ed s•.. aw -...

im:*7 i• t e- -we a hpq ed 09 m n. ** q S•.. . . aw a s. . .. . . .. .. -_ _. . APRIL .7: ' eae a r t the Sn% OREANASU •I W.._.NG, API - •178 ••- N ••, .- , '=- ,, . .. . . ... . - .. . - , . . .+ + -• - s.ti athe m ana. E ht. ever. am sass o Oero Se0ia6e the Ppes sealtie. ofthChaseh . iiis euebythe .wedsse sthree Theum ~or mU with only one is- -rWhem the olenta s dialy esegratfhotatnme - tatq t forr uq emssrs allies. bat It is isn urin - da.so t whisk idd. T e take, cr -I:.:: Mr '-g , :**5: ldies. tdegroeuam te~tat. M almj ,is th bt itat rley wi essenterg~ sl* Ih & I~ps h n et a mh- fiuilaethowfa aheBalkatmeate h Dobe e- d'eof no"for m orn Tef tat erLa Isr ew torthe it.l oat toaq e tea a cclmhcittlieastleseetwl andi Ce N ontinet an Se latauinel tD~ori d i tbo soss Ion all may amlgrl sat to seo.aa ts~i~ ItIh saM that thea f w.a *s personal lodie..e u ieadvime, and such hase heeo a very The Turkish and Daceea the latths going about Qon- freely-wIthout evoking iswsge.isUomplalO of the in- f the Deuam;anif a. The S"hindring the paseage of columma 4hroegh thetr $o have threataned so fotbi eaeone north of She Balkans are Aewerhec[tinga forlIA~atlouIU. are fortifying the line. of glatreenobteit at all he.~ week abow 53000 siok in 'yr y In ZEurope alone, and as the d warm, it is sertaln that are taken to disinfeot a frightful peetilecee will of inmurgeinte continue to dimyl tehalitat may he said to aea that tht gallant bsans~he come to as snd. of~a0 the me meuag amia ter Ma as- sh k or n. til$D St Ins. aIs now sa.id to beaa Dereheta r, wichaf Ind seek a ouooo fro- Seu; toalw eapUS00o0; ni Canael keseper lelds of Corngr.s- e, f15Jlu r Pas•0, 0o; m dds wetp• set ot dtlom• the w ole - Thi deb• s , Aril 1st, showed a de- cew t beof 318614. su l marise ll oh f eau t lLL I lIst um. pde. THE BRTIdBE 0150VARB ON TED l AB- London, apr fl-Toes lr lar which Sir St eordNors theostatled bad bossist to 'the owar beoo ds of toa-ad sind bythe Moarnquas.01 ofthali t summarelu all the resoen o epower•t stmnur; oon lue 1vo r8• n s sad aer ving Russia'e refusal to to Eg.lan 's deande relativeo tbe 1an of the treaty as a wholeQ bsfore toe Ooa- grees. Tontln co beas follows: "He Il.- uton aGoernme nt dee ply Powen l deaeonat is evesn Ifa onalderob prsion of to be. approsed, ruoaldas rratlo wlo Iae to their disuasion would aevertbeless be open taboet serioossobjscass. Evero a departure from th treat of 186, and by t delaraton signed t o a In 171 It i mpossible for her este Govlermn- ment to acquleoe a wiftha als from the ognasanas of tbhe powers of the artiles which are modidestlons of existing tree- tics. The combined ebt of the stipula- ions upon-the ionterests of thoe powers also frnlshe a esonldmive reason againo t the o itseparate dtislon f any nde portione of them By the rt relatve to .New Bulgaria, a strong lv Stats' will be oreted nuder the auspices aod c•nte•'an political and omme we luen n i• Blacknd ."Jgan Sees. A consIderable 'Ber•A popti athhe gh tsw vis• w the hvesmrunaity alen to It. provisions by whiob Rauses will Thie slioan oadm Betrator famed and um muesl Rudyieootrola the frst workings of inity of the intiock i felentl tndicateq of wat poli the Arml sm it will Is ths fueres foher a pat. over ti p optlaon for the betr govern ant of Tesaly; tand Epirus, in rthesev highly enble her o bl, a aso- eween pe by ond Peons th ghe indemral - St which will be to Incresasthe power of '`sate to the prejudice of fleeve -and ever ther country baviag inpsssis Is lty ipulted for is evidt t .. o•e rekal severane even nota onle fromg the portion ot revenue stil lothetendr to othe ernent rwill dprlv the Ports of any politial strength, which might have bem derived from their possession and expose thmedr inhabitan, or let to weserious own hy The acquisition of entirely ebor and Ba- te•m makes Russia dominant over all the vrIinity of th Belack ea, whle to the acqui- tiof the Armenian strongholds secures her Influence over the population of the provino and enables her to arrest trade bliween Europe and