ed griffin interview june 19, 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Ed Griffin Interview June 19, 2011




    G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power EliteSunday, June 19, 2011 with Anthony Wile

    G. Edward Griffin

    The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview withG. Edward Griffin (left).

    Introduction: G Edward Griffin is a film producer, author and political lecturer. He is the founder ofFreedom Force International, a libertarian-oriented activist network focused on advancing individual

    freedom. First released in 1994, Mr. Griffin's best-selling financial book, The Creature from Jekyll Island,

    is a no-holds-barred look into the inner workings of the Federal Reservebanking system, or cartel if you

    will. Mr. Griffin's literary contributions are especially noteworthy given the validity of his vision and the

    exciting and troublesome nature of the times in which we live.

    Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. It's been a while. We'll ask some follow-ups to previous

    questions. Where do we stand with the US stimulus? Will we see QE3? Will it work any better than the

    last ones?

    G. Edward Griffin: Well, it's always a little dangerous to make predictions about what's going to happen,

    but I think in this case the risk factor is pretty low; because that's all these fellows know how to do ... what

    is called QE1, QE2. Quantitative easing is merely a more sophisticated phrase for creating money out of

    nothing and pumping it into the economic sectors, wherever they have friends, wherever they have places

    they need to re-enforce, to their own economic benefit.

    They always make it sound like it is for the purpose of improving the economy, but make no mistake

    about it, we are dealing with a pretty corrupt system and there are a lot of people in that system that need

    to be taken care of. The larger banks, the larger financial institutions are always at the top of the list. If

    you follow the money, you will find that the lion's share of it always goes to the banks. And if it doesn't go

    to directly to banks, the next share goes directly to those corporations and institutions that owe money to

    the banks and are having trouble making their payments.

    So, by sending money to these corporations and institutions, like General Motors for example, then they

    are always able to continue sending money to the banks. So, it always ends up at the banks. And thatshould be no surprise because the engine for all this is the Federal Reserve System, and if people don't

    know it by now, they should know very quickly that the Federal Reserve System is a banking cartel. It's no

    different than a banana cartel or oil cartel, shipping cartel, and it happens to be a banking cartel and like

    all cartels the purpose of its existence is not to help the public, not to benefit the economy, not to help

    America, it's to benefit the members of the cartel, period.

    That's what's going on in the process. Its all they know how to do; that's what they are created to do as

    long as they are able to exist and given the power, that is what they will continue to do. And the second

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    part of the question is, will it work any better than it did previously, the answer is that it worked very well

    but the problem is most people thought it was supposed to help the economy but that was never it's

    purpose, it was to help the banks.

    Remember this is a cartel and so the purpose of all this easing and stimulus is to help the banks and the

    political structures support the banks; that was its purpose. It was a very great success. So, it will work

    just as well next time around, aiding those hidden agendas. In terms of the economy and the people, itwas never designed to help them.

    Daily Bell: Are we seeing significant price inflation now?

    G. Edward Griffin: We're not seeing it at the retail level yet, although I guess it's how you define the word

    significant. If your food bill goes up 5% and you are barely able to make ends meet, that is significant

    price inflation. However, if you're living a nice comfortable life, and you have a little margin, 5% is not


    I have to say, that I don't believe for a minute the official figures that come out of Washington that

    describe our inflationary trends. They are talking about 3, 4 or 5% kind of thing; I don't know many that

    really believe that. All you have to do is go to the store and look at food prices, go to the gas pump andtake a look at gas prices, go to the colleges and take a look at education prices and so forth. With the

    exception of housing and the stock market, the two big bubbles that had to collapse, all of those prices

    are much higher than what the government is saying, they are going up at a rate higher than that.

    I believe that the true rate would be about 18-21%, if we had any way to really measure it. Now that is

    significant by any person's measurement and I think we've just begun to see the trend develop. I think we

    are at the beginning of what will become an almost vertical climb, parabolic in nature. We are at the base

    of a parabola right now and as you know they get steep pretty fast. I think that within the next 18 months

    we are going to see triple digit inflation. We have seen it in other countries and we are seeing it at work


    Daily Bell: You've predicted hyperinflation? Is it closer now?

    G. Edward Griffin: Oh, yes, in fact it's already here. But there again we need to define words like

    hyperinflation. I guess most people define hyperinflation as 2 digit and/or 3 digit inflation, but hyper simply

    means very, very, very high and different people have different definitions of what that would be. In the

    eyes of the people who are already struggling to survive, we are already there.

