ecuador - outlet viajes€¦ · acco modation: aranwa sacred valley hotel & w ellness arrive by...

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Page 1: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the


four worlds, one country

/outletvecuador /outlet-viajes/outletvecuador


Page 2: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the


Amazon Region Pacific Coast


Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands






Baños de Agua Santa



Spondylus Route

Puerto LópezQuilotoa








South America, on the

Pacific Coast.


Visas are not required for

European, American, Canadian, Japanese,

Scandinavian and Latin American citizens

USD (American Dollar)



120V. 60HZ


An all-year-round destination. Ecuador has two main seasons: the rainy season

and the dry season. However, climate in varies due to factors such as altitude

and proximity to the equator. Even during the rainy season, most days are

sunny with scattered and intense showers in the afternoon.

Page 3: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

Outlet Viajes is an incoming tour operator that offers

bespoke DMC services in Ecuador and other Latin

American destinations. We are part of the business

group Salmor - Metropromociones, a leader in the

Ecuadorian tourism industry with over 40 years of


We are based in Quito, Ecuador and we are a local

female managed company committed to providing

the best itineraries and experiences for both

travellers and travel partners who are looking for an

authentic experience on their next trip to Ecuador

and Latin America.

As your DMC partner, we will provide you all the

support to serve your needs in a promptly and

efficient manner. We are flexible and creative and

know very well our destination. We are not property

owners offering DMC services, so we are fully

committed in offering you the best products for your

client’s interests and budget ensuring an enjoyable

and safe journey. We offer top professional advice,

and work with a carefully select network of service

providers and the highest-level technical team. Our

parent company Salmor - Metropromociones is the


Laguna Yahuarcocha,

Page 4: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

leading travel wholesaler in the country so we

understand from your point of view the importance

of finding a reliable DMC partner in every

destination. This also allows us to extend our service

to other Latin American countries through local

partners that have worked with us for over a decade.

If you are looking for established yet innovative

itineraries, we have designed for 2020 an exciting

selection of luxury, premier and active travel

expeditions including self-drive tours along the

Avenue of the Volcanoes or a “foodie” oriented trip

to discover a new wave of ambitious and creative

Ecuadorian chefs. Together with our partners in Peru

and Colombia we have designed cultural oriented

itineraries to get a wider glimpse of the Andean

culture, its Spanish and indigenous heritage and the

rich biodiversity of the South American continent

through a selection of luxury hotels. This year we are

partnering with Art Hotels for our luxury tours in

Ecuador so the travellers can sojourn in carefully

refurbished properties that are having a positive

impact on their surroundings and communities. They

are investing with a right mindset and we truly value

their principles and the outcome.

This year we opened a satellite office in Milan, Italy to

strengthen our bonds with our current clients and to

facilitate the communication with our future ones.

We look forward to working with you! Cuenca

Page 5: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the


Plaza San Francisco, Quito2020 EXPEDITIONS

Page 6: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

Peru and Ecuador


DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

Arrival to Cusco

Accomodation: Aranwa Cusco Boutique

Visit the colossal fortress Sacsayhuaman, the Inca sacrificial altar Qengo and the

panoramic viewpoint Tambomachay which was considered as one of the pillars

of the Andean cosmovision. In the afternoon travellers will visit some of the

most vibrant spots of Cusco such as San Pedro Market, Korikancha temple and

San Blas and to the historic sites on Cusco’s main square and historic center.

Accomodation: Aranwa Cusco Boutique

Visit the Sacred Valley of the Incas where travellers will learn about traditional

weaving techniques and local crafts in Pisac market. In the afternoon the tour

will visit Ollantaytambo, a picturesque village continuously inhabited since the

Inca period.

Accomodation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & Wellness

Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes

connects to the hidden Inca citadel Machu Picchu.

Accomodation: Sumaq Hotel

Day off so travellers could choose to organize another activity in Cusco or

Aguas Calientes or simply enjoy the spa in Aguas Calientes, walk around the

streets of Cusco or enjoy the hotel amenities.

Accomodation: Aranwa Cusco Boutique

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

DAY 9:

Travel by plane to Lima. Transfer from the hotel to the airport.

Half day tour of the Peruvian capital, known for its extraordinary fusion

cuisine. Travellers will visit the main sights of the city such as Plaza de Armas,

Cathedral, Santo Domingo convent and the neighborhood Miraflores.

Accomodation: El Pardo Doubletree by Hilton

Morning flight from Lima to Quito

A visit to the Otavalo indigenous market, the town of Cotacachi known by its

leather products, and a visit to the crater lake Cuicocha where travellers can

walk a portion of the rim trail.

Accomodation: Hotel Otavalo by Art Hotels

Travel back to Quito with a stop at a rose at the historic Hacienda La Compania

de Jesus founded by the Jesuits during the colonial times, to visit this family

owned state and their rose plantation. In the afternoon, travellers will enjoy a

walking tour of Quito’s old town to discover impressive colonial architecture

and colorful streets and neighborhoods. The tour will end at Panecillo hill to

admire from above the rich and complexity of this city nesting in the Andes.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

Full day tour in Quito that starts with a gondola lift ride to 4.000 MASL to

volcano Pichincha to enjoy dramatic views of the city. The tour will continue

towards the Middle of the World cultural complex and finally a visit to learn

and enjoy the art of Ecuadorian modern artist Oswaldo Guayasamin.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

DAY 10:

DAY 11:

DAY 12:

DAY 13:

Morn ing f l i ght to the Ga lapagos I s l ands to start a 4 day cru i se

aboard Pass ion Yacht .