Persia. The Indem- nity stipulated for Is evidently beyond Turkish reie s, even not on ide Bring the portion of revenue hypotecated to odther reditor extends o e of phaymet being o the vaguel stated, t may thus be demanded Immediately, or left to weigh down the Port's dety pendence for many years, commuted for more territory, or be made the means of entirely subordinating Tar- ks. to Rb neae' polfl. IThe Rombineda's ey. ofthe-treaty stipu- lations is to depres almost to the point of entire subjection the political independencei of the Porte. It cannot be otherwise thn a satter of igret solicitude to Grea•Britain thbe ats aoern whoe, forimal jerula-= lion extends over geographical positions of the deepest nterest to he r, should be so STlosel preoved by ths ole itical opte of I a greatly superior power that its Indepsa- dent action and even existence is almost himpossible. aof chaonges re lloubtless . be necessary in the hitherto existing trea- PEgland earnestly desir es gd govern- ment ad peace an freedom fr the popu- Ilat•on to whom tMo•s blesin- hve been sCotrans She woiw a Congres in which the stipula eud be examined as a whole, but nither Bris- ish Lutsrests nor the well-being of- the Turkish provinces ould be consulted by Sthe assembling of a Congress restrietedb Prince-ortebakofrs latestr o SAWoCIos s : Sl I gIvejn a IlrYro 14Y~1r a0r4o70 o CA4F D1W 2W dmlTe- s now Tua zassa rssmas mud En s GoT -REX YT TI=UDW raveqad Gslews slens. We return 0 this s t for the part- sw of thaking lh Irf rsembrngs ef Par -ilamnt, and MW. A. M:; el.vsU in p i- alar, for the. vitsory. they habve weover h-e Admiralty. I week they were met by Mr, W. IL Sm.th with sm nrafusael to the reemonabls rs est oMr.Siva that thee semed liSttise ofb . mdse . But t.b Cattholes ef theUited Kingdom have a Aw ropresnea.ti• sh.U o nb for Loath amongs the uumber-who have the earaesness to seek Jostes sand ghoorasge to hbt for It Whoi It was kn n that the. hoib sailoss were not omly without •pd, bt-r w gnoing to be kept so with a war amonptt pibllete es of the: Snet few monaths- was resolved to make a terrible example of the governmen. orty. mondmea t w• o eontered to the Navy Estimate. by l. Sullivan, Mr. Par- nM, Major Nolse, Mr. Gsy Power, Dr. WardsM. Brooksnd as many the pla of dehiled anti.n amtensod would have the efbet oflltlp the points of resltance. Eahb ad would lead to a long disauseioanwhih nearly thirty of Mr. 8ullivan's friends weo prepared to sustain. The prospect wea one to .asight a-y Ministry remembering ate rotraet4i itngs d of last oseston ; an -durlg the Cbinet meeting on Saturday, decided to offer a Compromise-or, properly, to concede in subatancte the deI.| mend -of Mr. Sullivan. When the eI il members were made aware of Mr. Smith'• proposals, they soeptgd them with plea- te ook. Coosequently, the Leet will no longer be without Cathboli abaplainh fEah station possessinga sl adros o three or more ships shall have a pries on thern l sa an olaer, and immediate tpsre tobe taken to provide one for tbe SetlyingJ in the Sea of Marmors. While we reoee at thi result of manly c•n1 •tutlottl actii-- thie tearing away of another raged asagd- anoy-we must not overlook te lesons it teaches. No Goveanmeent In power seems to have the 3m0oral c,6srep to otnt remove any s*eqo grlevtse. of wb Oasthoelis may esplain; and it is y by th heer. d t n srwor, or eothin ;a.S lyef eusr, tha-t the !a win-a ed IP9,,-bat itu wasnh'- to 6tharm7y Upto the o them the qE eoldie, though easridtd freely eog, was treated spiritually as i e wes a cavalry charger, and the woade is that he always fought so well. We do not sup- pose that the army obsplainms fou4 an ex- isunce from any partiular respee• . for Cathollo sentiment, or the navy would have received a similar favor long ore tis. The ex use of want of room was simply no exouse at all, as we have discovered, bat it served as well as any other.while there was no disposition on the part of the Irish members to be pertinacious. The cous- sion h ng been wrung from reluelaeoe, by a display of