    Daily Bell:Queen Elizabeth II is worried about her empire breaking up. Should she be? Is the Internet

    having anything to do with this?

    G. Edward Griffin: I am going to pause on that one. They are very alert to what's happening and border-

    line nervous to see how it's going to play out. They have been beefing up their security forces, their

    homeland security forces, their police forces; trained their military forces to be capable of combat on their

    own native soils. They've built internment camps, they have developed weapons for crowd control andthey have been working on this for decades. So, what's happening is that we are coming closer to that


    Daily Bell: We've started to use the term Internet Reformation as the Gutenberg Press was partially

    responsible for the Renaissance, Reformation, etc. Too pat? Any truth to the nomenclature in your


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    G. Edward Griffin: I think that's a very good nomenclature for it, I think that's exactly what's happening

    and that's one of the reasons that the elites, (and that is your word) are nervous about the Internet and

    are working very diligently at putting in mechanisms that are controlling and censuring the internet.

    They are making good progress on that by the way. All they have to do is convince the American people

    is to say it's a good idea, supposedly because it will help fight terrorism or pornography or crime or drugs

    or something. They are always being sold some fear-based reason that control over the Internet is goodfor the people and so far, unfortunately, the average person has bought into that.

    They are saying, oh, yeah, I'm so glad they are putting that control on the Internet and now another one

    and that's good, because now we're more secure, all of this propaganda is conditioning people to accept

    control of the Internet. So in answer to your question, I think that is has been a great revolutionary step

    forward but it's also under attack and we need to be very energetic in defending it or we are going to lose

    it within the next generation for certain.

    Daily Bell: Are events spinning out of control? We think that's what happened with the Gutenberg Press.

    The elites thought they could control the new enlightenment but in the end they couldn't, at least not for


    G. Edward Griffin: I would like to believe that but I think the show is far from over and the answer is far

    from determined. I am not so certain it is as cut and dried as that and leads to such a happy ending as

    you have just described. I think the elites are working very hard to capture control of it. If they were just

    sitting idly by, and if they didn't have the power of governments behind them, then I think we'd have cause

    to rejoice. However, they are not just sitting idly by. They are passing laws at an international level all the

    time, so I am not so sure as to say they have lost control of it. I think they are working hard and we have

    to work equally hard or we will lose control of it.

    Daily Bell: Are you more or less optimistic about efforts to control the Internet. Will the elites succeed in

    their evermore-frantic efforts? You mentioned theUnited Nationslast time.

    G. Edward Griffin: I think the answer to that is based on how much resistance they meet. Right now, with

    the current level of resistance, I think they will succeed in controlling it. But the encouraging thing is that

    the level of resistance seems to be increasing, so if we can sustain that and actually capture control of

    some of the power centers that are passing these laws, if we can get new people into office and start to

    have some of the power to do things and start to have the power in our own hands, then I think we could

    turn this around.

    But right now all the power to pass laws, the power to send out the police and the army to enforce those

    laws, all of that power rests in the hands of the people who want to control the Internet. So unless that

    situation changes they are going to succeed.

    Daily Bell: We've noticed the United Nations has gotten suddenly far more militaristic and unafraid to try

    to impose "hard power." What are your thoughts on that?

    G. Edward Griffin: My first book was about the United Nations The Fearful Master ... A second look at

    the United Nations. The first portion of the book is devoted to the United Nations, so called, peacekeeping

    effort in Katanga, in the Congo. You talk about a militaristic, aggressive force there was an attack

    against an innocent, peaceful population, which put the region under the control of totalitarians, right off

    the bat. That was the start of the UN's peacekeeping efforts, back in 1960 thereabouts, and my book was

    published in 1964.

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    So the United Nations started off with its very first peacekeeping operation as a totally aggressive and

    militaristic one. The United Nations was designed to be, from the very beginning, what is becoming very

    obvious and visible now for those who wish to see. That is an organization to implement and provide

    world government, based on the model of collectivism, which means all the power will be

    concentrated at the top with individuals serving at the bottom, serving the state if you will. The UN

    is designed to control from the top down.

    Daily Bell: Does fiat money itself continue to break down? Is the entire worldwide central banking

    economy being challenged?