The t r ip start s i n Puerto Ayora i n Santa Cruz I s l and where a

i n st ruct iona l v i s i t to Char les Darwin Research Stat ion wi l l set the

bas i s to fo l low Darwin ’ s footsteps dur ing h i s t ime in the

enchanted i s l ands .

Sa i l to the co lorfu l i s l and P laza Sur, home to a r ich var iety of

Ga lapagos coasta l b i rds and orange l and iguanas . I n the afternoon

t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the wh ite sand beaches of Santa Fe I s l and to

spot sea l ion co lon ies , ye l low land iguanas and a beaut i fu l cact i

vegetat ion .

V i s i t Gardner Bay on Espanola I s l and for a wa lk and to d i scover a

un ique mar ine ecosystem through a snorke l ing act iv i ty .

I n the afternoon t rave l ler s wi l l s a i l to Punta Suarez for an exc i t ing

b i rd watch ing act iv i ty to spot b lue-footed and masked boobies ,

Ga lapagos hawks , swa l low-ta i led gu l l s , a lbatross and the Espanola

mock ingb i rd . The t r ip ends at E l Soplador, a b lowhole that sprays

water above 25m into the a i r.

On the l a st day , t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the Twin Craters wh ich a re

two deep volcan ic format ions wh ich i s a l so an exce l lent p lace to

spot the Santa Cruz barn owl and other co lorfu l b i rds .

Return f l i ght to Europe .

- Exper ience through i t s cu l ture and arch i tecture the wor ld her i tage c i t ies of Qu ito and Cusco .

- V i s i t Machu P icchu the h idden Inca c i tade l su r rounded by an a ston i sh ing l andscape .

- Absorb the intens i ty of the Andean ind igenous markets of P i sac , Peru and Otava lo , Ecuador.

- Fo l low Darwin ’ s footsteps to exper ience the r ichness of the Ga lapagos I s l ands aboard the l uxury yacht

Pass ion .

- Stay at bout ique hote l s i n refurb i shed h i s tor ic bu i ld ings .

P/P on Double Occupancy £5 .175FROM

Page 7: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £4 .650FROM



DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

Arrival from Europe. Transfer from the airport to the hotel.

Accomodation: Hotel del Parque

Half day city tour Guayaquil to visit Malecon 2000, a contemporary boardwalk along

Guayas river, Santa Ana hill and the historic neighborhood of Las Peñas.

Travel to Cuenca. On the way, travellers will stop at Cajas National Park to enjoy its

beautiful Andean landscape.

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

Full day of Cuenca, a UNESCO world heritage site. Travellers will visit the main sites

of the city including the new and old cathedrals, San Sebastian neighborhood,

Modern Art Museum, Flowers Square and the banks of Tomebamba river. Travellers

will also visit a factory where the iconic “Panama Hat” is produced and the workshop

of renowned ceramist Eduardo Vega.

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

Travel by plane to Quito. Transfer from hotel to the airport.

In the afternoon, travellers will enjoy a walking tour of Quito’s old town to discover

impressive colonial architecture and colorful streets and neighborhoods. The tour

will end at Panecillo hill to admire from above the rich and complexity of this city

nesting in the Andes.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

Full day tour in Quito that starts with a gondola lift ride to 4.000 MASL to volcano

Pichincha to enjoy dramatic views of the city. The tour will continue towards the

Middle of the World cultural complex and finally a visit to learn and enjoy the art of

Ecuadorian modern artist Oswaldo Guayasamin.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

Morning flight to the Galapagos Islands to start a 4 day cruise aboard Passion Yacht.

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

DAY 9:

DAY 10:

Morning flight to the Galapagos Islands to start a 4 day cruise aboard Passion


The trip starts in Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz Island where a instructional visit

to Charles Darwin Research Station will set the basis to follow Darwin’s

footsteps during his time in the enchanted islands.

Sail to the colorful island Plaza Sur, home to a rich variety of Galapagos coastal

birds and orange land iguanas. In the afternoon travellers will visit the white

sand beaches of Santa Fe Island to spot sea lion colonies, yellow land iguanas

and a beautiful cacti vegetation.

Visit Gardner Bay on Espanola Island for a walk and to discover a unique marine

ecosystem through a snorkeling activity. In the afternoon travellers will sail to

Punta Suarez for an exciting bird watching activity to spot blue-footed and

masked boobies, Galapagos hawks, swallow-tailed gulls, albatross and the

Espanola mockingbird. The trip ends at El Soplador, a blowhole that sprays

water above 25m

into the air.

On the last day, travellers will visit the Twin Craters which are two deep

volcanic formations which is also an excellent place to spot the Santa Cruz

barn owl and other colorful birds.

Travel to Bogota by plane. Transfer from airport to the hotel.

Accomodation: Four Seasons Casa Medina.

Full day tour of Bogota to visit the main attraction of this vibrant and creative

city such as Plaza Bolivar, the National Capitol, Casa de los Comuneros, the

Presidential palace and Santa Clara Church. The tour also includes a visit to the

Gold Museum, which exhibits about 34,000 pieces of metalwork from various

Hispanic cultures and to the House Museum Quinta of Simon Bolivar the

DAY 11:

DAY 12:

DAY 13:

DAY 14:

liberator of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Panama and Bolivia. The

tour will conclude by visiting the hill Monserrate that rises above Bogota.

