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This document is downloaded from DR‑NTU ( Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Economic developments in India Majumder, Shyamal 1988 Majumder, S. (1988). Economic developments in India. In Economic perspectives of SAARC : Dacca, Bangladesh, 19‑24 November 1988. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre. Downloaded on 28 Jun 2021 13:15:04 SGT

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    Economic developments in India

    Majumder, Shyamal


    Majumder, S. (1988). Economic developments in India. In Economic perspectives of SAARC :Dacca, Bangladesh, 19‑24 November 1988. Singapore: Asian Mass CommunicationResearch and Information Centre.

    Downloaded on 28 Jun 2021 13:15:04 SGT

  • Economic Developments In India


    Shyamal Majumder

    Paper No.6

    ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

  • v

    > * Ananda Bazar Patrika Limited 6 Prafulla Sarkar Street Calcutta 700001 Phone 274880 & 278000 Gram Anandabazar Telex 0215468 & 0215469 ANBZ IN

    * 13 November 1988


    Mr Achal Mehra,

    Senior Programme Specialist,

    Asian Mass* Communications Research ov

    and Information Centre,

    39,Newton Road,

    Singapore 1130,

    Republic of Singapore

    Dear Mr Mehra,

    Sub:Background report on economic

    developments in India

    I thankyou for inciting me to participate in the

    Conference on Economic Perspectives of SAARC in Dhaka from

    November 19-24,1988.

    A background report on the economic developments in

    my country is attached,I hope that you have already received my

    confirmation of participation at the conference.

    I am looking forward to a response from you.

    Yours sincerely.

    (SHYAMAL MAJUMDER) SeniorSub Editor,

    Business Standard

    82 Ananda Bazar Patrika Limited Ananda Bazar Group of Publications: Anandabazar Palrika Business Standard The Telegraph Desh Sunday

    SportSHortd Ravivar Anandalok Anandamela BusinessWorld Sananda

    ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

  • India, which began its tryst with destiny at the

    stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, has made rapid stricks

    indeed. The stretegy accepted and adopted for the development

    of the Indian economy is the strategy of balanced growth and

    comprehensive planning. A reading of the Five xear Flans

    Suggests that the strategy outlined in India has emphr.-sised

    balanced and simultaneous development all over the economy.

    However, this assumption of the planners did not cone

    out to be true. This implies that after broadly laying down

    sectoral priorities, careful assigning of priorities within each

    sector was not taken up seriously.

    The government has, however, woken up to the tasts and

    has adopted sever 1 measures to overcome the shortcomings.

    Firstly agriculture. In order to reduce the vulnerabi-

    lity of agriculture to adverse weather conditons, a long time

    strategy has been evolved. The most important element.of the

    strategy is to rnavinise the area under assured irrigation. Flan

    allocation for major and medium irrigation projects is being


    Despite emphasis, on assured irrigation, however, the

    na.ior portion of cropoed area will continue to depend on rainfed

    agriculture at least till the end of this ce

  • • • p • •

    the full exploitation of groundwater in high rainfall areas

    like the Gangetic region is being empha.• i: od to achieve increa-

    ses in gross acreage through multiple cropping. A 'coarse grain

    policy' i-s also being worked out for rainfed areas which will

    integrate production plans with pricing, storage and procurement

    of coarse grains, while a special 11 &. I) thrust is being given to

    oilseed production under a technology Mission set up for this

    purpose. r

    A third dimension of the strategy is to optimise water

    use in dryland agriculture by methods of water management which

    will maximise the area and output per unit of water. Henceforth,

    the thrust of agricultural research will also be redirected to

    support the development of rainfed dryland agriculture.

    Afforestation programmes are being stepped up and integrated vith

    programmes of irrigation and water management.

    Implicit in this approach is the central role: of regional

    factors in agricultural planning. Separate strategies are being

    worked out for each distinct agroclimatic region to suit the require-

    ments of agricultural development specific to that region.

    To maintain the momentum of economic growth, the planning

    Commission has accepted an annual growth r^te of 6 per cent for the

    eighth five year plan (1990-31 to 1994 to 93), despite loud procla-

    inations in favour of higher targets. Even a 6 per cent annual growth

    ^ Oil lid. . . . • Jf. 2 •

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  • will be difficult to achieve but the rate lies within, or perhaps

    right on, the feasibility frontier. And if a 6 percent target

    finally ends with an achievement of 5.5 per cent per year, that

    also will be a creditvcrthy record.

