edi and trading networks concepts document setup mapping enveloping functional acks

EDI and Trading Networks Concepts Document Setup Mapping Enveloping Functional Acks

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EDI and Trading Networks


Document Setup



Functional Acks

Page 2: EDI and Trading Networks Concepts Document Setup Mapping Enveloping Functional Acks

We apply a knowledgeable and disciplined approach to integration projects. With a focus

on business benefit, rather than on technical coolness, we partner with our customers to leverage webMethods

products and our insight to create robust, powerful integration solutions.


The Fundamentals

• 700 technology and marketing professionals

• Offices in Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, New York, Boston

The Offerings

• Assessment

• Integration architecture

• Design, development and implementation

• Education and knowledge transfer

Page 3: EDI and Trading Networks Concepts Document Setup Mapping Enveloping Functional Acks


Integration Server

Trading Networks




Built-in Services







Web Services


Trading Networks



Processing Rule

Recognize Document Type and

Extract Attributes

Document Types

Determine How to Process the Document

Processing Rules



-Verify-Validate-Check uniqueness-Save

Trading Networks provides services for the management of partners and the exchange of

documents. You define partners,

document types and processing rules that manage the flow of documents in and out of your environment. Based on this configuration information, Trading Networks processes each document by passing the document to a service, delivering it to a partner or sending an alert e-mail to an administrator.

Trading Networks



Page 4: EDI and Trading Networks Concepts Document Setup Mapping Enveloping Functional Acks


Trading Networks



Processing Rule

Recognize Document Type and

Extract Attributes

Document Types

Determine How to Process the Document

Processing Rules



-Verify-Validate-Check uniqueness-Save

The EDI modules work with the TN framework to extend the benefits of TN to EDI document

exchange. The EDI Module: Core

Component provides services for mapping, enveloping, flat-file support, etc. while the EDI Module: Trading Networks component supplements the TN environment to support processing EDI. EDI for TN provides “de-enveloping” so your services can work with one transaction set at a time.

EDI and TN

What You’ll See Today:

•Integration Server 4.6

•Trading Networks 4.5.1

•EDI Module: Core Component 4.5

•EDI Module: Trading Networks Component 4.5E

DI f

or T







Page 5: EDI and Trading Networks Concepts Document Setup Mapping Enveloping Functional Acks

These are the high-level steps to configure your

TN install-ation for

specific transaction sets. You should read both the EDI Core and EDI TN component manuals before starting.


1 Download schemas and templates.

Create namespace record and schema.

Install the template.

Define validation record reference.

Install EDI document type.




5 6 Configure TN profiles and rules.

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“…consider mapping a segment/section of the document at a time, especially when those segments have multiple occurrences.”Segment Mapping

X12 Custom Record X12Custom Record

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Various elements of an EDI document need to vary by trading partner. This includes delimiters, identification qualifiers and identifiers. Instead of hard-coding these into a mapping service, thereby making the mapping service partner specific, we can look up these values from extended fields in the TN profiles.


ISA*00* *00* *01*00001 *01*1234598GS*RC*00001*123459876*20010926*1030*00000000ST*861*000000001BRA*BRAReferenceId*20010926*00*1**07REF*SI*Shipper IdDTM*050*20011026PRF*Purchase Order #**20010909TD1*CTN*500*G*600*LBTD5****MTD3*TL*Init*Equipment Number..SE*20*000000001GE*2*000000009IEA*1*123456789

EDI Field Extended Field Description

ISA14 ackRequested Indicates whether or not an ack is requested.

ISA15 testIndicator Indicates whether or not this interchange is a test.

ISA16 subFieldDelimiter The character used as the subfield delimiter.

(n/a) fieldDelimiter The character used as the field delimiter.

(n/a) recordDelimiter The character used as the record delimiter (segment terminator).

ISA05 idTypeForSender


If idTypeForSender is DUNS, ISA05 is set to 01. If idTypeForSender is Mutually Defined, ISA05 is set to ZZ. Otherwise, ISA05 is set to the value in senderQualifier.

ISA06, GS02 idTypeForSender Specifies the external ID to use as the sender identifier.

ISA07 idTypeForReceiver


If idTypeForReceiver is DUNS, ISA07 is set to 01. If idTypeForReceiver is Mutually Defined, ISA07 is set to ZZ. Otherwise, ISA07 is set to the value in receiverQualifier.

ISA08, GS03 idTypeForReceiver Specifies the external ID to use as the receiver identifier.

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Use a custom service to lookup values from TN profile extended fields and establish defaults. Place these values in a custom envelope record.

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For outbound EDI documents, the same steps for converting a record to an EDI string and adding the group and interchange envelopes can be used for any transaction set. A utility service simplifies the work.

Simple changes to the service presented here can be made to support multiple transaction sets per group and multiple groups per interchange.

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A functional acknowledgement (FA) “indicates the results of a syntactical analysis of the

electronically encoded documents.” In other words, did the document(s)

being acknowledged conform to the format we agreed upon? Were all the data elements in the right order? Were the codes values used correct?

FunctionalAcks (997s)

An FA only indicates that the indicated interchange was accepted or rejected syntactically. It does not indicate the acceptance of the document by the system that performs the ultimate processing. For example, an FA does not say “we accept your purchase order.” Rather, it says “we received your purchase order and are processing it.”

Here’s my purchase order.

Got it.

Here’s my purchase order.

I don’t understand XYZ.

Here’s a corrected one.

Got it.

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The EDI Core Component service, wm.b2b.edi.util.generateFA, performs group-level

validation and an envelope-

level compliance check. It acknow-ledges interchange and group-level validation status only. Custom work is need-ed to create FAs at the transaction set level.


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The EDI Core Component service, wm.b2b.edi.util.generateFA, performs group-level

validation and an envelope-

level compliance check. It acknow-ledges interchange and group-level validation status only. Custom work is need-ed to create FAs at the transaction set level.


Service Highlights• Duplicates TN validation using wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues and pub.schema:validate

• Validates at envelope level first• Verifies counts and control numbers• If no errors, validates transaction sets• Uses error array from validate service to determine error codes and

segment location• AK3/AK4 segments require special handling to determine position of

the offending segment• 997s within input document are ignored for validation but included in

acknowledgement counts

ISA*00* *00* *01*12GS*FA*123459876*00001*20020718*1815*1ST*997*181815103AK1*RC*000000009AK2*861*000000001AK3*TD3*8**8AK4*03**5*Equipment NumberAK3*RCD*11**8AK4*08**7*00

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Rob Eamon at 208-890-2255

email: [email protected]
