eco vs. toxi

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  • 8/10/2019 Eco vs. toxi


  • 8/10/2019 Eco vs. toxi


    3. Antibacterial soap

    The dirt: The antimicrobial chemical triclosan, used in some toothpastes and antibacterial soaps, is

    believed to disrupt thyroid function and hormone levels in people; when it mixes into wastewater, it

    can cause sex changes in aquatic life. And health experts believe that overuse of this and other

    antibacterial chemicals is promoting the growth of bacteria that are resistant to antibacterialtreatment.

    Better alternative: Good old-fashioned soap and warm water will kill just as many germs, studies

    have shown. If you must use a hand sanitizer, pick one that's alcohol based and doesn't list

    triclosan, triclocarban (another related antibacterial chemical) or other chemicals described as

    "antimicrobial" or "antibacterial" on the label.

    4. Synthetic Fragrances

    Fragrance may be the most common type of chemical in your house. Used in laundry detergents,

    fabric softeners, dryer sheets, cleaning supplies, disinfectants, air fresheners, deodorizers,

    shampoos, hair sprays, gels, lotions, sunscreens, soaps, perfumes, powders, and scented candles--

    and dozens of other products you may not know about--fragrances are a class of chemicals that are

    well worth the time and effort to avoid. The term "fragrance" or "parfum" on personal-care-product

    labels can be a cover for hundreds of harmful chemicals known to be carcinogens, endocrine

    disrupters, and reproductive toxicants, even at low levels.

    PLUS: Could Your Perfume Be Giving You Diabetes?

    Better alternative: Go the unscented route whenever possible, especially with soaps anddetergents. Avoid any kind of air freshener or deodorizer, including sprays, gels, solid disks, and oils,

    suggests Anne Steinemann, PhD, a University of Washington researcher who focuses on fragrances

    in consumer products. "These products do not clean or disinfect the air, but they do add hazardous

    chemicals to the air we breathe," she says. "Instead of chemical air fresheners, freshen the air with

    better ventilation and by setting out some baking soda," she suggests. You also can place a bowl of

    white vinegar in a room to dispel a funky smell.

    5. Harsh Cleaning Products

    Isn't it ironic that we actually contaminate our air when we use harsh chemicals--some of which are

    known to cause cancer--to "clean" our homes? Ammonia can trigger asthma attacks, and harsh

    oven cleaners and drain openers can cause respiratory damage or burn the skin of children who

    come into contact with them.

    TRY THIS: 8 DIY Cleaning Recipes That Really Work
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    Better alternative: Take any cleaner with an ingredient list that reads like a chemistry textbook to a

    hazardous waste disposal center in your municipality and replace it with an ecofriendly one that has

    simple, natural ingredients. Better yet, save tons of money and pull out Grandma's homemade

    cleaning concoctions, including:

    A general cleaning solution of one part white vinegar and nine parts water will kill 90 percent of

    bacteria and many spores. Spray it on and let it dry to a nice shine on its own. The best surprise

    about distilled white vinegar? You can buy a gallon for less than $2 and make more than 10 gallons

    of cleaning solution. When you're finished using a vinegar cleaning solution, dump it down your

    garbage disposal or toilet for bonus odor control.

    For a window/glass cleaner, mix one part white vinegar with one part water, and spray. You even

    can use newspapers instead of paper towels to wipe the glass clean and save money.

    When cleaning in the kitchen after p repping meat, use hot, soapy water first (we like simple,

    unscented castile soaps) and then follow with the vinegar-water solution. For extra germ-killing

    power, following the vinegar spraying with a spritz of hydrogen peroxide.

    6. Nonstick Cookware and Bakeware

    When you're cooking with nonstick pots and pans, you're essentially baking on plastic. That slick,

    shiny, enticingly nonstick surface is made from a synthetic material known as perfluoroalkyl acid, a

    class of chemicals that have been linked to ADHD, high cholesterol, and thyroid disease. They're

    also potent sperm killers and are suspected of contributing to female infertility.

    Better alternative: Opt for safer cookware like made-in-America cast iron, glass or stainless steel. Ifyou already cook with nonstick pots and pans, replace them with safer choices when you start

    seeing scratches and chips in the finish.

    7. Roundup Ready Food

    Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the country, is sprayed on everything from cotton to

    canola, lawns to golf courses. So it stands to reason that the stuff winds up in our air and water. But

    when you're eating "Roundup Ready" food, as in, food that's been genetically modified to withstand

    all those dosings of Roundup, you're eating it too, according to plant pathologist Don Huber, PhD,

    professor emeritus at Purdue University. That's problematic because scientists are learning that

    Roundup affects defensive enzymes our bodies use to keep us healthy. Roundup also reduces a

    plant's ability to take up vital micronutrients that humans require for survival.

    Better alternative: Corn, soy, and canola are common crops that have been genetically engineered

    to withstand heavy dousings of Roundup (or other glyphosate-containing chemicals), and foods

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    containing these ingredients tend to contain higher levels of Roundup than other crops do. To avoid

    genetically engineered (GE) foods and Roundup in your food, buy organic.

    PLUS: 14 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat

    8. Vinyl Some environmental health groups have dubbed vinyl the "poison plastic," due to its harmful

    production process and its effects on humans. Vinyl is laced with phthalates, chemical plastic

    softeners linked to hormone disruption, stunted growth, obesity, and other health problems, as well

    as low IQs.

    Better alternative: When it's time to replace flooring in your home, opt for wood, bamboo, or cork

    that's Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified or for real linoleum, instead of vinyl. Avoid plastic

    shower-curtain liners, as well as fake leather furniture, clothing, and accessories, to cut down on

    phthalate exposure. (Try hemp or organic cotton shower curtains.) Phthalates also lurk in anythingwith an artificial fragrance, including candles and many personal-care products.

    9. VOCs

    Nasty indoor air-polluting culprits, volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, could be trashing your

    indoor air, especially in the kitchen, the basement, or even the laundry room. (Scented, petroleum-

    based laundry detergents contain high levels of VOCs.) These hazardous chemicals are linked to

    asthma and, in some instances, even cancer, and they add to indoor air pollution. Pressed wood and

    particleboard cabinets and other furniture are big emitters of the VOC (and carcinogen)

    formaldehyde in the home, too.

    Better alternative: Choose unscented, plant-based detergents, or go old-school and use castile

    soap or washing soda and borax to clean your clothing. For new paint projects, choose readily

    available no-VOC paint, and avoid storing paint in your garage or basement--fumes can escape

    even tightly closed lids and enter your home. If you have leftover paint, take it to a waste-collection

    facility for recycling, or donate it to neighbors or a charity. Avoid plywood and particleboard when

    buying new household furnishings, and keep VOCs contained by sealing any plywood or

    particleboard furniture with a product like AFM Safecoat Safe Seal.

    10. Flame Retardants

    Flame-retardant chemicals can be found in electronics, carpets, carpet padding, and furniture foam.

    They've been associated with a wide range of health problems, including infertility, thyroid problems,

    learning disabilities, and hormone disruption. And the exposure to all these potential health threats

    could be for naught: Added to materials in the event they come in contact with a lit candle or
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