echosign summer 2011 release

© 2005-2011 EchoSign, Inc. All Rights Reserved Summer 2011 Release | New Features

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Summer 2011 Release | New Features

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EchoSign Web – Summer 2011

• Collaboration 2.0: Signer Editing with Real-Time Tracked Changes

• SAML Single Sign On

• EchoSign Forms 2.0: Field Validation, Checkbox text tags

• User Management 2.0: Create and update users in bulk, Export user list

• Enhanced Reports Data Export

• API v11

• SAP, Xobni Integrations

• Korean, Traditional Chinese, More Languages

• More …

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EchoSign Web – Summer 2011

• New! e-Collaboration and Signer Editing with Tracked Changes

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Now! Allow your signers to not just sign, but edit and suggest changes to your contracts as well

You may allow senders to choose whether to allow Signer Editing for (x) each document separately, or enable it for (y) all documents sent out for signature

Enable Signer Editing on the Account tab – not enabled by default

Select from Send Page (Once Enabled)Supported file formats are Microsoft Word, Text, RTF and Google Docs, but today, not Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.

It’s Optional – If You Don’t Want Signer Editing, It’s Turned OFF by Default

Signer Editing: How it Works

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Signer Editing: Signers Can Suggest Changes in Real-Time, on the Web …

Signer reviews the document as before on EchoSign, can now also “Suggest Changes” (if you allow it)

Clicking "Suggest Changes" allows the Signer to edit the document online in real-time

An online Google Docs editor allows the signer to suggest revisions to the document.

No need to have a Google account

or register for anything

When done, the Signer submits the document back to the sender to review, reject, and/or allow, and resend

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Sender Can Then Review Changes On-Line in Real-Time – or Off-Line in Word

If changes are proposed by a Signer, the Sender is notified by e-mail with the proposed changes immediately:

– Sender Can Review Online in EchoSign

– And, EchoSign emails the Sender a Word file with Tracked Changes enabled

Word document with tracked changes can easily be forwarded on to legal or other 3d parties to review off-line, outside of EchoSign, and then uploaded back to EchoSign

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Signer Editing: You Can Accept, Reject, Mark-Up Online or Offline

Sender Can Review and Make Change Offline with Word: Sender can either revise the attachment offline in Word (and easily accept and reject Tracked Changes as desired), and upload the new Microsoft Word revision to EchoSign, to go back out for signature.


Sender Can Review Online in Real-Time: Sender can also review the changes online in EchoSign (using Google Docs) in real-time, accept them or make other changes on-line, and resend for e-signature all on the web.

>> Either way, Sender controls the revisions to the document, the Signer only proposes changes.

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EchoSign Web – Summer 2011

• Collaboration 2.0: Signer Editing with Tracked Changes

• SAML Single Sign On

• EchoSign Forms 2.0: Field Validation, Checkbox text tags

• User Management 2.0: Create and update users in bulk, Export user list

• Enhanced Reports Data Export

• API v11

• SAP, Xobni Integrations

• Korean, Traditional Chinese, More Languages

• More …

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EchoSign for Salesforce customersSAML now allows you to sign in to EchoSign using your Salesforce credentials!

SAML Single Sign On

Single-Sign-On to EchoSign with your corporate network.

•SecurityUsers must log in to your corporate network to gain access to EchoSign.

•ControlGrant or block access to EchoSign from a central location.

•Ease of UseUsers no longer have to remember an additional set of credentials

(*) Your corporate network needs to support the SAML protocol.

If your corporate network does not support SAML, contact us to discuss other options to enable Single-Sign-On through one of our partners.

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EchoSign Forms 2.0: New Features

Form Field ValidationEnsure signers enter legal values before they sign.

Defining validations rules•PDF forms validation rules are automatically imported.

•Set validation rules in EchoSign Text Tags For example: {{*}}


•Can also create validations using EchoSign’s Drag-and-Drop Authoring page using standard ‘Create Form’ or Widget on EchoSign homepage

Now: Position Check boxes using EchoSign Text Tags For example: {{[]}}, {{[x]_es_signer}}, etc.

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Advanced User Management

Filter and search for users in your account

You may also export your user list to a CSV file

Batch create and update users•Create new users •Move users between groups•Update users’ email addresses and other properties•Change users’ admin permissions

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Enhanced Reports Data Export

Report Export now contains additional data about each transaction

– Agreement Name

– Created Date

– Agreement Status

– Last Transaction Date

– Sender Name, Email, Group

– Workflow

– Signature Type

– new - Recipient Emails

– new - Signer names, date of signing, IP address

– new - Next signer’s email address

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Faster Confirmation; Force Reasonfor Rejection

Immediate Signing ConfirmationSigners receive even faster,immediate confirmation when signing iscomplete, even as images are rendering.

Mandatory Reject ReasonAdmins can now require signers to supply a reason for refusing to sign an agreement. The reasonis automatically included in the audit trail.

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Customize Terms of Use; In-App New Feature Notifications

Customize and Optionally MandateSeparate Agreementto Terms of Use

Require signer to explicitly agree tounique terms and to conduct businesselectronically with your company,or with other terms relevant to yourCompany (e.g., unique or customer-specific consumer consentprovisions).

‘New’ feature notificationAdmins are notified from within EchoSign with new feature and service announcements

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More Languages:Korean, Traditional Chinese

Korean and Chinese (Traditional)Korean and Chinese Traditional were added to our growing list of supported signing languages.

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API v11

• Asdasd

New functions: Retrieve all your widgets, library documents, all docs across your API key, more

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Integrations: Xobni – E-Sign inside of Outlook

Xobni is a free e-mail search tool, and EchoSign has launched a gadget/integration that allows your to e-sign inside of Outlook using EchoSign-for-Xobni

Terrific for countersigning – no need to even go to echosign to countersign

Free, get it here:

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Integrations: SAP eSourcing

EchoSign is now natively integrated inside of the on-demand versions of SAP eSourcing and CLM

Contact your SAP account manager to have this feature turned on, and learn more here or at:

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Coming Soon …

• A New Way to Think About Mobile Contracts

• EchoSign Global Edition 2.0

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