econ 2301 chapter 1 ppt

First Principles Chapter 1 THIRD EDITION ECONOMICS and MACROECONOMICS Paul Krugman | Robin Wells

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First PrinciplesChapter 1



MACROECONOMICSPaul Krugman | Robin Wells

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• A set of principles for understanding how individuals make choices

• A set of principles for understanding how individual choices interact

• A set of principles for understanding economy-wide interactions



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Individual Choice

Individual choice is the decision by an individual of what to do, which necessarily involves a decision of what not to do.

Basic principles behind the individual choices: 1. Resources are scarce.2. The real cost of something is what you must give up to

get it.3. “How much?” is a decision at the margin.4. People usually take advantage of opportunities to

make themselves better off.

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Principle# 1Choices Are Necessary Because Resources Are Scarce

• A resource is anything that can be used to produce something else. Examples: land, labor, capital

• Resources are scarce – the quantity available isn’t large enough to satisfy all productive uses. Examples: petroleum, lumber, intelligence

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Principle# 2The True Cost of an Item Is Its Opportunity Cost

• The real cost of an item is its opportunity cost: what you must give up in order to get it.

• Opportunity cost is crucial to understanding individual choice Example: The cost of attending an economics class is what you

must give up to be in the classroom during the lecture. Sleep? Watching TV? Rock climbing? Work?

• All costs are ultimately opportunity costs.

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Opportunity Cost

• In fact, everybody thinks about opportunity cost.

• The bumper stickers that say “I would rather be … (fishing, golfing, swimming, etc…)” are referring to opportunity cost.

• It is all about what you have to forgo to obtain your choice.


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Principle# 3“How Much?” Is a Decision at the Margin

• You make a trade-off when you compare the costs with the benefits of doing something.

• Decisions about whether to do a bit more or a bit less of an activity are marginal decisions.

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Marginal Analysis

Making trade-offs at the margin: comparing the costs and benefits of doing a little bit more of an activity versus doing a little bit less.

The study of such decisions is known as marginal analysis. Examples: Hiring one more worker, studying one more hour,

eating one more cookie, buying one more CD, etc.

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Principle# 4People Usually Respond to Incentives, Exploiting Opportunities to Make Themselves Better Off

• An incentive is anything that offers rewards to people who change their behavior. Examples:

1. Price of gasoline rises people buy more fuel-efficient cars;

2. There are more well-paid jobs available for college graduates with economics degrees more students major in economics

• People respond to these incentives.

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Interaction: How Economies Work

Interaction of choices—my choices affect your choices, and vice versa—is a feature of most economic situations.

Principles that underlie the interaction of individual choices:1. There are gains from trade.2. Markets move toward equilibrium.3. Resources should be used as efficiently as possible to

achieve society’s goals.4. Markets usually lead to efficiency.5. When markets don’t achieve efficiency, government

intervention can improve society’s welfare.

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Principle# 5There Are Gains From Trade

• In a market economy, individuals engage in trade: They provide goods and services to others and receive goods and services in return.

• There are gains from trade: people can get more of what they want through trade than they could if they tried to be self-sufficient.

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This increase in output is due to specialization: each person specializes in the task that he or she is good at performing.

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The economy, as a whole, can produce more when each person specializes in a task and trades with others.

There Are Gains From Trade

“I hunt and she gathers – otherwise we couldn’t make ends meet.”

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Principle# 6Markets Move Toward Equilibrium

• An economic situation is in equilibrium when no individual would be better off doing something different.

• Any time there is a change, the economy will move to a new equilibrium. Example: What happens when a new checkout line opens at a

busy supermarket?

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Principle #7Resources Should Be Used As Efficiently As Possible to Achieve Society’s Goals

• An economy is efficient if it takes all opportunities to make some people better off without making other people worse off.

• Should economic policy makers always strive to achieve economic efficiency?

• Equity means that everyone gets his or her fair share. Since people can disagree about what’s “fair,” equity isn’t as well-defined a concept as efficiency.

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Efficiency vs. Equity• Example: Handicapped-designated parking spaces in a busy

parking lot

• A conflict between: equity, making life “fairer” for handicapped people, and efficiency, making sure that all opportunities to make people

better off have been fully exploited by never letting parking spaces go unused.

• How far should policy makers go in promoting equity over efficiency?

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Principle #8Markets Usually Lead to Efficiency

• The incentives built into a market economy already ensure that resources are usually put to good use.

• Opportunities to make people better off are not wasted.

• Exceptions: Market failure (the individual pursuit of self-interest found in markets makes society worse off ) the market outcome is inefficient

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Principle #9When Markets Don’t Achieve Efficiency, Government Intervention Can Improve Society’s Welfare

Why do markets fail?:• Individual actions have side effects not taken into account

by the market (externalities).

• One party prevents mutually beneficial trades from occurring in the attempt to capture a greater share of resources for itself.

• Some goods cannot be efficiently managed by markets. Example: freeways in Los Angeles

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Economy-Wide Interactions

Principles that underlie economy-wide interactions

Principle# 10: One person’s spending is another person’s income.

Principle# 11: Overall spending sometimes gets out of line with the economy’s productive capacity.

Principle# 12: Government policies can change spending.

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1. All economic analysis is based on a set of basic principles that apply to three levels of economic activity. First, we study how individuals make choices; second, we study how these choices interact; and, third, we study how the economy functions overall.

2. Everyone has to make choices about what to do and what not to do. Individual choice is the basis of economics.

3. The reason choices must be made is that resources—anything that can be used to produce something else—are scarce.

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4. Because you must choose among limited alternatives, the true cost of anything is what you must give up to get it— all costs are opportunity costs.

5. Many economic decisions involve questions not of “whether” but of “how much?” Such decisions must be taken by performing a trade-off at the margin—by comparing the costs and benefits of doing a bit more or a bit less. Decisions of this type are called marginal decisions, and the study of them, marginal analysis, plays a central role in economics.

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6. The study of how people should make decisions is also a good way to understand actual behavior. Individuals usually respond to incentives -- exploiting opportunities to make themselves better off.

7. The next level of economic analysis is the study of interaction—how my choices depend on your choices, and vice versa. When individuals interact, the end result may be different from what anyone intends.

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8. Individuals interact because there are gains from trade: by engaging in the trade of goods and services with one another, the members of an economy can all be made better off. Specialization – each person specializing in the task he or she is good at – is the source of gains from trade.

9. Because individuals usually respond to incentives, markets normally move toward equilibrium—a situation in which no individual can make himself or herself better off by taking a different action.

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10. An economy is efficient if all opportunities to make some people better off without making other people worse off are taken. Resources should be used as efficiently as possible to achieve society’s goals. But efficiency is not the sole way to evaluate an economy: equity, or fairness, is also desirable, and there is often a trade-off between equity and efficiency.

11. Markets usually lead to efficiency, with some well-defined exceptions.

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12. When markets fail and do not achieve efficiency government intervention can improve society’s welfare.

13. Because people in a market economy earn income by selling things, including their own labor, one person’s spending is another person’s income. As a result, changes in spending behavior can spread throughout the economy.

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14. Overall spending in the economy can get out of line with the economy’s productive capacity. Spending below the economy’s productive capacity, leads to a recession; spending in excess of the economy’s productive capacity leads to inflation.

15. Governments have the ability to strongly affect overall spending, an ability they use in an effort to steer the economy between recession and inflation.

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• Individual choice• Resource• Scarce• Opportunity cost • Trade-off• Marginal decisions • Marginal analysis• Incentive• Interaction• Trade • Gains from trade

• Specialization• Equilibrium• Efficient• Equity