Accomodation: Four Seasons Casa Medina.

Travel to Cartagena by plane. Transfer from the hotel to the airport.

Afternoon activity for a guided walk in the Getsemani, a

traditionalneighborhood of the city, to end with a rum and chocolate

tasting of Colombian prime products directed by a professional


Accomodation: Sofitel Santa Clara.

City tour of the city that starts by visiting the modern neighborhoods of

Bocagrande and Manga to explore the contrast of different architectural

periods and how they shaped the unique character of the city. The tour

will also visit San Felipe de Barajas fortress, the historic downtown, San

Pedro Claver church and the Emerald Museum.

At night, travellers will enjoy a horse drawn carriage ride to experience

Cartagena in a different way. The ride will end with a traditional dinner

at one of Cartagena’s finest restaurants.

Accomodation: Sofitel Santa Clara.

Full day tour of Isla del Encanto. Travellers will be transported by a

speedboat to visit Baru, located on the southern end of Corales del

Rosario National Park. This is an ideal spot for swimming, snorkelling, and

to relax on a coral beach with impressive reefs.

Accomodation: Sofitel Santa Clara.

Return to Europe. Transfer from hotel to the airport.

- Wonder a round the st reets of the co lon ia l h i s tor ic centers of Qu ito , Cuenca , Bogota and Cartagena de Ind ia s .

- Fo l low Darwin ’ s footsteps to exper ience the r ichness of the Ga lapagos I s l ands aboard the l uxury yacht Pas s ion .

- Photograph the impress ive l andscape at Ca ja s Nat iona l Park .

- Fo l low the v ibrant waves of bust l i ng and mu lt icu l tura l Bogota .

- Stay at hand-p icked art sy bout ique hote l s .

Ecuador and Colombia

Page 8: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the


Laguna Quilotoa2020 EXPEDITIONS

Page 9: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

ECUADOR FOR FOODIESHIGHLIGHTS- D i scover the r ich d ivers i ty of Ecuador through three of i t s reg ions : Coast , Andes and Ga lapagos

- Stay at the l uxury coasta l hote l ran by ce lebr i ty chef Rodr igo Pacheco

- Del ight yourse l f with the innovat ive cu i s i ne by a new wave of ambit ious Ecuador ian chefs i n Cuenca and

Guayaqu i l .

- Stay at l uxur ious propert ies rang ing f rom work ing hac iendas to refurb i shed h i s tor ic bu i ld ings that pr ide

themse lves for the i r i nnovat ive h igh qua l i ty cu i s i ne .

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

Arrival from Europe. Transfer from the airport to the hotel.

Accomodation: Hotel del Parque

Travel to Puerto Cayo towards hotel Las Tanusas ran by Ecuadorian chef Rodrigo

Pacheco, top participant on the Netflix series The Final Table.

A wide variety of hotel activities are available for an additional fee, such as

cooking classes with Rodrigo Pacheco or trip to Isla de la Plata. Meals included

at the hotel.

Accomodation: Las Tanusas Retreat & SPA

Morning visit to Los Frailes a pristine beach located inside Machalilla National

Park. Travellers will enjoy a half day at the beach where is possible to walk on

the trails connecting different beach spots. Meals included at the hotel.

Accomodation: Las Tanusas Retreat & SPA

Travel to Naranjito to stay at a cacao plantation ranch that pride themselves for

offering a mindful approach to living a good life. This is a traditional family ran

estate that offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy exciting activities such as

cacao and chocolate tastings, river tubing, biking and a closer look at daily ranch

activities. Meals included at the hotel.

Accomodation: Hacienda La Danesa

Travel to Cuenca. In the afternoon travellers will embark on a city tour of

Cuenca, a UNESCO world heritage site. They will visit the main sites of the city

including the new and old cathedrals, San Sebastian neighborhood, Modern Art

Museum, Flowers Square and the banks of Tomebamba river.

Dinner: Tiesto’s

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

DAY 9:

DAY 10:

Travel to Ingapirca archaeological complex. On the way, travellers will visit a

factory where the iconic “Panama Hat” is produced and the workshop of

renowned ceramist Eduardo Vega. Ingapirca is considered the finest example

of Inca architecture and urbanism in Ecuador.

Dinner: La Caleta Gourmet

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

Travel to Guayaquil. On the way, travellers will stop to admire the astonishing

landscape of Cajas National Park and a river trip through the exotic vegetation

of Manglar Churute.

Dinner: Le Gourmet at Hotel Oro Verde

Accomodation: Hotel del Parque

Morning flight to the Galapagos Islands to start a 4 day cruise aboard Passion


The trip starts in Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz Island where a instructional visit

to Charles Darwin Research Station will set the basis to follow Darwin’s

footsteps during his time in the enchanted islands.

Sail to the colorful island Plaza Sur, home to a rich variety of Galapagos coastal

birds and orange land iguanas. In the afternoon travellers will visit the white

sand beaches of Santa Fe Island to spot sea lion colonies, yellow land iguanas

and a beautiful cacti vegetation.

Visit Gardner Bay on Espanola Island for a walk and to discover a unique marine

ecosystem through a snorkeling activity.

In the afternoon travellers will sail to Punta Suarez for an exciting bird

watching activity to spot blue-footed and masked boobies, Galapagos hawks,

DAY 11:

swal low-ta i led gu l l s , a lbatross and the Espano la mock ingb i rd . The

t r ip ends at E l Soplador, a b lowhole that sprays water above 25m

into the a i r.