strength, the victors will have learned the other lesson thatthey have the power in their hands, if they use it rightly, to get rid of many other teequall- ties. Mere obsoton is the reverse of commendable in the general work of legis- lation; but it becomes an exemplaryweep- on when wielded for the removal of badge of inferiority whielf insult the wearers and degrade the nation. Klling of the arl of litds. DuZ*& ApU s -Intoliae. hoas ham re- steved that the Earl of Letr, hLis aoin, and also his driven, werea shot ~, w o drt a lg us•r hi s e lodheps lodgeae vue sbso opposite "a froms whiebe had re- tesats wsre undpe seae. I slib In A of the sheeooting hd 3e 5 aeddm th reasos of the &r10m was supposed to be of an leend e ad t. The lit ds o ha•s Lhea ws bettend in. It is thueght aloe tt he `w shot is te heal. The tal abas wmsa ei hoarn wes committd w sea lc"4 - 4~,l~ ae's a eam e•as dsman s a enside. asi a pioe. on ~esi amsdabe- Thbes alah-stam tes et at - aerlS- aHraa s.baine wlith te dawa. Iho sweetest stWid Is la edrsia. lbs bh ghusst Je vms lbaes ae AUetelsatte so we send * east wla staas, eal tsns lsdews us. al i5t1h-t halfp Ilasset The elteagt to bear a an esese- laisiu by_ r• maier. elesud MsrblU l3 . w raN 1r. LoUr BOsOOL qvZSaoN. 13t. I.smiWwma Wataheme 1 The fimes eo this t a bseit ame bt- Isbed to ho w* Ota ow ta inwleb tli the.lo ao m ldifeist *.lYhpad ss-- p4 . elleshe d htheiras s sad ean toeir bchldre ever to the lty to be edusada . The stasmesru, vasrs eiuoo ans weNo v lbo B•at w fd that be atemeatheses lato othrs papeo s m the. West, nd Sou and it L high time that t weee akte• Om s ete have not the wemtest Iide of oles elag their e . ISis wso the bade M -iaoalnimgd tehase greatly aulm •d loing S past iew j• sa, ba they patiet a contet to waSt for theOod U eomlang. The fat is, ot Catholle shools weeo o n" in rood - dltles mat pp1sees Theawe ese tagbi ee hbetter atteded thn ever bklefore. A the ornt is a Itle mosy to make them alled most sague obod desi.e. Blam Lee she ainsbve red. or hool Bomd. thees m wilag diapesitihs imhoelg oeae s ea ond wtss. to e asLh plasems or she eetustl of te dapepalir. Lad mn#a e l the eppt•.alo to Gewman l hStrootloea ir direo d .at d U arsten sUelft. Infel tshe w n waen by the Tesobed ' Commiotee. Baw d. the - pBedteelss, tea s laad, hasblauatwa aoe to hk ound .osetin IA a5 iao d •.. the elty. Whis htbl issa esad ila. tel the Graem mustn he Oe thing i hbeopd lr .;isp o atbeap ieis woen nlever so ulpplua so.d I JSaWveWso ad L sad lT iadsa to 001 rw1ai0 the amelaahe s oCathalies weast now, L• im sbeob housers ad od te meoes, du .•..e te i th..Ws .. . . .. he essredea. It was awat bath "e" *' While on the s.biJet of embeds, we may as well add hes the two foliowlag items as. from the sme issue of tbe Wfelmas (last weeks): The male derthBertot s, Patlok's emhools, toaght by the it t Bro , will h co- dooted anest per by the bthers as a iee ehoo, no obmig ben made fr fppils eeept for hooms To prpewly made sly tor paet fotivals ad other mess of ing s ds be resorted so. In the latter pars oft April, as we have already aossnoeed, the det os thsee festivals will he given, and it Is to be hoped that it sweosete will be all that could he d1. mired. The Cathedral schools opened last Monday, with an attendanoe of ev*eat pupils. Three 81sters from the Convent oflarqy Twenty- hird and Morgjw, are in hbarge. They wl epend opont s volantary ootrlbtLoe of the pariahblesses for thdeir support, l, in ad- dition to their sehoolt dtle, will ieit the sek and peororm themw e other t and sorpral worksof d e wlekh fell withi e Oti deoy to mate our pawish seboole t and lwe hope the d Is net far distant whs. shy will be really ateb. BTH POLITICAL PRIBONZBB AT FPIZ A vere To sawman o'o3Aros. The Corkeweropeadesat ol the wsea, tet* graphingl Meash II, ses - Mrs. Calles, fl sislter to the poeliti peiaee, BAlwe O'Cssaw who was Isnues pse or to Swety yes. at Dablia esnmis- sIes In '67 feeat emptg to seelasdlate Wea- er,the Feals.i m. pei a vwit to her broteir nvuww as b. mm -ams m ikem