    G. Edward Griffin: I think that's wishful thinking. The international, financial, fraternity, I guess I will call it

    that ... industry, is in control; they're not being challenged. They control the governments. I hope people

    get that in their brains. The governments are parading around saying, we've got to control the banks,

    we've got to do this to control banks, or help the banks, but look behind the scenes and you'll find that it's

    the banks that are controlling the governments.

    The international bankers have decided it's time for an international currency. So, all of the nations are

    starting to clamor for a newIMF managed currency. In this part of the world, it would be called the Amero

    after the North American union, consisting of Mexico, Canada and the US. Even that would only be atransition stage to an international currency. That's what the banks want the bankers have always

    wanted that.

    This goes all the way back to Bretton Woods. There they talked about the advantages of an international

    currency, even then, but felt it was not possible and too early to implement it. They knew they would have

    to wait a little longer and allow world events to be played out. Well, they have played out and now they

    are beginning to clamor for a UN managed currency, but the same financial forces will ultimately control it

    from behind the scenes. They are the power pushing for it and they are the power that will control it once

    it is created. So when somebody says, hey look the banks are loosing control, they better go back and

    look at who is controlling the governments.

    Daily Bell: We just wanted to acknowledge that you virtually led the charge when it came to modern-day

    challenges to the current, horrible central banking system. Do you see the elites as losing moral authorityregarding such memes? Do more people disbelieve?

    G. Edward Griffin: Again, I am going to pause because that's a tough one. The elite have never had

    moral authority in my view. But, unfortunately, the average person, in fact the majority of the population,

    doesn't know what is going on. All they do is believe what they read in their newspapers or what they see

    on television, or what they hear from the lips of their politicians ... So, yes, they have had moral authority

    in the minds of the masses.

    They are losing that to some extent because more and more people are realizing that the banks are major

    players in this rotten system. Prior to a few years ago, people never thought about banks as being major

    players in anything except clearing your checking account or your savings account. But now more and

    more people likely by the millions are waking up to the fact that banks and bankers are major, politicalpowers.

    With this happening, I think they are losing moral authority because banks are gaining incredible wealth

    while the average person is losing what little he had. So I am glad you mentioned the issue of moral

    authority, I really hadn't thought too much about that, but I think you are right. If there is any place on this

    spectrum where the elites and the financial institutions are losing, it's probably in that psychological area

    of moral authority and being on the high ground.

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    Daily Bell: Max Keiser estimated there are some 600 rebellions and regime changes going on in the

    world. These can't all be CIA sponsored can they? Or perhaps they are the result of food insecurity. Do

    the elites intend to plunge the world into utter chaos? Why?

    G. Edward Griffin: Well, I guess this is my day to say whatever just comes to my mind. (Laughing.) Yes,

    all 600 rebellions and regime changes could be the result of the CIA. I don't think people realize how

    powerful and all invasive the CIA is in this world.

    You know, the CIA is actively involved in all of those countries and are very influential in picking

    opposition candidates. Most of the leaders of the third world countries are there because the CIA

    supported them at one time, and those that go into office in that way can also be deposed that way. You

    don't have to dig too deep to know that. They are involved in regime changes all over the world.

    Daily Bell: You make an issue of being optimistic or pessimistic in your answers. But what is your overall


    G. Edward Griffin: I want to emphasize that I am probably the most optimistic person you will ever meet

    regarding the future of freedom. But I have a longer view of history than most and because I take a long

    view, it may seem as if I am pessimistic in the short term because real change takes time. Many peopledon't look much further into the future, than the next election.

    The forces that must be overcome have taken many years to grow to the present state of strength that

    they have. In the United States for example, the forces of collectivism have been growing and

    coalescing for decades. It took a hundred years, in fact, to capture the influence of the universities,

    the government, the media, the major corporations, the think tanks, etc. It took a long time.

    It also resulted in conditioning the minds of the American people to accept certain presets to

    accept the principles of collectivism. Americans have bought into collectivism. They think social

    security is a good thing. They think that governments should provide health care benefits; they

    think that government should provide everything as a matter of fact. They've been brainwashed

    into believing that.

    In fact, it took a hundred years to bring that about. And you can't reverse that by November. You CAN

    reverse it if you take a long view of history. That's why we created an organization called Freedom Force

    International, because we have a longer view of history than next November. We have a view that

    encompasses a generation, possibly two generations and we know if we lay down the corner stones now,

    for certain principles and strategies, that there is no stopping them, even if the world turned to another

    "dark age" in the meantime.