On the l a st day , t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the Twin Craters wh ich a re

two deep vo lcan ic format ions wh ich i s a l so an exce l lent p lace to

spot the Santa Cruz barn owl and other co lorfu l b i rds .

Return f l i ght to Europe .

P/P on Double Occupancy £4 .727FROM

Tanusas Retreat & SPA

Boca Valdivia - Las Tanusas, Rodrigo Pacheco

Page 10: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

MONUMENTAL ECUADORHIGHLIGHTS- D i scover some of the most beaut i fu l l andscapes of the Andes at Cotopax i and Ca ja s Nat iona l Parks and at the

crater l akes Cu icocha and Qu i lotoa .

- Sa i l the exot ic Ga lapagos I s l ands aboard a l uxur ious and int imate yacht .

- Absorb the v ibrant co lors of the Andean market .

- V i s i t some of the most impress ive go ld g i lded co lon ia l churches i n Lat in Amer ica .

- Stay at hand-p icked art sy bout ique hote l s .

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

Arr iva l f rom Europe . Trave l by ground to Otava lo , located 80

k i lometers north of the a i rport .

Accomodat ion : Hote l Otava lo by Art Hote l s

Fu l l day tour of Otava lo where t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the co lorfu l

i nd igenous market . The tour wi l l a l so v i s i t the town Cotacach i known

for the product ion of leather goods , and crater l ake Cu icocha where

t rave l ler s cou ld walk a segment of the r im t ra i l su r round ing the l ake .

Trave l back to Qu ito with a s top at a rose at the h i s tor ic Hac ienda La

Compan ia de Jesus founded by the Jesu i t s dur ing the co lon ia l t imes , to

v i s i t th i s fami ly owned state and the i r rose p lantat ion .

Accomodat ion : Hote l Mama Cuchara by Art Hote l s

Fu l l day c i ty tour of Qu ito . I n the morn ing t rave l ler s wi l l do a wa lk ing

tour of Qu i to ’ s o ld town to d i scover impress ive co lon ia l a rch i tecture

and co lorfu l s t reets and ne ighborhoods . The tour wi l l cont inue towards

the Middle of the Wor ld cu l tura l complex and f ina l ly a v i s i t to learn

and en joy the a rt of Ecuador ian modern a rt i s t Oswaldo Guayasamin .

Accomodat ion : Hote l Mama Cuchara by Art Hote l s

Trave l to Cotopax i Nat iona l Park to v i s i t l ake L impiopungo and the

mounta in refuge Jose R ivas . Cotopax i i s the second h ighest summit i n

Ecuador at 5897 MASL . An act ive and perfect ly shaped snowcapped

volcano sur rounded by a beaut i fu l Andean h igh land vegetat ion . After

the v i s i t , t rave l ler s wi l l en joy spend ing a n ight at the h i s tor ic hac ienda

San Agust in de Ca l lo bu i l t on the s i te of an I nca pa lace .

Accomodat ion : San Agust in de Ca l lo

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

Travel to the the astonishing crater lake Quilotoa located in the remote

western Andes amongst indigenous communities that still preserve their

traditional lifestyles.

After the visit, travellers will head towards Riobamba. On the way from

Quilotoa they will visit the towns of Pujili, Zumbahua and Tigua. The latest

known for being a town of artists that depict on colorful paintings the rural

indigenous lifestyle and landscape of the Andes.

Accomodation: Hotel Hacienda Abraspungo

Travel to Cuenca on the beautiful Panamerican Highway. On the way, travellers

will stop in Alausi for the Devil’s Nose train ride considered an engineering

feat of the early 20th century built for the Trans-Andean Railway that

connected Quito and Guayaquil.

An additional stop will take travellers to Ingapirca which is considered the

finest example of Inca architecture and urbanism in Ecuador.

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

Full day of Cuenca, a UNESCO world heritage site. Travellers will visit the main

sites of the city including the new and old cathedrals, San Sebastian

neighborhood, Modern Art Museum, Flowers Square and the banks of

Tomebamba river. Travellers will also visit a factory where the iconic “Panama

Hat” is produced and the workshop of renowned ceramist Eduardo Vega.

Accomodation: Hotel Cruz del Vado by Art Hotels

Travel to Guayaquil. On the way, travellers will stop to admire the astonishing

landscape of Cajas National Park.

Afternoon city tour of Guayaquil to visit Malecon 2000, a contemporary

boardwalk along Guayas river, Santa Ana hill and the historic neighborhood of

DAY 9:

DAY 10:

DAY 11:

DAY 12:

of Las Peñas.

Accomodation: Hotel del Parque

Morning flight to the Galapagos Islands to start a 4 day cruise aboard

Passion Yacht.

The trip starts in Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz Island where a instructional

visit to Charles Darwin Research Station will set the basis to follow

Darwin’s footsteps during his time in the enchanted islands.

Sail to the colorful island Plaza Sur, home to a rich variety of Galapagos

coastal birds and orange land iguanas. In the afternoon travellers will visit

the white sand beaches of Santa Fe Island to spot sea lion colonies, yellow

land iguanas and a beautiful cacti vegetation.

Visit Gardner Bay on Espanola Island for a walk and to discover a unique

marine ecosystem through a snorkeling activity.

In the afternoon travellers will sail to Punta Suarez for an exciting bird

watching activity to spot blue-footed and masked boobies, Galapagos

hawks, swallow-tailed gulls, albatross and the Espanola mockingbird. The

trip ends at El Soplador, a blowhole that sprays water above 25m into the


On the last day, travellers will visit the Twin Craters which are two deep

volcanic formations which is also an excellent place to spot the Santa

Cruz barn owl and other colorful birds.

