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Page 1: Economic-statistical design of adaptive X-bar control chart: a Taguchi loss function … · 2020-04-25 · 2.2. Taguchi loss

Scientia Iranica E (2014) 21(3), 1096{1104

Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

Transactions E: Industrial

Economic-statistical design of adaptive X-bar controlchart: a Taguchi loss function approach

F. Amiri�;1, K. Noghondarian and R. Noorossana

Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, 1684613114, Iran.

Received 30 January 2013; received in revised form 19 March 2013; accepted 9 June 2013

KEYWORDSAdaptive controlchart;Variable sample size;Variable samplinginterval;Taguchi loss function;Economic-statisticaldesign.

Abstract. Along with the widespread use of Taguchi methods in product design,de�nition of the loss function has been integrated with numerous models which requirequality cost estimation. In this paper, the economic-statistical design of a variablesampling X-bar control chart is extended using the Taguchi loss function to improve charte�ectiveness from a quality cost point of view. The e�ectiveness of the proposed schemesis evaluated by comparing optimal expected costs and statistical performance with eachother and with the �xed sampling policy. Results indicate a satisfactory performance forthe proposed models.

c 2014 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Variability is an intrinsic characteristic of any produc-tion or service process. Generally speaking, processvariation can be classi�ed into two major categoriesof common cause and special cause. The commonor chance cause variation is an inherent part of anyprocess and can only be altered if the process natureitself is altered. On the other hand, special orassignable causes of variation are unusual disruptionsin the process which should be removed immediatelyin order to bring the process under statistical control.The principal function of a control chart is to help themanagement distinguish between these two di�erentsources of variation.

To design a control chart to monitor a process,sample size (n), sampling interval (h), and controllimit coe�cient (k) should be determined. A control

1. Present address: Kermanshah University of Technology,Kermanshah, 6376667178, Iran.

*. Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 73225015;Fax: +98 21 73225098E-mail addresses: f [email protected] (F. Amiri);[email protected] (K. Noghondarian);[email protected] (R. Noorossana).

char is referred to as Fixed Ratio Sampling (FRS),when samples of �xed size at �xed sampling intervalsare obtained from the process. When any of theseparameters are allowed to vary, then the control chartis referred to as an adaptive control chart. Adap-tive control charts lead to improved statistical resultscompared to sixed ratio sampling control charts [1,2].Variable Sample Size (VSS), Variable Sampling In-terval (VSI), and Variable Sample Size and Sam-pling Interval (VSSI) are examples of adaptive controlschemes.

Statistical and economical designs of controlcharts are two main approaches to design an optimumcontrol chart. The statistical approach focuses on chartstatistical performance. However, in the economicdesign of control charts, the emphasis is on economicissues, such as the cost associated with sampling andinspection, the cost associated with investigating anout-of-control signal and repairing the process, andthe cost associated with producing nonconformingproducts. In order to design a control scheme with im-proved performance, with respect to both viewpoints,the economic-statistical design of control schemes wasproposed by researchers.

Bai and Lee [3] proposed the �rst economic design

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of an X control chart with a VSI scheme. The economicdesign of a VSS Shewhart chart was developed byPark and Reynolds [4]. Economically designed VSSIShewhart charts were considered by Das and Jain [5]and Park and Reynolds [4]. Yu and Chen [6] focusedon designing a VSI X control chart in a continuousprocess. Lin et al. [7] and Chen and Yeh [8] extendedthe economic design of adaptive control charts forthe case of non-normal observations. Several studiescontributed to the development of the economic designof adaptive control charts [1,3,9-15].

Moreover, the Taguchi loss function, which con-siders loss to society as a quadratic function of productquality, has been used by many researchers to developcontrol schemes. This is in concordance with themain principle of six sigma methodology, where themain object is to reduce deviations around the tar-get. Several researchers have applied the loss functionapproach in the economic design of control charts.Alexander et al. [16] studied an economic model for anX control chart with the Taguchi loss function. Sereland Moskowitz [17] used the Taguchi loss function todevelop the joint economic design of an ExponentiallyWeighted Moving Average (EWMA) for mean andvariance. Niaki et al. [18,19] extended the Lorenzen-Vance [20] cost function using the multivariate Taguchiloss approach. Recently, Yeong et al. [21] studied eco-nomic and economic statistical designs of the syntheticchart using loss functions.

