edric tommorow 3

 1 Present Continuous  A. Complete the paragraph. Use ’m not, isn’t or aren’t. Elena (1) ________ phoning her friends at the moment. Enrique and Marina (2) ________ studying. I (3) ________ doing my homework and I (4) ________ listening to my CDs. Mum and Dad (5) ________ having dinner and they (6) ________ reading the newspapers. The dog (7)  ________ sleeping. Why not? Because we’re all watching football on TV. We (8) ___ _____ talking    Spain are playing Brazil!  B. Complete these dialogues with the verbs in the present continuous. John:  Hello. Mum:  Hi, John. Is everything OK? John:  Of course it is, mum. Mum:  What ………… you……………… do) ? John:  I …………………………… watch)  TV. Mum:  I can hear people. John:   That´s Tom and Sarah. We ………………………… watch)  a video. Mum:  They ………………………… not watch) a video. They ……………………… talk).  John:   We ……………………… have)  a pizza at the moment. Mum: ………… you …………………… have)  a party? John:  No, mum. Mum:  And your brother? What ……… he ………………… do)  ? John:  He is in his bedroom. Mum: ………… he …………………… study) ? John:  I think so. What ………… you ………………… do) ? Mum:  We are in the car. We …………………………… come)  home. John:  Today?! Mum: See you in about two hours…  _____________________________________________ Linda:  Hello? Greg:  Hi, Linda. It’s Greg. Linda:  Hi Greg. How are you? Greg:  I’m bored. What …………………………… you / do) ? …………………………… you / study)  for the  French exam? Linda:  No, I’m not. I ……………………………… write) some e-mails and I ………………………… listen)  to some CDs. Greg:   What ……………………………………… you / listen)  to? Linda:   The new Madonna album. It’s pretty good. What ………………………………… you / do)  ? Greg:   Well, I …………………………………… not study)  for the French exam. I ……………………………………… watch)   TV… 

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Present Continuous

 A.  Complete the paragraph. Use ’m not, isn’t or aren’t. 

Elena (1) ________ phoning her friends at the moment. Enrique and Marina (2) ________

studying. I (3) ________ doing my homework and I (4) ________ listening to my CDs. Mum and

Dad (5) ________ having dinner and they (6) ________ reading the newspapers. The dog (7)

 ________ sleeping. Why not? Because we’re all watching football on TV. We (8) ________ talking

 –  Spain are playing Brazil! 

 B.  Complete these dialogues with the verbs in the present continuous.

John: Hello.

Mum: Hi, John. Is everything OK?

John: Of course it is, mum.

Mum:  What ………… you……………… do)?

John: I …………………………… watch) TV.

Mum: I can hear people.

John:  That´s Tom and Sarah. We ………………………… watch) a video.

Mum:  They ………………………… not watch) a video. They ……………………… talk). 

John:  We ……………………… have) a pizza at the moment.

Mum: ………… you …………………… have) a party?

John: No, mum.

Mum:  And your brother? What ……… he ………………… do) ?

John: He is in his bedroom.

Mum: ………… he …………………… study)?

John: I think so. What ………… you ………………… do)?

Mum:  We are in the car. We …………………………… come) home.

John: Today?!

Mum: See you in about two hours… 


Linda: Hello?

Greg: Hi, Linda. It’s Greg. 

Linda: Hi Greg. How are you?

Greg: I’m bored. What …………………………… you / do)? …………………………… you / study) for the

 French exam?

Linda: No, I’m not. I ……………………………… write) some e-mails and I ………………………… listen) to some CDs.

Greg:  What ……………………………………… you / listen) to?

Linda:  The new Madonna album. It’s pretty good. What ………………………………… you / do) ?Greg:  Well, I …………………………………… not study) for the French exam. I ……………………………………… watch) 


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Dad: Hi Chris, it’s dad. What ………………………… you / do) ?

Chris: Hi dad. I …………………………… finish)  my homework.

Dad: I can hear the TV. …………………………………… you / watch) TV?

Chris: No, I’m not. I ……………………………… listen) to the radio.

Dad:  What …………………………………………… Amy and Lizzie / do)?

Chris:  They ……………………………………  play) on the computer.

Dad:  Where’s mum? 

Chris: She’s at the supermarket. She ………………………………… buy) some food.

Dad:  OK. See you later. Bye.

