educ lesson plan social studies

Miss. April Connolly Grade: 5 TOPIC: Geography of Canada and Identity Subject: Social Studies Grade 5 Date: March 14 th ,2013 Intentions/objects/Outcomes: Canada: The Land, Histories and Stories . 5.1 Physical Geography of Canada . 5.3 Canada: Shaping an Identity Assessment for myself after the lesson: Time: Teaching points: Notes: 4 min 5 min 6 min 9 min 2 min Anticipatory set: To start off the class the students are going to resort to the back of the classroom and reach into the tickle trunk and choose their “identity”! Once the students have had their 2 minutes to choose a costume I will ask them to come back to their seats and I will then ask the class to explain why they chose their identity? (Learning Activity) This leads into identity. We will define identity. Identity: condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is: a case of mistaken identity. We will have a class discussion/ brainstorming symbols for Canada. As the students are contributing to the class discussion to say what some symbols of our identity is they are going to be writing them down on their whiteboards that they have in front of them. (Learning Activity) The next step will be talking about WHO shapes our identity? We will do small group discussions of 4. They will discuss for 3 minutes. Then bring back to the main group and we will make another list on their small whiteboards, which will take 2 minutes. (Learning Activity) Staying in our groups of 4. Each group/table will get a text book to share. Each table is going to get a different province or territory of Canada. They will have 4 minutes to look on their page of information to see if we are missing any main symbols, find where on the map of Canada the province is located, and tell one interesting fact about the province or territory. When the time is up the student groups are going to have 1 minute to stand up and present their assigned province to the class. There are 5 groups of 4 so it will take 5 minutes. (Independent Practice) - For textbook see attachment pages at the end. Once we have introduced Canada to the class I want to test the knowledge of the students before hand. I will hand out a worksheet that has the blank map of Canada on it. Working individually the students then will have 2 minutes to fill out as much of the map that they already Note: Before class I am going to write the social outcomes on the whiteboard. In a way that they can truly understand. Note: Some symbols are the following: A flag, maple leaf, hockey, Tim Horton’s, Stephen Harper, maple syrup. Note: parents, government, friends, activities we participate in all are examples who shape our identity.

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Miss.  April  Connolly    Grade:  5  

TOPIC:  Geography  of  Canada  and  Identity    Subject:  Social  Studies    Grade  5     Date:  March  14th,2013    Intentions/objects/Outcomes:  Canada: The Land, Histories and Stories

. 5.1 Physical Geography of Canada

. 5.3 Canada: Shaping an Identity


Assessment  for  myself  after  the  lesson:    

Time:                                                                                                                                                            Teaching  points:   Notes:  4  min                5  min                  6  min            9  min                        2  min            

Anticipatory  set:  To  start  off  the  class  the  students  are  going  to  resort  to  the  back  of  the  classroom  and  reach  into  the  tickle  trunk  and  choose  their  “identity”!  Once  the  students  have  had  their  2  minutes  to  choose  a  costume  I  will  ask  them  to  come  back  to  their  seats  and  I  will  then  ask  the  class  to  explain  why  they  chose  their  identity?    (Learning  Activity)      This  leads  into  identity.      We  will  define  identity.    Identity:  condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is: a case of mistaken identity. We will have a class discussion/ brainstorming symbols for Canada. As the students are contributing to the class discussion to say what some symbols of our identity is they are going to be writing them down on their whiteboards that they have in front of them. (Learning Activity) The next step will be talking about WHO shapes our identity? We will do small group discussions of 4. They will discuss for 3 minutes. Then bring back to the main group and we will make another list on their small whiteboards, which will take 2 minutes. (Learning Activity) Staying in our groups of 4. Each group/table will get a text book to share. Each table is going to get a different province or territory of Canada. They will have 4 minutes to look on their page of information to see if we are missing any main symbols, find where on the map of Canada the province is located, and tell one interesting fact about the province or territory. When the time is up the student groups are going to have 1 minute to stand up and present their assigned province to the class. There are 5 groups of 4 so it will take 5 minutes. (Independent Practice) - For textbook see attachment pages at the end. Once we have introduced Canada to the class I want to test the knowledge of the students before hand. I will hand out a worksheet that has the blank map of Canada on it. Working individually the students then will have 2 minutes to fill out as much of the map that they already know prior to learning. (Independent Practice)

Note:  Before  class  I  am  going  to  write  the  social  outcomes  on  the  whiteboard.  In  a  way  that  they  can  truly  understand.      Note: Some symbols are the following: A flag, maple leaf, hockey, Tim Horton’s, Stephen Harper, maple syrup.    Note: parents, government, friends, activities we participate in all are examples who shape our identity.                

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   11  min                      1min.                            5min.                          3min.                          

- Worksheet is attached at the end. Then I am going to put up a transparency on the projector with a blank map of Canada. I will ask the class as a whole to think about it but at the same time I will ask students individually to help me plot the provinces/territories accordingly. First I will start off with Alberta, as that should be the most important as we live in Alberta. Then I will ask if there are any students that are born in Canada but not Alberta. Then plot that way. Then ask if anyone has family out of Alberta and if they know where it is. Then if there are remaining blank spots I will ask if anyone knows. If they do not I will get them to resort to the textbook they used earlier to find the answer. (Guided Practice) Game: Now we are going to get into a single file line and play a quick game of follow the leader. Around the classroom we will walk. It will be from left to right (BC to Quebec). The idea is expanded from the game “going on a bear hunt”. I /teacher am the leader and I say for example switching form BC waves to “oh NO! I see a lot of farmers that let their cattle run loose”. The students will have to tell me what province is next so that they know physically what province comes next on the map. We will start at the beautiful coast and truck all the way through to the French Canadians in Quebec. When I get to Quebec I could start speaking French to give them a clue and help them make that connection. (Learning Activity) Review/ Practice: Then as we stop in “Quebec” the students will get into partners (Starting from the front of the line I will group them off into two people. The person they are standing by is their partner). The students will then play an organizing game some place around the room. I will hand off a baggy inside of a shoebox with different items within it. The pair of students will then have to pull out the different items and place them within the shoe box if they are part of Canada’s identity or not. The items within the box will be for example a beaver vs. kangaroo. The beaver would go inside the box. (5 minutes for playing the game, and cleaning it up). (Learning Activity) Closure: Just a brief over view of the lesson. Remind kids to put the textbooks in the center of their table then share one thing that they learned today to someone beside them. Tell the students that they have no homework, and that next class we are going to be continuing some of the same stuff, and also they will be introduced into new stuff such as outcome “5.2 Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada”. Have a wonderful and safe night guys!

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2min.     Exit pass/Assessment: I am going to give them another blank map of Canada and they are going to try again after we have labeled the whole map. An exit pass is going to be to label 5 provinces in Canada, Or 3 more than what they did the first time! (Independent Practice)    

References:  Textbook  “That’s  Very  Canadian!”        

Materials:    -­‐Class set of mini whiteboards, erasers, and dry erase markers. -Text book “That’s very Canadian” by Vivien Bowers -Shoe box, and baggy with items inside. - Map of Canada worksheet - Projector, and transparency  





















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Map  of  Canada  Worksheet    









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I  used  the  textbook  “That’s  Very  Canadian!”  and  here  is  just  a  visual  so  that  you  can  see  what  the  children  would  be  working  with.  


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Work  Cited  

Bowers,  V.  (2004).  That’s  Very  Canadian!.  Toronto,  ON:  Maple  Tree  Press  Inc.