This paper focuses on extending the X controlchart with an adaptive scheme considering the Taguchiquality loss function. The remainder of this paperis organized as follows. In Section 2, the adaptiveX control chart is developed. Section 3 describesthe proposed algorithm. In Section 4, an illustrativeexample is given to evaluate the performance of theproposed methodology. Our conclusion is provided inthe �nal section.

2. Adaptive X control chart

In an adaptive X control chart, in addition to theusual control limit with coe�cient LX , a warning limit,denoted by wX , is considered. In the VSSI scheme, usu-ally, two sampling intervals, h2 < h1, and two samplesizes, n1 < n2 , are used. Sampling size and samplinginterval are established based on the position of the �rstsampling statistic on the chart. In this regard, if theprior sample mean (i � 1) falls in the warning region,the chart design (n2; h2; LX ; wX) should be used forthe current sample point (i). Alternatively, if the priorsample point (i � 1) falls in the central region, thechart design (n1; h1; LX ; wX) should be employed forthe current sample point (i). When n1 = n2 = n andh2 < h1, then, VSSI X simpli�es to the VSI X chart.When n1 < n < n2and h1 = h2 = h, the VSSI X chart

reduces to the VSS X chart. Hence, the VSSI controlscheme can be de�ned as follows:

(hi;ni; LX ; wX) =((h1; n1; LX ; wX) if Xi�12 central region(h2; n2; LX ; wX) if �Xi�12 warning region(1)

An important statistical measure, which deter-mines the performance of an adaptive control chart, isthe adjusted average time to signal or AATS. If theassignable cause occurs according to an exponentialdistribution with parameter �, then, the expected timeinterval in which the process remains in control is 1=�.Hence, AATS can be de�ned as:

AATS = ATC � 1�; (2)

where the Average Time of Cycle (ATC) is the av-erage time from the start of production until the�rst signal after the process shift. The memoryless property of the exponential distribution allowsthe computation of the ATC using the Markov chainapproach [22].

2.1. Markov chain approachAccording to the VSSI scheme, at each sampling stage,one of the following transient states is met, accordingto the status of the process (in or out-of-control), sizeof the sample (small or large) and sampling frequency(short or long). The process is in state 1, if the priorsample point (i � 1) falls in the central region or theprocess is actually in-control.

State 1: Position of sample statistic is jZj � w andthe process is in-control;

State 2: Position of sample statistic is w < jZj � kand the process is in-control;

State 3: Position of sample statistic is jZj � w andthe process is out-of-control;

State 4: Position of sample statistic is w < jZj � kand the process is out-of-control;

State 5: Position of sample statistic is jZj > k andthe process is out-of-control (true alarm state).

If the position of the sample statistic is jZj > kwhile the process status is out-of-control, then a truealarm is signaled and the absorbing state (State 5) isarrived. In order to model the VSSI scheme based onthe Markov chain approach, transition probabilities, pij(i is the prior state and j is the current state), should bede�ned. The transition probability matrix, P = [pij ],is given as follows:

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p =

266664p11 p12 p13 p14 p15p21 p22 p23 p24 p250 0 p33 p34 p350 0 p43 p44 p450 0 0 0 1

377775 ; (3)

where the transition probabilities are de�ned as:

p11 = Pr(jZj � wj jZj � k)� e��h1 ;

p12 = Pr(w < jZj � kj jZj � k)� e��h2 ;

p13 = Pr(jZj � wj jZj � k)� (1� e��h1);

p14 = 1� p11 � p12 � p13;

p21 = Pr(jZj � wj jZj � k)� e��h1 ;

p22 = Pr(w < jZj � kj jZj � k)� e��h2 ;

p23 = Pr(jZj � wj jZj � k)� (1� e��h1);

p24 = 1� p21 � p22 � p23;

p31 = p32 = 0;

p33 = Pr(jY j � wjY � N(�pn1; 1));

p34 = Pr(w < jY j � kjY � N(�pn1; 1));

p35 = 1� p33 � p34;

p41 = p42 = 0;

p43 = Pr(jY j � wjY � N(�pn1; 1));

p44 = Pr(w < jY j � kjY � N(�pn2; 1));

p45 = 1� p43 � p44: (4)

The product of the average number of visiting atransient state and the corresponding sampling intervaldetermines the period, ATC.

