editing terms media

21/3/2014 21/03/2014 1

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This is a shot which cuts to the view in the opposite direction.

It can be used to show conversation in 2 or more characters, but will occasionally cut to a shot whch will show all of them in frame.

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This shot is used to show what the character sees from their perspective.

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A shot where you fade from one to another, with a similar shape present.

For example a watch and a rolo.

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When a character makes an action and a cut, which takes you to the next logical action.

For Example: Turning to go back inside, you will need to have the character facing the same direction when the shot changes.

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When the cut jumps you forward a couple of seconds by losing frames.

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This is cutting between two times while in some sort of action scene.

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Is when you see 2 or more sequences running at the same time.

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When you move from the master shot, and zoom in to see a shot of some action.

This is more generally used in football.

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A cut from the main action to some just outside of frame.

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When we don’t see an edit for a long time.

It has an effect in which everything is slowed down because we don’t see much change making things feel slow.

Example -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qh7jFJ6zWw&feature=player_detailpage

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The opposite of a Long take.

It helps to make a scene quick and action packed

Example -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDYyAAdtDfk&feature=player_detailpage 0:41-1:12

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A style of editing where the shots are connected so that the change is very discreet.

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This originates from Russian films, and is the opposite to invisible editing.

This style try’s to make you aware of the fact that this is a film, a piece of fiction, and not try to make you feel like it is real life.

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A technique used to slow down time.

It is usually used in action scenes, to show certain areas in more detail.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CztxQIn5ZhQ&feature=player_detailpage – Sherlock Holmes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNE2hNmmT3A&feature=player_detailpage - Inception

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This is when a cut resembles a jumps forward in time. This is usually accompanied by a subtitle telling you the length of time the shot represents.

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A series of short takes in which they are put to a non-digetic soundtrack.

Example -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHbUFzTHUhI&feature=player_detailpage –Zombieland

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This is used to drag out time and create suspense.

It can also help to create feelings for the main character and help to create a sense of belonging.

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The shot dissolves into tiny particles and reform to make the next one.


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When the current shot fades out while the next fades in.

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Fade Out

Fade Out – When the current shot fades out, usually to black.

Fade In – This is the opposite to fade out and can follow a fade out to suggest a conclusion is near.

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Fade In

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This is when the new shot pushes its way across the screen, pushing the old one out.

It can start from any angle.

Example – The transition to the next slide is an example of a wipe.

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This is computer generated images, used to create impossible objects, characters, effects, etc.

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This is when two or more pieces of film are displayed on the same screen at the same time, blended on the screen.

Example -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77Z16NGaiA&feature=player_detailpage

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This refers to any editing brought in during the editing stage.

This can include:◦ Any CGI

◦ Text

◦ Special Effects

◦ Visual Effects

◦ Etc.

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Crime Dramas

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Shots used in the scene:◦ Eyeline Match – Used to show detectives entering

the room.

◦ Shot/Reverse Shot – Used to show conversation between Jane and the detectives.

◦ The Cut- This is to used to show different shots quickly and to create a more face paced scene.

◦ Zoom – Used to slowly show more of Janesemotions.

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These shots create a sense of belonging, as you are kept in the loop, and see everything that is going on.

This is created by using the shots mentioned as they are all shots that involve the characters so we get to see what they see and what everyone is doing.

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This shot is useful as we can see through the characters eyes. This is useful to us as it allows us to feel more involved, as we see what they see.

Overall, it is a effective method in fulfilling the need for belonging, as we feel like we are in the room with them

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The pace can help to set the tone of the interview.

For Example: A quick pace gives a more agitated conversation, and a slow pace gives a more calmer conversation, with suspense.

Overall, pace can set the tone for the scene and can decide what could happen; emotionally and physically.

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Cross Cutting is useful for building up a storyline. It allows us to see either back to a past event or forward to a future event.

Overall, this can help build up more of a storyline and make the overall story more interesting.

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By using Graphic and Action Matching you can create more interesting scenes as they flow more steadily and easily.

Overall, these matching techniques are good at making a more free flowing scene and adding to the scene by making it realistic.

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