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2013 Eco Code Respect all environments. Keep our world a tidy place. Recycle as many materials as possible. Recycling is very important. Keep the schools energy bills low by turning off the lights or any other

electrical objects. Turn off any taps that are not in use. Water is the most treasured thing on

our planet. Do not waste it! To save petrol: walk, cycle or join a walking bus. Don’t forget “5 a day” and plenty of water. Exercise is important too! Respect our playground including our plants. When people from around the world visit our school make them feel

welcome, safe and appreciated.


Created by the Eco Club in September 2012

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Eco Messages


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Eco Topics


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Our Activities

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Energy, water and transport


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Eco Schools Action Plan


Target ActionWho’s

ResponsibleCost Timescale

How will we measure progress?

School Grounds/quiet area

To remove all rotten planters and replace with eco friendly alternatives.

Whole school to generate designs.Eco Committee.SMT.

Awaiting quotations

End of Summer term.

Photographsdiarycomparison of old and new.

School Grounds

To complete murals for walls in yard.

Liz Clement to given time to complete the project with children.

£200 End of summer term Photographs before and after.

Water conservation

Water bottles to be used in toilet cisterns to reduce amount of water used when flushing.Information given to school during assembly.

Mr Derby and after school eco club.

N/A During spring term and summer term

Data and presentation.

Energy conservation

Temperature to be taken in various classrooms. Radiators to be turned off if too warm.Meter readings to be taken regularly.

Mr Evans and year 5EMrs Phillips, Mrs Ford, Jade and Celyn

N/A Spring termThroughout the year.

Data to be collected and presented through Excell.

Transport Survey to be completed during maths lessons of how children travel to school.Arrange “Walking bus”

Mrs May and yr5/6 maths group.

N/A Spring and summer term.

Data to be collected and presented through Excell and compared to previous years.

Spreading the message to the wider community

Lakefield Star – termly school newspaper. Copies distrubuted to local businesses, parents and on school website and shared e-twinning space linked with commenius project.Questionnaire to be devised by after school club.Children to be taken to town to ask members of public their opinions.Letters to parents written by Eco CommitteeCommenius Project.To obtain grant for project.

Mrs Kenny and year 6Mrs Phillips (Comenius)Mrs May, Mrs Button and after school club.Eco CommitteeMrs Phillips

Paper and printing costsN/A

TermlyJanuary 2012

Children to ask parents and local business for their opinions.Results of questionnaires.Grant obtained July2012

International links.

Commenius project 2012 – 2014 Pathways to discovery. See application form for timetable of events and productivity.Project meetings with other countries across Europe.To register and begin the process of becoming a Fair Trade School

Mrs Phillips, all staff, pupils and local community.Staff, pupils and governing body.Mrs May & Mrs Phillips

On-going September 2012 – June 2014February 2012

Products, visits, mid term evaluation, final evaluation report.

Cross curricular mapping to ensure all 8 topics are being covered.

Template to be drawn up, all staff to map activites linked to the environment. This will include Cornerstones, literacy, numeracy and other school based activites.

All teaching staff N/A September 2012 – July 2013

Examples of work for school portfolio.

We are taking greater

responsibility for developing ideas and making sure things happen.

We want to make the world we live in a better place

to live.

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2013: Big ProjectImproving the School Grounds

Our St David’ s Day competition was to design a new Quiet Area.Our Eco Club have met with a local business to discuss ideas.During Half Term, we hope new moving planters will be ready for the school.


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Comenius Project: 2013-2014


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Curriculum WorkYear 3 studied Welsh History via Celts and Romans incorporates Cwricwlwm Cymreig.Celebrate festivals such St David’s Day and Diwali to encompass the multi cultural society.All displays incorporate the work of the children!


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ConclusionThe work we do with Eco Schools has become very important to us.

All the children in school are aware of how important it is to look after our school, environment and the world.

We try to take the message home to our parents and extended families.

WE are the future of this world, so we need to take care of it.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to us.