economic growth with equity

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  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Economic growth

    Economic growth is a term used toindicate the increase of total GDP.

    It is often measured as the rate ofchange of gross domestic product(GDP). Economic growth refersonly to the quantity of goods andservices produced; it says nothingabout the way in which they areproduced.

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    The World Economic growth

    Total GDP (2008): $70T Population (2009 est.): 6.8B

    GDP per Capita: $10,000 Population Growth: 1.17% GDP Growth (2008 est.): 3.8%

    GDP per capita is probably the best measure of a countrys well being

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Region GDP % of World


    GDP Per


    Real GDP


    United States $14T 20% $47,000 1.3%

    European Union $15T 21% $33,000 1.0%

    Japan $4.3T 6% $34,200 -.4%

    China $7.8T 11% $6,000 9.8%

    India $3.2T 5% $2,800 6.6%

    Ethiopia $66.3B .09% $800 8.5%

    Note. However, that growth rates vary significantly acrosscountries/regions. Do you see a pattern here?

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    ChinaGDP/Capita: $6,000GDP Growth: 9.8%

    United StatesGPD/Capita: $47,000

    GDP Growth: 1.3% ( ) 853,60$013.1000,47$20=

    ( ) 922,38$098.1000,6$ 20 =

    Currently, GDP per capita in the US is around 8 times that in China. However,at the current growth rates, that will shrink to a factor of 1.5 over the next twodecades!
  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    At the current trends, the standard of living in China will surpass that of theUS in 25 years!




  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Income GDP/Capita GDP Growth

    Low $510 6.3%

    Middle $2,190 7.0%

    High $32,040 3.2%

    As a general rule, low income (developing) countries tendto have higher average rates of growth than do highincome countries

    The implication here is that eventually, poorer countries shouldeventually catch up to wealthier countries in terms of per capitaincome a concept known as convergence

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Some countries, however, dont fit the normal pattern of development

    ZimbabweGDP: $2BGDP Per Capita: $200

    GDP Growth: -12.6%

    Macau (China)GDP: $18BGDP Per Capita: $30,000

    GDP Growth: 15%

    It current rates, Per capita income is Macau will quadruple to$120,000 over the next decade. This will make Macau thewealthiest country in the world. Over the same time period, per

    capita GDP in Zimbabwe will drop by roughly 75%to $52!!!

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Elements of economicGrowth

    Poverty Reduction and increase inquantity and quality of employment

    Agricultural Development Social Sector Development

    Reduction in regional disparities

    Protecting the environment

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Trends in Poverty (%): India

    Year Rural Urban Total1973-74 56 49 55

    1983 46 41 45

    1993-94 37 32 362004-05 28 26 28

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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    reduce poverty, eliminate hunger,and raise the standard of living of

    the populationDeclaration of Nuevo Len

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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    Sector 1961 2004-05

    Agriculture 75.9 56.4

    Industry 10.6 18.2

    Tertiary 12.4 25.4

    Total 100.0 100.0

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Problems in Employment

    Share in Output and Employment of different sectors

    Agriculture: 20% in GDP, 57% in Employ.

    Industry: 23% in GDP,18% in Employ.

    Services: 57% in GDP, 25% in Employ. There are 458 million workers in India in 2004-05

    Out of this 423 million workers areinformal/unorganised workers (92%).

    The share of employment in manufacturing in Malaysiais 50%, in Korea 62%, in China 31%. On the otherhand, the share of employment in manufacturing inIndia is only 12%

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Agriculture--Deceleration in growth from 3.5% during 1981-97 to 2%

    during 1997-2005. Decline in yield growth. -- Land and water problems, vulnerability to world

    commodity prices, farmers suicides, 45% of farmerswant to leave agri but no where to go. India currentlyproduces about 50 million tonnes of fruits and 90 milliontonnes of vegetables. Only 2% of these are processedas against 23% in China, 78% in Phillippines, 83% inMalaysia.

    Half of those engaged in agriculture are still illiterate andjust 5% have completed higher secondary educ.

    Even in 2004-05, around 60% of rural male workers and85% of rural female workers are either illiterate oreducated upto primary level.

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Social Development

    In social sector, significant achievements ineducation and health

    However, Human development index rank is

    127 out of 170 countries. Slow progress Significant regional, social and gender


    Low level and slow growth in publicexpenditures particularly on health Poor quality delivery systems Privatization of Health and Education

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    Regional Disparities

    Per capita income : Highest per capita incomeRs.16,679 in Punjab; lowest per capita incomestate Rs.3557 in Bihar

    Female literacy varies from 33.6% in Bihar to 88%in Kerala

    In general, richer states grew faster than the poorerstates.

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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    Environment Degradation of land, water. Increase in pollution levels

    Challenges of climate change.

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


    [email protected]

    What Should be done to improveinclusive growth?

    Equity is important for economic development Agricultural Development Economic reforms are important. But macro-poor

    policies (fiscal, trade, financial, monetary etc.)

    should have pro-poor focus Development of manufacturing sector is important forcreation of productive employment

    Equality of opportunities (education) Shift focus of reforms to delivery systems

    Importance of womens economic and socialempowerment

    Rights approach (civil, political and economic)

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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    There is a need to have a broad based and inclusivegrowth to benefit all sections of society and improveeconomic growth.

    It is more challenging for the country to achieve

    inclusive growth than getting 8 to 10 per cent growthin GDP There is also an economic argument. The measures

    which raise equity also promote economic growth. Lastly, the political argument is that no government in a

    democracy can afford to ignore large sections ofworkers and non-working population.

  • 8/14/2019 Economic Growth With Equity


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