Return flight to Europe.

Art Hotel Otavalo

P/P on Double Occupancy £3 .962 FROM

Page 11: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £3 .070FROM

MAINLAND ECUADORHIGHLIGHTS- D i scover the r ich b iod ivers i ty a round the Equator i n the Andean h igh lands and the pr i s t ine ra inforest of Yasun i

Nat iona l Park .

- En joy wa lk ing i n the wor ld her i tage UNESCO h i s tor ic centers of Cuenca and Qu ito

- Stay at a rt sy hote l s and h i s tor ic hac iendas a long the Avenue of the Volcanoes .

- Take a t ra in r ide on the “Dev i l ’ s Nose” ra i l road , an ear ly 20th century eng ineer ing masterwork .

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

Arr iva l f rom Europe . Transfer f rom the a i rport to the hote l .

Accomodat ion : Hote l de l Parque

Trave l to Cuenca . On the way , t rave l ler s wi l l s top to admire the

a ston i sh ing l andscape of Ca ja s Nat iona l Park .

Ha l f day c i ty tour of Cuenca where t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t a factory where

the icon ic “Panama Hat” i s produced and the workshop of renowned

ceramist Eduardo Vega .

Accomodat ion : Hote l Cruz de l Vado by Art Hote l s

Ha lf day c i ty tour of Cuenca , a UNESCO wor ld her i tage s i te . Trave l ler s

wi l l v i s i t the ma in s i tes of the c i ty i nc lud ing the new and o ld

cathedra l s , San Sebast i an ne ighborhood , Modern Art Museum, F lowers

Square and the banks of Tomebamba r iver.

Accomodat ion : Hote l Cruz de l Vado by Art Hote l s

Trave l towards R iobamba . On the way , t rave l ler s wi l l s top to v i s i t

I ngap i rca a rcheolog ica l complex wh ich i s cons idered the f inest example

of I nca a rch i tecture and urban i sm in Ecuador. An add it iona l s top wi l l

take t rave l ler s to Alaus i for the Dev i l ’ s Nose t ra in r ide cons idered an

eng ineer ing feat of the ear ly 20th century bu i l t for the Trans -Andean

Ra i lway that connected Qu ito and Guayaqu i l .

Accomodat ion : Hote l Hac ienda Abraspungo

Trave l to Cotopax i Nat iona l Park to v i s i t l ake L impiopungo and the

mounta in refuge Jose R ivas . Cotopax i i s the second h ighest summit i n

Ecuador at 5897 MASL . An act ive and perfect ly shaped snowcapped

volcano sur rounded by a beaut i fu l Andean h igh land vegetat ion .

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

DAY 9:

After the visit, travellers will enjoy spending a night at the historic hacienda

San Agustin de Callo built on the site of an Inca palace.

Accomodation: San Agustin de Callo

Travel to Quito. In the afternoon, travellers will enjoy a walking tour of Quito’s

old town to discover impressive colonial architecture and colorful streets and

neighborhoods. The tour will end at Panecillo hill to admire from above the

rich and complexity of this city nesting in the Andes.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

Full day tour in Quito that starts with a gondola lift ride to 4.000 MASL to

volcano Pichincha to enjoy dramatic views of the city. The tour will continue

towards the Middle of the World cultural complex and finally a visit to learn

and enjoy the art of Ecuadorian modern artist Oswaldo Guayasamin.

Accomodation: Hotel Mama Cuchara by Art Hotels

Travel by plane to Francisco de Orellana followed by a 2 hour ride along Napo

River to reach Napo Wildlife Center dock. During the ride, travellers will

enjoy spotting wildlife in a unique pristine ecosystem. After reaching the

dock, travellers will enjoy a 2 hour paddle canoe ride along the narrow creek

that connects to Añangu lake where the lodge is located. This area is inhabited

by several species of monkeys,toucans, parrots and macaws.

Accomodation: Napo Wildlife Center

An early start to reach the parrot clay licks to spot over eleven species of

parrots, parakeets and macaws. Travellers will then hike along a forest trail to

visit the Kichwa community Añagu for traditional activities with the

inhabitants, including a traditional lunch.

DAY 10 :

DAY 11:

All meals included at the lodge.

Accomodation: Napo Wildlife Center.

The day starts with a visit to the 36m. tall canopy tower for a unique

overview of the rainforest. During the ascend to the top of the tower,

travellers will understand the complexity and the different levels of the

forest until reaching the top of a Ceiba tree. This is an ideal place for wildlife

spotting of unique birds which are difficult to spot from the ground. In the

afternoon, travellers will hike along a primary forest trail to reach a lake and

creeks where is possible to spot giant otters. All meals included at the lodge.

Accomodation: Napo Wildlife Center

Travel back to Quito by plane. An early departure from the lodge to reach

Francisco de Orellana by canoe, becoming another great opportunity for

wildlife sightseeing. Travellers can connect to Europe bound flights the same

day or request an additional day night in Quito.

Accomodation: Napo Wildlife Center

Cruz del Vado

Napo Wildlife Center

Page 12: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £4 .727FROM

PREMIER CLASS TOURSelf -dr ive tours

Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito2020 EXPEDITIONS

Page 13: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £1 .648FROM

P/P on Double Occupancy £3 .211FROM

P/P on Double Occupancy £3 .010FROM


HIGHLIGHTS- Drive along breathtaking scenery on the Avenue of the Volcanoes through exciting mountain passes above 4000 MASL.