ATC = b0(I�Q)�1h; (5)

where I is the identity matrix of order four; b0 =(p11; p12; p13; p14) is the vector of starting probability;and Q is the transition matrix without elements asso-ciated with the absorbing state. h0 = (h1; h2; h1; h2)is the vector of sampling intervals corresponding to thetransient states. The average number of samples (ANS)in the VSSI scheme is determined as follows:

ANS = b0(I�Q)�1�; (6)

where �0 = (n1; n2; n1; n2) is the vector of the samplesizes corresponding to the transition states. The

expected number of false alarms per cycle is given inEq. (7):

ANS = b0(I�Q)�1f; (7)

where f = (�1; �2; 0; 0) is the vector of false alarmsprobabilities in each transition state.

2.2. Taguchi loss functionIn Taguchi philosophy, a loss incurs when the qualitycharacteristic of interest deviates from its target value.The purpose of loss function is to re ect the economicloss associated with variations and deviations fromthe target. Variation reduction is equivalent to lowerloss and higher quality. Computation of productioncosts based on quadratic loss function, to economicallydesign control charts, has been suggested by many au-thors [16,19,23-27]. In this paper, we also use Taguchiloss function, de�ned as L(X) = K(X�T )2, whereX isa key quality characteristic, K is a positive coe�cient,and T is the target. Suppose the speci�cation limitsfor the quality characteristic of interest are T �� andthe cost of rework or scrap for one unit of product isA. The coe�cient, K, is de�ned as K = A

�2 .When the process is in control, the quality charac-

teristic, X, follows a normal distribution with mean �0and variance �2

0 . It is desirable for the location of thein-control mean to coincide with the target location.However, if �0 is di�erent from T , a �xed bias impactsall manufactured items. The expected quality cost perunit of product when the process is in control, J0,is [27]:

J0 =+1Z�1

K(x� T )2f(x)dx =+1Z�1

K(x� �0 + �0 � T )2

f(x)dx = K[�20 + (�0 � T )2]: (8)

When an assignable cause occurs, the process meanshifts to �1 = �0 + �0. The expected quality cost perunit when the process is out of control, J1, is given by:

J1 =+1Z�1

K(x� �1 + �1 � T )2f(x)dx


K(x� �0 � ��0 + �0 + ��0 � T )2f(x)dx

= K[�20 + (�0 � T )2 + �2�2

0 � 2��0(�0 � T )]: (9)

2.3. Cost modelFollowing renewal reward process assumption, the ex-pected quality cost per hour is computed as the ratioof the expected cost per cycle to the expected cycle

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time. A quality cycle consists of one period when theprocess is in-control and two periods during an out-of-control state. The expected length of a quality cycle iscalculated as follows:

ET = ATC + T0 �ANF + T1: (10)

ET is composed of the in-control portion (includinginterruptions for false alarms) and the time to locateand repair the process, T1. T0 is the average time tosearch when the process is in-control.

The costs of producing nonconformities whilein- and out-of-control, sampling and inspection costs,costs of false alarms, and locating and removing anassignable cause are elements of the expected costper cycle. Each individual cost element is derived asfollows:

EC =C0(1=�) + C1 � (AATS) + s�ANS

+ f0 �ANF +W; (11)

where s is the sampling cost, f0 is the cost of falsealarms, and W is the cost associated with locatingand repairing the process. Moreover, C0 and C1 arethe expected costs associated with producing non-conformities while the process is in-control and out-of-control, respectively. If p units are produced per hour,then, C0 = J0p and C1 = J1p. The expected cost perhour incurred by the process can be obtained as:


: (12)

In the economic-statistical design of an adaptive Xcontrol chart, the design vector consists of controllimits, LX , warning lines, wX , sample sizes, n1 and n2,and sampling frequencies, h1 and h2. The objective isto �nd a design vector that minimizes EA, subject tosome constraints. Hence, the optimization problem canbe de�ned as:

Min EA(n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX)

Subject to :



hmin � h2 < h1 � hmax;

0 < w < L � Lmax;

1 � n1 < n2 � nmax (integers): (13)

In the optimization model, constraints ANF � ANFMand AATS � AATSM are added to form the best

protection against false alarms and to detect processshifts as quickly as possible. The minimum andmaximum values of possible sampling intervals betweensuccessive samples, hmin and hmax, are added to keepthe chart more practical. In this research, the values ofhmin = 0:01 and hmax = 8 are used because samplingintervals less than 0.01 and greater than 8 hours maybe awkward in a work shift.