l Cansd, e. see satelbypon m be who had alse ev a uea Iprlsm earpolitlesl asedwul at Splia shet - imr. to eese II I eita i hlsoeve, b wn.ewaeerd dm0eai gtde wrero kw u t s als a•tof tIe t e stated, howes o~t * krl a k ors Ma bw-ae e him. idler nol.mu m bhbid via f t aein lis tua ttg hbe bal to .week at a stomo T h e em•te .ub us aEel q bet wa ide -l. Wlthmha illatshbfeldlu Isde. eer e O e•lsw..hs S Ihht en e w a e a t is e l * mlthstheswm •lin s e a tos l ei wbishbe r wag hag BOht u t hat cnDt bas.mln h elr wrek ogr to pe est, e sld ihas wa beun boad inBaold to r baprot ndantI ibe Oatholl Rierarebr, sad pabio dies ga blas ladved iato wtarm. p aecstse sr spn sh• •d ras s• ft s• ot t Sbe upl•oeed tsat the apris o Jahn sno was so dermant beoond a he TIwes as o- Jall fn setrlt a etilste Jatnouso. Rome threamomte the peac of ISootdla. A Boman S oo In sbot-o r. take pno , Po ad i wee ay every •lda msttns he os alp iebe aneo the ds oprotest against o Calhotm Th ereas roo meand pablic l ins Is being lashed Into was m. s We ps letad alotpoei, nd m drm. I was no o e suppto sd that e bel r it of John Knot wa bl dormant eoneBa l Twe as tond aill n a•tvlityat oa.ti , Tbal ot Er. Mot threats the pe fana lbsby is pftsa t eRomas in asin is ano t-to lake in r ad t to weeap away very lamar atposttasy nam . bon. ii is too mmeon mer•ny ooe SPressbytsllsag a oafer seuh an onemy to land un•alod, and b hs drums, seto- lsto and lay, at being w as with t-ke rbleg sereaetess. But nil ia "bound and fbry signifying aeting." Tb. Hierarchy analme Ita 1ul o h has bees aomeeated, and in a short lime it will he a liwing fast. The affairs of Seotish wrong I alln tr Why hhould am obje ebs ,the new pastors will t poaer •ofmmas bials tre by io m n s. Io grad. l Inds enlo theMos whole Ar•h- bish people. We kgowat, syend theohang on errosneos tiond he presatd eon ept va.ioudl uiwee. All tbe e.lk abotl a of Hinowelty to nhe Prsby toels ut nder- standing. In truth, bigotry has bss arouse ntisdom or folus, is Iso use evlo thaene therown awa . T aaloc and pre uta furnished by theoo l mint Wets of w Chur Drg Pmroe t we ontain power of graduall biefue, whno the rwhole Sot l poreople. and We tink s fear Is based eon errone• s ande peagg dero tn ions tabibetn o antagbe ie to the anl ofd Unin nio oaf, ueSettlement, sad other asc of . deom oer folly r.i so mh eo- quethinks no thrown the oaway. e arg say with TDr. P lrol that we have eabrd toldba bees lnaeedaud heb he aItph- them all before, whent bt twere as wgorkosly and as vainly. Ove er rtwenty- Ave years have passed sines tkhe r-es- tableea Ina of the hierarch in nlld, thinks now that the osnaby bhas smared In folda ghas bee Inorsesed sand s b ed k many long lost sheep boet this atesuat o thme issuo elegaee. eas : The will dlassor sad otey will aerge atheir is- papers. Oos e these Joeasals stags-tbUs..in If there isay 1og a to -his sa--e--- sahetM be sere g tla n wemusbee bs TIhesse ul o w•eU a me In nalld e M fts.,olekou remrrm.ru La wuc o ). Y.aa,, on,,+m~-l~m,! ?• a~ s de . >n a meosa "m` .. - s an k . sat e emm "-a h..- ei rfa. ;a .. u a eaYMJ O ema hswe.) - Sseemo Sloa dr amA s eee aa Se _a.s rs Ut mm me•t uo n s eme, a Es f ' ao Hi aleme Is leUane5 Se Abassee eet S. i b seb - dte, mMt ba SIe+ ba sells alod, M l skmis al 4 ,hei , agte dsire . e np, ee toy esedp be eewMis'Mee s N. poame lamesa whe sevme S *a n Sa p iN louabo I seen vp`if mRie meae te ae ", ia s pae." a ain _as Sd la nob NOo:p: sb Itesa"e l o e sIe I oamheamee_•Wo1 a zieaswhelsk 1 $ e of 5$ e Rom . ' saAIShamla b iap, mea a e ose .Mae,` s r I to IbotUe re Soe meaet m mwre a bato Weabe Is. as w l e I Plyses who s1 herI * sa't Sisameinds la Usee 66aid whel ,as efleime e .moes 1 ga N seehe, ish t 'bl a l-ew psyn Iplesl S ea, swha n b th ans apeasuse m m are- Lyitngd d_ Shi _e de•l hot-i+ e e wI pIpLee e tah t ieug svarse Ies efela "emn- hat asemu iaeaabE ash humbnleg Seb, Shwe woilth a!en cads to eel h e a one e Lbs mo jurmor e - 4m e'o mit o esmes asw y 'am Yhte s eelhal sb1ias 1d leelee in tarsus r ivr s a el ivth