    A steady growth at 6 per cent per year will mean a gross

    domestic product rising by 33.6 per cent in five yc^r, which is

    considerably above the 27.6 per cent increase resulting from a

    5 per cent annual growth. There will of course be year-to-year

    oscillations around the target rate, but what is desired is a

    series of annual growth rates th&t are arithmetically equivalent

    to a compound growth rate of 6 per cent. If the population growth

    rate during the period can be kept below KXK 2.2 per cent year,the

    scope for imDroving the income, distribution will be fairly large.

    The government has also started levying surcharges on

    personal income tax, corporate income tax, wealth tax and customs

    duty. Several external assistance initiatives have been taken to

    mobilise and accelerate the dislbursal of external capital.

    The outlay on successive central plans have also been

    stepped up to maintain the priority for development.

    In the industrial sector, several changes are being

    introduced to e.isure thct competitive pressures bring in cost-

    efficiency. The important reforr.-is in the area of industrial


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  • • • A • •

    policy in the recent past have emphasised relaxing licensing

    constraints on entry in priority sectors, growth (capacity re -

    endorsement), flexibility to respond to changing demand condi-

    tions (broad-banding) and cost efficiency (e.g. prescribing

    minimum scales of product!on in a number of commodities). The

    impact of these policy initiatives is to some extent, reflected

    in acceleration of industrial growth in recent years.


    Apart from regulating the overall level of credit in

    the economy, the objective of credit policy is to promote an

    effective lise of credit and also to encourage the spectrum of

    borrowers covered by bank credit keeping in view the national

    priorities laid down from time toliLaie.

    The governments' growing budget deficit has raised

    several eyebrows. The government is the "largest player" in

    the economy; its "economic performance" is, therefore, crucial

    to the country's economic well-being. Perhaps more important

    than the growing budget deficit is the use of the capital account

    surplus for purposes of revenue expenditure. Hence there is a

    strong case for curtailing non-plan revenue expenditure or alter-

    natively, raising taxes.

    It is not without reason that ilr. Michel Comdessus

    expressed his apprehensions the budget deficit. Even the

    3. 3 I annual report for the year ended June, 1988, called for a

    Contd F.5.

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  • • • *s • *

    cautions monetary stand to check inflation which is running at

    10 per cent annually.

    It is not known if the H E I policy of "backdoor"

    devoluation will improve the current account balance.

    The following is an item-wise discuss*ion on different

    e c on o:riic sect or s.

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  • R U R A L

    Rural India is the backbone of the country's economy as over

    70 per cent of population l ives in the rural areas. Despite concerted

    indus t r ia l i sa t ion in the l a s t two decades, agriculture occupies a place

    of pr ide.

    The country's foodgrains production is expected to touch

    170 million tonnes in the current year. Commercial crops are also

    expected to do exceptionally well with cotton output projected at 110

    lakh bales and sugar 10 million tonnes. Recent trends in edible o i l

    production also reflect the large kharif crop expected th is year.

    This re f lec t s the resi l ience shown by Indian agriculture

    luring severe droughts in three consecutive years.

    Cooperative credit to farmers during t h i s year ' s rabi season

    registered an unprecedented increase. The bulk of i t was handed over to

    ;he growers in kind, in the form of f e r t i l i s e r . The pancity of wheat

    seed was made good by drawing some quanti t ies of grains from food stocks

    ind using them as seeds. These were supplied to the s ta tes at a huge

    rub sidy.

    The planning commission has decided to implement a projec t ,

    hich alms at more diversified agricul ture, covering, besides crop

    usbandry, poultry farming, dairying and agro-processing.

    Agriculture is also the main support for India ' s transport

    ystem, since the railways and roadways secure bulk of t he i r business

    rom the movement of agr icul tural goods..Finances of the government,

    specia l ly the s ta te governments depend, to a large extent , upon the

    rosperi ty of agr icul ture .

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    The government has Implemented severa l r u r a l development

    schemes with t he main objec t ive of a l l ev i a t i ng pover ty . The schemes ii

    lude Integrated Rural Development ProTranime, Nat ional Rural Employment

    Programme, Rural Landless Employment Guarantee programme, Training

    of Rural Youth for Self-Employment e t c .

    The Schemes have however fai led to be much of a success

    due to several factors .

    There i s widespread under-employment with regional

    var ia t ions in the levels of development in the country. Similarly,

    there i s highly skewed dis t r ibut ion pattern of resource base in

    the form of landholdings, productive assets and levels of technology

    adopted in v i l l ages .

    Further, there are wide differences in the pat tern of

    income, saving potent ia l* investment capab i l i t i e s , r i sk- tak ing ,

    educational levels and access to knowledge about improved agriculture

    fac tors .