    We are laying the seeds for something that will grow and overcome the forces of tyranny in the next

    generation or two. And even though I may not live to see that, it's a very comforting and optimistic thought

    that I am doing something that in the long run will bring the world back to the principles of freedom once


    Daily Bell: What about Ron Paul and his freedom message?

    G. Edward Griffin: I think Ron Paul is doing an excellent job given the constraints under which he must

    operate. Ron is not able to say anything and everything that comes to his mind, like, I am here, and

    possibly say the things that people don't want to hear ... but fortunately I am not running for office.

    Ron, poor chap, he has to worry about not saying too much for fear he may go beyond the understanding

    or educational level of the people he wants to vote for him. So, that's a terrible constraint to live under. He

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    is doing the most amazing job I have ever seen and I can't imagine anyone doing any better under that


    Daily Bell: We discussed the way the conservative movement is desperate to co-opt the libertarian

    message and that it has launched a number of artificial candidates to do so including notably Sarah

    Palin. What do you think?

    G. Edward Griffin: It's becoming more and more obvious. I guess if people don't fall for it any more, then

    I guess you could say it's failing. With each turn of the wheel, with each election, people should learn that

    they fell for the same old trick, one more time. Every election people fall for the same trick. And that trick

    is, they believe the campaign speeches of the candidates. They don't realize that the candidates, for the

    most part, spend a lot of time and money either conducting polls or studying polls very carefully. They do

    it to find out what people want to hear. And then they hire campaign managers and speechwriters to

    enable them to deliver to the population what they want to hear.

    In many cases, politicians are just little recording devices. They have no feelings for what they are saying,

    they have no connections, they have only one goal and that is to get elected. And it is hard to find a

    person who you can say does not fit into that category. The only way that you can tell if a candidate is a

    real genuine person is by looking at their career. See what they have done in the past. Voters,unfortunately, are not too good at that. They just seem to want to hear what the candidate says, does he

    or she sound sincere and so on. The candidates are basically performers, like actors. But when you take

    what you call, the conservative movement, and that's a good word, because that's exactly what they call

    themselves, many of these people have been in office for a long time and all you have to do is look at

    their voting record and you can see what they believe, or at least what they vote for. And then when they

    come along and say they are going to restore the constitution and restore this country to constitutional

    principals and you see their voting records, you find out that 99% of the time when they voted, they

    violated the constitution. That ought to be a clue of what they are really all about.

    So as each election goes by, and this trick is played on the voters again and again and again, I think there

    are a few more people that wake up to that trick. Eventually, and I don't know how long it will take, I think

    more people will wake up. Let's hope we have enough time.

    Daily Bell: We think Ron Paul has a reasonable chance to become president. Optimistic? Loony?

    G. Edward Griffin: As one man, he is kind of limited. He could say all the truths in the world and nobody

    would ever hear him because the mainstream media would block him. They would never allow him to

    make those statements or the people to hear them. If they did, his statements would be twisted and

    accompanied by commentary, which would make him seem like he was some kind of ogre.

    I don't think Ron Paul, as one man, can overcome that. However, an army of supporters, millions of

    supporters, can. So then you come to the next question, well what if he did get elected? Does anybody

    really think that one man in the White House even with his high principles can change anything? When he

    is surrounded by a congress, senate, media and educational system that are all working against him,

    including the military, it can't be done. We are back to one of my favorite themes, which is that in order tobring about real positive change in America, our movement has to be broader than just winning the

    election in November. We could put a man in the White House in November but lose everything.

    Daily Bell: Your sentiments remind us of something former presidential candidate and a departed friend

    of ours, Harry Browne, once said when asked what would be the first thing he would do should he be

    elected president. His reply "I'd quit." I guess that summarized how he felt about the constraints.

    Anyway, back to Ron Paul Dr. Paul is anti-war, overseas anyway. We think the Pentagon is beginning

    to lose badly in Afghanistan. Your thoughts?

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    G. Edward Griffin: I think he is anti-aggressive-war. Is the Pentagon loosing badly in Afghanistan? What

    is the military presence in Afghanistan? Is it really to root out all the insurgents or is it to encourage the

    insurgents and keep them active, so we have an excuse to be there? I think the Pentagon is winning or

    achieving its goal in Middle East. Its goal is to be there and to have a reason to be there forever.