- Stay on hand-picked hotels and historic estates that will let you discover the richness of the Andean culture and


- Customize the activities to fit your interests and needs.

- Add a Galapagos expedition to a luxury tent hotel located on the highlands of Isabela Island.

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

Arr iva l f rom Europe . Transfer f rom the a i rport to the hote l .

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

Fu l l day c i ty tour of Qu ito . I n the morn ing t rave l ler s wi l l do a wa lk ing

tour of Qu ito ’ s o ld town to d i scover impress ive co lon ia l a rch i tecture

and co lorfu l s t reets and ne ighborhoods . The tour wi l l end at Panec i l lo

h i l l to admire f rom above the r ich and complex i ty of th i s c i ty nest ing

i n the Andes .

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

A tour operator agent wi l l take the t rave l ler s to the car renta l

company to p ick-up the veh ic le . The pr ice i s ca lcu lated with a 4WD car.

Trave l towards the north to v i s i t the impress ive l ake crater Cu icocha

where i t i s poss ib le to wa lk a round the l ake on the r im t ra i l . Other

towns we suggest to v i s i t a re Cotocach i and Ibarra or the Peguche

waterfa l l near Otava lo and l ake San Pab lo located bes ides the

Panamer ican H ighway between Cayambe and Otava lo .

Accomodat ion : Hoster í a P in saqu i

V i s i t the towns of Zu leta and Otava lo known for qua l i ty hand

embro idered c lothes and co lorfu l markets . I n the afternoon , on the way

towards Machach i , the i t i nerary i nc ludes a v i s i t to a rose p lantat ion i n

Cayambe at Hac ienda La Compan ia de Jesus founded by the Jesu i t s

dur ing the co lon ia l t imes .

After the v i s i t , the t rave l ler s wi l l head to Machach i to reach Hac ienda

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

el Porvenir - Tierra del Volcan driving on a traditional cobblestone road

surrounded by a beautiful farming landscape.

Accomodation: Tierra del Volcan

Wake up early to get a clear view of Cotopaxi and set off the day with a

horseback riding activity. Drive inside Cotopaxi National Park to visit

Limpiopungo, where it is possible to walk around it along a 45 minute trail

overlooking Cotopaxi. It is also possible to drive up to the parking lot near the

mountain refuge Jose Rivas that can be reached by ascending 200m.

Accomodation: Tierra del Volcan

Drive to visit the turquoise waters of the crater lake Quilotoa. This is a scenic

drive that reaches mountain passes above 4000 MASL. On the way travellers

could visit Pujilí, Zumbahua and Tigua which are traditional Andean villages. The

latest known for being a town of artists that depict on colorful paintings the

rural indigenous lifestyle and landscape of the Andes.

Accomodation: Hato Verde

Drive towards Salinas de Guaranda to visit an innovative indigenous community

which has become one of the most important cheese producers in the country.

On the way to the lodge travellers could visit Chimborazo Natural Reserve or

Guaranda. The road connecting Ambato and Riobamba on the west flank of

Chimborazo is perhaps the most scenic drive in Ecuador where wild vicuñas

are often spotted.

Accomodation: Chimborazo Lodge

DAY 8:

DAY 9:


Head to Alausi passing through the towns of Guamote and Colta to ride

the Devil’s Nose train considered an engineering feat of the early 20th

century built for the Trans-Andean Railway that connected Quito and

Guayaquil. An off-road alternative suggestion is to visit Ozogochelakes

located in a remote paramo area near Guamote.

Accomodation: Hotel Hacienda Abraspungo

Travel to Quito’s airport from Riobamba for car rental drop-off at the

airport or otherwise add a 3 night Galapagos extension on a luxury tent

resort on Isabela Island or a trip to the pristine forests of Yasuni National


3 days/4 night stay at Scalesia Lodge a luxury tent hotel located in

highlands of Isabela Island, one of the youngest islands of the Galapagos

Archipelago. This lodge offers a unique way to experience the enchanted

islands through a variety of activities such as hiking active volcanoes,

snorkeling trips, visits to astonishing sites such as the lava tunnels and

tintoreras. All meals are included during the stay.




Page 14: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £1 .190FROMBASIC ECUADOR

HIGHLIGHTS- D r i v e f r o m t h e A n d e s t o t h e A m a z o n b y v i s i t i n g s o m e o f t h e m o s t i m p r e s s i v e s i t e s i n E c u a d o r .

- A r i c h a n d i n t e n s e i t i n e r a r y t o m a k e t h e m o s t o f y o u r v i s i t , a t y o u r o w n p a c e .

- D i s c o v e r Q u i t o a n d i t s d i v e r s e a n d u n i q u e l o c a t i o n .

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

Arr iva l f rom Europe . Transfer f rom the a i rport to the hote l .

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

Walk ing tour of Qu ito ’ s o ld town to d i scover impress ive co lon ia l

a rch i tecture and co lorfu l s t reets and ne ighborhoods . The tour wi l l end

at Panec i l lo h i l l to admire f rom above the r ich and complex ity of th i s

c i ty nest ing in the Andes .

A tour operator agent wi l l take the t rave l ler s to the car renta l

company to p ick-up the veh ic le . The pr ice i s ca lcu lated with a 4WD car.