3. Solution algorithm

The economic-statistical optimization model has somediscrete and continuous decision variables. Hence,the Genetic Algorithm (GA), which has been usedin several studies, can be considered to optimize thisproblem [19,27-31]. The objective of GA is to obtaina global optimum solution. GA starts to generate anew generation or population using a collection of smallpossible solutions in a parallel process. The quality ofsolutions presented by GA depends on GA parameters.GA parameters are population size (Npop), crossover(CP), Number of Elite (NE), Number of Generations(GN), and mutation rate. The key parameters, whichshould be determined at the beginning of the algorithmand should be used while applying the algorithm, aredescribed below.

GA starts to work using some possible initialsolutions referred to as \initial population". Eachpopulation has Npop chromosomes, which are producedfrom the solution. In this research, each chromosomeconsists of �ve genes, each of which is representative ofa decision variable. The decision variable of the modelincludes (n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX).

The cost function is calculated for the chromo-somes of each generation. The best chromosomes willbe selected for crossover purposes. Each generationincludes the Xkeep superior chromosome and Npop �Xkeep children, which have been generated through thecrossover.

The mutation operator is employed to preventthe GA from converging into a local optimum value.Selected chromosomes for mutation are not among thebest of each generation essentially. The elite of eachgeneration will be transferred directly to the next gen-eration to prevent losing the best chromosomes. Theelitism operator is actually a method for maintainingthe best chromosomes of each generation. After themutation, for each chromosome, the cost function willbe calculated. Then, the chromosomes will be ranked.The stopping criterion, the number of iterations inthe algorithm, will be investigated, and the loop willcontinue until an optimum solution is obtained.

In the algorithm developed in this paper, mu-tation rate is considered a liner combination of theother parameters. The optimized combination of GAparameters is often accomplished using a trial and

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error method, which is a hard process, due to themultiplicity of possible states. The optimum valuesfor four GA parameters have been determined usingTaguchi orthogonal array. Many analysts in the�eld of Economic-Statistical Design (ESD) of controlcharts have already recommended using this method todetermine the optimum value of GA parameters [22,29].Nine combinations of control parameters in three dif-ference levels will be considered by L9 orthogonal array.Table 1 shows the value for each of the parameters.

The algorithm iterated three times (Y 1,Y 2, andY 3) for each of the levels. Then the results are obtainedfrom running the algorithm for 27 times. Since theobjective function for the problem is a minimizingone, the signal-to-noise ratio (SN), de�ned as below,is calculated to evaluate the results of the experiments.

SN = �10 log�



Y 2i

�: (14)

In Eq. (14), r is the number of replicates for each level.Solution values for each level of parameters and the SNvalue for each level is tabulated in Table 2. The sumof the SN ratio for each level of the GA parameters is

shown in Table 3. The optimized combination of thelevels of four GA parameters, Npop = 500, CF = 0:5,NE = 6 and NG = 100, are recommended, based onthe maximum of SN for each level.

4. Numerical analysis

To illustrate the application of the developed adaptiveX control chart, numerical analysis has been under-taken. Logical ranges for each of the control chartparameters: Sampling size, sampling interval, andcontrol limit coe�cient range, have been consideredto be [1,30],[0.1,8] and [1,5], respectively. Cost andprocess parameters are as follows: Sampling cost iss = 5$, cost of detecting a reasonable deviation isW = 1000$, cost of false signal is f0 = 1500, averagetime to search for a false signal is T0 = 5 hour, and theaverage time to detect the deviations and modify theprocess is T1 = 2 hour; process mean increases by 1.5standard deviation (� = 1:5).

Also, the quadratic loss function coe�cient isK = 1, the actual process average is equal to thecharacteristic's target value, and the process varianceis �2

0 = 1. The average process in-control period is

Table 1. Levels for each of the model parameters.

Parameter Range Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Population size (Npop) 100-900 100 500 900

Crossover Fraction (CF) 0.1-0.9 0.1 0.50 0.90

Number of Elites (NE) 4-10 4 6 10

Number of Generations (NG) 50-150 50 100 150

Table 2. The objective values for each level of GA parameters.

Runs Npop CF NE NG Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 SN

1 100 0.10 2 50 121.848 123.106 123.106 -41.7760

2 100 0.50 6 100 121.848 123.106 121.848 -41.7463

3 100 0.90 10 150 123.106 123.106 123.106 -41.8056

4 500 0.10 6 150 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

5 500 0.50 10 50 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

6 500 0.90 2 100 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

7 900 0.10 10 100 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

8 900 0.50 2 150 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

9 900 0.90 6 50 121.848 121.848 121.848 -41.7164

Table 3. The sum of SN ratio for each level of GA parameters.