C.  Order the words to make questions.

1.  what / doing / you / are / now


2.  doing / where / are / you / this exercise


 3.  a lot / these days / you / are / working


4.  now / are / the other people in your family / doing / what


5.  reading / at the moment /you / book / are / a


6.  playing / the guitar / Juan / is


7.  is / phoning / friend / Jorge / his



Maria / are / talking to / Felipe and Lidia…………………………………………………………………………… 

9.   TV / Maria / watching / is


10.  sleeping / Raquel / is


11.  are / a pizza / Miguel and Lourdes / eating


12.  Roberto and Pilar / dancing / are


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13.  are / people / what film / talking about / at the moment


14.  playing / your city´s football team / well / is


15.  English / learning / why / you /are


D.  Write the sentences in the negative.

1.  He is eating a sandwich. ______________________________________________

2.  I am doing my homework. ______________________________________________

 3.   You are running fast. _______________________________________________

4.   We are playing basketball. _______________________________________________

5.  Helen is having a shower. _______________________________________________

6.  My mother is using the computer. _______________________________________________

7.  My parents are making lunch. _______________________________________________8.   The cat is sleeping. _______________________________________________

9.  My mother is cooking. _______________________________________________

10.  John and Andy are talking. _______________________________________________

11.  I am playing tennis today. ______________________________________________

E.  Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.


I …………………………… listen) to music now.2.  My sister …………………………… not get up). She ………………………… sleep). 

 3.  Eliza ……………………… go) to the cinema at the moment.

4.   Listen! The baby ……………………… cry). 

5.  Martin ……………………… look after) his sister today.

6.  My mother ………………………… wash) the dishes at the moment.

7.  I ……………………… tidy) my room now.

8.   We ………………………… not have) pasta for lunch. We ……………………… have) pizza.

9.  My brother and I …………………………study)

 for an exam.

10.  Sarah and Lucy ………………………… play) chess at the moment.

11.   Thomas ………………………… watch) television.

12.   They …………………………… not swim).  They …………………………… play) volleyball.

13.   John …………………………… prepare) his homework now.

14.  She …………………………… wait) for me on the corner now.

15.   Look! It …………………………… begin) to rain.

16.  I …………………………… phone) my parents.

17.   We …………………………… not go) to bed now.

18.  He …………………………… run) along the road.

19.   You ……………………………… not eat) very much.

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20.  The leaves ………………………… begin) to fall from the trees.

21.  I …………………………… watch) a video.

22.   You …………………………… study).

23.   They …………………………………  swim) in the pool.

24.  It ……………………… not rain) now.

25.  My sister ……………………………… write) to her penfriend.


My friends and I ……………………………… do) our homework.27.   The children ……………………………… dance) to the music.

28.   James ……………………………… listen) to a CD.

29.   The dog ………………………… eat) in the kitchen.

 30.  They ……………………………… take) a walk along Fifth Avenue.

 31.  I ………………………… begin) to understand English grammar now.

 32.   We …………………………… make) good progress in our courses.

 33.   Listen! The telephone ………………………… ring). 

 34.  It ……………………… snow) at the moment.

 35.  I …………………………… not practise)  the guitar. I ………………………  dance). 

 36.   Laura ………………………… give) a sandwich to Tom.

 37.  His brothers …………………………… play) volleyball.

 38.  Grandad …………………… write) a letter.

 39.   You ……………………… read) my answers!

40.  I ………………………… sit) next to my friend.

41.   We …………………………… study) the exercise on page 72 now.

42.   The train …………………………… leave) at this moment.

43.  Helen ………………………… look for) her English book.

44.   Listen! Someone ……………………… knock) at the door.

45.   Look! Mr. Smith ……………………………… walk) in our direction.

46.  My father ……………………………… read) a newspaper now.

47.   The wind ………………………… blow) very hard now.

48.  He …………………………… not listen)  to me. He …………………………… talk). 

49.   The teacher ………………………… look) directly at you.

50.  All the students ………………………… laugh) at you.

51.   The bus ………………………… stop) for us now.

52.   Please be quiet. I …………………………………  try) to concentrate.

53.   Look! It ………………………………………….  snow). 

54.   Why ……………………………………..  you / look) at me like that? Did I say something wrong?

55.   You …………………………………..  make) a lot of noise. Can you be a little bit quieter?

56.  Excuse me, I …………………………………  look) for a phone booth. Is there one near here?

57.   Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They …………………………  yell) at each other again.

58.   Why …………………………………………  you / wear) your coat today? It's very warm.

59.  I ……………………………………  not / work) this week. I'm on vacation.

60.  I want to lose weight. I .................................................. not / eat) anything today.

61.   Alexander …………………………………… study) for his exams at the moment.

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62.   Where ……………………………………… you / meet) Tim next week?

63.  She …………………………………… not / play) Golf tomorrow.

64.   They ……………………………… make) dinner now.

65.   The company ……………………………………… not finish) the plans this week.

66.  She ……………………………… eat) oysters for lunch right now.

67.  David ………………………………… not fly) to Chicago next week.


I …………………………………  work) on a special report today.69.   We …………………………………  not / cook) dinner this evening because we're eating out.

70.  ………………………………………  Tom / drive) to work right now?