    Daily Bell: We think Osama bin Laden died ten years ago and that the SEALS "tapping" of bin Laden

    was phony. Your thoughts?

    G. Edward Griffin: I agree.

    Daily Bell: How about 9/11. We've asked this before. Will the American establishment media ever get to

    the bottom of 9/11? Are you more hopeful? Last time you were not.

    G. Edward Griffin: Well, I don't think the major media will ever get to the bottom of it because they are

    not motivated to. They are controlled by the investment and political powers-that-be that don't want the

    media to get to the bottom of 9/11. Like we were saying, it has to be a grass roots movement. Millions of

    people are acting in addition or around major media and I see that movement growing all the time.

    I haven't seen figures lately, but I remember maybe 6 or 7 months ago, that about 48% of the peoplethought that the official government story of 9/11 was not true. They didn't know what it was but they had

    a strong feeling it was not true, that there was something being covered up. Well that progressed quite

    rapidly. A few years prior to that only 5% of the people believed that was true. Now, I don't know what it

    would be, but I bet it's closer to 60%.

    That is not because of the major media. That is simply because people like us have been out there talking

    about this and presenting evidence. We are circulating CD's and independent productions that bypass the

    major media. I think that is where our hope lies.

    Daily Bell: Let's sum up. You indicated in the last interview that you were more optimistic in the longer

    term. Ideas about freedom cannot be stopped, you said. Once people understand the truth, they are not

    ever going to easily forget it. Are you still of this opinion?

    G. Edward Griffin: Times two.

    Daily Bell: Is the US and the world possibly headed for a global depression? Are we in one already?

    G. Edward Griffin: I would say we are in a far developed recession, but that's only my own feeling and

    my own words. A depression to me implies, people starving, begging and generally walking around

    aimlessly looking for a place to sleep. I know we have this in the United States, but it's still a relatively

    small percentage of the people as a whole. But it's going to keep affecting more and more people and I

    fear that we are going to see a global depression develop in time.

    Daily Bell: What would you advise people to do from an investment and survival standpoint?

    G. Edward Griffin: There is no long term survival under conditions of absolute tyranny; there are short

    term solutions. We are thinking in terms of months or possibly a year. There are things you can do, like

    getting yourself out of debt, so there is no legal reason for anyone to take your home. If you have any

    reserves or surplus savings, put it into tangible assets of some kind.

    I would say another thing would be to network with people of like minds, because if things get bad, it

    would help to have like-mined friends. Discuss what to do and know what to do, there will be a lot of

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    desperate people and desperate people tend to get violent. There is nothing sophisticated about any of

    these answers but I want to come back to a starting point, which is that in the long term there is no

    survival under tyranny. So people need to be serious about long-term survival. They better get serious too

    about changing the system and re-capturing control and eliminating the tyranny. That is the reason we

    formed Freedom Force International.

    Daily Bell: Any new projects you want to tell us about?

    G. Edward Griffin: I have been working on a book that is taking forever. It covers some of the things we

    have been talking about; the tentative title is The Future is Calling. It has to do with this long-term view of

    history and what we can do about it now and how to prepare for it. Lay the foundations. It has a lot of past

    history in it to. I don't know when I'll have it done. I thought I would have had it done 2 years ago but I am

    only 60 or 70% through it. It's an important project to me.

    The other thing is, accidentally I touched a very high voltage wire called Chemtrails. About a year ago,

    some fellows came over here that were doing research and preparing a documentary on Chemtrails. I

    always had an interest in it and had a firm conviction that what we see in the sky is Chemtrails, not just


    So, I said yes, and I raised money and produced a documentary called, "What in the world are they

    spraying?" and that put me in the crosshairs of all of the establishment forces that insist that there are no

    Chemtrails, that it is just conspiracy theory. So we are thinking about a follow up film right now.

    Daily Bell: Any closing thoughts? Any resource s you want to mention?

    G. Edward Griffin: My only closing thought is that I hope people don't become discouraged about what I

    have said. I believe my role is to say it like it is, or the way I think it is, to the best of my ability. I am not

    here to pump sunshine into people. I would rather know what the truth is and that makes me a lot happier

    than having a false sense of security. I believe we have a great chance to make change as long as we

    hold that long view of history and I urge everyone to take advantage of this information. Don't be

    depressed; get invigorated with this information.

    Daily Bell: Thanks again, Ed. We're sure our viewers are as appreciative of your insights as we are.

