educa&on)and) sustainabilityin srilankan€¦ · educa&on)and) training sustainabilityin...

Educa&on and training sustainability in Sri Lankan Schools of Pharmacy Judith Coombes For Collabora2on of Australians and Sri Lankans for Pharmacy Educa2on and Research CASPPER

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Page 1: Educa&on)and) sustainabilityin SriLankan€¦ · Educa&on)and) training sustainabilityin SriLankan Schoolsof Pharmacy! Judith!Coombes! For! Collaboraon!of! Australians!and!Sri! Lankans!for!Pharmacy!

Educa&on  and  training  sustainability  in  Sri  Lankan  Schools  of  Pharmacy


Judith  Coombes  


Collabora2on  of  Australians  and  Sri  Lankans  for  Pharmacy  Educa2on  and  Research  


Page 2: Educa&on)and) sustainabilityin SriLankan€¦ · Educa&on)and) training sustainabilityin SriLankan Schoolsof Pharmacy! Judith!Coombes! For! Collaboraon!of! Australians!and!Sri! Lankans!for!Pharmacy!

Overview    Introduc2on  and  Background      

 Teaching  visits  (2009,2010,  2011,  2012,  2014,  2015)    

 Train  the  trainer  (2010,2016  )    

 Teaching  to  research                                


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Page 4: Educa&on)and) sustainabilityin SriLankan€¦ · Educa&on)and) training sustainabilityin SriLankan Schoolsof Pharmacy! Judith!Coombes! For! Collaboraon!of! Australians!and!Sri! Lankans!for!Pharmacy!

Na&onal  Medica&on  Regulatory  Authority  Act  2015

  The  objec2ves  of  the  Authority  include     (a)  availability  of  efficacious,  safe  and  good  quality  medicines,  medical  devices,  borderline  products  to  the  general  public  at  affordable  prices;    

  (e)    promote  the  safe  and  ra2onal  use  of  medicines,  medical  devices  and  borderline  products  by  health  care  professionals  and  consumers  

    (g)    educate  the  general  public,  health  care  professionals  and  all  stakeholders  on  medicines,  medical  devices  and  borderline  products;  .    

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Background   A  new  4  year  undergraduate  degree  program  for  BPharm  commenced  in  2005/2006.       The  4th  year  curriculum  includes    ◦ modules  of  clinical  and  hospital  pharmacy  ◦   authors  invited  to  provide  lectures  and  workshops.      

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Behind  the  scenes  


  SACTRC        South  Asian  Clinical  Toxicology  Research  Collabora2on    


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2009  university  of  Peradeniya  (3rd  year  Undergraduate  Course)

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Students  are  universal

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University  of  Sri  Jayawardenapura  (USJ)  2010

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USJ  2010 Staff    of  USJ  obtained  a  WHO  grant  to  help  fund  sessions    AIMS  

• To  deliver  comprehensive  theory  and  prac2ce  knowledge  to  the  current  final  year  students  of  the  B.Pharm  program  

• To  establish  good  assessment  methodology  • To  train  the  trainers  permanently  a]ached  to  the  B.Pharm    to  establish  the  con2nuity  of  teaching  this  subject  for  the  B.Pharm  program  

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USJ  2010    5  day  “Train  the  trainer”  for  academics  from  5  universi&es

•  Clinical  evalua2on,  providing  feedback  

•  clinical  tutorial  and  lecture  •  ward-­‐based  experien2al  learning  –teaching  on  the  run  

•  Evidence  based  update  to  clinical  tutorials  and  lectures  

•  Human  error  awareness  and  medica2on  safety    

•  OSCEs    

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 Publica&on:  Partnership  

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University  of    Peradeniya  (UP)  2011,2013,  2014,  2016   2011  included  use  of    Skype  from  Australia  to  Sri  Lanka     Students  feedback  was  they  enjoyed  interac2ve  sessions  and  ward  visits  

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University  of  Peradeniya    ward  visits  2014  

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Train  the  Trainer  2016   2x  1  day  sessions  ,  4  universi2es,  3  hospitals,  3  research  ins2tutes     Teaching  on  the  run     Evalua2on  and  Feedback     Cases  studies  –planning  day  1  presenta2on  day  2     Mock  Ward     OSCE  Feedback  6/6  for  Case  presenta2ons  and  Mock  Ward  

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Mock  ward  ready  Queensland  and  Sri  Lanka

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Mock  ward  with  learners

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No  Roles  designed  for  clinical  pharmacists:  Needed  evidence  for  Clinical  Pharmacists

 Clinical  Pharmacy  Research  Project:  First  an  observa;onal  study    

  Funded  by  SACTRC         NHMRC  Project  grant  funds  to  start    

  Located  at  University  of  Kelaniya  and  Ragama  teaching  hospital  in  Colombo  North  

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University  of  Kelaniya  and  Ragama  Hospital  2012

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Future   Evidence  for  opportuni2es     Next  step  is  can  Sri  Lankan  Clinical  Pharmacists  meet  those  opportuni2es  to  improve  health  care