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im:*7 i• t e-

-we a hpq ed 09 mn. ** q


. .

aw a s. . ... . .. .. -_ _.

.APRIL .7:


a r t the

Sn% OREANASU •I W.._.NG, API • - •178 ••- N ••, .- ,'=- ,, . .. • • . . . . . . - .. . - , . . .+ + -• -

s.ti athe m ana.E ht. ever.

am sass o Oero

Se0ia6e the Ppessealtie. ofthChaseh

. iiis euebythe

.wedsse sthreeTheum ~or mU

with only one is-

-rWhem the olenta sdialy esegratfhotatnme

- tatq t forr

uq emssrs allies. bat It is isnurin - da.so t whisk idd.

T e take,cr -I:.:: Mr '-g

, :**5: ldies.

tdegroeuam te~tat.M almj ,is th

bt itat rley wiessenterg~ sl*

Ih & I~ps h n et a mh-

fiuilaethowfa aheBalkatmeateh Dobe e-d'eof no"for m orn

Tef tat erLaIsr ew torthe


oat toaq e tea

a cclmhcittlieastleseetwl

andi Ce N ontinetan Se latauinel

tD~ori d i tbo soss Ion

all may amlgrl sat toseo.aa ts~i~ItIh saM that thea

f w.a *s personal lodie..eu ieadvime, and such

hase heeo a veryThe Turkish and Daceea

the latths going about Qon-freely-wIthout evoking

iswsge.isUomplalO of the in-f the Deuam;anif a. The

S"hindring the paseage ofcolumma 4hroegh thetr

$o have threataned so fotbi

eaeone north of She Balkans areAewerhec[tinga forlIA~atlouIU.are fortifying the line. of

glatreenobteit at allhe.~

week abow 53000 siok in'yr y In ZEurope alone, and as the

d warm, it is sertaln thatare taken to disinfeot

a frightful peetilecee will

of inmurgeinte continue todimyl tehalitat may he said to

aea that tht gallantbsans~he come to as snd.

of~a0 the me

meuag amia ter Ma as-sh k or n.

til$D St Ins.aIs now sa.id to beaa

Dereheta r, wichaf

Ind seek a

ouooo fro-

Seu; toalw eapUS00o0; ni Canael

keseper lelds of Corngr.s-e, f15Jlu r Pas•0, 0o;

m dds wetp• setot dtlom• the w ole -

Thi deb• s , Aril 1st, showed a de-cew t beof 318614.su l marise ll oh f eau t lLL IlIst um. pde.THE BRTIdBE 0150VARB ON TED l AB-

London, apr fl-Toes lr lar whichSir St eordNors theostatled bad bossistto 'the owar beoo ds of toa-adsind bythe Moarnquas.01 ofthali t

summarelu all the resoen o epower•t

stmnur; oon lue 1vo r8• n ssad aer ving Russia'e refusal toto Eg.lan 's deande relativeo tbe 1anof the treaty as a wholeQ bsfore toe Ooa-grees. Tontln co beas follows: "He Il.-uton aGoernme nt dee ply Powen ldeaeonat is evesn Ifa onalderob prsion of

to be. approsed, ruoaldas rratlo wloIae to their disuasion would aevertbeless

be open taboet serioossobjscass. Evero

a departure from th treat of 186, andby t delaraton signed t o a In 171It i mpossible for her este Govlermn-ment to acquleoe a wiftha als from the

ognasanas of tbhe powers of the artileswhich are modidestlons of existing tree-tics. The combined ebt of the stipula-ions upon-the ionterests of thoe powers alsofrnlshe a esonldmive reason againo t theo itseparate dtislon f any nde portione ofthem By the rt relatve to .NewBulgaria, a strong lv Stats' will beoreted nuder the auspices aod c•nte•'an

political and omme we luen n i•Blacknd ."Jgan Sees. A consIderable'Ber•A popti athhe gh tsw vis• w the

hvesmrunaity alen to It.provisions by whiob Rauses will

Thie slioan oadm Betrator famed andum muesl Rudyieootrola the frst workings

of inity of the intiock i felentl tndicateq ofwat poli the Arml sm it will Is ths fueresfoher a pat. over ti p optlaon for the betrgovern ant of Tesaly; tand Epirus, in

rthesev highly enble her o bl, a aso-eween pe by ond Peons th ghe indemral -

St which will be to Incresasthe powerof '`sate to the prejudice of fleeve -andever ther country baviag inpsssis Is

lty ipulted for is evidt t .. o•e

rekal severane even nota onle fromg theportion ot revenue stil lothetendr to otheernent rwill dprlv the Ports of anypolitial strength, which might have bemderived from their possession and exposethmedr inhabitan, or let to weserious own hy

The acquisition of entirely ebor and Ba-te•m makes Russia dominant over all the

vrIinity of th Belack ea, whle to the acqui-tiof the Armenian strongholds secures

her Influence over the population of theprovino and enables her to arrest trade

bliween Europe and Persia. The Indem-nity stipulated for Is evidently beyondTurkish reie s, even not on ide Bring the

portion of revenue hypotecated to odtherreditor extends o e of phaymet being othe vaguel stated, t may thus be demandedImmediately, or left to weigh down the

Port's dety pendence for many years,commuted for more territory, or be madethe means of entirely subordinating Tar-ks. to Rb neae' polfl.