    Proof growth of agro-based industries for providing

    supplementary part-t ime employment to farmers and t h e i r families i s

    also another major constra int .

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  • To o f f s e t t hese problems, severa l banks, f i n a n c i a l

    i n s t i t u t i o n s and companies have taken up v i l l a g e adoption schemes for

    market ing farm surpluses and providing loans and exper t i se to educatec

    anemployed you ths .

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    Due to pragmatic policy i n i t i a t i v e s , the growth rate

    for the manufacturing sector, which accounts for 77 per cent

    of to t a l indus t r i a l production, has been impressive, showing

    a growth ra te of around 8 - 1 0 per cent In recent years

    despite severe drought.

    India i s now almost self sufficient and her manufacturing

    sector produces everything - from pin to a i r c r a f t . India can

    now sustain the l ikely growth of most of her industries with

    domestic production of the capi ta l goods and only with marginal

    imports . The infras t ructure , including R & D capability has

    shown a remarkable growth.

    I t i s important to note that while there are large

    var ia t ions In growth performance across indus t r ies , the

    growth I s not confined to a narrow base, but i s fair ly

    widely dispersed in the manufacturing sector . Industries

    accounting for over two-thirds of the t o t a l weight of the

    manufacturing sector have shown posit ive r a t e s of growth

    during th i s period, while the weight of indus t r ies ,

    regis ter ing a growth rate of over 10 per cent add up to

    about 21 per cent of the t o t a l weight of the sector .


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  • Although t echno log ica l ly , we are s t i l l way behind,

    the l a t e s t t h r u s t i s on updating, l i b e r a l i s e d imports

    the indus t ry i s being exposed to ex te rna l compet i t ion .

    R e s t r i c t i o n s on capacity are also being removed. With

    a view t o encouraging export production, under tak ings ,

    which have obtained export o rders , have been permit ted

    t o take up manufacture of the items concerned without

    having t o obtain an i n d u s t r i a l l icence provided the e n t i r e

    product ion covered by such permission i s exported*

    The scheme for broadbanding have been extended to

    cover new areas to enable the industry d ive r s i fy i t s product

    range on s i m i l a r l i n e s . For example, a t ruck manufacturer

    can now produce ca r s as w e l l . Similary, s t e e l m i l l s have

    been allowed to produce end-products l i t e s t e e l pipes and

    bear ings*


    Al l these have r e su l t ed in buoyancy in i n d u s t r i a l

    product ion*

    Apart from big and medium-sized u n i t s , small s c s l e

    i n d u s t r i e s have a l so shown a steady growth in terms of

    volume of production and expo r t s . The share of small scale

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  • sector in India1 s to ta l exports was 25.3 per cent in

    1985-86. A number of promotional efforts provided by the

    Government has led to progressive diversif icat ion in this

    sec tor . The range of products varies from electronics to

    handic ra f t s . Different banks and financial i n s t i t u t i ons also

    provide loans at easy repayment f a c i l i t i e s . The Government

    has also decided to set up a Small Industries Development

    Bank with a corpus of Rs. 300 crore.

    The Country's economy i s heavily dependent on public

    sector un i t s* with a massive outlay of Rs. 1,80,000 c ro re .

    Our F i r s t Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's dream th^t

    the public sector uni ts wi l l take us tp the commanding

    heights of economy has not been ful f i l led to ta l ly because

    of the low l eve l of returns on investment.

    The Government has now started opening core sectors

    of the economy to the private sector, giving b i r th to a

    new generation of entrepreneurs.

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    This i s one of the fas tes t growing sectors in India*

    Electr ic i ty

    Requirement for power has gone up phenomenally due to rapid

    indus t r ia l i sa t ion , dispersal of industr ies in far flung rural

    areas and massive rural e lec t r i f ica t ion programme*

    The country's ins ta l led capacity for power generation i s

    nearly 60,000 mw* The capacity i s targeted to he raised to over

    100,000 mw within the next 12 years. Several massive power project

    have already been ident i f ied and negotiations are in progress with

    world Bank, Asian Development Bank and other countries for

    f inancial tieups*

    Our energy programme envisages a balanced growth in a l l three

    areas of generation - thermal, hydel and nuclear*

    In nuclear power sector, as such as 10,000 mw capacity has

    been planned*

    With several measures taken to step up thermal generation, i t

    i s now expected to increase steeply in the current year* In the

    context of the recurring drought, various measures l i k e demand

    management, regulation of supply to different sectors and

    transfer of surplus power irons s tates and regions have also

    been taken to even out shortages to the extent possible*

    In hydel power generation, the potential i s very large,

    especially in the Himalayan mountains and the western Ghats*

    However, the growth in th i s sector has"not been a t par with

    expectations due to long bad time, deforestation and delayed

    monsoons leading to reduced inflows in water reservoirs*

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  • The o v e r a l l s a t i s f ac to ry performance of power generation

    has been poss ible l a r g e l y because of a progressive increase in the

    p lant Load Factor of thermal power s ta t ions«

    Coal ;