    Ed Griffin has fought for freedom throughout his life and his trenchant criticisms of the increasingly

    authoritarian nature of the world today are more pertinent than ever. When Ed Griffin published his

    ground-breaking book The Creature From Jekyll Island, most people had never even heard of the Federal

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    Reserve, much less understood its function. Today, the Internet is filled with questions about a

    globalist banking facility that operates privately under the color of Congressional law with a

    mandate to print as much money from nothing as necessary to support the questionable activities

    of the power elite.

    Central banks fix the price of money. It's that simple. Ed Griffin turns out to have been correct. There is no

    defense for the function they perform. Every price-fix is a marketplace distortion. Every marketplacedistortion removes wealth from its rightful owner and places it in less responsible hands. Repeat over

    enough time and you end up with recessions, depressions and ultimately worldwide economics crises

    such as the one occurring now.

    Better to return to marketplace money or at least allow such money to circulate within a competitive

    environment of numerous monetary systems. We are on record as preferring gold and silver, which

    circulate in a metals-based money economy within parameters of supply and demand.

    Too much gold and silver circulate and the value of money begins to decline. As little and the value rises.

    As the value rises, mines open back up and hoarders dishoard. It is a marketplace phenomenon that

    allows the market itself to govern the money supply.

    In our current central banking based system, there is no governor on how much money central banks can

    print. The Federal Reserve is the worst offender when it comes to money printing because it can print the

    most with the least amount of consequences. This is because the US operates the world's currency

    reserve system.

    The currency reserve system is actually called the "dollar reserve system." The system is propped up by

    Saudi Arabian sheiks that have been instructed that they must only exchange their oil for dollars. This

    makes the dollar the most important currency on the planet and allows the Fed to print virtually as much

    currency as the US needs because other countries must hold dollars to buy oil.

    Much of the money that the US prints is recycled into weapons systems and bases around the world. This

    military predominance intimidates other countries and guarantees that the dollar remains the currency of

    choice for oil purchases. Thus is it that the world's economic system is held hostage to American military

    might. The world, essentially, is paying for the privilege of being held hostage this way.

    Ironically, over the past decade, the Fed in particular has so abused its money printing power (in support

    of America's questionable wars) that other countries are trying to find a substitute for the dollar. The

    Internet in particular has contributed to a better understanding of how the world's monetary system really

    works. As this understanding continues to expand, worldwide, there are numerous alternatives being

    discussed to the dollar reserve system.

    Many of the discussions involving a new currency trend toward international currency baskets. There is

    the suspicion therefore that the Western elites that control the dollar reserve currency have purposefully

    debased the currency in order to implement a global monetary system. Time will tell whether this

    suspicion is true or not.

    What is certainly true is that central banking and especially the activities of the Federal Reserve are under

    significant attack on the Internet and even politically by certain segments of political process in America

    and abroad. This process, abetted by the Internet and the current financial crisis, began nearly 30 years

    ago with the groundbreaking publication of Ed Griffin's critique of the Fed, The Creature From Jekyll

    Island. History will record the growing impact of this book. It already does.

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    The hole in the logic:

    Ifthe forces of collectivism capture the influence of the universities, the government, the media,the major corporations, the think tanks, etc then the fact that Americans have been

    brainwashed into thinking that social security is a good thing and governments should alsoprovide health care benefits; (NOT ergo that government should provide everything, however) is

    due to the coalescing of the forces of collectivism.

    These forces favor big business because the universities, the government, the media, themajor corporations and their think tanks work on the behalf of the interests of finance(because they are under their pay umbrella). BUT government providing for MainStreets interests (which would be to use taxes collected to pay for the commons, including

    education, infrastructure, parks, police, firemen, i.e. all the elements of the common use of societythat the tax payer benefits from in community) is counter-intuitive to their providing forWall Streets interests, e.g. the bailouts, which is in fact the reality of corporatefascism, or war corporatism.

    Forces of collectivism = universities, government, media, major corporations and their think


    Globalist banking facility operates privately under the color of Congressional law with a mandate

    to print as much money from nothing as necessary to support the questionable activities of the

    power elite.The international, financial, fraternity...industry, is in control of the governments.

    Globalist banking facility = international, financial, fraternity = control of the governments.

    Therefore is does not add up that the forces of collectivism would be brainwashingAmericans to thing that government should provide everything because that would goagainst the interests of the Globalist banking facility in control of governments.