Level 1 -125.3279 -125.2088 -125.2088 -125.2088

Level 2 -125.1491* -125.1790* -125.1790* -125.1790*

Level 3 -125.1491* -125.2383 -125.2383 -125.2383

* largest sum of SN ratio for each parameter within di�erent levels [33].

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equal to 100. If the production rate is equal to Pr =100, the production cost for each defective product,while the process is under in-control and out-of-controlconditions, will be equal to C0 = 100J0 and C1 =100J1, respectively.

In the proposed model, solutions are evaluatedbased on the objective function of quality costs. Theminimum cost solution for �xed ratio sampling is(n; h; LX) = (4; 8:0; 2:15), with the cost equal to$119.50, where the average number of false signalsis equal to ANFClassic = 0:375, and the adjustedaverage time to signal is equal to AATSClassic = 60:0hours. However, the VSSI scheme solution vector is(n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX). The optimum economic costsachieved by solution vector (n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX) =(1; 22; 8:00; 8:00; 2:43; 1:30), which will result in a costequal to $118.60. In this scheme, ANFVSSI = 0:183 andAATSVSSI = 46:55 hours are obtained. The optimumVSI scheme is equal to (n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX) =(4; 4; 8:00; 0:10; 2:19; 1:75). This scheme results in acost equal to $119.45, ANFVSI =0:361, and AATSVSI =56:69 hours. On the other hand, the optimum economiccost of the VSS scheme achieved by the solution vector(n1; n2; h1; h2; LX ; wX) = (1; 23; 8:00; 8:00; 2:44; 1:23)is $118.60 per hour, with ANFVSS = 0:177 andAATSVSS = 46:63 hours.

Comparison of the adaptive schemes with the FRSscheme shows the e�ciency of the proposed model.Cost reduction due to using the VSSI plan is equalto 119:50�118:60

119:50 = 0:8%. Furthermore, the averagenumber of false signals has remarkably decreased toANFVSSI = 0:183 from ANFClassic = 0:375 (51.20% improvement). The AATSClassic = 60:0 hours has

reduced to AATSVSSI = 46:55 hours, which indicates22.42% improvement. For this process shift size, theVSS scheme performs as well as the VSSI scheme, interms of both cost and statistical measures. The VSIscheme shows better performance compared to the FRSscheme, but the di�erence is not signi�cant. Since acontrol chart is designed to detect a variety of shift sizesin the process mean, other shift sizes need to be inves-tigated and this will be examined in the next section.

5. Sensitivity analysis

Investigation of the e�ects of changes in the esti-mated values of model parameters has been recom-mended in previous studies [19,32]. In this section,the e�ect of the process mean shift of sizes � 2f0; 5; 1; 0; 1; 5; 2; 0; 2; 5; 3; 0g will be evaluated.

The optimum solutions of adaptive schemes fordi�erent process mean shift sizes are tabulated inTables 4 to 6. As shown in Table 4, the correspondingcost for small process mean shifts is less than the costvalue for larger shift values. However, the proposedmodel o�ers better AATS for larger shift values, whichwill result in early identi�cation of assignable causes.

Also, the optimum solutions of the classic schemeare evaluated for di�erent process mean shift sizes. Thee�ect of process mean shift on the optimum solutionof the classic scheme is summarized in Table 7. Theperformance of each adaptive scheme when the processis facing di�erent shift sizes can be concluded bycomparing these results. To better understand thedi�erence in each scheme, the cost and AATS of eachscheme are compared in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

Table 4. E�ect of process mean shift on the optimum solution of the VSI scheme.

� n1 n2 h1 h2 LX wX ANF AATS EA

0.5 4 4 8.00 0.10 2.19 1.75 0.361 56.69 119.461.0 7 7 8.00 0.10 2.79 1.34 0.078 5.87 120.141.5 4 4 4.53 0.10 3.08 1.38 0.054 2.88 120.782.0 3 3 2.86 0.10 3.32 1.62 0.035 1.67 121.462.5 2 2 1.86 0.10 3.39 1.65 0.040 1.10 121.853.0 2 2 1.52 0.10 3.61 2.05 0.021 0.83 123.09

Table 5. E�ect of process mean shift on the optimum solution of the VSS scheme.

� n1 n2 h1 h2 LX wX ANF AATS EA

0.5 1 22 8.00 8.00 2.43 1.30 0.183 46.55 118.60

1.0 5 11 7.73 0.10 3.01 1.39 0.040 6.22 119.65

1.5 3 6 3.80 0.10 3.33 1.51 0.026 2.70 120.14

2.0 2 4 2.28 0.10 3.51 1.61 0.021 1.56 120.56

2.5 1 3 1.25 0.10 3.70 1.61 0.019 1.02 120.77

3.0 1 2 1.07 0.10 3.64 1.68 0.028 0.75 121.28

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Table 6. E�ect of process mean shift on the optimum solution of the VSSI scheme.

