edet 637 dual coding theory

EDET 637 Designing e-Learning University of Alaska Anchorage Spring 2010 Bethany Zimpelman, RN, BSN Sasha Lamoureux, RN, BS George Flores, RN, BS

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EDET 637 Designing e-LearningUniversity of Alaska AnchorageSpring 2010Bethany Zimpelman, RN, BSNSasha Lamoureux, RN, BS George Flores, RN, BS

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•Identify the basic principles of dual coding theory as they apply to adult learning•Compare and contrast the effects of description and depiction on spatial and verbal working memory using text media and multimedia

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Allan Urho Paivio, PhDEmeritus Professor Department of PsychologyUniversity of Western Ontario

Unknown (2009)

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•Functional framework for cognitive psychology•Equal emphasis on verbal and non verbal input•Two brain mediated processes of cognition

• Imagens• Logogens

•Processes interconnected•Images facilitate recall and learning•Information input coded in two distinct ways due to different sites in brain for processing

(Brunyé, Taylor, & Rapp, 2007; Hartman, Biddle, & Fallacaro, 2008; Tempelman-Kluit, 2006)

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“distinct cognitive processes emerge from interactions between several regions… specific for particular inputs and outputs…” (DeLeon, Gottesman, Kleinman, Newhart, Davis, Heidler-Gary, Lee & Hillis, 2007, p. 1417).

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Examples Examples •Stone & Glock (1981)•Levie & Lentz (1982)

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Exercise Exercise

•Try to perform this physical gesture: Touch the tip of your right index finger to the tip of your left thumb, twist both wrists and repeat with opposite fingers continually twisting wrists and touching opposing index fingers and thumbs.

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Exercise Exercise

•Touch the tip of your right index finger to the tip of your left thumb, twist both wrists and repeat with opposite fingers continually twisting wrists and touching opposing index fingers and thumbs.

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Whiteboard Activity!

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•E-Learning is dual coding!

•Absorb information •Decreases cognitive load

Jereb & Smitek (2006)

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Whiteboard Activity!

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Definitions•Mediport®: Implanted vascular access device (surgically tunneled under the skin) used to withdraw blood samples or instill intravenous fluids

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•EMLA Cream:Topical anesthetic cream used to decrease sensation of pain during invasive procedures (IV placement, needle sticks, etc.)

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Definitions•Huber Needle: angled needle designed to be inserted into an implanted vascular access device in the chest wall

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Definitions•Vacutainer®: commercial device to draw blood passively using needle/ butterfly (needle) vascular access device and blood tubes

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•Neutropenic: having very low counts of specialized white blood cells; usually found in early stages of infection (McCance & Huether, 2006). Significance is that having low counts lowers a patient’s defense mechanism against infective organisms.

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•Septic shock: massive blood stream infection that causes cellular leakage of fluids and compromises tissue perfusion (oxygenation).

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Goal to compare student response to dual coded versus single coded media presentation (video/audio instruction versus written instruction)

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•Two different media were designed to teach the same•Developed simple survey using Survey Monkey (http://www.surveymonkey.com)•Eight question quiz distributed online, two versions•Five questions multiple choice, three narrative response/ short answer•Forced answers•Students were to explore each teaching method and answer quiz

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1. How many sets of blood cultures are necessary for pediatric oncology patients?

2. What is the mediport® site prepped with before accessing the vascular device?

3. What is the first step in accessing a mediport®?

4. Describe the two purposes of a mediport®?

5. How many milliliters (ml) of heparin are instilled into the mediport® before de-accessing the device?

6. When should antibiotic therapy be initiated?

7. How would you rate this instructional media chosen for “Accessing a Mediport®”? Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent?

8. What is the beverage of choice for Homer Simpson?

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• Number of completed surveys (n = 5)• Total possible respondents

N = 12 (excludes one faculty)

• Overall survey response rate 42% (excludes faculty)

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ResultsVersion 1

Question 7- Response to Single

Coded Media“good…” (two

responses)“fair…” (two

responses)“knowing nothing

of the subject… say fair to good… Homer doesn’t drink Alaskan Amber… he should…”

Version 2Question 7-

Response to Dual Coded Media

“good…”“good… especially

with written instruction for reference…”

“excellent…”“good to

excellent… with written portion…”

Subject emphasizes point that Mr. Simpson’s palate lacks refinement and therefore “should be… Alaskan Amber…”

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•Survey tool unable to capture whether respondents were the same for each survey•Questionable validity of the tool

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•Maintained respondent anonymity•Survey tool very user friendly•Easy design format

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Carolyn Todd – filmographer and AV guru

Future actress (with signed consent)

Thanks for being awesome

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Brunyé, T. T., Taylor, H. A., & Rapp, D. N. (2007). Repetition and dual coding in procedural multimedia presentations. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/acp.1396. Chapman, R. J. (2006). Dual coding diagram.

Collaborative Work Systems, Inc. Retrieved February 3, 2010 from http://

www.cws-i.com/multimodal_research.htm.Chen, E. H. (2004). A review of learning theories from visual literacy [Electronic version]. Journal of Educational Computing, Design, & Online Learning, 5. Retrieved from http://coe.ksu.edu/jecdol/Vol_5/

html/VisualLiteracy.htmDeLeon, J., Gottesman, R. F., Kleinman, J. T., Newhart, M., Davis, C., Heidler-Gary, J., Lee, A. & Hillis, A. E. (2007). Neural regions essential for distinct cognitive processes underlying picture naming. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 130(5), 1408-1422. doi: 10.1093/brain/awm011.

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Hartman, W., Biddle, C. & Fallacaro, M. (2008). Audiovisual facilitation of clinical

knowledge: A paradigm for dispersed student education based on Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 76(3), 194-198.Jereb, E. and Smitek, B. (2006). Applying multimedia instruction in e-learning [Electronic

version]. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43(1), 15-27.

Levie, W. H. and Lentz, R. (1982). Effects of text illustrations: A review of research.

Educational Technology Research and Development, 30(4), 195-232. McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2006). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in

adults and children (5th ed.). Elsevier Mosby: St. Louis, MO.

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Mitchel, O. (2008). The application of visual thinking to presentations. (adapted from Richard Mayer). [Electronic version]. Speaking about Presenting. Retrieved from: http://www.speakingaboutpresenting.com/


Stone, D. E. and Glock, M. D. (1981). How do young adults read directions with or without pictures? Journal of Educational

Psychology, 73(3), 419-426. Tempelman-Kluit, N. (2006). Multimedia learning theories and online instruction. College and Research Libraries, 67(4), 364-369.

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