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  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica



    Minds wide open

    ay, October 20, 2013

    geryders is a network of 1600+ people and organisations from around the globe building socia

    d technical infrastructure to get radically innovative projects off the ground and keep them

    ere. People in Edgeryders are experimenting with everything from urban gardening for food

    curity, occupying unused spaces, exploring cryptographic currencies and building spaces for

    w kinds of democratic participation.

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    obal unrest, rapid climate change, mass unemployment, outdated governance structures.

    eryone at the centre says they want innovation, but after reviewing thousands of pages of

    hnographic data, first hand accounts of HOW people are realising these innovative responses to

    stemic crises and instability, we found that the actors you would expect to be there, are

    where to be seen. Why is that? Well get to that later. But first, a microscope on some of the

    des in the Edgeryders community.

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    oblem: gap in innovation support system for pre-market and radical innovation. Solution: A

    ce based innovation residency and mutual exchange program. Like artist residency but for

    ovators to take on social problems with local community. From idea to prototype and changes

    policy in less than 12 months. A problem that would otherwise take 10 years to solve.

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    oblem: liquidity constraints brought on by crises criple local economies. Solution: algorithm fo

    twork bartering. Its called Economy App Moneyless economy for the 99%.

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    oblem: Racketeering. Solution: Maffia-free equivalent of fare trade labelling for businesses tha

    p forward and refuse to pay protection money to the Maffa. Easier for consumers to support

    em and inspires others to also act against organised crime by showing that if you do it, no one

    come after you.

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica



    ay, October 20, 2013

    ople experimenting with alternative responses to new problems exist on the edge. People

    king for answers & who have resources live in the centre. From the centre the edge is stormy

    d messy. So the people with resources ask the Mckinseys of the world to help make sense of

    ats going on. But they, like the clients they are trying to help live in the centre. The centre asks

    e wrong questions and tries to solve the wrong problems. This next cartoon illustrates the

    evailing wisdom

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    ople want innovation, but innovation thats already been done. Disruptive innovation is

    possible to evaluate even in theory. Evaluators try to measure it in terms of the world they live in

    hich does not contain the innovation), whereas innovators try to build the world which does

    ntain the innovation. The former are accountable to the present; the latter to the future. Einstein

    d a great line about it the insanity of repeating the same process and expecting different results

  • 7/27/2019 Edgeryders Business Presentation PostSouthAfrica


    ay, October 20, 2013

    pitalism is ever changing but right now it is changing very quickly and quite unpredictably. Out

    these changes will come winners and losers. Schumpeter gave the classic description of this

    ocess when he called it "creative destruction". Anyone who doubts the destruction part need

    y look and what has happened to Blackberry and to Nokia.

    , "Business As Usual" is now totally last century..and the incumbents in the consulting industry

    longer have all of the answers.

    Edgeryders we don't claim to have them all either and we are not saying that you should hire

    instead of them.

    e reason for hiring Edgeryders is perspective. The analysis we can give will not only be un-

    tainable from anyone else but it will allow you to re-interpret the results you get from the

    umbents in a different light.It is only by standing at the edge of a precipice that you start to see

    e path down. The Edgeryders community and corporation are already at the edge....

    t us help you start on that journey together.