    I nd i a produces around 160 mi l l ion tonnes of coal a year and the

    growth has been a t the r a t e of 8-10 per cent a year . Though the

    coun t ry ' s premier organisa t ions - Coal I n d i a Limited and Singareni

    C o l l i e r i e s Co* Ltd have improved performance, overa l l coal production

    s t i l l remains sho r t of requirements* As a r e s u l t , we do n o t import

    any coal fo r power generat ion, b u t have to import i n order to meet

    tile requirements of tiie s t e e l industry*

    A major problem with Indian coal i s i t s high ash content ,

    affect ing smooth and e f f i c i e n t operat ion of b l a s t furnaces and t h e i r

    production. The indigenous b o i l e r manufacturing indus t ry has however

    been able to evolve a technology t h a t can handle coal up to 50

    per cent ash content*

    Petroleum i

    Though the count ry ' s requirement i s about 50 mi l l ion tonnes

    a year , we are hardly able to produce 50 percent of the requirements

    This n e c e s s i t a t e s l a r g e s c a l e impor ts , involving huge foreign

    exchange drainage*

    Two public s ec to r undertakings - o i l & Natural Gas Commssion

    and Oil Ind ia Limited - have i n t e n s i f i e d the hunt for o i l , both

    onshore and con t inen ta l shelf* Several foreign o i l was l i k e chevron

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  • exaco have been allowed o i l explorat ion to explore o i l in offshore

    reas on a production sharing b a s i s .

    as :

    In view of the emergency importance of gas in the n a t i o n a l economic

    ^ene, an independent author i ty Called tiie "Gas Authority of I n d i a

    =s s e t up in August, 1986 with the primary ob jec t ive of gas t ran spor t atio;

    ud d i s t r i b u t i o n . The immediate task before the Author!ty i s to execute

    i.e HBJ gas p ipe l ine p r o j e c t a t an estimated cos t of Rs. 1,700 crore

    ieluding a fore ign exchange component of Rs. 680 c r o r e .

    Gas ava i lab le from th i s p ipe l ine wi l l meet the fedstock requirement

    s ix f e r t i l i s e r s p l a n t s and fuel requirement of two power p l a n t s .

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  • S E R V I C E

    Banking; : The banking sector in the country has grown

    by leaps and bounds, encompassing the length and breadth of the

    country. 'Since i t s nationalisation in 1969, the bank branches have

    spread extensively. Today, banking f a c i l i t i e s are available in almos

    a l l backward areas.

    The Reserve Bank of India has l iberal ised the credit

    authorisat ion scheme to allow for greater access to c redi t to meet

    genuine demands in production sectors without i t s pr ior sanction.

    Banks have also been advised to extend l i be ra l credi t f a c i l i t y to

    farmers as also f a c i l i t i e s for credi t rescheduling.

    Important changes have also been made in the structure of

    in te res t ra tes of banks and postal deposits e t c . to reduce the

    overa l l cost of money in the economy and impart greater f l ex ib i l i t y

    to in teres t r a t e policy.

    Scheduled commercial banks1 data show tha t t he i r aggregate

    deposits had risen by over 23 percent due to a marked acceleration

    in the growth of demand deposits.

    Non-food credi t also forms an important feature of the

    services provided by banks. Credit to industry and exports have

    risen considerably. There are several schemes to mobilise

    adequate f inancial savings from small savers, in pa r t i cu la r , by

    offering them a t t rac t ive real return .on^deposits.

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  • I n t e r e s t r a t e s on both expor t c r e d i t and expor t

    r e f i n a n c e have been r e v i s e d downwards. In keeping w i th t h e

    f a l l i n g i n t e r e s t r a t e s abroad , i n t e r e s t r a t e s on Fore ign cu r rency

    (Non-Resident) Accounts have been kep t a t l e v e l s a t t r a c t i v e f o r

    Non-Res ident I n d i a n s to p l a c e d e p o s i t s under t h e scheme.


    The c e n t r a l government u n d e r t a k i n g s - L i f e Insurance

    C o r p o r a t i o n and t h e S u b s i d i a r i e s o f Genera l In su rance Corpora t ion

    h^ve launch in su rance schemes , cover ing almost a l l a r e a s of

    a c t i v i t y . The d e p o s i t s o f t h e s e c o r p o r a t i o n s have soared in

    r e c e n t y e a r s due t o t h e a t t r a c t i v e premiums. The i n s u r a n c e schemes

    cover c r o p i n s u r a n c e , l i f e i n s u r a n c e t o even b u r g l o r y i n s u r a n c e .