71.   Alice ……………………………………  read) a new book at the moment.

72.   They ………………………………… not / prepare) for the science exam at the moment.

73.   When …………………………………  you / have) lunch tomorrow?

74.   We ………………………………  joke) !

75.  ……………………………………  they / give) a party this weekend?

76.  Susan …………………………………  make) the decision at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

77.  People ……………………………… play) tennis golf on a beautiful day like this!

78.  What …………………………………  you / do) ?!

79.  He ……………………………………  bake) a cake at the moment.

80.  W hich motel ………………………………………  they / stay) at now?

81.   The train to Glasgow …………………………………  leave) from platform 8.

82.  I …………………………………… begin) to understand the Present Continuous now.

83.  Sue ……………………………………  work) tonight.

84.   Listen! The telephone …………………………………  ring). 

85.  Ms. Johnson …………………………………  see) a customer at 3 o'clock.

86.  I …………………………… read) a book.

87.  He ………………………………… repair) his bike.

88.  They ……………………………… watch) a film.

89.  The cat …………………………… sleep) on the chair.

90.  Jane and Emily ………………………………… do) their homework.

91.   Bill ………………………… wait) at the bus stop.

92.   The children ……………………………… play) a game.

93.   You …………………………… read) my book.

94.   Jenny …………………………………… watch) TV.

95.  My dad ……………………………… sleep) on the sofa.

96.   We ………………………………… swim) with our friends.

97.  I ………………………………… listen) to music.

98.  The sun ………………………………… shine) at the moment.

99.  Alex ……………………………… cook) dinner this evening.

100.  They …………………………………… have) a party.

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Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant .

Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven´t seen you for ages. What …………………………… (you / do) these days?  

Steve: I …………………………… (work) in a department store. 

Brian:  Really? ……………………………………… (you / enjoy) it?  

Steve:  Yeah, it´s OK. How about you?

Brian:  Well, I ………………………………… (not / work) at the moment, but I´m very busy. I ………………………… (build) my

house.Steve:  Really? ………………………………………… (you / do) it alone? 

Brian:  No, some friends of mine …………………………………… (help) me … 

 F.   Write questions and short answers.

1 you / write / a test?

Q: ____________________________________________

 A: Yes, ________________________________________

2 two dogs / play / in your school?

Q: ___________________________________________

 A: No, ________________________________________

 3 Maria / get up / now?

Q: ___________________________________________

 A: No, ________________________________________

4 your friends / sit / on their chairs?

Q: ___________________________________________

 A: Yes, ________________________________________

5 you and your friends / sleep?

Q: ___________________________________________

 A: No, ________________________________________

6 your teacher / dance / in the classroom?Q: ___________________________________________

 A: No, ________________________________________

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G.  Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 

The students from Lake High School (1) _____________ (not go) to school today. They (2) _____________ (visit)

the Eden Project in Cornwall. Look, here it is!

 –  What (3) _____________ you _____________ (do) here?

 –  We (4) _____________ (study) plants from the Amazon for our biology project.

 –  (5) _____________ you _____________ (take) photos of your friends? –  No, I (6) _____________ (not be). I (7) _____________ (take) photos of the plants.

 –  Where (8) _____________ your teacher (go)?

 –  She (9) _____________ (go) to the picnic area. I (10) _____________ (not have) my lunch out there –  it’s cold

and windy!

H.  Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in the box. 

cook - dance - do -practise - run - study - swim - watch - wear –  write

1 Eva is in her bedroom. She …………………………… a letter to her penfriend.

2 We ………………………… in the competition at the outdoor pool after school today.

 3 Look! Mark …………………………… with Anita. They both like this song.

4 My parents …………………………… English at evening classes this year.

5 I …………………………………  the piano at the moment because I’ve got an exam tomorrow.

6 You ……………………………… that awful T-shirt again. Why?

7 Stefan is in the kitchen. He ……………………………… a meal.

8 They…………………………… for the bus because they’re late. 

9 I ……………………………… my homework at the moment. It’s so boring! 

10 Sssh! We ……………………………… this programme. 

I.  Complete the email. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box. 

do - go - meet - not go - not play -play- stay - travel- visit –  watch

Hi, Deb!

 What (1) _____ you _______ this weekend? I (2) _______ Sara on Saturday and (3) we _______ to

 the School Football League final match. They (4) _______ in a place called Chester, it’s twenty-

five miles away! We (5) ____ all _______ by bus. We (6) _______ football, of course, but we (7)

 ______ . After the football match, we (8) _______ home, we (9) _______ at a youth hostel. On

Sunday morning we (10) _______ Chester Zoo, it’s really famous apparently. 

Do you want to come?


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 J.  Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct. 1 What you wearing to the party tonight?


2 She isn’t have fun on the school trip. 


 3 I’m sending Maribel a text on my new phone. 


4 We is eating in a restaurant tonight.


5 You are doing gymnastics after school today?
