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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Daniel Klein Iván Cruz Ceballos Museo del Arte Precolombino


Referencias Cummins, Tom 2003 Nature as Culture ’s Representation: A Change of Focus in Late Formative Iconography. In Archaeology of Formative Ecuador, J.S. Raymond and R. Burger eds., J. Quilter general editor, pp. 423-464. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Washington D.C. Hauser, Arnold 1999 (1951) The Social History of Art. Vol I From Prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. Routledge, London. Lathrap, Donald 1970 The Upper Amazon. Thames and Hudson, London Peterson, Emil 1984 Morteros Ceremoniales : The Early Developement and Distribution of a Decorated Stone Bowl Tradition in Northwest South America. In : Social and Economic Organization in the Prehispanic Andes. D.L. Broman, R.L. Burger, and M.A. Rivera, eds. Pp. 21-21. Oxford : B.A.R. International Series 194. Rojas Ponce, Pedro 1985 La Huaca Huayurco, Jaén. In Historia de Cajamarca, Vol. 1, Arqueología, compiled by F. Silva Santiesteban et al, Instituto Nacional de Cultura , pp. 181-186. Cajamarca. Rowe, John H. 1962 Chavin Art: An inquiry into its Form and Meaning. The Museum of Primitive Art, New York. 1967 Form and Meaning in Chavin Art. In Peruvian Archaeology, Selected readings, J. H. Rowe y D. Menzel eds., pp. 72-103, Peek Publications, Palo Alto. Staller, John 1994 Late Valdivia Occupation in Southern Coastal El Oro Province, Ecuador: Excavations at the Early Formative Period (3500-1500 B.C.):Site of La Emerenciana. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,. Tello, Julio 1942 Origen y Desarrollo de las Civilizaciones Prehistóricas. Actas del XXVII Congreso de Americanistas (1939).Librería e Imprenta Gil, Lima. 1960 Chavín Cultura Matriz de la Civilización Andina. Publicación Antropológica del Archivo « Julio C. Tello » UNMSM, II, Lima. Varichon, Anne 2005 Couleurs, Pigments et teintures dans les mains des peuples, Editions du Seuil, Paris. Valdez, Francisco, Jean Guffroy, Geoffroy de Saulieu, Julio Hurtado y Alexandra Yepéz 2005 Découverte d’un site cérémoniel formatif sur le versant oriental des Andes. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences de l’Institut de France. Palevol 4: 369–374 Zeidler, James 1988 Feline Imagery, Stone Mortars, and Formative Period Interaction Spheres in the Northern Andean Area. Journal of Latin American Lore 14 :2, Pp. 243-283.