    There a re s e v e r a l sma l l i n s u r a n c e companies , which

    a r e main ly engaged in r e i n s u r a n c e a c t i v i t i e s .


    P r e v i o u s l y , t h i s s e c t o r was department a l l y managed.

    However, t o improve pe r fo rmance , a b u s i n e s s l i k e approach has been

    t a k e n . Both t h e d e p a r t m e n t s have now been brough under a

    c o r p o r a t e s e t - u p . The e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f Mahanagar Te lephone Nigam

    i s an impor tan t s t e p in t h i s r e g a r d .


    Apart from t h e I n d i a n Tourism Development C o r p o r a t i o n ,

    which has s e t up s e v e r a l l uxu ry h o t e l s , t h e p r i v a t e s e c t o r has

    a l so been g iven a key r o l e f o r s e t t i n g up luxury h o t e l s and

    low c o s t t o u r i s t l o d g e s .

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  • AIR, D001DAH5HAN :

    Both of these are government ouned and have increased

    t h e i r sphere of a c t i v i t y considerably in recent y e a r s . The revenue

    c o l l e c t i o n s have a lso been buyoout with p r i va t e companies allowed

    to sponsor var ious programmes.

    Due to t h e i r importance as a mass media, the government

    has ruled out s eve ra l proposals for according autonomy.

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    At the end of August, 1988, t h e c o u n t r y ' s e x t e r n a l debt

    s tood of fo.54,817. c r o r e . A q u a r t e r of t h i s r e p r e s e n t s commercial

    b o r r o w i n g s , ;-iuch of t h e c o u n t r y ' s e x t e r n a l l i a b i l i t i e s , have been

    c o n t r a c t e d f o r on c o n c e s s i o n a l t e r m s . I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o n o t e

    t h a t I nd i a i s t h e l a r g e s t r e c i p i e n t of V.'orld Bank c r e d i t . IBRD/IDA

    a s s i s t a n c e , as of June 30, 1987, t o t a l l e d $27,326 m i l l i o n f o r 200 -

    p r o j e c t s .

    The s t o c k of deb t has doubled i n t h e l a s t f i v e y e a r s .

    I n d i a ' s cumula t ive c u r r e n t account d e f i c i t du r ing 1980-86

    amounts t o ? s t a g g e r i n g $15 b i l l i o n . After t h e f i r s t o i l shock i n

    1973-74 , t h e c u r r e n t account r e g i s t e r e d a s u r p l u s i n 1976 and 1977,

    l a r g e l y due t o a b e t t e r expor t performance and h i g h e r r e m i t t a n c e s .

    The second o i l shock i n 1979 proved t o be c r i p p l i n g . In November,

    1 9 8 1 , n e t IMF r e p u r c h a s e s shot up sha rp ly as I n d i a a r r anged a SDR

    5 b i l l i o n f i n a n c i n g .

    The bunch ing-up of IMF repayments and o t h e r l oan a m o r t i s a t i

    w i l l pu t p r e s s u r e on t h e BoP dur ing t h e r e s t of t h e e i g h t i e s , t h e

    government acknowledges . The c o u n t r y ' s debt s e r v i c e r a t i o (DSR) has

    r i s e n a l a r m i n g l y from 10 per cen t i n 1982-83 t o around 24 pe r cen t

    i n 1987-88 . ( i f t h i s f i g u r e i n c l u d e s rupee -based t r a d e wi th t h e

    S o v i e t s , t hen t h e r a t i o w i l l be much h i g h e r ) . A 20 p e r cen t DSR

    i s c o n s i d e r e d to be t h e s a f e t y l i m i t .

    Contd P. 2 .

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  • : : 2 : :

    Declining remittances from the Gulf area, hordening

    o i l prices following the Iron-Iraq ceasefire, poor terms of

    t rade, lacklust re export performance and import l ibera l i sa t ion

    wi l l continue to keep the current account in the red. Not sur-

    pr i s ing ly , the US-based International In s t i t u t e of Finance pro-

    j ec t s India as Asia's largest debtor by 1989-90.