The t rave l ler s wi l l head then to Machach i to reach Hac ienda e l Porven i r

- T ierra de l Volcan dr iv ing on a t rad it iona l cobblestone road

surrounded by a beaut i fu l fa rming l andscape .

Accomodat ion : T ierra de l Volcan

Wake up ear ly to get a c lear v iew of Cotopax i and set off the day with

a horseback r id ing act iv i ty . Dr ive in s ide Cotopax i Nat iona l Park to v i s i t

L impiopungo , where i t i s poss ib le to walk a round i t a long a 45 minute

t ra i l over look ing Cotopax i . I t i s a l so poss ib le to dr ive up to the park ing

lot near the mounta in refuge Jose R ivas that can be reached by

ascend ing 200m.

Trave l to Papa l l acta a town located in the f l anks of vo lcano Ant i sana

and wel l known for i t s natura l hot spr ings . En joy a re lax ing n ight of

thermal baths .

Accomodat ion : Termas de Papa l l acta

Trave l towards the Amazon ra inforest to Misahua l l i wh ich i s located

next to Napo r iver, a ma jor aff luent of Amazonas r iver. A beaut i fu l boat

r ide wi l l take the t rave l ler s f rom Puerto Ahuano to the lodge . There i s

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

the poss ib i l i ty to jo in the hote l ’ s organ ized act iv i t ies wh ich together

with mea l s a re i nc luded as part of the pr ice .

Accomodat ion : Casa de l Su izo

En joy another day packed with act iv i t ies organ ized by the lodge which

a re a good mix of cu l tura l and adventure act iv i t ies that wi l l a l low the

t rave l ler s to make the most out of the i r t ime in the ra inforest such a s a

v i s i t to an ind igenous commun ity or educat iona l wa lks i n the ra inforest

and wi ld l i fe s ightsee ing .

Accomodat ion : Casa de l Su izo

Trave l to Qu ito ’ s a i rport f rom Misahua l l i for car renta l drop-off at the

a i rport .

Casa del Suizo

Page 15: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £4 .727FROM

PREMIER CLASS TOURGuided it inerary

Chimborazo2020 EXPEDITIONS

Page 16: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £3 .197FROM


HIGHLIGHTS- Discover the Andean culture and hospitality through sojourning on traditional and historic estates.

- Get astonished by the diversity and colors of the Andean paramo from the polylepis forest on El Angel National Park to

the turquoise waters of the crater lake Quilotoa.

- Sail on Darwin’s footsteps through a close interaction with the unique animal species of The Galapagos Islands.

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

Arr iva l f rom Europe . Transfer f rom the a i rport to the hote l .

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

Ha lf day c i ty tour of Qu ito . I n the morn ing t rave l ler s wi l l do a wa lk ing

tour of Qu ito ’ s o ld town to d i scover impress ive co lon ia l a rch i tecture

and co lorfu l s t reets and ne ighborhoods . The tour wi l l end at Panec i l lo

h i l l to admire f rom above the r ich and complex i ty of th i s c i ty nest ing

i n the Andes .

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

Fu l l day tour of Otava lo where t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the co lorfu l

i nd igenous market . The tour wi l l a l so v i s i t the town Cotacach i known

for the product ion of leather goods , and crater l ake Cu icocha where

t rave l ler s cou ld walk a segment of the r im t ra i l su r round ing the l ake . On

the way to the hote l the tour wi l l s top in Ibar ra and dr ive near l ake

Yahuarcocha .

Accomodat ion : Hoster í a P iman

Vis i t E l Ange l Eco log ica l Reserve known for i t s un ique vegetat ion of

f ra i le jones f ie lds . The t rave l ler wi l l head towards a pr ivate property

for a wa lk i n s ide a po ly lep i s t ree forest .

On the way back to the hote l the t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t Uyama Farms , an

avocado p lantat ion and o i l producer i n the Chota va l ley .

Accomodat ion : Hoster í a P iman

Fu l l day tour of Otava lo where t rave l ler s wi l l v i s i t the co lorfu l

i nd igenous market . The tour wi l l a l so v i s i t the town of Cotacach i known

for the product ion of leather goods , and crater l ake Cu icocha where

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

trave l ler s cou ld walk a segment of the r im t ra i l su r round ing the l ake .

On the way to Machach i , the tour wi l l s top at the h i s tor ic Hac ienda La

Compan ia de Jesus founded by the Jesu i t s dur ing the co lon ia l t imes , to

v i s i t th i s fami ly owned state and the i r rose p lantat ion .

After the v i s i t , the t rave l ler s wi l l head to Machach i to reach Hac ienda

e l Porven i r - T ier ra de l Volcan on a t rad it iona l cobblestone road

sur rounded by a beaut i fu l fa rming l andscape .

Accomodat ion : T ier ra de l Volcan

TTh i s day s tart s with a horseback r id ing act iv i ty to then enter

Cotopax i Nat iona l Park and v i s i t L impiopungo l ake , where i t i s

poss ib le to wa lk a round i t a long a 45 minute t ra i l over look ing

Cotopax i . I t i s a l so poss ib le to a r r ive to the park ing lot near the

mounta in refuge Jose R ivas that can be reached by a scend ing 200m.

Accomodat ion : Hoster i a La C ienega

Vis i t the turquo i se waters of the crater l ake Qu i lotoa . On the way

t rave l ler s wi l l dr ive by Pu j i l í , Zumbahua and T igua wh ich a re

t rad it iona l Andean v i l l ages . The l atest known for be ing a town of

a rt i s t s that dep ict on co lorfu l pa int ings the rura l i nd igenous l i festy le

and l andscape of the Andes .