� n1 n2 h1 h2 LX wX ANF AATS EA0.5 1 23 8.00 8.00 2.44 1.32 0.177 46.63 118.601.0 8 14 8.00 8.00 2.51 1.57 0.145 7.43 121.771.5 6 9 5.06 5.06 2.75 2.02 0.116 3.49 123.122.0 4 6 3.05 3.05 2.95 2.23 0.103 2.00 123.962.5 3 4 2.13 2.13 3.10 2.36 0.089 1.31 124.593.0 2 3 1.41 1.41 3.19 2.33 0.101 0.92 124.90

Table 7. E�ect of process mean shift on the optimumsolution of classic scheme.


0.5 4 8.00 2.15 0.375 60.00 119.501.0 10 8.00 2.49 0.153 6.74 122.061.5 6 5.07 2.69 0.139 3.53 123.252.0 4 3.06 2.90 0.121 2.02 124.072.5 3 2.13 3.07 0.099 1.32 124.663.0 2 1.41 3.14 0.121 0.93 125.06

Figure 1. Comparison of cost in adaptive and classicschemes.

As shown in Figures 1 and 2, when a small shift(i.e. 0.5 standard deviation) incurs in the process,VSSI and VSS perform better compared to VSI andclassic schemes. However, when the process is facedwith moderate or large shift sizes (i.e. 1 or 2 standarddeviation), VSSI and VSI schemes are always superiorto VSS and classic schemes, in terms of both cost andAATS.

6. Conclusions

In this research, adaptive X control charts are devel-oped to monitor process mean, while process operatingcosts and deviation from the target are considered

Figure 2. Comparison of AATS in adaptive and classicschemes.

simultaneously. The relationship between process mon-itoring costs and deviations from the designed targetvalue is incorporated in the model considering Taguchiloss function. Adaptive schemes, consisting of VSS,VSI, and VSSI schemes, are compared with the classicFRS scheme. Evaluation of the optimum solutionsshows that shift size in the process mean in uencesexpected cost, as well as adjusted average time tosignal. The proposed adaptive schemes remarkablyimprove both quality cost and alarm rates. Sensitivityanalyses of the proposed model show that VSSI andVSS perform better in comparison to VSI and classicschemes when the chart is optimized for identifyingsmall shifts in the process. However, VSSI andVSI schemes are always better than VSS and classicschemes when the process is facing moderate or largeshift sizes. Hence, one can conclude that the proposedadaptive schemes are superior to the FRS scheme, inboth aspects of process monitoring costs and statisticalmeasures.


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Farzad Amiri received a BS degree in Civil Engineer-ing from Bu-Ali-Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, in1994, an MS degree in Industrial Engineering (SystemManagement and Productivity), in 2004, from theUniversity of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran,where he is currently pursuing a PhD degree. He is alsoAssistant Professor of Industrial Engineering at theUniversity of Kermanshah, Iran. His research interests

include quality, statistical quality control, simulationand project management. He is member of the IranianIndustrial Engineering Society, Project ManagementSociety and Civil Engineering Society.

Kazem Noghondarian received a BS degree in Busi-ness Administration from the University of Nevada,USA, an MS degree in Industrial Engineering fromArizona State University, USA, and a PhD degree inMechanical Engineering from the University of BritishColombia, USA. He is currently Assistant Professor ofIndustrial Engineering at Iran University of Scienceand Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran. He has pub-lished over 30 research papers. His research interests in-clude statistical quality control, design of experiments,econometrics and intelligent quality engineering.

Rassoul Noorossana received his BS degree in En-gineering from Louisiana State University, USA, in1983, and MS and PhD degrees in Engineering Man-agement and Applied Statistics from the University ofLouisiana, in 1986 and 1990, respectively. He is cur-rently Professor of Applied Statistics at Iran Universityof Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. His primaryresearch interests include statistical process control,process optimization, statistical pro�le monitoring, andstatistical analysis. He is Editor of the Journal ofIndustrial Engineering International and serves on theeditorial review board of many other journals. Heis also senior member of the American Society forQuality, Iranian Society for Quality, Iranian StatisticalAssociation, and the Industrial Engineering Society.