IThe Rombineda's ey. ofthe-treaty stipu-lations is to depres almost to the point ofentire subjection the political independenceiof the Porte. It cannot be otherwise thna satter of igret solicitude to Grea•Britainthbe ats aoern whoe, forimal jerula-=lion extends over geographical positions ofthe deepest nterest to he r, should be soSTlosel preoved by ths ole itical opte ofI a greatly superior power that its Indepsa-dent action and even existence is almost

himpossible. aof chaonges re lloubtless. be necessary in the hitherto existing trea-

PEgland earnestly desir es gd govern-ment ad peace an freedom fr the popu-Ilat•on to whom tMo•s blesin- hve been

sCotrans She woiwa Congres in which the stipula eudbe examined as a whole, but nither Bris-ish Lutsrests nor the well-being of- theTurkish provinces ould be consulted bySthe assembling of a Congress restrietedbPrince-ortebakofrs latestr o

SAWoCIos s : Sl I gIvejn a

IlrYro 14Y~1r

a0r4o70 o CA4F D1W 2W dmlTe- s

now Tua zassa rssmas mud En s GoT


raveqad Gslews slens.We return 0 this s t for the part-

sw of thaking lh Irf rsembrngs ef Par-ilamnt, and MW. A. M:; el.vsU in p i-alar, for the. vitsory. they habve weoverh-e Admiralty. I week they were met

by Mr, W. IL Sm.th with sm nrafusael tothe reemonabls rs est oMr.Siva thatthee semed liSttise ofb . mdse . Butt.b Cattholes ef theUited Kingdom havea Aw ropresnea.ti• sh.U o nb forLoath amongs the uumber-who have theearaesness to seek Jostes sand ghoorasgeto • hbt for It Whoi It was kn n thatthe. hoib sailoss were not omly without•pd, bt-r w gnoing to be kept so

with a war amonptt pibllete es of the:Snet few monaths- was resolved to makea terrible example of the governmen.

orty. mondmea t w• o eontered to theNavy Estimate. by l. Sullivan, Mr. Par-nM, Major Nolse, Mr. Gsy

Power, Dr. WardsM. Brooksnd a s many

the pla of dehiled anti.n amtensod wouldhave the efbet oflltlp the points ofresltance. Eahb ad would leadto a long disauseioanwhih nearly thirty ofMr. 8ullivan's friends weo prepared tosustain. The prospect wea one to .asighta-y Ministry remembering ate rotraet4iitngs d of last oseston ; an -durlg

the Cbinet meeting on Saturday,decided to offer a Compromise-or,properly, to concede in subatancte the deI.|mend -of Mr. Sullivan. When the eI ilmembers were made aware of Mr. Smith'•proposals, they soeptgd them with plea-

te ook. Coosequently, the Leet will nolonger be without Cathboli abaplainhfEah station possessinga sl adros o threeor more ships shall have a pries on thern lsa an olaer, and immediate tpsre tobetaken to provide one for tbe SetlyingJ inthe Sea of Marmors. While we reoee atthi result of manly c•n1 •tutlottl actii--thie tearing away of another raged asagd-anoy-we must not overlook te lesons itteaches. No Goveanmeent In power seemsto have the 3m0oral c,6srep to otntremove any s*eqo grlevtse. of wbOasthoelis may esplain; and it is y byth heer. d t n srwor, or eothin;a.S lyef eusr, tha-t the !awin-a ed IP9,,-bat itu wasnh'-

to 6tharm7y Upto the o them the qEeoldie, though easridtd freely eog,was treated spiritually as i e wes acavalry charger, and the woade is that healways fought so well. We do not sup-pose that the army obsplainms fou4 an ex-isunce from any partiular respee• . forCathollo sentiment, or the navy wouldhave received a similar favor long ore tis.The ex use of want of room was simply noexouse at all, as we have discovered, batit served as well as any other.while therewas no disposition on the part of the Irishmembers to be pertinacious. The cous-sion h ng been wrung from reluelaeoe,by a display of strength, the victors willhave learned the other lesson thatthey havethe power in their hands, if they use itrightly, to get rid of many other teequall-ties. Mere obsoton is the reverse ofcommendable in the general work of legis-lation; but it becomes an exemplaryweep-on when wielded for the removal of badgeof inferiority whielf insult the wearers anddegrade the nation.

Klling of the arl of litds.