    Many economists tend to passively viev the deficit as

    " s t ruc tu ra l " , i . e . inevitable, for a developing country. Others

    favour a more aggressive policy of r e s t r i c t i ng imports as a way

    of correcting the def ic i t ; they tend to ignore the fact that

    curbing imports may also slow down growth. The def ic i t may be viewer

    from another angle as well . In national accounting terms, i t

    represents a " dissaving ". I t i s , therefore, suggested that

    instead of thinking simply in terms of boosting exports and

    curbing imports, there i s a need to see that investment i s rasde

    more produptive, that IC011 ra t ios come down.

    Meanwhile, with mult i la teral assistance tapering off,

    there i s a strong but so far unsuccessful bid to a t t rac t equifcy

    funds and commercial borrov/ings from abroad. CTRls are a pampered

    lo t these days.')

    Contd P.3 .

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  • • •

  • • * A • •

    Uhat, then, is the alternative? One feeling that is

    increasingly gaining ground is that the government should encourage

    a greater inflow of equity funds. So far, there has only been a

    concerted bid to attract equity funds of a portfolio nature by float-

    ing offshore mutual funds. Very little has been done to attract

    direct equity investment from abroad in the industrial sector. Boost-

    ing direct foreign equity investment is a sensible proposal. Equity

    unlike debt is far cheaper to service. Moreover, it implies a greater

    commitment on the part of the investor. Foreign exchange outflow on

    account of repatriation of devidends should not pose any problem if

    the enterprise in question is able to generate handsome profits,

    particularly on its export operations. Siphoning off foreign exchange

    through dividends is a rainiscule affair compared to the outflow that

    takes place through the transfer pricing operations of multinationals.

    In this connection, it is also important to mention the 40 per cent

    ownership rule for Fera companies. Technology transfer can only be

    facilitated if this rule is relaxed. Otherwise such transfers will

    remain confined to screwdriver technology. How can an investor be

    expected to pass on the fruits of years of R & D if he is not allowed

    a majority stake in the enterprise ?

    OIJE of the consequences of liberalisation is the growing

    "internationolisation" of the economy. JEhe earlier focus in the

    external sector, which was simplistically confined to boosting

    * •

    Contd P.5.

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  • • • s • •

    exports through a variety of fiscal incentives aid restricting

    imports to essential items to conserve foreign exchange, is

    slowly, even if in minute doses, giving way to a more complex

    scenario which calls for a greater economic sophistication in

    managing international capital flows. The Centre's emphasis on

    technological upgradation has led to a variety of foreign colla-

    borations and relaxation of import norms in a bid to accelerate economic growth. The consequent fcise in trade flows has been accom -panied by a corresponding growth in capital flows as well. The

    country's commercial debt has today reached record levels, causing

    apprehensions about the possibility of falling into a debt trap.

    The domestic economy is no longer immune to international

    economic influences as it once was. Like exporters, manufacturers

    and financial institutions are having to learn the lessons of

    survival in a competitive environment that is constantly subject

    to the uncertainties posed by volatile interest and exchange rates.

    The learning process has taken place in fits and starts and has not

    been altogether painless. Manufacturers, particularly in the auto

    industry, are still smarting from the appreciation of the yen in

    recent years. Their low-cost yen loans are no more a bargain.

    However, the picture is not all that dismal. In the

    private sector, .neeveral firms have entered into swap deals to

    manage their interest rate and foreign currency exposure. Their

    timing, in most cases, were impeccable, thanks to their foreign

    bankers. Interest rates, which were seen to have bottomed out,

    suddenly Started inching upwards, prompting the government to

    raise FCNR rates. Companies like Nalco had already entered:: into

    Contci. o P.6,

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  • :: 6 : :

    currency sv/aps to diversify foreign currency obligations. Others

    l ike ICICI have managed to gain entry, albeit indirect ly , into

    the blue-chip Eurobond market. The external sector i s c lear ly i s

    going a t r ans i t iona l phase as the country inches i t s v;ay tov/ards

    a more open and mature tov/ards economy. Changes are always painful

    3ut despite the mixed bo;: of successes enjoyed so far , i t i s def i -

    n i te ly a change for the be t t e r .

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    The I n d o - S r i Lankan accord on r e s o l v i n g the e t h n i c

    problem h a s gene ra t ed a f a v o u r a b l e b u s i n e s s c l ima te

    p r o v i d i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o make a f r e s h beg inn ing for

    s t r e n g t h e n i n g mutua l ly b e n e f i c i a l economic r e l a t i o n s .

