ecommerce for virgin airline


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QUALIFICATIONS1. Bachelor of Engineering

(Mechanical-Aeronautics)Universiti TeknologiMalaysia (UTM)2007-2010.

2. Commercial Pilot Licensewith Instrument Rating(CPL-IR) Frozen ATPL.2011-2013.


Muhammad Riza B. Zahari

H/P : 017-7955612

Email :[email protected]

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Subject Assessment System

Formative Assessment : Assignment / 20%: Mid Term / 20%: Project / 20%

Summative Assessment : Final Exam / 20%Total : 100%

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Subject Information

• This subject will covers basic air traffic controlprocedures and terminology. Areas include adescription of the airway system such asaerodromes, approach control, towers, flightnavigation and air traffic service station.

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Subject Objectives

The course is designed to:1) Demonstrate an understanding of air traffic

management.2) Describe the Airway system and control.

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Subject Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to understand:1) The structure of the current air traffic system.2) The future challenges facing by the air traffic

control system.

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Subject Contents

1) Air Law and Aircraft Types2) Aerodromes3) Rules of The Air4) Principles of Flight and

Flight Instruments5) Air Traffic Services6) Flight Plan7) Altimetry8) Flight Navigation

9) Aeronautical InformationServices

10) Navigational Aids.11) Aeronautical


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Intro To Aviation Law

For commercial aviation to operate, it is necessary for statesto afford the airlines of other states the right to fly into andacross their territory for both traffic and non-traffic purposes.Agreements are necessary to achieve this:

1) Multilateral agreement or convention are entered into by anumber of different states. The most obvious one to theaviation people is the Chicago Convention which later theestablishment of International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO).

2) Bilateral agreement are agreement between two state. Thatis the International Air Transport Association (IATA)

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Common Abbreviationused in Aviation

Refer to the givenhandout.

ICAO Definition

Refer to the givenhandout.

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AIR LAWInternational Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): The Chicago Convention 1944 was set up to

determine the future of commercial aviation.The outcome was the Convention on International

Civil Aviation which is the fundamental basis ofagreement.The agreement is in two parts :a) International Air Navigationb) Organization that administer the terms and

conditions of the agreement. (ICAO)

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Part 1: Air Navigation

Article 1 : SovereigntyThe contracting staterecognize that everystate has completesovereignty over theairspace above itsterritory.

Article 2 : TerritoryThe territory of thestate shall be deemedto be the land areas andterritorial watersadjacent there to underthe mandate of such astate.

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Article 3 : Civil and StateAircraftThis convention applicableonly to civil aircraft not stateaircraft. State aircraft is theaircraft used in the military,customs and police services.

There are 56Articles@Agreementsas for now.

Article 4 : Misuse of civilAircraftEach contracting state agreesnot to use civil aircraft for anypurpose inconsistent with theaims of the organization.:

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PART 2 : ICAO1)The International Civil

Aviation Organization(ICAO) is formed by theconvention.

2) The organization ismade up of anAssembly, a Council,and other bodies thatmay be necessary.

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ICAO OBJECTIVES1) Ensure a safe and

orderly growth of civilaviation through outthe world.

2) Encourage the arts ofdesign and operationfor peaceful purposes.

3) Encourage thedevelopment ofairways, airports,navigation facilities forcivil aviation.

4) Meet the needs ofpeople for a safe,regular, efficient andeconomical airtransport.

5) Prevent economicwaste fromunreasonablecompetition.

6) Avoid discriminationbetween thecontracting states.

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7) Ensure that the rightsof all the contractingstates are fullyrespected and everycontracting state has afair opportunity tooperate internationalairlines.

8) Promote safety of flightin international airnavigation.

9) Promote generally thedevelopment of allaspects of internationalcivil aeronautics.

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A specialized agency of the United Nations,the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe andorderly development of international civil aviationthroughout the world. It sets standards andregulations necessary for aviation safety, security,efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviationenvironmental protection. The Organization serves asthe forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviationamong its 191 Member States.

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ICAO DOCUMENTSAnnex Documents1) Personnel Licensing2) Rules of the air.3) Meteorological Services.4) Aeronautical Charts.5) Dimension Units.6) Operation of Aircraft.7) Aircraft nationality and

registration mark.8) Airworthiness of aircraft.9) Facilitation.10) Aeronautical


11) Air Traffic Services.12) Search and Rescue.13) Aircraft Accident Investigation.14) Aerodromes.15) Aeronautical Information

Services.16) Environmental Protection.17) Security.18) Transport and dangerous

goods.ICAO regulations are notautomatically the law of acontracting state. It can beenacted.

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ICAO Standard & RecommendedPractices (SARPS)

Standard:A specification the uniformapplication of which isnecessary for the safety orregularity of internationalcivil air navigation. (SHALL)

Recommended:Is one agreed to bedesirable but not essential.(SHOULD)

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Procedures For Air Navigation Services(PANS)

1) New procedures which are toocomplicated or detailed for inclusion inAnnex.

2) Operating Procedures that have notattained a status for adoption asinternational standards andrecommended practices (SARPS)

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International Air TransportAssociation(IATA)

1) A body composed of Airlines.2) The functions include the establishment of

uniform fares, uniform ticketingarrangements and other procedures.

3) It’s a consortium operations. ‘One World’.

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Federal AviationAdministration (FAA)The Federal AviationAdministration (FAA) is the nationalaviation authority of the UnitedStates of America. An agency ofthe U.S. Department ofTransportation, it has authority toregulate and oversee all aspects ofAmerican civil aviation. The FederalAviation Act of 1958created theorganization under the name"Federal Aviation Agency", andadopted its current name in 1966when it became a part of the UnitedStates Department of Transportation.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)Aviation regulatory body ofUnited Kingdom (UK).JAR (Joint Aviation Requirements)took effect in 1999 and arerecognized by the Civil AviationAuthorities of participatingEuropean (EU) countries as anacceptable basis for showingcompliance with their nationalairworthiness codes, includingthe certification of pilots. In otherwords, to make sure all pilots aretrained to the same minimumstandard. Therefore, for allintents and purposes, someonelicensed in the UK under CAAregulations after July 1, 1999, willbe automatically be JAR certified.

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JAA and FAA Training System

JAA training systems emphasizeformal theoretical knowledge training alongwith skill testing. In sharp contrast, the FAAsystem of airmen certification emphasizes skilltesting, which individualizes the training andimproves theoretical knowledge.

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Registration of Aircraft and Aircraft MarkingRegistration marking on aircraft consist of twoparts: 1) Nationality Mark

2) Registration MarkAs for car : WHX 2317As for aircraft : 9M-BCE

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