DuZ*& ApU s -Intoliae. hoas ham re-steved that the Earl of Letr, hLis aoin, andalso his driven, werea shot ~, w o drt alg us•r hi s e lodheps lodgeae vue

sbso opposite "a froms whiebe had re-

tesats wsre undpe seae. I slib In A

of the sheeooting hd 3e 5 aeddm threasos of the &r10m was supposed to be of an

leend e ad t. The lit ds o ha•s Lhea wsbettend in. It is thueght aloe tt he `wshot is te heal. The tal abas wmsa

ei hoarn wes committd w sea

lc"4 - 4~,l~

ae's a eam e•as dsman s a enside.asi a pioe. on ~esi amsdabe-

Thbes alah-stam tes et at -aerlS-aHraa s.baine wlith te dawa.

Iho sweetest stWid Is la edrsia.lbs bh ghusst Je vms lbaes ae

AUetelsatte so we send * eastwla staas, eal tsns lsdews us.

al i5t1h-t halfp IlassetThe elteagt to bear a an esese-

laisiu by_ r• maier.elesud MsrblU l3 . w

raN 1r. LoUr BOsOOL qvZSaoN.

13t. I.smiWwma Wataheme 1The fimes eo this t a bseit ame bt-

Isbed to ho w* Ota ow ta inwleb tlithe.lo ao m ldifeist *.lYhpad ss--

p4 .elleshe d htheiras s sad ean toeirbchldre ever to the lty to be edusada . The

stasmesru, vasrs eiuoo ans weNo v lbo

B•at w fd that be atemeatheseslato othrs papeo s m the. West, ndSou and it L high time that t weee akte•

Om s ete have not the wemtest Iide ofoles elag their e . ISis wso the bade M

-iaoalnimgd tehase greatly aulm•d loing S past iew j• sa, ba they

patiet a contet to waSt for theOod Ueomlang. The fat is, ot Catholle shools

weeo o n" in rood - dltles mat pp1seesTheawe ese tagbi ee hbetter attededthn ever bklefore. A the ornt is a Itlemosy to make them alled most sague

obod desi.e. Blam Lee she ainsbvered. or hool Bomd. thees m wilag

diapesitihs imhoelg oeae s ea ond wtss.to e asLh plasems or she eetustl of te

dapepalir. Lad mn#a e l the eppt•.alo toGewman l hStrootloea ir direo d .at d Uarsten sUelft. Infel tshe w n waen

by the Tesobed ' Commiotee. Baw d. the -pBedteelss, tea s laad, hasblauatwaaoe to hk ound .osetin IA a5 iao d •..the elty. Whis htbl issa esad ila.tel the Graem mustn he Oe thing ihbeopd lr .;isp o atbeap ieis woen nleverso ulpplua so.d I JSaWveWso

ad L sad lT iadsa to 001 rw1ai0

the amelaahe s oCathalies weastnow, L• im sbeob housers ad od te meoes,

du .•..e te i th..Ws .. . . ..he essredea. It was awat bath "e" *'

While on the s.biJet of embeds, we may aswell add hes the two foliowlag items as.from the sme issue of tbe Wfelmas (lastweeks):

The male derthBertot s, Patlok's emhools,toaght by the it t Bro , will h co-dooted anest per by the bthers as a iee

ehoo, no obmig ben made fr fppils eeeptfor hooms To prpewly made sly tor paetfotivals ad other mess of ing s dsbe resorted so. In the latter pars oft April, aswe have already aossnoeed, the det os thseefestivals will he given, and it Is to be hopedthat it sweosete will be all that could he d1.mired.

The Cathedral schools opened last Monday,with an attendanoe of ev*eat pupils. Three81sters from the Convent oflarqy Twenty-hird and Morgjw, are in hbarge. They wlepend opont s volantary ootrlbtLoe of

the pariahblesses for thdeir support, l, in ad-dition to their sehoolt dtle, will ieit the sekand peororm themw e other t and sorpralworksof d e wlekh fell withi e Otideoy to mate our pawish seboole t and lwehope the d Is net far distant whs. shy willbe really ateb.


A vere To sawman o'o3Aros.

The Corkeweropeadesat ol the wsea, tet*graphingl Meash II, ses -

Mrs. Calles, fl sislter to the poelitipeiaee, BAlwe O'Cssaw who was Isnuespse or to Swety yes. at Dablia esnmis-sIes In '67 feeat emptg to seelasdlate Wea-er,the Feals.i m. pei a vwit to herbroteir nvuww as b. mm -ams m ikeml Cansd, e. see satelbypon m be

who had alse ev a uea Iprlsmearpolitlesl asedwul at Splia shet-imr. to eese


eita i hlsoeve, b wn.ewaeerd dm0eaigtde wrero kw u t s

als a•tof tIe t e stated, howes • o~t *

krl a k ors Ma bw-ae e him. idlernol.mu m bhbid via f t aein lis

tua ttg hbe bal to.week at a stomo T h e

em•te .ub us aEel q bet wa ide-l. Wlthmha illatshbfeldlu Isde.