    I n d i a n h a s provided Rs. 50 Crore a s s i s t a n c e i n t h e

    c u r r e n t y e a r t o p a r t - f i n a n c e t h e & 700 m i l l i o n t h r e e -

    y e a r r e c o n s t r u c t i o n programme of S r i Lanka fo l lowing t h e

    damage caused by the e t h n i c s t r i f e •

    Both t h e Government have r e a c t l v i s e d t h e J o i n t

    Economic Commission. The Rs. 50 Crore a s s i s t a n c e w i l l be

    i n two p a r t s - Rs. 25 c r o r e of so f t c r e d i t and an equ iva l en t

    amount of g r a n t and a g r e e i n g t o c o l l a b o r a t e i n o i l e x p l o -

    r a t i o n .

    I n d i a n o f f i c i a l s hope t h a t S r i Lanka may soon become

    one of t h e main Asian consumers of I n d i a n eng inee r ing

    g o o d s . The supply of I n d i a n b u s e s i s expec ted t o r i s e by

    1 0 t imes du r ing t h e n e x t coup le of y e a r s a s a r e s u l t of

    t h e a c c e p t a n c e of l i n e s of c r e d i t by some Pr imate t r a n s -

    p o r t e r s i n Lanka .

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  • Good p r o s p e c t s fo r e x p o r t s of K a r u t i 800 and Premier

    model c a r s have a l s o been n o t i c e d . I t i s expected tha t

    t h e t o t a l Indo - S r i Lankan t r a d e w i l l i n c r e a s e s i g n i f i -

    c a n t l y .

    Ah agreement on e s t a b l i s h i n g Ind ian Smal l -Sca le

    p r o j e c t s i n S r i Lanka h a s been s i g n e d , under viiich Ind i a

    w i l l h e l p S r i Lanka se t up 50 such p r o j e c t s i n s e c t o r s

    l i k e p l a s t i c s , automobile components, rubber and c a s t i n g s .

    At t h e end of 1987 , t h e r e were 19 j o i n t ven tu re s

    under i inp lementa t ion i n Sr i Lanka . The I n d i a n inves tment

    i n t h e Eupee currency amounted t o Rs. 7 . 1 8 Crore and in

    f o r e i g n exchange Rs. 5.34 c r o r e , and in f o r e i g n exchange

    Rs. 5 .34 c r o r e , r e p r e s e n t i n g 47 pe rcen t of the t o t a l cos t

    i n v o l v e d i n t h e s e p r o j e c t s .


    Long b e f o r e the formal adopt ion of t h e concept of.

    S a a r e , t h e r e were t r a d e c o n t a c t s between t h e two c o u n t r i e s .

    The two c o u n t r i e s s igned a b i l a t e r a l t r a d e agreement in

    1 9 8 1 , i d e n t i f y i n g t h e v a r i o u s merchandise fo r two-way

    t r a d e .

    ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

  • development. The areas of Cooperation have steadily

    expanded over the years .

    . India and Nepal have set up a joint commission at

    the min i s t e r i a l level to review existing cooperation,

    ways to diversify i t and build i t according to the

    plans and p r i o r i t i e s of the ftepalese Government.

    The two countries have also agreed to promote the i r

    economic and commercial t i e s through joint ventures and

    p r o j e c t s .

    Both sides have also agreed to explore the scope

    for greater Indian part iclpat lcn In projects of Nepal

    in various f i e l d s , including power s ta t ions , transmission

    l i n e s and cement.

    At present, there are II Indian jo int ventures

    and two wholly - owned subsidiaries in Nepal. Of the

    j o i n t ventures, 7 are In the manufacturing sector,

    two in the field of exploration of minerals and one

    each in hote ls and tourisms.

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  • Before 1981, Maldives main imports from India vere

    Sugar', Stone, Sand and gravels, metal manufactures,

    machinery and transport equipment and medicinal products.

    Ind ia ' s imports -were res t r i c ted largely to crude minerals .

    After the conclusion of the trade protocol in 1981,

    Maldives enlarged i t s imports from India to include r i c e ,

    sugar, f l ou r , cement, sa l t and petro products. On the

    Indian s ide , courie sheels and red coral were added t o the

    l i s t of imports from Maldives.

    The opening ~f d i rec t shipping service between India

    and Maldives has given a boost to b i l a t e r i a l cooperation.

    Previously, most of the trade was routed thorugh Singapore.