The tour wi l l return to Qu ito

Accomodat ion : Pat io Anda luz

Trave l by a i r to the Ga lapagos I s l ands to en joy a t r ip aboard Catamaran

Arch ipe l l I .

Transfer f rom the hote l to the a i rport .

The t r ip s tart s at Ba l t ra A i rport where the t rave l ler s wi l l be p icked

DAY 9:

DAY 10:

DAY 11:

up and t ransferred to the port . On the afternoon the catamaran

t rave l s to North Seymour i s l and to en joy spott ing some of the

ma in Ga lapagos ’ b i rd spec ies such a s b lue-footed boobies and

f r igates .

V i s i t Bartho lome i s let , an i con ic l andscape of the Ga lapagos

I s l ands . Trave l ler s wi l l en joy a short wa lk to reach a v iewpoint to

admire idy l l i c P innac le Bay . I n the afternoon the catamaran sa i l s to

Buccaneer Cove , an important breed ing s i te for turt les . Th i s an

idea l spot for snorke l l i ng and beach act iv i t ies su r rounded by

mangroves and a pa lo santo dry forest .

V i s i t Puerto Egas on Sant i ago I s l and , a b lack beach formed from

tufa depos i t s . Th i s i s a l so a good p lace for b i rd spott ing and

interact ing with sea l ions and crabs .

I n the afternoon the catamaran sa i l s to Rab ida I s l and known for i t s

un ique red co lored rocks and sand . A short wa lk a long a t ra i l w i l l

lead the t rave l ler s to a coasta l l agoon for spott ing f l amingos ,

f i nches , p igeons , ye l low warb lers and mock ingb i rds .

The t r ip ends with a v i s i t to Char les Darwin Research Stat ion to

know more about the conservat ion and protect ion act iv i t ies be ing

car r ied out i n the Ga lapagos I s l ands . I n s ide the center t rave l ler s

wi l l a l so v i s i t the young turt le breed ing center and the adu lt

turt les programs and research act iv i t ies to protect many of th i s

endangered spec ies .

After th i s v i s i t the t rave l ler s wi l l be t ransported to the a i rport

to t rave l to Qu ito and connect to a return f l i ght to Europe .

Page 17: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £4 .727FROM

ACTIVE TRAVELGuided it inerary


Page 18: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

P/P on Double Occupancy £1 .180FROM


HIGHLIGHTS- Get to know Ecuador through an act ive i t i nerary f i l led with exc i t ing act iv i t ies .

- D i scover the r ich b iod ivers i ty of some of Ecuador ’ s most impress ive s i tes f rom the Andes to the Amazon .

- Connect with other l i ke minded trave l ler s on hand p icked hote l s with s t rong soc ia l and env i ronmenta l

respons ib i l i ty .

DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

Arrival from Europe. Transfer from the airport to the hotel.

Accomodation: Hotel Vieja Cuba

Half day city tour of Quito. In the morning travellers will do a walking tour of

Quito’s old town to discover impressive colonial architecture and colorful

streets and neighborhoods. The tour will end at Panecillo hill to admire from

above the rich and complexity of this city nesting in the Andes.

Accomodation: Hotel Vieja Cuba

Guided hike to the summit of Rucu Pichincha at 4696 MASL. The trip starts at

the Cruz Loma cable car station located at 4000 MASL. This is a scenic hike

overlooking Quito and the Andes mountain range.

In the afternoon the travellers will head to Machachi.

Accommodation: Chilcabamba Mountain Lodge

Horseback riding inside Parque Nacional Cotopaxi to enjoy the beautiful

landscape around the second tallest volcano in Ecuador. After this activity, the

travellers will visit lake Limpiopungo and hike 200 meters to reach the mountain

refuge Jose Rivas.

After this visit, the passengers will travel to Chugchilan near Quilotoa.

Accomodation: Black Sheep Inn

On this day , the travellers will enjoy an exciting trek on the rim trail around the

crater lake Quilotoa. This is a remote area located in the western Andes where

its inhabitants still live in traditional and indigenous communities.

After the hike, the travellers will head to Baños known as the gateway to the


Accomodation: Selina Baños

DAY 6:

DAY 7:

DAY 8:

DAY 9:

A fun day of canyoning activity in Rio Blanco. The activity starts with a 20

minute uphill hike and then it proceeds rappelling down three waterfalls to

reach a natural waterslide formed by the stones on the river. After this

activity, the travellers will visit Pailon del Diablo which is an impressive and

loud 80m tall waterfall.

Travellers will head to Misahualli located in the Amazon region.

Accomodation: Selina Misahualli.

An exciting rafting activity on Jatunyacu river is the highlight of this day. An

ideal spot for both beginners and experts where besides the adrenaline of

paddling down the river, the travellers will enjoy a beautiful rainforest

landscape. Jatunyacu is a Quichua word meaning big water.

Accomodation: Selina Misahualli

Travel back to Quito with a stop in the town of Papallacta known for its

natural hot springs at an altitude of 3250 MASL. This is the ideal activity to

wrap up this exciting trip.

Accomodation: Hotel Vieja Cuba

Travel back to Europe. A transfer from the hotel to the airport is included.

Page 19: ECUADOR - Outlet Viajes€¦ · Acco modation: Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & W ellness Arrive by train to Aguas Calientes to then drive up the winding road that takes connects to the

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