eer e O e•lsw..hsS Ihht en e w a e a t is e l *

mlthstheswm •lin s e

a tos l ei wbishbe r wag hag

BOht u t hat cnDt bas.mln helr wrek ogr to pe est, e sld ihas wa

beun boad in Baold to r baprot ndantI

ibe Oatholl Rierarebr, sad pabiodies ga blas ladved iato wtarm. paecstse sr spn sh• •d ras s• ft s• ot tSbe upl•oeed tsat the apris o Jahn snowas so dermant beoond a he TIwes as o-Jall fn setrlt a etilste Jatnouso. Rome

threamomte the peac of ISootdla. A BomanS oo In sbot-o r. take pno , Po ad iwee ay every •lda msttns heos alp iebe aneo the ds oprotest againsto Calhotm Th ereas roo meand pablic lins Is being lashed Into was m. s We

ps letad alotpoei, nd m drm. I was no oe suppto sd that e bel r it of John Knotwa bl dormant eoneBa l Twe as tondaill n a•tvlityat oa.ti , Tbal ot Er. Motthreats the pe fana lbsby is pftsa t eRomas

in asin is ano t-to lake in r ad t toweeap away very lamar atposttasynam .bon. ii is too mmeon mer•ny ooeSPressbytsllsag a oafer seuh an onemy

to land un•alod, and b hs drums, seto-lsto and lay, at being w as with t-kerbleg sereaetess. But nil ia "bound andfbry signifying aeting." Tb. Hierarchy

analme Ita 1ul o hhas bees aomeeated, and in a short lime itwill he a liwing fast. The affairs of Seotishwrong I alln tr Why hhould am obje

ebs ,the new pastors will t poaer•ofmmas bials tre by io m n s.Io grad. l Inds enlo theMos whole Ar•h-bish people. We kgowat, syend theohang

on errosneos tiond he presatd eon ept

va.ioudl uiwee. All tbe e.lk abotl aof Hinowelty to nhe Prsby toels ut nder-standing. In truth, bigotry has bssarouse ntisdom or folus, is Iso use evlothaene therown awa . T aaloc and pre

uta furnished by theoo l mint Wets ofw Chur Drg Pmroe t we ontain powerof graduall biefue, whno the rwhole Sotl poreople. and We tink s fear Is basedeon errone• s ande peagg dero tn ionstabibetn o antagbe • ie to the anl ofdUnin nio oaf, ueSettlement, sad otherasc of . deom oer folly r.i so mh eo-quethinks no thrown the oaway. e argsay with TDr. P lrol that we have eabrd

toldba bees lnaeedaud heb he aItph-

them all before, whent bt twere aswgorkosly and as vainly. Ove er rtwenty-Ave years have passed sines tkhe r-es-

tableea Ina of the hierarch in nlld,thinks now that the osnaby bhas smared Infolda ghas bee Inorsesed sand s bed k many long lost sheep boet thisatesuat o thme issuo elegaee. eas : The willdlassor sad otey will aerge atheir is-

papers. Oos e these Joeasals stags-tbUs..in

If there isay 1og a to -his sa--e---sahetM be sere g tla n wemusbee bs

TIhesse ul o w•eU a me In nalld eM fts.,olekou remrrm.ru La wuc o). Y.aa,, on,,+m~-l~m,! ?•

a~ s de .>n a meosa "m`.. - s an k . sat e emm

"-a h..- ei rfa. ;a .. u

a eaYMJ O ema hswe.) -

Sseemo Sloa dr amAs eee aa Se _a.s

rs Ut mm me•t uo ns eme, a Es f ' ao

Hi aleme Is leUane5

Se Abassee eet S. i

b seb -dte, mMt

ba SIe+ ba sellsalod, M l skmis al 4

,hei , agte dsire .e np, ee toy

esedp be eewMis'Mee s N.

poame lamesa whe sevme S *a n Sa piN louabo I seen vp`ifmRie meae te ae ",

ia s pae." a ain _as

Sd la nob NOo:p:sb Itesa"e l o e sIe I

oamheamee_•Wo1 a

zieaswhelsk 1 $ e of 5$ e Rom . 'saAIShamla b iap, mea a e ose .Mae,`

s r I to IbotUe re

Soe meaet m mwre a batoWeabe Is. as w l e I

Plyses who s1 herI * sa't

Sisameinds la Usee 66aidwhel ,as efleime e .moes

1 ga N seehe, ish t

'bl a l-ew psyn

Iplesl S ea, swha n bth ans apeasuse m m are-

Lyitngd d_ Shi _e de•l hot-i+ e e wIpIpLee e tah t

ieug svarse Ies efela "emn-hat asemu iaeaabE ashhumbnleg Seb, Shwe woilth a!en

cads to eel h e aone e Lbs mo jurmor e -

4m e'o mit o esmes asw y 'am

Yhte s eelhal sb1ias 1d leelee

in tarsus r ivr s a el ivth