considerable expertise in Total System Management and is able to offer this as part of an overall support package. With our high calibre consultants we are able to offer you up to date information and advice, to give you peace of mind that your system is being well managed and is cost effective.

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Maintenance Services include the following:Hardware/Software MaintenanceNetwork / Internet / Intranet / Extranet / LAN / WAN SupportGuaranteed response timesRestoration/reinstallation of network operating systems, major applicationsWeekly maintenance tasksServer file optimizationsMonthly maintenance tasksManagement/administration

CommunicationAll support staff are contacted using "on person" mobile communications. As well as facilitating office to engineer communication, Echo Technologies can also provide immediate support by allowing customer access to the helpdesk or an engineer, so that many problems can be solved without the need for an on-site visit, therefore saving you time and money.

SupportEcho Technologies offers a full support service for Messaging and GroupWare installation. On completion, you will receive full documentation. If required, we will also provide software releases and the latest bug fixes.

ConsultanCyauditing your Current teChnology is the logiCal first step in ensuring the Capability to deliver the business solutions you require both immediately

and in the future. the audit provides a detailed report on your Current infrastruCture Covering Cabling, workstations, network Cards, servers,

hubs and all internet-working deviCes. from this information, our Consultants are able to pinpoint potential or aCtual bottleneCks that

may impaCt on your network's operation and its suitability to satisfy your business objeCtives. where Change is essential we Can design, supply,

install and support the neCessary solutions.

Infrastructure DesignConfiguration and Integration ServicesAs specialists in systems integration, our expert consultants ensure you enjoy reliable network solutions that are optimised to meet your requirements. To ensure minimal impact on end users, these can be seamlessly executed to meet your specific work schedules, allowing a smooth transition to new technology.

Network Services A reliable infrastructure is key to efficient and productive sharing of information within your organisation, whether you need to link to multiple sites, or terminals at a single location.

Cabling Services Echo Technologies has its own cabling division, staffed by some of the industry’s most experienced cabling consultants. We offer a comprehensive range of cabling services including audit, design, installation and troubleshooting.

TrainingBefore final hand-over, our consultants will ensure your staff has the necessary training documentation and support materials to utilise new infrastructure and facilities at performance levels that satisfy the operational needs of the business.

TrainingBefore final hand-over, our consultants will ensure your staff has the necessary training documentation and support materials to utilise new infrastructure and facilities at performance levels that satisfy the operational needs of the business.

Flexible Support ServicesEcho Technologies provides a complete range of maintenance and support services tailored to your precise requirements. With on and off-site support available covering every eventuality from routine maintenance, troubleshooting, hotline and helpdesk functions to post-sales support such as new software releases and the latest bug fixes, you are assured of prompt and professional service at all times, delivered by qualified and experienced personnel.

Flexible Support ServicesEcho Technologies provides a complete range of maintenance and support services tailored to your precise requirements. With on and off-site support available covering every eventuality from routine maintenance, troubleshooting, hotline and helpdesk functions to post-sales support such as new software releases and the latest bug fixes, you are assured of prompt and professional service at all times, delivered by qualified and experienced personnel.

Installation The enterprise networking market is highly complex. Many standards have yet to be widely ratified, making it difficult to decide the most appropriate strategy for your company. Echo Technologies Network Infrastructure Team can help you determine which technology is flexible enough to allow your network to keep pace with your business requirements – whether this involves supporting, upgrading or re-engineering your current capabilities, or the design and implementation of a customised solution

Installation The enterprise networking market is highly complex. Many standards have yet to be widely ratified, making it difficult to decide the most appropriate strategy for your company. Echo Technologies Network Infrastructure Team can help you determine which technology is flexible enough to allow your network to keep pace with your business requirements – whether this involves supporting, upgrading or re-engineering your current capabilities, or the design and implementation of a customised solution

CCTVEcho Technologies provides a comprehensive package for your business needs. These include a complete video network which can be used as an efficient and effective means to remotely monitor and secure premises, supervise manufacturing progression and people. CCTV technology can act as a deterrent and if nuisances do occur can provide instant information and furthermore evidence, if prosecution is needed. A total video network is a valuable asset to a business, providing peace of mind to protect sites and can be used in conjunction with alarms, video motion detectors and even broadcast live over the web.

Security and Anti-Virus ServicesAs expert integrators, we can also configure anti-virus software, Use net servers, Web Servers, Proxy Servers, and Firewalls on your behalf. Whether you are new to the Internet or already have an established website, we can seamlessly integrate your existing e-mail systems, applications and databases with your Internet/Intranet capabilities.The increasing ‘openness’ of networking environments means security must be a major priority to protect your data from breaches of security, software theft and virus infections. Echo Technologies offers comprehensive solutions to security issued for both LAN/WAN structures and Internet services.

Product SupplyEcho Technologies is ideally placed to help your business benefit from new technologies. As a vendor-independent provider, we offer efficient fulfilment services for all aspects of Internet/Intranet services including connection to an Internet Service Provider, design of IP address infrastructure, network security, router security and virus protection. Our relationship with key Internet Service Providers ensures we can identify the most suitable solutions for your specific requirements.

Echo Technologies (UK) LtdLondon House

000 London RoadLondon AB1 2CD

United KingdomTel: +44 (0)20 1234 5678Fax:+44 (0)20 5678 1234

Email: [email protected]