    There i s scope for further strengthening of economic

    t i e s between the two countr ies . India can lend i t s :

    expert ise to Maldives in construction of hotels & promotion

    of tour i s t s p o t s .

    u E P A L i

    At the beginning, a bulk of Indian and since the early

    f i f t i e s went in to building necessary infrastructure for

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  • The t rade turnover between India and Nepal in

    1986-87 ro se t o Bs. 206.19 c ro re , an increase of 7.4

    pe rcen t over the l e v e l of 1985-86. Vliile the balance

    of t r a d e has been in favour of India cont inuously,

    impor t s from Nepal have a l s o gone up subs t an t i a l l y • •

    i n recent y e a r s . The main items of import are animal

    feed, some chemicals and r e l a t ed products and t e x t i l e

    f a b r i c s *


    T i l l l a s t year , Bangladesh had a vhopping Taka

    953 40 c r o r e t rade d e f i c i t with I n d i a . The Indo -

    Bangladesh j o i n t economic commission i s t ry ing hard

    f o r achieving a s t ab le and balanced growth of t rade

    with an ob jec t ive t o o f f se t t ing the ex i s t ing tracie

    imbalance, adversely af fec t ing Bangladesh.

    Both the coun t r i e s have a long . term arrangement

    f o r c e r t a in commodities l i k e newsprint and r e f r a c t o r i e s

    for which Ind ia has allowed concession for f a c i l i t a t i n g

    imports of Jamdani Sarees and j u t e ca rpe t s from


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  • I n d i a a l s o g ive s a t t r a c t i v e c r e d i t l i n e s t o

    •Bangladesh f o r suppor t ing development a c t i v i t i e s i n

    • that c o u n t r y , Bangladesh h a s a l s o gained from Ind ian

    e x p e r i e n c e i n domes t i c r e s o u r c e s m o b i l i s a t i o n , mana-

    gement of a g r i c u l t u r a l c r e d i t and c r e d i t ope ra t i on in

    Small i n d u s t r i e s .

    However, the economic coope ra t ion between the

    t v o c o u n t r i e s h a s been below e x p e c t a t i o n s . There i s

    an u r g e n t need f o r speed and a c l e a r - c u t r e s u l t o r i e n t e d

    p o l i c e so t h a t t h e advan tages t o be gained from c o o p e r a t i o n

    a r e u t i l i s e d p r o p e r l y .

    At t h e end of 1987 , t h e r e was only one p r o j e c t

    under i m p l e m e n t a t i o n i n t h a t c o u n t r y . The Ind i an I n v e s t -

    ment i n rupee and f o r e i g n exchange amounted r e s p e c t i v e l y

    t o Rs.2.43 c r o r e and Hs. 0 .19 c r o r e , which accounted fo r

    a l i t t l e l e s s than one t h i r d of the p r o j e c t c o s t .

    dllU TAN i

    I n d i a h a s a w ide - r ang ing development a s s i t a n c e

    pr .gramme t o B h u t a n . The Indo-Bhutan Chuldia t r a n s m i s s i o n

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  • l i n k could mark the beginning of a Soarc power g r i d .

    The Chukkha hydro - e l e c t r i c p ro j ec t , set up

    with g ran t s and soft loans from India and with the

    involvement of Indian engineers , i s a mi i fs tone in

    Indo-Bhutan f r i e n d s h i p . India wi l l buy a l l the surplus

    power from the project at mutually agreed r a t e s .

    Ind ia has a l so responded pos i t ive ly to Bhutan's

    suggestion t h a t the in t ake of Bhutanese s tudents for

    t e c h n i c a l t r a i n i n g in Indian col leges should be i nc r ea sed .

    I n d i a cont r ibu tes a subs tan t i a l par t f the Plan

    a l l o c a t i o n and several Indian agencies a s s i s t 3hutan

    o u t s i d e the scope of the p l a n . There i s goodscope for

    Indian en t repreneurs to set up j o i n t ventures in Bhutan

    and e f f o r t s a re underway towards th i s goa l . !


    P o l i t i c a l d i f fe rences and an atmosphere of severe

    d i s t r u s t has impeded the growth of economic cooperation

    between the two count r ies Indian newspapers a re even now

    as much a taboo in Pakis tan as Indian c o a l .

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  • The i n i t i a l keevness shown by Pakistan for b i l a t e r a l

    t r a d e seems to have died down af ter strong p r o t e s t s by

    indus t ry c i r c l e s and some p o l i t i c i a n s in Pakistan that

    such an exchange of items would adversely affect the

    Pak i s t an i i n d u s t r y .

    The two-way t rade between the two coun t r i e s i s a

    mere fc. 50 crore with Pakistan running up a s ign i f i can t

    s u r p l u s . Trade contacts between are mainly confined t o

    Publ ic sec to r agencies while p r iva t e trade has been

    allowed in a l imi ted way.

    However| e f fo r t s are being made to improve t i e s

    and P a k i s t a n ' s expected re turn to democracy has ra i sed

    h o p e s . Another redeeming fea ture has been that Palcistan

    has agreed to give India the most favoured nat ion treatment

    wi thin the framework of Ga t t .


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